


Directories: County Armagh: Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland (1846)


Please note compilation, source, and copyright notes at the end of this page.

- Name, Address, City/Town Listing, Section in the Directory
- Acheson & Trotter, Market st, Tanderagee, Flax Merchants & Dealers
- Acheson, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Acheson, James & Co. (and yarn), Market st, Tanderagee, Linen Merchants
- Adair, Henry, Rev., Market st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Adair, Henry, Rev., curate, Established Church, Church street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Adams, Anthony, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Drogheda, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Adams, John Clarke, English st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Adams, Samuel, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Adams, William, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Adamson, Jane, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Addy, Robert, grocer, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Agnew, William John, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Alderdice, David, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Alderdice, David, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Haberdashers
- Alderdice, George, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Alexander, Charles, Rev., Drumcree Rectory, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Alexander, Charles, Rev., rector, Parish Church, Drumcree, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Alexander, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Algeo, William W., Esq., J.P., Knockamel, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Allan, John, John st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Allen, Eliza & Jane, English st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Allen, Eliza & Jane, English st, Armagh, city of, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Allen, George, Vicar's hill, Armagh, city of, Music Teachers
- Allen, James, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Allen, Jane & Eliza, English st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Allen, Jane & Eliza, English st, Armagh, city of, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Allen, John, steward to the Primate, Palace, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Allen, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers
- Allen, William, iron founder, Mullintor, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Allin, George, Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Allott, Richard, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Allott, Richard, Rev., A.M., Precentor, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Anderson, Alexander, Gosford place, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- Anderson, Andrew, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Nursery and Seedsmen
- Anderson, Andrew, nursery and seedsman, Dahlia vale, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Anderson, Ann, mistress, Free School, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs., 10 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Anderson, Lewis, Esq., inspector, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Anderson, Thomas, toy dealer, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Anderson, William, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Cabinet Makers
- Anderson, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Andrews, David, Keady, Armagh, city of, Rope & Twine Makers
- Ansor, George, Esq., Ardress, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Armstrong Brothers, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Armstrong Brothers, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Armstrong, George, Market st, Armagh, city of, Corn Merchants
- Armstrong, George, Market st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Armstrong, James, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Armstrong, James and Meredith, English st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Armstrong, Margaret, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Armstrong, Margaret, sub-distributer, Stamp Office, High st, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Armstrong, Meredith and James, English st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Armstrong, Thomas, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Armstrong, Thomas, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Armstrong, Thomas, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Armstrong, Thomas, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Leather Sellers
- Armstrong, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- Armstrong, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Armstrong, William & Son, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Armstrong, Wm. (and coal), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Timber Merchants
- Arthur, John, linen and sacking manufacturer, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Aston, Robert, saddler, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Atkins, Henry, Esq., Corcrain, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Atkinson, C., Rev., LL.D., Treasurer, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Atkinson, Edward Dawson, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Attorneys
- Atkinson, Edwd. Dawson, Church st, Tanderagee, Attorneys
- Atkinson, Henry, bleacher, Brookfield, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Miscellaneous
- Atkinson, Richard, Linenhall st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Atkinson, Woolsey, Esq., Edenderry, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Ayre, Benjamin, Esq., Tullydoey, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Ayre, Thos., Esq., J.P., Benburb Castle, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Babbington, David, Rev., Drumgoose Cottage, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Babbington, David, Rev., curate, Parish Church, Drumcree, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Barker, William, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Barnes, George, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Barnes, Robert, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Barnes, Robert, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Barnes, William (and clerk to the petty sessions), 20 Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Masters Extraordinary in Chancery, and Commissioners for Taking Affidavits and Special Bail in the Law Courts
- Barr, Fanny, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Barrett, Jacob (& proctor & notary public), English st, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Barrett, Jacob, Esq., Proctor, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Barris, Thomas, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Barry, David, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Corn Merchants
- Barry, David, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Barry, David, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Haberdashers
- Barry, Robert, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Corn Merchants
- Barry, Robert, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Bassiere, Elizabeth, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Baxter, Moses, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Braziers & Tinmen
- Baxter, Robert, Market st, Tanderagee, Earthenware Dealers
- Beattie, John & Son, Bridge st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Beattie, John & Son, Bridge st, Portadown, Linen Manufacturers
- Beattie, John & Son, Bridge st, Portadown, Linen Merchants
- Beatty, Ann, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- Beatty, Ann, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Leather Sellers
- Beatty, Ann, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Beatty, Benjamin, clerk, Clonfeacle Parish Church, Benburb, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Beatty, Margaret, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Beck, William, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bell, James, English st, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Bell, James, Rev., Market st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bell, James, Rev., minister, Presbyterian Meeting House, Market street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Bell, Jas. Trewman, 19 Melbourne terrace, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Bell, John, Rev., Clare, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bell, Mathew Robert, Esq., Irish st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bell, Matthew (and seedsman), English st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Bell, Matthew (seedsman), English st, Armagh, city of, Nursery and Seedsmen
- Bell, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Bell, Samuel & Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Bell, Samuel & Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Bell, Sarah, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Bell, Thomas & Samuel, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Bell, Thomas & Samuel, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Belshaw, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Watch and Clock Makers
- Belshaw, Mary, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bennet & Tranor, Umgola Mills, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Bennet, James, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Bennett, Thomas, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bennian, William, William st, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Bennian, William, librarian, Public Subscription Library, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Benson, George, Vicar's hill, Armagh, city of, Music Teachers
- Benson, George, Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Beresford, the Right Hon. and Most Rev. Lord John George De la Poer, D.D. Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, Palace, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Beresford: The Right Honourable and Most Rev. Lord John George De La Poer Beresford, D.D. Primate of all Ireland, Palace, Archbishop, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Berry, Francis, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Berry, Joseph, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Corn Merchants
- Bertram, William, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bertram, William, Post Master, Post Office, Richhill, Armagh, city of, ---
- Berwick, Henry, High st, Portadown, Bakers
- Berwick, Henry, High st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Best, James, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Best, James, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Best, James, High st, Portadown, Painters and Glaziers
- Birch, Robert, Post Master, Post Office, Scotch street, Armagh, city of, ---
- Black, Jonathan, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Black, Jonathan, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Watch and Clock Makers
- Blacker, Samuel, Rev., LL.D., Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries - Mullaghbrack, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Blacker, William, Colonel, Carrick House, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Blacker, Wm., Esq., Charlemont place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Blackley, ---, Esq., Beach hill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Blair, James, Esq., Tassa, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Blaney, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Blaney, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Tallow Chandlers
- Blood, Frederick, Lieutenant, R.N., Devon Lodge, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Bond, ---, Mrs., Feefarm, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bond, Edward W., Esq., J.P., Bondville, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bond, Walter M., Esq., Argory, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Boreland, Robert, Rev., Presbyterian Chapel, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Boreland, Robert, Rev., Tynan, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bowers, William, Mill st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bowman, James, Mr., manager, Provincial Bank of Ireland (Branch of), 2 Abbey st (draws on Spooner, Attwoods' and Co. London), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Boyd & Watts, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Brewers and Maltsters
- Boyd, Andrew & Flemming, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Coal Merchants and Dealers
- Boyd, Andrew & Flemming, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Boyd, Andrew & Flemming (& slate), Dobbin street, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Boyd, Andw. & Flemming, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Boyd, Ann, Mrs., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Boyd, Flemming & Andrew, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Coal Merchants and Dealers
- Boyd, Flemming & Andrew, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Boyd, Flemming & Andrew (& slate), Dobbin street, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Boyd, Flemming & Andw., Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Boyd, James B., Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Boyd, Joseph, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Boyd, Joseph Hall, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tobacconists
- Boyd, William *, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Boyd, William, jun. *, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Bradley, ---, Captain, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Bradley, James, Mr., Ballanahone, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bradley, James, Rev., Hanslough, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Bradley, James, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Bradshaw, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Shuttle & Temple Makers
- Brady, Ann & Eliza, mistresses, Infants' School, Church st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Brady, Eliza & Ann, mistresses, Infants' School, Church st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Brady, James, Corcrain, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Branigan, Arthur, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Branigan, Denis, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Branigan, Denis, shoe maker, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Branigan, Edward, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Branigan, John, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brannan, Geo., Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Bredon, Alexander, M.D., High st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- Bredon, Alexander, M.D., surgeon, Dispensary, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Brice, Alexander, English st, Armagh, city of, Apothecaries
- Bright, David, Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brison, Oliver, Keady, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Broomfield, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Broomfield, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brown, Charles, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brown, James, Esq., Grange, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Brown, Joseph, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tailors
- Brown, Thomas, Corcrain, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brown, Youngson, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Brown, Youngson, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Brownlee, Olivia, mistress, Church Educational Society's School, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Brownlee, Thomas, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Brownlow, Robert, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Brownlow, Robert, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bruce, Ezekiel, Market st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bulla, Daniel, clerk to the commissioners, Church street, Portadown, Miscellaneous
- Bulla, David, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bullison, Robert, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Bullock, Samuel, shuttle maker, High st, Portadown, Miscellaneous
- Bullocke, Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- Bullocke, Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Bunting, Eleanor, Church st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Bunting, Eleanor, Church st, Portadown, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Burdett, Henry, Rev., Church st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Burdett, Henry, Rev., curate, Established Church, Church street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Bures (?), William (and linen merchant), Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Burke, Ann, Mrs., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Burn, John, Market st, Tanderagee, Surgeons & Apothecaries
- Burns & Todd, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Burns, Hugh, livery stable keeper, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Burns, James, English st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Burns, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Burns, James, Rev., Clay, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Burns, Thomas, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Butler, Rachael, Mrs., 5 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Byrn, Eleanor, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Byrne, Edward, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Byrne, Edward, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Byrne, Roderick, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Byrnes, John, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tailors
- Byrnes, Thomas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Cain, James, tailor, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Caldwell, Robert, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Caledon, the Earl of, Caledon hill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Callaghan, Felix, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Callaghan, John, tailor, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Calter, Elizabeth, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Calvert, Charles, Church st, Portadown, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Calvert, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Calvert, William John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Campbell, Abraham, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Campbell, Ann, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Campbell, Edward, Rev., Tanderagee, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Campbell, Edward, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Campbell, Henry, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Campbell, Henry, English st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Campbell, Jane, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Campbell, Jane (& druggist), Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Campbell, Jane, Mrs., Vicar's hill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Campbell, John, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Campbell, John, William st, Lurgan and Moira, Corn Merchants
- Campbell, John, watch and clock maker, Charlemont street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Miscellaneous
- Campbell, Robert, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Campbell, Rose Ann, grocer, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Campbell, William, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Confectioners
- Capper, Anna, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Capper, John - Star (life), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Capper, John (& commission agent), Main st., and Dobbin st, Armagh, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Carbary, Henry, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Wheelwrights
- Cardwell, James, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Cardwell, John, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Cardwell, John, grocer and draper, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Carleton, Thomas H., Esq., Bridge st, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Carleton, Thos. H., Mr., manager, Ulster Banking Co. (Branch), Bridge street (draw on Prescott, Grote & Co., London), Portadown, Banks
- Carlisle, James, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- Carlow, James, Mr., Principal Clerk, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Carpendall, Thomas, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Dungannon, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Carpenter, Jane & Mary, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Carr, Mary, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Carroll, John, Rev., Richhill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Carroll, John, Rev., minister, Independent Chapel, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Carroll, Patrick master, Free School, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Carroll, Sinclair, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Architects
- Carroll, Sinclair (and architect and valuator), Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Builders
- Carroll, William, English st, Armagh, city of, Land Agents
- Carry, John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Woollen Drapers
- Carson, Alexander, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Carson, Cath, Mrs., 1 Melbourne terr, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Carson, Henry Wm., Rev., Hermitage, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Carson, James, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- Carson, Margaret, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Carter (?), Ts., Rev., Dean of Tuam, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries - Ballymore, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Carter, Thomas, Rev., Glebe House, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Carter, Thomas, Rev., dean, Established Church, Church street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Cartwright, John, Thomas st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Carvan, Francis, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Carvil, William, rag and paper dealer, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Carvill, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Carvill, Thomas (and slate), Thomas street, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Casebourne, Thomas, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Engineers--Civil
- Casey, John, High st, Portadown, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Casey, John, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Cassidy, John, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Caulfield, Jane, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Earthenware Dealers
- Caulfield, John, Lieut., Grange Cottage, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Caulfield, Matthew, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Chamley, ---, Rev., Caledon, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Chapman, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Blacksmiths
- Chapman, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Chapman, William, Church st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Chapman, William, Church st, Portadown, Grocers
- Chapman, William, Church st, Portadown, Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants
- Charlemont, the Right Hon. Francis William Earl of, Roxborough, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Cherry, Joseph, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cabinet Makers
- Cherry, Samuel, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Chichester, William, Rev., Mullavilly Glebe House, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Chisholm, Elizabeth (brding), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Christian, Wm., Mr., actuary, Savings' Bank, , Victoria st (open every Tuesday from twelve till three), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Christy, Jos., Mr., manager, Ulster Banking Comp. (Branch), Main st (draw on Prescott, Grote & Co. London), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Christy, Joseph - Britannia (life), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Christy, Joseph, Esq., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cimlachan, John, carpenter, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Clarke, Francis B, surgeon, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Professional Persons, including Schools
- Clarke, Francis B., surgeon, Dispensary, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Institutions, &c.
- Clarke, George Robert, Coolkill, Armagh, city of, Nursery and Seedsmen
- Clarke, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Clarke, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Clements, John, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Clinton, Bernard, Church lane, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Close, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Close, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Woollen Drapers
- Clotworthy, Thomas (to the Ulster Railway Co.), Clonagh Cottage, Portadown, Agents
- Cochran, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Braziers & Tinmen
- Cochrane, George, Esq., Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cochrane, Thomas, jun. (house), English st, Armagh, city of, Agents (Marked thus * are Commission Agents.)
- Cole, James & Co., Market st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Cole, James & Co., Market st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Cole, Robert, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Coleman, Peter, Rev., Clay, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Colhoun, Robert Ball, M.D., Woodhouse st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- Coll, John, governor, Workhouse, Victoria street, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Collins, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Collins, Thomas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Collins, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Blacksmiths
- Collins, William T., Keady, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Colvan, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Colville, John, apothecary, County Infirmary, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Colvin, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Connelly, William, keeper, Bridewell, William street, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Connolly, Charles, Market st, Armagh, city of, Braziers & Tinmen
- Connolly, Charles, Market st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Connolly, Charles, Market st, Armagh, city of, Rope & Twine Makers
- Connor, James Stewart, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Conroy, John, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Conry, Arthur, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Conry, Arthur, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- Conway, John, master, National School, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Cooke, Richard Woods, M.D., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Cooney, Mary Ann, mistress, National School, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Cooper, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Cooper, Mary, stay maker, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Cope, Arthur, Esq., Drummilla, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Cope, Captain, Loughgall Castle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Cope, James, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Corr, Constantine, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Corran, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Corran, Philip, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Corrigan, Francis, head constable, Constabulary Station, High street, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Corrigan, James (linen), Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Corrigan, John * (& general), Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Agents (Marked thus * are Commission Agents.)
- Corrigan, Mary, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Corrigan, Robert, Moss spring, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Corrigan, Thomas, head constable, Constabulary Station, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Cosgroe, John, Thomas st, Portadown, Coopers
- Coulfield, Eugene, Rev., Hanslough, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cowan, Amelia (boarding), Thomas st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Cowan, Andrew, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Cowan, Anne, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Cowan, James, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Institutions, &c.
- Cowan, William, Pond river, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Cowdy, Anthony, Thomas st, Portadown, Linen Merchants
- Cowdy, Anthony (commission), Thomas st, Portadown, Agents
- Cox, Mary Ann, Thomas st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Coyle, Edward, John st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Coyne, Michael, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Coyne, Michael, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Coyne, Michael, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Craig, Andrew, Esq., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Craig, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Craig, Thomas, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Crawford, Selina, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- Creeney, Chas. Albert, Mr., manager, Belfast Banking Company, Market st (draw on Denison, Heywood & Co. London), Tanderagee, Banks
- Creilly, John, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Crilly, James, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Croan (?), Robert, Derrycan, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Crogier, Richard, M.D., surgeon, Loan Fund, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Crolly, Eugene, Rev., Hanslough, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Crolly, Eugene, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Crolly, His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Archbishop of Armagh and Roman Catholic Primate of all Ireland, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Crolly, Rev. Dr., Primate, Abbey st, Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Cross, Maxwell, Esq., J.P., Darton House, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cross, Richard, Esq., Carrickaness, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Crothers, Alexander & John, timber and coal merchants, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Crothers, John & Alexander, timber and coal merchants, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Crothers, Robert, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Physicians & Surgeons
- Crozier, Richard, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Crozier, Richard, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Crummey, Michael, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Crummy, John, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Cullen, Edward, cooper, Charter school lane, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Cullen, William, millwright, Callen st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Cullins (?), Thomas, Market st, Tanderagee, Bakers
- Cuming, Catherine, Miss, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cuming, Jas., Esq., Woodford House, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cuming, John, Beresford row, and 12 Ardwicke place, Dublin, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Cuming, Thomas, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Cummins, John, Corcrain, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Cunningham, John R., Rev., Chapel House, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Cunningham, John R., Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Cunningham, Peter, Hill st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Cuppage, John & Co. (and general agents), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Cuppage, Thomas, Esq., Silverwood, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Daily, William, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Daly, Peter, Rev., Tanderagee, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Daly, Peter, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Darragh, Robt., temple maker, Thomas st, Portadown, Miscellaneous
- Davidson, Alexander, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Rope & Twine Makers
- Davidson, Anne, Benburb road, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Davidson, Benjamin Peebes - Star, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Davidson, Benjamin Peebles, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Coal Merchants and Dealers
- Davidson, Benjamin Peebles * (and house), Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Agents (Marked thus * are Commission Agents.)
- Davidson, Benjn. Peebles, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Davidson, Cornelius, Charlemont sq, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Attorneys
- Davidson, John, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- Davidson, John (and assistant secretary to the grand jury), 39 Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Masters Extraordinary in Chancery, and Commissioners for Taking Affidavits and Special Bail in the Law Courts
- Davidson, John (yarn), Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Davidson, Robert, Ogle sst, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Davis, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen Merchants
- Davis, Mary, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Stay Makers
- Davison, Ann, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Davison, William, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- Dawson, Thomas, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dawson, William John, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Deacon, John *, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Dermott, Ralph, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Devlin, Jas., tallow chandler, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Devlin, John, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Devlin, Owen, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Devlin, Patrick, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Devor, John, constable, Constabulary Station, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Public Institutions, &c.
- Dickey, William, whitesmith, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Dickson, Benjamin, saddler, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Dickson, Henry, Market st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Dickson, Henry * (and flax), Market st, Armagh, city of, Agents (Marked thus * are Commission Agents.)
- Dickson, Rebecca, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dimm, John, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Disney, James, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Disney, James, Rev., curate, Episcopal Chapel, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Divine, Peter, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Divine, Richard, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dobbin, Hamilton, Rev., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Dobbin, Hamilton, Rev., minister, Presbyterian Meeting House, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Dobbin, Hugh, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- Dobbin, James, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dobbin, John, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dobbin, Leonard, jun. (and clerk of the peace), English st, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Dobbin, Robert, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dobbin, Thomas, Esq., J.P., Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Dobbin, Thomas, Mr., agent, Bank of Ireland (branch), Scotch st (draws on the Bank of England), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Doherty, Catherine & Sarah & Jane, Dungannon street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Doherty, Jane & Catherine & Sarah, Dungannon street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Doherty, Sarah & Jane & Catherine, Dungannon street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Donaghan (?), Patrick, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Donelan, Anthony, Capt., Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Donnelly, Arthur, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Donnelly, Arthur, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, Bernard, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Donnelly, Bernard (& farrier), Dawson st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Donnelly, Felix, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Donnelly, Hugh, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Donnelly, Hugh, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Donnelly, Hugh, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, James, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Architects
- Donnelly, James, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Donnelly, John, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, John, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Donnelly, Patrick, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Donnolly, Mary, Mrs., Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Donohoe, James, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Doran, John, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Dougan, Patrick, Rev., Clay, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Douglas, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Douglass, Charles, Esq., Grace Hall, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Douglass, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Downey, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Blacksmiths
- Downey, Thos., carpenter, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Drake, Joseph, William st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Drew, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Duffy, Philip, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dundass, Margaret, English st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Dundass, Margaret, English st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Dunleary, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Duris, Jane, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Dynes, Valentine, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Butchers
- Earles, William, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Institutions, &c.
- Ebrington, Rev. Dr., vicar, Deanery, Saint Mark's Church, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Eccles, Robert, Keady, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Eccles, Robert, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Edgar, Moses, Market st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Edgar, Richard, High st, Portadown, Seed Merchants
- Edgar, Richard, Post Master, Post Office, High street, Portadown, ---
- Edgar, Samuel, Rev., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Edgard, Samuel O., Rev., English st, Scotch Secession Church, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Edmundson, Neill M'Neill, Mr., assistant astronomer, Observatory, College hill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Elliott, Leonard D., Rev., Lavaghary (?), Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Elliott, Leonard D., Rev., Presbyterian Meeting House, Bridge st, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ellis, William, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Elrington, Charles Richard, Rev., D.D., the Deanery, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Enery, Sarah, mistress, Infants' School, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Evans, ---, Rev., Melbourne place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Evans, ---, Rev., curate, Russell st, Saint Mark's Church, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Evans, Richard John (and printer), Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Booksellers & Stationers
- Evans, Thomas Kelly, 1 Beresford st, Armagh, city of, Land Agents
- Evans, Thos. Kelly, Esq., 1 Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Faloon, Charles, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Faloon, Charles, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Faloon, Charles, Rev., Glebe House, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Faloon, Charles, Rev., curate, Parish Church, Lurgan, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Faloon, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Earthenware Dealers
- Faloon, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Faloon, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tallow Chandlers
- Faloon, Mary, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Farguison, David, Clounagh, Portadown, Linen Manufacturers
- Farr, John, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Builders
- Farr, John, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- Farr, Thomas, Mall, Armagh, city of, Plasterers
- Farrell, Robert, Barrack hill, Armagh, city of, Plasterers
- Farris, James, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Farris, Jane & Sarah, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Farris, Jane & Sarah, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Farris, Sarah & Jane, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Farris, Sarah & Jane, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Fegan, John, Albert Inn, English st, Armagh, city of, Inns and Hotels
- Fegan, William, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Fegan, William Henry, Mill st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Ferquison, Jane, keeper, Court House, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Ferris, William, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Fitzpatrick, Hugh, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Fivey, Elizabeth, Mrs., Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Flack, ---, Capt., Palace row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Flanagan, James, whitesmith, Mill st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Flavel, Wilson, Church st, Portadown, Pawnbrokers
- Flavell, F., Rev., librarian, Public Library, English st, Armagh, city of, Libraries
- Flavell, George, Market st, Tanderagee, Earthenware Dealers
- Flavell, George, Market st, Tanderagee, Leather Sellers
- Flavell, J.F., Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Flavell, J.F., Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Flavell, Jane, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Fleming, Eliza, Mrs., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Fleming, James, Esq., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Ford, Arthur, land surveyor, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Ford, Francis, Esq., Raughlin, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Ford, Joseph, Tavanagh, Portadown, Reed Makers
- Forster, Thomas, English st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Forster, Thomas, English st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Forstey, Thomas, English st, Armagh, city of, Apothecaries
- Fortescue, William, Rev., Artabracca, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Fortescue, William, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, William st, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Foster, Charles, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Foster, Grace, Mrs., Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Fox, Hugh, shoe maker, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Francis, William, Church st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Francis, William, Church st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Fraser, John, clerk, Abbey st, Workhouse, Victoria street, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- French, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Tin-Plate Workers
- Frizel, Alexander (and undertaker), English st, Armagh, city of, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers
- Fuller, Frances, Mrs., 1 Melbourne terr, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Fullerton, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Fullon, Peter, tailor, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Fulton, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Oil and Colour Dealers
- Fulton, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Fulton, Robert (& druggist), English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Gaddis, Charles, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Gaffney, Peter, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Gage, Mr., sub-manager, Northern Banking Company, Market st (draw on Glyn, Halifax & Co. London), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Gallagher, Francis, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Gallagher, Francis, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Gallagher, James, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Blacksmiths
- Garagher, Patrick, Keady, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Gardner, Edward & Samuel (general smiths), Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Gardner, Edward & Samuel, brass and iron founders, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Gardner, Jas. & Saml. (& Manchester warehousemen), English st, Armagh, city of, Woollen Drapers
- Gardner, Jas. and Samuel, English st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Gardner, Saml. & Jas. (& Manchester warehousemen), English st, Armagh, city of, Woollen Drapers
- Gardner, Samuel & Edward (general smiths), Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Gardner, Samuel & Edward, brass and iron founders, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Gardner, Samuel and Jas., English st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Gardner, William, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Garland, Edward, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Gaven, John, Barrack hill, Armagh, city of, Plasterers
- Gennett, James, Thomas st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Gibb, Joseph, manager, Gas Works, Callan street lane, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Gibson, Alexander, Market st, Armagh, city of, Pawnbrokers
- Gibson, William, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Gibson, William, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Gilbert, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Earthenware Dealers
- Gilbert, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- Gilbert, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Gilbert, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Gilbert, Mary Ann, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Wine and Spirit Dealers
- Gilbert, Thomas, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Gilbert, Thomas, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Gill, Eleazer *, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Gillespie, David *, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Gillespie, John, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Gilliland & Moffett, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Engravers and Copper-plate Printers
- Gillis, Dinah, Victoria, Market st, Tanderagee, Hotels
- Gilmore, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Gilmore, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Gilpin, John, John st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Gilpin, John, grocer, Loughggall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Girdwood, John, Brownlow Arms (commercial and posting-house), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Hotels
- Girvin, James Robert & John, paper manufacturers, Roan, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Girvin, John & James Robert, paper manufacturers, Roan, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Glenn, William, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tailors
- Godfrey, John Thompson, Keady, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Goodlatte, D.R., Esq., Salem Lodge, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Gordon, George, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Gordon, Hans, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- Gordon, Hans, Market st, Tanderagee, Surgeons & Apothecaries
- Gordon, Midlay, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Gorman, Joseph, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Graham, George, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Graham, Joseph, Keady, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Graham, Patrick, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Grant, Anne, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Grant, Anne, Market st, Tanderagee, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Grant, Edward, Keady, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Grant, Hugh, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Grant, Peter, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Grant, William, Mill st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Grattan, Thos. (& dentist), Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Apothecaries
- Gray, Eliza, Market st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Gray, Eliza, Market st, Armagh, city of, Stay Makers
- Gray, Francis, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Pawnbrokers
- Gray, George (and tuner), Vicar's hill\, Armagh, city of, Piano-forte Warehouse
- Gray, George, Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Gray, Robert & Co., Market st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Greacen, James, Market st, Armagh, city of, Printers--Letter-Press, and Stationers
- Green, Ann, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Green, James & Co., flax and tow spinners, New Holland Mills, Keady; office Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Greenway, William, butter merchant, &c., Market street, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Greer, Arthur, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Greer, Arthur, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Reed Makers
- Greer, Francis & William, millers, Distillery, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Greer, George & Co. (and bleachers), Milltown House, Woodville, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Greer, George, Esq., J.P., Wood vale, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Greer, H. & J.F., Messrs., agents, Belfast Banking Compy. (Branch), Woodville (draw on Denison, Heywood & Co. London), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Greer, Henry, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Attorneys
- Greer, Henry, clerk, Loan Fund Office, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Greer, Henry, Mr., actuary, Savings' Bank, Main st (open every Wednesday from twelve to two), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Greer, J.F. & H., Messrs., agents, Belfast Banking Compy. (Branch), Woodville (draw on Denison, Heywood & Co. London), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Greer, Jane, Miss, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Greer, John Waite (and distiller), Distillery, Lurgan and Moira, Wine and Spirit Dealers
- Greer, Samuel, Esq., Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Greer, the Misses Jane, Sophia, Sarah & Anne, Benburb road, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Greer, William & Francis, millers, Distillery, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Grew, James, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Grew, James, High st, Portadown, Tailors
- Gribbin, John (and lime burner), Irish st, Armagh, city of, Stone & Marble Masons
- Gribbin, Mary *, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Griffin, David, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Rope & Twine Makers
- Griffin, Henry, Rev., Clonfeacle Glebe, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Griffin, Henry, Rev., A.M., Clonfeacle Glebe, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Griffin, Henry, Rev., rector, Clonfeacle Parish Church, Benburb, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Grimason, David, West st, Portadown, Tailors
- Grimason, William, clerk, Chapel of Ease, Church street, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Grogan, John, Mill st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Groves, James, master, Cathedral School, Vicar's hill, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Grovey (?), George, watch and clock maker, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Gunning, Elizabeth, Mrs., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Guthrie, Edward, head constable, Constabulary Station, Pond river, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Guy, Mary, mistress, Duke of Manchester's Endowed School, Church st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Guy, Thos., master, Duke of Manchester's Endowed School, Church st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Haddock, Ann, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Hagan, John, carpenter, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Hagan, John, cooper, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Miscellaneous
- Hagan, Patrick, Church st, Tanderagee, Coopers
- Haig, Robert, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Haig, Robert, Rev., Abbey street, Saint Mark's Church, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Hall (?), Savage, Rev., rector, Loughgall Parish Church, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Hall, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Hall, Savage, Rev., Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Hall, Savage, Rev., A.M., Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries - Loughgall, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Hall, Stewart, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hall, Thomas (and commissioner for taking affidavits) - Alliance (life), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Hall, Thomas, Mr., manager, Provincial Bank of Ireland (Branch), Main street (draws on Spooner, Attwoods & Co. London), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Hall, William, Thoms st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Halliday, Andrew, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hamilton, James, Mr., manager, Savings' Bank, Market street, Tanderagee, Banks
- Hamilton, Jas., Mr., manager, Mont de Piete Loan Fund, Market st, Tanderagee, Public Institutions, &c.
- Hamilton, William, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hamilton, William, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Hammill, Patrick, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Hancock, John, Esq., J.P., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hanlan, Owen, Bridge st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Hanlon, Catherine, mistress, Church Education Society's School, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Hanlon, Jno., master, Church Education Society's School, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Hanna, James, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Hanna, John, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hanna, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Hannay, Robert S., surgeon, Dispensary, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Hannay, Robert Strickland, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Harcourt, Ann, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Harden, Ann, Mrs., Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hardy, Alexander, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hardy, Alexander, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Hardy, Isabella, Mrs., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hardy, John, Esq., J.P., Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Hardy, Rose, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Hardy, Rose, Market st, Tanderagee, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Hardy, Rose, tallow chandler, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Hardy, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Hare, Robert, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Hargrave, Eliza, College st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Harper, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cabinet Makers
- Harpur, Thomas Henry, Esq., Goresstown, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Harrington, Wm., Esq., 11 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Harris, John Porter, Esq., J.P., Ashfort, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Harrison, Robert Skinner, supervisor, Excise Office, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Harrison, William, West st, Portadown, Carpenters
- Harrison, William, West st, Portadown, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Hart, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hart, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Gunsmiths
- Hart, Margaret, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Haugh, Alexander, cutler (?), Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Haugh, Hugh, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Haircutters
- Hawe, Robert, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Hawkins, Thos. Francis (and meal), Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Corn Merchants
- Hawthorn, Robert, Rev., Market st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hayburn, Jno., blacksmith, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Hazelton, Edward, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Hazelton, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Pawnbrokers
- Hazelton, Thomas, Russell st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Hazeton, Hammersley, English st, Armagh, city of, Confectioners
- Hazleton, Edward, Rev., minister, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Hazlett, ---, Mrs., Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hazlett, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Attorneys
- Hazlett, John - Standard (life), Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Healy, Sarah, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Heaney, John, tailor, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Heather, Anne, Mrs., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Heather, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Heeney, Eliza, 3 Melbourne place, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Henderson, ---, Capt., Grange House, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Henderson, John, Thomas st, Portadown, Whitesmiths
- Henderson, Samuel, Rev., Middleton, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Henderson, William, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Henderson, William, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Henry, ---, Rev. Dr., Beresford, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Henry, Eliza, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Henry, George, Ballybrawley, Armagh, city of, Flax Millers
- Henry, James, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- Henry, James, Esq., Church st, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Henry, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers
- Henry, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Timber Merchants
- Henry, Mary & Sarah, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Henry, Pooley S., Rev., D.D., Beresford row, First Presbyterian Chapel, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Henry, Sarah & Mary, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Henry, William, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Confectioners
- Henry, William, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Herron, John, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Herron, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- Hewitt, Joseph, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Hewitt, Joseph, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hill, Edward, sub-inspector, Constabulary Station, High street, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Hinchey, Patrick, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Coach Builders
- Hinchey, William, Esq., Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hobson, E. & Co., Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Hobson, E. & Co. (and earthenware and glass dealers), Charlemont sq, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Haberdashers
- Hobson, William, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Haberdashers
- Hodgens, William, hosier, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Hogg, John, manager, Ulster Canal Steam Carrying Company's Office, Charlemont street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Public Institutions, &c.
- Holland, John, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Hollywood, ---, Church st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Holmes, John, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hopes, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hore, Walter, Esq., J.P., Benburb, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Hoy, Francis, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Hudson, Edwd. G., Very Rev., A.M., Dean, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Hughes, Ann Jane, mistress, Infants' School, Callon st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Hughes, Arthur, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Hughes, Edward, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- Hughes, Felix, Hill st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hughes, Frances, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hughes, James, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Hughes, James, master, National School, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Hughes, Jas., master, National School, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Professional Persons, including Schools
- Hughes, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Hughes, John, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Hughes, John, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- Hughes, John, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Hughes, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hughes, John, High st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Hughes, Louisa & Sarah & Maria, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Hughes, Maria & Louisa & Sarah, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Hughes, Neill, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tailors
- Hughes, Patk., Victoria Hotel, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Inns and Hotels
- Hughes, Peter, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- Hughes, Sarah & Maria & Louisa, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Hughes, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Hughes, William, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Hughes, William Sherwood, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Humphries, Mary, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Earthenware Dealers
- Humphries, Mary, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Hunter, --- (& linen mrcht), Drumkee, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Hunter, Moses, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- Hurst, Alexander, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Huston, Robert Todd, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Huston, Robert Todd, M.D., surgeon, Dispensary, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Hutcheson, Andrew, Mr., Market st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Hutcheson, David, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Hutchinson, Archibald Alex., Richhill, Armagh, city of, Reed Makers
- Hutchinson, Geo., baker, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Hutchinson, John, Esq., Woodside, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Hyde, Sally, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Hynds, Daniel, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- Irvine, Alexander, Rev., 7 Melbourne terrace, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Irvine, Alexander, Rev., curate, Russell st, Saint Mark's Church, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Irvine, Ann, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Irwin & Perry, Castle st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Irwin, Alexander, Rev., Private Secretary, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Irwin, David Wilson, Castle st, Portadown, Grocers
- Irwin, John, Rev., Cash-agh (?), Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Irwin, John, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Irwin, Mary, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Irwin, William George, Esq., J.P., Annagola House, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Irwin, Wm., Esq., J.P., Mount Irwin, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Jackson, James, Annagh, Portadown, Butchers
- Jackson, James R., Esq., J.P., Tulleydoey, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Jackson, Joseph, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Jackson, Joseph, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Jackson, Joseph, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Jackson, Joseph, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Jackson, Robert, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Jackson, Sarah, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Jackson, Thomas, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Jackson, Thomas & Co., Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Jackson, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Bakers
- Jackson, William, miller and linen manufacturer, Ballymagarney, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Jallagher, Francis, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- James, Johnston, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Jelly, Andrew, Castle st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- Jelly, Andrew, Castle st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Jelly, Henry, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Jelly, James, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Jenkin, Joseph, Rev., Willow bank, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Jenkinson, William, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Land Agents
- Jevers, Colin, Rev., Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Johnson, ---, Mrs., Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Johnson, Samuel, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Johnston, Arthur, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Johnston, Catherine, mistress, Diocesan School, Abbey street, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Johnston, Edward, Rev., Obins st, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Johnston, Eliza & Jane & Mary, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Johnston, Galbraith, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Corn Merchants
- Johnston, Galbraith, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Johnston, Galbraith, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Johnston, Galbraith, Killyman street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Timber Merchants
- Johnston, Galbraith (and oil and colourman), Killyman street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Wine & Spirit Merchant
- Johnston, Irwin, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Johnston, Irwin, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Johnston, James, Rev., South st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Johnston, Jane & Mary & Eliza, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Johnston, Jas. & William, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Johnston, Jas. & William, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Johnston, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Brewers and Maltsters
- Johnston, John, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Johnston, John (& builder), Woodhouse st, Portadown, Carpenters
- Johnston, Martha, Mrs., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Johnston, Mary & Eliza & Jane, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Johnston, Robert, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Johnston, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tobacconists
- Johnston, William & Jas., Middleton, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Johnston, William & Jas., Middleton, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Jones, James, A.M., Archbishop's Domestic Chaplain, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Jones, James, Rev., A.M., Richhill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Jones, James, Rev., A.M., Chancellor, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Jordan, James, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Joyce, Francis Wm., Charlemont sq, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Joyce, William, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Kay, James, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Kearney, James, barrack master, Barrack, Barrack hill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Keating, John, Rev., P.P., Ardress, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Keating, John, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Keegan, William *, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Keenan, Philip, Royal Hotel, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Inns and Hotels
- Keennan, Wm., Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Kelly, James, Keady, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Kelly, John, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Kelly, Patrick, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kelly, Patrick, Rev., Derrynoose, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Kelly, William, Mr., sub-inspector, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Kennedy, James, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Tin-Plate Workers
- Kennedy, John, Victoria st, Armagh, city of, Coach Builders
- Kennedy, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- Kennedy, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kernahan, John, High st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- Kernahan, John, High st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Kernahan, William, High st, Portadown, Grocers
- Kernahan, William, High st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- Kerr, Charles, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kerr, Felix, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kerr, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tallow Chandlers
- Key (?), George, Mr., Apparitor, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Keys, Charles, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Keys, Charles, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Kidd, Joseph, Millmount, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Kidd, Osborne, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Kidd, Samuel & Son, Dundrum, Armagh, city of, Bleachers
- Kidd, Thomas, Esq., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Kidd, Thomas, Mr., manager, Belfast Banking Company, English st (draw on Denison, Heywood & Co. London), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Kidd, Watson, Keady, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Kidd, Watson, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kidd, Watson, Post Master, Post Office, Keady, Armagh, city of, ---
- Kidd, William D., Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Kidd, Wm. Lodge, Charlemont place, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Kierans, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Kierans, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Tanners
- Kimmit, Mary Ellen, mistress, Endowed School (Lord Charlemont's), Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- King, James, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Physicians & Surgeons
- Kingsmill, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- Kingston, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Kinkead, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Earthenware Dealers
- Kinkead, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Kinkead, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Kinkead, Margaret Maria, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Kirk, William, Anne vale, Armagh, city of, Bleachers
- Kirk, Wm., Mr., manager, Northern Banking Company, Market st (draw on Glyn, Halifax & Co. London), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Kirker, Ann, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Kitson, John, Barrack hill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Klophel, John W.G., professor of music, William street, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Knox, Morris Wm., Esq., Rosemount, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Lane, Alexander, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Langtree, Eliza, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Lappan, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lauley, Thomas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Lavery, Philip, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Lawson, Elizabeth, Mrs., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Lawson, James A., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Attorneys
- Leany, John, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Leathem, William Henry, English st, Armagh, city of, Nail Factor
- Leckey, John, umbrella maker, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Lee, James, 4 College st, Armagh, city of, Music Teachers
- Leebody, William, Castle st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- Leebody, William, surgeon, Disepensary (Seagoe), Bridge street, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Leech, John, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Leech, John, Rev., curate, Episcopal Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Leigh, William, Church st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- Lennon, Henry, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Leslie, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Apothecaries
- Leslie, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Leslie, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Lester, Jacob, 6 College st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Lewers, Alexander, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lewis, William, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Lillyman, William, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Veterinary Surgeons
- Lindsay, Henry Lill - Imperial, 13 Melbourne terrace, Armagh, city of, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Lindsay, Henry Lill (county), 13 Melbourne terrace, Armagh, city of, Land Surveyors
- Lindsay, Henry Lill, M.R.I.A. (and county surveyor of Armagh), 13 Melbourne terrace, Armagh, city of, Engineers--Civil
- Lindsay, Richard, Esq., Richhill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Linton, Walsh, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Reed Makers
- Linton, Walsh, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Little, Susannah, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Lloyd, Jackson, Esq., Grange, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Lloyd, Richard, Esq., Tamnamore, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Lochrane, Bernard G., Rev., Hanslough, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Lochrane, Bernard G., Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Lochrane, Edward, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Lock, George, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Lockhart, George, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Lockhart, Hugh & John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Lockhart, Hugh & John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Lockhart, John, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Lockhart, John & Hugh, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Lockhart, John & Hugh, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Lodge, John, head constable, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Logan, Patrick (to the Ulster Canal Carrying Co.), Bridge st, Portadown, Agents
- Loney, James, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Loney, Joseph & Richard, Church st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Loney, Richard & Joseph, Church st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Long, James, Corcrain, Portadown, Reed Makers
- Long, Moses, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Long, William, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Loran, ---, Rev. Archdeacon, Seagoe Glebe House, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Loudon, James, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Loughran, Patrick, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Loughrane, Michael, Church st, Portadown, Butchers
- Lowry, John, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lurgan the Right Honourable Lord, Brownlow House, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Lutten, Robert, Baltylum, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lutton, John, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lutton, Joshua, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Lutton, Joshua, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Lyle, Andrew, brewer, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Macartney, John Neill, Market st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Mackie, Ann, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Maclean, William, Rev., A.M., Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries - Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Maculla, Hugh, Esq., 12 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Magalish, James, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- Magarry, James, grocer, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Magee, Charles, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Butchers
- Magee, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Magee, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tallow Chandlers
- Magennis, John, Church st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Magennis, John, Church st, Tanderagee, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Magill, Esther, 9 Melbourne place, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Magill, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Magill, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Magowan, Samuel, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Magrath, Miles, Post Master, Post Office, Tynan, Armagh, city of, ---
- Mahon, Sarah, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Mahon, William, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Bakers
- Malcolm, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Malcolm, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Malcolm, James (& dealer in foreign yarns), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- M'Alindon, Thomas, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Mallagh, William, Corcrain, Portadown, Linen Manufacturers
- Mallagh, William, Corcrain, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Allinden, Hugh, Church st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Allister, Daniel, master, Saint Patrick's School, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- M'Allister, John Richd., Rev., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Allister, John, Rev., Abbey st, Second Presbyterian Chapel, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Mallon, Eliza, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Mallon, James, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Mallow, Edward, Hill st, Armagh, city of, Wheelwrights
- Malone, John, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- M'Alroy, Joseph, Thomas st, Portadown, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Manchester, his Grace the Duke of, Tanderagee Castle, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Mangen, Crosby, Rev., Madden, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Marks, John, Rev., Killyman, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Marlay, John J., Bridge st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Marlay, John J., Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Marlay, John J., Bridge st, Portadown, Wine & Spirit Merchant
- Marlay, Roger, Castle st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Marlay, Roger, Castle st, Portadown, Grocers
- Marmion, Bernard, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Marshall, John, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Houses
- Marshall, John, grocer, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Arthur, Samuel, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Martin, Maria (& salt), Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Slate & Coal Merchants
- Martin, Maria (and ship owner), Charlemont street, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Timber Merchants
- Martin, Thomas, M.D., Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Physicians & Surgeons
- Matchett, James, keeper, Tontine, English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Mather, Thomas, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Matthews, Joseph, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Matthews, Robert, Church st, Portadown, Painters and Glaziers
- Matthews, Robert, Market st, Tanderagee, Painters and Glaziers
- Maulepera, James, Rev., Middleton, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Maulepera, James, Rev., curate, Chapel of Ease to Tynan parish, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Maxwell, Henry, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Maxwell, Jas., Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- May, Sarah, Church st, Portadown, Pawnbrokers
- May, Thomas, High st, Portadown, China and Earthenware Dealers
- May, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants
- May, William, Church st, Portadown, Watch & Clock Makers
- M'Bride, James, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- M'Bride, Joseph, Keady, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- M'Bride, Joseph, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- M'Bride, Mary Jane, Palace row, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- M'Bride, Thomas, Keady, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- M'Bride, Thomas George, Palace row, Armagh, city of, Land Surveyors
- M'Call, Robert, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- M'Callan, Samuel, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- M'Callen (?), Samuel, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- M'Camm, James, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- M'Cann, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Cann, Michael, blacksmith, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Cann, Robert, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Cann, Thomas, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- M'Cann, Thomas, English st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- M'Canna, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- M'Caraher, George, English st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- M'Carragher, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Carragher, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Stone & Marble Masons
- M'Carron, Neil, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- M'Cartan, Hans, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Cartan, Samuel, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- M'Cartan, Thomas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- M'Cartin, Edward, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- M'Cartney, Stewart, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Clean, John, grocer, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Clean, William, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Creggan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- M'Clelland, Ellen, mistress, Dutchess of Manchester's Free School, Market street, Tanderagee, Academies & Schools
- M'Clelland, Mary, Mrs., Benburb road, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Clinton, Samuel, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- M'Clinton, Samuel, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Yarn Merchants
- M'Cluer, George, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- M'Collom, David, master, National School, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- M'Comb, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Cone (?), Samuel, librarian, Reading Room, Tanderagee, Public Institutions, &c.
- M'Cone, George, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Connell, Edward, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Connell, James, West st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- M'Connell, John, farming implement maker, Rokeby Green Hall, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- M'Connell, Mary, Miss, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Connell, Nicholas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- M'Connell, Patrick, Market st, Tanderagee, Attorneys
- M'Connell, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- M'Cormick, Edward, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- M'Cormick, Felix, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- M'Corry, Hugh, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Butchers
- M'Corry, Hugh, jun., Church st, Portadown, Butchers
- M'Corry, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Corry, Richard, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Court, Sarah, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Milliners & Dress Makers
- M'Coy, Henry, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- M'Crea, James, Keady, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- M'Crory, James, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- M'Crory, Jane, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Straw Bonnet Makers
- M'Crory, Jno., shoe maker, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Cruin (?), John, Esq., Portadown, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Crumish, Michael, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- M'Cullin, Patrick, Castle st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- M'Cullough, David, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Stone & Marble Masons
- M'Cullough, Edward, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- M'Cullough, Edward, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Tallow Chandlers
- M'Cullough, Joseph, Market st, Tanderagee, Painters and Glaziers
- M'Cullough, Samuel, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Cully, John James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- M'Cully, John James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Straw Bonnet Makers
- M'Cuskey, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- M'Dermott, Charles, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- M'Donnell, Rachael, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Meenan (?), Ann, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- M'Endow, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, China, Glass &c. Dealers
- M'Endow, Robert, English st, Armagh, city of, Coal Merchants and Dealers
- Mercer, Duke, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Butchers
- Mercer, Duke, jun., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Butchers
- Mercer, Henry, Captain, Laurel Vale, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Mercer, John, Church st, Portadown, Bakers
- Mercer, John, Church st, Portadown, Grocers
- Mercer, John, Church st, Portadown, Tallow Chandlers
- Meredith, Thomas, Rev., Thomas st, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Meredith, Thomas, Rev., minister, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Thomas st, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- M'Farland, Patrick, English st, Armagh, city of, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- M'Ganity, Rose, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Gee, Samuel, Keady, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- M'Geery, Felix, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Gunsmiths
- M'Geough, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- M'Geowan, Patrick, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- M'Gill, Ellen, matron, Fever Hospital and Infirmary, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- M'Ginity, Alice, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- M'Ginness, master, National School, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- M'Giveran (?), James, Market st, Tanderagee, Coopers
- M'Glones, John, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Gowan, Patrick, Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Guigan, James, grocer & spirit dlr, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Guinness, Edward, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Guinness, John, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- M'Guirk, John, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Gurk, James, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- M'Gurk, Patrick, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Reed Makers
- Midgley, James, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Reed Makers
- Midgley, John, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Reed Makers
- Miles, James, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Millar, Geo., Rev., D.D., Principal, Royal School, Portadown road, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Millar, George, Rev., D.D., the College, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Millar, Joseph, Esq., Wilderness, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Miller, George, Rev., D.D., Vicar General, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Milles, Robert, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Grocers
- Milles, Robert, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Milles, Robert (and coal), Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Timber Merchants
- Mills, Ann, mistress, Charter School, Charter School lane, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Mills, James, master, Charter School, Charter School lane, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- M'Ilveen, Samuel, High st, Portadown, Bakers
- M'Ilveen, Samuel, High st, Portadown, Grocers
- Minis, James, weaving utensil maker, Market street, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Ministers various, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Abbey street, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Ministers various, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Abbey street, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Ministers various, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ministers various, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ministers various, Methodist (New Connexion) Chapel, South street, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ministers various, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ministers various, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Market street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Ministers various, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Market street, Tanderagee, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- M'Intyre, Jane, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Straw Bonnet Makers
- M'Kearney, Henry, Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kee, Ann, Mrs., South st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Kee, Francis *, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- M'Kee, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Leather Sellers
- M'Kee, James, Rev., South st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Kee, John, College street and Market hill; and 34 Lower Gloucester street, Dublin, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- M'Kee, John, Mill View, Armagh, city of, Flax Millers
- M'Kee, Joseph, Mill view, Armagh, city of, Bleachers
- M'Kell- (?), Mary, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kell, Samuel, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Bakers
- M'Kell, Samuel, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- M'Kell, Samuel, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- M'Kell, Thomas, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Bakers
- M'Kell, Thomas, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tallow Chandlers
- M'Kenna, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kenna, James, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- M'Kenna, James, Obins st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- M'Kenna, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Bakers
- M'Kenna, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- M'Kenna, John, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Kenna, John, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- M'Kenna, John, Rev., curate, Roman Catholic Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- M'Kenna, Michael, blacksmith, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Kenna, Patrick, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kenna, Peter, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Keogh, Hugh, master, National School, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Professional Persons, including Schools
- M'Keogh, John, classical academy, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Professional Persons, including Schools
- M'Keown, Alexander, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Boot and Shoe Makers
- M'Keown, Daniel, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- M'Keown, Danl. jun., Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- M'Keown, Hugh, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Leather Sellers
- M'Keown, Hugh, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kernan, Hugh, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Butchers
- M'Kernan, Richard, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Butchers
- M'Kinley, George, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kinley, James, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- M'Kinley, Margaret, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Kinstry, Jas., Esq., Charlemont place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Kinstry, John, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- M'Kinstry, John, deputy clerk of the peace, English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- M'Kinstry, John, Esq., Proctor, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- M'Kinstry, Lee, Esq., J.P., 2 Gosford place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Kowne, Henry, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- M'Kowne, John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- M'Laine, William, Rev., Glebe House, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- M'Laine, William, Rev., rector, Parish Church, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- M'Laughlin, Michael, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Lean, Jacob, shoe maker, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Leavy, John, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- M'Livern, Patrick, Pond river, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Loughlin, Patrick, High st, Portadown, Physicians & Surgeons
- M'Mahon, James, corporation and poor rate collector, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- M'Manas, Patrick, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- M'Manus, Elizth. & Mary Ann, High st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- M'Manus, Mary Ann & Elizth., High st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- M'Manus, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- M'Mullan, John, M.D., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- M'Mullin, John, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- M'Mullin, John, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Namee, John, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- M'Naulty, William, shoe maker, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Neaghten, James, High st, Portadown, China and Earthenware Dealers
- M'Neaghten, James, High st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- M'Neaghten, James, High st, Portadown, Watch & Clock Makers
- M'Neece, Thomas, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- M'Neilly, Alexander, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- M'Nespy, Owen, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Niece, Conway & John, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- M'Niece, John & Conway, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Moffett & Gilliland, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Engravers and Copper-plate Printers
- Moffett, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Moffett, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Molesworth, Harriet, Mrs., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Mollart, Samuel, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, China, Glass &c. Dealers
- Molloy, David, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Molony, Arthur, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Tullahoy, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Molyneaux, George K., Sir, Bart., Castle Dillon, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Monaghan, James, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Carpenters
- Monaghan, James, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Montgomery, Harford, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Montgomery, Harford, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Grocers
- Montgomery, Harford (?), Woodhouse st, Portadown, Bakers
- Montgomery, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Montgomery, James, Rev ., Benburb, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Mooney, Edward, Obins st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Mooney, Hugh, Obins st, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Moore, Dunlop, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Pawnbrokers
- Moore, Dunlop, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Moore, Dunlop (family and commercial hotel), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Hotels
- Moore, James, Market st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Moore, L. Anne, Mrs., Clover Hill, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Moore, Robert, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Moore, William, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Moreland, Elizabeth, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Morgan, Henry, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Morgan, James, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Morgan, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Morgan, John, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Morris, Robt. (and proctor), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Attorneys
- Morris, William B., Post Master, Post Office, Lurgan, Lurgan and Moira, ---
- Morris, William B., sub-distributer, Stamp Office, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Morrison, Benjamin, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Morrison, Edward Hoop, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Morrison, Edward Hoop, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Morrison, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Morrison, Jane, Bridge st, Portadown, Academies and Schools
- Morrison, Jas. - West of England, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Morrison, Robert, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- Morrow, Fanny, mistress, Infants' School, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Morrow, Robert, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Morrow, Samuel, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Morrow, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Morton, Charles, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Morton, Charles, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- Morton, Robert, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- M'Parlan, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Quade, James, saddler, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- M'Sherry, Patrick, Callen st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- M'Stea, Daniel, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Mulen, Michael, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Mulligan, Angus James - Standard (life), English st, Armagh, city of, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Mulligan, Angus James, Esq., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Mulligan, Angus James, Mr., manager, Ulster Banking Company, English st (draws on Prescott, Grote & Co. London), Armagh, city of, Banks
- Mulligan, James, Rev., Lurgan Ville, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Mulligan, Mason, Esq., the College, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Mulligan, Mason, Mr., LL.D., Assistant, Royal School, Portadown road, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Mullin, Terence, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Murphy, Eliza, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Murphy, Hugh, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Murphy, Hugh, Rev., curate, Abbey st, Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Murphy, John, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Murphy, John, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Murphy, Joseph, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Murphy, Joseph, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Murphy, Patrick, Barrack hill, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Murray, Catherine, Mrs., Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Murray, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Murray, William, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Murray, William, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Murtough, John, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Murtough, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Mussen, Thomas, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- M'Vernon, Arthur, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Engravers and Copper-plate Printers
- M'Watters, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Libraries
- M'Watters, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Printers--Letter-Press, and Stationers
- M'Watters, John (and agent to the Sunday School Society of Ireland), English st, Armagh, city of, Booksellers & Stationers
- M'Watters, John, depository, Depository of the Association for Discountenancing Vice, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- M'Whirter, Hugh, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- M'Williams, William, Esq., English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Nallus (?), John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Neill, Bernard, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Neill, Charles, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- Nelson, Charles, Church st, Lurgan and Moira, Shuttle & Temple Makers
- Nelson, John, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- Nelson, Mary, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Nettleton, Eliza, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Nettleton, George, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Corn Merchants
- Nettleton, George, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Nevill, William, Esq., Baltylum, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Nevin, William, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Nicholson, Anne, English st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Nicholson, John, Esq., J.P., Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Noble, Dorothea, Market st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Noble, Joshua Thomas, Russell st, Armagh, city of, Land Agents
- Noble, Joshua Thomas (& valuator), Russell st, Armagh, city of, Land Surveyors
- Nugent, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- O'Brien, John, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- O'Brien, Lawrnce, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- O'Brien, Michael, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- O'Brien, Michael, Rev., curate, Abbey st, Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- O'Brien, William, Rev., Chapel House, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- O'Brien, William, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- O'Callaghan, Patrick James, Keady, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- O'Callaghan, Philip, Keady, Armagh, city of, Leather Sellers
- O'Hanlon, Felix, Rev., curate, Abbey st, Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel lane, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- O'Hanlon, Hugh, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- O'Hanlon, James, High street, Portadown, Grocers
- O'Hanlon, James, High st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- O'Hanlon, James, High st, Portadown, Seed Merchants
- O'Hanlon, James (and oil and colour merchant), High street, Portadown, Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants
- Olpherts, Richard, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Athurdee, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Olpherts, Wm., Esq., J.P., Dartery Lodge, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Olpherts, Wm., Esq., J.P., Dartry Lodge, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- O'Neill, Bernard, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- O'Neill, Bernard, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- O'Neill, Bernard, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Turners in Wood
- O'Neill, Daniel, Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Land Surveyors
- O'Neill, James, Rev., Artabracca, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- O'Neill, James, Rev., parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, William st, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- O'Neill, John, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- O'Neill, Richard, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- Ord, Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Orr, Charlte., haberdasher, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Orr, John, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- O'Sullivan, Mortimer, Rev., D.D., Killyman Glebe, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Oulton, William P., Rev., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Overend, Betty, Miss, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Overend, James, Church st, Tanderagee, Painters and Glaziers
- Overend, James, builder, Montague st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Overend, John, Bridge st, Portadown, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits
- Overend, John, Bridge st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Overend, John (commission), Bridge st, Portadown, Agents
- Palmer, William Beggs, master, National School, Keady, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Parker, Joseph, master, Erasmus Smith's School, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Parker, Mary Ann, mistress, Erasmus Smith's School, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Parkinson, Edward, Mr., Writing Master, Royal School, Portadown road, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Paton, George, Mr., Assistant, Royal School, Portadown road, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Paton, William, Esq., Charlemont place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Patterson, Joseph, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Patterson, William, minister, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Obins street, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Patton, Alexander, M.D., Market st, Tanderagee, Surgeons & Apothecaries
- Patton, Alexander, resident physician, surgeon and apothecary, Dispensary, Tanderagee, Public Institutions, &c.
- Paul, Ann, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Paul, William & Son *, Church st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Peebles, Nathaniel, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Pelan, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Timber Merchants
- Pelan, James (and builder), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Pentland, Thomas, clerk to the commissioners, and to the board of guardians, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Miscellaneous
- Penton & Co. Nursery, ---, Armagh, city of, Nursery and Seedsmen
- Penton, Elizabeth, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Nursery and Seedsmen
- Pepper, Samuel, Church st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Perry & Irwin, Castle st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Phillips, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Plummer, Brudnell, sub-inspector, Police Station, Banbridge, Tanderagee, Public Institutions, &c.
- Pooler, Martha, Miss, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Porter, Henry John, Mr., Tanderagee, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Porter, Robert, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Coopers
- Porter, Robert, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Poulton, William Rev., curate, Parish Church, Lurgan, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Power, Mary, mistress, Manse School, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Power, Richard (& druggist), English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Prentice, ---, Mrs., Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Prentice, Alexander - Scotch Union, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Fire, &c. Office Agents
- Prentice, Alexander, Mr., Ballynahone, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Prentice, Henry, Esq., Caledon, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Prentice, Thomas A., Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Land Agents
- Prentice, Thomas A., distributer, Stamp Office, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Proctor, George, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Proctor, John, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Purdy, Thomas, tailor, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Quain, William, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Aghadoe, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Quin, Edward, Rev., Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Quin, John, Castle st, and 34 Lower Gloucester street, Dublin, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Quin, John, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Quin, John, blacksmith, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Quin, Patrick, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Quin, Richard, Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Quin, Silvester, Esq., Castle st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Quin, William, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Quinn, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Blacksmiths
- Rafferty, Patrick, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Rawlings, Frances, Miss, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Rea, James, keeper, Court House, College st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Rea, James, registry office for servants, College st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Read, William, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Haberdashers
- Reavy, Hugh, Castle street, Portadown, Grocers
- Reavy, Hugh, Castle st, Portadown, Wine & Spirit Merchant
- Reilly, Henry W. (and printer), Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Booksellers & Stationers
- Reilly, Henry Woodward, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Reilly, John, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Pawnbrokers
- Reilly, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Booksellers & Stationers
- Reilly, William, auctioneer, bookseller, printer and stationer, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Renshaw, James, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Rice, Anne, Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Rice, Mary, Mill st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Rice, Patrick, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Richardson, Elizabeth, Miss, Richhill Castle, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Richardson, Geo., master, Church Educational Society's School, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Richardson, Jas. G., Esq., Trew Cottage, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Richey, David, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Reed Makers
- Rickards, James, English st, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Rickards, James, English st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Riddall, James, English st, Armagh, city of, Braziers & Tinmen
- Riddall, James (and coppersmith and brazier), English st, Armagh, city of, Plumber
- Riddall, James (and coppersmith), English st, Armagh, city of, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Riddall, Jas. (general), English st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Riddall, Robert & Co., English st, Armagh, city of, Corn Merchants
- Riddall, Robert & Co., English st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Riddall, Robert, Esq., Deputy Registrar, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Riggs, John Stephenson, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Riggs, John Stephenson, English st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Ritchie, Wm., clerk, Parish Church, Drumcree, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Roberts, Stephen, Mr., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Roberts, Stephen, secretary, News Room, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Public Institutions, &c.
- Robinson, Alexander, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Robinson, George, Esq. (barrister), 35 Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Robinson, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Painters & Glaziers
- Robinson, Thomas Romney, Rev., D.D., Observatory, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Robinson, Thos. Romney, Rev., D.D., astronomer, Observatory, College hill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Rock, Peter, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Roddy, Charles, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Woollen Drapers
- Rogers, Andrew, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Rogers, Edward, deputy librarian, Public Library, English st, Armagh, city of, Libraries
- Rogers, Edward, Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Rogers, James, Capt., Eden Cottage, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Rogers, Samuel, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Rogers, William, Esq., 5 Melbourne place, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Rolston, James, Aughinlig, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Rolston, Samuel, Keady, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Rooney, James, Castle st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Rooney, James Clement, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Physicians & Surgeons
- Rooney, Matthew, Bridge st, Portadown, Carpenters
- Rooney, Sally, Bridge st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Ross, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Ross, John, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Ross, William, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Rowan, Andrew, Rokeby Green Mall, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Rowan, William, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Rowland, John, Obins st, Portadown, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Rowland, Thomas, Esq., Palace row, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Rowland, Thomas, Esq., collector, Palace row, Excise Office, Palace row, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Rowley, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Rowley, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Rowntree, William, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- Ruddell, George, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Runnatt, Wilson, Keady, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Rusk, George, High st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Sandford, James, Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Sandford, James (dealer), Mill st, Tanderagee, Flax Merchants & Dealers
- Saunderson, Francis, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- Saunderson, Henry, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Painters and Glaziers
- Saunderson, Robert, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Painters and Glaziers
- Saunderson, William, Market st, Tanderagee, Surgeons & Apothecaries
- Savage, Henry, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Scanlon, Thomas (and silversmith), Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Scott, Geo., Rev., Vicar Choral, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Scott, George, Esq., Registrar, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Scott, John, Back lane, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Scott, Samuel (& binder), Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Booksellers & Stationers
- Searight, James, Esq., Church st, Tanderagee, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Shannon, James, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Bakers
- Shaw, John, Esq., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Shaw, John, Mr., manager, Northern Banking Co. (Branch), Main st (draw on Glyn, Halifax & Co. London), Lurgan and Moira, Banks
- Shaw, John, secretary, Reading Room, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Shaw, Philip, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Carpenters
- Shaw, Samuel, Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Shaw, Samuel, Rev., minister, Independent Chapel, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Shaw, Thomas, Major, Avon Lodge, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Sheagog, John, M.D., surgeon, Dispensary, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Public Institutions, &c.
- Sheagog, John, surgeon, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Professional Persons, including Schools
- Sheckleton, Robert, Esq., Green Park, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Sheckleton, Robt., Esq., supervisor, Green park, Excise Office, Palace row, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Sheilds, Mary Ann, milliner, Market st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Sheill, Francis, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Clothes Brokers
- Shepherd, Henry, master, Manse School, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Sheppard, Eliza, Manchester Arms, Market street, Tanderagee, Hotels
- Sheppard, Elizabeth, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Sheppard, John, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Reed Makers
- Sheppard, William (and corn factor), Market st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Sherman, Thomas, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Keady, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Sherry, Lawrence, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Pawnbrokers
- Shilcock, Hugh, John st, Portadown, Boot and Shoe Makers
- Shillington, Averell *, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Shillington, John (and soap boiler), Church st, Portadown, Tallow Chandlers
- Shillington, Thomas A., Church st, Portadown, Coal Dealers
- Shillington, Thomas A., Church st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Shillington, Thomas A. (and slate), Church street, Portadown, Timber Merchants
- Shillington, Thomas A. (and window glass, and oil & colour merchant), Church street, Portadown, Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants
- Shillington, Thomas A., Mr., manager, Belfast Banking Co. (Branch), High street (draw on Denison, Heywood & Co. London), Portadown, Banks
- Shillington, Thomas A., Mr., treasurer, Savings' Bank, Church street, Portadown, Banks
- Shillington, Thomas A., treasurer, Loan Fund Office, High st, Portadown, Public Institutions, &c.
- Shillington, Thos. A. (general, and to Standard Assurance Co.), High st, Portadown, Agents
- Shippard, Jos., carpenter, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Shrubsole, Charles, master, Diocesan School, Abbey street, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Sifton, John, Market st, Tanderagee, Leather Sellers
- Sifton, John, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Simpson, Jane, Anne mount, Armagh, city of, Flax Millers
- Simpson, John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Corn Merchants
- Simpson, John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Simpson, John, Esq., Ballyards, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Simpson, Lee, Keady, Armagh, city of, Corn Merchants
- Simpson, Lee, Keady, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Simpson, Samuel, Rev., Glebe, Keady, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Sinclair, Thomas, grocer, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Sinnamon, D'Arcy, Esq., O'Neiland Cottage, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Coal Dealers
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High street, Portadown, Grocers
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High street, Portadown, Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High street, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Timber Merchants
- Sinnamon, Thomas, High st, Portadown, Wine & Spirit Merchant
- Sinton, Ann Jane, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Sitherwood, William, West st, Portadown, Watch & Clock Makers
- Skiffington, Theodosia, Market st, Tanderagee, Straw Bonnet Makers
- Sling, Henry, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Haircutters
- Sling, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Haircutters
- Sling, William, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Haircutters
- Sling, William Henry, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haircutters
- Sloan, Ann, Richhill, Armagh, city of, China, Glass &c. Dealers
- Sloan, Ann, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Sloan, David, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Sloan, James, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Corn Merchants
- Sloan, James, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Sloan, James, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Sloan, James (& iron), Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Slate & Coal Merchants
- Sloan, James, treasurer, News Room, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Public Institutions, &c.
- Sloan, Maria, English st, Armagh, city of, Oil and Colour Dealers
- Sloan, Maria (& druggist), English st, Armagh, city of, Apothecaries
- Sloane, Thomas, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Pawnbroker
- Small, Matthew (and horse bazaar), Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Veterinary Surgeons
- Small, Mattw., proprietor, Ulster Gazette, Russell st (Mond.), Armagh, city of, Newspapers
- Small, Thomas, Keady, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Smith, Charles, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Smith, James, master, Church Society's School, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Smith, Jessy, mistress, National School, Beresford row, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Smith, Mary, mistress, Church Society's School, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Smith, Sarah, Russell st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Smith, William, Mr., Assistant, Royal School, Portadown road, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Smyth, Alexander, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Smyth, David, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Smyth, David, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Smyth, David, M.D., surgeon, Dispensary, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Smyth, David, M.D., surgeon, Fever Hospital and Infirmary, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Smyth, James, West st, Portadown, Reed Makers
- Smyth, Joseph, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Smyth, Robert, Thomas st, Portadown, Wine & Spirit Merchant
- Smyth, Thomas, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Somervill, William, Corcrain, Portadown, Blacksmiths
- Somerville, Hamilton, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Somerville, Samuel, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Spencer, George, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Tallow Chandlers
- Stanley, Henry, High st, Portadown, China and Earthenware Dealers
- Stanley, Henry, High st, Portadown, Coal Dealers
- Stanley, Henry, High st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Stanley, Henry, High st, Portadown, Grocers
- Stanley, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Stanley, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Stanley, John, jun. (and proctor), English st, & 63 Middle Abbey street, Dublin, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Stanley, John, jun., Esq., Proctor, Archdiocess of Armagh - Registry Office, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Stanley, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Stanley, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Stanley, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Timber Merchants
- Stanley, Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Ironmongers and Hardwaremen
- Stanley, Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- Stanley, Thomas, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Timber Merchants
- Starkey, Charles, Main street, Lurgan and Moira, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Starkey, Charles, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Steel, Robt., upholsterer, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Steel, Thos., agent, Railway Station, William st, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Steel, William, agent, Railway Station, Thomas st, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- sterrick (?), Geo., mastr, Church Society's School, Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- Stevenson, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Stewart, Eliza, mistress, National School, Keady, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Stewart, Robert, Church st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Stitt, Sarah, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Stitt, Sarah, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Stnaley, James, jun., College st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Stokes, J.W., Ven., A.M., Archdeacon, Archdiocess of Armagh, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Stringer, Francis, Tassa, Armagh, city of, Flax Millers
- Stringer, Francis, Esq., J.P., Tassa, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Strong, James Matthew, Sir, Bart., Tynan Abbey, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Stuart, Alex. Geo., Rev., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Sturgeon, Samuel, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Summerville, John, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Sweney, William, William st, Portadown, Whitesmiths
- Taaffe, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cabinet Makers
- Tallon, Thomas, Bridge st, Portadown, Clothes Brokers
- Taylon, Jonathan, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Shuttle & Temple Makers
- Taylor, Ann, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Taylor, Edward M., Rev., Bellevue, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Taylor, Edwd. M., Rev., rector, Bellevue, Parish Church, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Taylor, George, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Taylor, James, Dawson st, Armagh, city of, Coach Builders
- Taylor, Moses, Mill st, Tanderagee, Grocers
- Taylor, Samuel, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Academies and Schools
- Taylor, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Tecey, John, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Tedford, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Tennison, Thomas, Esq., J.P., Portnallygan, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Thackery, Elias, Rev., Archdiocess of Armagh - Rural Deans - Dundalk, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Thompson, Atchinson, Esq., Kilcomain, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Thompson, Gordon, Esq., Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Thompson, Hannah, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Thompson, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Booksellers & Stationers
- Thompson, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Printers--Letter-Press, and Stationers
- Thompson, John, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Reed Makers
- Thompson, John, proprietor, Guardian, English st (Tuesday), Armagh, city of, Newspapers
- Thompson, Martha, grocer, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Thompson, Robert, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Thompson, Sarah, matron, Union Workhouse, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Thompson, Thomas, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Reed Makers
- Thompson, William, master, Union Workhouse, Lurgan and Moira, Public Institutions, &c.
- Thompson, Wm., draper, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Thomson, Gordon, barrack master and store keeper, Ordnance Office and Military Station, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Public Institutions, &c.
- Thornton, ---, Major, English st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Tierney, William, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Blacksmiths
- Timney, Charles, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Pawnbrokers
- Tims, Robert, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Gunsmiths
- Tina, John, blacksmith, Mill st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Todd & Burns, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Todd, Jane, Mrs., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Tomney, John, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Saddlers and Harness Makers
- Tomney, Owen, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Reed Makers
- Tonar, David & John, Mill st, Tanderagee, Nail Makers
- Tonar, John & David, Mill st, Tanderagee, Nail Makers
- Toner, John, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Toppin, Thomas, Corcrain, Portadown, Wheelwrights and Cart Makers
- Torkington, Mary, Castle lane, Lurgan and Moira, Pawnbrokers
- Totten, Joseph, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Townley, James, Mr., 9 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Trail, Robert, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Trainor, Mary, Ogle st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Tranor & Bennet, Umgola Mills, Armagh, city of, Millers
- Trener, Hugh, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Trenor, Hugh, English st, Armagh, city of, Corn Merchants
- Trotter & Acheson, Market st, Tanderagee, Flax Merchants & Dealers
- Trotter, Richard, Market st, Tanderagee, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Trotter, Richard (and rectifying distiller), Market st, Tanderagee, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Trotter, Richard, commissioner for taking affidavits, Market street, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Trotter, Richard, Post Master, Post Office, Market street, Tanderagee, ---
- Trotter, Robert, distributer, Stamp Office, Market street, Tanderagee, Public Institutions, &c.
- Trotter, William, Esq., Drumcree, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Troy, Eugene, Rev., master, Saint Patrick's School, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Tuft, John, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Tughan, Joseph, Keady, Armagh, city of, Bakers
- Tughan, Joseph, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Tughan, Sarah, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Tullerton, William, clerk, Parish Church, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Turkington, Ezekiel, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Turle, Robert, Mr., organist, Archdiocess of Armagh - Prebendiaries, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Turle, Robert, organist, Vicar's hill, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous
- Turner, John, governor, County Gaol, Barrack street, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Twinem, James, Church square, Lurgan and Moira, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Twinem, John, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Twyford, Hans (?), English st, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- Twyford, Thomas, Lower English st, Armagh, city of, Butchers
- Vallely, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Vaughan, John, Bridge st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Verden, William, Castle st, Armagh, city of, Flax Merchants
- Verner, Joseph, William st, Lurgan and Moira, Tailors
- Verner, William, Lieutenant-Colonel, M.P., Church Hill, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Vi--- (?), John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Oil and Colour Dealers
- Vint, John, Market st, Armagh, city of, Painters and Glaziers
- Vogan, John, English st, Armagh, city of, Attorneys
- Vogan, Richard Crosse, English st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Vogan, Richard Crosse, English st, Armagh, city of, Tallow Chandlers and Soap Boilers
- Vogan, Richard Crosse, English st, Armagh, city of, Wine & Spirit Merchants
- Waddell, Robert, Esq., Drumcree Cottage, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Wakefield, Charles F., Esq., Corcrain, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Wakefield, Thomas, Esq., Moyallan, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Walker, Abraham, Esq., Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Walker, Elizth., mistress, Dutchess of Manchester's Free School, Market street, Tanderagee, Academies & Schools
- Walker, George, Esq., Spring Vale, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Walker, George, grocer, draper and haberdasher, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Walker, Henry Clendinning, High st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Walker, James, Esq., Prospect, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Walker, John, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Walker, Samuel, grocer, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Walker, Samuel, land surveyor, Montague street, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Walker, Thomas, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Walker, Thomas, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Builder
- Ward, Nancy, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Ward, William, Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Tailors
- Waring, Holt, Rev., rector, Parish Church, Lurgan, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Waring, the Very Rev. Holt (dean), Waringsfield, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Warren, Thomas, Callen st, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Warren, Thomas, clerk, Parish Church, Lurgan, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Watson, Francis, Esq., Lake View, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Watson, Francis, Esq., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Watson, Henderson, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Watson, Henderson, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Watson, John, Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Watson, John, grocer, Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Watson, Robert, Killyman st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Turners in Wood
- Watson, Robert & Sons, Flosh, Lurgan and Moira, Cambric Manufacturers
- Watson, Robert & Sons (and diaper, damask and sheeting), Flosh, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Manufacturers
- Watson, Robert and Sons (and bleachers), Flosh, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Merchants
- Watt, Joseph, provision merchant, Church street, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- Watts & Boyd, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Brewers and Maltsters
- Webster, James, Charter-school lane, Armagh, city of, Boot & Shoe Makers
- Weir, Hugh, Church st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- Weir, Hugh, Church st, Portadown, Provision Dealers
- Weldon, Andrew, sergeant, Constabulary Station, Market st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Wells, Matthew, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Watch and Clock Makers
- Wells, William, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
- Welsh, Harriet, mistress, Dutchess of Manchester's Free School, Market street, Tanderagee, Academies & Schools
- Wentworth, Catherine, High st, Portadown, Linen Drapers & Haberdashers [Marked thus* are also Woollen Drapers]
- White, ---, miller, Mill st, Tanderagee, Miscellaneous
- White, ---, Rev., Barrack st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- White, Francis, Esq., Eden House, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- White, Margaret, mistress, Endowed School (Lord Charlemont's), Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Academies and Schools
- White, Rev. Mr., Barrack street, Independent Chapel, College street, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- White, Sampson, South st, Lurgan and Moira, Provision Dealers
- White, Samuel (and binder), English st, and Church st, Dungannon, Armagh, city of, Booksellers & Stationers
- White, Samuel (circulating), 5 English st, and Church st, Dungannon, Armagh, city of, Libraries
- White, Thomas Jervis, Rev., Tynan, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- White, Thomas Jervis, Rev., curate, Parish Church, Tynan, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- White, William, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Carpenters
- White, William, Charlemont st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Whiteford, James, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Watch & Clock Makers
- Whitten, George, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Whitten, William, Market st, Tanderagee, Bakers
- Wilford, John, Dungannon st, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Linen Manufacturers
- Wilford, Thomas J., Post Master, Post Office, Charlemont square, Moy, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, ---
- Wilford, Thos. T., Charlemont square, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Wilkinson, Eliza, matron, County Infirmary, Abbey st, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Williams, Mary Jane, English st, Armagh, city of, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Williams, Swithin, Rev., Middleton, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Williams, Swithin, Rev., curate, Chapel of Ease to Tynan parish, Middleton, Armagh, city of, Places of Worship
- Williamson, William, High st, Portadown, Leather Sellers
- Willis, Henry De Laval, Rev., Church st, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Willis, Henry De Laval, Rev., curate, Chapel of Ease, Church street, Portadown, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Wilson, Charles, Bridge st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Wilson, Fanny & Margaret, Market st, Tanderagee, Academies & Schools
- Wilson, Jacob, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Wilson, Jane Eliza, Church st, Portadown, Milliners & Dress Makers
- Wilson, John, Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Haberdashers
- Wilson, John * (and flax), Scotch st, Armagh, city of, Agents (Marked thus * are Commission Agents.)
- Wilson, John, saddler, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Wilson, Joseph & Co., Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Linen Yarn Merchants
- Wilson, Lodwick C., Church st, Portadown, Linen Manufacturers
- Wilson, Lodwick C., Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Wilson, Margaret, Market st, Tanderagee, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Wilson, Margaret & Fanny, Market st, Tanderagee, Academies & Schools
- Wilson, Maria, Mrs., Blackwatertown, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Wilson, Mary, Richhill, Armagh, city of, Provision Dealers
- Wilson, Robert, Market st, Armagh, city of, Linen & Woollen Drapers
- Wilson, William Ogilvie, Mr., collector's clerk, Dobbin street, Excise Office, Palace row, Armagh, city of, Miscellaneous Public Institutions, &c.
- Wilson, William Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Physicians
- Wilson, Wm. Ogilvie, Mr., Dobbin st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Wilson, Wm. Thomas, M.D., Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Surgeons
- Wilton, Geo. & Thomas, Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Wilton, Thomas & Geo., Thomas st, Armagh, city of, Grocers (Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.)
- Wiltshire, James, Beresford Arms Hotel, English st, Armagh, city of, Inns and Hotels
- Winder, John G., Esq., 7 College st, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Woodhouse, Curran, Esq., Mount Prospect, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Woodhouse, John Obins, High st, Portadown, Attorneys
- Woodhouse, John Obins, High st, Portadown, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits
- Woodhouse, William, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Woods, Bernard, Keady, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Woods, Edward, Irish st, Armagh, city of, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Woods, Susan, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Woolsey, George, Church st, Portadown, Spirit & Porter Dealers
- Woolsey, John, Clounagh, Portadown, Miscellaneous
- Woolsey, Joseph Geo. (and miller), High st, Portadown, Corn Merchants
- Woosley, John, Esq., Clounagh, Portadown, Gentry and Clergy
- Wright, Andrew (and farrier), Barrack street, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Wright, Eliza, mistress, Ballanahone School, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Wright, Jno (?), master, Ballanahone School, Armagh, city of, Academies and Schools
- Wright, Jos., cabinet maker, Woodhouse street, Portadown, Miscellaneous
- Wright, Joseph, Woodhouse st, Portadown, Painters and Glaziers
- Wright, Thomas, Hill st, Armagh, city of, Blacksmiths
- Wright, Thos., blacksmith, Loughgall, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Shopkeepers & Traders
- Wrightson, ---, Rev., Benburb, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Gentry and Clergy
- Wrightson, Richard G., Rev., Benburb, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Gentry and Clergy
- Wrightson, Richard J., Rev., curate, Clonfeacle Parish Church, Benburb, Blackwatertown and Loughgall, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Wynne, Margaret, Lislee hill, Armagh, city of, Bleachers
- Wynne, William Henry, Rev., rector, Parish Church, Moira, Lurgan and Moira, Places of Worship, and their Ministers
- Wynne, Wm. Henry, Rev., Glebe House, Lurgan and Moira, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Young, Francis, Charlemont, Moy, Charlemont and Neighbourhoods, Grocers
- Young, Geo., Esq. (coroner), Knockbarn, Armagh, city of, Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
- Young, James, Main st, Lurgan and Moira, Painters & Glaziers

* This index produced and copyright ©Alison Kilpatrick, 2005. *

This index compiles 1,825 entries for County Armagh residents from Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland, pub. 1846.

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