


Selby, Memorial Plaque transcription


Selby parish:


Selby, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The War Memorial Plaques in Selby Abbey.

The above
window was
given by the
townspeople of
Selby in honour
of the Selby men
who died in the
Great War of
1914 - 1918
and whose names
are here

Pte S AdamsonPte J W Allerton 
Lce Cpl A AllertonPte E Archer
Pte A AppleyardPte A E Beer
Sgt R S BellPte E I Bickerton
Pte J A BickertonLieut M Burke
Pte T H ButtleC Sgt Maj J Bulmer
Dvr G W BrownSgt W C Brown
Pte P BlythePte W BlandPte J Calvert
Pte J G Castle2nd Lieut A G Chambers
Pte V L ChambersRflmn F Cheesman
Pte A ClarkPte G W ClarkPte B S Cook
Pte F CoatesPte G Connell
Pte W ColePte L CollinsPte W Cooke
Pte P CowardCpl H Crackley
Pte T CroninSgt E J Duncan
Pte H DixonPte W Emmett
Pte I W EwbankPte W R Falkingham
Pte W D FarleyPte J W Featherstone
Pte H V FieldPte H Farrand
Pte T W FarrandPte A G Firn
Pte F G FosterPte Groom
Gnr G GilliesRflmn O R Grieveson
Pte T GrindellPte H Halliday

The right hand War Memorial Plaque in Selby Abbey.

Pte I HallidayPte G J Hanson&nbsp
Pte H HackersLieut Comm T R Heap
Pte T HarrisDvr J A Henderson
Pte J R HirstCpl H Hawley
Pte S HaynesPte R Holmes
Pte H HowdenPte J E Howden
Capt T HuffingtonGnr C Hudson
Tpr G W HuttonPte W Huggins
Lce Cpl G W JacksonCpl G H Jefferson
Cpl J JudgeLce Cpl J JudgePte H Kettley
Pte J B KillenPte R H Lambart
Pte G LomasLieut J H Laycock
Lieut H LiversidgePte S Long
QM Sgt J E MannBmbrd W E Markham
Pte J MorleyPte W NicholsonPte H W Owen
Lce Cpl C PalframanCapt F B Parker
Pte H PalmerCpl W Pratt
Tpr A PattersonPte T H Pearson
Sgt J H PickeringSpr P Pickering
Sgt G H PicklesSgt J R Pickles
Pte H QuinnPte C B Render
Lce Cpl I M RodgersCpl G A Richardson
Pte J RichardsonPte S Richardson
Cpl C R SadlerPte F Sharpley
Pte T E SimmondsPte T Scaife
Rflmn G E SimpsonPte A Simpson
Pte A S SmithSgt W Simpson
Pte C SouthwoodPte C C Sorby
Cpl J SquiresDvr E Swift
Pte G A SquiresPte T Stanhope
Pte R I StewardPte T W Taylor
Lce Cpl G N ToppingAB W C Thornton
Pte A H ThorntonLce Cpl J W Townend
Lce Cpl G TownsleyGnr W Townsley
Pte J S UllathornePte R S Varley
Dvr J R VauseLce Cpl A Vause
Pte P VickersLce Cpl J R Vollans
Sgt W L WainGnr L Wakelin
Cpl G F WalkerSpr H W Walker
Sgnlr B A WellingtonPte W E Waltham
Pte A WelburnCpl G J Weston
Pte H D Wildman2nd Lieut H Westerman

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson