


Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: TICKHILL.     Church dedication: ST. MARY.     Church type: Discharged Vicarage.

Area, 6,470 acres. Strafforth and Tickhill wapentake, S.D. -Population, 2,084 *1; Church-room, 800; Net value, £261. -There was a Church at Tickhill before the Conquest, and which King Henry I. gave to the Priory of Nostel *2.

Thurston, Archbishop of York, probably confirmed the gift, but he was not the donor, as stated by Burton and Torre. A Vicarage ordained therein, 15th Kal., June 1248. A second ordination was made in 1302, and on the 15th February 1431, by which the Vicar was charged with the repairs of the Chancel.

At the Dissolution, the Advowson was granted to the Foljambe family.

Patron and impropriator, G. S. Foljambe, Esq.

The Rectory is valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation at £26. 13s. 4d., and the Vicarage at £20. In the King's books, the Vicarage is valued at £7. 2s. 6d., after deducting for Synodals and Procurations 11s. 6d.; and in the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xviii. page 482, it is stated : " Vicarage, £30 per annum. The Rectory is impropriate, the inheritance of Peter Foljiam, Esq. paying £32 per annum fee farm rent to the State. There is another tithe impropriate called St. Nicholas Tithes, belonging to the Earl of Arundel, paying £4. 10s. fee farm rent to the State."

Augmented in 1793, with £200, by lot.

" The Vicarage is worth about £27 per annum. No glebe, except the church-yard and two yards, about an acre and a half. It is endowed with wool, lamb, Easter dues, fruit, &c., and the tithe hay of some small yards adjoining to their dwelling-houses. £3. 12s. was left to the Church, viz., by J. Rawnster, 8s. for a sermon on the first Sunday in August ; by John Skinner, 6s. 8d.; and by Henry Burn, 17s. 4d.; and by Henry Saxton, £2" -Notitia Parochialis, No. 794.

An Inclosure Act was passed 5th Geo. III. (High and Low Commons.)

For the inscriptions, catalogue of Vicars, and view of the interior of the Church, see Hunter's South Yorkshire.

Four Chantries were established in this Church. Two only are named by Torre.

21st May 1770, faculty to erect a gallery.

The glebe house is fit for residence.

The Register Books commence in 1542. Some chasms.

Almshouse, or Maison Dieu. There are no original deeds or writings extant respecting the foundation and endowment of this institution. The almshouse, which was rebuilt in 1730, contains eight separate tenements for as many poor persons, and the charity is under the management of three inhabitants of the parish, called Maison Dieu Masters, who are nominated once in three years by the inhabitants and the occupiers of the almshouse, each of the trustees acting exclusively in the direction for one year. The income arises from the rent of 29a. 0r. 18p. of land, two houses, and rents-charge of £1. 2s. 2d.

Each of the poor persons, usually widows, receives 6s. a month, and they have divided among them £2 at Tickhill fair, and £1 on the rent day, and they receive each of them one load of coals per annum. The residue of the rents is applied in support of the almshouse and the buildings on the charity estate.

Doles. -Godfrey Holmes, by will, in 1581. Rent-charge of £1. 10s. per annum for six poor families.

Mr. Woodroof, by will, in 1664. Rentcharge of 6s. 8d. per annum to the poor.

Jennet Nicholson, by will. Rentcharge of 18s. per annum to the poor.

Henry Burn, by will, £20 to the poor, now in the hands of the Vicar, who pays 4½ per cent.; £20 to the Vicar, to remain in his own hands ; and £20 to the school, which latter sum was expended in 1790 in erecting a schoolhouse.

Lord Castleton, by will. £10 to the poor, now in the hands of the overseers.

Humphrey Holmes's gift. Annual payment of £5 out of two closes in the possession of the churchwardens and overseers, distributed among the poor at Christmas.

Bread Charities. - John Skinner, by will, in 1673. Rent-charge of £1 per annum ; also 6s. 8d. per annum to the Vicar. -Jane Farmery, rent of two acres of land. -Hierome Rawsterne, in 1540. Rent-charge of £2. 12s.; also 8s. per annum to the Vicar, which is not now paid. -These annual sums are laid out in bread, which is distributed at the Church.

for Education. -Jane Farmery devised a close at Stonebridge, containing 5a. 3r. 8p., the profits to be disposed of as follows : 40s. yearly to the Vicar for a sermon on new year's day, and on the 24th September, if a Sunday, and if not, on the following Sunday ; the residue of the profits to be for solid learning for three poor boys of the parish of Tickhill, or as many as the residue would be sufficient for learning, and books at the free school at Tickhill.

Duchy Payment. £4. 8s. 8d. is paid annually from the Duchy Court of Lancaster for school teaching at Tickhill.

Robert Dann's gift, by will. Rent-charge of 3s. 4d. per annum to buy poor children books. -The above-mentioned rents and payments are now applied towards the support of a national school. The accounts are kept by the Vicar, who acts as treasurer. - Vide 17th Report, page 800.

Post town: Bawtry.

Torre's MS., page 849. Nonae Roll, page 220. Ashmole Catalogue. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. i. page 241. Bodleian MS., No. 5,101. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. i. page 220.

*1 Viz. Stancill with Wellingley and Wilsack, 66; and Tickhill, 2018. -In 1834, the return was 2118.

*2 This fact is established by the Prior's Book, in the possession of Mr. Winn.

Other information:
FREE CHAPEL ROYAL. -There was a Free Chapel Royal in the Castle of Tickhill, which was collegiate, and governed by a warden, whose patronage belonged to the Dukes of Lancaster.

Mon. Ang., vol. vi. page 1474. Torre's MS., page 855.

Further information:
HOSPITAL OF ST. LEONARD. -This existed before A.D. 1225.

Mon. Ang., vol. vi. page 782.

Further information:
HOUSE OF AUSTIN FRIARS, founded by John Clarell, Dean of St. Paul's.

Mon. Ang., vol. iv. page 1603.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
OCR and changes for Web page presentation
by Colin Hinson. © 2013.