Rotherham Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ROTHERHAM in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office,
- High-street, Rotherham, Martha Wilson, Post Mistress.
- Letters for London, &c. are despatched at ten in morning, and arrive at three in the afternoon.
- Letters by the Sheffield Mail, which also takes bags for the counties of Lancashire, Derby, and Cheshire, are despatched every afternoon at three, and arrive every morning at ten.
- A horse post to Sheffield also is despatched every evening at eight, and arrives every afternoon at five.
Gentry & Clergy,
- Askham Eyre, gent. Doncaster gate
- Bagshaw Thomas, gent. Westgate
- Batty Rev. Edward, Talbot lane
- Bennett Miss, Cupola, Masbro'
- Birkett Rev. Benjamin, Grammar school
- Blackley Rev. Thomas, Vicarage
- Brettell Rev. Jacob Crofts
- Clark James, gent. Westgate
- Clark Samuel; gent. Masbro'
- Crawshaw Mrs. Elizabeth, Wellgate
- Fenton William, gent., Carr House
- Gilson Miss Maria, Masbro'
- Hair John, gent. Westgate
- Jepson Mrs. Gladman, Wellgate
- Lamprier Mrs. Elizabeth, Masbro'
- Leesley Robert, gent. Westgate
- Moss Rev. Thomas, Talbot Pane
- Newton Col. Charles, Barbott hall
- Parker Mrs. Ann, Crofts
- Pearson William, gent. Wellgate
- Reece Rev. James, Masbro'
- Riddle Col. Henry Cupola, Masbro'
- Roodhouse John, gent. Market place
- Smith William, gent. Wellgate
- Spencer, Misses Margaret &. Frances. Masbro
- Squire Francis, gent. Wellgate
- Townsend Rev. Edward Js. Rawmarsh
- Walker Miss Elizabeth Cupola, Masbro'
- Walker Miss Mary Ann, Masbro'
- Walker Mrs. Catton,
- Wheatley Mrs. Ann, Masbro'
- Woodcock John, gent, Masbro'
- Woodhead James S. gent. Westgate
Academies & Schools,
Not otherwise described are Day, Schools.
- Appleton Jonathan, (boarding) Moorgate
- Climes Ann (boarding) Bridge gate
- Grammar School, Rotherham- Rev. Benjamin Birkett, master
- Hodgson Thomas, Masbro'
- Maxfield John, Rawmarsh
- Ross Henry, Quarry hill
- Scott Mrs. (ladies' boarding) Rawmarsh.
- Shillitto William, Jesus gate
- Townend Mary (boarding) Crofts
- See also Fire, &c. Office Agents.)
- Fleck William, (commission) Masbro'
- Guthrie John (general Commission, & timber, stone, & slate mercht) Masbro'
- Badger Thomas High street
- Hoyle William Fretwell, Westgate
- Jenkinson Richard, Westgate
- Mason Thomas Beverley, Crofts
- Potter John- Wright, High-street
- Wheatley Joseph, Westgate
- Badger Benjamin, Westgate,
- Craven William, Westgate
- Crookes Thomas, Westgate
Bakers & Flour Dealers,
- Ludlum Joseph, Westgate
- Reckless Thomas, High street
- Sales James, Bride gate
- Turner William, Bridge gate
- Walker, Eyre & Stanley, High st (draw on Barclay & Co. London)
Basket Makers,
- Needham Mary, (dealer) Doncaster gate
- Needham Robert, Market place
- Parker Thomas, Bridge gate
- Adams George, Vicarage lane
- Bell Thomas, Westgate
- Cross John, Wellgate
- Green Joseph, Masbro'
- Greenwood John, Westgate
- Whittington Samuel, Jesus' gate
- Wright Benjamin, Westgate
Boat Builders,
- Simpson Charles, Masbro'
- Smith Thomas, Westgate
Booksellers & Stationers,
- Bagley John (& printer) High street
- Crookes Samuel, (& printer) Westgate
- Wilson Martha, High street
Boot & Shoe Makers,
- Badger William, High street
- Hobson Abraham, Market place
- Lilley James, Bridge gate
- Marshall George, Bridge gate
- Radcliffe John, Westgate
- Turton William, Market place
- Walks Peter, High street
- Wright Mark, Church street
- Wright William, Bridge gate
Braziers and Tin-Plate Workers,
- Biddulph Joseph, Wellgate
- Clayton Edward, High street
- Kent Thomas, Market place
- Williams Nathan, Bridge gate
- Bentley Robert, Westgate
- Cooper John, Westgate
- Hill Richard, Masbro'
- Dickinson William, Rawmarsh
- Gillott Edward, Shambles
- Gillott Humphrey, Shambles
- Gillott Thomas, Masbro'
- Greaves John, Masbro'
- Greaves Joseph, Shambles
- Harrison George, Shambles
- Hawley Matthew, Masbro'
- Healey Isaac, Masbro'
- Kent John, Shambles
- Kirk Francis, Shambles
- Kirk Samuel, Masbro'
- Makin John, Masbro'
- Spur William, Shambles
- Stocks Thomas, Shambles
- Styring Thomas, Shambles
- Twigg William, Masbro'
- Wharin John, Shambles
- Wildsmith Thomas, Shambles
- Young Henry, Shambles
- Young John, Shambles
Cabinet Makers,
- Athey John, High street
- Bell Thomas, Westgate
- Coe David, Bridge gate
- France Joseph, Westgate
- Heathcote Thomas, Market place
- Jubb William, Crofts
- Turton John, Masbro'
- Aldred John (pyroligneous acid) Wellgate
- Bearson Robert & Brothers (alum, oil of vitriol, &c.) Masbro' and Westgate
- Hobson George, Bridge gate
- Reckless Thomas, High street
- Sales James, Bridge gate
- Turner William, Bridge gate
- Ward Andrew, High street
- Wortley Elizabeth, Market place
- Fields William, Bridge gate
- Hepworth John, Blind lane
- Joell William, Wellgate
Corn Factors,
- Didsbury Richard, Westgate
- Fletcher Edward, Doncaster gate
- Heaton William, Pigeon lane
- Wheatley Thomas, Masbro'
- Wright Thomas, Pool green
Corn Millers,
- Crossby Matthew, Doncaster gate
- Jackson John, Westgate & Canklow
- Jackson John & Edward, Newbegin
- Jackson Peter, Ickles
- Turner, Woodhead & Co. Westgate
Curriers and Leather Dressers,
- Booth John, Jesus gate
- Thomas Edward, Westgate
- Newton Jacob, High street
- Norman William, High street
- Parkin William & John; Bridge gate
- Parkin Zachariah, Westgate
- O'Neill Peter, Bridge gate
- Wells William, Wellgate
Fire, &c. Office Agents,
- Albion, E. I. Haseltine; High street
- Atlas, William Fretwell Hoyle, Westgate
- Guardian, John Oxley, Bridge gate
- Leeds & Yorkshire, Thomas Badger, High street
- Royal Exchange, Benjamin Badger, Westgate
- Sheffield, Samuel Crookes, Westgate
Fire Iron Manufacturers,
- Flockton William, Masbro'
- Nicholson Joshua, Masbro'
- Sandford & Yates, Masbro'
Glass Manufacturers and Merchants,
- Close & Clark, Masbro
- Hill Richard (merchant) Masbro'
Grocers & Tea Dealers,
- Adams John, High street
- Barnsley & Rhodes, Bridge gate
- Bingley William, High street
- Breddon Thomas, Westgate
- Calton James, Bridge gate
- Nightingale Charles, Westgate
- Steel William, Bridge gate.
- Townend George, Jesus gate
- Wheatley Thomas. Masbro'
- Wigfield Mary (& Tobacco manufacturer) High street
Hair Dressers,
- Bellamy Robert, Masbro'
- Goodier Richard, Jesus gate
- Hague William, Market place
- Salt Charles, Church street
Marked thus * are Manufacturers.
- Gartside Martha and Noah (and hosiers) High street
- *Gillott Thomas, Westgate
- Hague William, Market place
- Salt Charles, Church street
- Taylor Esther, Bridge gate
- *Turton James, Market place
- Angel, William Corbitt Bridge gate
- Angel, Mary Hattersley, High street
- College inn, Jonathan Hudson, Jesus gate
- Crown (posting) Ann Oldfield, High street
- George, George Taylor, Newbegin
- Red Lion (posting) Joseph Watson, Bridge gate
- Ship, Mary Hudson, Westgate
- Three Cranes, Richard Alvey, High street
Iron, Founders,
- Harris Jarvis, Wellgate
- Kimpster Henry (& boiler make, and smith) Masbro'
- Kirk, Kidgell & Co. (& stove grate & spade, shovel & fender manufacturers) Rotherham Foundry
- Sandford & Yates (& manufacturer of wrought iron goods, stove grates, &c.) Masbro'
- Wragg & Graham, Millgate
Iron Manufacturers and Masters,
- Coe Charles, (& steel refiner) Masbro'
- Liversedge & Crownshaw (& masters & linen manufacturers.) Millgate
- Oxley & Hodgson (steel) New Park Gate Steel Works, Newbegin
- Sanderson and Watson (masters) Parkgate Iron Works, Newbegin
- Walker Joshua &,Cc,. Hasbro
- Bayliffe William Radford, High street
- Crawshaw Andrew, High street
- Athey John, High street
- Blackmoor John, Bridge gate
- Crowther & Son, Crofts
- Heathcote Thomas, Market place
- Jee George & Son, Crofts
- Jubb William, Crofts
- Smith Samuel, Market place
Linen & Woollen Drapers,
- Button & Smith Westgate
- Cowen Davy & Dixon, High street
- Earnshaw William, High street
- Habershon Joseph Jones, High street
- Law Thomas, High street
- Taylor George, Bridge gate
- Barroclough Benjamin, Rawmarsh
- Cooper John, Westgate
- Harrison John, Masbro'
- Hill Richard, Masbro'
- Marsh John, Ickles
- Marsh Robert, Ickles
- Nightingale Charles, Westgate
- Owen John, Westgate
- Steel William, Bridge gate
- Wainwright John, Rawmarsh
- Wheatley Thomas, Masbro'
Milliners & Dressmakers,
- Bellamy Elizabeth, High street
- Cromack Mary, Westgate
- Darwent Martha, Wellgate
- Pullin Elizabeth & Margaret, Crofts
- Thompson Elizabeth, High street
Nail Makers,
- Aldred Henry, Wellgate
- Easton William, Wellgate
- Favell William, Westgate
- Gordon John, Westgate
- Wilkinson Joseph, Westgate
Nursery & Seedsmen,
- Cadbert John, Church street
- Holmes Thomas, High street
Painters-House, Sign, &c,
- Farr John, Jesus gate
- Hague Thomas, Church street
- Hardy George, Bridge gate
- Hudson Robert, Bridge gate
- Jenkinson Joshua, Westgate
- Jenkinson Samuel, Wellgate
- Leadbeater George, Jesus' gate
Plumbers & Glaziers,
- Binks Thomas, Westgate
- Chrimes Edward, Market place
- Curtis Richard, High street
- Watson John, Wellgate
Potters & Earthenware Manufacturers,
- Beatson Martha, Masbro'
- Hawley Elizabeth, Rawmarsh
- Shackleton William, Masbro'
- Taylor George, Rawmarsh & Newbegin
- Wainwright John, Rawmarsh
Rope & Twine Makers,
- Arnold Robert, Westgate
- Green John & Son, Westgate and Masbro'
- Hattersley James, Westgate
- Law Joseph, Masbro'
- Newton Joseph, Wellgate
- Wath William & David, Westgate
- Darwent Thomas, Wellgate
- Hicks George, Rawmarsh
- Lodge Richard, High street
- Mower John, Market place
Seed Crushers and Oil Merchants,
- Parker Francis, Ickles
- Turner, Woodhead & Co. Westgate
Shopkeepers & Bakers,
- Athey John, High street
- Beaumont George, Wellgate
- Bradburn Joseph, Westgate
- Crossby Matthew, Doncaster gate
- Crossby William, Westgate
- Guest Benjamin, Westgate
- Jackson Ann Doncaster gate
- Minors Elizabeth, Westgate
- Moody Benjamin, Crofts
- Sharp, Ann, Wellgate
- Tasker Ellen, Bridge gate
- White John, Wellgate
Spade & Shovel Manufacturers,
- Kirk, Kidgell and Co. Rotherham Foundry
- Sandford & Yates, Masbro'
- Slack Thomas (shovel bits & cinder shovels) Masbro'
Starch Manufacturers,
- Turner, Woodhead & Co. Westgate
Stay Makers,
- Cooke George, Jesus' gate
- Proctor William, Westgate
- Shillito James, Doncaster gate
Stone & Marble Masons,
- Dobb Charles, Wellgate
- Dobb John, jun. Wellgate
- Dobb John, sen. Wellgate
- Earnshaw John, Wellgate
- Leesley John, Westgate
- Mills William, Wellgate
Straw Hat Makers,
- Barr Catharine, Church street
- Booth Mary, High street
- Needham Maria, Doncaster gate
- Robinson John, Wellgate
- Shearman Edward James, Market place
- Turner Joseph Hatfield, Wellgate
- Turner Joshua, High street
- Wilkinson James, Vicarage lane
Marked thus* are also Drapers
- Booth William, Crofts
- *Brown Cuthbert, Church street
- *Crossby Benjamin, Bridge gate
- Evans Joseph, Crofts
- Goodall John, Market place
- Gouldsbrough John, Bridge gate
- Guest James, Bridge gate
- Hague John, Wellgate
- *Halksworth William, High street
- *Robinson Richard, High street
Tallow Chandlers,
- Barnsley & Rhodes, Bridge gate
- Calton James, Bridge gate
- Nightingale Charles, Westgate
Taverns & Public Houses,
- Black Bull, John Young, Masbro'
- Black Horse, Robert Hallam, Rawmarsh
- Black Horse, Michael Nicholson, High street
- Black Swan, William Gray, Crofts
- Blue Belt, Zachariah Parkin, Market place
- Boot & Shoe, Elizabeth Wightman, Bridge gate
- Bridge Inn Mary Gillott, Masbro'
- Butcher's Arms, William Boulton, Crofts
- Cleaver, Joseph Turner, Wellgate
- Cross Daggers, Francis Kirk, High street
- Cross Keys, George a Steel, Crofts
- Crown & Anchor, Ebenezer Cavill, Masbro'
- Cutlers' Arms, Benjamin Flockton, Westgate
- Duke of York, Margaret Jackson, Westgate
- Elephant & Castle, Ben. Young, High street
- Fitzwilliam Arms, Joseph Cooper, Newbegin
- Grapes, Ann Lawson, High street
- Grapes, George Watson Market place
- Greyhound, Joseph Boaler, Masbro'
- King's Arms, Mary Aukland, Jesus' gate
- Mail Coach, Emanuel Jarvis, Wellgate
- Masons' Arms, John Mellor, Westgate
- Nag's Head, Alice Needham, Market place
- Old Ring of Bells, Thomas Kirk, Church street
- Pack Horse, William Babb, Wellgate
- Plough, Thomas Shaw, Masbro'
- Red Bear, John Hunter, Bridge gate
- Red Bull, William Smith, Masbro'
- Red Lion, William Dickinson, Rawmarsh
- Royal Oak, James Smith, Marketplace
- Ship, William Horsefield, Masbro
- Sport Bone, Benjamin Brown, Masbro'
- Star Inn, John Wainwright, Rawmarsh
- Three Tuns Thomas Steel, Wellgate
- Travellers, William Caldwell, Westgate
- True Briton, Thomas Smith, Westgate
- Vice & Hammer, William Flockton, Masbro'
- Wagon & Horses, Mary Crossland, Masbro
- Wellington, Frances Wild, Westgate
- Wheat Sheaf, Richard Wilkinson, Doncaster gate
- White Hart, Richard Hatt, Bridge gate
- White Swan, Thomas Smith, Westgate
- York Keel, John Turton, Masbro'
Watch & Clock Makers,
- Crawshaw Andrew (and jeweller) High street
- Farnill William (and jeweller) Market place
- Mason John, Jesus' gate
- Wright James (and jeweller and engraver) High street
- Flack William, Masbro'
- River Dun Company, Masbro' agents,
- William, Smallpage & John Copeland
Wheelwright S,
- Brammar John, Wellgate
- Coward John, Doncaster gate
- Crowther & Son, Crofts,
- Eastwood John, Bridge gate
- Reed John, Masbro'
- Steers John, Westgate
- Thornton John, Westgate
- Heppenstall John, Market place
- Wells Joseph, Wellgate
Wine & Spirit Merchants,
- Clarke & Nightingale, Millgate
- Woodhead & Pratt, Westgate
Worsted Manufacturers,
- Couldwell Benjamin, Jesus' gate
- Rushforth Thomas & William, Jesus' gate
- Bakewell William, brush maker; Beast lane
- Brant William, tanner, Westgate
- Cowen William, landscape painter, Wellgate
- Ellis Samuel, organist, Masbro'
- Fisher John, clerk to the magistrates, high constable, &c. Clifton cottage
- Hall John, millwright & engineer, Masbro'
- Harrison William, governor of workhouse, Crofts
- Lawson Ann, spirit dealer, high street
- Lent George, turner, &c. Jesus' gate
- Nadin Miles; pipe maker, Westgate
- Pagdin Edw, pay office, Cattle market
- Robinson Jane, glover, Market,
- Routh William, linen yarn spinner, Masbro'
- White William, bed screw maker Masbro'
- Woodgea William, chain cable maker, Masbro'
- To Doncaster, a Coach, from the Crown Inn, every morning at half-past eight, & twelve at noon-and from the Cross Daggers, every Saturday morning at eight.
- To Lincoln a Coach, from the Crown Inn, every afternoon at half past one; goes through Doncaster.
- To Lincoln, Louth, &c. the Royal Mail, from the Crown Inn; every morning at ten; goes thro' Tickhill, Bawtry, Gainsborough, &c.
- To Sheffield, a Coach, from the Crown, every evening at three & six every morning at half-past seven-and from the Cross Daggers, every Sunday and Monday evenings at six.
- To Sheffield and Manchester a Coach, from the Crown- daily at 12.
- To Sheffield and Thorne, the Packet Coach, from the Crown, daily.
- To Barnsley, Edward Wilkinson, from Doncaster gate, every Tuesday morning
- To Doncaster, Francis Flintham, from the Angel, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday-Edward Wilkinson, from Doncaster gate, every Thursday and Saturday-and --- Downing, from the Pack Horse, occasionally.
- To Lincoln, --- Hibberson, from the Cleaver, every Monday and Thursday, goes thro' Tickhill, Bawtry & Gainsboro'.
- To Retford, Blyth, &c. Crompton and Gee, from the Cleaver, every Monday morn at ten.
- To Sheffield, Francis Flintham, from the Angel, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, mornings --- Hibberson, from the Cleaver, every Wednesday and Saturday mornings at eight- Thomas Dawson, every Monday & Thursday morning; --Malkin, from the Pack Horse, every Tuesday morning at four-Humphry White from Westgate, daily; ---Crompton and Gee, from the Cleaver, every Wednesday evening at four--and --- Downing, from the Pack Horse occasionally.
- To Tickhill,--- Malkin, from the Pack Horse every Tuesday evening.
- To York, Thomas Dawson, from the Pack Horse, every Monday & Friday.
Conveyance By Water,
- To Hull, Doncaster, Thorne, &c. Thomas Wright & Co's vessels, every Thursday night.
- To Liverpool, Thomas & Smith's Vessels, weekly; go thro' Wakefield and Manchester.
- To Sheffield, Thomas Wright and Co.'s Vessels every Tuesday morning.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003