Sherburn In Elmet Directory of Trades and Professions for 1837
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SHERBURN IN ELMET in White's Directory of 1837.
In the following directory of Sherburn: those marked:
- 1, reside at Ashrow, 2 Lennerton, 3 Milford, 4 North Swimmers, 5 Rest Park and 6
- on Sherburn Common.
- Allen Mrs Ann & Hay Mrs Mary
- Broomhead Hy, plumber & glazier
- Dean Mr Wm. Milford
- Johnson Mr Joseph
- Lacy Rt. Railway station house
- Lynch Mrs Eliz & Misbar Hanh
- Matthew Rev. Js. M A, vicar, Vicarage
- Mountain Rt, hairdresser
- Newby Richard, druggist
- Sayner Jno. parish clerk
- Simpson Mrs Mary
- Wharton Wm. agt, to the Yorkshire District Bank
- Wilson Jno. governor of the Boys' Hospital, and bailiff for the Manor
- Grieve Jno
- Hewson Rev. W., MA, Grammar
- Lewis John
- Proctor Rev. Jas
- Hawley Francis
- Hawley John
- Hawley Wm
- Blackburn Wm
- Dawson George
- Gell Joseph
- Smith Henry - 3
- Varey Chpr
- Swain Wm
- Wainwright Jeb
- Anderson Jph
- Patrick Thomas
- Ambler Joseph
- Appleyard Wm - 2
- Bullock Wm - 1
- Clayton Wm
- Coupland Jph 6
- Foster Wm
- Grainger Wm
- Handley Wm
- Harrison Thos
- Helm Joseph - 5
- Hey Joshua
- Johnson George
- Johnson John
- Marshall Wm - 4
- Middlebrough J - 3
- Middleton Jph - 2
- Monkman Thos
- Paver Richard
- Pick Edward - 2
- Robinson John
- Rowley Peter
- Sayner Elias - 2
- Sayner William, Grange
- Shaw Mary
- Shaw Robert
- Smith E. Lodge
- Spence Wm
- Squire John - 5
- Squire John
- Standidge Thos
- Swain Thomas
- Todd Francis
- Wilson Jonathan
- Wilson Joseph
- Wilson Thomas
- Beckett George
- Fewster George
- Forster Samuel
- Huntriss Eliz *
- Johnson V & J *
- Marsden George
- Paver Joseph *
- Prince Matthew
- Sisson Robert *
- Spear Joseph *
- New Inn, W Hey
- Odd Fellows' Arms, J Elliott
- Red Bear, Robt. Hough
- Rising Sun, Jas. Standidge
- Travellers' Inn, J Scadlethorp
- White Swan, J Wainwright
- Barker Wm
- Gill Wm
- Hey Joshua
- Hodgson Jno - 2
- Midgley R
- Lofthouse Lnd
- Marshall David
- Broomhead Wm
- Waterhouse Ths
- Wilson Jonth
- Smith & Co
- Wadsworth Jonas
- Hewitt Mary
- Paver Ann
- Strickland Sarah
- Summers Hanh
- Barker Wm
- Smith Wm
- Copley Joseph
- Copley Wright
- Wilson John
- Wilson Joseph
- Wilson Wm
- Lewis Edward
- Scott Wm
- Hewitt Matthew
- Paver Joseph
- Scadlethorp Geo
- Scadlethorp Jno
- Beck Wm
- Clayforth Chas
- Fewster Michael
- Fleetham Geo
- Fleetham Thos
- Gill John
- Hey John
- Hey Wm
- Johnson George
- Lofthouse Fdk
- Thompson Geo
- Waterworth Wm
- Clough David
- Thornton Jph
- Tindall Jas
- 1/2 p 10 night, 11 mg & 6 evg & to York 1/2 p 5 mg, 7 mg & 12 noon
- To Leeds & Selby, 3 times a day
Transcribed by Susan Johnson. ©2000