Thorpe Hesley, War Memorial transcription
Rotherham parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/WRYHaydnScott.txtThorpe Hesley, War Memorial transcription:
The War Memorial in the Churchyard at Thorpe Hesley.
The front of the Memorial: (see also Photo)
To the glory of God
and in honoured memory of
the brave and gallant men
of this village
who fell gloriously
for their country in
the Great War
1914 - 1919
also of those of war
1939 - 1946
and in honoured memory of
the brave and gallant men
of this village
who fell gloriously
for their country in
the Great War
1914 - 1919
also of those of war
1939 - 1946
Flt Sgt A Beard |
Sqn Ldr R P Coldwell DSO DFM |
L/Cpl E Fletcher |
Pte C Moxon |
Gnr A Parkin |
Pte K Stocks |
Pte J Watson |
AB N Whitham |
AB W Whitham |
"Greater love hath no man
than this that a man lay down
his life for his friends"
The left hand side of the Memorial: (see also Photo)
Pte C Arnold |
Cpl F Matthews |
Cpl F Stacey |
Bdr A Stacey |
Lieut C Cutt |
L/Cpl W B Binder |
Gnr C H Mallinson |
Pte M Willey |
L/Cpl J W Bamforth |
L/Cpl S Greensmith |
Pte H Burgin |
Pte E Hague |
Pte T Sylvester |
Pte W A Witham |
Pte H Green |
Sgt M Law |
Pte C Spreckley |
Pte A Layte |
2nd Lieut W Wright DCM |
Pte F Mallinson |
The right hand side of the Memorial: (see also Photo)
Pte S Trueman |
Pte W Hague |
Pte R Moran |
Pte J Stenton |
Spr G H Watson |
Pte C Justice |
Pte E Moorby |
Pte J Swift |
Pte E Moxon |
Sgt E Stacey |
Pte G Collins |
Pte P Cooper |
Pte W Sylvester |
Pte D Armstrong |
Pte C Portman |
Gnr H Needham |
Pte H Peart |
Pte H Stewart |
Pte A Rushton |
Dvr R Northcliff |
Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott
from photography by Colin Hinson