




"CLOGHANE, or CLAHANE, a parish, in the barony of CORKAGUINEY, county of KERRY, and province of MUNSTER 6 miles (N.N.E.) from Dingle; containing 2722 inhabitants, of which number, 222 are in the village. This place is situated on St Brandon's bay on the western coast, and the parish is divided by part of the Connor range of hills into the northern and southern portions. In the former is St. Brandon's Hill, a mountain of considerable elevation, near the summit of which are the remains of an oratory or chapel, dedicated to St Brandon.
A small pier was erected by the late Fishery Board. The fishery is chiefly carried on in yawls and canoes; it affords employment during the season to 250 persons, who at other times are engaged in agriculture.
At Ballyguin is a coast-guard station; being one of those that constitute the district of Dingle. The village, which is near the shore of the bay, contains 43 houses, mostly thatched; and in it are situated the parochial church, a R.C. chapel, and a school.
The parish, including a detached portion called Lateeves, a very fertile tract of 889 acres, locally in the parish of Kilmalchedor, comprises 27,740 statute acres, as applotted by the tithe act, of which a large tract consists of mountain and bog; a small portion of the land is under tillage, producing excellent and early crops."
[From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis (1837)]



Note: The Civil Parish of Cloghane ceased to be used for census purposes in the mid nineteenth century when District Electoral Divisions (DEDs) were introduced.

The main part of Cloghane Parish was divided into the DEDs of Brandon and Cloghane, with three townlands included in Ballyduff DED and one in Stradbally DED. The southern portion of the parish was included in Kinard DED.

Ballyduff DED Drom East and West, Lisnamovaun
Brandon DED Arraglen, Ballymore, Farran, Lisnakealwee, Maghanaveel, Murirrigane, Slieveglass, Teer
Cloghane DED Ballynalacken, Ballyquin, Cappagh, Cloghane, Clogharee, Cloonsharragh, Coumeenycorraun, Faha, Glanshanacuirp, Mullaghveal, Slievadrehid
Kinard DED Ballineesteenig, Ballingarraun, Ballynahow, Emlagh, Lisdargan, Reenboy
Stradbally DED Fermoyle

Household schedules prior to the 1901 census have been destroyed. The 1901 and 1911 censuses have been filmed and digitised and are availbale via the National Archives of Ireland's genealogy website. They can be accessed at the following links:


Church History

The medieval parish church stood in the old burial ground, at the north west end of the village, at the foot of the old pilgrim's route to the top of Mount Brandon. This church, which appears to have been built in the 13th Century, fell into ruins by the 18th. In 1828 a new Church of Ireland church was erected on the site of the nave, but this in turn was abandoned in the 20th century, and now the ruins of both churches stand side by side.
In the Roman Catholic church the northern portion of Cloghane parish was combined with Killiney and Kilgobban. The combined parish was originally called Killiney and Clahanes, but by the mid nineteenth century was called Castlegregory. A church was built in Cloghane (St. Brendan's) in 1827.
The southern portion of Cloghane parish is part of the Roman Catholic parish of Dingle.


Church Records

The Church of Ireland registers for Cloghane are lost. The parish has long been united to Dingle in the Church of Ireland.

The Roman Catholic registers for Killiny and Clohanes (later Castlegregory) parish start in 1828.
The Registers for Dingle parish cover baptisms from 1825, and marriages from 1821.
The registers remain in the custody of the parish priest, although microfilm copies are at the National Archives of Ireland. Written permission from the Bishop of Kerry is required to view these records.


Civil Registration

From 1863 Cloghane was part of the Dingle Registration District, and the Castlegregory Registrar's District. The Electoral Divisions listed above are used in Civil Registration. See the Registration Districts page.


Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Cloghane which are provided by:



The transcription of the section for this parish from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.

View a map of the boundaries of this town/parish.

You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference Q5051409030 (Lat/Lon: 52.213219, -10.18781), Cloghane which are provided by: