


Rothwell MIs, North Section, Rows K to V


The Monumental Inscriptions, Holy Trinity, Rothwell, North section, Rows K to V


The MIs for the stones which still exist in
Holy Trinity churchyard, Rothwell, North Section, Rows K to V.

Transcribed by John Readman ©2011

RelationResidenceOccupationD of BirthCause of deathD of deathAge at deathFull inscription
2KBinksAmelia RachelWife of Thomas BinksMiddleton   11 April 184555 yearsIn Memory of Amelia Rachel Binks, wife of Thomas Binks of Middleton who departed this life April 11th 1845 aged 55 years.
2KBinksThomasHusband of Amelia Rachel Binks    24 September 187583 yearsAlso of the above Thomas Binks who died September 24th 1875 aged 83 years
5KWalesThomas RichardSon of John & Ann WalesMiddleton   30 March 18423 years 8 months 3 weeks 3 daysIn Memory of Thomas Richard Wales son of John & Ann Wales of Middleton who died March 30th 1842 aged 3 years and 8 months 5 weeks and 3 days.
5KWalesJohnHusband of Ann WalesMiddleton   8 July 189072 yearsAlso of John Wales who died July 8th 1890 aged 72 years
5KShackletonEdithDaughter of Benjamin & Ann Shackleton and Grand daughter of John & Ann WalesMiddleton   25 July 18905 years 4 monthsAlso of Edith, daughter of Benjamin and Ann Shackleton and Grand daughter of the above John Wales who died July 25th 1890 aged 5 years and 4 months.
5KWalesAnnWife of John WalesMiddleton   27 October 189071 yearsAlso of Ann wife of the above John Wales who died October 27th 1890 aged 71 years.
5KWalesRichard Middleton   17 January 189264 yearsAlso Richard Wales who died January 17th 1892 aged 64 years.
9KRouthBenjaminSon of James & Mary RouthHunslet   6 June 183726 yearsSacred to the memory of Benjamin son of James and Mary Routh of Hunslet who died June 6th 1837 aged 26 years.
9KRouthMaryWife of James RouthHunslet   12 September 184372 yearsAlso Mary wife of James Routh who died September 12th 1843 aged 72 years.
9KRouthJamesHusband of Mary RouthHunslet   27 July 185375 yearsAlso James Routh husband to the above who died July 27th 1853 aged 75 years.
15KBlakeleyEdwinSon of Edwin & Sarah    30 January 18405 monthsIn Memory of Timothy son of Edwin and Sarah Blakeley, who departed this life January 30th 1840 aged 5 months.
15KBlakeleySarahWife of Edwin Blakeley    13 December 184052 yearsAlso Sarah wife of Edwin Blakeley and mother to the above who departed this life December 13th 1840 aged 52 years.
15KBlakeleyAnnDaughter of Edwin & Sarah    16 November 185227 yearsAlso Ann Blakeley daughter of the above who departed this life November 16th 1852 aged 27 years.
15KBlakeleyElizabethWife of Edwin Blakeley    16 February 187368 yearsAlso Elizabeth Blakeley wife of the above who died February 16th 1873 aged 68 years.
15KBlakeleyEdwinHusband of Sarah & Elizabeth    30 March 188480 yearsAlso Edwin Blakeley husband of the above who died March 30th 1884 aged 80 years.
15KBlakeleyMaryDaughter of Edwin & Sarah    28 July 189964 yearsAlso Mary, daughter of the above who died July 28th 1899 aged 64 years
16KBurwellMaryWife of James BurwellThorp on the Hill   15 July 183855 yearsIn Memory of Mary Burwell, wife of Mr. James Burwell, gardener of Leventhorpe, late of Thorp on the Hill, who departed this life the 15th day of July 1838 in the 55th year of her age.
16KBurwellJamesHusband of Mary BurwellThorp on the HillGardener at Leventhorpe  23 January 184869 yearsAlso the above James Burwell who departed this life January 23rd 1848 in the 69th year of his age.
17KPullenElizabethWife of Henry Pullen, daughter of James and Mary Burwell of ThorpLeeds   28 October 183625 yearsIn memory of Elizabeth Pullen, wife of Henry Pullen Printer Leeds and daughter of James and May Burwell of Thorp who died October 28 1836 aged 25 years
17KPullenAnnDaughter of Henry & Elizabeth PullenLeeds   24 September 183519 weeksAlso Ann, daughter of the above Henry and Elizabeth Pullen who died September 24 1835 aged 19 weeks.
17KPullenElizabethMother of Henry PullenLeeds   25 May 184264 yearsAlso Elizabeth Pullen mother of the above Henry Pullen who departed this life 25th day of May 1842 aged 64 years.
17KPullenHenryHusband of Elizabeth PullenLeedsPrinter  11 September 184439 yearsAlso Henry Pullen husband of the above Elizabeth Pullen who departed this life the 11th day of September 1844 aged 39 years.
18KElyElizabethDaughter of Benjamin & Hannah ElyLeeds   18 August 18421 year 5 monthsIn Memory of Elizabeth daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Ely of Leeds who died August 18th aged 1 year and 5 months
18KElyMarthaDaughter of Benjamin & Hannah ElyLeeds   7 October 18461 year 3 monthsAlso Martha daughter of the above who died October 7th 1846 aged 1 year and 3 months
18KElyWilliamSon of Benjamin & Hannah ElyLeeds   3 July 18473 years 11 monthsAlso William, son of the above who died July 3rd 1847 aged 3 years 11 months who drowned in the River Aire Leeds
18KElyMary JaneDaughter of Benjamin & Hannah ElyLeeds   15 December 18512 yearsAlso Mary Jane daughter of the above who died December 15th 1851 aged 2 years
21KElyDavid Rothwell   25 August 183233 yearsIn Memory of David Ely of Rothwell who died the 25th day of August 1832 aged 33 years
21KElyJulietDaughter of David ElyRothwell    infancyAlso Juliet daughter of the above who died in infancy
21KElyWilliamBrother of David ElyRothwell   15 December 183342 yearsAlso William Ely, brother to the above who died December 15th 1833 aged 42 years
24KWoodMaryWife of James WoodThwaite-gateInn keeper  16 October 186575 yearsIn memory of Mary, wife of James Wood, of Thwaite Gate Innkeeper who died October 16th 1865 in the 75th year of her life
24KWoodJosephSon of James & Mary Wood    29 January 186737 yearsAlso Joseph Wood, son of the above who died January 29th 1867 aged 37 years.
24KWoodJamesHusband of Mary Wood    12 May 187279 yearsAlso of the above James Wood who died May 12th 1872 aged 79 years
32KLeutyJoseph MiddletonFarmer  17 March 183164 yearsIn Memory of Joseph Leuty of Middleton, Farmer, who departed this life on the 17th day of March 1831 aged 64 years.
32KLeutyMaryDaughter of Joseph LeutyMiddleton   5 February 183824 yearsAlso Mary Daughter of the above who died February 5th 1838 aged 24 years
32KLeutyWilliamSon of Joseph LeutyMiddleton   27 March 184735 yearsAlso William son of the above who died March 27th 1847 aged 35 years
33K???Rothwell H.Gardener  21 August 183739 yearsRothwell H. Gardener and father of the above who departed this life August 21st 1837 aged 39 years
5LHardwickElizabethWife of Michael HardwickOuzelwell Green   3 April 184846 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth the wife of Michael Hardwick of Ouzelwell Green who departed this life April 3rd 1848 aged 46 years.
5LHardwickMichaelHusband of Elizabeth HardwickOuzelwell Green   29 April 185052 yearsAlso Michael Hardwick, husband of the above who departed this life April 29th 1850 aged 52 years
5LCanesElizabethWife of John Canes, daughter of Michael & Elizabeth Hardwick    27 December 185527 yearsAlso Elizabeth Canes, the wife of John Canes and daughter of the above who departed this life December 27th 1855 aged 27 years.
8LTaylorSarahWife of William TaylorRothwell   11 December 183737 yearsIn Memory of Sarah, wife of William Taylor of Rothwell, who died December 11th 1837, aged 37 years
8LTaylor3 unamed childrenChildren of William & Sarah TaylorRothwell    infancyAlso three of their children who died in their infancy.
8LTaylorJaneWife of William TaylorRothwell   17 April 184433 yearsAlso Jane, the wife of the above who died April 17th 1844 aged 33 years.
8LTaylorRhodaWife of William TaylorRothwell   21 December 184726 yearsAlso Rhoda, the wife of the above who died December 21st 1847 aged 26 years.
8LTaylorSarah JaneDaughter of William & Jane TaylorRothwell   1 February 185714 yearsAlso Sarah Jane daughter of the above William and Jane Taylor who died February 1st 1857 aged 14 years.
11LButterfieldSarahDaughter of James & Mary ButterfieldBellisle   15 April 18445 monthsIn Memory of Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Butterfield of Bellisle who departed this life on the 15th day of April 1844 aged 5 months.
11LButterfieldJosephSon of James & Mary ButterfieldBellisle   8 March 18468 monthsAlso Joseph son of the above who died March 8th 1846 aged 8 months.
11LButterfieldJamesHusband of Mary ButterfieldBellisle   10 March 187253 yearsAlso of the above James Butterfield who died March 10th 1872 aged 53 years.
11LButterfieldMaryWife of James ButterfieldBellisle   15 October 187151 yearsAlso of the above Mary Butterfield who died October 15th 1871 aged 51 years.
21LElyMatthewHusband of Sarah Ely    1 August 181160 yearsIn Memory of Matthew Ely, who died August 1st 1811 aged 60 years.
21LElySarahWife of Matthew Ely    25 April 183077 yearsAlso Sarah wife of the above who died April 25th 1830 aged 77 years.
21LElyThomasHusband of Ann ElyCarltonBlacksmith  18 April 187569 yearsAlso Thomas Ely, of Carlton, blacksmith, who died April 18th 1875 aged 69 years.
21LElyAnnWife of Thomas ElyCarlton   4 February 188683 yearsAlso Ann, wife of the above named Thomas Ely, who died February 4th, 1886 aged 83 years.
22LElyElizabethDaughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth ElyRothwell   29 August 182917 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Ely of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life the 29th day of August 1829 aged 17 years.
22LElyFive ChildrenChildren of Benjamin & Elizabeth ElyRothwell    infancyAlso five children of the above who died in their infancy.
22LElyJohnBrother of Elizabeth ElyRothwell   14 April 185454 yearsAlso John Ely brother to the above who died April 14th 1854 aged 54 years.
22LElyBenaiahBrother of Elizabeth ElyRothwell   28 May 184159 yearsAlso Benaiah, brother of the above who died May 28th 1841 aged 59 years.
22LElyBenjaminHusband of Elizabeth ElyRothwell   26 March 184364 yearsAlso Benjamin, father of the above who died March 26th, 1843 aged 64 years
22LElyJosephSon of Benjamin & Elizabeth ElyRothwell   10 August 186659 yearsAlso Joseph son of the above who departed this life the 10th day of August 1866 aged 59 years.
22LElyElizabethWife of Benjamin ElyRothwell   15 September 186688 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above Benjamin Ely who departed this life September 15th 1866 in the 88th year of her age.
31LWrightJamesSon of John and Anne WrightRothwell   26 July 182426 yearsTo the memory of James, son of John and Anne Wright of Rothwell who departed this life July 26th 1824 aged 26 years.
31LWrightCharlesSon of John and Anne WrightRothwell   8 November 182412 yearsAlso Charles, brother of the above who departed this life November 8th 1824 aged 12 years.
31LWrightJohnHusband of Jane WrightRothwell   18 October 183356 yearsAlso John Wright, father of the above who departed this life October 18th 1833 aged 56 years.
31LWrightJaneSecond Wife of John WrightRothwell   21 January 186083 yearsAlso Jane, second wife of the above John Wright who departed this life January 21st 1860 aged 83 years.
32LMossJaneWife of John MossHunslet CarrInn keeper  31 March 185045 yearsIn memory of Jane wife of John Moss of Hunslet Carr, Innkeeper who died March 31st 1850 aged 45 years.
32LMossJohn JosephSon of John & Jane MossHunslet Carr   11 September 18507 yearsAlso John Joseph son of the above who died September 11 1850 aged 7 years
9MWorthElizabethWife of Elijah WorthRothwell   15 October 184936 yearsIn memory of Elizabeth wife of Elijah Worth of Rothwell who died October 15th 1849 aged 36 years.
9MWorthElijahHusband of Elizabeth WorthRothwell   3 June 185546 yearsAlso Elijah, husband of the above who died June 3rd 1855 aged 46 years.
17MTownendHenryHusband of Mary Ann TownendRothwell   29 December 187352 yearsIn Memory of Henry Townend of Rothwell who died December 29th 1873 aged 52 years.
17MTownendMary AnnWife of Henry TownendRothwell   6 December 189876 yearsAlso Mary Ann wife of the above who died December 6th 1898 aged 76 years
22MWaltonSarahDaughter of Thomas WaltonHaigh Side   25 March 178519 yearsIn memory of Sarah Walton daughter of Thomas Walton of the Haigh Side, who departed this life the 25th of march 1785 aged 19 years.
22MWaltonHannahWife of Edward WaltonHaigh Side   15 July 182372 yearsAlso Hannah, wife of Edward Walton who died July 15th 1823 aged 72 years.
22MWaltonJames Haigh Side   6 February 182765 yearsAlso James Walton, who died February 6th 1827, aged 65 years.
22MWaltonEdwardHusband of Hannah WaltonHaigh Side   30 November 182880 yearsAlso the above named Edward Walton, the immortal spirit after inhabiting this frail tenement for a period of 80 years on the 30th November 1828 took its flight into the realms of Immortality.
22MJohnsonElizabethSister of Edward Walton?Haigh Side   9 May 183232 yearsAlso Elizabeth Johnson, sister to the above who departed this life May 9th 1832 aged 32 years.
24MRawlingJaneDaughter of Thomas & Elizabeth RawlingWoodhouse Hill   26 February 182924 yearsSacred to the memory of Jane, the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Rawling of Woodhouse Hill who died February 26th 1829 in the 24th year of her age.
24MRawlingElizabethWife of Thomas RawlingWoodhouse Hill   5 November 183867 yearsAlso Elizabeth, mother of the above Jane Rawling who departed this life on the 5th day of November 1838 aged 67 years.
24MRawlingGeorgeSon of Thomas & Elizabeth RawlingWoodhouse Hill   23 November 183867 yearsAlso George Rawling son of the above Thomas & Elizabeth Rawling who departed this life on the 23rd day of November 1838 aged 67 years.
24MRawlingThomasHusband of Elizabeth RawlingWoodhouse Hill   27 September 184172 yearsAlso the above mentioned Thomas Rawling who departed this life September 27th 1841 aged 72 years.
24MRawlingThomasSon of Thomas & Elizabeth RawlingWoodhouse Hill   26 February 185542yearsAlso Thomas, oldest son of the above Thomas Rawling who died February 26th 1855 in his 42nd year.
24MRawlingAliceDaughter of Thomas Rawling junr.Woodhouse Hill   17 December 18546 yearsAnd on the 17th December 1854 died in her 6th year, Alice the beloved daughter of Thomas Rawling junr.
28MDawsonEmmaDaughter of William and Sarah DawsonRothwell   11 March 18514 yearsIn memory of Emma daughter of William and Sarah Dawson of Rothwell who died March 11th 1851 aged 4 years.
28MDawsonWilliamSon of William and Sarah DawsonRothwell   22 March 1851infancyAlso William son of the above who died March 22nd 1851 in his infancy.
28MDawsonSarahWife of William Dawson and mother of the above children.Rothwell   20 April 185159 yearsAlso Sarah , wife of William Dawson and mother of the above children who died April 20th 1851 aged 59 years.
28MDawsonAnnDaughter of William and Sarah DawsonRothwell   16 January 186215 yearsAlso Ann, daughter of the above who died January 16th 1862 aged 15 years
28MDawsonWilliamHusband of Sarah DawsonRothwell   30 March 187065 yearsAlso William Dawson, husband of the above who died March 30th 1870 aged 65 years.
2NSnowdenWilliamHusband of Ann SnowdenWoodlesford   5 June 184071 yearsIn memory of William Snowden of Woodlesford who died June 5th 1840 aged 71 years
2NSnowdenAnnWife of William SnowdenWoodlesford   21 December 184875 yearsAlso Ann Snowden, wife of the above who died December 21st 1848 aged 75 years
2NSnowdenWilliamSon of William and Ann SnowdenWoodlesford   5 June 184040 yearsAlso of William Snowden son of the above who died June 5th 1840 aged 40 years.
10NIllingworthJobSon of James & Eliza IllingworthOuzelwellgreen   22 October 18472 yearsIn Memory of Job, son of James & Eliza Illingworth of Ouzelwellgreen who departed this life October 22nd 1847 aged 2 years.
10NIllingworthElizaWife of James IllingworthOuzelwellgreen   14 May 184933 yearsAlso of Eliza wife of James Illingworth the above named who died May 14th 1849 aged 33 years.
10NIllingworthJamesHusband of Eliza IllingworthOuzelwellgreen   23 July 188268 yearsAlso of the above named James Illingworth who died Jully 23rd 1882 aged 68 years
14NPeaceSamuellWife of Elizabeth Peace    31 December 184462 yearsSacred to the memory of Samuell Peace who departed this life December 31st 1844 aged 62 years.
14NCloverElizabethAunt of Samuell Peace    22 December 184085 yearsAlso Elizabeth Clover, Aunt of the above who departed this life December 22nd 1840, aged 85 years.
14NPeaceElizabethRelict of Samuell Peace    6 May 186074 yearsAlso Elizabeth relict of the above Samuell Peace who died May 6th 1860, aged 74 years
22NFergusonJohnHusband of Sarah FergusonLeeds   19 January 181958 yearsHere Lies the remains of John Ferguson late of Leeds who departed this life January the 19th 1819 aged 55 years.
22NFerguson2 un-named Leeds    infancyAlso two of his children who died young
22NFergusonSarahWife of John FergusonLeeds   3 June 183881 yearsAlso Sarah his wife who died June 3rd 1838 aged 81 years.
22NFergusonElizabethDaughter of John FergusonLeeds   18 May 188287 yearsAlso of Elizabeth daughter of the above who died May 18th 1882 aged 87 years.
23NFergusonThomasSon of John and Sarah FergusonLeeds   21 June 182931 yearsSacred to the memory of Thomas Ferguson son of the late John & Sarah Ferguson of Leeds being the last male-descendant of that family who died June the 21st 1829 aged 31 years
23NFergusonMary AnnSister to Thomas FergusonOulton   21 June 187079 yearsAlso of Mary Ann Ferguson, sister to the above Thomas Ferguson who died at Oulton June 21st 1870 aged 79 years.
27NChadwickSamuel Oulton   31 December 180973 yearsIn Memory of Samuel Chadwick of Oulton who died December the 31st 1809 aged 73 years
27NLumbardMaryWife of John Lumbard (shown as stone's owner)    23 January 185777 yearsMary Lumbard Died January 23rd 1857 aged 77 years
28NChadwickHarreotDaughter of George ChadwickOulton   19 June 181110 months 20 daysIn Memory of Harreot the daughter of George Chadwick of Oulton who died June 19th 1811 aged 10 months and 20 days
28NChadwickGeorgeHusband of Elizabeth ChadwickOulton   23 September 182753 yearsAlso of the above George Chadwick who died September the 23rd 1827 aged 53 years
28NChadwickElizabethWife of George ChadwickOulton   15 May 183661 yearsAlso Elizabeth Chadwick wife of the above George Chadwick who died May 15th 1836 aged 61 years
29NHoptonSarahWife of John HoptonLofthouse   22 September 183453 yearsIn Memory of Sarah wife of John Hopton of Lofthouse who died September 22nd 1834 aged 53 years
29NHoptonJohnHusband of Sarah HoptonLofthouse   9 May 184770 yearsAlso John Hopton husband of the above who died May 9th 1847 aged 70 years
30NScholeyJamesHusband of Ann ScholeyLeeds   16 August 183241 yearsIn Memory of James Scholey of Leeds who departed this life on the 16th day of August 1832 in the 41st year of his age.
30NScholeyAnnWife of James ScholeyLeeds   29 September 183645 yearsAlso Ann wife of the above James Scholey who departed this life on the 29th day of September 1836 aged 45 years.
30NWormaldHannahDaughter of William & Jane Wormald, Grand daughter of James & Ann Scholey    19 May 18182 yearsAlso Hannah, daughter of William and Jane Wormald & Grand daughter of the above who departed this life May 19th 1818 aged 2 years
31NBocockJames Wakefield Outwood   23 March 182366 yearsSacred to the memory of James Bocock of Wakefield Outwood who departed this life ther 23rd of March 1823 aged 66 years.
31NBocock4 un-named childrenChildren of James BocockWakefield Outwood    infancyAnd four of his children who died infants
32NWoodSarahdaughter of Robert and Ann WoodCarlton   24 Janaury 17786 yearsSacred to the memory of Sarah the daughter of Robert and Ann Wood late of Carlton who departed this life the 24th of January 1778 in the 6th year of her age.
32NWoodAnnHusband of Robert WoodCarlton   10 June 178046 yearsAlso Ann Wood mother to the above departed this life the 10th day of June 1780 in the 46th year of her age.
33NHoptonWilliamSon of Thomas & Ann HoptonRothwell   25 December 18162 yearsIn memory of William son of Thomas & Ann Hopton, of Rothwell who departed this life December 25th 1816 in the 2nd year of his age.
33NHoptonThomasHusband of Ann Hopton, son of John & Hannah HoptonRothwell   24 January 184052 yearsAlso Thomas Hopton, son of John & Hannah Hopton, & father of the above, who departed this life January 24th 1840 aged 52 years.
33NHoptonAnnWife of Thomas HoptonRothwell   26 December 186174 yearsAlso Ann Hopton, wife of the above Thomas Hopton, who departed this life December 26th 1861 in the 74th year of her age.
1OUnreadable Box tomb       
2OUnreadable Maybe Dobson(box tomb)       
3OArmitageJohn    17900 0 184656 yearsIn Memory of John Armitage 1790-1846
3OArmitageNancy    17890 0 186980 yearsAlso his wife Nancy 1789-1869
3OArmitageAbraham    18180 0 184830 yearsAnd their sons Abraham 1818-1848
3OArmitageWilliam    18210 0 188261 yearsWilliam 1821-1882
3OArmitageJohn    18260 0 188963 yearsJohn 1826-1889
3OArmitageHenry    18280 0 187547 yearsHenry 1828-1873
5ORichardsonWilliam     23 May 184318 monthsIn Loving memory of William Richardson died May 23 1843 aged 18 months
5ORichardsonJohn Morton     11 July 18485 monthsAlso John Morton Richardson died July 11 1848 aged 5 months
5ORichardsonHoratio     0 September 18641 yearAlso Horatio Richardson died September 1864 aged 1 year
5ORichardsonSarah     8 October 187956 yearsAlso Sarah Richardson, mother of the above died October 8th 1879 aged 56 years.
5ORichardsonJames     27 December 190682 yearsAlso James Richardson father of the above died December 27 1906 aged 82 years.
9OHandforthMaryWife of William Handforth and daughter of John and Ann HornerRothwell   19 August 184834 yearsIn Loving memory of Mary, wife of William Handforth of Rothwell and daughter of John and Ann Horner who died August 19th 1848 aged 34 years.
9OHandforth3 childrenchildren of William and Mary Handforth     infancyAlso 3 of their children died in their infancy
9OHandforthWilliam Bradford   10 August 188066 yearsAlso of the above William Handforth who died at Bradford August 10th 1880 aged 66 years.
9OHandforthAnnWife of William Handforth    21 February 188571 yearsAlso Ann wife of the above who died February 21st 1885 in her 71st year.
10OHandforthJohnHusband of Emma HandforthRothwell   8 June 188750 yearsIn Loving memory of John Handforth of Rothwell who died June 8th 1887 aged 50 years
10OHandforthWilliamSon of John & Emma HandforthRothwell   8 July 18715 yearsAlso William son of the above died July 8th 1871 aged 5 years
10OHandforthJohn HenrySon of John & Emma HandforthRothwell   22 June 18742 yearsAlso John Henry, son of the above died June 22nd 1874 aged 2years
10OHandforthPeter HenrySon of John & Emma HandforthRothwell   01 April 190527 yearsAlso Peter Henry son of the above died April 1st 1905 aged 27 years
10OHandforthEmmaWife of John HandforthRothwell   17 March 191373 yearsAlso Emma, wife of John Handforth who died March 17th 1913 aged 73 years
13OWardSarah AnnDaughter of Edward & Jane Ward    20 October 18824 yearsIn memory of Sarah Jane, daughter of Edward & Jane Ward died October 20th, 1882, aged 4 years.
13OWardJane     04 January 1903? YearsAlso the above Jane Ward died January 4th 1903 ? Years
14OHoughBenjamin Woodlesford   20 April 184138 yearsIn Memory of Benjamin Hough of Woodlesford who died April 20th 1841 aged 38 years.
14OHoughFaithWife of Benjamin Hough    6 January 185855 yearsAlso Faith, wife of the above who died January 6th 1858 aged 55 years.
14OGillHannahWife of Thomas Gill & mother of Faith Hough    28 February 186382 yearsAlso Hannah, wife of Thomas Gill and mother of the last named who died February 28th 1863 aged 82 years.
14OGillThomasHusband of Hannah Gill    15 April 186790 yearsAlso Thomas Gill husband of the above who died April 15th 1867 aged 90 years.
21OWhiteheadPriscillaWife of William Whitehead, daughter of Robert & Priscilla Holmes of CarltonLeeds   3 September 183831 yearsIn Memory of Priscilla, the wife of William Whitehead of Leeds (Butcher) and daughter of Robert & Priscilla Holmes of Carlton, who died September 3rd 1838 aged 31 years
22OWhiteheadGeorgeSon of George and Ann WhiteheadWoodlesford   21 December 18162 yearsSacred to the memory of George the son of George and Ann Whitehead of Woodlesford who departed this life December 21st 1816 aged 2 years
22OWhiteheadGeorgeHusband of Ann WhitheadWoodlesford   10 December 182254 yearsAlso the above George Whitehead died December the 10 1822 aged 54 years.
22OWhiteheadJohnSon of George and Ann WhiteheadWoodlesford   5 April 182826 yearsAlso of John Whitehead son of the above who died April 5th 1828 aged 26 years.
23OWhiteheadJohnHusband of Elizabeth WhiteheadWoodlesford   5 April 182826 yearsSacred to the Memory of John Whithead of Woodlesford who died April 5th 1828 aged 26 years.
23OWhiteheadElizabethWife of John WhitheadWoodlesford   3 June 1869 Also Elizabeth wife of the above John Whithead who died June 3rd 1869
24OTaylorMarthaChild of Joshua & Mary TaylorRothwell    infancyIn Memory of Martha, Joshua & Timothy Taylor children of Joshua & Mary Taylor of Rothwell who died in their infancy.
24OTaylorJoshuaChild of Joshua & Mary TaylorRothwell    infancyIn Memory of Martha, Joshua & Timothy Taylor children of Joshua & Mary Taylor of Rothwell who died in their infancy.
24OTaylorTimothyChild of Joshua & Mary TaylorRothwell    infancyIn Memory of Martha, Joshua & Timothy Taylor children of Joshua & Mary Taylor of Rothwell who died in their infancy.
24OTaylorJohnSon of Joshua & Ann TaylorRothwell   29 May 182016 yearsAlso John son of the above who died May 29th 1820 aged 16 years
24OTaylorJoshuaHusband of Mary TaylorRothwell   15 May 183357 yearsAlso the above Joshua Taylor who died May 15th 1833 aged 57 years
24OTaylorMaryWife of Joshua TaylorRothwell   24 March 184563 yearsAlso Mary Taylor, wife of the above Joshua Taylor & mother of the the children above who died March 24th 1845 aged 63 years.
24OTaylorWilliamSon of Joshua & Ann Taylor    5 December 186245 yearsAlso on the south side of this stone lie the body of William Taylor, son of the above who died December 5th 1862 aged 45 years.
24OTaylor6 unamed childrenchildren of William Taylor     infancyAlso 6 children of the above who died in their infancy.
24OTaylorBettyWife of John Taylor    12 March 186543 yearsAlso Betty wife of John Taylor of Rothwell who died March 12 1865 aged 43 years
24OTaylorJohnHusband of Betty Taylor    23 April 189069 yearsAlso of John Taylor husband of the above Betty Taylor who died April 23rd 1890 aged 69 years.
29OWardSarahWife of George WardLeeds   29 November 185157 yearsSacred to the Memory of Sarah wife of George Ward of Leeds who died November 29th 1851 aged 57 years
29OWardGeorgeGeorge Husband of Sarah Ward    24 March 186658 yearsAlso George Ward, husband of the above who died March 24th 1866 aged 58 years
31OLandThomasSon of William & Mary LandCarlton   23 October 182712 yearsSacred to the memory of Thomas son of William and Mary Land of Carlton who departed this life the 23rd October 1827 aged 12 years
31OLandMaryWife of William Land Husband of Mary LandCarlton   4 November 186369 yearsAlso Mary Land mother of the above who departed this life November 4th 1863 aged 69 years
31OLandWilliamHusband of Mary LandCarlton   2 November 186477 yearsAlso William Land husband of the above who departed this life November 2nd 1864 aged 77 years.
5PBucktroutPhebeDaughter of John and Ann BucktroutThwaite Mills, Rothwell  23 May 18485 July 1848 In Memory of Phebe infant daughter of John and Ann Bucktrout of Thwaite Mills, Rothwell born May 23rd 1848, died July 5th 1848
5PBucktroutAnnWife of John BucktroutThwaite Mills, Rothwell  8 September 182010 May 1850 Also Ann wife of the aforesaid John Bucktrout born September the 8th 1820 died May the 10th 1850
5PBucktroutWilliamSon of John and Ann BucktroutThwaite Mills, Rothwell  17 March 185014 May 1850 Also William infant son of the aforesaid John and Ann Bucktrout born March 17th 1850 died May 14th 1850
6PAldersonJaneDaughter of Henry & Mary AldersonRothwell   5 February 18412 years 5 monthsSacred to the Memory of Jane the daughter of Henry and Mary Alderson of Rothwell who departed this life February 5th 1841 aged 2 years & 3 months.
6PAldersonHenryFather of Jane AldersonRothwell   8 July 184841 yearsAlso Henry Alderson father of the above who departed this life July 8th 1848 aged 41 years
6PAldersonAnnAunt of Henry Alderson    8 February 185477 yearsAlso Ann Alderson, aunt of the above Henry Alderson, who departed this life February 8th 1854 aged 77 years.
22PTaylorRichard Leeds   30 April 186156 yearsIn Memory of Richard Taylor of Leeds who died April 30th 1861 aged 56 years
22PTaylorArthurSon of Richard Taylor      Also Arthur, son of the above who died July 10th 1858 aged 5 years,
22PTaylorMaryWife of Thomas Taylor   30 November 185410 November 1924 Also Mary beloved wife of Thomas Taylor born November 30th 1854 died November 10th 1924
22PTaylorThomasHusband of Mary Taylor   6 June 185121 September 1934 Also of the above Thomas Taylor born June 6th 1851 died September 21st 1934
26PMooreThomas Stanley Lane End   6 July 179354 yearsHere lieth interred here the body of Thomas Moore of Stanley Lane End who departed this life the 6 day of July 1793 in the 54 year of his age.
27PMiddletonSarahWife of George MiddletonRothwell   12 July 183537 yearsSacred to the memory of Sarah wife of George Middleton of Rothwell who departed this life July 12th 1835 aged 37 years
27PMiddletonElizabethWife of George MiddletonRothwell   22 September 185261 yearsAlso Elizabeth Middleton wife of the above who departed this life September 22nd 1852 aged 61 years
27PMiddletonGeorge Rothwell   25 July 185867 yearsAlso George Middleton, husband of the above who departed this life July 25 1858 aged 67 years
1QHoptonRachelWife of John HoptonMethley, late of Rothwell   ? April 184529 yearsIn Memory of Rachel the wife of John Hopton of Methley and late of Rothwell who departed this life the ? Day of April 1845 aged 29 years.
1QHoptonJohn     27 September 185139 yearsAlso of the above John Hopton who departed this life September 27th 1851 aged 39 years.
2QAppleyardElizabethWife of Francis AppleyardThorp   5 May 183960 yearsHere lieth the body of Elizabeth Appleyard the wife Francis Appleyard of Thorp who departed this life May 5th 1839 aged 69 years.
2QAppleyardFrancisHusband of Elizabeth AppleyardThorp   15 March 184683 yearsAlso of the above Francis Appleyard who departed this life March 15th 1846, aged 83 years
5QField Four children, sons & daughters of Christopher & Mary FieldLeeds    infancyIn Memory of Four children Viz John, Sarah, Ann Martha Ann and Ann Elizabeth son and daughters of Christopher and Mary Field of Leeds who died in their infancy
6QShackletonEllenWife of James ShackletonWoodlesford   2 May 184938 yearsSacred to the memory of Ellen Shackleton wife of James Shackleton of Wooodlesford who departed this life May 2nd 1849 aged 38 years
7QThompsonMarthaWife of Henry ThompsonLofthouse   12 December 184826 yearsIn Memory of Martha the wife of Henry Thompson of Lofthouse who died December 12th 1848 aged 26 years
8QGoldthorpeElizabethWife of William Goldthorpe    04 June 190756 yearsIn Loving memory of Elizabeth Goldthorpe who died June 4th 1907, aged 56 years.
8QGoldthorpeWilliamHusband of Elizabeth Goldthorpe    23 August 191577 yearsAlso William, beloved husband of the above who died August 23rd 1915, aged 77 years.
8QGoldthorpeAdamSon of the above    20 April 191639 yearsAlso Adam son of the above who died April 20th 1916 aged 39 years.
8QGoldthorpeHenriettaDaughter of Adam & Hannah GoldthorpeRothwell   7 November 18461 year 8 monthsIn Memory of Henrietta, daughter of Adam & Hannah Goldthorpe, of Rothwell, who died November 7th, 1845 aged 1 year and 8 months.
8QGoldthorpeMariaDaughter of Adam & Hannah GoldthorpeRothwell   26 November 187227 yearsMaria, daughter of the above died November 26th 1872 aged 27 years.
8QGoldthorpeJoeSon of Adam & Henrietta GoldthorpeRothwell   2 August 187323 yearsJoe, son of the above died August 2nd 1873 in his 23rd year
8QGoldthorpeHannahWife of Adam GoldthorpeRothwell   26 October 187663 yearsAlso of the above Hannah Goldthorpe who died October 26th 1876 aged 63 years.
8QGoldthorpeAdamHusband of Hannah GoldthorpeRothwell   15 July 187867 yearsAlso of the above Adam Goldthorpe who died July 15th 1878, aged 67 years
11QWestmorelandThomasHusband of Sarah Westmoreland, masonHunslet   19 November 184352 yearsIn Memory of Thomas Westmoreland of Hunslet, mason, who departed this life November 19th 1843, aged 52 years
11QWestmorelandSarahWife of Thomas WestmorelandHunslet   2 January 186771 yearsAlso Sarah Westmoreland, wife of the above who died January 2nd 1867 aged 71 years.
14QParkerJohnHusband of Sarah ParkerRothwell   27 June 182240 yearsIn Memory of John Parker late of Rothwell, who departed this life June 27th 1822 aged 40 years
14QParkerSarahRelict of John ParkerRothwell   6 January 184058 yearsAlso Sarah, relict of the above who departed this life January 6th 1840 aged 58 years
14QSheldonRhodaWife of Jeremiah Sheldon & daughter of John & Sarah Parker    14 April 188674 yearsAlso Rhoda, wife of Jeremiah Sheldon and daughter of the above who died April 14th 1886 aged 74 years
14QSheldonMaryDaughter of Jeremiah Sheldon    ? ? 188751 years?Also Mary? Daughter of Jeremiah who died ? ? 1887 aged 51 years?
23QClaytonJeremiahSon of John & Mary ClaytonOulton   15 April 180316 yearsHere lieth interred the body of Jeremiah Clayton son of John & Mary Clayton of Oulton. He died the 15th day of April 1803 aged 16 years.
23QClaytonMaryWife of John Clayton    11 July 181065 yearsAlso near this stone lieth interred the body of Mary the wife of the above John Clayton who departed this life on the 11th of July 1810 aged 65 years
23QClaytonJohnAlso of the above    3 June 183177 yearsAlso the above said John Clayton who departed this life June 3rd 1831 aged 77 years
30QBowlingSamuelSon of Samuel BowlingRothwell   20 August 178821 yearsSacred to the memory of Samuel son of Samuel Bowling of Rothwell who departed this life August the 20th 1788 aged 21 years.
30QBowlingTimothy, Sarah, HannahChildren of Samuel Bowling     infancyAlso Timothy, Sarah and Hannah Bowling who all died in their infancy.
30QBowlingJohnBrother to Samuel Bowling    4 December 180321 yearsAlso John Bowling brother to the above who departed this life the fourth day of December 1803 aged 21 years.
30QBowlingSamuelFather to the above children    25 December 181378 yearsAlso Samuel Bowling father to the above who departed this life December the 25th 1813 aged 78 years
30QBowlingElizabethWife of the above Samuel Bowling    11 February 181472 yearsAlso Elizabeth Bowling wife of the above who departed this life February the 11th 1814 aged 72 years
32QBlackburnJaneWife of Robert BlackburnRothwell   8 August 177631 yearsIn Memory of Jane the wife of Robert Blackburn of Rothwell who departed this life the 8th August 1776 aged 31 years
32QBlackburnBenjaminSon of the above    16 September 185184 yearsAlso Benjamin Blackburn son of the above who departed this life September 16th 1851 aged 84 years.
6RTaylorAnnWife of Benjamin TaylorWoodlesford   12 April 185834 yearsIn memory of Ann wife of Benjamin Taylor of Woodlesford who died April 12th 1858 aged 34 years
6RTaylorAnnSister to the above Benjamin Taylor    28 July 185951 yearsAlso of Ann, sister to the above Benjamin Taylor, who died July 28th 1859, aged 51 years.
6RTaylorAnnie CopleyDaughter of Benjamin & Ann Taylor    4 December 187621 yearsAlso Annie Copley Taylor daughter of the above Benjamin and Ann Taylor who died December 4th 1876, aged 21 years.
6RTaylorBenjaminHusband of Ann Taylor    16 June 188464 yearsAlso the above named Benjamin Taylor who died June 16th 1884 aged 64 years.
6RTaylorMariaWidow of Benjamin TaylorChapel Allerton   24 November 189263 yearsAlso Maria, widow of the above Benjamin Taylor who died at Chapel Allerton, November 24th 1892 aged 63 years
7RGibsonAnnWife of William GibsonWoodlesford   8 September 184233 yearsIn Memory of Ann the wife of William Gibson of Woodlesford who died September 8th 1842 aged 33 years
7RGibsonJaneDaughter of William & Ann Gibson    1 May 185621 yearsAlso Jane, daughter of the above who died may 1st 1856 aged 21 years
22RHoppsHannahWife of Robert Hopps & daughter of William Houson of RothwellLeeds   11 June 182745 yearsIn memory of Hannah wife of Robert Hopps of Leeds and daughter of William Houson of Rothwell who departed this life the 11th day of June 1827 aged 45 years.
22RHopps/HousonMaryDaughter of Robert Hopps/William Houson?    30 November 1851infancyAlso Mary his daughter who departed this life in her infancy on November 30th 1851
22RHousonElizabethDaughter of Joseph & Elizabeth HousonRothwell   18 June 185220 years 11 monthsAlso Elizabeth Houson the beloved daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Houson of Rothwell who died the 18th day of June 1852 aged 20 years and 11 months
23RHousonWilliam Rothwell   25 February 183084 yearsSacred to the Memory of William Houson of Rothwell (Yeoman) who died the 25th day of February 1830, in the 84th year of his age.
23RHousonAnnisWife of William HousonRothwell   30 August 183676 yearsAlso Annis wife of the above William Houson who died August 30th 1836 aged 76 years
24RAndersonElizabethDaughter of Thomas and Elizabeth AndersonLofthouse   18 June 1832?In memory of Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Anderson of Lofthouse who died June 18th 1832?
25RGibsonAnnWife of William GibsonRothwell   27 October 186045 yearsIn Memory of Ann wife of William Gibson, parish clerk of this church who departed this life on the 27th day of October 1860 aged 45 years
25RGibsonWilliamHusband of Ann GibsonRothwellParish Clerk  12 January 186345 yearsAlso of the above named William Gibson who was upwards of seventeeen years Parish Clerk of this church, he died January 12th 1863 aged 45 years
26RWalshElkanahSon of Elkanah and Elizabeth WalshLake Lock   9 January 180218 weeksSacred to the memory of Elkanah the son of Elkanah and Elizabeth Walsh from Lake Lock, who departed this life the 9th day of January 1802 aged 18 weeks
26RWalshElizabethWife of Elkanah WalshLake Lock   6 February 180220 yearsAlso Elizabeth the wife of the above named Elkanah Walsh from Lake Lock who died the 6th day of February 1802 aged 20 years.
26RWalshMary2nd wife of Elkanah WalshLake Lock   29 August 181636 yearsAlso his 2nd wife, Mary Walsh departed this life 29th day of August 1816 aged 36 years.
26RWalshJosephSon of Elkanah & Mary Walsh?Lake Lock   29 August 18162 yearsAlso Joseph Walsh died same day aged 2 years.
26RWalshCainHusband of the aboveLake Lock   23 April 184669 yearsAlso Cain Walsh, husband of the above who departed this life April 23rd 1846, aged 69 years
27RGibsonSarahDaughter of James GibsonLake Lock   2 February 179217 yearsSacred to the memory of Sarah daughter of James Gibson of lake Lock who departed this life 2 day of February 1792 aged 17 years
27RGibsonRebeccaDaughter to the said James GibsonLake Lock   24 July 1792 Also Rebecca daughter to the said James Gibson who departed this life the 24th day of July 1792.
28RMoretonJohnHusband of Ann MoretonRothwell HaighLandlord of John o' Gaunt Inn  24 February 185052 yearsSacred to the memory of John Moreton John O Gaunt Inn Rothwell Haigh who departed this life February 24th, 1850 aged 52 years
28RMoretonAnnRelict of the above    30 July 187170 yearsAlso Ann Moreton relict of the above who departed this life July 30th 1871 aged 70 years
2SNowellJohnHusband of HannahRothwell   3 December 188480 yearsIn memory of John Nowell of Rothwell who died December 3 1884 aged 80 years
2SNowellHannahWife of John NowellRothwell   16 July 188675 yearsAlso Hannah, wife of the above who died July 16, 1886 aged 75 years.
2SNowellSarahWife of William Henry NowellWhitwood Mere   26 March 190175 yearsAlso Sarah, the beloved wife of William Henry Nowell of Whitwwod Mere, who died March 26 1901 aged 75 years
2SNowellWilliam HenryHusband of Sarah NowellDarlington   16 January 190773 yearsAlso William Henry Nowell, husband of the above Sarah who died at Darlington January 16 1907 aged 73 years
3SRobinsonJonathan Rothwell   31 January 184029 yearsSacred to the memory of Jonathan Robinson late of Rothwell who died January 31st 1840 aged 29 years
3SNowellAnnWife of James NowellIngram Place, Rothwell   6 May 184773 yearsAlso Ann Nowell, wife of James Nowell of Ingram Place who died May 6th 1847 aged 73 years
3SSnellJoseph Woodlesford Lock   30 March 185253 yearsAlso Joseph Snell of Woodlesford Lock, who died March 30th, 1852 aged 53 years.
8SSmith        overturned stone, owned by Albert Smith
10SWardJamesHusband of Sarah WardRothwell   29 June 184940 yearsIn memory of James Ward of Rothwell who died June 29th 1849 aged 40 years
10SWardSarahWife of the above James WardRothwell   25 October 185149 yearsAlso Sarah, wife of the above who died October 25th 1851 aged 49 years
10SWard4 un-named childrenFour children of James & Sarah WardRothwell    infancyAlso four children who died in their infancy
10SWardMary AnnWife of the above James WardRothwell   11 October 185847 yearsAlso Mary Ann wife of the above who died October 11th 1858 aged 47 years.
14SColleyThomasSon of Isaac and Jane Colley    27 June 184619 yearsIn Memory of Thomas Colley who died June 27th 1846 aged 19 years
14SColleyWilliamSon of Isaac and Jane Colley    27 June 185127 yearsAlso William Colley died June 27th 1851 aged 27 years
14SColleyJaneWife of Isaac Colley, mother of Thomas & William Colley    11 September 185258 yearsAlso Jane the wife of Isaac Colley and mother of the above who died September 11th 1852 aged 58 years
14SColleyIsaacHusband of Jane Colley    12 September 187681 yearsAlso Isaac Colley husband of the above who died September 12th 1876 aged 81 years
22SHousonJosephHusband of Elizabeth HousonRothwellYeoman  24 September 186980 yearsSacred to the memory of Joseph Houson yeoman of Rothwell who died September 24th 1869 aged 80 years
22SHousonElizabethWife of the above    24 June 187887 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above who died June 24th 1878 aged 87 years
22SParkinsonHannah MarieDaughter of the above and widow of Alfred Parkinson    25th July 191078 yearsAlso Hannah Marie daughter of the above and widow of Alfred Parkinson who died July 25th 1910 aged 78 years
27SHarrisonJohnHusband of Elizabeth HarrisonRothwell   29 April 185065 yearsSacred to the memory of John Harrison of Rothwell who departed this life April 29th 1850 aged 65 years.
27SWilkinsonJaneWife of Stephen Wilkinson junior And daughter of John HarrisonRothwell   9 September 186333 yearsAlso Jane wife of Stephen Wilkinson junior and daughter of the above who died September 9th 1863 aged 33 years
27SHarrisonElizabethWife of John HarrisonRothwell   4 February 186677 yearsAlso Elizabeth Harrison wife of the above who died February 4th 1866 aged 77 years.
27SHarrisonWilliamSon of the above, John & ElizabethRothwell   19 April 188259 yearsAlso William Harrison son of the above who died April 11th 1882 aged 59 years.
31SGibsonHannahWife of Thomas GibsonRothwell   20 January 184249 yearsIn Memory of Hannah wife of Thomas Gibson of Rothwell who departed this life January 20th 1842 aged 49 years
31SGibsonThomasHusband of the aboveRothwell   16 August 184655 yearsAlso Thomas Gibson, husband of the above who departed this life August 16th 1846 aged 55 years.
31SGibsonMargaretSister to Thomas Gibson    8 October 184969 yearsAlso Margaret Gibson sister of the above who departed this life October 8th 1849 aged 69 years
31SGibsonThomas Rothwell   14 May 181066 yearsIn memory of Thomas Gibson late of Rothwell who died May 14th 1810 aged 66 years.
32SStoreyAnnWife of Benjamin StoreyRothwell   7 November 177947 yearsIn Memory of Ann the wife of Benjamin Storey of Rothwell Plumber and Glazier who departed this life November 7th 1779 aged 47 years
32SStoreyBenjaminHusband of Ann StoreyRothwellPlumber & Glazier  18 April 180470 yearsAlso the above named Benjamin Storey who departed this life the 18th day of April 1804 aged 70 years.
32SStoryElizabethWife of Thomas Story    12 October 179433 yearsAlso in memory of Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Story who departed this life the 12th of October 1794 aged 33 years.
32SStoryMary & JaneDaughters of Thomas Story     infancyAlso of Mary and Jane Story his daughters who died in their infancy.
32SStoryThomasHusband of Sarah StoryRothwellPlumber & Glazier  8 August 183376 yearsAlso the above Thomas Story of Rothwell Plumber & Glazier who departed this life on the 8th of August 1833 in the 76th year of his age.
32SStorySarahRelict of the aboveRothwell   23 June 183678 yearsAlso Sarah relict of the above who departed this life the 23rd June 1836 in the 78th year of her age.
1TPapeWillie     15 May 195166 yearsA dear brother and uncle Willie Pape who died May 15th 1951 aged 66 years
4TBrookMary Carr Lane   21 August 184970 yearsIn memory of Mary Brook of Carr Lane who died August 21st 1849 aged 70 years
4TWainwrightThomasSon of Mary BrookRothwell Haigh   17 November 187060 yearsAlso of Thomas Wainwright of Rothwell Haigh son of the above who died November 17th 1870 aged 60 years.
5TBrookRichard Carr Lane   1 October 184524 yearsIn memory of Richard Brook of Carr Lane, who died October 1st 1845 aged 24 years.
5TBrookMariaDaughter of Richard BrookCarr Lane   14 May 185915 yearsAlso Maria Brook, daughter of the above who died May 14 1859 aged 15 years
5TTateAnnWife of William Tate, relict of Richard Brook    13 November 186949 yearsAlso of Ann wife of William Tate and relict of the above who departed this life November 13th 1869 aged 49 years.
6TBrookThomasSon of David and Julia BrookRothwell   19 September 18477 weeksIn memory of Thomas son of David and Julia Brook of Rothwell who departed this life September 19th 1847 aged 7 weeks
6TBrookThomasSon of David and Julia BrookRothwell   25 Janaury 185213 monthsAlso Thomas Brook son of the above who departed this life January 25th 1852 aged 13 months.
6TBrookJamesSon of David and Julia BrookRothwell   6 October 186015 monthsAlso James Brook, so of the above who departed this life October 6th 1860 aged 15 months
6TBrookElizabethDaughter of David and Julia BrookRothwell   27 February 18616 weeksAlso Elizabeth Brook daughter of the above who departed this life February 27th 1861 aged 6 weeks
6TBrookRichardSon of David and Julia BrookRothwell   31 October 186115 yearsAlso Richard Brook son of the above who departed this life October 31st 1861 aged 15 years
6TBrookRichard HenrySon of David and Julia BrookRothwell   1 June 186716 monthsAlso Richard Henry Brook son of the above who departed this life June 1st 1867 aged 16 months.
6TBrookMaryDaughter of David and Julia BrookRothwell   6 November 187316 yearsAlso Mary Brook daughter of the above who departed this life November 6th 1873 aged 16 years
7TGibsonSarahWife of Jessie GibsonRothwell   13 December 184619 yearsSacred to the Memory of Sarah wife of Jessie Gibson who departed this life on the 13th day of December 1846 aged 19 years.
7TGibsonSarah AnnDaughter of Jessie and Elizabeth GibsonRothwell   21 November 185011 monthsAlso Sarah Ann daughter of Jessie and Elizabeth Gibson who departed this life on the 21st day of November 1850 aged 11 months.
7TGibsonElizabethWife of Jessie GibsonRothwell   21 November 186035 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above Jessie Gibson who departed this life on the 21st day of November 1860 aged 35 years
7TGibsonMary ElizabethDaughter of Jessie & Sarah Ann GibsonRothwell   26 February 187326 yearsAlso Mary Elizabeth daughter of the above Jessie & Sarah Ann Gibson who died February 26th 1873 aged 26 years.
7TGibsonJessie Rothwell   11 March 188666 yearsAlso of the above Jessie Gibson who died March 11th 1886 aged 66 years.
7tGibsonMaryWife of the aboveRothwell   2 January 188967 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above who died January 2nd 1889 aged 67 years.
19TAbsonElizabeth FlocktonWife of John Flockton Abson    8 October 189975 yearsIn Loving memory of Elizabeth wife of John Flockton Abson who died October 8 1899 aged 75 years.
19TAbsonHarrySon of John Flockton Abson    5 June 18738 yearsAlso Harry son of the above who died June 5 1873 aged 8 years.
19TAbsonRhodaDaughter of the above    29 March 18768 yearsAlso Rhoda daughter of the above who died March 29 1876 aged 8 years
19TAbsonJohn Flockton     24 February 191589 yearsAlso John Flockton Abson who died February 24th 1915 aged 89 years.
20TMidgelyJohn BatleyFulling Miller  10 December 183531 yearsSacred to the memory of John Midgely, Fulling Miller of Batley who departed this December 10 1835 aged 31 years.
20TMidgelySarahWife of John Midgely    22 April 186361 yearsAlso Sarah wife of the above who departed this life April 22 1863 aged 61 years
20THarrisonAnnSister to John Midgely    3 August 187667 yearsAlso Ann Harrison sister to the above who died August 3rd 1876 aged 67 years
21THarrisonWilliam Woodlesford   16 April 185251 yearsIn Memory of William Harrison of Woodlesford who died April 16th 1852 aged 51 years
22THarrisonThomas Lofthouse   1 July 183469 yearsSacred to the Memory of Thomas Harrison of Lofthouse in the parish of Rothwell who died July 1st 1834 aged 69 years.
22THarrisonMaryWife Thomas HarrisonLofthouse   20 January 183565 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above Thomas Harrison who died January 20th 1835 aged 65 years.
22THarrisonJane AnnDaughter of Thomas & Mary Harrison      Also Jane Ann Daughter of Thomas & Mary Harrison
22THarrisonThomasAlso Thomas Son of Thomas & Mary Harrison      Also Thomas Son of Thomas & Mary Harrison
23THarrisonJohn Rothwell   28 May 182762 yearsIn Memory of John Harrison of Rothwell who departed this life 28th May 1827 aged 62 years.
24TWhartonElizabethWife of Thomas WhartonOulton   14 July 185336 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth wife of Thomas Wharton of Oulton who died July 14th 1853 aged 36 years
24TWhartonThomasHusband of Elizabeth WhartonOulton   28 October 189577 yearsAlso of the above named Thomas Wharton who died October 28 1895 aged 77 years.
26TFlocktonSarahDaughter of Thomas & Hannah FlocktonRothwell   4 June 17924 yearsSacred to the memory of Sarah the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Flockton of this town who was buried here on the 4th day of June 1792 aged 4 years.
26TFlocktonJaneDaughter of Thomas & Hannah FlocktonRothwell   6 October 17921 yearAlso Jane Flockton, her sister died the 6th day of October 1792 aged one year
26TFlocktonThomasHusband of Hannah FlocktonRothwell   23 April 182571 yearsAlso Thomas Flockton father of the above who died April 23rd 1825 aged 71 years.
26TFlocktonHannahWife of Thomas FlocktonRothwell   20 June 183975 yearsAlso Hannah wife of the above Thomas Flockton who died June 20th 1839 aged 75 years
26TAbsonJemimaDaughter of Thomas & Hannah FlocktonRothwell   19 April; 187980 yearsAlso Jemima Abson, daughter of the above who died April 19th 1879 aged 80 years.
28TGibsonJohnHusband of Betty GibsonRothwellParish Clerk  23 June 184565 yearsIn Memory of John Gibson, who after faithfully discharging the duties of Parish Clerk to this church for a period of nearly thirty years, departed this life the 23rd day of June, 1845 in the 63rd year of his age.
28TGibsonBettyWife of John GibsonRothwell   14 May 185071 yearsAlso Betty, wife of the above who departed this life the 14th day of May, 1850 in the 71st year of her age.
28TGibson3 un-named children3 children of John & Betty GibsonRothwell    InfancyAlso three children of the above who died in their infancy.
29TGibsonJohnSon of John & Betty GibsonRothwellParish Clerk  2 April 184430 yearsIn memory of John Gibson who succeeded his father as Parish Clerk of this church on the 24th June 1843 during the short period he held the office discharged the duties attached to it faithfully and departed this life on the 2nd April 1844 aged 30 years.
29TBerryJohn     5 October 184850 yearsAlso John Berry who departed this life October 5th 1848 in the 50th year of his age.
29TGibsonEvaGrand-daughter of John Gibson    11 June 186615 yearsAlso Eva Gibson grand daughter of the above who died June 11th 1866 aged 15 years.
30TSharpJohn Haigh Side   10 January 183060 yearsIn memory of John Sharp of Haigh side who departed this life January 10th 1830 aged 60 years.
6UBrookJuliaWife of David BrookRothwell   30 January 187551 yearsIn Memory of Julia Brook, wife of David Brook who died January 30th 1875 aged 51 years.
18USteadAnnWife of William SteadRothwell   9 December 186466 yearsSacred to the Memory of Ann, wife of William Stead of Rothwell, who died December 9th 1864 aged 66 years
18USteadThomasSon of William SteadRothwell   21 November 185816 monthsAlso Thomas son of the above who died November 21st 1838 aged 16 months.
18USteadWilliamHusband of Ann SteadRothwell   11 June 187071 yearsAlso of the above William Stead who died June 11th 1870 aged 71 years.
18USteadMarthaDaughter of William & Ann SteadRothwell   9 February 189162 yearsAlso of Martha daughter of the above, who died February 9th 1891, aged 62 years.
21USwiftRobertSon of John and Ann SwiftCarlton   31 March 183620 yearsIn Memory of Robert son of John and Ann Swift of Carlton who departed this life the 31st day of March 1836 aged 20 years
21USwiftElizabethDaughter of John and Ann Swift and sister to RobertCarlton   8 September 183613 yearsAlso Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Swift & sister to the above who departed this life on the 8th day of September 1836 aged 13 years.
21USwiftAnnWife of John Swift and mother of the aboveCarlton   3 April 185166 yearsNear this stone lieth the remains of Ann Swift, wife of John Swift & Mother of the above who departed this life the 3rd day of April 1851 aged 66 years.
21USwiftJohnHusband of Ann SwiftCarlton   25 April 186686 yearsAlso John Swift of carlton and husband of the above who died April 23rd 1866 aged 86 years
23ULunnRachelWife of John LunnUpper Goslem   23 March 186881 yearsIn Affectionate Remembrance of Rachel-wife of John Lunn of Upper Goslem, who do died March 23rd 1868 aged 81 years
23ULunnWilliamSon of John & Rachel LunnUpper Goslem   ? ? 187565 years?Also William Lunn son of the above who died ? ? 1875 aged 65 years.
25USwiftRobertHusband of Mary SwiftCarlton   28 July 183388 yearsSacred to the Memory of Robert Swift of Carlton who died July 28th 18333, aged 38 years
25USwiftMaryWife of Robert SwiftCarlton   21 December 183988 yearsAlso Mary, wife of the above Robert Swift who died December 21st 1839 aged 88 years.
26UDiversCharles WilliamHusband of Harriet Divers    2 November 187342 yearsIn Memory of Charles William Divers who died November 2nd 1873 aged 42 years.
26UDiversHarrietWife of Charles William Divers    25 February 190875 yearsAlso Harriet, wife of the above who died February 25th 1908 aged 75 years.
27USwiftAnn?Wife of Joseph ? & daughter of Joseph & Phoebe SwiftCarlton    21 yearsSacred to the Memory of Ann? The beloved wife/ of Joseph ? Of Carlton in the parish of Rothwell and daughter of Joseph & Phoebe Swift aged 21 years.
27USwiftThomas FletcherSon of Joseph & Phoebe Swift    27 March 189474 yearsAlso Thomas Fletcher swift son of the above Joseph & Phoebe Swift who departed this life March 27th 1894 aged 74 years.
28UDiversHannahWife of Samuel DiversRothwell Haigh   16 June 181942 yearsIn Memory of Hannah, wife of Samuel Divers of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life June 16th 1819 aged 42 years
28UDiversSamuelHusband of Hannah DiversRothwell Haigh   1 January 183660 yearsAlso the above named Samuel Divers who departed this life January 1st 1836 aged 60 years.
28UDiversSarah, Ralph JosephChildren of Samuel & Hannah DiversRothwell Haigh    InfancyAlso Sarah, Ralph, and Joseph, children of the above who died in their infancy.
28UDiversRebeccaDaughter of Samuel & HannahRothwell Haigh   17 July 183724 yearsAlso Rebecca daughter of the above who departed this life July 17th 1837 aged 24 years.
28UDiversSamuelSon of Samuel & Hannah DiversCandehar, Afghanistan   2 January 184131 yearsIn Memory of Samuel, son of Samuel & Hannah Divers of Rothwell Haigh and Lieut. Of Hon. E. I. Company of Bengal Artillery who died at Candehar, Afghanistan, East Indies, of inflammation of the lungs brought on by fatigue during the army's campaign in that province, January 2nd 1841 aged 31 years.
28UDiversJohnSon of Samuel & Hannah DiversRothwell Haigh   8 October 184842 yearsBeneath this stone lie the remains of John Divers, Colonial Broker and Freeman of the City of London, so of the above Samuel and Hannah Divers of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life October 8th 1845 aged 42 years. Such a life he was much respected and at death deeply lamented
29UDiversJohnSon of Richard and Sarah DiversHunslet   28 November 184119 yearsIn Memory of John, son of Richard and Sarah Divers of Hunslet who departed this life November 28th 1841 aged 19 years.
29UDiversEmma, Richard & GeorgeChildren of Ricahrd and Sarah DiversHunslet    InfancyAlso Emma, Richard & George who died in their infancy
29UDiversSarahWife of Richard DiversHunslet   14 October 187073 yearsAlso of the above Sarah Divers who died October 14th 1870 aged 73 years.
29UDiversSamuelSon of Richard & Sarah Divers, husband of Ada Rebecca DiversHunslet   18 February 187347 yearsAlso Samuel, son of Richard and Sarah Divers who died at Hunslet February 18th 1873 aged 47 years, late of Lima Peru South Amercia
29UDiversAda RebeccaWife of Samuel DiversLima, Peru   17 November 187130 yearsAlso Ada Rebecca, wife of the above Samuel Divers who died at Lima, Peru, South America, November 17th 1871 aged 30 years.
29UDiversRichardHusband of Sarah DiversHunslet   25 October 187575 yearsAlso the above Richard Divers of Hunslet who died October 25th 1875 aged 75 years
30UDiversRebeccaWife of Joseph DiversHunslet   22 February 185125 yearsIn Remembrance of Rebecca wife of Joseph Divers of Hunslet who died 22nd February 1851 aged 25 years.
30UDiversRebecca StephensonDaughter of Joseph & Rebecca DiversHunslet   10 April 18517 weeksAlso of her infant daughter Rebecca Stephenson Divers who died April 10th 1851 aged 7 weeks
30UDiversJosephHusband of Rebecca DiversHunslet   5 April 185527 yearsAlso Joseph Divers who departed this life April 5th 1855 aged 27 years
30UDiversAnnieDaughter of Joseph & Rebecca DiversHunslet   24 April 18553 monthsAlso Annie daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Divers who departed this life April 24th 1855 aged 3 months
30UDiversElizabethWife of Joseph DiversHunslet   10 March 186030 yearsAlso Elizabeth, wife of the above Joseph Divers, who died at Hunslet March 10th 1860 aged 30 years.
32UGillMaryDaughter of James & Mary GillHunslet   10 December 18199 weeksSacred in the memory of Mary daughter of James & Mary Gill of Hunslet who died December 10th 1819 aged 9 weeks.
32UGillJamesFather of Mary GillHunslet   15 December 184751 yearsAlso James Gill, father of the above, who died December 15th 1847, aged 51 years
32UGillMaryWife of James Gill, mother of Mary GillHunslet   30 August 185762 yearsAlso Mary, wife of the above who died August 30th 1857 aged 62 years.
7VWatsonWilliamSon of John & Elizabeth WatsonCarlton   15 February 184827 yearsIn Memory of William son of John & Elizabeth Watson of Carlton who died February 1848 aged 27 years
7VIdleRalphUncle of Elizabeth Watson    15 July 185075 yearsAlso Ralph Idle uncle of the above Elizabeth Watson who died July 15th 1850 aged 75 years
7VWatsonElizabethWife of the above John WatsonCarlton   13 July 186168 yearsAlso Elizabeth, wife of the above John Watson who died July 13th 1861 aged 68 years.
7VWatsonElizabethDaughter of John & Annis WatsonCarlton   4 April 18662 years 8 monthsAlso Elizabeth daughter of John & Annis Watson of Carlton who died April 4th 1866 aged 2 years and 8 months.
8VSheldonMaryDaughter of John & Elizabeth SheldonIngram Place, Rothwell   9 April 184419 yearsIn Memory of Mary daughter of John & Elizabeth Sheldon, of Ingram Place, in this Parish who died April 9th 1844 aged 19 years
8VSheldonJohnFather of Mary Sheldon    6 December 187276 yearsAlso in memory of John Sheldon, father of the above who died December 6th 1872 aged 76 years.
8VSheldonElizabethWife of John Sheldon    5 July 187380 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above who died July 5th 1873 aged 80 years.
8VSheldonSarahDaughter of John & Elizabeth Sheldon    13 March 189669 yearsAlso of Sarah Sheldon, daughter of the above who died March 13th 1896 aged 69 years.
8VSheldonFrancisSon of John & Elizabeth Sheldon    16 October 189661 yearsAlso of Francis Sheldon, son of the above who died October 16th 1896 aged 61 years.
12VPawsonMary Ann Southport   09 November 194796 yearsMary Ann Pawson aged 96 died at Southport November 9th 1947
12VPawsonEmma Morley   29 October 192482 yearsAlso Emma Pawson of Morley who died 29th October 1924 in her 82nd year?
12VPawsonDaniel LofthouseStone Merchant  2nd December 185343 yearsSacred to the Memory of Daniel Dawson of Lofthouse,Stone Merchant who died 2nd December 1853 aged 43 years
12VPawsonHannahrelict of Daniel Pawson    ? July 189882 yearsAlso Hannah, relict of the aforesaid Daniel Dawson who died ? July 1898 in her 82nd Year.
12VPawsonDanielSon of Daniel & Hannah Pawson    12 March 18477? MonthsAlso Daniel, son of Daniel & Hannah Dawson who died 12th March 1847 aged 7? Months
12VPawsonJaneDaughter of Daniel & Hannah Pawson    7 ? ?6 years ? MonthsAlso Jane their daughter who died 7th ? Aged 6 years and ? Months
17VWoodsworthMaryDaughter of William WoodsworthThorp   17 December 183722 yearsSacred to the memory of Mary Woodsworth of Thorp who departed this life the 17th day of December 1837 aged 22 years.
17VWoodsworthWilliamFather of Mary WoodsworthThorp   16 July 183962 yearsAlso William Woodsworth, father of the above who departed this life the 16th day of July, aged 62 years.
22VRidyardSamuel Rothwell HaighWheelwright  26 July 185362 yearsin Memory of Samuel Ridyard of Rothwell Haigh, who departed this life November 26th 1853 aged 62 years.
22VRidyardGeorgeSon of Samuel RidyardRothwell Haigh   19 February 185126 yearsAlso George, son of the above who departed this life February 19th 1851 aged 26 years.
22VRidyardSamuelSon of Samuel RidyardRothwell Haigh   6 June 185733 yearsAlso Samuel, son of the above Samuel Ridyard who departed this life June 6th 1857 aged 33 years.
22VRidyardCharlotteWife of Samuel Ridyard    30 January 186764 yearsAlso Charlotte wife of the first named Samuel Ridyard who died 30th January 1867 aged 64 years.
22VRidyardHenrySon of Samuel Ridyard    16 February 189659 yearsAlso Henry Ridyard son of the above who died February 16th 1896 in his 59th year.
23VBurtonJohn     23 March 180539 yearsAlso John Burton of Rothwell father of the above children who died 23rd March 1805 aged 39 years.
23VBurtonEstherWife of John Burton    27th October 182570 yearsAlso of Esther Burton wife of the above John Burton who died 27th October 1825 aged 70 years.
23VWorthEdwinGrandson of William Medley BurtonRothwell   5 September 18512 years 10 monthsAlso Edwin Worth grandson of the William Medley Burton who died 5th September 1851 aged 2 years and 10 months
24VBurtonMaryWife of William Medley BurtonRothwell   13 December 186375 yearsSacred to the memory of Mary wife of William Medley Burton of Rothwell who departed this life the 13th December 1865 aged 75 years
24VBurtonWilliam MedleyHusband of Mary BurtonRothwell   20 October 186475 yearsAlso of the above named William Medley Burton who departed this life the 20th October 1864 aged 75 years
24VWorthBurtonGrandson of the aboveRothwell   27 April 186216 yearsAlso of Burton Worth grandson of the above who departed this life the 27th April 1862 aged 16 years.
25VGoughHannahDaughter of James & Elizabeth GoughWoodlesford   26 March 182926 yearsSacred to the memory of Hannah daughter of James & Elizabeth Gough of Woodlesford who died March 26th 1829 aged 26 years.
25VGoughElizabethWife of James GoughWoodlesford   31 December 185188 yearsAlso the above Elizabeth Gough who died December 31st 1851 aged 88 years
25VGoughJamesHusband of Elizabeth GoughWoodlesford   29 January 185292 yearsAlso the above James Gough who died January 29th 1852 aged 92 years.
26VGoughSarah Woodlesford  5 August 178726 December 185972 yearsIn Memory of Sarah Gough of Woodlesford born August 5th 1787 died December 26th 1859
26VPearsonAnnSister of Sarah Gough    31 January 187666 yearsAlso Ann Pearson sister of the above who died January 31st 1876 aged 66 years.
28VDiversHannahWife of Isaac DiversCarlton   28 April 185431 yearsIn Memory of Hannah wife of Isaac Divers of Carlton who died April 22nd 1854 aged 31
28VDiversEmmaDaughter of Isaac DiversCarlton   1 August 18566 yearsAlso Emma daughter of the above who died August 1st 1856 aged 6 years.
28VDiversMartha HannahDaughter of Isaac DiversCarlton    infancyAlso Martha Hannah who died in infancy
28VDiversIsaac Carlton   30 April 188774 yearsAlso the above named Isaac Divers who died April 30th 1887 aged 74 years.
28VDiversMaryWife of Isaac Divers    31 March 189480 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above who died March 31st 1894 aged 80 years.
28VDiversEmmaWife of John Richard DiversCarlton   10 February 189932 yearsAlso Emma, the wife of John Richard Divers of Carlton who departed this life February 10th 1899 aged 32 years.
28VDiversMary EllenDaughter of Hannah and Isaac DiversCarlton   10 September 191160 yearsAlso Mary Ellen, daughter of Hannah and Isaac Divers who died September 10th 1911 aged 60 years.
31VWalkerSarah AnnDaughter of James & Martha Walker    28 November 183511 weeksSacred to the memory of Sarah Ann Walker duaghter of James and Martha Walker who died November 28th 1835 aged 11 weeks.
31VWalkerBenjaminSon of James & Martha Walker    12 February 18382 yearsAlso Benjamin son of the above who departed this life October 6th 1838 aged 2 years.
31VWalkerJamesSon of James & Martha Walker    6 October 18397 monthsAlso James, son of the above who departed this life October 6th 1839 aged 7 months
31VWalkerElizabethDaughter of James & Martha Walker    10 December 184710 yearsAlso Elizabeth, daughter of the above who departed this life December 10th 1847 aged 10 years.
31VWalkerJamesSon of James & Martha Walker    22 December 18472 yearsAlso James, son of the above who departed this life December 22nd aged 2 years.
31VWalkerMarthaWife of James Walker    4 January 184838 yearsAlso Martha, wife of the above who departed this life January 4th 1848 aged 38 years.
31VWalkerJamesHusband of Martha Walker    6 January 184841 yearsAlso James Walker, husband of the above who departed this life January 6th 1848 aged 41 years.
32VGillNathanSon of John & Mary GillHunslet   5 February 182622 yearsIn Memory of Nathan, son of John & Mary Gill of Hunslet who died February 5th 1826 aged 22 years.
32VGillMaryWife of John GillHunslet   17 April 182966 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above John Gill who died April 17th 1829 aged 66 years.
32VGillChristianaDaughter of James & Mary Gill & grand daughter of Mary Gill    6 February ?8 yearsAlso Chritiana, daughter of James & Mary Gill and grand daughter of the aforesaid Mary Gill who died February 6th ? In the 8th years of her age.
32VGillJamesSon of James & Mary Gill    15 ? 18364 yearsAlso James son of the above James & Mary Gill who died ? 15th 1836 aged 4 years.
32VGillJohnHusband of Mary Gill    18 March 184383 yearsAlso John Gill husband to the above who died March 18 1843 aged 83 years

Transcribed by John Readman © 2011.
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcriptions
please email the transcriber.