Tickhill Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for TICKHILL in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office,
- Northgate, Sarah Binge, Post Mistress.
- Letters for all parts are despatched to Bawtry every morning at half-past ten, and arrive every afternoon at two.
Nobility Gentry and Clergy,
- Alderson Mrs. Ann, Sunderland ht
- Amery Thomas, sen. gent. Northgate
- Baskit Roger, gent. Westgate
- Coleman William, esq. Wadworth hall
- Cooke Rev. Alexander, Loversall
- Craven John, gent. Northgate
- Hunt Mrs. Martha; Sunderland street
- Hunt Mrs. Mary, Sunderland street
- Laughton Mrs. Sarah, Sunderland street
- Lumley the Hon. Frederick, Tickhill castle
- Luyard Charles Burgew, esq. Westgate
- Metcalfe Mrs. Fanny, Westgate
- Monks Mrs. Ann, Sunderland street
- Nettleship John, esq. Sunderland street
- Outwith Humph. gent. Sunderland street
- Rhodes Mrs Elizabeth Ann, Westgate
- Sanderson Mrs. Ann, Sunderland street
- Scarborough the Right Hon. the Earl of, Sandbeck hall
- Shore Mrs. Mary, Tickhill castle
- Simpson Thomas, gent. Wadworth
- Tweedale Joseph, gent. Field house
- Verelst Rev. Arthur Charles, Wadworth
- Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth Northgate
- Woodcock Mrs. Hannah, Lindric
Academies & Schools,
- Alderson Miss Frances (ladies' boarding) Northgate
- Ash Rev. Benjamin (gentlemen's boarding) Lindric
- Lye Reuben (gentlemen's commercial & boarding) Sunderland street
- Moore Thomas, (boys' day) Westgate
- Ryder William, (gents boarding) Spittal
- Hawke John Watson, Westgate
Bakers & Flour Dealers,
- Bradley William, Sunderland street
- Moody Joseph, jun. Northgate
- Moody Joseph, sen. Westgate
- Pailthorp William, Northgate
- Barlow John, Wadworth
- Blunt Matthew, Westgate
- Elvidge John, Westgate
- Fitzgeorge John, Loversall
- Genn William, Northgate
- Hartshorn John, Wadworth
- Thompson John, Northgate
- Thompson Thomas, Northgate
- Thompson William, Wadworth
Boot & Shoe Makers,
- Cartwright Thomas, Sunderland street
- Harwood Francis, Northgate
- Hill John, Westgate
- Johnson Benjamin, Sunderland street
- Machin John, Northgate
- Storey James, Westgate
- Bellwood Robert & Roger, Westgate
- Nevin Charles, North gate
- Amery Thomas, jun. Westgate
- Ashton Francis, Sunderland street
- Collier William, Wadworth
- Downs George, Market place
- Hopkinson George, Sunderland street
- Roebuck Thomas, Wadworth
- Skelton Benjamin, Westgate
- Wood John, Sunderland street
- Watkinson James, Northgate
- Watkinson John, Northgate
Corn Millers,
- Foster Richard, Westgate
- Pagden Thomas, Spittal
- Stocks William, Loversall
- Wheatley George, Loversall
Dress & Straw Hat Makers,
- Jarvis Ann(straw hat)Sunderland street
- Milnes A. (straw hat) Sunderland street
- Stancer Mary (dress) Westgate
- Turner Elizabeth (dress) North gate
- Turner Charles, Northgate
- Turner William, Westgate
Grocers & Drapers,
- Jenkinson John, Northgate
- Kemp John, Market place
- Pearson Edward, Sunderland street
Hair Dressers,
- Atkinson William, Westgate
- Turner James, Westgate
Inns, Taverns & Public Houses,
- Angel, William Law, Wadworth
- Angel, George Pailthorp, Market place
- Black Swan, Richard Sissons, Sunderland street
- Carpenters' Arms, William Hancock, Westgate
- Labour-in-Vain, George Ellis, Northgate
- Millstone, John Sidwell, Westgate
- Red Lion (and Commercial Inn)
- Thomas Gardiner, Market place
- Three Crowns, Jonathan Turnell, Northgate
- Wagon and Horses, John Dodson, Loversall
- White Hart, Thomas Wordsworth, Wadworth
- Copley Richard, Westgate
- Dawson Bartholomew, Northgate
- Faris Joseph, Westgate
- Ludlam John, Market place
- Moore Joseph, Northgate
Land Surveyor,
- Wilkinson Stephen (and agent) Market place
- Hazlehurst George, Northgate
- Hopkinson Paul, Northgate
- Jackson Benjamin, Wadworth
- Lockwood William, Wadworth
- Marsden William, Westgate
- Pagden John, Westgate
Manufacturers - Sundries,
- Dale George, (stockings Sunderland st Hepworth Joseph woollen cloth) Northgate, and Farnley, near Huddersfield
- Turner George (hats) Northgate
- Wilkinson George, (paper) Paper Mill
- Wood Samuel (worsted & hosiery) Sunderland street
Nail Manufacturers,
- Royston Henry, Northgate
- Woodhead William, Northgate
Painters, Plumbers and Glaziers,
- Brown John, Westgate
- Jarvis Joshua, Sunderland street
- Ridgill John, Northgate
- Marshall Edward, Westgate
- Whitaker James, Market place
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries,
- Denton William, Wadworth
- Dyson James, Northgate
- Law John, Wadworth
- Lee George, Loversall
- Mason William, Northgate
- Norcliffe George, Wadworth
- Staniforth George, Westgate
- Sykes William, Northgate
- Walton John, Westgate
- Wigglesworth Robert, Northgate
- Clarke William, North gate
- Loxley George, North gate
- Gibson William, Wadworth
- Goodridge William, Westgate
- Hickson Edward, Northgate
- Jennings Daniel, Westgate
- Percy James, Market place
- Shilitoe Robert, Northgate
- Coggin Thomas Wadworth
- Green George, Wadworth
- Green John, Market place
- Jacques John, Sunderland street
- Lambert Edward, Westgate
- Ricards Robert, Market place
- White William, Market place
- Wilson William, Wadworth
Woollen Drapers,
- Hepworth James, Northgate
- Wood Samuel, (& linen) Sunderland street
- Bosville Sarah, earthenware dlr. Westgate
- Faris Joseph, parish clerk, Westgate
- Flower Willoughby, plasterer, Sunderland street
- Howson George, stone mason, Northgate
- Jefferson William, veterinary Surgeon, Sunderland street
- Malkin Thomas, gamekeeper to the Earl of Scarborough, Sunderland street
- Rhodes Thomas, tanner, Westgate
- Scarfe Abraham, gardener, &c. Sunderland street
- Smith John, calenderer, Westgate
- Stancer Mary, confectioner, Westgate
- Storer George, ironmonger, Sunderland street
- Subscription Library, Sunderland st-John Wilson, librarian
- All call at the 'Red Lion, Market place.
- To Gainsboro', the Royal Forester (from Nottingham) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at seven; goes through Bawtry &c
- To Louth, the Royal Mail (from Sheffield) every forenoon at eleven; goes through Bawtry, Gainsborough, Spittal, Market Rasen &c.
- To Nottingham, the Royal Forester (from Gainsborough) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at three; goes through Worksop, Wellow, Newark, &c.
- To Sheffield the Royal Mail (from Louth) every afternoon at two; goes through Rotherham, &c.
- To Doncaster, Robert Booth, from his house, Northgate, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday horning.-And to Sheffield, every Monday and Friday morning.
- To Bawtry Gainsborough and Sheffield, Christopher Embley, from his warehouse, Northgate, every Monday and Friday.
- To Retford, George Malkin, from his house, Westgate, every Saturday, and to Rotherham and Sheffield, every Monday and Saturday mornings.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003