


Index page for Yorkshire Subsidy Rolls for 1379.


Subsidy Rolls (Poll Tax) for the year 1379



The following information was transcribed from The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journals (all pre 1900). The data is "signed" J.G. 8th February, 1879.
In the journals the data is given wapentake by wapentake, however this format makes very large files when placed on the World Wide Web, and so I have split the data into places, and then re-combined the data into parishes so that it can be accessed from the relevant Genuki parish pages eventually. Most of the information concerns the West Riding, however there is also most of the Ainsty wapentake and Howdenshire in the East Riding. The only information for the North Riding is for Humburton in Kirby Hill parish in the West Riding.
The headings of each of the sections are given below, along with a list of the parishes for which there is data.

When I first placed these files on the Genuki site, there were quite a lot of places with names that I couldn't identify. These have been identified with the help of Yvonne Clarke, Carolyn Fenwick and members of the Yorksgen mailing list.

To return from whence you came, press the "back" button at the top of the browser window.

Colin Hinson, September, 2003.


Archæological and Topographical Journal



(Membrane 1, column 1.)


Public Record Office, Lay Subsidies, West Riding Co. York, No. 200/40, Poll Tax A° 2 Richard II. The following is the account of this record given in the catalogue "A Roll made up of portions found at very different times, all in a very good state of preservation, which have been brought together and put in a perfect state of arrangement, so as now to form one of the most complete and valuable of the whole body of the Subsidy Rolls. That it is now complete, and in the state in which it was originally delivered into the Exchequer, appears from this, that attached to one of the membranes, united by old stitching, is the Indenture dated, at Doncaster Monday next after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the third year of the King (Richard the Second), made between William de Melton and John Sayvyll, Assessors and Taxors of the Subsidy granted to King Richard the Second in the second year of his reign, in the West riding com. Ebor, on the one part, and Peter Mauleverer, knt., and Richard Lewer, of Doncaster, collectors of the said Subsidy, on the other part, witnessing that the said assessors have delivered to the said collectors 53 indented Rolls in which the names of all persons in the Westriding being of the age of 16, and not notorious mendicants, and the sums charged on each, according to their state and degree, are fully set down according to the form of the said grant. The Rolls, according to the tenor of this Indenture are indented, and are in number exactly 53, viz:-

Strafford                  9
Tickhill 5
Staincross 4
Osgodcross 8
Barkstone Ash 5
Agbrig 4
Morley 4
Skyrack 3
Claro 4
Staincliff and Ewcross 5
Aynsty 2
Total 53

The original cover remains attached to one of the Rolls, with this contemporary title, `Rotuli Coll. Subsidior' Regi a laic. anno s'c'do concess. in Westrythyng' in com. Ebor,'-' Coll. Westrythyng.'"
The following is the Indenture, dated at Doncaster, above referred to. It remains attached to membrane 45 of the complete Record "Hec indentura facta inter Willelmum de Meltoñ & Johannem Sayuylle, assessores & taxatores subsidii Regi Ricardo secundo post conquestum anna regni sui secundo concessi in Westrythyngo in Comitatu Eboraci (ex una parte) & Petrum Mauleuerer, Chiualer, & Ricardum Lewer' de Doncastre Collectores ejusdem subsidii ibidem ex parte altera testatur quod iidem assessores & taxatores liberarunt prefatis Collectoribus liij rotulos indentatos in quibus nomina omnnium personarum in Westrythyngo predicto existentium etatem xvj annorum excedencium veris mendicantibus dumtaxat exceptis ac summe particulares singulas earundem personarum de dicto subsidio juxta status suos & gradus conting(ent)es planarie annotantur. Ad leuandom & colligendum dictum subsidium juxta formam concessionis ejusdem in Westrythyngo predicto per Rotulus predictos ad opus Regis virtute commissionis Regis eisdem Collectoribus inde directe. In cujus rei testimonium partes predicte Sigilla sua hiis indentoris alternatim apposuerunt. Datum apud Doncastre die lune proximo ante festum Exaltacionis sancte Crucis anno regni dicti domini Regis tercio."
(The Seals are gone.)

8th February, 1879.

Transcribed from
The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journals.
Information repoduced here by kind agreement with the Yorkshire Archaeological Society.
OCR, checking and correction by Peter Nelson ©2001
scanning and formatting software by Colin Hinson.