The Rotherham Monumental Inscriptions from 1802
The Rotherham Monumental Inscriptions from 1802
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/MIs/RotherhamMIs_JP.txt The following inscriptions are taken from Dodsworth's list, made in 1802/3 and are shortened to give births, marriages, deaths burials and ages. Roberte Swyft, Esquire, and Anne, his fyrste wyfe. The sayd Anne dyed in the month of June, in ye yere of our Lorde God, 1539 in the 67 yere of her age, and the sayd Robarte dep'tyd ye 7th day of August in the yere of our Lorde God 1561 in the 84th yere of his age.
Thomas Woodhouse, who dyed 29 of April 1606.
Cecily Whitmore, 1610.
Robert Ashmore, 1618.
Robert Hill'sof Williamson's Corps, he lived 81 yeares. He dyed ye 7th of May 1618.
George West, buried 5 of March 1619. Alice West, his wife, 4th May 1617.
Elizabeth, who was twice married, viz, to Watson and Craven formerly Rectors of Hawksworth. Died 2nd day of October 1616, in the 56 year of her age.
Maria Clayton, daughter of Luke and Mary Clayton, died on the 15th day of October, 1680, aged 14 years.
Roddolph Bullock, of Unstone [Derbyshire] Esquire who died on the 9th of March A.D. 1637.
Charles Laughton, Senior, of Haworth, Gentleman, buried on the 26th of August A.D.1638, and Anna, wife of the said Charles Laughton, buried on the 22nd day of August 1650.
Rosamund, wife of Charles Laughton, the younger of Haworth, gentleman, who died on the 1st day of October 1663.
Charles Laughton, the younger, of Haworth, Gentleman, only son of the afor said Charles Laughton, gentleman, he died, weary of old age on the 12th day of September 1686, aged 65.
Others of this family have memorials in the Church as, John Laughton, of Haworth, Gentleman, who died 3 September 1687, aged 34. John, his only child, died 20 January 1687, aged 1 year. Ruth, only daughter of Charles Laughton, of Haworth Grange, gentleman, buried 7 August 1675. Charles, eldest son of Joshua Laughton and Anne his wife, died 21st April 1718, aged 26 years. Joseph, 4th son of Charles Laughton of Haworth, died 13 July 1672.
Here is interred the bowels of Jane, Dutchess of Norfolk. 1693.
Gervase Bosevile, first born son of Gervase Bosevile, formerly of Micklebring in ye Parish of Braithwell, who died on the 14th day of October 1697, aged 18 years. Anna Bosevile, widow, mother of the aforesaid Gervase Bosevile, junior, died 8th of September 17*7, aged ..... Near this place is a memorial of Godfrey Bosvile, gentleman, who died 25 January 1749, aged 68.
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Richard Holdsworth, the first wife of Josiah Beckwith, youngest son of Thomas Beckwith, late of Rothwell, grandson of William Beckwith, formerly of Ripon, descended from the ancient families of Bruce, Malebysse, and Beckwith. She died XXVII October M.DCC.LX, aged XXV years. Mary, only child of the said Josiah and Elizabeth, who died XIV March M.DCC.L.X. aged VIII days.
Also Mary, eldest daughter of George D'Oxon of Woodhead in the County of Chester, 2nd wife to the said Josiah Beckwith, who died XVIII September M DCC LXXX VIII aged XLIX, she had been his wife for XXV years and brought him IX children viz, Julia, Catherine, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, John Malebysse, Hercules Malebysse, William Bruce and Martha Ray, 6 of whom survived her. Catherine, their 2nd daughter, died XXIV February M.DCC LXXIVaged VIII months and William Bruce, their third son, died XIII October LXXIX aged VI months.
The remains of George D'Oxon and of John and Joseph, two of his sons were deposited on the opposite side of this quire.
Isabella Holden, born April 14th 1735, married October 7th 1759, widowed March 2nd 1772, dead April 26th 1797.
Samuel Buck Esquire of Rotherham, died on the 25th of July 1806, aged 60. Anna his wife, daughter of Richard Ellison of Toronium ?? and her two daughters, Anna, wife of Sir Francis L. Wood, Baronet, and Catherine Esther, spinster, surviving him.
Of this family there are memorials of Samuel Buck, Esquire who died 1st March 1747, aged 62. Mrs Jane Buck, daughter of Mr William Aslabie, died 22nd July 1749, aged 64. Mr Samuel Buck, their son died 28th February 1734, aged 21. Catherine Buck, died May 1778, aged 70. Catherine, relict of William Buck Esq, who died at Bath 11 November 1752, aged 42, she died 9th May 1778 aged 70, leaving 3 children, Catherine, wife of Rev. Thomas Cripps, Samuel and William.
Richard Howard, Fourth Earl of Effingham, died 16th December 1816, aged 69 years.
Samuel Tooker Esquire, died 22nd December 1806, aged 69. The tablet C. Woodcock, his niece, caused, she died on the 4th October 1819, aged 63.
George Lempriere, Esquire, of Masborough, died June 29, 1825, in the 79th year of his age.
Edward Bellamy, of Rotherham, surgeon, son of Edward Bellamy, of Worksop, Gentleman, died 18th July 1777, aged 75. Mary, his wife, [first], daughter of Bertie Entwisle, Esquire, and Clara his wife, of Wigan, died 16th Joly 1742, aged 42. Mary, his second wife, daughter of John Mirfin, Esquire, and Mary his wife, of Slade Hooton, died 1st December 1765, aged 46.
Elizabeth, the second wife of Francis Bovil, Vicar, 1678.
Mary, wife of Mr John Manevile, of Rotherham, daughter of Francis Bland, of Applesthorpe, County Notts, Esquire, buried 20th of May, 1702, aged 50. Martha, daughter of John Mandevile and wife to John Haigh, Gentleman, 1718. John Mandevile, gentleman, died 18th of May, 1746, aged 96.
Charles More, of Rotherham, gentleman, died 27th August 1717, aged 58. Elizabeth his widow, died 7th September 1730, aged 62.
Mr William Hoole, of Tinsley, died 19th January 1705, aged 73 years. John Hoole, 1695. Mary, daughter of John Hoole, died 1780, aged 65.
George Westby, of Gilthwaite, gentleman, died 6 November 1671, aged 57. Alice, his wife, died 17 August 1685, aged 59. Samuel, his eldest son, died 14 November 1676, aged 28. Mary, his second daughter, died 1st April 1679, aged 25. John, his fourth son, died 22 December 1684, aged 20. George Westby of Gilthwaite, gentleman, died 20 February 1715, aged 63. Three of his children, Henry, who died in his 25th year, Alice, in her 12th, and Elizabeth, in her 4th. George, son of George Westby Esquire, of Gilthwaite, died 11 September 1751, aged 67. Thomas Wesby, Esquire of Howarth, died 21st July 1758, aged 59. Jane, his widow, died 29 April 1796, aged 74. George Westby, Esquire of Howarth, son of George Wesbty of Gilthwaite Esquire, died 3 June 1790, aged 50. Caatherine, his wife, daughter of John Hirst, Esquire of Clough, 1820. Elizabeth Westby, of Howarth, 1818.
Charles, second son of Charles Darwent, gentleman, died 16 October 1670, aged 18 days. Ann, a daughter, 1672.
John, eldest son of John Peirson Esquire, of Raysthorpe, in the East Riding, died 24 April 1745.
Frances, relict of Thomas Gower, Esquire of Hutton upon Darwent, in the North Riding, died 20 November 1737, aged 79, and Catherine Gower, spinster, her eldest daughter who died 30 January 1723, aged 42.
Ann, daughter of Thomas Eyre, Esquire chief engineer at Rattan, and captain in Governor Trelawny's regiment, died 6 April 1748, aged 3 years.
William, eldest son of Robert Wood, of Monk Bretton, gentleman, died as Masborough, 22 December 1668.
Ann, daughter of Charles Tooker, gentleman, and Ann, his wife, died 17th September 1667, aged 9. Catherine, wife of Matthew Biggs, gentleman, and daughter of Charles Tooker, gentleman, and Ann his wife, of Moor Gate, buried 29 January 1725, aged 57. Charles Tooker, of Rotherham, gentleman, buried 18 September 1680. Matthew Biggs, late of York, gentleman, died 2 April 1722, aged 92. Matthew Biggs, Esq., died 3 February 1736, aged 64. John Tooker, son of Tooker Tooker, Esq., of Moor Gate, died 9 January 1740, aged 6. Samuel Tooker, Esq. died 22 December 1806, aged 69. Richard Holden, Esq. died 20 April 1809, aged 41. Catherine Woodcock, 4 October 1819, aged 63. Isabella, widow of John Holden, died 26 April 1797, aged 62. Rev. John Holden B.D. their eldest son died 27 August 1806 aged 44. Jane, relict of Richard Holden, niece of Samuel Tooker, 1824, aged 62.
Sarah, wife of Joseph Sorsbie, gentleman, died 20 January 1702. Mary Sorsbie, died 3 July 1725. Joseph Sorsbie, died 14 October 1728. Joseph Sorsbie, his son, died 17 November 1739, aged 70. Sarah Sorsbie, died 26 April 1735. Thomas Wheatley, gentleman, died 26 May 1758, aged 33. Frances, relict of Thomas Wheatley, gentleman, of Wakefield, and sister to the late Joseph Sorsbie, gentleman, of Rotherham, died 17 October 1762, aged 70.
Kent, William, son of Richard of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 16 September 1680, aged 10, Elizabeth, his wife, buried 30 May 1693, aged 49. Richard of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 29 June 1711, aged 67. William, son of Richard, gentleman, died 12 May 1724, aged 44, Elizabeth, wife of William, of Ickled Hall, gentleman, died 1 September 1727, aged 11. Richard of Kimberworth, gentleman, eldest son Richard, late of Whiston, gentleman, died 4 October 1729, aged 34. Sarah, his relict, died 3 September 1769, aged 69. Westby, second son of Mr. Kent, of Whiston, died 15 15 June 1702. Richard of Whiston, gentleman, died 12 May 1704. Frederick Henry, second son of Richard of Kimberworth, died 11 June 1725 aged 3 months. Elizabeth, wife of Richard of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 24 June 1727, aged 65. Ann, daughter of Thomas Creswick, of Boroughleigh, gentleman, and wife of William, of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 9 December 1723, aged 68. Thomas, of Kilnhurst, gentleman, son of the said William, died 5 March 1747, aged 53. Thomas, son of John, of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 30 October 1756, being twenty one, wanting 9 hours. Thomas, son of William of Kimberworth, 1694, aged 1. Elizabeth, his daughter, 1707, aged 13. William, of Kimberworth, died 14 November 1717, aged 69. Martha, wife of John, of Kimberworth, died 11 April 1753, aged 47. John of Kimberworth, gentleman, died 17 August 1754, aged 63.
Christopher Adams, vicar, buried 13 February 1706, aged 60. Elizabeth Beatson, his grand daughter, died 12 December 1738, aged 23.
Ellis Farneworth, clerk, buried 27 March 1687.
Frances, wife of Thomas Atkinson, gentleman, daughter of William Aislabie, gentleman, buried 10 January 1721/2. Anne, Mary, Catherine, Thomas, his infant children. Robert, son of Robert Aislabie, gentleman, and grandson to William Aislabie, 1723. John, son of Mr Samuel Aislabie, merchant in Lisbon.
Foljambe, Obed son of Henry, late of Eastwood, gentleman, died 18 September 1706. Sarah Foljambe, his grand daughter, died 16 February 1745, aged 5. Oliva, widow of Obed, died 21 March 1794, aged 86. Azubah, daughter of Henry, gentleman, and wife of Richard Oddy, of Eastwood, died 8 April 1756, aged 72. Sarah, widow of Obed, died 19 February 1761, aged 76. Henry, and Sarah, children of John and Abigail, died young. Abigail, wife of John, died 19 January 1783, aged 40. Harriet, daughter of John and Abigail, died 7 June 1790, aged 21. Obed, son of Obed and Sarah, died 5 March 1775, aged 68. John, died 29 April 1792, aged 50.
Sarah Langley, died 10 July 1684, mother of John, Dorcas and William who died 8 September 1706, aged 43. Elizabeth, his wife, died 5 November 1741, aged 71. Richard, William, William and Hannah, their children, died in their infancy. Walter, their son, died 1 June 1730, aged 31. John Burton, of Rotherham, mercer, and Ann, his wife, daughter of William and Elizabeth Langley, died 1732 and 1733. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Langley, widow of Richard Thomson, and of John Bell, of Sheffield, merchants, died 8 July 1753. Sarah Turner, of Hemsworth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Langley, died 22 May 1791, aged 97. Richard Thomson, of Sheffield, factor, died 27 March 1733. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Thomson, died 16 June 1724. John Bell, of Sheffield, linen draper, died 30 June 1743.
Ralph Tunnicliffe, of Dalton, gentleman, died 19 April 1736, aged 48. Goodeth, his wife, died 12 December 1758 aged 72. Ralph Tunnicliffe, of Dalton, gentleman, died 31 January 1794, aged 75.
Volantine Hurt, gentleman, died 7 August 1692. Mary, his wife, died 1 September 1710, aged 57.
James, son of John West, 1689. Robert, son of John West, 1707, and John, son of John West, 169......
Ann, daughter of James Armitage, 1651.
Harrison, William of Orgrave, gentleman, died 30 September 1738, aged 61. Elizabeth, his wife, 1756, aged 75. George of Orgrave, 24 January 1751. William, of Orgrave, gentleman, 29 September 1720, aged 73. Ann, his wife, 18 October 1721. Ruth, their daughter, buried 9 July 1761. George, late of Orgrave, gentleman, died 10 December 1688, aged 43. George, son of William of Orgrave, gentleman, died 12 July 1723, aged 10. Mary, his daughter, died age 9. William of Orgrave, gentleman, died 30 May 1760. Elizabeth died 3 April 1762, aged 5. Thomas died 11 May 1764, aged 2. Mary died 16 February 1770, aged 4, children of William of Orgrave. Elizabeth, wife of the said William, died 11 November 1789, aged 54. The said William Harrison, Esq. died 17 February 1791, aged 63. Lieutenant John Harrison died at Berhampore, in the East Indies in March 1791, aged 32. Rev. William Harrison son of the said William, died 12 June 1794, aged 33.
Two children of George Staniforth of Catcliffe, heir to George Beardsall, Dolor - Slater, and John, who died as infants in 1728.
Charles and Martha, children of John Cleator, clerk, 1747.
John Lloyd, A.M. vicar 46 years, died 13 April 1782, aged 77.
Isaac Hemingway, clerk, 1731.
Mary, wife of Samuel Hallows Hamer, died 10 June 1779, aged 52. J.H. Hamar died 19 September 1787, aged 59. Samuel, George, James and Henrietta, their children, of whom Samuel was buried in St. Lawrence's Church, Old Street, London. Also other children, Henry, Ann and Mary, wife of Jonathan Walker.
Sarah, wife of Jonathan Walker, of Masborough, died 6 June 1776, aged 62. William son of William and Mary Yates, of Masborough, and great grandchild of the said Sarah, died 27 May 1814.
Dorothy, wife of William Couldwell, of Cudworth, daughter of Jonathan Hurst, of Little Dalton, gentleman, 1716, aged 38. Jonathan Hurst, of Little Dalton, gentleman, 1713, aged 62.
Martha, wife of Thomas Cooper, ob Barbot Hall, 1793. Margaret Cawthorne, of Brierly Manor, died at Barbot Hall, 1799. Ann, wife of Richard Wharam, and daughter of Mr Thomas Cooper, by Elizabeth, his third wife, 1738, aged 37.
Jane, daughter of Reverend Thomas Tennant, of Rendham in Suffolk, 1812, aged 21.
Mary, relict of Dr Mercer, late of London, 1765, aged 95.
Robert Sharpe, curate of Rotherham, 1692.
Besides these, there are many others of date, for the practice of burying in the Church has prevailed to a great extent. The names follow:
Jack Parry © 2009
from Dodsworth's list.