




The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

In 1868, the parish of Magheraculmoney contained the following places:

"MAGHERACULMONEY, (and islands) a parish in the barony of Lurg, county Fermanagh, province of Ulster, Ireland, containing the villages of Ederney and Lack, and its post town Kesh. The surface lies along the middle of Lower Lough Erne; it is generally hilly, the highest ground being on Tappaghan, 1,110 feet. The river Kish waters part of the interior. Several islands in Lough Erne are included in the parish. The living is a rectory in the diocese of Clogher, value £586, in the patronage of the bishop. The church is ancient, and was repaired in 1825 by means of a sum lent by the consolidated fund. Several day schools are in the parish. The chief seats are Ardrarney House and Clarevieu. Here are ruins of an old abbey, likewise of a castle, and an ancient cross is still preserved."

"EDERNEY, a postal village in the parish of Magheraculmoney, barony of Lurg, county Fermanagh, province of Ulster, Ireland. It stands on the river Kesh, 3 miles E.N.E. of Kesh. Fairs are held on the 6th January, 1st March. 15th May, 17th July, 6th October, and 28th November."

"KESH, a post-office village in the parish of Magheraculmoney, barony of Lurg, county Fermanagh, province of Ulster, Ireland, 14 miles N.N.W. of Enniskillen, and 118 from Dublin. It takes its name from the rivulet upon which it stands, and is the seat of a police station, and a dispensary within the Lowthertown Poor-law Union. The river Kesh rises near the borders of Tyrone, and falls into Lower Lough Erne."

"LACK, a village in the parish of Magheraculmoney, in the barony of Lurg, county Fermanagh, province of Ulster, Ireland, 5 miles E.N.E. of Kesh."

[Transcribed from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1868]
by Colin Hinson ©2018