


Tickhill Supplementary


In 1822, the following places were in
the Parish of Tickhill:

"BAGLEY, a farm-house in the township, liberty and parish of Tickhill; from which it is one mile S."

"CARR HOUSE, or CARHOUSE or CARRIS, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill, liberty of Tickhill, 1½ miles from Tickhill."

"DUMPLING CASTLE, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill; 1½ mile from Tickhill, 3½ from Bawtry."

"EASTFIELD, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill; half a mile from Tickhill.

This old mansion, (now much modernised) was formerly the residence of the ancient family of the Eastfields, descendants of William Eastfield, Esq. who was Lord Mayor of London in 1386. "The Laughton family resided here for many years, but whether they hold the estate by descent or purchase is uncertain. --Northern Star."

"FOLDS, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill, liberty of Tickhill; 1½ miles S. of Tickhill."

"MOOR HOUSE, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill; 1 mile from Tickhill."

"SOUTH WONGS, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill; 1¼ miles from Tickhill."

"SPITAL HILL, 2 farm-houses in the township and parish of Tickhill; 1 mile E. of Tickhill.

This place has its name from an Hospital or Free Chapel founded here, in 1326, having several priests and brethren in it. It was afterwards annexed to the Priory of Humberston. --Tanner."

"STANCIL, 2 farm-houses in the parish of Tickhill, lower-division of Strafforth and Tickhill, liberty of Tickhill; 2 miles from Tickhill, 7 from Doncaster, 10 from Rotherham. Pop. including Wellingley and Wilsic, 54, which being united, form a township."

"WELLINGLEY, 2 farm-houses in the township of Stansill with Wellingley and Wilsic, and parish of Tickhill; 2 miles N. of Tickhill, 7 from Doncaster, 10 from Rotherham. Pop. included in Stansill."

"WILSIC, in the township of Stansill with Wellingley and Wilsic, and parish of Tickhill, lower-division of Strafforth and Tickhill, liberty of Tickhill; (Wilsic Hall, the seat of George Parker, Esq.) 2 miles NW. of Tickhill, 5 from Doncaster, 6 from Bawtry. Pop. included in Stansill."

"WOOLTHWAITE, a farm-house in the township and parish of Tickhill; 2 miles SW. of Tickhill."

[Description(s) edited from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson © 2013]