


Principal Landed Proprietors 1802

From Coote, C. Sir Statistical survey of the County of Cavan, with observations on the means of improvement drawn up in the year 1801, for the consideration, and under the direction of The Dublin Society, Dublin, Graisberry and Campbell, 1802.
ADAMS, Cofby Efq.
---------, James Efq.
---------, O'Reily Efq.
---------, Rev. Allen Noble
---------, Rev. Benjamin
---------, Stewart Efq.
Annefley, Rev. Dean
------------, Right Hon. Earl of
Armftrong, ----- Efq.
BAKER, John Efq.
--------, Robert Efq.
Barry, Colonel John
-------, Thomas, Efq.
Batterfby, ----. Efq.
Bell, Andrew Efq.
-----, Richard Efq.
Benifon, John Efq.
Berry, Thomas Efq.
Betty, William, Efq.
Blackwood, james Efq.
--------------, Richard Efq.,
Blafhord, --------- Efq.
Booth, Richard Bell Efq.
Brooke, Rev. Richard
Brunker, Alexander Efq.
Burrowes, Alexander Efq.
------------, Robert Efq.
CALDWELL, Sir John Bart.
Campbell, Wm. Efq. reprefentatives of,
Canning, George Efq.
Carfon, Thomas Esq.
Clements, Henry Efq.
------------, Theophilus Efq.
Coghill, Sir --------- Bart.
Cote, Charles Efq.
Copeland, John Jones Efq.
Corbet, Patrcik Efq.
Corlismore, _____ Efq.
Corry, Thomas Charles Stewart Efq.
Cofby, Major
Cottingham, Reverend Doctor
Crawford, James Efq.
Crofton, Sir Hugh Bart.
Dawfon, Townly, Efq. reprefentatives of,
Deafe, ------- Esq.
De Blaquiere, Right Hon. Lord
Doughty, Robert Efq.
Doyle, George, Efq.
ELLIOTT, John, Efq.
Ellis, -------- Efq.
------, Gore, Efq.
Enery, ------ Efq.
Ennis, Thomas, Efq.
FARIS, Alexander, Efq.
---------, ------------ Efq.
Farnham, Right Hon. Earl of
Fleming, Arthur Efq.
----------, Thomas Efq.
----------, ---------- Efq.
Fofter, Henry Efq.
GAVEN -------- Efq.
Gosford, Right Hon Lord
Griffon, William Efq.
HARMAN, Ralph, Efq.
--------------, William Efq.
Haffard, Jafon Efq.
Headford, Moft Noble Marquis of
Hinds, Walter Efq.
Hodgfon, Sir Robert Bart.
Hume, Robert Efq.
Jones, Humphrey Efq.
Jones, John Moutray Efq.
Irwin, Richard Efq.
-------, William Efq.
KELETT, Robert Efq.
Kilmore, Reverend Dean of
----------, Right Reverend Bifhop of
LANAUZE, -------- Efq.
Lanefborough, Right Hon. Earl of,
-----------------, Mrs.
Magrath, Luke Efq.
Maxwell, Henry Efq.
Mayne, Edward Efq.
Mee, ---------- Efq.
Montgomery, George Efq. reprefentatives of,
Moore, Garrett Efq.
--------, William Efq.
Morton, Charles, Efq.
NESBITT, Colonel thomas
------------, Rev. Albert
Nixon, George Efq.
--------, Humphrey Efq.
Newburgh, Arthur Efq.
------------s, minors Efqrs.
Nugent, Criftopher Efq.
Nugent, Colonel
---------, Oliver Efq.
O'REILY, Anthony, Efq.
-----------, James Efq.
-----------, -------- Efq.
PALLIS, Chriftopher, Efq.
Percival, ------------- Efq.
Pleydell, Jonathan Morton Efq.
Powell, Thomas Eyre Efq.
Pratt, James Efq.
-------, Rev. Jofeph
RADCLIFF, ________ Efq.
Richardfon, Sir Wm. Bart.
--------------, Wm. Efq.
Roberts, Rev. Edward S.
Ruxton, Wm. Efq.
Saunderfon, James Efq.
--------------, Francis Efq.
--------------, Robert Efq.
Singleton, John Efq.
Smyth, Mrs.
Sneyd, Nathaniel Efq.
--------, Rev. William
Somerville, ---------- Efq.
Southwell, Hon. Colonel
Spencer, Jofhua Efq.
Stanford, John Efq.
Staples, Sir Robert Bart.
Stephens, William Efq.
Story, Rev. Jofeph
TATLOW, John Efq.
Thornton, Perrorr Efq.
VEAITCH, John Efq.
-------------, ------ Efq. reprefentatives of,
WATERFORD, Moft Noble Marquis of
Whyte, Francis Efq.
Wills, ------ Efq.
Wynee, Owen Efq.
YOUNG, James Efq.
-----------, John Efq.