Tadcaster Directory of Trades and Professions for 1822
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for TADCASTER in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades
- Post Master- John Hartley, Office, East Side Bridge.
- Acomb William, (day) Bridge foot
- Collins James, (day) Vicarage lane
- Jones Robert, (day) High street
- Reed Hannah, (ladies' day) Chapel st.
- Rhodes Rev. William, (grammar) Church street
- Tasker Catharine and Mary, (ladies' boarding) Vicarage house
- Weatherby John, (day) Chapel street
- Webster George (day) Rawcliffe's yard, East side bridge
- Ballie Richard, Kirkgate
- Upton George, Westgate
- Upton James, Westgate
Auctioneers and Appraisers,
- Cameron Daniel, Bridge street
- Hunter Thomas, (appraiser) High St.
- Leaberry William, High street
- Pannet George, East side bridge
- Simpson Michael, East side bridge
- Wood Eleanor, (and confectioner) Chapel street
Basket Makers,
- Daniel Thomas, Bridge street Daniel
- John, East side bridge
Blacksmiths, &c.
- Ellis Thomas, High street
- Groves William, Bridge street
- Hawkin William, High street
- Houseman William, East side bridge
- Irish John, East side bridge
- Reynolds John, Chapel street
- Swift Joseph, East side bridge
Booksellers, Binders, &c.,
- Bee John & William, (and perfumers) Bridge street
Boot and Shoe Makers,
- Grimston Robert, East side bridge
- Hodgson William, Vicarage lane
- Holdstock Henry, Chapel street
- Kidd Charles, East side bridge
- Lockwood Thomas, High street
- Lofthouse Benjamin, Chapel street
- Marshall John New street
- Middleton William, Kirkgate
- Nicholson George, East side bridge
- Nicholson John, Bridge street
- Nicholson William, Kirkgate
- Robinson John, Kirkgate
- Smith John, High street
- Snowden William, Kirkgate
Braziers and Tinsmiths,
- Lofthouse Joseph, Chapel street
- Stafford John, High street
- Hartley Jane, (ale) New street
Bricklayers, &c.
- Potter William, East side bridge
- Stellings John, East side bridge
- Daniel William, East side bridge
- Goodbarn Benjamin, Market place
- Lofthouse Christopher, East side bridge
- Lofthouse Wilson, High street
- Nottage John, Bridge street
- Parke Henry, Kirkgate
- Wilkinson James, High street
Cabinet Makers,
- Huscroft John, Centre lane
- Huscroft William, High street
- Marshall William, Chapel street
- Simpson Thomas High street
- Smith Richard, Kirkgate
- Waterhouse Henry, New street
Coal Dealers,
- Cameron Daniel, Bridge street
- Foster John, Bridge street
- S pence John, Bridge street
- Watson Joseph, East side bridge
- Clark Thomas, Bridge street
- Midlam Benjamin Kirkgate
Corn Millers,
- Allenby John; East side bridge
- Hartley Thomas, East side bridge
Fire Offices,
- County William Smith, High street
- Norwich Union, Benj. Scott, High st.
Grocers, Tea Dealers, &c.,
- Bell John, East side bridge
- Bromet John, (& druggist) Bridge st,
- Saville George, High street
- Smith Richard, High street
- Whitwell John, Bridge street
- Wilsthorp James, Bridge street
Hat Manufacturers,
- Bean William, High street Crossley
- William, Chapel street
Hotels, Inns and Taverns,
- Angel Inn, Matthew Kidd, (posting house) High street
- Angel, Richard Farrar East side bdg.
- Bay Horse, William Houseman, East side bridge
- Black Bull, John Camomile, Kirkgate
- Bull & Dog, Samuel Varley, Kirkgate
- Coach and Horses, William Scott, East side bridge
- Crown, Robert Prince Kirkgate
- Elephant & Castle, Thomas Allenby East side bridge
- Falcon, Joseph Cawood, Chapel st.
- Falcon, Thomas Liversidge, Kirkgate
- Fleece, John Coates, Kirkgate
- George & Dragon, William Hawkin, Nigh street
- Golden Lion, William Cullingworth Bridge street
- Griffin, Martha Williamson, New st.
- Hope and Anchor, John Spence, Bridge street
- Malt Shovel Eliz. Hoggitt, New st.
- Red Hart, John Coates, Bridge st.
- Red Lion, Thos. Bradley, Chapel st.
- Robin Hood, Jane Midlam, Kirkgate
- Rose and Crown, Stephen Thomas, (posting house) East side bridge
- Royal Oak, John Gaines, East side bridge
- Travelling Man, William Ward, East side bridge
- White Horse, Wm. Backhouse, (posting house) High street
- White Swan, John Priest, Bridge St.
Joiners and Carpenters,
- Archbell John, (& hardware dealer) Kirkgate
- Fairborn John, Chapel street
- Pannet Marmaduke, Chapel st.
- Smith Richard, (& hardware dealer) Kirkgate
- Tasker John, New street
Libraries, Circulating,
- Bee Wm. & John, Bridge st.
- Scott Benj. Kirkgate
Linen and Woollen Drapers,
- Jackson Wm. Bridge street
- Naylor Geo. Kirkgate
- Saville Geo. High street
- Scott Benj. Kirkgate
- Smith Wm. High street
- Stafford J. Commercial street
- Bywater Witham, New street
- Hartley Jane, New street
- Smith Richard, Kirkgate
- Thomlinson Richard, High st.
Painters, House and Sign,
- Fairbourn Geo. Kirkgate
- Fairbourn John, Bridge street
- Thompson Wm. New street
Plumbers and Glaziers,
- Backhouse Samuel New street
- Borthwick John, Kirkgate
- Hook Joseph, New street
- Arnold Wm. Kirkgate
- Brown Francis High street
- Crabtree Joseph Bridge street
- Crabtree Wm. East side bridge
Spirit and Wine Merchants,
- Goldthorp Robert, (& porter) High st.
- Jackson Wm. Bridge street
- Swift Geo. (& porter) Kirkgate
Stone Masons,
- Bilbrough Enoch Chapel street
- Drake Michael, (lime burner & quarry owner) Chapel street
- Liversedge Thos. jun. (& lime burner) Kirkgate
- Liversedge Thos. sen. Chapel st.
- Plows Joseph, Back lane
- Plows Wm. Back lane
Straw Hat Manufacturers,
- Arnold Catharine, Kirkgate
- Wood Margaret, Kirkgate
- Crawford Samuel, Bridge street
- Dyson Henry, High street
- Shann Thomas, Kirkgate
- Spink H. H. Chapel lane
Tailors and Drapers,
Those marked thus * are Drapers
- Appleyard Wm. Kirkgate
- *Backhouse Joseph, Kirkgate
- Bean John, East side bridge
- * Bradley Thos. Chapel street
- Dalton Richard, Vicarage lane
- *Hollings George & Son, Bridge st.
- Hollings John, Kirkgate
- *Scott Benjamin, Kirkgate
Timber and Raff Merchants,
- Cameron Daniel, Bridge street
- Foster John, Bridge street
- Maude James & Son, East side bridge
Watch and Clock Makers,
- Dinmore Richard, Bridge st.
- Harrison Wm. High st.
- Parker Geo. Bridge st.
- Borthwick Henry, East side bridge
- Clough Nathan Bridge street
- Grocock Wm. East side bridge
- Lazenby Francis, High st.
Worsted Manufacturer,
- Nayler Geo. Kirkgate
- Addinell Geo. (land agent & valuer) Westgate
- Archbell Jane, (cheap shoe warehouse) Bridge street
- Archbell John, hair dresser, Kirkgate
- Atkinson John, shopkeeper, Kirkgate
- Backhouse James nail mfr. Westgate
- Braim Saml. shopkeeper, High st.
- Brown Michael, clogger Chapel st.
- Cawood John, stay maker, East side bridge
- Dixon Eliz. shopkeeper, East side bdg.
- England Thos. shopkeeper, Kirkgate
- Fawcett Eliz. shopkeeper, Kirkgate
- Fawcett John, glover, East side bdg.
- Heptonstall Geo. shopkeeper, High st.
- Hick Jane earthenware dlr. Kirkgate
- Holdstock Henry, shopkpr. Chapel st.
- Howcroft Lee, nail makers, Kirkgt.
- Jackson James, tallow chandler, Bridge street
- Jennings David, plasterer, Chapel st.
- Johnson Robert, shopkpr. Kirkgate
- Kirby Robert, currier and leather dresser, High street
- Knowles Wm. shopkeeper, Kirkgate
- Lumley John, waiter at the White Horse Inn
- Morley Jane, linen draper & milliner, Bridge street
- Muir Thomas, travelling draper
- Rhodes Rev. Wm. Church street
- Ridsdale Thos. exciseman, High st.
- Robinson John, shopkeeper and confectioner, Kirkgate
- Shellburn Thos. shopkpr. East side bdg.
- Simpson Michael, flour and provision dealer, East side bridge
- Spence John, linen weaver, Chapel st.
- Spencer John, shopkpr. East side bdg.
- Spink William, shopkeeper and linen weaver, Kirkgate
- Stead George, wire worker, High st.
- Taylor Wm. gentleman, Bridge st.
- Taylor Wm. shopkeeper, High street
- Thompson Mary shopkpr. High st.
- Wells Geo. shopkeeper, High street
- Whitwell John, hardwareman, Bridge street
- Wood Benjamin, Banks
- Worsnop Jonth. shopkpr. Chapel st.
- Wrangham James, supervisor, High st.
From the Rose and Crown, East side Bridge,
- ECLIPSE, at 7 in the morning to Leeds, to York at half past 5 afternoon.
- MAIL to Hull at 4 p 6 at night, to Liverpool at half past 1 in the morning.
- MAIL to London at 7 in the morning, to York, at half past 6 o'clock at night.
- NEW MAIL to York at 7 in the morning, to Liverpool at 12 noon.
From the White Horse, High street,
- OLD HIGHFLYER, at half past 2 in the morn, through Doncaster, &c. to London, to York 12 at noon.
- WELLINGTON, through Doncaster, to London every morn, at 1 o'clock, to Newcastle at 7 at night.
- WELLINGTON, to Leeds every morn. at 7 o'clock, to York every afternoon at 5.
From the Angel fun, High street,
- A Coach to Wakefield every Friday, at 7 in the morning.
- LORD NELSON, at 11 in the morning, through Doncaster to London, to York at 3 in the afternoon.
- NEW TRUE BLUE every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to Selby, at 7 o'clock in the morning.
- PRINCE BLUCHER, (in the Scarbro' season) at 12 o'clock at noon, to York, &c. to Leeds at 4 in the afternoon.
- The OLD TRUE BLUE, to York and Hull every morning at to, (in the Scarbro' season at 8) to Leeds at 3 in the afternoon.
- Leeds and York, JOHN HARTLEY, East side bridge, every day.
- York, WILLIAM KNOWLES, Kirk gate, on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HEADLEY HALL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.:
- Ward J. gentleman
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.:
- Chew Rev. William
- Galston Frederick, Esq.
- Long Misses
- Vavasour Sir Thomas Bart.
Miscellany of trades
- Alderson Wm. boot shoe maker
- Harrison John, carpenter
- Sharphouse E. & W. corn millers, lime burners & quarry owners
- Swift Wm. blacksmith & farrier
- Taylor William, wheelwright, & vict., Wheat Sheaf
- Taylor Wm. butcher
- Barker George
- Coulson Michael
- Coulson Ralph
- Heptonstall Peter
- Pearson Wm.
- Shilletoe James
- Smith Wormald
- Wright Robert
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003