


Rotherham Church Rate Roll, 1724


Rotherham Church Rate Roll, 1724

Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/RotherhamPRsEtc_JP.txt The Church Rate was a tax formerly levied in each parish in England and Ireland for the benefit of the parish church. Out of these rates were defrayed the expenses of carrying on divine service, repairing the fabric of the church, and paying the salaries of the officials connected with it. The church rates were made by the church wardens, together with the parishioners duly assembled after proper notice in the vestry or the church

Assessment made on the inhabitants of the Town of Rotherham, for the reliefe and subsistance of the poor of the said Township for ye year ensueing at two pence in the pound, the sixteenth day of May 1724.

[Showing owners of a house, except as shown otherwise]

William Bagshaw, for ye College Orchard and Gardens
Richard Oddy, for Eastwood Farme
John Tooker Esquire, for his house and the Towne Land, Eyres Land and Bell Closes.
One acre of my Lord's land, lately held by Mr Darwent,
Mr Wilkinson for Clayton Farme and land,
late Mr Darwent's 15 acres of ye Parsonage Land, the privy tythes, Tolls, and Potters Land,
part of Ridding Farm,
4 acres of land late Darwent's,
and 5 acres of Mr Stanforth's land.

High Street
George Hebden, for ye White Horse, and half an acre of land
Thomas Hunt, for ye house wherein Jn. Johnson lives
Mr Wilkinson
Tenn acres of Mr Doen's land
Jn. Clarke and croft
Joseph Marshall
Mathew Goodall
Nicholas Turner
Robert Cundell, and land
Mr Oddy
Mrs Foljambe
Mr Lord, and land
Mrs West
Thomas Carr
Thomas Littlewood
John Wilson
Mr Peirson
Mrs Cooper, and Chappell Grounds
Dan. Eyre
John Scorah
Widow Gray
Mr Brown, and land
Mr Blythe

Dovecoatre Yard and Orchard
Mr Turner, shoppe
Mr Ratcliffe, shoppe
Mr Coppendale, shoppe
Mr Wildsmith, shoppe
Mr Mandervile
For his Maltrooms in Millgate
Mr Ropers
Mr Bellamy
Thomas Legard, and shoppe
Thomas Shent
Mr Bellamy
John Pashley
Mr Wentworth, stable and shoppe
Mr Sorbie
Mrs Kirgarth
Mr Beverley
Four acres Mr Cowley's, and four late Mr Darwen's
William Carr
Mrs Eyre
Thomas Machin
Gervas Woodhead, and land
Mr Wharam
Gilbert Hamerton, for his house and land, and three roods of Mr Mandeville's land
John Bradley
William Smith
Joseph Barton, for his house, land and shoppe
Ten acres of Mr Wentworth's land
Two acres of Cuzen's land
Twenty two acres of Mr Aslabie's land, and
Ten acres of late Mr Darwent's land - William Hudson

Beast Market
Thomas Hunt, for his house and for ye Barn and Stable, Mr. Wentworth's
George Boothe, of Brookhouse
William Hall
Bettey Peard
John Cawthorne
Charles Popplewell
John Burnley, for one acre of land
Bartholomew Jones and land
Two acres and a half of Mr Aislabie's and and three acres of Thomas Jarvas' land
Godfrey Foster, and six acres of land
Thomas Best

John Millington
George Birber
Robert Cutforthay
William Parkin
James Foss
Ruth Stones
Joseph Greenwood
Robert Glegg
Mr Aislabie, for his house, Radley Room, and Greenwood Stables
James Crosland
Thomas Radley, and land
John Fretwell
Thomas Hall
Joseph Bottemley
Jn. Scamadine, and land one acre, and shoppe
Mr Wilson
Mr Braithwaite
Thomas Cutlar
Philip Scholey, for his house, and Mr Cowley's land, four acres of Mr Stanyforth's and part of Ridding Farm.
Sam. Parsonson, for house, land and quarry
Francis White, for his land and quarry
John Potter
Lyonell Abson
Richard Eyre, for his house and hamper yard
William Arnold, for his house and Roods Croft
James Johnson
Richard Pugh
William Hall
John Hawkesworth
Abraham Arnold, house and shoppe
William Eastwood, house and three acres and three roods of land
Thomas Robart's
Dan. Spencer Barton, house and shop
Ambrose Wild
Samuel Lumley
William Murfin
Robert Howgill, for his house and croft
Thomas Pygate
John Wild
John Henfrey
William Henfrey, for four acres of Gill's land
Charles Staniland, for his house and Mechrooms, two acres of land, croft and close
Thomas Wright
Mr Langley for Thomas Scorah's house
Widow Medlam
Mr Chadwick, for his house and 19 acres
John Collingham
Thomas Paley
James Hattersley
Mr Bothomley
Richard Oddy, Senior, for his house and 1 acre Mr Staniforth's land
Henry Oddy
Thomas Rawson, for his shoppe
Mrs Moore
John Hydes
Thomas Scholey, house and shoppe in the Shambles
Mr Down's house and Shepp Walk Close
Twenty eight acres of land, late Winter's Farm
Ralph Bennett, house and Car Croft
Robert Kent for his shoppe
John Killinger, shoppe empty
John Kirk, for his shoppe
Joseph Nightingale
Mrs. Kent
Vincent Harvie, for his house and shoppe
John Ludlam
John Cundell, for his shoppe
Mr Burton, for house and shoppe late Shent's
Mrs Langley
George Oldham, and land
George Skafe, for his house, shoppe and land
John Kaye, for his houseand 2 acres land
Six acres late Stock's land and nine acres Mr Aislabie

Church Lane
George Fields
Samuel Vintin, and land
Mr Hirst, for Jn. Firth house and one acre land
Mr Beverley for his house in Millgate
Mr Hutchinson
Thomas Jarvas for his house and three acres Mr Crowley's land

Thomas Jarvas and three acres land
The Great Tythes
Four acres of my Lord's and one acre Cutlar's land
Three acres of Mr Stanyforth's
Two acres late Mr Boulton's, and Dove Coat Yard and Croft
And three acres land late Jones'
William Smith
Robert Wood
Widow Pheasant
Thomas Bradley
John Higgins
William Eyre, for his house and shoppe

Widow Wilkin
John Ashley
William Wainwright
William Corker
Francis Oxley
John Cundell
Gilbert Hamerton
George Barmby
Mr Edmund Haigh
Two acres of Steele's land
Seven acres of Gill's and Ponzonby's late Pashley's
Six acres late Mr Darwent's and four, late Mr Boulton's Russell Croft
John Thompson
William Smith
Thomas Robert
Widow Spencer
Edward Clarke, for his house and shoppe
Mr Binks
Archibald Hall
George Smith for house and Maltrooms
John Fox
George Fewtrell for his house and land
Nicholas Robinson
Joseph Mayor for his house and Bakehouse

Jesus Gate
John Corker
Thomas Lambert
Widow Corber
William Downs
Thomas Whitwell
Matthew Pashley for his house, 26 acres and 3 roods land
Samuel Cundell
Mr Oddy for Mr Tomlinson's house
Thomas Sayles
James Best
Thomas Stevenson
Mr Wordsworth
Lawrence Thompson for his house and Shop with Shambles
Eleven acres of Mr Wentworth's land
William Pashley
Edward Pinder

Doncaster Gate Head
John Slack, and land
Richard Hammerton
Four acres and a half of Mr Staniforth's and 1 acre Mr Moore's land
John Taylor
Robert Blankley
John Blankey
Joseph Denton
John Wild
Four acres of land late Sorbie's. 2½ of Tagg's
Five acres and ½ of Mr Down's land

Thomas Gilbert
Thomas Clayton
Francis Richardson for 11 acres land
Robert Needham
John Oldale
Mr Mercator
Robert Howett
Thomas Renshaw
John Button, for his house and land
Jonathan Hudson
Edward Jenkinson
Richard Lovedge
Samuel Vintin for Thomas Maxfield's house
Part of Ridding Farm
Three acres of land and the Mills
William Howard
Phillip Heppingstall
John Kay
George Pashley
Mr John Pashley
Mr Ratcliffe for part of Ridding Farm
John Armitage

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
from original transcriptions by
Wath and Mexborough Archives
This transcription has not been checked.
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