Skipton Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SKIPTON in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post: - Post Office, Sheep street, Edward Tindal, Post master
- Post Office, Gargrave, Christiana Stanbrook, Post mistress
- Abbotson Miss Dorothy, Swadforth st
- Abbotson Mrs. Mary, Swadforth st
- Alcock Mrs. Mary, Mount pleasant
- Baynes Miss Elizabeth, Market place
- Blackburn Mrs. Sarah, Market place
- Brown Thomas, esq. (coroner) New Market st
- Carr Rev. William, Bolton abbey
- Chamberlain Mrs. Margaret, New Market st
- Cockshott Misses Ellen & Elizabeth, New Market st
- Cockshott Mr. Thomas, Swadforth st
- Coulthurst John Nicholas, esq. Gargrave
- Davy Mr. John, New Market st
- Dixon Mrs. Elizabeth, New Market st
- Dodgson Mr. Thomas, M.D. Water st
- Garforth J.B. esq. Cuniston
- Gathercole Rev. ---, M.A. Chapel lane
- Hammerton J.esq. Hillfield peel
- Hay Rev. Edward (vicarage) Broughton
- Heelis Thomas, esq. (agent to the Earl of Thanet) Castle
- Hitchen Mrs. ---, New road
- Kenion the Misses ---, Gargrave
- Lace F.J. esq. Ingthorpe grange
- Levitt Rev. Walter (vicar) Carleton
- Leydon Mr. Robert, Water st
- Marsden Rev. Anthony, Gargrave
- Mason Mr. Joseph, Gargrave
- Metcalfe Mrs. Elizabeth, New Market st
- Moorhouse Mr. Edward, Gargrave
- Moorhouse Mr. John, Holme bridge
- Moorhouse Mrs. Margaret, Gargrave
- Midgela Mrs. Farrington, New Market st
- Moulding Miss Margaret, Castle
- Netherwood Mr. William, Stradforth st
- Pering Rev. J. (vicarage) Kildswick
- Preston Cooper, esq. Flashby hall
- Preston Miss Elizabeth, New Market st
- Preston Mrs. Jane, New Market st
- Rimington Miss Ellen, New Market st
- Sedgwick J.B. esq. Stone gap
- Sharp Rev. Thomas, New Market st
- Shaw Mr. William, Bailey house
- Shiers Mrs. Esther, Gargrave
- Smith Miss Jane, Mount Pleasant
- Smith Richard, New Market st
- Taylor Mrs. Catherine, Mill bridge
- Tempest Charles, esq. Broughton hall
- Thomlinson Rev. Robert, Top of New Market st
- Trappes Rev. Michael (catholic) Broughton
- Wainman R.B. esq. Car head
- Wasney Rev. W.B. Fence end
- Watkinson the Misses Jane Bell & Mary, Gargrave
- Watkinson Mr. Peter, Highgate house
- Wilson Matthew, esq. Ashton hall
Not otherwise described are Day Schools
- Bailey Benson, Water st
- Chapman Mary, Sheep st
- Coultes Elizabeth & Jane, Sheep st
- Delk Mary Ann (ladies boarding & day) Market place
- Ellison Arabella, New Market st
- Elsworth Betsey (ladies boarding & day) Gargrave
- Free Grammar School, Top of New Market st --- Rev Robert Thomlinson, head master
- Free School, Carleton --- Matthew Smith, master
- Gathercole Rev. ---, M.A. (gentlemans boarding) Chapel lane
- Greenhow Sarah, Birdwhistle yard
- Hart Betsey, Gargrave
- National School, Back lane --- James Hull, master ; Ann Gudgeon, mistress
- Robinson Elizabeth (ladies boarding & day) Spencer's yard
- Smith Matthew (gentlemans boarding & day) Carleton
- Stanbrook Christiana, Gargrave
- Story Robert, Gargrave
- Watkinson Peter, Birdwhistle yard
- Alcock Henry, High st
- Brown James, New Market st
- Brown Thomas, New Market st
- Carr John, New Market st
- Carr Joseph (and chief clerk to commissioners of assessed taxes) New market st
- Greenwood Richard, Gargrave
- Hall Stephen Bailey (clerk to magistrates) Market place
- Tindal Charles, Market place
- Edmondson Thomas, Chancery lane
- Farnshaw Thomas, New Market st
- Gill Ellen, Swadforth st
- Hardesty Sarah, Swadforth st
- King John, Market place
- Lee Ann, Market place
- Birbecks, Alcocks & Co. (Craven branch) Market place --- (draw on Barnard, Dimsdale & Co. London)
- Chippendale, Netherwood & Carr, Market place --- (draw on Masterman & Co. London)
- Savings' Bank, Market place --- (open from 12 to 1 every Saturday, and every fortnight fair) --- Stephen Bailey Hall, secretary
- Barker Ann, Mill bridge
- Becroft Henry, Gargrave
- Birtle James, Chamberlain's yard
- Bradley John, Gargrave
- Dodgson James, New Market st
- Garnett Joseph, Carleton
- Gill William, Broughton
- Hardesty Robert, Swadforth st
- Wharton Thomas, Quaker's place
- Garnett John, Market place
- Tasker John (& sub-distributer of stamps) Sheep st
- Anderson Francis, Gargrave
- Andrew William, Water st
- Barrett William, Spring gardens
- Baxter Edward, Hardcastle yard
- Bell Read, Swadforth st
- Boocock Joseph, Market place
- Bradshaw Benjamin (& clothes dealer) Market place
- Calvert Abraham, New Market st
- Calvert Robert, New Market st
- Demain Benjamin, Spring gardens
- Demain James, Gargrave
- Green Anthony, Sheep st
- Lund John, Gargrave
- Moon Richard, New Market st
- Nixon Dodsworth, New Market st
- Richardson Anthony, New Market st
- Rully Allick, Carleton
- Spencer John, Spencer's yard
- Spink William, Gargrave
- Tasker Thomas, Chancery lane
- Wainman Thomas, Gargrave
- Watkinson George, Carleton
- Watson John, Sheep st
- Wilks John, Birdwhistle yard
- Manby John, Market place
- Parkinson Thomas, Gargrave
- Twistleton Robert, New Market st
- Attending the Market Shambles
- Barrow Henry
- Buck William
- Byker John
- Clapham Thomas
- Gill Richard
- Hartley Stepen
- Hodgen Richard, Gargrave
- Holgate William, Market place
- Howgate George
- Howgate Thomas
- Howgate William
- Mason Henry
- Mason Richard
- Matlock Robert
- Metcalf John
- Overing John
- Phillip Abel, Gargrave
- Phillip John
- Phillip William, Devonshire place
- Phillip William
- Simpson George
- Simpson John
- Turpin John
- Waller William, Caroline square
- Watkinson Thomas
- Watkinson William
- Wharf John, Gargrave
- Wilkinson Caleb
- Williamson William
- Brumfitt Edward, Market place
- Brumfitt William, Chancery lane
- Wade Thomas, Devonshire place
- Walsh William, Devonshire place
- Watson Thomas, Market place
- Hird Richard (earthenware) Swadforth st
- Jackson John, Market place
- Merryweather John H.N. Sheep st
- Parkinson Thomas, Gargrave
- Thornton Sarah, Market place
- Cooper Thomas, Market place
- King William & Thomas, Caroline square
- Wilkinson Thomas, Sheep st
- Willis John (& dealer in game) Market place
- Birch John, Caroline square
- Birch Jonathan, Market place
- Butler Henry, Caroline square
- Herd Henry, Pinder bridge
- Settle John, Mill bridge
- Smith Joseph, Swadforth st
- Tatham Isabella, Gargrave
- Thornton Samuel, Thornton Stave
- Hardacre Henry, New Market st
- Oldfield Ann, New Market st
- Ovington Ann, Sheep st
- Thornton Sarah, Market place
- Scott George, Market place
- Scott John, New Market st
- Scott Thomas, Market place
- Scott William, Market place
- Smith John, Chamberlain yard
- Smith William, Gargrave
- Aldridge William, Embsay
- Bramley Henry Thomas & Co. Skiram
- Bramley John (spinner) Embsay
- Bramley Walter, Hebden
- Chamberlain George, Sheep st
- Dewhurst Isac, New Market st, & 14 High st, Manchester
- Dewhurst John, Market place ; mill, New road -- Davis Smith, manager
- Mason Thomas, Gargrave
- Shackleck Richard & Son (and fly makers) Embsay
- Sidgwick William, Mill bridge
- Horner Foster, Mill bridge
- Parkinson Thomas, Caroline square
- Carr Thomas, Bank yard
- Harrison George, Quaker's place
- Mason Anthony, Herd's buildings
- Alliance, John Alcock Dixon, Swadforth st
- Atlas, Charles Tindal, Market place
- Manchester Guardian, John Tasker, Sheep st
- Royal Exchange, James Brown, New Market st
- Sun, Samuel Hall (& clerk to the magistrates) Gargrave
- Yorkshire, Robert Johnston, Market place
- Vipont & Wikeley, West end, near Skipton
- Lockwood Robinson, Sheep st
- Lockwood William, Mount pleasant
- Tattersall John, Market place
Marked # are also Cheesemongers
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
- Airton John, Gargrave
- Brown Anthony (& draper) Gargrave
- Elsworth James (& draper) Mill bridge
- # Fairbourn Robert, New Market st
- Hird Richard (& earthenware) Swadforth st
- Jackson John (& flour) Market place
- # Laycock William, Caroline square
- # Lockwood Robinson, Sheep st
- Pearson James, Commercial st
- Robinson John & Edward (& wholesale) Thanet place
- # Stockdale William, Sheep st
- # Wade George, Market place
- Ward John (& tobacco manufacturer) Market place
- Wharf Thomas (& provision) Gargrave
- Wikeley Hannah, Market place
- Wilkinson Thomas, Sheep st
- Chippendale Olivia, Hole in the Wall yard
- Cork John, Market place
- Lambert Benjamin, Market place
- Thompson Samuel (& book binder) Caroline square
- Thompson Nathan, Watson's buildings
- Thompson Thomas, Market place
- Thompson Thomas, jun. Market place
- Black Horse & Commercial Hotel, John Batty, Market place
- Devonshire Hotel (commercial & posting) John Bradley, New Market st
- Ship (commercial) James Varley, Caroline square
- Holden George & Co. Caroline square
- Noble Richard, Belmont bridge
- Senier George, Canal side, Devonshire place
- Holden George & Co. Caroline square
- Settle John, Mill bridge
- Holden George (furnishing) Caroline square
- Manby John, Market place
- Twistleton Robert, New Market st
- Wray Robert, Gargrave
- Hall William, Mount pleasant
- Hart John, Gargrave
- Hogg Thomas, Spencer's yard
- Middleton William, Carleton
- Peacock John, Thanet place
- Pearson James, Commercial st
- Shepherd William, Gargrave
- Smith William, Broughton
- Thompson Joseph (joiner) Commercial st
- Tomlinson Thomas, Gargrave
- White William, Bridge cottage
- Atkinson Esther (linen only) New Market st
- Bradshaw Benjamin (& clothes and shoe) Market place
- Buck Mary (& carpet) Market place
- Gallagher Michael (linen) Sheep st
- Johnston Robert, Market place
- Little Thomas, Sheep st
- Little Thomas, jun. (linen) New Market st
- Oldfield Ann (linen) New Market st
- Robinson John, Market place
- Rome John, Water st
- Smallpage William (linen) Sheep st
- Tindal Edward (linen) Sheep st
- Young William, Market place
- King Thomas (& corn merchant) Mill bridge
- Maud Caleb, Carleton
- Shackleton & Hunter, Cumiston
- Ward John, Barding
- Wilkinson William, Broughton
- Brown Ann, Swadforth st
- Clark Mary, Spencer's yard
- Cornthwaite Hannah, New Market st
- Farrow Emma & Frances, New Market st
- Gallagher Elizabeth, Sheep st
- Gill Catherine, New Market st
- Howson Elizabeth, New Market st
- Kidd Esther, Market place
- Ovington Isabella, Dinah & Mary, Market place
- Scott Jane & Mary, Market place
- Clarkson Thomas, Sheep st
- Cragg Richard (& sheriff's officer) Hardcastle yard
- Hardcastle George, Hardcastle yard
- Lockwood Joshua, Commercial st
- Pearson Thomas, Bradshaw's yard
- Shackleton John, Gargrave
- Stoner William, Market place
- Ovington Henry & Thomas, Mill bridge
- Lister Samuel, Mill bridge
- Lister William, New Market st
- Oldfield Robert, New Market st
- Howson John, New Market st
- Smith Joseph, Caroline square
- Thompson Samuel, Spencer yard
- Buck Mary, Market place
- Myers Richard, Market place
- Bentley William, Market place
- Booth Thomas, Gargrave
- Wade Francis, Market place
- Wilkinson Francis, Market place
- Calvert Abraham, New Market st
- Gill John, Water st
- Lockwood Elizabeth, New Market st
- Middlebrook Mary, Gargrave
- Simpson Sarah, Broughton
- Thompson Ann, Carleton
- Turnbull Thomas, New Market st
- Waller William, Caroline square
- Broughton William, Sheep st
- Kidd John, Birdwhistle yard
- Ramsden Hird, Sheep st
- Swire John, Spencer's yard
- Anderton Thomas (& architect and surveyor of bridges) Gargrave
- Rayner Thomas, Gargrave
- Robinson James, Canal side
- Smith James, Broughton
- Smith William, Gargrave
- Smith William, Broughton
- Wade John, Hawthorn cottage
- Airey Elizabeth, Market place
- Barret Grace, Sheep st
- Brown Ann, Swadforth st
- Clarkson Jane, Sheep st
- Cornthwaite Hannah, New Market st
- Green Elizabeth, Gargrave
- Pearson Ellen, Sun yard
- Scott Elizabeth, Market place
- Bell William, Market place
- Bentham Lawrence, Caroline square
- Birdwhistle Richard, Swadforth st
- Birdwhistle William, Swadforth st
- Harrison William, Gargrave
- Marsden William, Swadforth st
Marked # are also Drapers
- Astin William, Gargrave
- Cowman William Henry, Chancery lane
- Crump Robert, Hole in the Wall yard
- Fulton John K. Layton court
- Fulton William, Sheep st
- Hardcastle William, Spencer's yard
- # Hird Richard, Swadforth st
- # Holdsworth Joseph, Water st
- # Johnston Robert, Market place
- Laycock Joseph, Gargrave
- Lofthouse James, Gargrave
- Plews Lancelot, Spring gardens
- Roper Thomas, Mill bridge
- Ross John, Chancery lane
- # Smith William, Market place
- Weir Richard, Gargrave
- Anchor, Edward Whitehead, Gargrave
- Bay Horse, Ann Wade, Market place
- Butchers' Arms, Robert Myers, High Spring gardens
- Castle Inn, William Lowcock, Mill bridge
- Cock & Bottle, William Smith, Swadforth st
- Commercial Inn, William Parkinson, Commercial st
- Devonshire Arms, Story Watkinson, Caroline square
- Elm Tree, Luke Mason, Embsay
- Grouse Tavern, Gill Boddy, Gargrave
- Hart's Head, William Lister, New Market st
- Hole in the Wall, John Kendal, Market place
- King William, Wilkinson Myers, Water st
- King's Arms, William Scaife, Market place
- Lion Rampant, George Simpson, Embsay
- Masons' Arms, William Core, Gargrave
- Nag's Head, George Smith, New Market st
- New Ship, John Pearson, Mill bridge
- Oak Tavern, Robert Wisleton, Mill bridge
- Old George, John Chippendale, Market place
- Old Swan, Thomas Standing, Gargrave
- Red Lion, Jeremiah Phillip, Market place
- Red Lion, Henry Ward, Gargrave
- Star, Jeremiah Harrison, Devonshire place
- Sun, Mary Phillip (& excise office) Market place
- Swan, Charles Smith, Carleton
- Thanet Arms, Henry Jackson, Market place
- Unicorn, John Whittaker, Devonshire place
- Wheat Sheaf, Jane Wharton, Market place
- White Bull, William Wilkinson, Broughton
- Woodman Inn, Alexander Little, New road
- Locock Richard, Carleton
- Platt Maria, Commercial st
- Robinson Miles, Chamberlain yard
- Scott John, New Market st
- Smith Richard, Market place
- Thompson Joseph, Commercial st
- Thompson Nathan, Watson's buildings
- Little Thomas, jun. New Market st
- Rome John, Water st
- Senier Sarah, Market place
- Smallpage William, Sheep st
- Tindal Margaret, Market place
- Wilkinson Thomas, Sheep st
- Chamberlain George, Sheep st
- Settle John, Mill bridge
- Booth William, Sheep st
- Briggs John, Market place
- Lee George, New Market st
- Manby John, Market place
- Brown John (& carpenter and builder) Kilgarth
- Roberts Joseph, Gargrave
- Roberts William, Gargrave
- Whiteoak George, Carleton
- Wynne Thomas, Gargrave
- Barker Thomas, Chancery lane
- Rimington William, Hardcastle yard
- Greenwood John, Market place
- Knipe Samuel, New Market st
- Netherwood Christopher & Co. (& importers) Market place
- Shackleton Rachael (dealer) New Market st
- Lockwood Robinson, Sheep st
- Mitchell Thomas, New Market st
- Balme George, Embsay
- Birbeck John & William & Co. Devonshire place -- John Harrison, manager
- Ovington Henry & Thomas (spinners) Mill bridge
- Smith Joseph & Benjamin, Gargrave
- Barret Charles, check & gingham manufacturer and draper, Sheep st
- Buck Peter Wright, fellmonger & tanner, New road
- Chapman John, hosiery manufacturer, Sheep st
- Cook Charles, nail maker, Sheep st
- Cooper John, shuttle maker, Chancery lane
- Cragg Richard, sheriff's officer & inspector of weights, Hardcastle yard
- Dale Thomas, steward to Charles Tempest, esq. Broughton hall
- Demain John, heath broom maker, Spring gardens
- Dodd Elizabeth, organist & professor of music, Bank yard
- Gill Francis, wool comb maker, School st
- Hurtley John, tallow chandler, Market place
- Merryweather John Horatio Nelson, agent for the Leeds Mercury, Sheep st
- Milner Joseph, gun & pistol maker, Market place
- Porri Benjamin, optician, barometer and looking glass manufacturer, wholesale
- jeweller, toy dealer & hardware man, Caroline square
- Robinson Thomas, basket maker and dealer in earthenware and rags, Caroline square
- Scott Christopher & Sons, brewers, Skipton
- Shuttleworth Stephen, clothes dealer, Caroline square
- Steel Major, nail maker, Spring gardens
- Subscription Library, New Market st -- Henry Hardacre, librarian
- Subscription News Room, Town Hall, Sheep st -- John Ovington, keeper
- Waller Richard, coach maker, New market st
- Wildman Robert, steward to Matthew Wilson, esq. & clerk of the market, Ashton hall
- Wilkinson Thomas, maltster and corn & flour dealer, Sheep st
- Williams George, supervisor of excise, New Market st
- To Addingham, George Brumfitt, from the Wheat Sheaf, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
- To Arncliffe, Robert Proctor, from the Hole in the Wall, every Wednesday
- To Askrigg, Henry Proctor, from the Star, every Saturday
- To Barnoldwick, Thomas Slater, from the Old George, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
- To Bradford, Henry Proctor, from the Star, every Wednesday
- To Clitheroe, David Laycock, from the Ship, every Saturday
- To Colne, William Jackson, from the Bay Horse, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
- To Gargrave, Richard Taylor, from the Commercial Inn, Thursday & Saturday
- To Halifax, Richard Shepherd, from his warehouse, every Wednesday & Saturday
- To Hawes & Askrigg, William Parish, from the Red Lion, every Monday
- To Kelbrook, Joseph Cowgill, from the Cock & Bottle, every Saturday
- To Kettlewell, Thomas Petty & Thomas Proctor, from the Red Lion, every Wednesday & Saturday -- & Thomas Hasleton, from the Hole in the Wall, every Wednesday
- To Knaresboro' and Harrogate, William Hardesty, from Shepherd's warehouse, every
- Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
- To Lancaster, Settle, Kirkby-Lonsdale & Kendal, Richard Shepherd, from his warehouse, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
- To Leeds, Keighley, Bingley, & Bradford, Richard Shepherd, from his warehouse, every Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- To Manchester, James & William Laycock, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Saturday
- To Marton, Richard Bradley, from the Devonshire Hotel, every Saturday
- To Pateley Bridge, Francis Ward, from the Cock & Bottle, every Saturday
- To Preston & Chipping, Thomas Banks, from the Hole in the Wall, every Wednesday
- To Ripon & Knaresbro', William Hardesty, from the Thanet Arms, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
- To Settle, William Mason, from the Devonshire Arms, every Wednesday & Saturday
- To York, Otley, Wetherby, and Tadcaster, Richard Wingate, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Saturday
- To Leeds, Liverpool, and all parts of the kingdom, the Union Company's Fly Boats, from the Leeds & Liverpool canal warehouse, daily --- William Wilson, agent, Union wharf
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000