


Tickhill, Yorkshire, England. Geographical and Historical information from 1834.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1834.

"TICKHILL, a small market town and township, in the parish of its name, in the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, West Riding, is 156 miles from London, 10 e. from Rotherham, 7 s. from Doncaster, and 4 w. from Bawtry, in Nottinghamshire ; situate on the border of that county, and the streets composing the town are disposed neatly in the form of a cross, by the roads from Worksop to Doncaster, and from Bawtry to Rotherham. This town was formerly highly noted for its malting business, and it is still the principal trade of the place ; there is also a manufactory for paper. The only object here, calculated to excite interest with the curious traveller, is the castle -- the ruins of which are still sufficient to convey an idea of its once great strength and magnitude. The edifice was founded by Roger de Busli, one of the Conqueror's followers, and in 1646 it was dismantled by order of the parliament. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, resided at Tickhill castle. Lord Scarborough is lessee of the manor, under the crown, and holds courts leet and baron twice in the year.

The places of worship here are, the parish church, and a chapel each for calvinists and methodists. The church, which is dedicated to St. Mary, is a handsome structure, in the later style of English architecture, having a fine tower with pinnacles, and the interior is ornamented with some handsome monuments. Near the church is a Maison Dieu, comprising fourteen alms houses for poor widows ; and there is a free school in the church yard. The market is held on Friday ; and the fairs on the 21st of August, and the second Friday in October ; the latter having been recently established. The parish contained, by the census taken in 1821, 1,884 inhabitants, and in 1831, 2,084, of which last number 2,018 were returned for the township."

[Transcribed by Steve Garton ©2000 from
Pigot's directory (Yorkshire section) 1834]