




DERRYVULLEN, a parish, chiefly in the barony of LURG, county of FERMANAGH, and province of ULSTER, but partly in the barony of TYRKENNEDY, on the road from Enniskillen to Kesh; containing, with the post-town of Irvinestown, 10,646 inhabitants. This parish comprises, according to the Ordnance survey (including islands and detached portions), 23,645¾ statute acres, of which 15,070¾ are in the barony of Lurg, 2576¼ acres are in Lower Lough Erne, and 571 in small loughs. It is in six detached parts, which are severally on the roads from Enniskillen to Pettigoe, Lisnaskea, Tempo, Ballynamallard, and Irvinestown, and from Maguire's-bridge to Florence-Court: this last portion includes part of Ennismore island, half of which is in this parish and the remainder in Cleenish.

The land is of middling quality, and the state of agriculture improving; the arable land is estimated to comprise 12,000 acres, and there are 500 acres of bog. The gentlemen's seats are Castle Archdall, the residence of Gen. Archdall; Rosfad, of J. Richardson, Esq.; Doraville, of Capt. H. Irvine; and Riverstown, of C. Archdall, Esq.

The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Clogher, and in the patronage of the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin: the tithes amount to £606. 8. 9¾. There is a glebe-house, with a glebe of 600 acres. The church is at Irvinestown (which see), and there is a chapel of ease on the road from Enniskillen to Lisnaskea. In the R. C. divisions the parish is partly in the union or district of Enniskillen, and partly the head of a district, called Whitehill; it contains three plain chapels at Lisson, Whitehill, and Lissaroe. The Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists have each a place of worship. The parochial school-house was given by the Earl of Belmore; there are also eight other schools, in which about 460 boys and 300 girls are educated] about 270 boys and 140 girls are taught in nine private schools, and there are five Sunday schools.- See IRVINESTOWN.

from Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837.


Description & Travel

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The transcription of the section for this parish from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.


Historical Geography

See the parish page on logainm.ie (The Placenames Database of Ireland)

The civil parish of Derryvullan contained the townlands of:
Agharainy, Ardlougher, Ballindullagh Inward, Ballindullagh Outward, Ballintarsan, Ballylucas, Ballymacataggart, Bonnybrook, Boyaghan, Bracky, Brownhill, Bunaninver, Burfits Hill, Cantytrindle, Cappy, Carran Little, Carranboy, Carrickaheenan, Carrowmacmea, Cassidy, Castle Coole, Castle Irvine Demesne, Cavanacross, Cavancarragh, Clenaghisle, Cloghcor, Coolaness, Coolisk, Coolnashanton, Cules Long, Cules Short, Cullaghmore, Cultiagh, Curraghlare, Derrybeg, Derryclawan, Derrynanny, Derryveone, Derryvore, Doonan, Dring, Drogan, Dromore, Drumadravy, Drumaran, Drumard, Drumarky, Drumbo, Drumcaw, Drumcrin, Drumcrow, Drumcullion, Drumduff, Drumhoney, Druminshin Beg, Druminshin More, Druminshinardagh, Drummal, Drummonaghan, Drumpeen, Drumrainy, Drumsara, Drumshane, Drumskea, Drumskool, Drumsluice, Duross, Ederdaglass / Hollybank, Farnacht, Feddan, Forthill, Fyagh, Gaffer Island, Glasmullagh, Glenall, Glenkeen, Glenross, Gull Rock, Horse Island, Inish Conra, Inish Dacharne, Inish Davar, Inish Divann, Inish Doney, Inish Garve, Isle Namanfin, Keeran, Killygrania, Killyreagh, Killyvannan, Kilmalanophy, Kilnamaddy, Kilsallagh, Knock Island, Knockroe (archdall), Knockroe (irvine), Leambreslen, Levaghy, Lignameeltoge, Liscreevin, Lisreagh, Lissan, Milltate, Milltate, Monalla, Moneykee, Moynaghan North, Moynaghan South, Mullies, Mullybrack, Mullybreslen, Mulrod, Rahall, Ring, Rossachrin, Rossclare, Rossfad, Rossgweer, Rossigh, Rossinnan, Rossmore, Shallany, Shankill, Tamlaght, Tatnamallaght, Tawnyreagh, Tedd, Townhill, Tullyclea, Tullyharney, Tullylammy, Tullynagarn, Whitehill North, Whitehill South,

Land & Property

The entry for Derryvullan from Griffiths Valuation 1847/64



You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference H2280450076 (Lat/Lon: 54.398789, -7.649645), Derryvullan which are provided by: