


Thorpe Salvin Poor Act 1802.


The Thorpe Salvin Poor Act 1802.


To the overseers of the Poor of the Township of Thorpe Salvin

Whereas by an act passed in the forty-second year of the reign of his present MAJESTY, it is amongst other things enacted, that from and after the first day of June, 1802, all overseers of the Poor are required to keep a register at the expense of the Parish, of all children, who shall be bound or placed out Parish apprentices, which register must contain the several particulars, in manner and form required by the same Act. A copy of the schedule is hereunto annexed; and every such entry, when made in the said register, shall be produced and laid before the two Justices of the Peace, who shall signify their assent to the Indenture of apprenticeship of every such child, at the time when such Indenture shall be be laid before such Justices for their assent, as required by the said recited Act, and each entry in the said register shall, if approved by such Justices, be signed by them according to the form marked in the schedule hereunto annexed. And it is by the said recited Act further enacted, that if any overseer, or overseers or their successor, or successors, shall refuse, or neglect to provide and keep such book, or books, or to make such entry therein as before directed, or shall destroy, efface, or alter any entry, or suffer the same to be done, or shall make a false entry of any of the particulars, or cause the same to be done, or shall not produce such book, before such Justices as aforesaid, for their signature, or shall not deliver over such book, or books, to his, her or their successor, or successors in Office, within fourteen days after the appointment of such successor, or successors; or if any successor, or successors, shall neglect or refuse to receive the same when offered or tendered to him, or them, by his, or their predecessors, every such Person so offending, shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay, a sum not exceeding FIVE POUNDS, to be recovered in manner and form, as directed by the said Act. And it is further by the said recited Act enacted, that any Person, or Persons may inspect [at reasonable hours] such book, or books, in the hands of such overseer or overseers, and take copy of such entry, in such book, or books, upon payment of the sum of SIXPENCE: except Justices of the Peace, who are at all times entitled to inspect the same gratis; and such books shall be deemed sufficient evidence in all courts of law whatsoever, in proof of the existence of such indenture, and also of the several particulars, specified in the said Register, respecting such Indentures, in case it shall be proved to the satisfaction of such Court, that the said Indentures have been lost, or destroyed; anything in any former Act, or Acts, to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
from original material transcribed by
Wath and Mexborough Archives.
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