Leeds Burley Road Baptist Church History
Leeds Burley Road Baptist Church History up to 1912.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/BaptistChurches.txt LEEDS, BURLEY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH
The first attempt towards the establishment of a Baptist cause in this part of the city was made about the year 1860, by the Church then meeting in Great George Street Chapel. The effort was, however, abandoned. The attention of South Parade being attracted to the necessities of the district, land was purchased in 1868 for the erection of a school and chapel. The school was commenced in August, of that year, Sunday evening services for worship being conducted by the students of Rawdon and by other supplies. The Rev. Wm. Best, B.A., then pastor of South Parade, greatly assisted the new enterprise, and, in May, 1870, Rev. W. T. Adey was appointed to take charge of the Burley Road work. Morning and evening services were now held and the Lord's Supper observed. The work was so richly prospered that in 1873 it was determined to build a new chapel.South Parade volunteered a most generous assistance, Mr. Alderman Barran and Mr. Wm. Illingworth each subscribed £500, and further gifts had, in June, 1874, raised the sum to £2,418. The new building was opened on November 17th, 1875. On April 30th, 1877, with the cordial consent of the mother Church, Burley Road entered upon an independent career, South Parade transferring a great number of her members to the new fellowship. Mr. Adey resigned his charge in September, 1878, and was followed by Rev. W. R. Golding. The Church was greatly blessed during Mr. Golding's ministry of fifteen years, and it was a sore grief when failing health necessitated his retirement. In November, 1896, Rev. F. W. Walter became his successor, remaining until 1908. After an interval of a few months the Church gave a hearty invitation to its present pastor, Rev. W. Cleland, who maintains the work, supported by the affectionate regard of his people.
from the "Present Churches" section of
The Baptists of Yorkshire
by Rev. J. Brown Morgan
and Rev. C.E. Shipley