


Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: SLAIDBURN.     Church dedication: ST. ANDREW.     Church type: Rectory in charge.

Area, 35,560 acres. Staincliffe wapentake, W.D. *1 -Population. 2,409 *2 ; Church-room, 700 *3; Net value, £336.

Patron, the Rev. H. Wigglesworth.

It appears from Torre, that the Church was given by Hugh de la Val, Lord of Pontefract, to the Priory of Pontefract, and thus continued a Rectory of their patronage till 24th August 1456, when the Priory granted the advowson to Laurence Bothe, clerk, Nic. Byron, Robert Clifton, and Seth de Wortley, Esqs. and they, as patrons thereof, gave it to the Chantry of St. Catherine, in the Church of Eccles, in the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, to whom it was appropriated, and a Vicarage endowed, of which Torre gives the particulars ; but he observes, that notwithstanding such ordination, he could find but one institution of a Vicar, viz. Wm. Johnson, 16th January 1507.

Dr. Whitaker gives a catalogue of the Rectors.

Valued in Pope Nicholas's first taxation at £20, nova tax £16; in the King's books at £28 per annum ; and in the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xviii. page 182, it is stated : " Rectory, £130. A Church to be built at Chapel House, near Rushton Grange, where a Chapel hath formerly been, as it is believed, and Daleheads, Gradell and Steene Moor to be made a parish."

" The Rector is entitled to the tithes of wheat, barley, oats, and other grain, arising on Raingill farm, in the township of Essington, in the said parish, in kind." -Wilson v. Maston. 4 Wood, Page 89.

Ecton and Bacon mention a Chapel dedicated to St. Peter, and valued at £4 in the King's books ; but such Chapel is not noticed in the Visitation Call ; and on inquiry at the Visitation in 1833, it appears there is no such Chapel in existence.

There was a Chapel at Hamerton, in this parish, wherein was a Chantry, founded by Stephen de Hamerton, in 1332, for the souls of said Stephen, and of Richard his father, and of Agnes his mother.

25th October 1740, faculty granted to take down the pulpit and reading-desk, and erect new ones.

The glebe house is fit for residence.

The Register books for baptisms commence in 1662 ; for burials, in 1653 ; and for marriages, in 1654.

The free school, founded by John Brannard, by will, dated 11th May 1717. The master and usher are required to be in orders. The school is free for any boys in the parish or neighbourhood to be instructed gratis in the learned languages, or in the English grammar only, at the option of their parents. A small charge is made for teaching writing and accounts. The endowment consists of a rent-charge of £80 per annum, viz. £50 for the master and £30 for the usher.

Dale Head school. Endowed in 1732, by William Clayton. The school is free to all children of Dale Head, who are taught English gratuitously, but a charge is made for writing and arithmetic. Income: interest of the dividends on £367. 10s. 3d. new four per cents.

Newton school. John Brabbin, by will, dated 21st April 1767, founded a Quaker's school, and directed that six Newton children, male or female, not Quakers, should be taught Latin, English, and arithmetic, freely.

Christopher Raingill's charity, by grant, about 1684. 31a. 2r. of land. The rent is applied in the same way as the rent of the poor's land.

Poor's land, 56a. The rent had been often applied in aid of the poor's rate, but the Commissioners recommended that it be given among the poor who do not receive parochial relief.

Thomas Forster's charity, by will, in 1692. Rent-charge of £5 per annum, for the poor of Slaidburn. -Vide 15th Report, page 714.

Post town: Clitheroe.

Torre's MS. page 587. Abp. Sharp's MS. vol. i. page 143. Whitaker's Craven, page 27. Whitaker's Whalley, page 447.

*1 Part of Bowland Forest, called Whitewell, containing 2,890 acres, is said to extend into Whalley parish, in the lower division of Blackburn hundred, (Lancashire,) and is there entered.

*2 Viz. Bowland Forest, High, 177; Bowland Forest, Low, 344; Easington, 424; Newton, 544 ; and Slaidburn, 920. In 1834, the Population was returned at 2,065.

*3 In 1818, returned at 1,000.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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