




"KINNARD, a parish, in the barony of CORKAGUINEY, county of KERRY, and province of MUNSTER, 2 miles (S. E. ) from Dingle; on the northern side of Dingle bay; containing 1261 inhabitants. It is intersected by the Lispole river, which runs in to the bay, and comprises 10,453 statute acres, as apploted under the tithe act; about one-half consists of mountain pasture interspersed with bog, and the remainder is chiefly under tillage: an abundant supply of sea-weed is obtained in the bay and used for manure, and the state of agriculture is gradually improving. The boats employed in bringing the manure are also occasionally engaged in the fishery of the bay. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Ardfert and Aghadoe, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the rectory is partly impropriate in J. Hickson, Esq., of Dingle. The tithes amount to £139.5.8, of which £56.4.1½ being the tithes of that part of the parish lying north of the river Lispole, is payable to the impropriator, and the remainder to the incumbent. There is a glebe of about three acres near the churchyard; the clerical duties are discharged by the incumbent of Cloghane. In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the district of Dingle: the chapel for this portion of the district is on the border of the adjoining parish of Minard. The ruins of the old church still remain in the burial-ground near the shore; it has long been the burial place of the Hussey family."
[From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis (1837)]



A transcription of Memorial Inscriptions in Kinard Burial Ground.



Note: The Civil Parish of Kinard ceased to be used for census purposes in the mid nineteenth century when District Electoral Divisions (DEDs) were introduced.

The Parish of Kinard is contained in Kinard DED with the exception of Coumlanders townland which is part of Minard DED

The 1901 and 1911 censuses have been digitised and made available online by the National Archives of Ireland.

  • The 1901 Census for County Kerry can be browsed from this link.
  • The 1911 Census for County Kerry can be browsed from this link.
  • The censuses can be searched from this page.



Church History

The old parish church of Saint Fionán once stood in Kinard burial ground, but was abandoned after the Reformation, scant ruins remaining into the nineteenth century. There is now no trace of the building.

Kinard became part of the Roman Catholic parish of Dingle, along with Minard, Garfinny, Kildrum and Ventry. A new settlement, Lispole, grew up on the new main road and a church (Saint John the Baptist's) now serves this end of the parish.


Church Records

Roman Catholic Registers

  • Registers (Dingle Parish) for Baptisms exist from 1825.
  • Registers (Dingle Parish) for Marriages exist for the years 1821.

The registers remain in the custody of the parish priest, although microfilm copies are at the National Archives of Ireland. Written permission from the Bishop of Kerry is required to view these records.

Church of Ireland Registers

Kinard has long been united to Dingle parish, there having been no protestants in the parish.

  • Dingle Registers for both Baptisms and Marriages start in 1821.



Civil Registration

From 1863 Kinard was part of the Dingle Registration District, and the Dingle Registrar's District. See the Registration Districts page.
The District Electoral Divisions listed above are used in Civil Registration.


Description & Travel


  • McDonagh, Steve - The Dingle Peninsula
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View a map of the boundaries of this town/parish.

You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference Q5119901776 (Lat/Lon: 52.148263, -10.174616), Kinard which are provided by: