


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1732-1734


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1732-1734


1732 03 25MarySHANNMillhillDaughter of Henry 
1732 03 26ElizabethCORNFORTHHunslet Lane  
1732 03 26AnneKNOWLESBurley Bar  
1732 03 26[infant]SCOTTVicar LaneSon of Samuel 
1732 03 26[infant]FAWCETBankSon of James 
1732 03 27Mr RogerMARROWHunslet Lane  
1732 03 27[infant]LAMBERTKirkgateSon of William 
1732 03 29AnneSTURDYShamblesDaughter of William 
1732 03 30[infant]TOWERSSouthpartSon of Robert 
1732 04 02ChristianaWINTERQuarry Hill  
1732 04 02[infant]SCOTT Son of Samuel 
1732 04 03ThomasSAWER Son of Thomas Esq 
1732 04 08SarahWABRAN Daughter of John 
1732 04 08[infant]BLAKER Daughter of Daniel 
1732 04 10[infant]WOOD Son of James 
1732 04 11JohnBULLOUGH Son of Christopher 
1732 04 12[infant]WABRAN Daughter of John 
1732 04 12ThomasAWTONBriggateSon of John 
1732 04 13AndrewTOPPING A Stranger 
1732 04 13[infant]MOXONKirkgateSon of Mr William 
1732 04 16[infant]SMITH Son of William 
1732 04 16*SANDS Child of [Widow] Sands 
1732 04 16WilliamSMALLPAGEMabgate  
1732 04 19[infant]BROOKSBANK Child of [Widow] Brooksbank 
1732 04 22JohnBOLLANDBank  
1732 04 23WalterWILKINSONNorth Hall Bridge  
1732 04 23JosephBRAMLEYKirkgate  
1732 04 23[infant]KIRSHAW Son of Marmaduke 
1732 04 23ElizabethTHOMPSON Wife of Edward 
1732 04 23ElizabethFEARNLEY Wife of Thomas 
1732 04 25JohnNEWBYMeadow LaneSon of John 
1732 04 25AnnePOPPLEWELL Wife of Thomas 
1732 04 26WilliamSMITHMeadow Lane  
1732 04 26SarahSPEIGHT Daughter of Shubael 
1732 04 26ThomasKENDALMarsh Lane  
1732 05 02JohnDOVEHeadrowSon of John 
1732 05 02[infant]HARGRAVE Daughter of George 
1732 05 03CuthbertSTANDIGEHeadrow  
1732 05 03[infant]SQUIREWoodhouseSon of John 
1732 05 04CarolineSPEIGHT Daughter of Shubael 
1732 05 04JohnHARRISON Son of John 
1732 05 05[infant]TOWERSSouthpartSon of Robert 
1732 05 06EleanorENGLISH Wife of Edward 
1732 05 06[infant]STEPHENSON Son of James 
1732 05 07HannahBACKHOUSE Wife of Joseph 
1732 05 08MaryTOWNENDBoar Lane  
1732 05 08[infant]MARSDEN Son of John 
1732 05 11ThomasHEYWOOD A Stranger 
1732 05 14[infant]BAXTER Son of Robert 
1732 05 14[infant]NAYLOR Son of Abraham 
1732 05 15[infant]POPPLEWELL Son of Thomas 
1732 05 18[infant]JEFFERSON Son of Caleb 
1732 05 21[infant]VICARS Daughter of Abraham 
1732 05 21RichardGILPINMillhill  
1732 05 23EdwardWEBSTERBriggate  
1732 05 24JaneRAINFORTHHeadrow  
1732 05 25WilliamROBINSONCall Lane  
1732 05 27[infant]MAUD Child of William 
1732 05 28JohnWINDERCall Lane  
1732 05 29[infant]BROOME Son of John 
1732 05 30[infant]DUNNE Son of John 
1732 05 30[infant]SEED Son of John 
1732 05 30GraceBEAUMONTVicar Lane  
1732 05 31RobertHAGUECross  
1732 06 01MarthaPRINCE Daughter of William 
1732 06 01[infant]SIMPSON Son of William 
1732 06 02[infant]THOMPSON Daughter of Charles 
1732 06 02*BOWLING Son of Samuel 
1732 06 02*DAY Daughter of Rev Mr * 
1732 06 03[infant]LANGSCARCallsDaughter of Joshua 
1732 06 03[infant]THORESBYCall LaneSon of Thomas 
1732 06 04ElizabethWOODMabgateDaughter of John 
1732 06 05WilliamENGLANDHeadrowSon of William 
1732 06 06RobertOLDROYDMillhillSon of Peter 
1732 06 07HenryLUMLEYKirkgateSon of Richard 
1732 06 08[infant]MANN Daughter of Joshua 
1732 06 10JacobWEBSTERBank  
1732 06 12[infant]DIXONBankDaughter of William 
1732 06 12[infant]THOMPSON Daughter of Joshua 
1732 06 12WilliamKITCHING PoorServant
1732 06 15HannahHARTLEY Daughter of Samuel 
1732 06 15MaryBAYNESMillhill  
1732 06 15ThomasHARRISONBriggateSon of Thomas 
1732 06 15JaneBRAME Daughter of Joseph 
1732 06 18JosephBATTERSBYKirkgate  
1732 06 18[infant]PONTEFRACT Son of William 
1732 06 21[infant]ENGLAND Daughter of Jonathan 
1732 06 22Mr SamuelCOLTONKirkgate  
1732 06 23HannahBARSTOW Wife of William 
1732 06 23ThomasODDYHolbeck  
1732 06 24MichaelSPINK Son of Michael 
1732 06 24ThomasTHOMPSON Son of Thomas 
1732 06 25[infant]BOOTHMAN Child of James 
1732 06 27[infant]CHRISTICK Son of Timothy 
1732 06 27[infant]NAYLOR Son of Abram 
1732 06 28Mrs *WALKERBriggate  
1732 06 28*SMITHWoodhouseWife of James 
1732 06 28[infant]BISCHOFFKirkgateSon of Mr * 
1732 06 29[infant]GREEN Daughter of Lancellot 
1732 07 03JosephHOLIDAYLidgate  
1732 07 03SamuelWAITKirkgate  
1732 07 04*NETHERWOODVicar LaneWidow 
1732 07 05SarahHUTCHINSON Daughter of Timothy 
1732 07 05[infant]COCKER Daughter of John 
1732 07 05RogerROSLEDONMarsh Lane  
1732 07 09[infant]COCKER Child of JohnSEE ABOVE
1732 07 09HannahWILKINSON Wife of Mr John 
1732 07 10[infant]GAYCall LaneSon of Elijah 
1732 07 10[infant]MIRES Son of John 
1732 07 11[infant]HARRISON Daughter of Robert 
1732 07 12WilliamUBY Son of [Widow] Uby 
1732 07 12ThomasGIBSON Son of [Widow] Gibson 
1732 07 13*FARRER Daughter of Matthew 
1732 07 14BettyFORSTER Daughter of Joshua 
1732 07 14JosephRAWSONCripplegate  
1732 07 17ElizabethTURNER Daughter of [Widow] Turner 
1732 07 17[infant]STEAD Daughter of William 
1732 07 18[infant]BRAMLEY Daughter of [Widow] Bramley 
1732 07 18[infant]WHITE Son of George 
1732 07 18GeorgeMOSELEYKirkgate  
1732 07 19[infant]SIMPSON Daughter of Thomas 
1732 07 21*DENTONCallsWife of Christopher 
1732 07 21[infant]WILSON Son of James 
1732 07 22[infant]JACKSON Daughter of Thomas 
1732 07 24[infant]RIDER Son of John 
1732 07 24GraceCARROT Wife of William 
1732 07 25ChristopherNICOLSONKirkgate  
1732 07 25GraceCOGGHILLVicar Lane  
1732 07 25GraceSMITH Daughter of John 
1732 07 28[infant]STUBBS Daughter of Jacob 
1732 07 30[infant]BRUMLEY Daughter of [Widow] Brumley 
1732 07 30AliceFARRERCall Lane  
1732 07 31AnneOLDFIELD Widow 
1732 08 01[infant]WALKER Daughter of William 
1732 08 02DeborahROSELDONMarsh Lane  
1732 08 03[infant]JACKSON Son of Mrs * 
1732 08 04*HOPWOODHeadrowWidow 
1732 08 06MaryWOOD Wife of Daniel 
1732 08 06[infant]CARROT Daughter of William 
1732 08 07[infant]SHORES Son of Arthur 
1732 08 08[infant]EXLEY Daughter of William 
1732 08 08[infant]GOTT Daughter of Richard 
1732 08 08[infant]POPPLEWELL Daughter of Timothy 
1732 08 10[infant]PITTS Child of John 
1732 08 10[infant]SMITH Child of John 
1732 08 11MaryCARR Wife of Mr William 
1732 08 13*LONGFELLOWNorthpartWidow 
1732 08 14ElizabethELLERTON Daughter of Matthew 
1732 08 19MaryHARDACRE Daughter of Thomas 
1732 08 20[infant]GAWTHORP Son of John 
1732 08 20[infant]HARRISON Daughter of [Widow] Harrison 
1732 08 20AnneGILLMarsh Lane  
1732 08 20[infant]NOGUIER Son of Mr John 
1732 08 21[infant]MOXON Daughter of Joseph 
1732 08 21[infant]BIRKHEAD Daughter of Benjamin 
1732 08 23[infant]SHEPHERD Son of John 
1732 08 23[infant]TURNER Son of John 
1732 08 23[infant]MASONBedelDaughter of Eleanor 
1732 08 24[infant]BEESTON Daughter of Samuel 
1732 08 25[infant]SMITH Son of John 
1732 08 25[infant]HAINWORTH Son of Joseph 
1732 08 26[infant]ROBINSON Daughter of Francis 
1732 08 28[infant]JOLLY Daughter of Thomas 
1732 08 28[infant]ECCLES Daughter of Robert 
1732 08 28[infant]THORP Daughter of Joseph 
1732 09 01[infant]KILLERBYKirkgateSon of John 
1732 09 02[infant]GREENWOOD Son of John 
1732 09 03JohnJACKSONQuarry Hill  
1732 09 03PeterBAINESKirkgate  
1732 09 03[infant]BATESON Son of John 
1732 09 03[infant]BROOKSBANK Son of Jo* 
1732 09 03[infant]JACKSON Son of Thomas 
1732 09 04Mr JamesDAWSON  PostMaster
1732 09 04ElizabethBREAREYHospital  
1732 09 05ThomasHARDYKirkgate  
1732 09 06[infant]JOLLY Child of Thomas 
1732 09 06[infant]GILL Son of John 
1732 09 07[infant]MILLAR Daughter of Thomas 
1732 09 07[infant]WEST Son of Samuel 
1732 09 08[infant]WILKINSON Son of Jeremiah 
1732 09 09JacobNAYLORMarsh Lane  
1732 09 09*SKELTON Son of John 
1732 09 10[infant]MOXON Daughter of George 
1732 09 10[infant]PATTISON Son of Christopher 
1732 09 10[infant]CARGILL Daughter of James 
1732 09 11[infant]HAWKINS Daughter of George 
1732 09 11[infant]EWELL Daughter of William 
1732 09 14[infant]COGGHILL Daughter of Thomas 
1732 09 15[infant]WINDER Daughter of Thomas 
1732 09 15[infant]PARKER Daughter of Roger 
1732 09 17RobertPOLLARDMarsh Lane  
1732 09 17[infant]OLDRED Daughter of John 
1732 09 18[infant]BOOTHMAN Daughter of Henry 
1732 09 18JohnVERITYQuarry Hill  
1732 09 18[infant]CROFT Son of Mr William 
1732 09 22Madam *BLACKBURN   
1732 09 23WilliamATKINSONNorth Hall Bridge  
1732 09 24[infant]RIPLEY Son of Robert 
1732 09 27MarkILLINGWORTHChurchyard  
1732 09 27[infant]WADE Daughter of William 
1732 09 27[infant]KAYE Daughter of Richard 
1732 09 28JudethPEARSONQuarry Hill  
1732 10 01*WAINWRIGHT Wife of Timothy 
1732 10 01[infant]HOLMES Child of Richard 
1732 10 01[infant]GREATHEAD Son of Roger 
1732 10 01[infant]TOPPIN Daughter of John 
1732 10 01[infant]KILPIN Son of Samuel 
1732 10 03[infant]BUCKLE Daughter of William 
1732 10 04Mr SamuelPOLLARDBriggate  
1732 10 04[infant]GRANT Son of Robert 
1732 10 06[infant]PRINCE Child of John 
1732 10 07[infant]SNIPE Daughter of George 
1732 10 08[infant]WOOLEY Son of Stephen 
1732 10 11*BACKHOUSECall LaneWife of Christopher 
1732 10 13[infant]COOK Child of Richard 
1732 10 19JosephMANNCross  
1732 10 20[infant]KILLERBY Son of Michael 
1732 10 21[infant]FALKNER Daughter of Isaac 
1732 10 21JonathanJESSOPPark Lane  
1732 10 22[infant]ARMITAGE Son of Joseph 
1732 10 23[infant]STANIFORTH Son of Peter 
1732 10 24[infant]MIDGLEY Daughter of William 
1732 10 24[infant]WADEMillhillSon of William 
1732 10 26IsabellaHORNORKirkgate  
1732 11 01SamuelWILLANSKirkgateSon of [Widow] Willans 
1732 11 01SarahSNIPEMeadow Lane  
1732 11 03JohnTINKERQuarry Hill  
1732 11 04[infant]NEWSHAMCrossSon of Mr John 
1732 11 05ThomasLOCKWOODKirkgateSon of Thomas 
1732 11 05JaneWATSONMillhill Hospital  
1732 11 07HenryLODGE Son of Mr Richard 
1732 11 07[infant]BELLINGHAM Daughter of John 
1732 11 09SarahBENTLEY Wife of John 
1732 11 09[infant]GIBSON Son of John 
1732 11 10[infant]CLARKShamblesSon of John 
1732 11 16[infant]SPEIGHT Child of DorothyTraveller
1732 11 19[infant]*BriggateSon of Leonard 
1732 11 20UrsulaRUSSELL Daughter of Henry 
1732 11 21WilliamLAW Son of William 
1732 11 24[infant]JEPSON Son of [Widow] Jepson - a Stranger 
1732 11 24AdamGELDERGreat Woodhouse  
1732 11 26JohnILESBriggate  
1732 11 28[infant]KENT Son of John 
1732 12 01*GARNETMillhillWidow 
1732 12 01JohnCROFTMarsh Lane  
1732 12 02JohnGARFORTHCall Lane  
1732 12 03[infant]HAWKSWORTH Daughter of Joseph 
1732 12 05JosephROGERSON JRCross Green  
1732 12 07EdwardWRIGHT Son of Samuel 
1732 12 07MaryBURNAND Daughter of John 
1732 12 10ChristianaATKINSONVicar Lane  
1732 12 10EdwardFARRERMabgate  
1732 12 14JohnEWELL Son of William 
1732 12 16TheophilaBANKS Daughter of John 
1732 12 19[infant]SHAW Daughter of John 
1732 12 22ThomasDAWSONTenters  
1732 12 21ElizabethSIMPSON Wife of Mr Samuel 
1732 12 22MaryMAWSON Daughter of William 
1732 12 24ThomasBURNHILLCross  
1732 12 24JohnJESSOPPark Lane  
1732 12 25MargaretRAWSONCripplegateWidow 
1732 12 28[infant]WEDDALE Daughter of Thomas 
1732 01 02ThomasBROWNTimble Bridge  
1732 01 03[infant]THOMAS Daughter of Abraham 
1732 01 05HannahLANGSHAW Daughter of William 
1732 01 07ThomasSAGDENShambles  
1732 01 09MaryBOLLAND Wife of James 
1732 01 12ThomasBURHILLMillhill  
1732 01 13MaryFALKNER Wife of Thomas 
1732 01 14[infant]SLATER Daughter of Abram 
1732 01 16[infant]TEAL Son of John 
1732 01 16ElizabethILES Daughter of George 
1732 01 16[infant]ASH Son of John 
1732 01 17RobertBROOKSBANK Son of John 
1732 01 18MaryREASBECK Daughter of William 
1732 01 18[infant]MULGRAVE Daughter of Isaac 
1732 01 19[infant]HAMMOND Daughter of John 
1732 01 20JaneENGLISH Wife of William 
1732 01 22*RAKESTRAW Son of [Widow] Rakestraw 
1732 01 22[infant]BELLINGHAM Daughter of John 
1732 01 22[infant]CASLEY Son of Robert 
1732 01 23AnneRENTONQuarry Hill  
1732 01 23WilliamLANGSHAWKirkgate  
1732 01 24[infant]NEWSHAM Daughter of John 
1732 01 24[infant]BIRKINHOUT Son of Mr * 
1732 01 24HannahMASON Wife of Jeremiah 
1732 01 26JohnPRINCEMabgate  
1732 01 27[infant]SLATER Child of Abram 
1732 01 27JohnBEDFORDKirkgate  
1732 01 30ThomasMILLS Suffocated with coal pit damp 
1732 01 31JohnROGERSBank  
1732 01 31[infant]REASBECK Child of James 
1732 02 02[infant]BLACKBURN Son of Robert 
1732 02 02AnneBURCHVicar Lane  
1732 02 03[infant]WINDER Son of Timothy 
1732 02 04[infant]EMMERSON Daughter of William 
1732 02 04[infant]THRESH Son of William 
1732 02 04[infant]TEAL Son of John 
1732 02 04MaryJACKSONBank  
1732 02 05Mrs *ATKINSONBriggate  
1732 02 06[infant]TURLEY Son of John 
1732 02 07Mrs GraceKAYEBridge End  
1732 02 08WilliamHAGUEShambles  
1732 02 09MaryBUSFIELDMillhill  
1732 02 09[infant]GOODALL Daughter of John 
1732 02 09[infant]HIRST Daughter of Henry 
1732 02 10Mr ChristopherPOWELLCross  
1732 02 10RichardHARRISONHeadrow  
1732 02 10[infant]BUTTERWORTH Daughter of Thomas 
1732 02 11DanielPHILLIPSCall Lane  
1732 02 11JohnBARWICKMabgate  
1732 02 11ElizabethTHOMASTimble Bridge  
1732 02 11[infant]RUSSELL Son of Joseph 
1732 02 12EstherUBYKirkgate  
1732 02 12AnneMASONMarsh Lane  
1732 02 12[infant]LOCOCK Son of John 
1732 02 14GraceKITCHINGMANBridge End  
1732 02 14JohnDOVEHeadrow  
1732 02 14[infant]BUTTERFIELD Son of Thomas 
1732 02 14ThomasBOOTHMabgate  
1732 02 14JohnRIPLEYMarsh Lane  
1732 02 15WilliamBROWNMarsh Lane  
1732 02 15ElizabethCARROT Wife of James 
1732 02 15[infant]FLETCHER Son of Thomas 
1732 02 16DinahEMMERSON Daughter of Joseph 
1732 02 16[infant]MOORE Daughter of John 
1732 02 16HannahMOONE Wife of William 
1732 02 17[infant]LOCKWOOD Son of Abram 
1732 02 17[infant]BROWN Son of Daniel 
1732 02 18JonasWILSONWoodhouse  
1732 02 18AliceTAYLOR Wife of John 
1732 02 18JohnWOLF  Soldier
1732 02 19JosephWROECall Lane  
1732 02 19[infant]DICKINSON Daughter of Joshua 
1732 02 19[infant]CRAVEN Daughter of Thomas 
1732 02 19[infant]FLETCHER Son of Mr * 
1732 02 20SarahSWALE Wife of Solomon 
1732 02 20[infant]GILPIN Child of William 
1732 02 21[infant]WARD Child of Jonathan 
1732 02 22MaryCLARK Wife of Richard 
1732 02 24ElizabethSTABLES Wife of William 
1732 02 25[infant]BOWLING Child of Timothy 
1732 02 25MaryNOTTINGHAM Wife of Samuel 
1732 02 27[infant]SIMPSON Son of Edward 
1732 03 01ElizabethWILSON Daughter of Thomas 
1732 03 02[infant]WAINWRIGHT Son of Timothy 
1732 03 06[infant]EARNSHAW Daughter of Joshua 
1732 03 07HannahCHAPMANCrossWidow 
1732 03 08[infant]MOOR Daughter of John 
1732 03 08[infant]BELLHOUSE Daughter of William 
1732 03 11ThomasDUNDERDALEHospital  
1732 03 11[infant]JOWETT Son of Jo* 
1732 03 15MaryBOOTHMAN Wife of Henry 
1732 03 16*SAULBriggateWidow 
1732 03 18[infant]BAXTER Son of Robert 
1732 03 19Mr GeorgeIBBETSONKirkgate  
1732 03 22SusanSAXTON Daughter of Samuel 
1732 03 23*WATSONBankWidow 
1732 03 23[infant]AUGHTON Child of Robert 
1732 03 23JosephHEPWORTHMillhill  
1733 03 26Mr ThomasBECKWITHBriggate  
1733 03 29[infant]WILSONVicar LaneChild of John 
1733 03 29DeborahBEAUMONTVicar Lane  
1733 03 30JohnMUSGRAVE Son of [Widow Musgrave] a Charity Boy 
1733 04 04MaryFARRERKirkgateWife of James 
1733 04 05*HARRISONSouthpartWife of Anthony 
1733 04 06HannahENGLISH a Charity Girl 
1733 04 06*HOPTONKirkgateWife of Benjamin 
1733 04 07ElizabethCOLDCALLShamblesWife of Thomas 
1733 04 07JosephTHRESH an infant 
1733 04 10JosephHARGRAVEWoodhouse  
1733 04 13[infant]LANGSTER Child of Anne 
1733 04 14BedfordHARGRAVE Son of Benjamin 
1733 04 14*PEASECall LaneWidow 
1733 04 14WilliamROYSTONSouthpart  
1733 04 15[infant]HAYWARD Child of Abram 
1733 04 17[infant]GREEN Child of John 
1733 04 19[infant]FALKNER Daughter of Isaac 
1733 04 22JosephMASSIEMillhill  
1733 04 23Mrs SarahBRIDGESBriggate  
1733 04 27EdwardGREGGSouthpartSon of [Widow] Gregg 
1733 04 30ThomasGOODALLSouthpartSon of John 
1733 05 01EdwardALLENBriggate  
1733 05 01CharlesNICHOLSON Son of John 
1733 05 02WilliamKENION Son of Edward Esq 
1733 05 03ArthurBLACKBURN Son of Arthur 
1733 05 10JohnDODSWORTHVicar Lane  
1733 05 11*DRAKEFOOTCallsWidow 
1733 05 13AnnePEASEMillhill  
1733 05 14*METCALFECallsWidow 
1733 05 15GowenAGGARSouthpart  
1733 05 17[infant]WINN Child of James 
1733 05 17*PULLEINCall LaneWife of Benjamin 
1733 05 19AnneLAMBERTSONMabgateDaughter of George 
1733 05 19JudithSMITH Daughter of Mary 
1733 05 20JohnSIMPSONVicar Lane  
1733 05 20JaneSATCHWELLMillhillWife of Richard 
1733 05 21JamesBOLLANDBank  
1733 05 22JohnWRIGHT Son of Samuel 
1733 05 23AnneBERCKINHOUT Daughter of Mr Bernard 
1733 05 26GeorgeGASCHOIGNESouthpart  
1733 05 27ElizabethPURDYBriggate  
1733 05 28[infant]ASKIN Son of John 
1733 05 28[infant]RIPLEY Child of Jacob 
1733 05 29HannahDODGESON Daughter of George 
1733 05 31ThomasCHAMBLETKirkgate  
1733 06 03CharlesCHADWICKKirkgate  
1733 06 06[infant]NEWBYSouthpartChild of John 
1733 06 09[infant]LONGVicar LaneChild of Aaron 
1733 06 11[infant]BEESTONQuarry HillSon of Samuel 
1733 06 12HenryGOUCHBankA Quaker 
1733 06 15[infant]DARRANDSouthpartChild of William 
1733 06 15[infant]AUGHTONBriggateDaughter of John 
1733 06 20[infant]NORTHEDGEHolbeckDaughter of John 
1733 06 21*DENISONTimble BridgeDaughter of Joseph 
1733 06 22[infant]BATTYBriggateDaughter of Cornelius 
1733 06 22[infant]PULLENCall LaneDaughter of Benjamin 
1733 06 22[infant]HARRISONSouthpartDaughter of George 
1733 06 25[infant]TAYLORCrossDaughter of Jonathan 
1733 06 28Mrs SarahBROOKELidgate  
1733 07 08[infant]SCOTTKirkgateChild of Samuel 
1733 07 13[infant]TAYLORCrossChild of JonathanSEE ABOVE
1733 07 14GraceWOODKirkgateWife of John 
1733 07 21ThomasGROCIERChurchyard  
1733 07 22[infant]TOMLINSONKirkgateSon of John 
1733 07 23MarthaNORFOLKQuarry Hill  
1733 07 25[infant]STEADHeadrowSon of Samuel 
1733 07 26MaryDENISON Daughter of Robert Esq 
1733 07 29IsabelLIVESEYMillhillWife of John 
1733 08 02[infant]TURLEYBriggateDaughter of John 
1733 08 03[infant]VICARSMarsh LaneSon of Abraham 
1733 08 03RosamundRUSHFORTHSouthpartWife of William 
1733 08 05MaryHARRISONMabgateWife of John 
1733 08 05[infant]JEFFERSON Daughter of John - Slain with a cart 
1733 08 10[infant]WAINWRIGHT Son of Thomas 
1733 08 12[infant]NORTHOUSEKirkgateSon of Abraham 
1733 08 15JohnMARSHALLBank  
1733 08 16FrancesBARSTOWBriggateWife of Mr Thomas 
1733 08 19MarySMITHBank  
1733 08 25[infant]SIGSTONEMarsh LaneSon of Joseph 
1733 08 26WilliamPICKARDHeadrow  
1733 08 27MaryGROCIERChurchyard  
1733 08 27MaryDAWSON Daughter of Martin 
1733 08 31[infant]SLUMBERCrossSon of Robert 
1733 09 02MarySTEPHENSONNew Street  
1733 09 04HannahBAYNESMillhillDaughter of Joseph 
1733 09 05IsabellaREVETTMillhillWife of John 
1733 09 08GraceBALMERMillhill  
1733 09 08Mrs ElizabethBATESSouthpart  
1733 09 12SarahWILSONMillhillDaughter of John 
1733 09 14[infant]CLARKSouthpartSon of William 
1733 09 15[infant]CRYERSouthpartDaughter of John 
1733 09 18ThomasSMITHKirkgate  
1733 09 19HanahBANKSLidgateDaughter of John 
1733 09 20JohnPOTTERBoar LaneSon of Thomas 
1733 09 30WilliamWOODKirkgateDied for Love 
1733 10 04GeorgeJACKSONMillhillSon of John - Drowned 
1733 10 06JacobWEBSTERBank  
1733 10 07WilliamKILBURNLondon  
1733 10 07CharlesTODDMillhillSon of Daniel 
1733 10 11BenjaminCOLSONKirkgateSon of Benjamin 
1733 10 21[infant]ODDYCall LaneChild of Samuel 
1733 10 31JohnDIXONSShambles  
1733 11 04BathshebaHOLMES Daughter of Richard 
1733 11 04MaryTHORNTON Daughter of Thomas 
1733 11 05RobertHARRISONSouthpart  
1733 11 07HughSLEIGHLeedsA Gentleman 
1733 11 09JohnGAUNT Son of John 
1733 11 13JohnWAIT Son of Benjamin 
1733 11 16[infant]WEBSTER Child of Benjamin 
1733 11 19JonathanSTANIFORTH Son of Peter - Drowned 
1733 11 20HannahELLERTONNorthpart  
1733 11 25WilliamBARBERHeadrow  
1733 11 27[infant]PENN Son of Benjamin 
1733 11 30ElizabethTURNERBoar LaneWife of Richard 
1733 11 30MaryWALKER Daughter of Anne 
1733 12 02[infant]ASHKirkgateChild of Robert 
1733 12 03[infant]HARTLEY Son of William 
1733 12 07WilliamARMISTEAD Son of Thomas 
1733 12 10JosephMIRES Son of [Widow] Mires 
1733 12 11[infant]SMITH Child of James 
1733 12 11JamesRIDERQuarry Hill  
1733 12 12ThomasWILDSMITHBridge End  
1733 12 13AnneHOPKINSONTentersWidow 
1733 12 14AnneSUNDERLAND Wife of Thomas 
1733 12 14JohnSTEADWoodhouseSon of Thomas 
1733 12 16[infant]LANGSTAFF Child of James 
1733 12 18MarySTUBBS Daughter of Jacob 
1733 12 19[infant]HUTCHINSON Child of Timothy 
1733 12 20JonathanAPPLEYARDMarsh Lane  
1733 12 23[infant]ARMITAGE Son of Joseph 
1733 12 25EdmundBATTERSBYBriggate  
1733 12 27WilliamBEETHAMBurnitofts  
1733 12 27[infant]MIDDLETON Child of William 
1733 12 31JonathanDUNDERDALEWoodhouse  
1733 01 02BenjaminSIGSTONE Son of Joseph 
1733 01 08WilliamCASSONBriggate  
1733 01 11[infant]SMITHSON Son of Leonard 
1733 01 13ThomasDUNDERDALEWoodhouse  
1733 01 14WilliamWAINMANMarsh Lane  
1733 01 14[infant]CHRYSTICK Daughter of Timothy 
1733 01 17[infant]WILSON Son of John 
1733 01 20[infant]TODD Daughter of William 
1733 01 20[infant]KENT Son of Joseph 
1733 01 25JaneHARRISONKirkgate  
1733 01 26DorothyPRESTONKirkgate  
1733 01 27Mrs JaneIBBETSONNew Streetshe left 20£ to Leeds Charity School 
1733 01 29MaryBRAITHWAITWoodhouseWidow 
1733 02 03[infant]AUDSLEY Son of John 
1733 02 03JosephSTOCKSBridge End  
1733 02 04[infant]PICKERINGMarsh LaneSon of Hannah 
1733 02 06[infant]BOLEEN Son of James 
1733 02 06[infant]BRAITHWAIT Son of James 
1733 02 07[infant]MIDDLETON Daughter of William 
1733 02 07ThomasCUMMINGKirkgate  
1733 02 11Mrs ElizabethSMITHKirkgate  
1733 02 14EleanorJAQUESBank  
1733 02 14*WALSH Son of Francis 
1733 02 15[infant]SHAW Son of Isaac 
1733 02 15MaryECCLES Daughter of Robert 
1733 02 16Mrs JaneHEALDMillhill  
1733 02 19JonathanGREY Son of Jonathan 
1733 02 22[infant]DAWSON Son of Martin 
1733 02 24[infant]SMITHIES Son of John 
1733 02 25JaneLIGHTFOOT Wife of George 
1733 02 25JosephGELDERBank  
1733 02 26AnneWILSONCalls  
1733 02 27[infant]AMBLER Child of George 
1733 02 28[infant]LODGE Daughter of John 
1733 03 01[infant]HOPTON Son of Christopher 
1733 03 03[infant]CLARKSON Daughter of William 
1733 03 03[infant]SPARROW Daughter of Jonathan 
1733 03 04[infant]MIDDLEBROOK Son of Joseph 
1733 03 05JamesMETCALF Son of John 
1733 03 08JohnROBINSONMillhill  
1733 03 09JohnSMITHTimble Bridge  
1733 03 09[infant]JAQUESBriggateDaughter of Mr James 
1733 03 11JosephLAMBERTLittle Woodhouse  
1733 03 14JohnBEESTONE Son of Samuel 
1733 03 12Mrs AnneBROOKEHolbeck  
1733 03 13JohnBELLHOUSEGreat Woodhouse  
1733 03 15[infant]DRAKE Son of Francis 
1733 03 16JohnDICKINSONBriggate  
1733 03 18JohnJACKSONShambles  
1733 03 20[infant]WHITAKER Son of John 
1733 03 20WilliamWARD   
1733 03 22JonathanCLAYTONBank  
1733 03 24SarahMASSIE Wife of William 
1733 03 24RichardLINDLEY Son of Richard 
1734 03 25HannahWHITLEYVicar Lane  
1734 03 25MaryGREEN Daughter of Robert 
1734 03 26AnneWOLRICH Daughter of Edmund 
1734 03 27MarmadukeKIRSHAWCall Lane  
1734 03 27HannahSTANIFORTH Wife of Richard 
1734 03 28JohnROBINSONBriggate  
1734 03 28EdwardRUSSELLBlack Bank  
1734 03 29SarahSQUIRE Wife of Jonathan 
1734 03 29HannahBUTTERWORTH Wife of Thomas 
1734 03 30MatthewSAUL Son of Mr Francis 
1734 03 31WilliamWOLRICH Son of Edmund 
1734 04 04ThomasBROGDENBriggate  
1734 04 05JohnTATEMillhill  
1734 04 05[infant]SERVANT Son of Samuel 
1734 04 06[infant]CARROT Son of William 
1734 04 06[infant]CROSSFIELD Son of Thomas 
1734 04 07[infant]GREAVES Son of Richard 
1734 04 08JohnGARTH DrownedSoldier
1734 04 11JohnBROOKSBANKBank  
1734 04 12NicholasPAWSONMarsh Lane  
1734 04 14JohnASQUITHKirkgate  
1734 04 14ElizabethREASBECK Daughter of James 
1734 04 15[infant]PARKINSON Son of John 
1734 04 15WilliamNEVINSON Son of Mr William 
1734 04 16ElizabethASH Wife of John 
1734 04 16*MILNERVicar LaneWidow 
1734 04 19ElizabethHOLIDAYKirkgate  
1734 04 22[infant]BLACKBURN Son of Arthur 
1734 04 22JohnTURNERSimpson Fold  
1734 04 23MarySHAW Daughter of John 
1734 04 24RobertCRAWSHAWTenters  
1734 04 26MaryWHITAKER Wife of John 
1734 04 26ThomasPOTTERBoar Lane  
1734 04 28MargaretDRURY Wife of Robert 
1734 04 28EdwardKAYE Son of Samuel 
1734 05 03JohnPATTISONVicar Lane  
1734 05 04Madam DorothyBAYNESKnostropWidow of Robert, daughter of Sir William Lowther 
1734 05 05JeremiahBARSTOW ESQ Mayor of Leeds 1706-1724Alderman
1734 05 05[infant]LUMMAX Child of Jonathan 
1734 05 07JohnRAWLINSONKirkgate  
1734 05 07EdmundTHOMPSONSouthpart  
1734 05 09WilliamATKINSONWoodhouse  
1734 05 11[infant]MAWSON Daughter of William 
1734 05 11[infant]GILLIARD Daughter of Thomas 
1734 05 12WilliamWILSONHunslet  
1734 05 14AnneWITHAM Wife of Benjamin 
1734 05 14[infant]JEFFERSON Son of Richard 
1734 05 14AlexanderBLANDBank  
1734 05 15ElizabethGAUKROGER Wife of Abraham 
1734 05 19ElizabethRUSHFORTHBriggate  
1734 05 20RichardROSEKirkgate  
1734 05 21[infant]WOOD Son of Timothy 
1734 05 22JaneWEBSTER Daughter of William 
1734 05 22*WOOD Daughter of Alexander 
1734 05 23*BELLHOUSE Son of [Widow] Bellhouse 
1734 05 25*JOWETT Wife of Matthew 
1734 05 25[infant]WILSON Daughter of William 
1734 05 25[infant]DAWSON Daughter of John 
1734 05 27WilliamRAKESTRAWMarsh Lane  
1734 05 29DorothySCALBUTBriggate  
1734 05 30SamuelSTEPHENSON Son of John 
1734 05 30ElizabethKAYESouthpart  
1734 06 02JohnELTOFTnear Cross  
1734 06 09MaryPOSKIT Wife of John 
1734 06 09[infant]JACKSON Daughter of Thomas 
1734 06 12[infant]WRIGHT Daughter of William 
1734 06 13*GREY Wife of Jonathan 
1734 06 14[infant]TOLSON Son of Peter 
1734 06 16[infant]SHAN Son of Henry 
1734 06 17WilliamPARSONS Son of Timothy 
1734 06 18JonathanBINGHAM Son of John 
1734 06 19JohnWARD  Soldier
1734 06 20MarySERVANT Wife of Joseph 
1734 06 21TimothySTOCKSMillhill  
1734 06 29Mr RichardHUNTINGTONHolbeck  
1734 06 30ThomasCOLDCALLShambles  
1734 07 02JohnMIRES Son of [Widow] Mires 
1734 07 03AnneATKINSON Daughter of John 
1734 07 03[infant]DUXBURY Son of Peter 
1734 07 05WilliamGARDNERBriggate  
1734 07 10[infant]WILKINSON Son of George 
1734 07 17MaryKINGTenters  
1734 07 19JosephHARDCASTLEWoodhouse  
1734 07 20[infant]WILKINSON Daughter of George 
1734 07 24[infant]BOOTH Daughter of Jeremiah 
1734 07 27[infant]NAYLOR Daughter of Henry 
1734 07 28[infant]BELL Son of Robert 
1734 07 29MaryHARDESTY Wife of John 
1734 07 30SarahTOWERS Wife of Matthew 
1734 08 01LawrenceHALLSouthpart  
1734 08 02GraceOUTRAMNorthpart  
1734 08 04[infant]ROBINSON Son of Samuel 
1734 08 04[infant]LUPTON Son of John 
1734 08 05EdwardRICHARDSON Son of [Widow] Richardson 
1734 08 05[infant]FLETCHER Son of Edward 
1734 08 08JohnHARGRAVERothwell  
1734 08 08[infant]THOMPSON Daughter of Richard 
1734 08 09*WILKINSON Wife of Abram 
1734 08 09SarahSUTTELL Wife of Mr Jo* 
1734 08 11JeremiahCARTERHeadrow  
1734 08 12[infant]WILSON Daughter of Thomas 
1734 08 16JosephGABRIEL Son of William 
1734 08 17JohnWROEKirkgate  
1734 08 18TimothyWINDERHeadrow  
1734 08 18*GARNETTMillhillWidow 
1734 08 18JohnIBBETSONNorthpart  
1734 08 21ThomasJOHNSON Son of Christopher 
1734 08 25SusannaWYNNEBriggateWidow 
1734 08 29JamesROBINSON Son of Francis 
1734 08 29ElizabethPULLEIN Daughter of Peter 
1734 08 30[infant]MATHER Son of John 
1734 09 04ElizabethHUDSON Wife of Hugh 
1734 09 09*RAINFORTH ? Of William 
1734 09 10AnneBARSTOW Daughter of William 
1734 09 10Mrs *WREAKS Widow 
1734 09 11ElizabethMOORE Daughter of Edward 
1734 09 13[infant]TURPIN Son of William 
1734 09 13[infant]DENISON Son of Thomas 
1734 09 18[infant]RAY Son of Thomas 
1734 09 20[infant]THACKREY Son of Michael 
1734 09 23[infant]SEDGEWICK Daughter of Edward 
1734 09 24GraceSHARP Wife of Thomas 
1734 09 24[infant]FORSTER Daughter of Joshua 
1734 09 25[infant]POSKIT Daughter of John 
1734 09 25[infant]JACKSON Daughter of James 
1734 09 26AliceWHITLEY Wife of James 
1734 09 30MaryNORTHOUSE Wife of Henry 
1734 10 01ThomasDEANEQuarry Hill  
1734 10 01MaryFARMER Wife of John 
1734 10 02AliceKENDALL Wife of Abram 
1734 10 02[infant]JOHNSON Daughter of Mr Thomas 
1734 10 04ThomasSTEADWoodhouse  
1734 10 04RobertLAMBERTSONBank  
1734 10 05BenjaminCLIFFBank  
1734 10 06HenryABBABriggate  
1734 10 08RalphLANGSHAW Son of [Widow] Langshaw 
1734 10 09IsabelSTEADWoodhouseWidow 
1734 10 11JohnBATESON Son of John 
1734 10 12JamesCOCKERQuarry Hill  
1734 10 12JohnPROCTER Son of Joshua 
1734 10 13ThomasPOPPLEWELLTenters  
1734 10 13SusannaBLACKBURN Daughter of William 
1734 10 14WilliamLONGFELLOW Son of Jo* 
1734 10 14ElizabethAMBLER Daughter of George 
1734 10 15ReubenBLACKBURN Son of Thomas 
1734 10 15JohnHOPTONKirkgate  
1734 10 18JosephHINDLEHolbeckSon of John 
1734 10 20ElizabethBURNLEY Wife of David 
1734 10 22WilliamSHEARCROFT Son of Thomas 
1734 10 25SarahFALKNERHeadrow  
1734 10 27*FLETCHER Wife of Samuel 
1734 10 27[infant]MATTHEW Child of Joseph 
1734 10 29*WATSON Daughter of James 
1734 10 30[infant]BATESON Daughter of John 
1734 10 31MaryWALKER Daughter of William 
1734 11 02JaneDODSWORTH Daughter of [Widow] Dodsworth 
1734 11 03[infant]MIDGLEY Son of Joseph 
1734 11 04[infant]CONYERS Son of John 
1734 11 04MercyWAKEFIELD Daughter of William 
1734 11 08FrancisBIRKIN Son of Joseph 
1734 11 10AnneLAND Wife of John 
1734 11 10JohnWINDER Son of [Widow] Winder 
1734 11 10*CALVERLEYKirkgateWidow 
1734 11 11[infant]CORE Son of John 
1734 11 12[infant]RIPLEY Daughter of Margaret 
1734 11 12PhebeBRIDGEWATERQuarry Hill  
1734 11 13*HOWARD Wife of Abraham 
1734 11 14[infant]LEADBEATER Son of David 
1734 11 15Mrs *TOWLERKirkgate  
1734 11 16[infant]BOYSE Son of Thomas 
1734 11 17[infant]SIMPSON Child of Samuel 
1734 11 17AliceWILSON Daughter of John 
1734 11 18*PAWSONMarsh LaneWidow 
1734 11 20[infant]GREATHEAD Son of Roger 
1734 11 20AnneWILSONBank  
1734 11 21RichardREADMabgate  
1734 11 22SarahSMITHBoar Lane  
1734 11 22AnneSMITHHolbeckWife of Mr John 
1734 11 24[infant]ROBERTS Child of Benjamin 
1734 11 25[infant]LEADBEATER Daughter of David 
1734 11 25[infant]GUEST Child of Samuel 
1734 11 26[infant]REYNOR Child of Thomas 
1734 11 27MaryATKINSONHeadrowWidow 
1734 11 30GeorgeHORSMAN Son of Thomas 
1734 11 30Mrs *WATSON Widow 
1734 12 03PhillipPRINCESouthpart  
1734 12 04JohnDICKINSONMillhill  
1734 12 05MaryBRAHAM Daughter of Joseph 
1734 12 05MaryTHOMPSONWoodhouse  
1734 12 06MarySEYNOR Daughter of William 
1734 12 07MarySIMPSON Daughter of Thomas 
1734 12 07[infant]MOXON Child of Joseph 
1734 12 12CatherineOLDRED Wife of James 
1734 12 09[infant]RAILTON Son of Peter 
1734 12 12MaryLISTER Wife of Thomas 
1734 12 12SarahFEARN Daughter of Josiah 
1734 12 12EdwardBUTTERFIELD Drowned 
1734 12 13SarahCHIPPINGDALE Daughter of Matthew 
1734 12 14[infant]SMITH Daughter of James 
1734 12 14[infant]REVETT Daughter of John 
1734 12 14[infant]DODGESON Daughter of Benjamin 
1734 12 14[infant]MOXON Child of JosephSEE ABOVE
1734 12 15[infant]OLDRED Son of James 
1734 12 15[infant]OLDRED Son of James 
1734 12 16DorothyVAIL Wife of John 
1734 12 17*ROSELDONQuarry HillWidow 
1734 12 18[infant]HAGUE Child of Robert 
1734 12 19EstherHAWORTH Wife of John 
1734 12 19[infant]COGHILL Child of John 
1734 12 20[infant]WALKER Child of Joshua 
1734 12 21JonathanSQUIREQuarry Hill  
1734 12 22[infant]ROBINSON Daughter of Catherine 
1734 12 22[infant]WHITAKER Son of Samuel 
1734 12 22*WALKER Wife of Joshua 
1734 12 25ChristopherJACKSONNew Street  
1734 12 25[infant]BURNLEY Child of Joseph 
1734 12 26[infant]MIDDLETON Child of William 
1734 12 27ThomasGUY Son of George 
1734 12 27[infant]COGHILL Daughter of John 
1734 12 27MarySIMPSON Widow 
1734 12 30ThomasSUNDERLANDKirkgate  
1734 12 31[infant]STOCKS Daughter of Thomas 
1734 01 01JohnRODHILLBoar Lane  
1734 01 03JohnCROOK Son of John 
1734 01 03JohnFEARNLEY Son of Thomas 
1734 01 05JohnKELSHAWCall Lane  
1734 01 06[infant]HEBDEN Son of Thomas 
1734 01 06[infant]CRAVEN Son of John 
1734 01 10MaryHARTLEYHeadrow  
1734 01 12MaryCROSGILL Daughter of John 
1734 01 15GeorgeDYSON Son of John 
1734 01 15[infant]ROOME Daughter of Abiather 
1734 01 15ElizabethAINSWORTH Daughter of John 
1734 01 16JohnWARRENERTenters  
1734 01 18[infant]TEAL Daughter of Thomas 
1734 01 19[infant]WILSON Son of Edward 
1734 01 20RichardHOPKINSONMarsh Lane  
1734 01 20JaneCROSSFIELD Wife of Thomas 
1734 01 21JoshuaGAUKROGER Son of Abraham 
1734 01 22JohnGREAVESHeadrow  
1734 01 22GeorgeWALKER Son of Joshua 
1734 01 22TimothyDENISONSouthpart  
1734 01 22[infant]ROBERTS Daughter of John 
1734 01 25WilliamBEST Son of William 
1734 01 26MarthaPRINCE Wife of Thomas 
1734 01 26HannahHOPPERTON Wife of George 
1734 01 27[infant]HARLAND Child of John 
1734 01 28RobertKIDDKirkgate  
1734 01 29[infant]PRINCE Son of Thomas 
1734 01 29SamuelREDHEAD  Soldier
1734 01 30WilliamROBINSONCall Lane  
1734 01 30SamuelSIGSTONEQuarry Hill  
1734 01 30*JESSOP Wife of Thomas 
1734 01 31[infant]JORDAN Child of John 
1734 01 31[infant]BURTON Child of Robert 
1734 01 31[infant]SHAW Child of Thomas 
1734 02 01[infant]EARNSHAW Child of Luke 
1734 02 10WilliamBUCKLECalls  
1734 02 12AbiatherROOMESouthpart  
1734 02 12[infant]HOPTON Daughter of Benjamin 
1734 02 13ThomasHARDY Son of [Widow] Hardy 
1734 02 13[infant]CASLEY Daughter of George 
1734 02 16*BROWNBriggateWidow 
1734 02 16[infant]TAYLOR Child of Timothy 
1734 02 16[infant]DUXBURY Child of Peter 
1734 02 16[infant]WILSON Son of Thomas 
1734 02 17[infant]CRYSTICK Son of Timothy 
1734 02 18JohnHAINWORTHHolbeck  
1734 02 18JohnWILSONCross  
1734 02 19AbrahamPARKINSMillhill  
1734 02 21[infant]OLDRED Daughter of Dame Oldred 
1734 02 22JohnLAWSONBank  
1734 02 22AnneHUDSONCallsDaughter of Anne 
1734 02 23ElisabethCOWLINGHeadrowDaughter of Elisabeth 
1734 02 23[infant]LOCOCK Child of John 
1734 02 27[infant]POPPLETON Daughter of Henry 
1734 02 27EllenGREAVESHeadrow  
1734 03 01AnneREYNOLDS Wife of Henry 
1734 03 02AnneHIDE Daughter of John 
1734 03 02ThomasLINDALESouthpart  
1734 03 02[infant]GREAVES Daughter of John 
1734 03 03ElizabethGRUNDY   
1734 03 03MarySCURR Wife of John 
1734 03 05ThomasMASON Son of Joseph 
1734 03 05MaryHORSFIELD Wife of Jo* 
1734 03 05GraceCOWLING Wife of John 
1734 03 06GeorgeRYLEYBriggate  
1734 03 06MaryBLACK Drowned in Ayre 
1734 03 07RobertGREEN Son of Joseph 
1734 03 08WilliamCLIFF Son of Joseph 
1734 03 09MaryWAIT Wife of Benjamin 
1734 03 10JudithROEQuarry Hill  
1734 03 11[infant]ROBERTS Child of Thomas 
1734 03 11JoshuaFAWCETHunslet Lane  
1734 03 12ElizabethBOOTH Daughter of Jeremiah 
1734 03 15RobertCHAMBLETQuarry Hill  
1734 03 17JohnTHOMAS Son of Abraham 
1734 03 17[infant]THORP Child of Mr * 
1734 03 18ThomasinGREAVES Wife of Edmund 
1734 03 19[infant]MUSGRAVE Son of Joshua 
1734 03 19JohnDENISONBoar Lane  
1734 03 20[infant]LUPTON Daughter of Thomas 
1734 03 23[infant]WILLMAN Daughter of William 
1734 03 23[infant]BLAKE Son of Daniel 
1734 03 24[infant]HOLDSWORTH Son of William 

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
Checked by Brian Yewdall
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the link at the bottom of the page.