


Rothwell MIs, North Section, Rows A to J


The Monumental Inscriptions, Holy Trinity, Rothwell, North section, Rows A to J


The MIs for the stones which still exist in
Holy Trinity churchyard, Rothwell, North Section, Rows A to J.

Transcribed by John Readman ©2011

RelationResidenceOccupationD of BirthCause of deathD of deathAge at deathFull inscription
3ABrookAnndaughter of David & Rachael BrookThorp   11 November 18351year 11monthsIn Memory of Ann the daughter of David and Rachael Brook who died Nov. 11th 1835 aged 1 year and 11 months
3ABrookDavidson of the aboveThorp   2 May 183710 monthsAlso David son of the above who died May 2nd 1837 aged 10months
3ABrookDavidfather of the above children    24 August 185835 yearsAlso David Brook father of the above children who died August 24th 1838 aged 35 years
23AMattisonMariaDaughter of John and Ann Mattison    24 July 18297 monthsIn Memory of Maria daughter of John and Ann Mattison who died July 24th 1829 aged 7 months
23AMattisonMaryDaughter of the above    26 July 18338 monthsAlso Mary Daughter of the above who died July 26th 1833 aged 8 months
23AMattisonAnnDaughter of the above    12 July 18343 years 8 monthsAlso Ann Daughter of the above who died July 12th 1834 aged 3 years and 8 months
23AMattisonEdwardSon of the above    5 April 18382 monthsAlso Edward son of the above who died April 5th 1838 aged 2 months
32ASpinkElizabethWife of George SpinkMiddleton   3 February 184?77 yearsSacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Spink, wife of George Spink of Middleton who departed this life Feruary 3rd 184? Aged 77 years
32ASpinkGeorgeHusband of the above    28 July 185581 yearsAlso George Spink husband of the above who departed this life July 28th, 1855 aged 81 years
35ABainesSarah JaneThird Daughter of Thomas and Ann BainesRothwell   22 August 183321 yearsIN MEMORY OF Sarah Jane Baines third daughter of Thomas and Ann Baines of Rothwell who died August 22nd 1833 aged 21 years
35ABainesAnnWife of Thomas Baines and mother of Sarah Jane Baines    30 October 185155 yearsAlso Ann wife of Thomas Baines and Mother of above Sarah Jane who died October 30th 1851 aged 55 years
35ABainesThomasHusband of Ann and father of Sarah Jane    21 June 186167 yearsAlso the interred remains of Thomas, husband of Ann and Father of Sarah Jane who departed this life June 21 1861 aged 67 years
35ABainesJamesSon of the above Thomas & Ann Baines    24 May 190076 yearsAlso of James Baines son of Thomas and Ann Baines who died May 24th 1900 aged 76 years
35ABainesAnnWife of the above    22 April 191281 yearsAlso Ann wife of the above who fell asleep April 22nd 1912 in her 81st year
16BCrewWilliamSon of William and Martha CrewLeeds   22 August 185521 yearsIn memory of William son of William and Martha Crew of Leeds who died August 22nd 1855 aged 21 years.
16BCrewMary Anndaughter of the above    25 April 185820 years 10mthsAlso Mary Ann daughter of the above who died April 25th 1858 aged 20 years and 10 months
16BCrewMarthaWife of the William Crew and mother of the above    28 May 185846 yearsAlso Martha wife of William Crew and mother of the above who died May 28th 1858 aged 46 years
16BCrewSedinaDaughter of the above    20 July 18589 yearsAlso Sedina daughter of the above who died July 20th 1858 aged 9 years
16BCrewEmmaDaughter of the above    6 December 18583 yearsAlso Emma daughter of the above who died December 6th 1858 aged 3 years
16BCrewHannah MariaDaughter of the above    17 December 18589 yearsAlso Hannah Maria daughter of the above who died December 17th 1858 aged 9 years
16BCrewElizawife of William Crew    5 September 187259 yearsAlso Eliza wife of William Crew who died September 5th 1872 aged 59 years
17BCrewMariadaughter of William and Mary CrewRothwell   4 January 183622 yearsIn Memory of Maria daughter of William and Mary Crew of this parish who departed this life January 4th 1836 aged 22 years
17BCrewMaryWife of William Crew and mother of the above    14 September 185273 yearsAlso Mary wife of William Crew and mother of the above who departed this life September 14th 1852 aged 73 years
17BCrewWilliamHusband of the above    8 March 186988 yearsAlso William Crew husband of the above who departed this life March 8th 1869 aged 88 years
17BCrewCharlesson of the above    6 January 189070 yearsAlso Charles Crew son of the above who died January 6th 1899 aged 70 years
17BCrewNancywife of the above Charles Crew    8 October 189775 yearsAlso of Nancy wife of the above Charles Crew who died October 8th 1897 aged 75 years
19BCravenRobert Bellisle   5 March 182055 yearsTo the Memory of Robert Craven of Bellisle who died March 5th 1820 aged 55 years
19BCravenWilliamson of the above    22 April 182936 yearsAlso William son of the above who died April 22nd 1829 aged 36 years
19BCravenHarrietGrand daughter of the above    8 December 18363 yearsAlso Harriet Craven Grand daughter of the above who died December 8th 1836 aged 3 years
19BCravenMarywife of the above Robert Craven    29 June 183977 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above Robert Craven who died June 19th 1839 aged 77 years
21BSmithJeremiah Woodlesford   21 March 181365 yearsIn Memory of Jeremiah Smith late of Woodlesford who departed this life March 21 1813 aged 65 years
21BBeedleJeremiahSon of Edward and Elizabeth BeedleWoodlesford   8 May 18138 monthsHere lieth interred the body of Jeremiah son of Edward and Elizabeth Beedle of Woodlesford who died May 8th 1813 aged 8 months
22BWalkerWilliam Lofthouse   18 November 183270 yearsIn the Memory of William Walker of Lofthouse who departed this life November 18th 1832 aged 70 years
22BWalkerAnnwife of the above    24 April 184582 yearsAlso Ann Walker wife of the above who died April 24th 1845 aged 82 years
27BGrahamPercy CharlesSon of John & Ellen Graham    11 August 1870? MonthsIn memory of Percy Charles Graham son of John & Ellen Graham who died August 11 1870 aged ? Months
27BGrahamEllenMother of the above    b.23 May 1837d.13 November 1895Also Ellen Graham mother of the above born May 23 1837 died November 13 1895
27BGrahamJohnHusband of the above    ? January 191070 yearsAlso John Graham husband of the above who died January ? 1910 aged 70 years
28BGrahamHenry     b.7 May 1824d.22 April 1879In Memory of Henry Graham born May 7th 1824 died April 22nd 1879
28BGrahamJosephBrother of the above Henry Graham    8 April 188165 yearsAlso Joseph Graham brother of the above who died April 8th 1881 aged 65 years
28BGrahamSarahWife of the above Joseph Graham    13 March 189780 yearsAlso Sarah wife of the above Joseph Graham who died March 13 1897 aged 80 years
30BKearsleyGeorgeSon of George & Hannah KearsleyWoodhouse Hill   11 August 18313 years 10 monthsIN MEMORY of George the son of John & Hannah Kearsley of Woodhouse Hill who died August 11 1831 aged 3 years and 10 months
30BKearsleyJohnSon of the above    21 February 18331 year 9 monthsAlso John Kearsley son of the above who departed this life February 21st 1833 aged 1 year and 9 months
30BKearsleyRuthDaughter of the above    6 April 18382 years 9 monthsAlso Ruth, daughter of the above, who departed this life the 6th day of April 1838 aged 2 years and 9 months
31BWestmorelandMichael     6 December 185141 yearsIn Memory of Michael Westmoreland who died December 6th 1851 aged 41 years
31BWestmorelandHannahWife of the above    10 October 185245 yearsAlso Hannah Westmoreland wife of the above who died October 10th 1852 aged 45 years
31BWestmorelandElizaDaughter of the above    27 January 18444 yearsAlso of Eliza daughter of the above who died January 27th 1844 aged 4 years
31BWestmorelandDavidBrother to the aboveRothwell   14 April 187568 yearsAlso David Westmoreland of Rothwell, brother to the above who died April 14th 1875 aged 68 years
31BWestmorelandMaryWife of the above David Westmoreland    4 June 187671 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above David Westmoreland who died June 4th 1876 aged 71 years
35BDrakeJosephSon of John and Sarah DrakeMiddletonCabinet Maker  28 August 183523 yearsSacred to the Memory of Joseph Drake of Middleton, Cabinet Maker who departed this life on the 28th day of August 1835 in the 23rd year of his age
35BRobertsRuthDaughter of James and Hannah Roberts and Grand daughter of the above    31 August 183612 years and 9 monthsAlso Ruth, daughter of James and Hannah Roberts and Grand daughter to the above who departed this life the 31st day of August 1836 aged 12 years and 9 months.
35BDrakeSarahWife of John Drake and Mother to the above    21 April 184156 yearsAlso Sarah wife of John Drake and mother to the above who departed this life on the 24th day of April 1841 aged 55 years
2CFlocktonWilliamson of Charles and Elizabeth FlocktonHunslet Carr   21 July 187129 yearsIn Memory of William son of Charles and Elizabeth Flockton of Hunslet Carr who died July 21st 1871 aged 29 years
2CFlocktonAnndaughter of the above Charles and Elizabeth Flockton    15 June 187122 yearsAlso Ann daughter of the above Charles and Elizabeth Flockton who died June 15th 1871 aged 22 years
3CFlocktonJosephson of Charles and Elizabeth FlocktonHunslet Carr   5 April 188528 yearsIn Memory of Joseph son of Charles and Elizabeth Flockton of Hunslet Carr who died April 5th 1885 aged 28 years
3CFlocktonCharlesfather of the above    15 July 186459 yearsAlso Charles father of the above who died July 15th 1864 aged 59years
3CFlocktonElizabethwife of the above    16 March 187261 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above who died March 16th 1872 aged 61 years
16CBentonJ & J        
18CSmithWilliam Middleton   27 June 183677 yearsSacred to the Memory of William Smith of Middleton who died June 27th 1836 aged 77 years
18CSmithHannahrelict of the above    12 July 183775 yearsAlso Hannah relict of the above who died July 12th 1837 aged 75 years
18CSpencerElizabethdaughter of the above    3 February 184966 yearsAlos Elizabeth Spencer daughter of the above who died February 3rd 1849 aged 66 years
19CKeightleyJohnSons of George and Nancy KeightleyBellisle    infancyIn Memory of John and William sons of George and Nancy Keightley of Bellisle who died in their infancy
19CKeightleyWilliamSons of George and Nancy KeightleyBellisle    infancyIn Memory of John and William sons of George and Nancy Keightley of Bellisle who died in their infancy
19CKeightleySophiadaughter of the above    15 February 18452years 6mthsAlso Sophia daughter of the above who died 15th February 1845 aged 2 years and 6 months
19CKeightleyEdwinson of the above George and Nancy Keightley    20 March 187425 yearsAlso Edwin son of the above George and Nancy Keightley who died March 20th 1874 aged 25 years
19CKeightleyNancywife of the above George Keightley and Mother of the above children    17 August 187560 yearsAlso Nancy wife of George Keightley and mother of the above children who died August 17th 1875 aged 60 years
19CKeightleyGeorgeHusband and father of the above    10 February 187765 yearsAlso George Keightley Husband and Father of the above who died February 10th 1877 aged 65 years
20CGibsonRuthdaughter of Joseph and Sarah GibsonMiddleton   14 October 183117monthsIn Memory of Ruth the daughter of Joseph & Sarah Gibson of Middleton who departed this life October 14 1831 aged 17 months
20CGibsonJosephFather of the above    4 June 183730 yearsAlso Joseph Gibson father of the above who departed this life June 4 1837 aged 30 years
20CGibsonMaryDaughter of the above Joseph & Sarah Gibson    13 March 183722 weeksAlso Mary daughter of the above Joseph & Sarah Gibson who died March 13, 1837 aged 22 weeks
20CGibsonJosephSon of Joseph & Sarah Gibson    4 April 18376 monthsAlso Joseph son of Joseph & Sarah Gibson who died April 4 1837 aged 6 months
20CGibsonMatthewSon of Joseph & Sarah Gibson    5 September 18385 years 11 monthsAlso Matthew son of Joseph & Sarah Gibson who departed this life September 5th 1838 aged 5 years and 11 months
21CTummondCharlesson of James and Ann Tummond    27 August 18317Sacred to the memory of Charles Tummond son of James and Ann Tummond who departed this life August 27 1831 aged 7 years
21CTummondAnnMother of the above    ? ? 183231 yearsAlso Ann Tummond mother of the above who departed this life ? ? 1832 aged 31 years
21CTummondJamesHusband of the above    ? 13 ?61 yearsAlso James Tummond, husband of the above who departed this life ? 13 ? Aged 61 years
21CDykesElizabeth AnnDaughter of the above James and Ann Tummond    b. 6 September 1822d. 28 December 1876Also Elizabeth Ann Dykes daughter of James and Ann Tummond born September 6th 1822, died December 28th, 1876
28CGrahamHannahWife of William Graham & daughter of Samuel BurtonLofthouse   8 September 180525 yearsIn Memory of Hannah wife of William Graham of Lofthouse and daughter of Samuel Burton who died September 8th 1805 aged 25 years
28CGrahamThomasSon of Hannah Graham nee Burton    29 November 1802infancyAlso Thomas her son who died November 29th 1802 in his infancy
28CGrahamRichardSon of Hannah Graham nee Burton    19 June 1805infancyAlso Richard her son who died June 19th 1805 in his infancy
28CGrahamWilliamHusband of Hannah Graham    7 September 185783 yearsAlso the above William Graham who died September 7 1857 aged 83 years
28CGrahamMaryWife of the above William Graham    28 July 185881 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above who died July 28th 1858 aged 81 years
28CBennettJaneDaughter of William and Hannah Graham    27 October 187571 yearsAlso Jane Bennett daughter of William & Hannah Graham who died October 27th 1876 aged 71 years
28CGrahamMaryDaughter of William & Mary Graham    2 April 188059 yearsAlso Mary daughter of William & Mary Graham who died April 2nd 1880 aged 59 years
30CWoodSamuel Rothwell   6 July 186254 yearsIn Memory of Samuel Wood late of this Parish who died July 6th 1862 aged 54 years
30CWoodSarahWife of the above Samuel Wood    14 June 186850 yearsAlso Sarah Wife of the above Samuel Wood who departed this life June 14th 1868 aged 50 years
1DRogersonSamuelSon of William and Hannah RogersonMiddleton   2 July 183632In Memory of Samuel son of William and Hannah Rogerson of Middleton who departed this life July 2nd 1836 aged 32 years
1DRogersonHannahMother of the above    9 August 184571 yearsAlso Hannah mother of the above who departed this life August 9th 1845 aged 71 years
1DRogersonWilliamHusband of the above    25 September 184976 yearsAlso William Rogerson husband of the above who departed this life September 25th 1845 aged 71 years
1DRogersonJohn William??    15 July 186042 yearsAlso John William ? July 15th 1860 aged 42 years
1DWoodHannahdaughter of the above    24 December 187959 yearsAlso Hannah Wood daughter of the above who died December 24th 1879 aged 59 years
2DRogersonEdward     16 January 190663 yearsIn Loving Memory of Edward Rogerson who died january 16th 1906, aged 63 years
2DRogersonNancywife of the above    19 August 190767 yearsAlso Nancy Rogerson wife of the above who died August 19th 1907 aged 67 years
19DWalesWilliam Woodhouse HillIron Turner  26 May 185550 yearsIn Memory of William Wales Iron Turner of Woodhouse Hill who departed this life May 26th 1855 aged 50years
19DWalesWilliamSon of Richard and Ann Wales, grandson of the aboveHunslet Carr   13 January 185613 monthsAlso William son of Richard and Ann Wales of Hunslet Carr and grandson of the above who departed this life January 18th aged 13 months
19DWalesWalterSon of the above Richard and Ann Wales    12 December 18584 monthsAlso Walter son of the above Richard and Ann Wales who departed this lifeDecember 12th 1858 aged 4 months
19DWalesMartha Anndaughter of the above    10 June 18709 years 3 monthsAlso Martha Ann, daughter of the above who departed this life June 10th 1870 aged 9 years and 3 months
19DWalesAbigailwife of the above William Wales    6 October 187272yearsAlso Abigail wife of the above William Wales who died October 6th 1872 aged 72 years
28DDixonJohnHusband of Rachel DixonLeeds   21 July 184566 yearsSacred to the Memory of John Dixon late of Leeds who departed this life July 21st 1845 aged 66 years
28DDixonHannahDaughter of John and Rachel Dixon    2 February 185158 yearsAlso Hannah daughter of John and Rachel Dixon who died February 2nd 1851 aged 58 years
28DDixonRachelWife of the above John Dixon    30 January 187182 yearsAlso Hannah Dixon wife of the above who deaparted this life January 30th 1871 aged 82 years
29DDixonThomasSon of John and Mary Dixon    ?5 December 179310 yearsThomas DIXON and Mary DIXON who Departed this Life ?5th December 1793 aged 10 years
29DDixonJohnFather of Thomas Dixon    4 April 181469 yearsAlso here lieth interred the Body of John DIXON father of the above THOMAS DIXON who departed this life April 4th 1814 aged 69 years
29DDixonMaryWife of John Dixon    3 June 181871 yearsAlso here lieth interred the Body of MARY the Wife of the above JOHN DIXON who departed this life the 3rd of June 1818 in the 71st Year of her age.
29DDixonGeorgeSon of the above John & Mary Dixon    15 December 181827 yearsAlso here lieth interred the Body of GEORGE DIXON Son of the above and who departed this life the 15th of December 1818 in the 27th Year of his Age
29DSlaterRachelSister of the above Mary Dixon    21 August 182176 yearsAlso Rachel SLATER Sister of the above MARY DIXOn who lieth adjacent to this tomb who departed this life the 21st August 1821 aged 76 years
30DDixonMaryWife of William Dixon of LeedsLeeds,late of Thwaite, Rothwell   10 June 185357 yearsSACRED to the Memory of MARY Wife of WILLIAM DIXON of Leeds, late of Thwaite in this parish who died June 10th 1853 aged 57 years
30DDixon 3 Children of the above      Also 3 children of the above who died young
30DDixonWilliamHusband of the above    26 January 185566 yearsAlso William Dixon Husband of the above who died January 26th 1855 aged 66 years
31DKeightleyElizabethWife of John KeightleyBelle Isle   16 January 183344 yearsSacred to the Memory of Elizabeth wife of John Keightley of Belle Isle who died January 16th 1833 aged 44 years
31DKeightleyJohnHusband of the above    11 August 186680 yearsAlso John Keightley husband of the above who died August 11th 1866 aged 80 years
33DKeightleyRobertSon of Benjamin and Fanny KeightleyMiddleton   20 September 18445 monthsSacred to the Memory of Robert, son of Benjamin and Fanny Keightley of Middleton who departed this life September 20th 1844 aged 5 months
33DKeightleyFannyWife of the above Benjamin Keightley    23 May 184328 yearsAlso Fanny, wife of the above Benjamin Keightley, who departed this life May 25th 1843 aged 28 years
33DKeightleyBenjaminSon of John and Mary Keightley and Grandson of the above    25 March 186115 monthsAlso Benjamin, son of John and Mary Keightley and Grandson of the above who died March 25th 1861 aged 15 months
33DKeightleyMartha AnnDaughter of the above    10 September 186414 monthsAlso Martha Ann daughter of the above who died September 10th 1864 aged 14 months
10ECrewSamuelRobert & Mary Crew    2 May 18407 years 3 monthsIn Memory of Samuel Crew, son of Robert & Mary Crew who died May 2nd 1840 aged 7 years and 3 months
10ECrewRobert     22 January 185447 yearsAlso Robert Crew father of the above who died January 22nd 1854 aged 47 years
10ECrewMary     11 March 185948 yearsAlso Mary Crew, wife of the above Robert Crew who died March 11 th 1859 aged 48 years
10ECrewSarah     04 June 190569 yearsAlso Sarah, the beloved wife of Joseph Crew who died June 4th 1905 aged 69 years
10ECrewJosephRobert & Mary Crew    02 July 192386 yearsAlso Joseph son of Robert Crew who died July 2nd 1923 aged 86 years
12EHardwickWilliam     21 December 185929 yearsSacred to the Memoery of William Hardwick who died December 21st 1859 aged 29 years
12 EHardwickWilliamNephew of the above    31 May 188557yearsAlso William Hardwick nephew of the above who died May 31 1885 in the 57 Year of his Age
12EHardwickMarthaWife of the above William Hardwick  3 February 1832 23 October 188957 yearsAlso Martha wife of the above William Hardwick born February 3rd 1832 died October 23rd 1889 "For ever with the Lord"
13EChadwickSarahWife of Thomas ChadwickLofthouse   4 July 187771 yearsSacred to the Memory of Sarah wife of Thomas Chadwick of Lofthouse who died July 4 1877 aged 71 years
13EChadwickThomasHusband of the aboveLofthouse   23 February 188474 yearsAlso Thomas Chadwick of Lofthouse husband of the above who died February 23th 1884 aged 74 years
16EHindelJohn Leeds   3 January 183766 yearsIn memory of John Hindel of Leeds who died January 3rd 1837 aged 66 years
16EHindelMaryDaughter of John Hindel    6 April 183918 yearsAlso Mary Daughter of John Hindel who departed this life April 6th 1839 aged 18 years
16EWestmorelandEsterWife of Thomas Hutchinson and daughter of John Hindel    23 January 185227 yearsAlso Ester, wife of Thomas Hutchinson and daughter to the above who departed this life January 23rd 1852 aged 27 years
16EHindelEsterWife of the above (John Hindel)    23 January 186476 yearsAlso Ester wife of the above who departed this life January 23rd 1864 aged 76 years
18EPrinceWilliamSon of William and Ann PrinceMiddleton   14 December 183516 yearsIn Memory of William son of William and Ann Prince of Middleton who departed this life December 14th 1835 aged 16 years
18EPrinceJudithWife of the above John Prince      Also Judith wife of the above John Prince who departed this
18EPrinceWilliamSon of the above (William & Ann Prince)    3 June 183818 weeksAlso William son of the above who departed this life June 3rd 1838 aged 18 weeks
18EPrinceMaryDaughter of the above    14 December 184016 yearsAlso Mary Daughter of the above who departed this life December 14th 1840 aged 16 years
18EPrinceJosephSon of the above    22 April 184322 weeksAlso Joseph son of the above who deaparted this life April 22nd 1843 aged 22 weeks
18EPrinceJohnSon of the above    16 February 184926 yearsAlso John Prince son of the above who died February 16th 1849 aged 26 years
20EMortonJohn Churwell   24 May 183676? yearsSacred to the Memory of John Morton of Churwell who departed this life the 24th day of May 1836 aged 76?years
25EThwaiteMaryWife of John Thwaite    16 February 180652 yearsBeneath this stone lyeth the remains of Mary the wife of John Thwaite who departed this life the 16th day of February 1806 aged 52 years
27EWrightMaryWife of Edmund WrightRoyds Green   21 July? 18?9?54 yearsHere lieth interred here Mary the Wife of Edmund Wright of Royds Green who departed this life the 21st of July? 18?9? Aged 54 years.
27EWright Our son     infancy? Our son who died in his infancy
30EPrinceJamesSon of John and Judith PrinceMiddleton   2 March 182932 yearsSacred to the memoery of James prince son of John and Judith prince of Middleton who departed this life March 2 1829 aged 32 years
30EPrinceJohnFather of the above mentioned James Prince    21 September 183373 yearsAlso John Prince Father of the above mentioned James Prince who departed this life September 21st 1833 aged 73 years
30EPrinceJudithWife of the above John Prince    27 January 183881 yearsAlso Judith wife of the above John Prince who departed this life the 27th day of January 1838 aged 81 years
30EPrinceBenjaminSon of the above    29 June 186465 yearsAlso Benjamin Prince son of the above who died June 29th 1864 aged 65 years
33EKeighleyElizabethWife of Abraham KeighleyBellisle   2 July 184551 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Keighley of Bellisle, who died July 2nd 1845 aged 51 years
33EKeighleyAbrahamHusband of the above    15 July 185768 yearsAlso Abraham Keighley husband of the above who departed this life July 15th 1857 aged 68 years
36EWittlestonHannahDaughter of William WittelstonLofthouse   28 June 180919 yearsMemory of Hannah Wittleston daughter of William Wittelston of Lofthouse who departed this life the 28th day of June 1809 in the 19th year of her Age
36EWhittlestonHannahRelict of William WhittlestonLofthouse   19 January 183880 yearsSacred to the memory of Hannah, relict of William Whittleston of Lofthouse who departed this life 19th of January 1838, in the 80th year of her age.
36EWhittlestonAnnDaughter of the above    24 September 187690 yearsAlso Ann Whittleston, daughter of the above who died September 24th 1876 aged 90 years.
37EGoodallWilliamSon of John and Mary GoodallWoodlesford   14 January 182919yearsSacred to the Memory of William the son of John and Mary Goodall of Woodlesford who departed this life the 14th day of January 1829 aged 19 years
37EGoodallJohnFather of the above    26 January 185768 yearsAlso John Goodall father of the above died January 26th 1857 aged 68 years
37EGoodallMaryWife of the above John Goodall    14 March 186397 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above John Goodall who departed this life March 14th 1863 aged 97 years
5FHardwickHenryJoseph & Mary HardwickHunslet   9 August 188532 yearsIn Affectionate Remembrance of Henry son of Joseph & Mary Hardwick of Hunslet who died August 9th 1885 aged 32 years
5FHardwick3 childrenJoseph & Mary Hardwick     infancyAlso three children of the above who died intheir infancy
5FHardwickJoseph     23 June 188967 yearsAlso the above Joseph Hardwick who died June 23rd 1889 aged 67 years
5FHardwickMary     10 October 190080 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above Joseph Hardwick who died October 10th 1900 in her 80th year
12FClarksonFrancesWife of Thomas ClarksonLofthouse   14 February 184079 yearsIn memory of Frances Wife of Thomas Clarkson of Lofthouse who departed this life February 14th 1840 aged 79 years
12FClarksonThomasAlso the above named    24 November 184791 yearsAlso the above named Thomas Clarkson who died November 24th 1847 aged 91 years
29FMortonJohnSon of Benjamin and Margaret MortonBellisle    infancyIn Memory of John son of Benjamin and Margaret Morton of Bellisle who died in his infancy
29FMortonMargaretDaughter of the above    3 December 18022 yearsAlso Margaret daughter of the above who departed this life on the 3rd day of December 1802 aged 2 years
29FMortonMaryDaughter of the above    22 December 183442 yearsAlso Mary daughter of the above who departed this life on the 22nd day of December 1834 aged 42 years
29FMortonBenjaminThe above mentioned    21 June 183568 yearsAlso the above mentioned Benjamin Morton who departed this life on the 21st day of June 1835 aged 65 years
29FMortonBenjaminSon of the above Benjamin and Margaret Morton    5 August 183831 yearsAlso Benjamin Morton son of the above mentioned Benjamin and Margaret Morton who departed this life on the 5th day of August 1838 aged 31 years
29FMortonBenjaminSon of John and Sarah Morton & Great Grandson of the above    27 June 18454 yearsAlso Benjamin son of John and Sarah Morton & Great grandson of the above who departed this life the 27th day of June 1845 aged 4 years
29FMortonMargaretWife of the above mentioned Benjamin Morton    28 June 184577 yearsAlso Margaret wife of the above Benjamin Morton who departed this life the 28th day of June 1845 aged 77 years
30FMarshallRebeccaDaughter of William & Rebecca MarshallThwaite Farm Rothwell   11 October 18506 yearsIn Memory of Rebecca daughter of William & Rebecca Marshall of Thwaite Farm, Rothwell who died October 11th 1850 aged 6 years
30FMarshallElizaDaughter of the above    6 October 18504 yearsAlso Eliza daughter of the above who died 6th October 1850 aged 4 years
30FMarshallEleanorDaughter of the above    ? February 18524 yearsAlso Eleanor daughter of the above who died ? October 1852 aged 4 years?
31FWardNathan     19 January 183054 yearsIn Memory of Nathan Ward who died January 19th 1830 aged 54 years
31FWardAnn     12 May 185465 yearsAlso Ann Ward who died May the 12th 1854 aged 65 years
31FHirstJohn Woodlesford   20 March 189472 yearsAlso John Hirst of Woodlesford who died March the 20th 1894 aged 72 years
31FHirstMary AnnWife of the above John Hirst    1 January 189776 yearsAlso Mary Ann wife of the above John Hirst who died January 1st 1897 aged 76 years
33FEllisJoseph Rothwell   4 October 187150 yearsIn Loving Memory of Joseph Ellis of Rothwell who died October 4th 1871, aged 50 years
33FEllisJaneWife of the above    30 June 184921 yearsAlso Jane wife of the above who died June 30th 1849 aged 21 years
33FEllisHannahSecond Wife of the above    13 December 188058 yearsAlso Hannah second wife of the above who died December 13th 1880 aged 58 years
33FNaylorBenSon of the above Joseph and Hannah Ellis    29 August 18648 yearsAlso Ben Naylor son of the above Joseph and Hannah Ellis who died August 29th 1864 aged 8 years
36FDixonCalitaSon of Charles and Hannah DixonHunslet   20 June 183017 yearsSacred to the memory of Calita Son of Charles and Hannah Dixon of Hunslet who departed this life June 20th 1830 aged 17 years.
36FDixonThomasSon of the above    6 May 185520 yearsAlso Thomas Dixon son of the above who departed this life the 6th day of May 1835, aged 20 years
36FDixonHannahWife of Charles Dixon    4 June 183865 yearsAlso the above mentioned Hannah Dixon, the wife of Charles Dixon who departed this life on the 4th of June 1838 aged 65 years
36FDixonCharlesFather of the above    15 February 186476 yearsAlso Charles Dixon father of the above who died February 15th 1864 aged 76 years
37FDixonJoseph     27 April 183726 yearsIn Memory of Joseph Dixon who died April 27th 1837 aged 26 years
37FDixonThomasSon of the above    16 August 18427 years 7 monthsAlso Thomas son of the above who departed this life August 16th 1842 aged 7 years and 7 months
37FBywaterSarah AnnDaughter of the above    10 January 186652 yearsAlso Sarah Ann Bywater daughter of the above who died January 10th 1866 aged 52 years
39FBlenkinsopJohnUpwards 23 years Steward to the Middleton EstateMiddletonSteward  22 January 183147 yearsSacred to the Memory of Mr. John Blenkinsop upwards of twenty three years Steward to the Middleton Estate who departed this life January 22nd 1851 aged 47 years. Sincerely regretted by all who knew him
2GBellMaryWife of Samson BellCarlton   16 August 183833 yearsSacred to the Memory of Mary Bell the wife of Samson Bell of Carlton who departed this life August 16th 1838 aged 33 years
2GBellSarahSamson & Mary Bell     infancyAlso Sarah Bell daughter of the above who died in her infancy
2GBellJaneSamson & Mary Bell    24 November 18408 yearsAlso Jane Bell daughter of the above who died November 24th 1840 aged 8 years
2GBellMary AnnSamson & Mary Bell    7 December 18404 yearsAlso Mary Ann Bell daughter of the above who died December 7th 1840 aged 4 years
2GFosterMary Ann     27 November 184811 yearsAlso Mary Ann Foster who died November 27th 1848 aged 11 years
5GBoysChristopherSon of Charles & Mary BoysCarlton   3 March 18305yearsIn Memory of Christopher son of Charles and Mary Boys who died march 3rd 1830 aged 5 years
5GBoysJaneDaughter of Charles & Mary BoysCarlton   7 June 18331 yearAlso Jane daughter of the above who died June 7th 1833 aged 1 year.
5GBoysCharlesSon of Charles & Mary BoysCarlton   11 February 18412 yearsAlso Charles Andrew son of the above who died February 11th 1841 aged 2 years
5GBoysMary AnnDaughter of Charles & Mary BoysCarlton   24 February 18411 yearAlso Mary Ann Daughter of the above who died February 24th 1841 aged 1 year
5GBoysCharlesAlso the aboveCarlton   10 March 186048 yearsAlso the above Charles Boys who died March 10th 1860 aged 48 years
6GHardwickMaryWife of William HardwickMiddleton   14 August 184334 yearsIn Memory of Mary wife of William Hardwick of Middleton who died August 14th 1843 aged 34 years
6GHardwickEdwardSon of William & Mary Hardwick    25 July 186134 yearsAlso Edward son of the above who died 25th July 1861 aged 34 years
6GHardwickGeorgeSon of William & Mary Hardwick    7 June 188135 yearsAlso George son of the above William Hardwick who died June 7th 1881 aged 35 years
6GHardwickWilliamHusband of Mary Hardwick    29 November 188176 yearsAlso the above William Hardwick who died November 29th 1881 aged 76 years
6GHardwickSarahWife of the above William Hardwick    26 March 188662 yearsAlso Sarah wife of the above William Hardwick who died March 26th 1886 aged 62 years
7GHardwickEmmaGeorge & Rachel HardwickHunslet   29 August 186520 yearsThe memory of Emma Daughter of George & Rachel Hardwick of Hunslet who died August 29th 1865 aged 20 years
7GHardwickGeorgeWife of Rachel HardwickHunslet   7 October 187859 yearsAlso of the above George Hardwick who died October 3rd 1878 aged 59 years
7GHardwickRachelHusband of George Hardwick    13 May 188667 yearsAlso the above Rachel Hardwick who died May 13th 1886 aged 67 years
7GWoodWilleasMother of the above Rachel Hardwick    12 November 187884 yearsAlso of Willeas Wood mother of the above Rachel Hardwick who died November 12th 1878 aged 84 years
8GHardwickWilliam Middleton   12 October 184366yearsIn Memory of William Hardwick of Middleton who departed this life October 12th 1843 aged 66 years
8GHardwickJaneWife of the above    21 January 184566yearsAlso Jane Hardwick wife of the above who departed this life January the 21st 1845 aged 66 years
8GHardwickMaryDaughter of John & Ann Hardwick & grand daughter of the above    3 October 189513 yearsAlso in memory of Mary daughter of John and Ann Hardwick and grand daughter of the above who departed this life October 3rd 1895 aged 13 years
10GRogersonJames RothwellSchoolmaster  13 August 184024yearsSacred to the memory of James Rogerson schoolmaster of this parish who departed this life August 13th 1840 aged 24 years
10GRogersonSarah AliceJames & Elizabeth Rogerson    1 April 18419months 16 daysAlso Sarah Alice Rogerson only child of the above James Rogerson who died April 1st 1841 aged 9 months and 16 days. This stone belongs to Elizabeth Rogerson
17GCrowtherBenjamin Middleton Grange   28 July 185941 yearsIn Memory of Benjamin Crowther of Middleton Grange who departed this life July 28th 1859 aged 41 years
17GBroadheadMarthaWife of Benjamin Broadhead    2 April 185865 yearsAlso In Memory of Martha Wife of Benjamin Broadhead who departed this life April 2nd 1858 aged 65 years
18GHewittJames Middleton   15 July 183664 yearsIn Memory of James Hewitt of Middleton who departed this life July 15th 1836 aged 64 years
18GHewittMaryWife of the above    10 April 185480 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above who departed this life April 10th 1854 aged 80 years
18GHewittHannahDaughter of James and Mary Hewitt    16 June 181516 yearsAlso Hannah Hewitt daughter of James and Mary Hewitt who departed this life June 16th 1815 aged 16 years
18GHewittElizaDaughter of James and Mary Hewitt    12 January 181911 yearsAlso Eliza Hewitt daughter of James and Mary Hewitt who departed this life January 12th 1819 aged 11 years
18GHewittSarahDaughter of James and Mary Hewitt    27 June 182017 yearsAlso Sarah Hewitt daughter of James and Mary Hewitt who departed this life June 27th 1820 aged 17 years
18GHewittJohnSon of James and Mary    11 September 182019 yearsAlso John Hewitt son of James and Mary Hewitt who departed this life September 11th 1820 aged 19 years
18GHewittRichardSon of the above    26 June 186756 yearsAlso Richard Hewitt son of James and Mary Hewitt who departed this life June 26th 1867 aged 56 years
18GHewittAnnWife of the above Richard Hewitt    7 August 188270 yearsAlso Ann wife of the above Richard Hewitt who died August 7 th 1882 aged 70 years
25GMoonAbigailWife of Thomas MoonLeeds   1 February 181356 yearsIn Memory of Abigail the wife of Mr. Thomas Moon of Leeds merchant; who departed this life the 1st day of February 1813 aged 56 years.
25GMoonThomas LeedsMerchant  16 October 182464 yearsHere also are deposited the mortal remains of the above named Thomas Moon who after a life was continued usfulness and activity died lamented as he had lived respected on the 16th October 1824 aged 64 years.
36GDixonKelitaSon of James and Martha DixonHunslet   22 July 18495 yearsIn Memory of Kelita son of James and Martha Dixon of Hunslet who died July 22nd 1849 aged 5 years
36GDixonCharles JosephSon of the above    16 September 18492 yearsAlso Charles Joseph son of the above who died September 16th 1849 aged 2 years
36GDixonJamesFather of the above children    27 December 185649 yearsAlso James Dixon father of the above children who died December 27th 1856 in the 49th year of his age
36GDixon 3 Children of the above     infancyAlso 3 children of the above who died in their infancy
39GJacksonFred (Edgar) RothwellChurchwarden  01 August 1986 Fred (Edgar) Jackson died August 1st 1986 serving church warden of this parish
1HGoodSarah   26 April 1812 5 January 187966 yearsIn Memoriam Sarah Good born April 20th 1812 died January 5th 1879 R.I.P.
2HEllisAnnDaughter of Joseph & Hannah EllisRothwell Haigh   ? December 18704 monthsSacred to the memory of Ann the daughter of Joseph & Hannah Ellis of Rothwell Haigh who died December ?th 1870 aged 4 months
2HEllisWalterSon of Joseph & Hannah Ellis    17 February 1874? Years and 10 monthsAlso Walter son of the above who died February 17th 1874 aged ? Years and 10 months
2HEllisFannyDaughter of Joseph & Hannah Ellis    17 February 1874? YearsAlso Fanny daughter of the above who died February 17th 1874 aged ? Years.
2HEllisHannah     16 October 189858 yearsAlso of the above Hannah Ellis died October 16th 1898 aged 58 years
2HEllisJoseph     25 November 191468 yearsAlso of the above Joseph Ellis died November 25th 1914 aged 68 years
3HEllisJamesSon of William & Sarah Ellis    22 January 18523 yearsIn Memory of James son of William and Sarah Ellis who died January 22nd 1852 aged 3 years
3HEllisJamesBrother to the above, son of William & Sarah Ellis    2 December 18571 year 6 monthsAlso James brother to the above who died December 24th 1857 aged 1 year and 6 months
3HEllisWilliamHusband of Sarah Ellis    18 August 188077 yearsAlso of the above William Ellis who died August 18th 1880 aged 77 years
3HEllisSarahWife of William Ellis    11 May 189281 yearsAlso of the above Sarah Ellis who died May 11th 1892 aged 81 years
5HRobertsWilliam Middleton   21 February 180736 yearsSacred to the memory of William Roberts of Middleton who departed this life on February 1807 aged 36 years
5HRobertsMaryWife of William Roberts    3 November 184472 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above who departed this life on the 3rd day of November 1844 aged 72 years
12HCrosland?Joseph Middleton Grange   29 December 183928 yearsIn Memory of Joseph Crosland of Middleton Grange who departed this life December 29th 1839 aged 28 years
12HCrosland?SusanDaughter of Joseph Crosland?     infancyAlso Susan daughter of the above who died in her infancy
12HCrosland?MaryDaughter of Joseph Crosland?    20 November 18402 years 3 monthsAlso Mary daughter of the above who departed this life November 20th 1840 aged 2 years and 3 months
12HCravenMary AnneDaughter of James and Mary CravenRoyds   16 January 18475 weeksAlso Mary Anne daughter of James and Mary Craven of Royds fied January 16th 1847 aged 5 weeks
12HCravenElizabeth MargaretDaughter of James and Mary Craven  7 June 1842 26 March 1855 Also Elizabeth Margaret Craven daughter born June 7th 1842 died March 26th 1855
12HCravenRose EllenDaughter of James and Mary Craven  11 September 1854 27 August 1855 Also Rose Ellen Craven daughter born September 11th 1854 died August 25th 1855
12HCravenMaryMother of the above    18 December 187860 yearsAlso Mary Craven mother of the above who died December 18th 1878 aged 60 years
18HWainwrightCharlotteWife of John WainwrightHunslet   7 September 183636 yearsSacred to the Memory of Charlotte the wife of John Wainwright of Hunslet who departed this life the 7th day of September 1836 aged 36 years
24HThompsonWilliam ThorpButcher  11 November 179456 yearsBeneath this stone lyeth interred the remains of William Thompson late of Thorp Butcher who departed this life the 11th day of November 1794 aged 56 years
24HThompsonSarahWife of William Thompson    14 April 181886Also Sarah wife of the above said William Thompson who departed this life 14th day of April 1818 in the 86th year of her age
25HGreenAnnWife of John GreenAlverthorpe   15 September 180138 yearsIn memory of Ann the wife of John Green of Alverthorpe who departed this life September 15th 1801 aged 38 years
25HGreenSarahDaughter of Ann Green    2 September 17861 yearAlso Sarah & George two of her children, Sarah died September 2nd 1786 aged 1, George died October 8th 1791 aged 4 years
25HGreenGeorgeSon of Ann Green    8 October 17914 yearsAlso Sarah & George two of her children, Sarah died September 2nd 1786 aged 1, George died October 8th 1791 aged 4 years
25HThompsonAnnWife of Edmund ThompsonRothwell Haigh   13 March 183775 yearsAlso in Memory of Ann wife of Edmund Thompson of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life March 13th 1837 aged 75 years
25HThompsonEdmundHusband to the above Ann Thompson    20 April 184580 yearsAlso Edmund Thompson husband to the above Ann Thompson who departed this life the 20th April 1845 aged 80 years
26HWrightJane Hunslet   9 January 185063 yearsIn Remembrance of Jane Wright of Hunslet who departed this life January 9th 1850 aged 63 years
26HWrightGeorgeHusband to the above Jane Wright    5 May 181654 yearsAlso of George husband to the above Jane Wright who departed this life May 5th 1816 aged 54 years
26HWrightAnnDaughter of the above George and Jane Wright    18 November 181713 yearsAlso of Ann daughter of the above who departed this life November 18th 1817 aged 13 years both of whose remains rest at the foot of this stone
28HDawsonMarySister of Nancy HarrisonCarlton   15 March 179975 yearsHere lieth the body of Mrs Mary Dawson of Carlton who died March 15th 1799 aged 75 years
28HHarrisonNancySister of Mary DawsonCarlton   12 July 180671 yearsAlso her sister Nancy wife of George Harrison of Carlton who died July 12th 1806 aged 71 years
28HHarrisonGeorge Driffield   before 5 August 182592 yearsAlso the above said George Harrison who died in the 92nd year of his age at his sons Horace in Driffield and was interred her August 5th 1825
31HMusgraveMaryWife of John MusgraveMiddleton   27 September 182927 yearsIn memory of Mary the wife of John Musgrave of Middleton who departed this life September 27th 1829 aged 27 years
31HMusgraveJohnHusband of Mary MusgraveMiddleton   15 September 184441 yearsAlso John Musgrave husband of the above who departed this life the 15th day of September 1844 aged 41 years
31HMusgraveMarysecond Wife of John MusgraveMiddleton   18 May 186663 yearsAlso Mary wife of the above John Musgrave who departed this life May 18th 1866 aged 63 years
32HColleyThomasSon of Thomas and Catherine ColleyMiddleton   12 January 181618 yearsIn Memory of Thomas Colley the son of Thomas and Catherine Colley of Middleton who departed this life the 12th of January 1816 in the 18th years of his age.
32HColleyElizabethDaughter of the Thomas & Catherine Colley    7 August 181532 yearsAlso of Elizabeth daughter of the above who departed this life on the 7th day of August 1815 aged 32 years
32HColleyMargaretDaughter of the Thomas & Catherine Colley    27 March 182544 yearsAlso of Margaret daughter of the above who departed this life on the 27th day of March 1825 aged 44 years
32HColleyCatherineWife of the above Thomas Colley    25 January 182871 yearsAlso of Catherine wife of the above Thomas Colley who departed this life on the 25th day of January 1828 aged 71 years.
3IFieldhouseAnnWife of Bejamin FieldhouseHunslet   22 August 185227yearsIn Memory of Ann wife of Benjamin Fieldhouse of Hunslet who died August 22nd 1852 aged 27 years
5ISteadMariaDaughter of William & Mary SteadMiddleton  Consumption22 June 184526 yearsSacred to the memory of Maria daughter of William and Mary Stead of Middleton who died of Consumption June 22nd 1845 in the 26th year of her age
5ISteadHannahWife of William Stead    17 May 185678 yearsAlso Hannah Stead wife of the above William Stead who died May 17th 1856 aged 78 years.
7INicholsMarySecond daughter of William & Ann NicholsRothwell Haigh   16 August 184123 yearsIn Memory of Mary the second daughter of William and Ann Nicholls of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life August 16th 1841 aged 23 years
7INicholsAnn     19 September 184247 yearsHere also rests all that was mortal of the above Ann Nichols who departed this life in certain expectation of the last day September 19th 1842 aged 47 years
10IDobsonJoseph Sunderland   4 September 186157 yearsSacred to the Memory of Joseph Dobson who died at Sunderland September 4th 1861 aged 57 years.
11IHillWilliam Carlton   28 October 184490 yearsHere lie the remains of William Hill of Carlton who departed this life October 28th 1844 aged 90 years
11IHillCharlotte Carlton   20 March 184993 yearsAlso Charlotte wife of the above who departed this life March 20th 1849 aged 93 years
16IDobsonEdward Lofthouse   17 January 183928 yearsIn Memory of Edward Dobson of Lofthouse who departed thid life on the 17th day of January 1839 aged 28 years
16IDobsonMary AnnDaughter of Edward & Jane DobsonLofthouse   12 May 184715 yearsAlso Mary Ann daughter of the above Edward & Jane Dobson who departed this life May 12th 1847 aged 15 years
16IDobsonElizabethDaughter of Edward & Jane DobsonLofthouse   14 November 185115 yearsAlso Elizabeth Dobson daughter of the above who departed this life November 14th 1851 aged 15 years
17IDobsonHannahWife of John DobsonCarltonRope maker  22 June 180930 yearsSacred to the memory of Hannah the wife of John Dobson of Carlton rope maker who died June 22nd 1809 aged 30 years
17IDobsonAnnDaughter of John and Letitia Dobson    12 March 182512 yearsAlso of Ann daughter of John and Letitia Dobson who died March 12th 1825 aged 12 years
17IDobsonJohn     2 February 185573 tearsAlso the said John Dobson who died February 2nd 1855 aged 73 years
17IDobsonLetitiaWife of John Dobson    10 April 185772 yearsAlso Letitia Dobson wife of the above John Dobson who died April 10th 1857 aged 72 years
17IDobsonElizabethDaughter of Richard & Elizabeth Dobson, grand daughter of Hannah Dobson    4 February 18575 yearsAlso Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Dobson and Grand daughter of the above who died February 4th 1857 aged 5 years
18IBestElizabethDaughter of Samuel & Sarah BestHunslet Carr   7 August 18071 year 8 monthsIn Memory of Elizabeth daughter of Samuel and Sarh Best of Hunslet Carr who died August 7th 1807 aged 1 year and 8 months
18IBestMariaDaughter of Samuel & Sarah BestHunslet Carr   26 July 183012 yearsAlso Maria daughter of the above Samuel and Sarah Best who died July 26th 1830 aged 12 years
18IBestMaryDaughter of Samuel & Sarah BestHunslet Carr   5 November 183628 yearsAlso Mary daughter of the above Samuel and Sarah best who died November 5th 1836 aged 28 years
18IBestElizabethMary BestHunslet Carr    infancyAlso Elizabeth daughter of the above Mary Best who diede in her infancy
18IBestSamuelHusband of Sarah BestHunslet Carr   21 April 185570 yearsAlso the above Samuel Best who departed this life April 21st 1855 aged 70 years
18IBestSarahWife of Samuel BestHunslet Carr   20 June 186578 yearsAlso Sarah wife of the above Samuel Best who departed this life June 20th 1863 aged 78 years
21IRasterickBettyDaughter of William & Hannah Rasterick & daughter in law of Joseph GallawayRothwell   26 March 179837 yearsBeneath this stone lieth interred the remains of Betty the daughter of William and Hannah Rasterick and daughter in law of Joseph Gallaway of this town who departed this life the 26th day of March 1798 aged 37 years.
21IGallawayJoseph     31 January 180459 yearsAlso Joseph Gallaway who died 31st Janaury 1804 aged 59 years.
28ISmithElizabethDaughter John & Charlotte SmithThwaite-gate   4 June 181519 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth Smith the daughter of John and Charlotte Smith of Thwaite Gate who departed this life the 4th of June 1815 in the 19th year of her age.
28IRobinsonThomas SmithSon of John & Eliza RobinsonThwaite-gate   21 November 18316 weeksAlso 3 children of John & Eliza Robinson of Thwaite Gate, Thomas Smith Robinson died November 21st 1831 aged 6 weeks
28IRobinsonJohn SmithSon of John & Eliza RobinsonThwaite-gate   12 March 183213 monthsJohn Smith Robinson died March 12 1832 aged 13 months
28IRobinsonCharles SmithSon of John & Eliza RobinsonThwaite-gate   27 April 1832infancyCharles Smith Robinson died 27 April 1832 in his infancy
30ITaylorAnn Middleton   24 May 184466 yearsIn Memory of the late Ann Taylor of Middleton who departed this life May 24th 1844 in the 66th year of her age.
32IBrownAnnWife of William BrownMiddleton   14 December 179728 yearsIn Memory of Ann the wife of Wm. Brown of Middleton who died December 14th 1797 aged 28 years
32IBrownElizabethDaughter of William & Ann Brown    17 June 1797infancyAlso Elizabeth daughter of the above Wm. And Ann Brown who died June 17 1797 in her infancy.
32IBrownAnnDaughter of William & Ann Brown    27 May 17979 monthsAlso Ann daughter of the above who died May 27th 1797 aged 9 months.
33IStringerRichard RothwellWaterman  4 March 181539 yearsIn Memory of Richard Stringer of Rothwell, waterman, who departed this life March 4th 1815 aged 39 years
33IStringerMary AnnDaughter of Richard Stringer    18 May 18?15 monthsAlso Mary Ann his daughter died May 18th 18? Aged 15 months
33IStringerJohnSon of Richard Stringer     infancyAlso of John his son who died in his infancy
33IStringerWilliamSon of Richard Stringer    20 June 184040 yearsAlso William Stringer eldest son of the above said Richard Stringer who died June 20th 1840 aged 40 years
33IStringerHannahWife of Richard Stringer    19 May 184771 yearsAlso Hannah Stringer wife of the the above who departed this life May 19th 1847 aged 71 years
3JMarshallJohn Carr LaneGardener  14 June 187268 yearsSacred to the Memory of John Marshall Gardener of Carr lane who died June 14th 1872 aged 68 years
3JMarshallCharlotteWife of John Marshall    14 July 187270 yearsAlso Charlotte Marshall wife of the above who died July 14th 1872 aged 70 years
4JMarshallJoseph Rothwell Haigh   6 December 184772 yearsSacred to the Memory of Joseph Marshall of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life on the 6th day of December 1847 aged 72 years May he rest in Peace
4JMarshallLydia     8 May 184875 yearsAlso Lydia wife of the above who departed this life May 8th 1848 aged 75 years. May she rest in Peace
4JMarshallMaryEldest daughter of Joseph & Lydia Marshall    19 March 185474 yearsAlso Mary eldest daughter of the above who died March 19th 1854 aged 74 years
4JWiggleworthGeorgeGreat Grandson of Joseph & Lydia Marshall    24 February 189517 yearsAlso George Wigglesworth who died February 24th 1895 aged 17 years great grandson of the above Joseph Marshall. May they rest in peace
5J William, Christopher, Christopher, Emily, Mary, Annie, Eleanor, Emma, Eliza       In Memoriam William, Christopher, Christopher, Emily, Mary, Annie, Eleanor, Emma and Eliza children of unamed person
7JPeacockThomasSon of Thomas and Elizabeth PeacockMiddleton   12 ? 1825?years 6 monthsIn memory of Thomas son of Thomas & ?Elizabeth Peacock of Middleton who departed this life 12th ? 1825 aged ? Years and 6 months
7JPeacockMary?Daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PeacockMiddleton   10 December 184??years and 9 monthsAlso Mary? Daughter of the above who died December 10th 184? Aged ? Years and 9 months.
7JPeacockElizabethWife of the above Thomas PeacockMiddleton   16 March 187261 yearsAlso Elizabeth wife of the above Thomas Thomas Peacock who departed this life March 8th 1865 aged 55 years who died March 16th 1872 aged 61 years
7JPeacockThomasHusband of the Elizabeth PeacockMiddleton   11 October 187258 yearsAlso Thomas Peacock husband of the above who departed this life October 11th 1872 aged 58 years
11JRamsdenElizabeth AnnDaughter of David and Martha RamsdenHunslet   15 February 18524 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth Ann daughter of David and Martha Ramsden of Hunslet, who died February 10th 1852 in the 4th year of her age.
       3 November 18527 yearsAlso Thomas Radcliffe Ramsden son of the above who died November 3rd 1852 in the 7th year of his age.
      6 June 18843 November 1884 Also Martha, the beloved wife of David Ramsden born June 6th 1828 died November 3rd 1884
13JBuckleyJamesHusband of Eliza BuckleyCarlton   11 September 182518 yearsIn Memory of James Buckley, husband of Eliza Buckley of Carlton who died September 11th 1825 aged 18 years
13JBuckleyJohnSon of James & Eliza BuckleyCarlton    infancyAlso John son of the above who died in his infancy.
13JBuckleyJohn HenrySon of James & Eliza BuckleyCarlton   18 October 183917 yearsAlso John Henry son of the above who died October 18th 1839 aged 17 years
13JBuckleyElizaWife of James BuckleyCarlton   20 May 184152 yearsAlso the above named Eliza Buckley who died May 20th 1841 aged 52 years.
15JWrightAmelia JaneDaughter of George and Francis Wright    5 April 18321 year 10 monthsIn Memory of Amelia Jane daughter of George and Francis Wright who departed this life April 5th 1832 aged 1 year and 10 months
15JWrightFrancisWife of the above George Wright    15 June 183928 yearsAlso the body of the above Francis, wife of the above George Wright who departed this life June 15th 1839 aged 28 years
16JForrestElizabeth Lofthouse   29 March 184262 yearsIn Memory of Elizabeth Forrest of Fellliscliffe in the Parish of Hampsthwaite, who died at Lofthouse, March 29th 1842 aged 62 years
16JMyersHannahWidow of the late William Myers    3 November 185278 yearsAlso of Hannah, widow of the late William Myers, of Birstwith in the said Parish, who died at Lofhouse, November 3rd 1852 aged 78 years
16JAdamsonCharles ThomasSon of William and Hannah Adamson & Grandson of Charles and Elizabeth Forrest    30 March 18611 year 6 monthsAlso of Charles Thomas Adamson son of William and Hannah Adamson & Grandson of Charles and Elizabeth Forrest who died March 30th 1861 aged 1 year and 6 months
17JForestWilliamSon of Charles & Elizabeth ForrestLofthouse   29 December 18382 years 5 monthsIn Memory of William son of Charles & Elizabeth Forest of Lofthouse who died December 29th 1838 aged 2 years and 5 months.
17JForestEdwin MyersSon of Charles & Elizabeth ForrestLofthouse   5 January 18394 years 2 monthsAlso Edwin Myers, son of the above whoi died January 5th 1839 aged 4 years and 2 months.
17JForestWilliam MyersSon of Charles & Elizabeth ForrestLofthouse   7 April 18473 years 8 monthsAlso William Myers Forest, son of the above who died April 7th 1847 aged 3 years and 8 months.
17JForestSamuelSon of Charles & Elizabeth ForrestLofthouse   13 April 18525 years 9 monthsAlso of Samuel Forest, son of the above who died April 13th 1852 aged 5 years and 9 months.
17JForestElizabethDaughter of Charles & Elizabeth ForrestLofthouse   6 December 18524 yearsAlso Elizabeth Forest daughter of the above who died December 6th 1852 aged 4 years.
20J(a)WhitheadJohnSon of John & Mary WhiteheadWoodlesford   5 March 183833 yearsIn memory of John the son of John and Mary Whitehead of Woodlesford who died March 5th, 1838 aged 33 years
21J(a)Hutchinson?Peter Woodlesford   27 January 182157 yearsIn Memory of Peter Hutchinson of Woodlesford who died January 27th 1821 aged 57 years
21J(b)WoodJosephHusband of Ann WoodWoodlesford   24 October 182458 yearsSacred to the memory of Joseph Wood of Woodlesford who departed this life October 24th 1824 aged 58 years
21J(b)WoodAnnWife of Joseph WoodWoodlesford   16 October 185181 yearsAlso Ann Wood, wife of the above Joseph Wood, who departed this life October 16th 1851 aged 81 years.
21J(b)WoodWilliam JosephSon of Joseph & Ann WoodWoodlesford   10 June 186464 yearsAlso William Joseph, son of the above Joseph and Ann Wood who departed this life June 10th 1864 aged 64 years.
22J(b)AtkinsonThomas Leeds   18 December 183340 yearsIn Memory of Thomas Atkinson late of Leeds who departed this life on the 18th day of December 1833 aged 40 years.
22J(b)AtkinsonAnn WoodEldest daughter of Thomas & Mary Atkinson    16 August 183514 yearsAlso Ann Wood Atkinson eldest daughter of Thomas & Margaret Atkinson who departed this life on the 16th day of August 1835 aged 14 years.
22J(b)AtkinsonMaryWife of Thomas Atkinson, daughter of Joseph & Ann WoodWoodlesford   5 October 183540 yearsMary Atkinson wife of the above Thomas Atkinson & daughter of Joseph & Ann Wood of Woodlesford. She departed this life the 5th of October 1835 aged 40 year.
23J(b)WoodJames Carr Lane, Rothwell   8 March 180859 yearsSacred to the Memory of James Wood of Carr Lane in this Parish who departed this life March 8th 1808 aged 59 years.
23J(b)WoodAnnWife of James WoodCarr Lane, Rothwell   19 March 184192 yearsAlso Ann , wife of the above who departed this life March 19th 1841 aged 92 years
23J(b)WoodGeorgeSon of James & Mary Wood & Grandson of James & Ann Wood      Also George, Hannah, Mary and James, children of James & Mary Wood and Grandchildren of the above who died in their infancy
23J(b)WoodHannahDaughter of James & Mary Wood, grand daughter of James & Ann Wood     infancyAlso George, Hannah, Mary and James, children of James & Mary Wood and Grandchildren of the above who died in their infancy
23J(b)WoodMaryDaughter of James & Mary Wood, grand daughter of James & Ann Wood     infancyAlso George, Hannah, Mary and James, children of James & Mary Wood and Grandchildren of the above who died in their infancy
23J(b)WoodJamesSon of James & Mary Wood & Grandson of James & Ann Wood     infancyAlso George, Hannah, Mary and James, children of James & Mary Wood and Grandchildren of the above who died in their infancy
29JSmithCharlesSon of John & Charlot SmithThwaite-gate   7 June 182427 yearsSacred to the Memory of Charles the son of John and Charlot Smith of Thwaite-gate who departed this life on the 7th day of June 1824, aged 27 years.
29JStanleyBettyWife of Benjamin Stanley, grandmother to the above    10 July 182577 yearsAlso Betty, the wife of Benjamin Stanley and grandmother to the above who departed this life on the 10th day of July 1825 aged 77 years
32JClarkSarahWife of Richard ClarkRothwell Haigh   6 September 179656 yearsHere lies the body of Sarah the wife of Richard Clark of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life the 6th day of September 1796 aged 56 years.
32JClarkRichardGrandchild of Sarah Clark, son of Richard ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyAlso near lie Richard and Sarah Ann her two infant Grand children son and daughter of Richard Clark
32JClarkSarah AnnGrandchild of Sarah Clark, daughter of Richard ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyAlso near lie Richard and Sarah Ann her two infant Grand children son and daughter of Richard Clark
33JClarkRichard Rothwell Haigh   26 November 181949 yearsHere lie the remains of Richard Clark of Rothwell Haigh who departed this life on the 26th day of November 1819 in the forty-ninth year of his age.
33JClarkSarah AnnDaughter of Richard & Hannah ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyNear this place also are interred Sarah Ann Clark, Richard Clark, Richard Clark and William Clark children of the said Richard Clark who all died infants
33JClarkRichardSon of Richard & Hannah ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyNear this place also are interred Sarah Ann Clark, Richard Clark, Richard Clark and William Clark children of the said Richard Clark who all died infants
33JClarkRichardSon of Richard & Hannah ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyNear this place also are interred Sarah Ann Clark, Richard Clark, Richard Clark and William Clark children of the said Richard Clark who all died infants
33JClarkWilliamSon of Richard & Hannah ClarkRothwell Haigh    infancyNear this place also are interred Sarah Ann Clark, Richard Clark, Richard Clark and William Clark children of the said Richard Clark who all died infants
33JClarkHannahWife of Richard ClarkRothwell Haigh   16 June 185483 yearsAlso Hannah Clark the widow of the first named Richard Clark who died the 16th day of June 1854 in the 83rd year of her age.

Transcribed by John Readman © 2011.
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcriptions
please email the transcriber.