County of Armagh - Names, Personal - Book List
- -----, Names as they appear on maps of the turf bogs - (Armagh & Tyrone) Part 1, North Irish Roots, Vol 12.2, p. 25
- -----, Names as they appear on maps of the turf bogs - (Armagh & Tyrone) Part 2, North Irish Roots, Vol 13.1, p. 12
- Bell, Robert (1953-), The book of Ulster surnames, Blackstaff Press, Belfast; St. Paul, Minn., 1988
- Cairney, C. Thomas (1958-), Clans and families of Ireland and Scotland: an ethnography of the Gael, A.D. 500-1750, McFarland, Jefferson, N.C., c1989
- Coghlan, Ronan, Ida Grehan and P.W. Joyce, Book of Irish names: first, family & place names, Sterling Pub. Co., New York, c1989
- De Breffny, Brian, Irish family names: arms, origins, and locations, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin, 1982
- Durning, William P. and Mary, The Scotch-Irish, Margaret Harris, ed., Irish Family Names Society, La Mesa, Calif., c1991
- Grehan, Ida., Pocket guide to Irish family names, Appletree Press, Belfast, c1985
- McClelland, James, Irish surnames and their possible locations for family history research, J. McClelland Research; Penrith, NSW: Distributed by K. Ainsworth, 1984
- MacLysaght, Edward, More Irish families, Irish Academic Press, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, 1982
- MacLysaght, Edward, The surnames of Ireland, 6th ed., Irish Academic Press, Blackrock, Co, Dublin, 1985
- Matheson, Robert E., Sir (1845-1926), Special report on surnames in Ireland. Together with Varieties and synonymes of surnames and Christian names in Ireland, Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1968
- The Great families of Ireland, Irish Genealogical Foundation, Kansas City, Mo., c1981
- Woulfe, Patrick, Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish names and surnames, M.H. Gill & son, ltd., Dublin, 1923