County of Armagh - History - Book List
NLI = National Library of Ireland, Dublin.
QUB = Queen's University, Belfast.
- ---, Address of the inhabitants of the county of Armagh, to such of their Roman Catholic brethren as have been driven from their country by the late persecution, [Armagh? : s.n., 1797] (NLI)
- ---, County Armagh, Whereas I have this day received a requisition, signed by the undernamed gentlemen, to call a meeting of the nobility, gentry, clergy and freeholders of the county. ... , [Armagh? : s.n., 1797] (NLI)
- ---, The Patrician texts in the book of Armagh, edited with introduction, transl., Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, 1979 (Scriptores latini Hiberniae; vol.10) (QUB)
- Allison, Herbert Thackwray (1854-1947), compiled by Desmond Fitzgerald and Roger Weatherup, The way we were - historic Armagh photographs from the Allison collection, Friar's Bush, Belfast, in association with the PRONI, 1993 (NLI, QUB)
- Armagh, Public Library, Register: Cassel. Ms. C/i.c. no.386 and other manuscripts relating to Armagh, Microfilm Reel (QUB)
- Betham, William, Sir (1779-1853), Irish antiquarian researches, W. Curry, jun. and co.: Dublin, [etc., etc., 1826]-27 (NLI)
- Bond, Edward, Doctor of Divinitie, Oneale and Colonell Brunslow, chiefe of the rebells in Ireland; their apprehension at Grohoyne in the province of Munster; with the terrible battell then fought. Written in a letter directed to the Bishop of Armagh from a Doctor of divinitie, resident in Dublin. As also a description of the taking of a ship upon the coasts of Barbary, bound with letters of commendations to the King of Spaine; and to desire ayde against the Protestants, printed for Andrew Coe and Marmaduke Boat, London, 1642 (NLI)
- Bowler, Peter, and Nicholas Whyte, eds., Science and Society in Ireland: The Social Context of Science and Technology in Ireland 1800-1950, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1997
- Brett, Charles Edward Bainbridge (1928-), with photographs by Michael O'Connell, Buildings of County Armagh, Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, Belfast, 1999 (NLI, QUB)
- Collins, Peter, Pathways to Ulster's Past: Sources and Resources for Local Studies, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1998
- Conway of Conway Castle, Edward Conway, Viscount (1594-1655), (Catalogue of Viscount Conway's Library ca. 1635-1641): Microfilm of Armagh, Queen's University, Photographic Unit, Belfast (QUB)
- Cunningham, Noreen, and Pat McGinn, The Gap of the North: the archaeology & folklore of Armagh, Down, Louth, and Monaghan, O'Brien Press, Dublin, 2001 (NLI)
- Curtis, Edmund (1881-), A history of medieval Ireland from 1086 to 1513, Methuen & co., ltd., London, [1938]
- Gillespie, Raymond, Conspiracy: Ulster Plots and Plotters in 1615, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1987
- Gillespie, Raymond and Henry O'Sullivan, eds., Borderlands: Essays on the History of the Ulster-Leinster Border, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1989
- Gwynn, Aubrey (1892-), The medieval province of Armagh, 1470-1545, W. Tempest, Dundalgan Press, Dundalk, 1946 (NLI)
- Gwynn, John, D.D., D.C.L., ed., The Book of Armagh; edited with introduction and appendices by John Gwynn, D.D., D.C.L, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1913 (NLI)
- Hill, Myrtle and Raymond Gillespie, eds., Doing Irish Local History: Pursuit and Practice, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1998
- Hughes, A.J. and William Nolan, eds., Armagh History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County, Dublin: Geography Publications, 2001
- Ireland, An act to enable certain inhabitants of the county of Armagh, who have been injured in their persons or properties, to recover compensation for such injuries by presentment, notwithstanding the time by law prescribed for applying for such presentment be lapsed, printed by George Grierson, Dublin, 1797 (NLI)
- Johnson, Stephen (1960-), Lost railways of Co. Down and Co. Armagh, Stenlake, Catrine, 2002 (NLI)
- Mac Cuarta, Brian, S.J., Ulster 1641: Aspects of the Rising, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1993
- Mallory , J.P., and T.E. McNeill, The Archaeology of Ulster: From Colonisation to Plantation, Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast, 1991
- McKinstry, Robert, et al, The Buildings of Armagh, Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, Belfast, 1992 (NLI, QUB)
- Miller, David W. [David William] (1940-), Armagh troubles: 1785-1795 (QUB)
- Miller, David W., ed. Peep o'day boys and Defenders: selected documents on the disturbances in County Armagh, 1784-1796, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast, 1990 (NLI, QUB)
- O'Flanagan, Michael (1876-1942), Letters containing information relative to the antiquities of the counties of Armagh and Monaghan: collected during the progress of the Ordnance survey in 1835, [s.l. : s.n., 1927?] (NLI)
- O'Hanlon, Patrick, A letter to the Lord Manners, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, on alleged partial exercise of authority by His Lordship, and on the encouragement and protection given to our domestic factions: together with a memorial addressed to the Lords of Council, on those subjects; and other documents, connected with a petition, now lying on the table of the House of Commons, printed for Fitzpatrick, Capel-Street; Millikin, Grafton-Street; and Hodges & M'Arthur, Dame-Street, Dublin; Wilkinson, Printer, Newry, [1817] (NLI)
- Tanderagee Brunswick Club, At a meeting of the vice presidents and committee of the ... Club, ... 29th September, 1828. ... It was agreed that the following declaration be circulated. ... , Ashe, printer, Armagh [1828] (NLI)
- Teeling, Charles Hamilton (1778-1850), Observations on the "History and consequences" of the "Battle of the Diamond", [John Hodgson], [Belfast], 1838 (NLI)
- Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, Lists of historic buildings, groups of buildings, areas of architectural imp... , Ulster... (The Building Centre, 4 Arthur Place, Belfast BT1 4HG) (QUB)
- Waterman, Dudley; compiled and edited by C.J. Lynn, Excavations at Navan Fort, 1961-71, County Armagh, Stationary Office, Belfast, 1997 (NLI)