


County Cork Baronies


Baronies of County Cork:

[Transcribed from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1868 Copyright Colin Hinson ©2018]

"BANTRY BARONY, one of the twenty baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, in the province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the south-western part of the county, on the confines of Kerry, and bounded on the N. by the county of Kerry, on the E. by the baronies of West Muskerry and East Carbery, on the S. by the barony of West Carbery, and on the W. by Bantry Bay, and the barony of Bear. It contains the town of Bantry, and parts of the parishes of Durrus and Kilmacomogue. The area of the barony is about 59,000 acres."

"BARRETTS BARONY, one of the 20 baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the centre of the county, and bounded on the N. by the barony of Orrery and Kilmore, on the E. by the barony of Barrymore, on the S. by the barony of Cork, and on the W. by the baronies of East and West Muskerry. It contains parts of the parishes of Donaghmore, Garryclone, Gornagh, Mourneabbey, and Whitechurch. The area of the barony is about 31,760 acres."

"BARRYMORE BARONY, one of the 20 baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland, situated near the middle of the county, and bounded on the N. by the barony of Fermoy, on the E. by the barony of Kinnatalloon, on the S. by Cork harbour, and on the W. by the north liberties of Cork and the barony of Barretts. It contains the following parishes:- Ardnageehy, Ballycurrany, Ballydeloher, Ballyspillane, Caherlag, Carrigtohill, Clonmel, Coole, Gortroe, Inchinabacky, Killaspugmullane, Kilquane, Kilshannahan, Lisgoold, Little Island, Rathcormack, Templebodan, Templemacarriga, Templerobin and Templeusque, with parts of the parishes of Britway, Castlelyons, Clonmult, Dunbulloge, Dungourney, Garrannekmnefeake, Knockmourne, Middleton, Mogeesha, St. Michael's, and Whitechurch, and the towns of Rathcormack, and Cove. This barony gives the title of earl to the Barry family. It extends over an area of about 156,000 acres."

"BEAR BARONY, one of the 23 baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the S.W. part of the county, and bounded by the county of Kerry on the N., the barony of Ibane and Barryroe on the E., and Bantry Bay and the Atlantic Ocean on the S. and W. It contains the parishes of Kilcatern, Kilaconenagh, Kilnamanagh, and part of the parish of Kilcascan, with the town of Castletown. The barony comprises an area of about 90,000 acres, and was anciently the country of the O'Sullivans."

"CLONAKILTY BAY, in the barony of Ibane and Barryroe, in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. The entrance lies between the two promontories-Dunowen Head and Seven Hard. At the extremity is the harbour, navigable for small craft only. The depth of water in the bay ranges from 7 to 20 fathoms. Inchydoney Island lies in the centre."

"CONDONS AND CLANGIBBON, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster. Ireland. It is bounded by the county of Limerick on the N., by Tipperary and Waterford on the E., by the baronies of Kinnataloon and Barrymore on the S., and by the barony of Fermoy on the W. Its length is 15 miles, by a breadth of over 10 in some parts. It embraces an area of 78,481 acres, including the parishes of Brigown, Aghacross, Fermoy, Clondulane, Kilworth, Kilphelan, Marshalstown, Macroney, and Templemolaga, with parts of the parishes of Derryvillane, Castlelyons, Farahy, Dunmahon, Leitrim, Kilcrumper, Glanworth, Kilgullane, Kildorrery, Knockmourne, Mecollop with Lismore, and Litter. The northern, eastern, and southern borders are sheltered by the Galtee, Kilworth, and Nagles mountains. The Blackwater washes the southern frontier. The soil is good, on a limestone bottom. This barony was formerly a portion of the ancient Fermoy, or Feramuighfene. The Condons district passed into the possession of the English family of that name, otherwise called Cauntons. The Clangibbon portion, anciently called Ive-le-bane belonged to the Fitzgibbons and to Fitzgerald, the White Knight."

"CORK, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the S.E. part of the county, and till lately forming, with the city of Cork, a county of itself. It contains the parishes of Curraghippane, Kilcully, Rathcooney, and parts of Carrigaline, Carrigrohane, Dunbulloge, Iniskenny, Killanully, Kilnaglory, St. Anne Shandon, St. Mary Shandon, St. Catherine, St. Finbarr, St. Michael, St. Nicholas, and Whitechurch, comprising above 45,300 acres."

"DUHALLOW, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It lies on the northern borders of the county, and is bounded by the county of Limerick on the N., by the barony of Orrery and Kilmore on the E., by the barony of Muskerry on the S., and by the county of Kerry on the W. It contains the parishes of Castlemagner, Cullen, Kilcorcoran, Kilmeen, Clonfert, Roskeen, Drumtariff, Clonmeen, Kilbrin, Kilroe, Kilshanie, Subulter, and Knocktemple, part of the parishes of Ballyclough, Churchtown, Mallow, Noughaval-Daly, Drishane, and Tullylease, comprising 232,329 acres. The towns and principal villages are: Newmarket, Kanturk, Gneeves, Cecilstown, Freemount, Boherboy, Dernagree, Dromagh, and Lallyscross. The rivers Blackwater and the Allna (of Spenser) traverse the northern district, which is hilly and wild, abounding in coal and other minerals. The Boggra mountains are the principal summits."

"DUNMANUS BAY, in the barony of W. Carbery, in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is 4 miles wide at the entrance, which lies between Sheepshead and Three-castle points. It penetrates about 16 miles inland, and has a depth ranging between 5 and 35 fathoms. There are one or two islands, four shoals, and several rocks. The Four-mile-water empties itself at the head of the bay. It affords good anchorage, but is little frequented, Bantry Bay being so near. Rosmore Castle stands at its head, and Dunmanus Castle, built by the Mahonies, and Dunbeacon Castle, are seen on the shores of the bay. There is a coastguard station near Dunmanus Point."

"EAST CARBERY BARONY, one of the 23 baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the southern part of the county, and bounded on the N. by the barony of West Muskerry, on the E. by the barony of Kinalmeaky, on the S. by St. George's Channel, and on the W. by the barony of West Carbery. It is separated into two parts. The eastern part of the barony contains the parishes of Ballymoney, Kilbrittain, Kilmaloda, Kilnagross, Rathclarin, and Templeregan, with parts of the parishes of Ballinadee, Ballymodan, Brinny, Desert, Desertserges, Innishannon, Island Kilgarriff, Ringrone, Templequinlan, Templetrine, and Timoleague. The western part contains the parishes of Fanlcbbus, Kilfaughnabeg, and Kinneigh, with parts of those of Castleventry, Drinagh, Inchigeelagh, Kilkerranmore, Kilmacabea, Kilmichael, Kilmocomoge, Murragh, Rathbarry, and Rosscarbery. The entire barony extends over an area of about 173,000 acres.

"EAST MUSKERRY, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is bounded by Duhallow, Barretts, Barrymore, Cork, Kinnalmeaky, and West Muskerry. Its area is 122,875 acres, and it contains the parishes of Aghabulloge, Aghinagh, Aglish, Athnowen, Cannaway, Carrigrohanebeg, Corbally, Desertmore, Inishcarra, Kilbonane, Magourney, Matehy, Moviddy, and parts of Ballinaboy, Carrigrohane, Donaghmore, Dunderrow, Garrycloyne, Grenagh, Inishkenny, Kilmurry, Kilnaglory, Knockavilly, St. Finbars, and St. Nicholas.

"FERMOY, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is bounded by the county of Limerick on the N., by the barony of Condons and Clongibbons on the E., by Barrymore on the S., and by Orrery and Kilmore on the W. Its area is 121,562 acres. Part of the Nagles mountains rise on the S., and the Castle Oliver mountains on the N. The soil is fertile. It contains the parishes of Ardskeagh, Ballyhooly, Ballydeloughy, Bridgetown, Carrigdownane, Carrigleamleary, Caherduggan, Clenor, Castletownroche, Doneraile, Killathy, Killeenemer, Kilcummer, Monanimy, Rahan, St. Nathlash, Templeroan, Wallstown, and parts of Ballyhay, Dunmahon, Derryvillane, Farahy, Glanworth, Imphrick, Kilderrery, Kilcrumper, Kilgullane, Kilquane, Litter, Mourneabbey, and Mallow. This barony, with a large portion of the surrounding baronies, was the ancient territory of the O'Kiefs, and was called Tearmuigh, or Feramuigh fene. It afterwards became the Roches' and Condons' country."

"IBANE AND BARRYROE, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is bounded inland by Carbery on the E., and by the sea on the S.W. The length of the united barony is 10 miles, and its greatest breadth over 7. Ibane and Barryroe are geographically dissevered by Clonakilty Bay, Ross harbour, and Courtmacsherry Bay. The barony contains the parishes of Abbeymahon, Donaghmore, Kilsillagh, and parts of Castleventry, Kilgarriffe, Kilkeran, Rathbarry, Kilmeen, Rosscarbery, and Timoleague, with the towns of Timoleague and Courtmacsherry. The Barryroe district was anciently the territory of the O'Cowigs, under the princes of Carbery, who ruled in the Ibane district. Ibane came to the Barrymores from Lord Arundel.

"IMOKILLY, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is 17 miles long, and its greatest breadth is 11 miles. It is environed by Kinataloon on the N., by Youghall harbour on the E., by the Atlantic on the S., and by Cork harbour on the W. This barony contains the parishes of Aghada, Ardagh, Ballintemple, Corkbeg, Inch, Rostellan, Titeskin, Trabolgan, Ballyoughtera, Bohillane, Clonpriest, Cloyne, Garryvoe, Mogealy, Ightermurragh, Kilcredan, Killeagh, Kilmahon, St. Mary of Youghal, and parts of Clonmult, Dungourney, Garranekinneflake, Middleton, and Mogeesha. It also contains the towns of Cloyne, Castlemartyr, Middleton, and Youghal."

"KERRYCURRIHY, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is bounded on the N. and E. by Cork harbour, on the S. by the Atlantic, and on the W. by the baronies of Kinsale and Kinnalea. It is 12 miles long by 6 broad. The surface is varied and picturesque. It contains the parishes of Barnahely, Kilmoney, Liscleary, Marmullane, Templebreedy, Monkstown, and parts of Ballinaboy, Killanully, Carrigaline, Kilpatrick; likewise the towns and villages of Passage, Ballinassig, Loughbeg, Maulbaun, and Crosshaven."

"KINALEA, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. Its boundaries are Kerrycurrihy on the N., Kinsale and Kinalmeaky on the W., and the Atlantic on the E. and S. It is 13 miles long by 7 broad. It contains the parishes of Ballyfeard, Ballyfoyle, Cullen, Kilmonoge, Kinure, Leighmoney, Nohaval, Templemichael, and Tracton, and parts of those of Ballinaboy, Ballymartle, Brinny, Carrigaline, Danderrow, Inishannon, Kilpatrick, Knockavilly, and Ringcurran, with the towns and villages of Belgoly, Minane, and Tracton."

"KINALMEAKY, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. Its boundaries are East Muskerry on the N., Kinalea on the E., and East Carbery on the S. and W. It contains the parishes of Kilbrogan, Killowen, and Templemartin, and parts of those of Ballymodan, Brinny, Desertserges, and Murragh, with part of the town of Bandon."

"KINNATALLOON, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. Its boundaries are Condons on the N., county Waterford on the E., Imokilly and Barrymore on the S., and Barrymore on the W. It is 6 miles in length, and the same in breadth. It contains the parishes of Aherne, Ballinoe, and Mogeely, and part of those of Britway, Clonmult, and Knockmourne."

"KINSALE, a barony in county Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It lies exposed to the Atlantic on the S., and is otherwise bounded by Kinnalea, Courceys, and East Carbery. It contains the parishes of Clontead, Kinsale, Tisaxon, and parts of Ballymartle, Dunderrow, Kilroan, Ringcurran, and Ringrone, with the town of Kinsale."

"ORRERY AND KILMORE, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. It is bounded by the baronies of Fermoy and Duhallow, and by county Limerick. It contains the parishes of Aglishdrinagh, Bregoge, Buttevant, Cooliney, Dromdowney, Kilbroney, Kilrogan, Kilmaclenine, Lackeen, Liscarroll, Rathgoggan, Shandrum, and parts of Ballyclough, Ballyhay, Churchtown, Corcomohide, Hackmys, Imprick, Kilbolane, and Tullylease."

"WEST CARBERY BARONY, one of the 23 baronies or subdivisions of the county of Cork, in the province of Munster, Ireland, situated in the south-western part of the county, and bounded on the N. by the barony of Bantry, on the E. by the barony of East Carbery, on the S. by St. George's Channel, and on the N.W. by Bantry Bay. It is in two parts. The eastern part of the barony contains the parishes of Abbeystrowry, Aghadown, Castlehaven, Clear Island, Creagh, Dromdaleague, Myross, and Tullagh, with parts of the parishes of Caheragh, Drinagle, and Kilmacabea. The western part contains the parishes of Kilcoe, Kilcrohane, Kilmoe, and Skull, with parts of those of Caheragh, Durrus, and Kilmoeomoge. The entire barony, which gives the title of baron to the family of Evans of Castle Freke, extends over an area of about 187,200 acres.

"WEST MUSKERRY, a barony in the county of Cork, province of Munster, Ireland. Its boundaries are Duhallow, East Muskerry, Kinnalmeaky, East Carbery, Bantry, and county Kerry. Its area is 188,487 acres, and it contains the parishes of Ballyvourney, Clondrohid, Dunisky, Kilcorney, Kilnamartery, Macloneigh, Macroom, and parts of Ballinadee, Drishane, Inchigeelagh, Kilmichael, and Kilmurry. The Deanes of Springfield take title of baron from this barony.