Leeds North Street Baptist Church History
Leeds North Street Baptist Church History up to 1912.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/BaptistChurches.txt LEEDS, NORTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH
The North Street Church was commenced under the auspices of the General Baptist Home Mission, in 1841, and Rev. Jabez Tunnicliffe, the founder of the Band of Hope movement, became pastor in 1842. Upon his removal, in 1846, he was succeeded by Rev. Richard Horsfield, who maintained a ministry at North Street for thirty-nine years. He was a preacher of great ability, and continued with his people to within two years of his death. He was succeeded by Rev. James Horn, who faithfully fulfilled his office for seven years, resigning in 1892. For two years the Church was without a minister, but at the end of that time Rev. F. W. Pugh, who had been co-pastor with Rev. Charles Williams, of Accrington, accepted the call, and continued until 1900. His ministry introduced a period of great success, the congregations crowding the chapel. It was during his pastorate that the Church removed to a new home. The Wintoun Street Church, being in difficulties from various causes, had become almost extinguished.At the invitation of the Association, the Church at North Street migrated to the chapel in Wintoun Street, and the remaining members of that Church were united to the North Street fellowship. The North Street chapel having been sold, the greater part of the proceeds were used for the renovation of the new premises and for the liquidation of the debt on Wintoun Street, but £500 was placed in the hands of the Association towards the erection of the new chapel at Beeston Hill. Upon the expiration of Mr. Pugh's pastorate, Rev. J. T. Schofield was invited to the ministry, resigning in 1904, to be followed by the present pastor, Rev. E. J. Crofts. During the last few years the neighbourhood of the chapel has greatly changed owing to the influx of a Jewish population, which has led to the exodus of many of the previous residents, but the work is carried on with faithful zeal and constant hopefulness.
from the "Present Churches" section of
The Baptists of Yorkshire
by Rev. J. Brown Morgan
and Rev. C.E. Shipley