The Rotherham Testamentary Burials 1440 to 1668
The Rotherham Testamentary Burials 1440 to 1668
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/RotherhamPRsEtc_JP.txt DATE | TESTAMENTARY |
1440 | John Birley of Roderham, Draper, made his Will [proved 20th March 1440] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in Ye Chappell of St. Mary, of Rotherham. |
1443 | Richard Litster of Rotherham, made his Will [proved 12th August 1443] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in ye Chappell of Rotherham, and bequeathed 10 marks to the glazening of one Window of ye Church in the North Part. |
1450 | John Kirke, of Rotherham, made his Will [proved 7th June 1450] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in the Church of Rotherham. |
1451 | Robert Litster, of Rotherham, made his Will [proved 5th November 1451], giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in the Chancel of St.Crux ibid. |
1478 | Roger Shirwynd, Vicar of Rotherham, made his Will [proved penult May 1478] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in the Parish Church of Rotherham. |
1482 | William Harington, of Rotherham, made his Will [proved 21st March 1482] giving his soul to God, Alm. St. Mary and All Saints, and his body to be buried in ye Church 0f All Saints of Rotherham. |
1502 | William Sarbinne, S.T.P., made his Will [proved 22nd May 1502] giving his soul to God, Alm: St. Mary and All Saints, and his body to be buried in ye Quere of ye Church of Rotherham, if he dye there. |
1505 | Thomas Gree, Cantariste of the Chauntry in ye Coll of Jesu, Rotherham, made his will [proved 13th December 1505] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in ye Church of Rotherham. |
1512 | Henry Carnebull, Pbr, and Ad of York, made his Will [proved 14th August 1512] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in ye Church of Rotherham, in the Chapell called St. Jesus Chapell ibd, afore the Altar, and covered with a Marble Stone containing his epitaph.. Died 10th of August 1512. |
1513 | John Lillye, Vicar of Rotherham, made his Will, [proved .............], giving his soul to God Alm. His Creator and to Jesus Xt, and his body to be buried within our Lady's Queare, of ye Church of Rotherham, nigh his Father, Richard Lilly. |
1522 | Thomas Reresby, of Rotherham, Gentleman, made his Will [proved 10th September 1522] giving his soul to God Alm. St. Mary and All Saints, and his body to be buried in the S. Isle of the Church of Rotherham. |
1524 | Sr. Thomas Swyfte, Rector of Wykersley and Burnsall, made his Will [proved 23rd February 1524] giving his soul to God Alm: St. Mary and All Saints, and his body to be buried in the Church of Rotherham, before the door of our Lady's Quere. |
1561 | Robert Swyft, of Rotherham, Esqr, made his Will [proved 2nd December 1561] giving his soul to God Alm: hoping to be saved through Jesus Xt, and his body to be buried in the Rode Quere of the Church of Rotherham. |
1601 | John Rudyarde, of ye Parish of Rotherham, Gentleman, made his Will [proved 1st October 1601] giving his soul to God Alm: his Creator and to Jesus Xt. His Redeemer, and his body to be buried in ye Parish Church or Churchyard of Rotherham. |
1609 | Raphe Reresby, of Juckley, Gentleman, made his Will [proved 6th December 1609] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in the Queare on ye S side of the Parish Church of Rotherham. |
1613 | William Overall, of Eastwood, Gentleman, made his Will [proved 22nd April 1613] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried ye Queare of ye Church of Rotherham, near his late deceased wife. |
1621 | Rauiph Lowe, of Rotherham, Gentleman, made his Will [proved 15th January 1621] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in the Chancel of ye Parish Church of Rotherham. |
1624 | Charles Fenton, of Marshbrough, in the Parish of Rotherham, Gentleman, made his Will [proved .............] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in ye Parish Church of Rotherham. |
1666 | James Rigby, Cl: Vicar of Rotherham, made his Will [proved 20th April 1667] giving his soul [ut supra] and his body to be buried in ye Chancell of ye Church of Rotherham. |
1668 | William Moore, Cl. late of Rotherham, Vicar, dying intestate, Administration of his Goods was committed to Rulf Moore, his son. |
Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
from original transcriptions by
Wath and Mexborough Archives
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from original transcriptions by
Wath and Mexborough Archives
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