


The Pay List for the Rotherham Volunteers


The Pay List for the Rotherham Volunteers

Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/RotherhamMisc_JP.txt The following account is taken from the "Pay List and Return of the Field and Staff Officers of the Rotherham Corps of Volunteer Infantry", from 15th August to 17th August 1805, both days inclusive. The total pay they received for the three days named was £12. 10s. The Captains received 2s 7d a day as allowance. Swinton, or the 2nd Company of Wath Wood Volunteers Infantry assembled on the signal of alarm from the firing of the neighbouring Beacons, and marched according to general rders towards the place or Rendezvous on the lighting of Beacons, as directed by the 36thSection of the late Act of Parliament. They marched the 15th and 16th August 1805.

The Field Officers were,
Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Walker
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Walker
Major Samuel Oliver
Paymaster Philip Hunt
Adjutant William Thatcher
Surgeon Jo. Turner
QuarterMaster William Dyson

Major Samuel Oliver's Company

Captain John RoodhouseLieutenant Robert Beatson
Sergeant James PriceSergeant Samuel Hattersley
Sergeant Benjamin FlocktonCorporal John Smith
Corporal Thomas BradburyCorporal Francis Goodall
Drummers or Fifers
Thomas DobbSamuel Skelton
Gunners or Privates
Samuel AthronThomas Aukland
Robert BellamyWilliam Burgan
William BoothJoseph Birks
Samuel BraithwaiteGeorge Clayton
William CarrAndrew Crawshaw
Charles CrawshawJoseph Cavill
Thomas CawthorneRichard Cardwell
Micah CuttJohn Daltry
Thomas FretwellRobert Gothard
Joseph Goldsbro'John Holmes
James HerringJohn Hague
John HoldsworthJohn Handley
John JacksonGeorge Kent
John LambertThomas Law
Thomas MayWilliam Morley
John MartinThomas Martin
George MooreBenjamin Moody
George OxleyCharles Price
Joseph RatcliffeSamuel Skelton
Thomas SmithThomas Stainrod
Matthew ScorahThomas White
George WagstaffJoseph Wakeman
Samuel WhitakerWilliam Walker
John Moore

Captain Butler's Company

Lieutenant George HalleyEnsign Richard Hill
Charles ParkinWilliam Hawley
Richard Robinson
Joseph YellandWilliam Webster
Thomas Lister
Drummer or Fifer
Robert Elliott
Gunners or Privates
John AndrewThomas Arundell
Thomas AshleyGeorge Bagnall
John BagnallWilliam Bagnall
Thomas BagshawThomas Bower
Titus BurkheadJohn Carnelley
George CawthornMatthew Cook
Thomas CuttRobert Dawson
Robert ElliottGeorge Grafton
William GrantJohn Hague
Benjamin HattersleyWilliam Hickman
George JamesGeorge Jarvis
George KempJohn Kitchinman
Thomas GraftonLionel Keyworth
James LeesleyJohn Midgley
Joseph MirfinJames Needham
Joseph PashleyDavid Pattrick
Jacob RobinsonThomas Thompson
Willoughby UtleyThomas Wainwright
George WardRobert Warris
William WatsonSamuel Webster
Jonathan WhiteThomas Whiteley
William WigfieldWilliam Wood

Captain Wheatley's Company

Captain Joseph WheatleyLieutenant Philip Hunt
Thomas DownesWilliam Ashley
Thomas Dobb
Richard GoodierGeorge Carmichael
John Wortley
Drummers or Fifers
William LaylandIsaac Watson
Gunners or Privates
Jonathan BadgerThomas Bagshaw
John ButlerJohn Cooper
John CrowtherJohn Clark
William EarnshawThomas Earnshaw
Thomas EnglandDaniel Firth
Thomas FletcherWilliam Grafton
John GoodisonJames Heathcote
Benjamin HarperJohn Holinshaw
John HobsonJohn Hudson
Thomas HutchinsonWilliam Jenkinson
William JessopThomas Ingle
William JenkinsonSamuel Jenkinson
John JarvisJames Johnson
Joseph Jackson, JuniorJoseph Jackson
Robert KentJoseph Lambert
Thomas LeeRobert Needham
Samuel NeedhamMatthew Nayler
William OstliffeWilliam Parker
John RylandsThomas Robinson
Samuel RobinsonThomas Shaw
Martin SimonettCornelius Stewart
Benjamin TwilbyJames Taylor
William ThornsbyJohn Tye
Joseph WatsonGeorge Watson
Joseph WoodheadGeorge Walker
John Webster

Captain Oxley's Company

Captain John OxleyLieutenant James Calton
Ensign Thomas Lee
Charles AdamsEdward Hawke
Richard Woodhead
John WoofindenThomas Revell
John Buntin
Drummers and Fifers
John WalkerRichard Ingle
Gunners or Privates
George AbsonJoseph Broadhead
Edward BrailsfordJames Cundell
Thomas CundellJohn Coe
John CopleyJohn Clarke
William CooperJohn Cundell
George DalphinJohn Dobb
John DobsonWilliam Downes
Thomas EarnshawJohn Farr
Martin FurnissIsaac Firth
William GrayHugh Gosling
John HewittJoshua Hollingworth
John HicksJohn Haslehurst
John JessopJoseph Jephcock
John JacksonJohn Jarvis
Robert KirbyJohn Lee
John LawJohn Lillecar
Joseph LangtonJohn Matthewman
Joseph MalehamJoshua Mills
John NeedhamJohn Parkin
John RevellWilliam Reckless
Thomas RhodesWilliam Shirtcliffe
Edward SwiftGeorge Silvester
Thomas StringerJames Shepherd
Thomas SorsbyJohn Staniforth
William ThompsonJames Whitehead
George WilkinsonWilliam Whitely
John WoodyeareJeremiah Woodcock

Captain Wright's Company

Captain Thomas WrightLieutenant George Harvey
Ensign William Dyson
Abraham WaltonEdmund Beeley
John Earnshaw
Abraham ScarlettThomas Gillatt
William Swan
Drummers of Fifers
Thomas RevellJohn Kirk
Gunners or Privates
James AtkinsonJoseph Cundell
John CharlesworthWilliam Cooke
George CoxJoseph Cox
Samuel DixonWilliam Deakin
William FoersJohn Green
William GoodisonJoseph Gilbert
Matthew GoodallMatthew Hinchcliffe
Joseph HagueRichard Hepinstall
John JarvisSamuel Johnson
Thomas JenkinsonWilliam Law
William MethamJohn Moore
John MartinJohn Mower
John NaylerJoseph Nayler
George RoddisJoseph Roebuck
John RobinsonJohn Reckless
George SmithFrancis Smith
Thomas ScolesJoseph Staniforth
Jonathan StrotherThomas Swallow
Major SellarsWilliam Smith
George SatterfittJacob Thompson
John TaylorJohn Tyas
Samuel Hudson

Lieutenant Whitehead's Company

Lieutenant Robert WhiteheadSecond Lieutenant John Wainwright
James ShillitoWilliam Kesteven
John WraggJohn Mason
John Leedham
Drummers or Fifers
Valentine EarnshawGeorge Taylor
Gunners or Privates
Job AtheyLuke Aldam
William AinleyJohn Adams
John AshforthWilliam Brammer
William BroadbentJohn Braithwaite
Peter BookerThomas Brammer
Samuel BarlowJames Coe
James EnglandJoseph Foster
John FirthThomas Gillatt
Joseph GraysonWilliam Goulding
James HirstJohn Harrison
Thomas HarrisonJoseph Hague
Joseph HobsonJohn Heaton
Thomas JacksonGeorge Johnson
John JacksonThomas Jubb
George KentGeorge Kirk
William MakinJohn Makin
Thomas MiddletonWilliam Mortimer
George MorleyJohn Oxley
Joshua OxleyEdward Pagden
Robert PashleyThomas Roger
Thomas SaxtonRichard Sykes
Benjamin SalmonChristopher Swetton
William TaylorJoseph Thompson
Joseph TaylorJohn Thompson
David UtleyWilliam Wright
Samuel WoodhouseEdward Wilkinson
George Read

Captain Tancred's Company

Captain William TancredLieutenant Joseph Johnson
Ensign John Lambert
Joseph SwannWilliam Swann
Thomas Wildsmith
Joseph CalwayWilliam Emerson
Joshua Nicholson
Drummers or Fifers
William RevellWilliam White
Gunners or Privates
Thomas BingleyHenry Buxton
William CoatesWilliam Cardwell
James CowcomeThomas Dawson
George EarnshawGeorge Ellis
John FishburnGeorge Goodall
Mark GregoryWilliam Greenwood
Matthew GreavesWilliam Hague
Thomas HinchcliffeJonathan Hirst
William Hague, JuniorJarvis Harris
James HigginsMark Hattersley
George HillJoseph Harper
George JamesJoseph Machin
Charles MachinWilliam Mellard
Nathaniel RobinsonWilliam Revill
William SwindallJohn Silvester
Abraham SmithJohn Slack
John SiddonsBenjamin Shepherd
William SimmoniteJohn Thompson
Charles TissingtonJohn Utley
Matthew WrightIsaac Whitely
Thomas Wood

Captain Walker's Company

Captain Jonathan Walker, JuniorLieutenant William Glossop
John BattyEwen Maclaurin
William Woodyeare
John ButlerThomas Raby
Joseph Wilkinson
Drummers or Fifers
Robert CundellJohn Sayles
Gunners or Privates
Ely AinleyJoseph Boaler
William BarkerWilliam Barton
Samuel BerwickRichard Booth
George BrookeHenry Bennett
Joseph ButterworthJoseph Burgin
Isaac CuttRichard Cutt
Isaac ChadwickJoseph Cartledge
William CooperGeorge Cooke
John DarwinWilliam Dobson
Henry DixonJohn Golding
John GledhillJohn Gregory
William GeeThomas Globe
Joseph HattersleyJohn Harrison
George HammondWilliam Lawson
Benjamin MarshallEdward Myers
William MyersWilliam Martin
John MalehamEben. Pattrick
William PalfrayJohn Richardson
William RobinsonJoseph Ward
Isaac WardJohn Woodcock

Wath Wood, the Second Company

Received of Messrs Fields & Co, Dy Recrs of Taxes, and paid to the Officers and Privates of the Swinton or Second Company of this Corps, the sum of one hundred and forty guineas, being the marching allowance granted by Government on the signal of alarm being made, [each received £2. 2s.].

Captain William BrameldLieutenant Thomas Brameld
Ensign William Stenton
Sergeants [Colour]
Henry BennetThomas Taylor
Pay Clerk
Thomas Besby
Joseph CoxJohn Hargreave
Joshua Sykes, JuniorJohn Alsebrook
Thomas Dunhill
William HargreavesThomas Adams
Joseph SheldonDavid Button
William ShawWilliam Speight
Francis BarlowJoseph Alsebrook
Charles AskinThomas Acaster
Thomas BarlowWilliam Barraclough
Thomas BarracloughWilliam Cliffe
Benjamin CopleyJohn Chapple
William EarnshawJohn Froggatt
Francis GarfittSamuel Harrison
William HarrisonJames Hutchinson
John HillWilliam Hawke
John HobsonWilliam Holden
William LancashireLuke Ledger
William MortonJames Middleton
James MannNicholas Nott
John NewtonWilliam Oldfield
Abraham PeakerWilliam Pearson
William RhodesGeorge Roberts
Thomas SimpsonRobert Smith
George SailesWilliam Sheppard
Francis ShillitoThomas Shaw
Samuel SteelThomas Steel
Abraham SmithJohn Schroeder
Joseph ShawJoseph Smith
Richard SmithJohn Stanley
Joseph TaylorGeorge Taylor
William TurnerJoseph Turner
David WhiteheadJohn Wood

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
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