


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1730-1731


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1730-1731


1730 03 25GeorgeYEWELL Son of William 
1730 03 26SarahHUNTERCalls  
1730 03 26AbrahamBLEASBY Son of John 
1730 03 26*FREDERICK  Soldier
1730 03 27RichardCHADWICK Son of Richard 
1730 03 28[infant]STEPHENSONMillhillSon of Joseph 
1730 03 29AnneFISHHeadrow  
1730 03 29JohnHAWARDMillhill  
1730 03 30JaneOVERENCallsWife of WilliamProbably Overend
1730 03 30[infant]AINSWORTHSouthpartDaughter of Joshua 
1730 03 30Mrs *NORFOLKBriggate  
1730 03 30ElizabethBENTLEYBriggateWife of John 
1730 03 31WilliamLAMBERT Son of William 
1730 03 31[infant]KITCHING Daughter of Richard 
1730 03 31*HOPKINSONWoodhouseWidow 
1730 04 01ThomasMUNSEEBriggate  
1730 04 02*NEWBY Daughter of John 
1730 04 04AbrahamGOODSONMillhill  
1730 04 06RobertSWAINSONMabgate  
1730 04 08Mr *FRITZCHESouthpart  
1730 04 09MarthaPALMERCall Lane  
1730 04 09MaryPRIESTLEYKirkgate  
1730 04 10[infant]GARLANDSouthpartSon of William 
1730 04 10[infant]MOONKirkgateChild of William 
1730 04 10[infant]DENTONCallsDaughter of Christopher 
1730 04 12IsabelCARTERVicar Lane  
1730 04 13JosephBOOTHMANVicar Lane  
1730 04 13[infant]KINGKirkgateDaughter of William 
1730 04 13ElizabethGILLIARDMarsh LaneDaughter of Edmund 
1730 04 13JaneBROOKSBANKBriggateWidow 
1730 04 16JohnMYERSWoodhouse  
1730 04 17JosephSHAFTONWoodhouse  
1730 04 18ElizabethJESSUPPark Lane  
1730 04 19*DUNDERDILL Wife of Thomas 
1730 04 19*DARRANDSouthpartSon of William 
1730 04 19[infant]HARGRAVEBoar LaneDaughter of John 
1730 04 20KatharineBARRANDSouthpartDaughter of Mr * 
1730 04 20ThomasJOHNSONHeadrow  
1730 04 21MaryBOYSEBankDaughter of Thomas 
1730 04 24ElizabethBLANDBankWife of Alexander 
1730 04 25DanielARTHINGTONBriggate  
1730 04 28JohnMYERSKirkgate  
1730 05 02MargaretSHILVINGSSouthpartDaughter of John 
1730 05 03JohnNORFOLKHolbeck  
1730 05 03[infant]HOLMESMabgateSon of Richard 
1730 05 04ThomasBOYSEHillhouse BanksSon of George 
1730 05 05[infant]RHODESHolbeckSon of Grace 
1730 05 07JohnWALESBridge End  
1730 05 07[infant]TATLOCKBriggateDaughter of James 
1730 05 08ElizabethFENTONMeadow LaneWife of Mr Henry 
1730 05 08[infant]FENTONMeadow LaneSon of Mr Henry 
1730 05 10[infant]WOODWARD Son of WilliamWilliam a Soldier
1730 05 12WilliamINGLESONMillhillSon of William [Drowned] 
1730 05 14JamesWALBRONCall LaneSon of John 
1730 05 16[infant]JEPSONSouthpartSon of Richard 
1730 05 17ThomasSETTLEHeadrow  
1730 05 19JohnCOGGILLCallsSon of John 
1730 05 20[infant]JACKSONSouthpartDaughter of William 
1730 05 19JoshuaHEBDETSouthpart[Drowned] 
1730 05 19JohnHEBDETSouthpart[Drowned] 
1730 05 21[infant]HOPKINSONWoodhouseSon of Isaac 
1730 05 23JohnTOMLINSONKirkgateSon of John 
1730 05 27[infant]RATHMELLVicar LaneDaughter of Richard 
1730 05 28JohnHALLBank  
1730 05 30[infant]HAGUEBankSon of Miles 
1730 06 02DanielWILSONWoodhouse  
1730 06 04DanielNUNNSMarsh Lane  
1730 06 05MaryTENANTMarsh Lane  
1730 06 08MaryWALLERMarsh LaneWife of Richard 
1730 06 10RichardNELSONKirkgate  
1730 06 11AnneFLETCHERKirkgateDaughter of John 
1730 06 13WilliamHICKABOTTOMBank  
1730 06 14HannahTATHWELL Daughter of Bernard 
1730 06 16JohnMYERSWoodhouse  
1730 06 16ElizabethBANKSKirkgateDaughter of John 
1730 06 16WilliamHYDEMillhill  
1730 06 18MaryMOOR Daughter of Edward 
1730 06 20[infant]CHAMLET Daughter of Robert 
1730 06 21JonathanSMITHMillhill  
1730 06 22SamuelWAITEMabgate  
1730 06 25DanielWHITEHEADCalls  
1730 06 25EdwardTHORNTONCalls  
1730 06 26JaneLOYD Wife of Thomas 
1730 06 28HannahASH   
1730 06 29[infant]RIPLEY Daughter of Jacob 
1730 07 02IsaacWHALLEYMabgate  
1730 07 03Mrs E*RYDERBoar Lane  
1730 07 05AsaphHYNDESouthpart  
1730 07 05BernardPRATTWoodhouse  
1730 07 05[infant]ATKISON Son of Joseph 
1730 07 09CatherineFEARN Daughter of William 
1730 07 10SarahLUMLEY Wife of Mr * 
1730 07 11[infant]BLACKBURN Son of Roger 
1730 07 11JosephLISTER Drowned 
1730 07 11JonathanDRAKE Drowned 
1730 07 12SamuelARMITAGE Son of Joseph 
1730 07 14[infant]CROWTHERMarsh LaneDaughter of Caleb 
1730 07 16[infant]ADDISON Daughter of James 
1730 07 22JamesSCOFIELD Son of James 
1730 07 22[infant]BUCKBY Son of Samuel 
1730 07 25[infant]BISHCHOFF Son of Mr Bernard 
1730 07 28AbrahamPOWELLLeedsHanged for stealing cloth 
1730 07 29ThomasSCALBUTTCross  
1730 08 01AnneCROWTHER Wife of Caleb 
1730 08 03LeonardHARRISON Son of Robert 
1730 08 06Madam MaryKILLINGBECKKirkgateWidow of Rev John, Vicar of Leeds 
1730 08 07[infant]RAINFORTHMillhillSon of William 
1730 08 13ElizabethMAWSONTentersDaughter of William 
1730 08 16SophiaSTEPHENSONKirkgateDaughter of Benjamin 
1730 08 16[infant]GREEN Daughter of Lancelot 
1730 08 18SarahGRYSEDALE Daughter of Mr *Exciseman
1730 08 20AnneFARRAHKirkgateDaughter of Jacob 
1730 08 22ElizabethSAULLBank  
1730 08 29EstherAUSTONKirkgateWife of Joseph 
1730 09 02WilliamLIGHTShamblesSon of Robert 
1730 09 06SarahCHIPPINGDALEPark LaneDaughter of Matthew 
1730 09 06LydiaROGERSBankDaughter of John 
1730 09 06JohnADDISONKirkgateSon of James 
1730 09 06[infant]WHALEYMabgateDaughter of William 
1730 09 09JudithCOWELLKnostrop  
1730 09 14JohnTOWNSONKirkgate  
1730 09 14MaryTHACKREY Daughter of Michael 
1730 09 14[infant]DRAKEQuarry HillDaughter of Francis 
1730 09 18[infant]WILLIAMSONBankDaughter of John 
1730 09 19JonathanRASTRICK Son of Jonathan 
1730 09 19MarySMITHBlack BankDaughter of Isaac 
1730 09 20IsaacFORD Son of Robert 
1730 09 20BenjaminFORD Son of Robert 
1730 09 20[infant]WHALEYMabgateSon of William 
1730 09 20[infant]MASONBankSon of John 
1730 09 21IsaacATKINSONBridge End  
1730 09 23[infant]LOCKWOODKirkgateSon of Thomas 
1730 09 26RichardROOKESSouthpartSon of [Widow] Rookes 
1730 09 27[infant]WALKERQuarry HillSon of Thomas 
1730 09 28SarahSADLERWoodhouseDaughter of John 
1730 09 29JohnLOFTUpper Headrow  
1730 10 01WilliamBEAKERBriggateSon of Mr * 
1730 10 04JohnELSWORTHCall Lane  
1730 10 06HannahCAWTHREYMeadow Lane  
1730 10 09ElizabethPOWELLBank  
1730 10 13[infant]SMITHIESBankDaughter of John 
1730 10 16AnneKAYSouthpart  
1730 10 23[infant]SPINCK Daughter of Michael 
1730 10 23MaryFEATHERSTONE Wife of John 
1730 10 25SamuelDIXONBriggate  
1730 10 26FrancisREYNOLDMillhill  
1730 10 28JoshuaKNOTTBankSon of John 
1730 11 05JohnSCHOFIELDHeadrowSon of [Widow] Schofield 
1730 11 06JohnGARNETTCall Lane  
1730 11 06Mrs IsabelSTOGDALEBriggate  
1730 11 11WilliamKILLBURNMeadow Lane  
1730 11 15ThomasADCOCKMillhill  
1730 11 15Fran*HANSONCalls  
1730 11 16WilliamWOODHOUSEVicar Lane  
1730 11 27ThomasSHOWERVicar Lane  
1730 11 29RobertRYDERMabgate  
1730 11 30ElizabethDUNWELLVicar Lane  
1730 12 01JohnRAYNORBriggate  
1730 12 02[infant]SEDGWICK Daughter of John 
1730 12 03BenjaminHUDSONNew StreetSon of Thomas 
1730 12 03AnneCOCKERKirkgateWife of John 
1730 12 04AbrahamPEASEBank  
1730 12 06RobertLUPTONWoodhouseSon of John 
1730 12 06FrancisMIDGLEYQuarry Hill  
1730 12 10ElizabethFALKNERBriggateWidow 
1730 12 10[infant]ASPDENWoodhouse CarrSon of Joseph 
1730 12 13[infant]HUDSONNew StreetSon of Joseph 
1730 12 15*GREENHOUGHKirkgateWidow 
1730 12 17AnneSAXTONQuarry HillDaughter of Joshua 
1730 12 18AbrahamWATSONHolbeck  
1730 12 18KatherineMETCALFWoodhouseWife of John 
1730 12 19AnnePEARSONVicar Lane  
1730 12 27DeborahFALSHAY Wife of James 
1730 12 27[infant]BRISCOEVicar LaneSon of Henry 
1730 12 29SusannaBRISCOEVicar LaneWife of Henry 
1730 01 05JohnOVERENBank  
1730 01 06SusannaMANNMarsh LaneWife of Thomas 
1730 01 08RichardINGLE Son of Henry 
1730 01 08JamesINGLE Son of Henry 
1730 01 10HenryTHOMPSONKirkgate  
1730 01 12BettyHAREKirkgateDaughter of Thomas 
1730 01 12AbrahamHARRISONBriggate  
1730 01 15MaryBARTRAMMillhillWife of Nathaniel 
1730 01 18JosephWADELittle Woodhouse  
1730 01 18[infant]DRONEYTimble BridgeSon of John 
1730 01 18[infant]STRAKERHeadrowDaughter of Matthew 
1730 01 19ElizabethTAYLORBriggateDaughter of Abraham 
1730 01 19DanielJACKSONKirkgateSon of William 
1730 01 19SarahHAGGATSNorth HallWife of Samuel 
1730 01 20SusannaCLIFTONChurchyard  
1730 01 20JohnOLDREDSouthpartSon of James 
1730 01 20ThomasATKINSONShambles  
1730 01 22*BRAITHWAITENorth HallDaughter of John 
1730 01 24MaryWHITTINGHAMKirkgateDaughter of John 
1730 01 24AnneBROWNKirkgateDaughter of Isaac 
1730 01 24WilliamBURTONSouthpartSon of Robert 
1730 01 24JohnLISTERHeadrowSon of Christopher 
1730 01 25[infant]WEDDALECall LaneSon of Thomas 
1730 01 27RichardRASTRICKSouthpart  
1730 01 31[infant]BARRETBriggateDaughter of John 
1730 01 31[infant]SMITHKirkgateDaughter of Thomas 
1730 02 01JohnLONGFELLOWNorth Bar  
1730 02 02[infant]WELLSShamblesDaughter of John 
1730 02 03MarthaWADEHeadrow  
1730 02 05HannahMOXONVicar Lane  
1730 02 06[infant]HAGUEBankDaughter of Miles 
1730 02 07[infant]ROBINSONSouthpartSon of Mr * 
1730 02 07[infant]SMITHMillhillSon of Thomas 
1730 02 07[infant]TODDMillhillDaughter of William 
1730 02 07[infant]HAGUEShamblesDaughter of Robert 
1730 02 09ElizabethABBATPark Lane  
1730 02 09Mrs *STUBBSWortley  
1730 02 10[infant]DODSWORTHVicar LaneSon of John 
1730 02 11ThomasBROOKSBANKSouthpartSon of Edward 
1730 02 11JonathanHOPKINSONBankSon of Tobit 
1730 02 11JosephPITTSHigh TownSon of John 
1730 02 11MaryTEALEBriggateDaughter of John 
1730 02 12JohnWALKERShambles  
1730 02 13RoseMOUGHAMSouthpart  
1730 02 14[infant]BUTTERFIELDKirkgateSon of Edward 
1730 02 15[infant]SMITHMillhillSon of Thomas 
1730 02 16SarahWALKERQuarry HillDaughter of Thomas 
1730 02 17[infant]HARRISONHeadrowDaughter of Richard 
1730 02 17EdwardHOLIDAYKirkgate  
1730 02 19ThomasHOLMESMarsh Lane  
1730 02 21[infant]CROWDER Son of John 
1730 02 21[infant]WALSH Son of Richard 
1730 02 22[infant]THOMPSON Daughter of Spink 
1730 02 22ArchelausJOHNSON Son of James 
1730 02 22ElizabethASPDENWoodhouse  
1730 02 25JosephKNOWLSTimble Bridge  
1730 02 25[infant]TEBBSMabgateSon of Benjamin 
1730 02 25[infant]GREAVES Daughter of Edmund 
1730 02 25JohnWALLBANKBriggate  
1730 02 27JohnJACKSONKirkgateSon of James 
1730 02 27Mr SolomonPOLLARDBriggate Alderman
1730 02 28JamesWOODCall LaneSon of James 
1730 02 28[infant]TOMLINSON Daughter of Henry 
1730 02 28[infant]ROBERTSQuarry HillDaughter of Thomas 
1730 03 02JohnTURNERNortheast PartSon of John 
1730 03 02CharlesBROOKSBANKKirkgate  
1730 03 03MilesNEWBYMeadow Lane  
1730 03 03[infant]BURNLEY Daughter of Joseph 
1730 03 05GeorgeMITCHELHeadrow  
1730 03 07[infant]CRAVEN Son of John 
1730 03 07GervaceSYKESCalls  
1730 03 08[infant]* Son of Traveller 
1730 03 09[infant]BRADFORDBriggateSon of John 
1730 03 09[infant]BRADFORDBriggateDaughter of John 
1730 03 09JosephPILKINGTON Son of William 
1730 03 10DeborahROSSENDALEMarsh Lane  
1730 03 10WilliamSIGSTONEMarsh LaneSon of Joseph 
1730 03 12SamuelDOUGLASMillhill  
1730 03 13ThomasRIPLEY Son of James 
1730 03 13RichardJEBSON Son of Richard 
1730 03 14[infant]MANNMarsh LaneSon of William 
1730 03 14[infant]FLETCHERKirkgateDaughter of Edward 
1730 03 15JoshuaDRAKE Son of Francis 
1730 03 16ElinorDANSORNorth Bar  
1730 03 17[infant]WEBSTERBankChild of Caleb 
1730 03 18MarthaKILLERBY Daughter of Michael 
1730 03 19[infant]LONGCallsSon of Thomas 
1730 03 19HughAIRWoodhouse  
1730 03 20[infant]SLOMERCrossSon of Robert 
1730 03 21[infant]CHAPMANSouthpartSon of Samuel 
1730 03 22[infant]MECKAH Son of James 
1730 03 23MaryLONG Wife of Thomas 
1730 03 24JohnPOLLARD Son of James 
1730 03 24[infant]KILLERBY Daughter of Michael 
1731 03 25HenriettaHOWSON Daughter of Henry 
1731 03 25SarahNETHERWOODMabgate  
1731 03 26JohnCRYER Son of [Widow] Cryer 
1731 03 28MaryWRIGHT Daughter of Thomas 
1731 03 28BenjaminWEBSTERBankSon of Jacob 
1731 03 31JohnFLOCTONBriggateSon of John 
1731 03 31JohnBANKSHeadrowSon of Thomas 
1731 04 01GraceHORNERBankDaughter of Jacob 
1731 04 01AliceSTEPHENSONMillhillDaughter of Henry 
1731 04 01DorothyBURLEYCross  
1731 04 01[infant]GREEN Son of Lancellot 
1731 04 02GeorgePAGEMillhillSon of John 
1731 04 02[infant]GREAVESMillhillDaughter of Richard 
1731 04 04WilliamSMITHHolbeckSon of William 
1731 04 06JosephMANNMarsh LaneSon of Joshua 
1731 04 06[infant]WHITEBoar LaneDaughter of John 
1731 04 07[infant]LAMBERTKirkgateDaughter of William 
1731 04 08AliceHALLBeyond the Bridge  
1731 04 09[infant]LEWIS Son of EdwardEdward a Soldier
1731 04 09[infant]WITHAM Daughter of Thomas 
1731 04 10JosephBINNS Son of John 
1731 04 10JamesBURRAS Slain 
1731 04 11MaryPRATTWoodhouseWife of Bernard 
1731 04 12AnneWEDDALECall LaneWife of Thomas 
1731 04 12MaryMAYORTimble BridgeWidow 
1731 04 12HannahHUTTON Daughter of Joshua 
1731 04 13JaneCLIFTONMarsh LaneDaughter of James 
1731 04 13WilliamROBINSONKirkgate  
1731 04 15CharlesJACKSONKirkgate  
1731 04 17SusannaCRYERKnostrop  
1731 04 17MarthaSHAWHeadrow  
1731 04 17*BRUCEVicar LaneWife of James 
1731 04 17*SPEIGHTCall LaneChild of Jo* 
1731 04 18WilliamWALKERNew StreetSon of John 
1731 04 18JohnTHORNBOROUGHCross  
1731 04 18*FALKNERBridge EndChild of Isaac 
1731 04 19AbrahamDENISONSouthpart  
1731 04 19[infant]FORSTERKirkgateChild of Thomas 
1731 04 19AnneROBERTSMethleyDaughter of Mr * 
1731 04 22SamuelMETCALFTentersSon of John 
1731 04 23WilliamATKINSONTentersSon of John 
1731 04 23ThomasLOCKWOODTentersSon of Samuel 
1731 04 23ThomasHOPWOOD   
1731 04 24MaryFARRERKirkgateWife of Isaac 
1731 04 25ThomasGREENWoodhouse LaneSon of Robert 
1731 04 26KatherineGOLDSBURROWNorth BarWife of James 
1731 04 26JamesTAYLORNew StreetSon of James 
1731 04 28SamuelLUCASTentersSon of Thomas 
1731 04 28MaryDYCHEVicar Lane  
1731 04 30WilliamRASTRICKMarsh LaneSon of William 
1731 04 30WilliamKENTHeadrowSon of William 
1731 05 01JohnROBERTSBriggate  
1731 05 01*CROSSLANDBankSon of John 
1731 05 02*FLETCHERHunslet LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1731 05 02RichmondDODSONKirkgateDaughter of Eden 
1731 05 02*JACKSONVicar LaneSon of William 
1731 05 04AnnaSHILVINGSSouthpartDaughter of John 
1731 05 04ThomasCHAPMANCross  
1731 05 04SusannaCATTONCrossDaughter of John 
1731 05 05MaryCHAPMANBriggateWife of Benjamin 
1731 05 05Mr TempestPOLLARDBoar Lane  
1731 05 06SarahCLAPHAMMillhillDaughter of Charles 
1731 05 06Mr MatthewANDREWSPark Lane  
1731 05 07*RASTRICKMarsh LaneChild of William 
1731 05 07*RASTRICKMarsh LaneChild of William 
1731 05 09JohnKIDDBankSon of John 
1731 05 11*LODGECall LaneWife of Mr Richard 
1731 05 11MaryHOPTONKirkgateWidow 
1731 05 14*DRAKEQuarry HillWife of Francis 
1731 05 14*ATKINSONTentersChild of Jo* 
1731 05 15[infant]FEARNQuarry HillSon of Josiah 
1731 05 19JohnROBERTSBlack BankSon of John 
1731 05 20DanielTODDMillhill  
1731 05 20SarahATKINSONCrossDaughter of Nathan 
1731 05 20*BROOKSBANKBankChild of John 
1731 05 21WilliamGROCOCKVicar LaneSon of John 
1731 05 22IsaacWOODBriggate  
1731 05 23JoshuaWALKERLittle Woodhouse  
1731 05 24*WOODHunsletWidow 
1731 05 26MaryMARSDENHolbeckDaughter of Joseph 
1731 05 28*KENDALLBankWidow 
1731 05 30MaryWALKERBankDaughter of Samuel 
1731 05 30GeorgeWILKINSONKirkgateSon of Samuel 
1731 05 31*BOYNTONCall LaneWife of John 
1731 06 01[infant]BURTONSouthpartSon of Robert 
1731 06 02JohnWARWICKBoar LaneDrowned 
1731 06 03JohnLEWISBlack Bank  
1731 06 04GraceTASKERBankDaughter of John 
1731 06 05AnneMIDGLEYVicar LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1731 06 06HannahROWLANDCross GreenWife of Thomas 
1731 06 07MaryFARRARCall Lane  
1731 06 07[infant]STANIFORTHCalbrowSon of Peter 
1731 06 08SamuelPARKMillhillSon of Samuel 
1731 06 15JonathanBOOTHMAN Son of David 
1731 06 16JohnSTARR  Traveller
1731 06 17HenryNOGGUIERSouthpartSon of Mr John 
1731 06 17[infant]TOMLINSONKirkgateSon of John 
1731 06 18[infant]MUSGRAVEBankChild of Isaac 
1731 06 18Mrs *BILTONHunslet Lane  
1731 06 18JamesKAYSBridge EndSon of Samuel 
1731 06 18[infant]KNIGHTBriggateSon of William 
1731 06 20AliceIBBETSONHeadrow  
1731 06 21SarahCRYERKnostropDaughter of John 
1731 06 22JosephBOLLANDQuarry Hill  
1731 06 22JohnBRIANVicar LaneSon of Matthew 
1731 06 22JohnBOYNTONCall Lane  
1731 06 23JohnWALKERHunslet Lane  
1731 06 24*WILKINSONnear the ChurchWife of Gabriel 
1731 06 24AnneSMITH Daughter of WilliamWilliam a Soldier
1731 06 26ThomasGREYHeadrow  
1731 06 27RobertWOODCallsSon of Timothy 
1731 06 28RobertDENTONCall LaneSon of Christopher 
1731 06 28Mrs *HUNTERBoar Lane  
1731 06 29JamesATKINSONHunslet Lane  
1731 07 02[infant]PARKERKnostropSon of Thomas 
1731 07 02NancyFREEMANBriggateDaughter of Maurice 
1731 07 03SolomonBROADBELTKirkgate  
1731 07 04SarahLOLLYCross Green  
1731 07 06MatthewGLOVERTimble Bridge  
1731 07 07JohnHORNERGreat Woodhouse  
1731 07 08MaryDAWSONBriggateDaughter of Nat* 
1731 07 09*KITCHINGMAN Wife of JamesAlderman
1731 07 10JohnFENTONMarsh LaneSon of John 
1731 07 11**  Traveller
1731 07 12DorothyHOPTONKirkgateWife of Benjamin 
1731 07 15AliceODDYTentersWife of William 
1731 07 16MaryHAGUEBriggate  
1731 07 20JamesROPERTenters  
1731 07 20Mr JohnRONTREE   
1731 07 21SarahLUCASVicar Lane  
1731 07 22JohnCOULSONBridge End  
1731 07 22WilliamTHOMPSONTimble Bridge  
1731 07 22SamuelINGLEKirkgateSon of Christopher 
1731 07 23BettyWOODNorthpartDaughter of Isaac 
1731 07 23SamuelWARDMabgate  
1731 07 25WilliamSTORYLidgateSon of John 
1731 07 27[infant]WADDINGTONBridge EndDaughter of William 
1731 07 28[infant]WATKINSONHeadrowDaughter of Thomas 
1731 07 29GertrudeCRUMMACKMillhill  
1731 07 31[infant]BAKERBriggateDaughter of Mr * 
1731 08 01HenryALDERSON  Soldier
1731 08 02JamesRIPLEYQuarry HillSon of Jacob 
1731 08 02JamesTHORNTONWoodhouseSon of Abednego 
1731 08 13JosephCARTERNorth BarSon of Jeremiah 
1731 08 13ThomasJOLLYIRLSon of Mr Thomas 
1731 08 19WilliamRICHARDSONBriggateSon of William 
1731 08 19ElizabethATKINSONQuarry HillWife of William 
1731 08 20SarahFEARNQuarry HillWife of Mr Josiah 
1731 08 22AnneBRADFORDQuarry HillWife of William 
1731 08 23ElizabethBRAINERMarsh Lane  
1731 08 24JaneBROWNBurley BarWife of Daniel 
1731 08 25FrancesTOPPINKirkgateDaughter of John 
1731 08 25WilliamBRADFORDQuarry Hill  
1731 08 25WilliamWALKERBriggate  
1731 08 25[infant]DYCHEVicar LaneDaughter of Mary 
1731 08 28BenjaminHARDYKirkgateSon of Thomas 
1731 08 29DorothyLANDWoodhouse CarrWife of John 
1731 08 31ChristopherBRAMLEYMarsh Lane  
1731 09 02HenryNOGUIERSouthpartSon of Mr John 
1731 09 02NathanielBERTRAMMillhillSon of Nathaniel 
1731 09 05ElizabethREASBECKHeadrowWife of William 
1731 09 07SimonAUDSLEYHolbeck  
1731 09 07JohnASLABYBriggate  
1731 09 12TheophilaJACKSONKirkgateDaughter of Turner 
1731 09 13JamesWOOLLEYBridge EndSon of Stephen 
1731 09 17JosephMARSDENHolbeck  
1731 09 20HannahCOWELLBoar Lane  
1731 09 20SarahHAMSHAW Wife of John 
1731 09 28[infant]KIRKVicar LaneDaughter of John 
1731 09 28JaneOWENVicar Lane  
1731 09 29ThomasDODGSONBank  
1731 09 30GeorgeKENDRYbeyond Ripon  
1731 09 30MaryWOODWORTH Daughter of ** a Soldier
1731 10 05MaryHOLDENBriggateDaughter of John 
1731 10 07[infant]CHAPMANBankDaughter of Joshua 
1731 10 08MatthewPICKERINGPasture SpringSon of Thomas 
1731 10 08SarahATKINSONTentersDaughter of [Widow] Atkinson 
1731 10 10*MASONBankWife of Obediah 
1731 10 12JohnLATHAMCall Lane  
1731 10 13ThomasTHORNTONWoodhouseSon of Thomas 
1731 10 15RichardSMITHWoodhouseSon of William 
1731 10 18WilliamMICKLEWAITSimpson FoldSon of Mr Richard 
1731 10 19[infant]BROWNQuarry HillDaughter of James 
1731 10 20WilliamBATTYWoodhouseSon of James 
1731 10 22HannahFARRERCall LaneWife of John 
1731 10 22RichardWHITLEYMarsh LaneSon of John 
1731 10 24WilliamFAWCETTMarsh Lane  
1731 10 30[infant]BELLHOUSEWoodhouseDaughter of John 
1731 10 30[infant]WHITAKERKirkgateChild of James 
1731 10 31JohnSTEADWade Lane  
1731 11 01FrancesSIMPSON Wife of JohnTraveller
1731 11 01HannahRAMPMILLWoodhouseDaughter of John 
1731 11 04[infant]LOWDENWoodhouseChild of Thomas 
1731 11 05[infant]LISTERHeadrowDaughter of Christopher 
1731 11 06[infant]TAYLORMabgateDaughter of John 
1731 11 06[infant]HORNERWoodhouseSon of John 
1731 11 06JohnLOWDENWoodhouseSon of Thomas 
1731 11 08[infant]TAYLORMabgateDaughter of John 
1731 11 09[infant]SMITHBriggateSon of William 
1731 11 11BettyGELDERWoodhouseDaughter of John 
1731 11 12[infant]JOHNSONKirkgateSon of Matthew 
1731 11 15[infant]HAGUEShamblesDaughter of Robert 
1731 11 16ThomasBULMERMillhill  
1731 11 21[infant]MOXONVicar LaneDaughter of Jane 
1731 11 22JamesWILLCOXWoodhouseSon of James 
1731 11 22EstherLANCASTERTenters  
1731 11 23ThomasSTEPHENSONMillhillSon of Thomas 
1731 11 22*SCHOFIELDKirkgateWife of James 
1731 11 23SarahATKINSONWoodhouse  
1731 11 25WilliamKAYHolbeck  
1731 11 26SarahSWAINCalls  
1731 11 27[infant]RIALTONNorthpartDaughter of Peter 
1731 11 27JosephLOWDENWoodhouseSon of Thomas 
1731 11 27SamuelBROOKSouthpartSon of Mr John 
1731 11 28JosephTRUELOVEBankSon of William 
1731 12 03JohnGARNETMillhill  
1731 12 04ElizabethPERRYKirkgate  
1731 12 05ThomasGOODRICKMarsh Lane  
1731 12 06AliceBOOTHMAN Wife of Thomas 
1731 12 07[infant]WILCOXWoodhouseDaughter of James 
1731 12 07Madam *SMITHHeadrow  
1731 12 09SamuelFARRERHeadrow  
1731 12 09EdwardBILTONCall Lane  
1731 12 13NathanielLOBLEYMillhill  
1731 12 15JosephGREENKirkgate  
1731 12 15[infant]LONGKirkgateSon of Aaron 
1731 12 20ThomasLEDGER Died at Hunslet Lane 
1731 12 22*CASLEYBriggateSon of Robert 
1731 12 22JosephKILLERBYKirkgateSon of John 
1731 12 22RobertASELBYBriggateSon of [Widow] Aselby 
1731 12 23*SMITHHeadrowChild of Benjamin 
1731 12 25MaryRUSSELMillhillDaughter of Henry 
1731 12 26JeremiahBEHNKirkgate Servant
1731 12 28MaryFLETCHERHospital  
1731 12 28JamesDOCKWRAYWoodhouseSon of James 
1731 12 28SarahLEIGHNew StreetDaughter of Anne 
1731 12 29EleanorBUTTERFIELDKirkgateDaughter of William 
1731 12 29JohnWELLSShamblesSon of John 
1731 12 30JohnFRITHCall LaneSon of John 
1731 12 31RosamundMAUDKirkgateWife of John 
1731 12 31[infant]LODGECall LaneSon of Mr Richard 
1731 01 03[infant]DODSWORTHVicar LaneSon of John 
1731 01 04JohnSMITH Drowned 
1731 01 08ThomasTURNARD A Stranger 
1731 01 08MaryrSLATERVicar Lane  
1731 01 09[infant]SMITHMillhillChild of Thomas 
1731 01 09[infant]ODDYCall LaneSon of William 
1731 01 11RobertWHITFIELDVicar Lane  
1731 01 11[infant]THORPMillhillSon of Joseph 
1731 01 11[infant]SUGDENHeadrowSon of John 
1731 01 12WilliamATKINSONMeadow Lane  
1731 01 12[infant]SIMPSONHunslet LaneDaughter of John 
1731 01 12JohnSHAN A Charity Boy 
1731 01 17RuthMALPASMeadow Lane  
1731 01 17[infant]SHANCrossSon of John 
1731 01 17Mrs *KELLAMBriggateWidow 
1731 01 20RichardKAYLEYCross  
1731 01 21WilliamTOMLINSONBank  
1731 01 21GerardNEWHAMShambles  
1731 01 21*GAUKROGERKirkgateSon of Abraham 
1731 01 22[infant]STEADHeadrowDaughter of Samuel 
1731 01 23JohnREDMAN A Stranger 
1731 01 23GeorgeFRYER  Exciseman
1731 01 25[infant]THOMPSONSouthpartSon of Spink 
1731 01 25AnneSTUARTCall LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1731 01 27JohnSEYNORVicar Lane  
1731 01 27SarahMIDGLEYVicar LaneDaughter of John 
1731 01 28[infant]NORTHHOUSEKirkgateSon of Abraham 
1731 01 28MaryCLOSEBriggateDaughter of [Widow] Close 
1731 01 30MaryWRIGHTChurchyard  
1731 01 30[infant]ASHKirkgateSon of Robert 
1731 01 31JosephTENNANTBriggateSon of John 
1731 02 02[infant]DAWSON Son of Nathan 
1731 02 02JohnTURNERMarsh Lane  
1731 02 03JamesPRICEBriggateA papist 
1731 02 07[infant]MIRES Son of JohnJohn a Soldier
1731 02 07[infant]SEACROFTVicar LaneSon of Thomas 
1731 02 07[infant]COOKKirkgateSon of Stephen 
1731 02 09DanielHARRISONVicar LaneSon of Robert 
1731 02 12JohnWALKER Son of Mr Samuel 
1731 02 13*SETTLEMarsh LaneWife of David 
1731 02 13[infant]POWELL Son of Robert 
1731 02 15SamuelKNIPEMabgateSon of George 
1731 02 16[infant]TODMillhillDaughter of William 
1731 02 18*CHAPMANCall LaneDaughter of William 
1731 02 20AbrahamPARKINSONVicar Lane  
1731 02 20SusanKNIGHTBriggateDaughter of William 
1731 02 20[infant]CHILD Son of Elihu 
1731 02 20GraceWRIGHTBriggateDaughter of William 
1731 02 21MaryWATKINSON Daughter of Thomas 
1731 02 22[infant]GUILE Daughter of JohnJohn a Soldier
1731 02 22[infant]BRADY Daughter of Philip 
1731 02 23MaryWEBSTERBriggateWife of Edward 
1731 02 24RachelACRENorthpartWife of William 
1731 02 27RachelRIPLEYQuarry HillDaughter of Jacob 
1731 02 28TimothyCOOKSONChurchyardSon of Mr Timothy 
1731 02 28BettySTEPHENSONKirkgateDaughter of John 
1731 02 28ThomasCLARKMarsh Lane  
1731 02 28[infant]WILKINSON Son of Abraham 
1731 02 28[infant]STABLEKirkgateSon of William 
1731 03 02[infant]AMBLERTimble BridgeDaughter of George 
1731 03 03WilliamKNIPEBriggateSon of John 
1731 03 04*WRIGHTVicar LaneWidow 
1731 03 05AnnePOPPLEWELLTentersWife of Thomas 
1731 03 06[infant]STORERBoar LaneSon of Francis 
1731 03 07[infant]KNIPEBriggateDaughter of John 
1731 03 07[infant]COOKKirkgateDaughter of Stephen 
1731 03 07EdwardBURGESSWoodhouse Bar  
1731 03 08ThomasDODGSONLidgate  
1731 03 08[infant]FRANKLAND Son of Mr George 
1731 03 09[infant]REYNOLDS Daughter of Henry 
1731 03 10[infant]HARTLEY Daughter of Samuel 
1731 03 10JamesMORTON Son of John 
1731 03 11SarahILLINGWORTH Wife of Mark 
1731 03 11[infant]SAXTONQuarry HillDaughter of Samuel 
1731 03 13JohnBRADFORDShambles  
1731 03 13*PRESTONKirkgateWife of William 
1731 03 14[infant]ROBINSON Son of John 
1731 03 14[infant]PICKERING Son of Richard 
1731 03 15JohnCRYER Son of John 
1731 03 16*SIMPSONMillhillWife of Thomas 
1731 03 16JohnPROCTERMillhill  
1731 03 17MaryVICARSMarsh LaneDaughter of Abraham 
1731 03 21WilliamCHAMBERLAIN  Soldier
1731 03 22JosephBROMLEYKirkgate  
1731 03 23MaryTHORSBYCall LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1731 03 24ElizabethPICKERINGBoar LaneDaughter of Richard 
1731 03 24JosephCRAVENMillhillSon of Abraham 

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
Checked by Brian Yewdall
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the link at the bottom of the page.