'Geographical State and Circumstances', Statistical Survey of the county of Armagh
Excerpts from Ch. I, "Geographical State and Circumstances", Statistical Survey of the County of Armagh
... by Sir Charles Coote, Bart., orig. pub. by Craisberry & Campbell, Dublin, 1804.
- "Armagh, a rectory united with the deanery, in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh, Upper Fews, and O'Neiland west. Yearly value 1400l. Lord Viscount Lifford, incumbent, who resides. The parsonage and glebe are both excellent. A considerable quantity of deanery lands are let at low rents, and renewed like bishops' leases. Four perpetual cures are annexed to this parish, which have small glebes and parsonages: 1. Lisnadill, 2. Grange, 3. Newtown-Hamilton, 4. Eden. Eglish is annexed to the choir of the cathedral. The church and parsonage of Lisnadill were erected by the late Lord Rokeby during his primacy, in a style truly characteristic of their noble founder. The first fruits of this parish are 25l."
- "Ballymore, alias Tanderagee, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Lower Orior. Yearly value 900l. The Rev. Doctor Leslie, who died lately, was presented to this benefice by his grace Doctor Sterne, primate, anno 1757, and was forty-five years rector of this parish. He discharged the duties of his station in so exemplary a manner, that his memory will be revered by every person who knew him. An elegant parsonage and glebe is contiguous to the town of Tanderagee.
"The Doctor procured a second church to be built in this parish, as a chapel of ease, at Poyntz's pass, and established a perpetual cure with a neat house, and a small glebe for the curate. The late incumbent constantly resided. First fruits, 13l. 6s. 8d."
- "Ballymoier, alias Ballywire, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Upper Fews. Yearly value 180l. The Rev. Mr. Paul, incumbent, who resides. This parish has a handsome parsonage, and small glebe, and the entire parish was originally part of Armagh parish."
- "Clonfeacle, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and the counties of Armagh and Tyrone. The greater part is in Tyrone, and barony of Dungannon ; the lesser in Armagh, and baronies of Armagh and O'Neiland west. The parish church is at Benburb, on the borders of the two counties ; the parsonage and glebe in Tyrone. The Rev. Doctor Richardson, late a Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, incumbent. The value of this living in Armagh county is very small. The patronage is in the College. First fruits, 16l."
- "Cregan [sic], a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Lower and Upper Fews. Yearly value 700l. The Hon. and Rev. Percy Jocelyn, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is a good parsonage, and extensive glebe, but the land is indifferent. A charter school was established here for thirty children, anno 1737, and endowed with three acres of land in perpetuity, one by the late Rev. Hugh Hamill, D. D. when incumbent, who also subscribed 5l. annually ; another by the late Francis Hall, Esq. and a third by the late Thomas Ball, Esq. First fruits of parish 25l."
- "Derrynoose, alias Madden, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh and Turenny. Yearly value 700l. The Rev. Mr. Staples, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is an old, but neat parsonage, and a glebe. First fruits 20l."
- "Drumcree, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of O'Neiland west. Yearly value 450l. The Rev. Mr. Maunsell, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is an old parsonage, and some glebe. First fruits, 18l."
- "Armagh, a rectory united with the deanery, in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh, Upper Fews, and O'Neiland west. Yearly value 1400l. Lord Viscount Lifford, incumbent, who resides. ... Eglish is annexed to the choir of the cathedral."
- "Forkhill, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Upper Orior. Yearly value 250l. The Rev. Mr. Atkinson, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is a neat small parsonage, and a small glebe ; a very considerable charity has been established under an act of parliament, springing from a most extraordinary will, made by the late Richard Jackson, Esq. of Forkhill."
- "Armagh, a rectory united with the deanery, in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh, Upper Fews, and O'Neiland west. Yearly value 1400l. Lord Viscount Lifford, incumbent, who resides. The parsonage and glebe are both excellent. A considerable quantity of deanery lands are let at low rents, and renewed like bishops' leases. Four perpetual cures are annexed to this parish, which have small glebes and parsonages: 1. Lisnadill, 2. Grange, 3. Newtown-Hamilton, 4. Eden. ...
"Newry, a lay-rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and the counties of Armagh and Down. The greater part is in Down county, and the entire parish is in the lordship of Newry, which extends into Upper-Iveagh in Down, and into Upper Orior and O'Neiland west in Armagh. The church is in Down county. The lord of the manor is the rector, and his vicar is the Rev. Doctor Campbell, who resides ; but there is no glebe or parsonage. Grange, near Loughgall, is part of this parish, and was formerly the grange of the old abbey of Newry."
- "Keady, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Upper Orior. Yearly value 1300l. The Rev. Mr. M'Cleland, incumbent, does not reside here, but in the town of Armagh, where he has a parsonage, as precentor to the cathedral. No parsonage for the rector in this extensive parish ; but at Camlough near Newry a new church has been lately built, as a chapel of ease, and a small house for the curate who resides ; a small glebe has also been laid off. The rector's glebe lands are extensive. First fruits, 20l."
- "Mullabrack, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Lower Fews. Yearly value, 1100l. The Rev. Doctor Hamilton, incumbent, who resides occasionally here, and at the observatory, near Armagh, of which he is astronomer. In this parish is a good parsonage, and a glebe of about 1200 acres. A chapel of ease has been lately built at Kilcloney, between Keady and Market-hill. First fruits of parish, 16l ; of this sum 6l. for Kilcloney, which was united."
- "[A]t Camlough near Newry a new church has been lately built, as a chapel of ease, and a small house for the curate who resides ; a small glebe has also been laid off."
- "Killyman, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and counties of Armagh and Tyrone; the greater part is in Tyrone, and barony of Dungannon ; the lesser in Armagh, and barony of O'Neiland east. The Rev. Mr. Caulfield, incumbent. The church, parsonage, and glebe, are in Tyrone county. The value of this living in Armagh is very small."
- "Killmore, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of O'Neiland west, and Lower Orior. Yearly value, 1100l. The Rev. Doctor Lodge, incumbent, who resides occasionally here in summer, and in Armagh city in winter, at the public library ; he is librarian. In this parish is an excellent new parsonage, and a fine glebe.
"It has also a chapel of ease at Mullavilly, near Tanderagee town, called New church, which was built about the year 1755, at the sole expence of the Rev. Doctor Brandreth, Dean of Emly, the then incumbent, and the ground was given by the then Lord Viscount Fane, on whose estate it was built. First fruits of this parish 18l."
- "Armagh, a rectory united with the deanery, in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh, Upper Fews, and O'Neiland west. Yearly value 1400l. Lord Viscount Lifford, incumbent, who resides. The parsonage and glebe are both excellent. A considerable quantity of deanery lands are let at low rents, and renewed like bishops' leases. Four perpetual cures are annexed to this parish, which have small glebes and parsonages: 1. Lisnadill, 2. Grange, 3. Newtown-Hamilton, 4. Eden. Eglish is annexed to the choir of the cathedral. The church and parsonage of Lisnadill were erected by the late Lord Rokeby during his primacy, in a style truly characteristic of their noble founder. The first fruits of this parish are 25l."
- "Loughgall, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of O'Neiland west. Yearly value 450l. The Rev. Mr. Bissett, incumbent, who resides occasionally here, and also at the parsonage and glebe of his other parish in the county of Louth, near Drogheda. In this parish is a very neat parsonage, and a good glebe, and a new and very handsome church has been lately built."
- "Loughgilly, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Lower Fews and Lower Orior. Yearly value 750l. The Rev. Dean Warburton, incumbent, who resides in an excellent parsonage, to which a good glebe is annexed. It has also a chapel of ease at Drumbanagher. First fruits of parish, 20l."
- "Shankill, alias Lurgan, a rectory in the diocess of Dromore, and barony of O'Neiland east. Yearly value, 500l. The Rev. Mr. Waring, incumbent, resides on his estate in the county of Down. There is no parsonage or glebe in this parish. First fruits, 6l."
- "Magheralin, a rectory in the diocess of Dromore, and the counties of Armagh and Down. The greater part is in Down county, and barony of Upper Iveagh. The lesser part in Armagh, and barony of O'Neiland east. The church, glebe, and parsonage are in Down county. The value of this living in Armagh is very small. First fruits, 5l."
- "Tynan, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Turenny. Yearly value, 900l. The Rev. Mr. Quin, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is a very elegant parsonage and glebe, and it has a perpetual cure at Middletown, where a very handsome new church and extensive parsonage has been lately built ; a small glebe is annexed. ... First fruits of parish, 20l."
- "Segoe, a vicarage in the diocess of Dromore, and baronies of O'Neiland east and west. Yearly value, 500l. The Rev. Mr. Blacker, incumbent, who resides. This parish has an excellent parsonage and glebe : it has also a perpetual cure at Muntuaghs, alias Mointagles, value, 120l. Part of the emolument of this cure arises from the first fruits office. First fruits, 4l."
- "Mullabrack, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Lower Fews. Yearly value, 1100l. The Rev. Doctor Hamilton, incumbent, who resides occasionally here, and at the observatory, near Armagh, of which he is astronomer. In this parish is a good parsonage, and a glebe of about 1200 acres. A chapel of ease has been lately built at Kilconey, between Keady and Market-hill. First fruits of parish, 16l ; of this sum 6l. for Kilcloney, which was united."
- "Newry, a lay-rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and the counties of Armagh and Down. The greater part is in Down county, and the entire parish is in the lordship of Newry, which extends into Upper-Iveagh in Down, and into Upper Orior and O'Neiland west in Armagh. The church is in Down county. The lord of the manor is the rector, and his vicar is the Rev. Doctor Campbell, who resides ; but there is no glebe or parsonage. Grange, near Loughgall, is part of this parish, and was formerly the grange of the old abbey of Newry."
- "Armagh, a rectory united with the deanery, in the diocess of Armagh, and baronies of Armagh, Upper Fews, and O'Neiland west. Yearly value 1400l. Lord Viscount Lifford, incumbent, who resides. The parsonage and glebe are both excellent. A considerable quantity of deanery lands are let at low rents, and renewed like bishops' leases. Four perpetual cures are annexed to this parish, which have small glebes and parsonages: 1. Lisnadill, 2. Grange, 3. Newtown-Hamilton, 4. Eden."
- "Ballymore, alias Tanderagee, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Lower Orior. Yearly value 900l. The Rev. Doctor Leslie, who died lately, was presented to this benefice by his grace Doctor Sterne, primate, anno 1757, and was forty-five years rector of this parish. He discharged the duties of his station in so exemplary a manner, that his memory will be revered by every person who knew him. An elegant parsonage and glebe is contiguous to the town of Tanderagee.
"The Doctor procured a second church to be built in this parish, as a chapel of ease, at Poyntz's pass, and established a perpetual cure with a neat house, and a small glebe for the curate. The late incumbent constantly resided. First fruits, 13l. 6s. 8d."
- "Segoe, a vicarage in the diocess of Dromore, and baronies of O'Neiland east and west. Yearly value, 500l. The Rev. Mr. Blacker, incumbent, who resides. This parish has an excellent parsonage and glebe : it has also a perpetual cure at Muntuaghs, alias Mointagles, value, 120l. Part of the emolument of this cure arises from the first fruits office. First fruits, 4l."
- "Shankill, alias Lurgan, a rectory in the diocess of Dromore, and barony of O'Neiland east. Yearly value, 500l. The Rev. Mr. Waring, incumbent, resides on his estate in the county of Down. There is no parsonage or glebe in this parish. First fruits, 6l."
- "Ballymore, alias Tanderagee, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Lower Orior. Yearly value 900l. The Rev. Doctor Leslie, who died lately, was presented to this benefice by his grace Doctor Sterne, primate, anno 1757, and was forty-five years rector of this parish. He discharged the duties of his station in so exemplary a manner, that his memory will be revered by every person who knew him. An elegant parsonage and glebe is contiguous to the town of Tanderagee.
"The Doctor procured a second church to be built in this parish, as a chapel of ease, at Poyntz's pass, and established a perpetual cure with a neat house, and a small glebe for the curate. The late incumbent constantly resided. First fruits, 13l. 6s. 8d."
- "Tartaraghan, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of O'Neiland west. Yearly value, 300l. The Rev. Mr. Jephson, incumbent, who has a parsonage and glebe."
- "Tynan, a rectory in the diocess of Armagh, and barony of Turenny. Yearly value, 900l. The Rev. Mr. Quin, incumbent, who resides. In this parish is a very elegant parsonage and glebe, and it has a perpetual cure at Middletown, where a very handsome new church and extensive parsonage has been lately built ; a small glebe is annexed. ... First fruits of parish, 20l."