Memoranda concerning the will of Thomas Newburgh
"Manuscript memoranda concerning the will of Thomas Newburgh the elder, about lands in the estate of Ballyhaise Co. Cavan. Memorandum is in the form of an explanation of Newburgh's will (including an extract) and a number of queries about the inheritance rights of his sons including his second son Broghill."
[From the Marsh Library Catalogue, Ms Z2 1. 7. ]
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Thomas Newburgh the Elder being seized in ffee of Lands in England
and of the lands of Mullaghcroghery and Coolackendys in Ireland Devifes in thefe words I give and bequeath to my Second Son Broghill the Estate of Inheritance I have in Highworth in the Kingdom of England to him and his Heirs he paying out of the Said Estate the Sum of 40£ pounds to his Mother during her life. I also bequeath to the said Brog.hill the two Poles of Land called Mullagheroghery and Colackendys in the County of Cavan to him and his Heirs for ever provided always and it is my Will and pleafure that if the Estate of Ballyhaise shall fall to the said Bro: by the death of his Brother that the he shall quit and relinquish his interest hereby Granted him the said two poles above specifyed together with all Improvements he shall make thereon unto his younger brother H. N. to whom I do give the two poles of Trough ec all which I do freely give and bequeath to him and his Heirs for ever and devises to other Sons and other Lands. It is also my will and pleasure that if any of my four younger Sons Shall die without issue of their bodys begotten that then the Estates soe hereby ---- devised unto them shall be equally divided amongst the Survivors of the Said brothers. Tho: Newburgh Testator dyes B. his Second Son (in the Lifetime of T. N. Junr his Brother who was -- Seized in Fee of Ballyhaife Estate) Levys a fine and Suffers a Common Recovery of the two poles of Mullaghcroghery and Coolhendys H. N. then and Still a Minor. Tho: the brother afterwards makes his Will in thefe words. I leave my Estate in Efsex to my brother B. and his Heirs Subject to the payment of Such debts and Legacys as I do owe or hereby bequeath to any within the Kingdom of England. As to my Estate in the County of Cavan. I hereby give and bequeath the same to my brother George Vaughan and to his heirs to the intent that he with the a ccruing prefits thereof Shall pay off and discharge all my afforsd debts and Legacys and then names Several debts Legacys -- and then Says further that in regard my Said brother Vaughn lives at a great distance from my concerns. I do therefore defire him if he think fit to employ and intrust my said brother Braghill in receiving of the Rents and paying debts and Legacys allowing 3d in the pound for and in lieu of his pains and all Charge he Shall be at therein out of the profits of the Said Estate for all debts and Legacys he -- prefents that So Soon as the Said debts and Legacys are Satisfyed and discharged to wit Such as are immediately payable by perception of the Said -- Estate or otherwife that then my Said brother Vaughan and his heirs shall and will by good conveyance in the Law Such as the Councell of my brother Shall advise convey afsure and make over unto the said Broghill and his heirs unto his and their own proper ufe and belong all the Estate right [of the &] and hereby granted to him the Said George Vaughn and his heirs in the Said Lands or else where in the County of Cavan Subject to the debts and Legacys etc George Vaughn never intermedled or took the trust on him but by Deeds of Leafs and releafe conveyed the whole Lands of Ballyhaife to B. and his heirs. |
Q | Whether any and what Estate is by the Will of Thomas the Elder
given to H. in the two poles of Mullagheroghery & Coolashendys |
Q | Whether the fine and Recovery Suffered by Broghill has any
way and how for prejudiced H |
Q | Whether the Estate of Ballyhaise may be Said to fall to Broghill by
the death of his brother Tho in regard of the Devife to Geo Vaughn or how far does the Will of Tho: the younger influence this matter. |
Q | Whether H. has any and what remedy for the recovery of the two poles |
The Will of Thomas Newburgh
1696 Will of Tho. Newburgh |
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To all Christian People to whom this present writing Shall come I Thomas Newburgh of Ballyhaise in the County of Cavan Gent. Sendeth Greeting Know yee that I the Said Thomas Newburgh being apprehensive of the fragility and -- uncertainty of humane life in a reafonable State of health and of Sound and perfect understanding doe conftitute and appoint thif my laft will and teftament in manner and form following In the first place when it shall pleafs God to call me hence I desire and hope I shall wth an humble Refignation give up my Soul & Spirit into the Disposall of that Allmighty Creator who gave it to me hoping for Eternal happinefs by his mercies and the meritts of our blefsed Saviour and my bodyI desire may in decent] but no very Expensive -- manner be commited to ye grave Defiring to be layd by my Dear Mother in the Church of Ballyhaise in cafe I Should happen to Dy in the Kingdom of Ireland. In the next place I doe give and bequeath to my Dear Sifter Mrs Elizabeth Green Twenty pounds per annm during her life and att her death Two hundred pounds to be divided amongst Such daughters as Shee Shall leave behind her at her Death -- but not payable unto them until their Marriage or Age of 21 years I doe alfoe in like manner give and bequeath -- to my Dear |
money |
[Money layed in Excheqrand deposited in my hand by the order of Mr, Patrick Farrly] abt Seven yeares fees never demanded but not recoverable either in Land |
and Seal this 16th day of April [AnnoDni ] 1696 | Tho. Newburgh [(seal)] |
Sealed? and Published
Oliver Moore Jn Ballard Charity Ballard Owen McCabe? Ricd Cade? |
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of the staff at Marsh's Library, especially Sue Hemmens who assisted in transcribing the info presented here.