ADAMS, Cofby Efq. | ---------, James Efq. | ---------, O'Reily Efq. | ---------, Rev. Allen Noble | ---------, Rev. Benjamin | ---------, Stewart Efq. | Annefley, Rev. Dean | ------------, Right Hon. Earl of | Armftrong, ----- Efq. | | BAKER, John Efq. | --------, Robert Efq. | Barry, Colonel John | -------, Thomas, Efq. | Batterfby, ----. Efq. | Bell, Andrew Efq. | -----, Richard Efq. | Benifon, John Efq. | Berry, Thomas Efq. | Betty, William, Efq. | Blackwood, james Efq. | --------------, Richard Efq., | Blafhord, --------- Efq. | Booth, Richard Bell Efq. | Brooke, Rev. Richard | Brunker, Alexander Efq. | Burrowes, Alexander Efq. | ------------, Robert Efq. | | CALDWELL, Sir John Bart. | Campbell, Wm. Efq. reprefentatives of, | Canning, George Efq. | Carfon, Thomas Esq. | Clements, Henry Efq. | ------------, Theophilus Efq. | Coghill, Sir --------- Bart. | Cote, Charles Efq. | Copeland, John Jones Efq. | Corbet, Patrcik Efq. | Corlismore, _____ Efq. | Corry, Thomas Charles Stewart Efq. | Cofby, Major | Cottingham, Reverend Doctor | Crawford, James Efq. | Crofton, Sir Hugh Bart. | | DAVENPORT, Simon Efq. | Dawfon, Townly, Efq. reprefentatives of, | Deafe, ------- Esq. | De Blaquiere, Right Hon. Lord | Doughty, Robert Efq. | Doyle, George, Efq. | | ELLIOTT, John, Efq. | Ellis, -------- Efq. | ------, Gore, Efq. | Enery, ------ Efq. | Ennis, Thomas, Efq. | | FARIS, Alexander, Efq. | ---------, ------------ Efq. | Farnham, Right Hon. Earl of | Fleming, Arthur Efq. | ----------, Thomas Efq. | ----------, ---------- Efq. | Fofter, Henry Efq. | | GAVEN -------- Efq. | Gosford, Right Hon Lord | Griffon, William Efq. | | HARMAN, Ralph, Efq. | --------------, William Efq. | Haffard, Jafon Efq. | Headford, Moft Noble Marquis of | Hinds, Walter Efq. | Hodgfon, Sir Robert Bart. | Hume, Robert Efq. |
| JACKSON, Mrs. | Jones, Humphrey Efq. | Jones, John Moutray Efq. | Irwin, Richard Efq. | -------, William Efq. | | KELETT, Robert Efq. | Kilmore, Reverend Dean of | ----------, Right Reverend Bifhop of | | LANAUZE, -------- Efq. | Lanefborough, Right Hon. Earl of, | | M'CARTNEY, Mifs | -----------------, Mrs. | Magrath, Luke Efq. | Maxwell, Henry Efq. | Mayne, Edward Efq. | Mee, ---------- Efq. | Montgomery, George Efq. reprefentatives of, | Moore, Garrett Efq. | --------, William Efq. | Morton, Charles, Efq. | | NESBITT, Colonel thomas | ------------, Rev. Albert | Nixon, George Efq. | --------, Humphrey Efq. | Newburgh, Arthur Efq. | ------------s, minors Efqrs. | Nugent, Criftopher Efq. | Nugent, Colonel | ---------, Oliver Efq. | | O'REILY, Anthony, Efq. | -----------, James Efq. | -----------, -------- Efq. | | PALLIS, Chriftopher, Efq. | Percival, ------------- Efq. | Pleydell, Jonathan Morton Efq. | Powell, Thomas Eyre Efq. | Pratt, James Efq. | -------, Rev. Jofeph | | RADCLIFF, ________ Efq. | Richardfon, Sir Wm. Bart. | --------------, Wm. Efq. | Roberts, Rev. Edward S. | Ruxton, Wm. Efq. | | SAUNDERS, Major | Saunderfon, James Efq. | --------------, Francis Efq. | --------------, Robert Efq. | Singleton, John Efq. | Smyth, Mrs. | Sneyd, Nathaniel Efq. | --------, Rev. William | Somerville, ---------- Efq. | Southwell, Hon. Colonel | Spencer, Jofhua Efq. | Stanford, John Efq. | Staples, Sir Robert Bart. | Stephens, William Efq. | Story, Rev. Jofeph | | TATLOW, John Efq. | Thornton, Perrorr Efq. | | VEAITCH, John Efq. | -------------, ------ Efq. reprefentatives of, | | WATERFORD, Moft Noble Marquis of | Whyte, Francis Efq. | Wills, ------ Efq. | Wynee, Owen Efq. | | YOUNG, James Efq. | -----------, John Efq. |