


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1724-1725


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1724-1725


1724 03 26GeorgePEACOCK.A Soldier
1724 03 27WilliamCLARKSONKirkgate 
1724 03 27JacobBARKERKirkgateSon of Abraham
1724 03 29[unnamed]SLEIGHBriggateMadam
1724 03 29AnneSMITHBriggateDaughter of Benjamin
1724 03 29ElizabethCAMMKirkgate 
1724 04 02[unnamed]JESSOPPark LaneWife of Thomas
1724 04 06JohnLEIGHBankSon of John
1724 04 07[unnamed]DIXONMillhillDaughter of John
1724 04 07[unnamed]DAWSONBriggateDaughter of Michael
1724 04 07Mr RalphSPENCERHunslet Lane 
1724 04 08MargaretSIMPSONShamblesWife of Samuel
1724 04 10NehemiahCHAPMANTenters 
1724 04 11JohnDINSDALEHunslet Lane 
1724 04 11[child][UNNAMED].Child of a Soldier
1724 04 12MercyROBINSONMeadow Lane 
1724 04 12WilliamTHOMAS.A Soldier
1724 04 13AliceHENDERSONKirkgate 
1724 04 13ElisabethFARMERMillhill 
1724 04 16SamuelHOWDENBriggate 
1724 04 16MaryTHORNTONTimble BridgeDaughter of Bartholomew
1724 04 18SarahRICHARDSONGreat Woodhouse 
1724 04 19SarahJACKSONHeadrowDaughter of William
1724 04 20JohnBRAITHWAITGreat Woodhouse 
1724 04 20JosiahWINNBankSon of Josiah
1724 04 20EdenWILSONKirkgateDaughter of [Widow] Wilson
1724 04 22MargaretCLARKMabgateDaughter of Thomas
1724 04 22MaryGRYSTICK.Daughter of Timothy
1724 04 22SusannaWARWICKMabgate 
1724 04 23MarthaMATTHEWMillhill 
1724 04 23ElisabethSCHOFIELDNorth BarWife of John
1724 04 24AnneASHBURNBriggate 
1724 04 24WilliamGILPING.Son of William
1724 04 29[unnamed]KITCHINGMANHospitalWidow
1724 04 29JosephHUGGONMabgate 
1724 04 30JohnKNOTTBankSon of John
1724 05 01BenjaminYATESMarsh Lane 
1724 05 03HannahGARNETBriggate 
1724 05 07FrancisRIPLEYVicar LaneSon of John
1724 05 08[child]HOWGATEWoodhouseinfant daughter of John
1724 05 11JaneGUILLVicar Lane 
1724 05 11[unnamed]NOBLEKirkgateWidow
1724 05 12ElizabethWALKERBriggateDaughter of William
1724 05 12MaryEASTERBYLittle Woodhouse 
1728 05 14[unnamed]TODDBriggateSon of John
1724 05 16JohnWATSONMeadow LaneSon of John
1724 05 16JohnBOURNANDKirkgateSon of John
1724 05 16BridgetNEWHAMShambles 
1724 05 18MaryCATTONMabgateWife of John
1724 05 21[child]FARRERKirkgateinfant son of Benjamin
1724 05 23WilliamSMITHCall Lane 
1724 05 23ThomasSCRUTONCall Lane 
1724 05 24MargaretSTEADGreat WoodhouseDaughter of John
1724 05 24RichardMORTONMillhill 
1724 05 24JamesJACKSONVicar Lane 
1724 05 20ElizabethSTEADWoodhouseDaughter of John
1724 05 25[child]DUTTONCallsinfant son of Joseph
1724 05 25IsaacWARDBriggateSon of William
1724 05 26JohnCOOKMillhillSon of David
1724 05 28Mrs. MaryFAIRFAXKirkgate 
1724 05 28JosiahFEARNCrossSon of Josiah
1724 06 01SarahHARRISONQuarry Hill 
1724 06 04JonasNORDISCallsSon of Thomas
1724 06 04[unnamed]ARNOLDWhite Chappel LaneDaughter of Joseph
1724 06 05HenryBROWNKirkgate 
1724 06 06JamesLEEBriggate 
1724 06 06RobertBROWNRIDGEHeadrow 
1724 06 09MaryPARK.Daughter of Samuel
1724 06 09RuthDODGSONMeadow LaneDaughter of George
1724 06 11GeorgeHALLTentersSon of William
1724 06 12MaryFERNLEYMillhill 
1724 06 12[unnamed]RAILTONCall LaneDaughter of Peter
1724 06 14[child]LEEMINGVicar LaneChild of Jane
1724 06 14WilliamHYDE.Son of William
1724 06 14[child]HAWKINS.infant of George
1724 06 15WilliamTOWNHILLWoodhouse 
1724 06 15[unnamed]BANKSKirkgateDaughter of John
1724 06 17ElizabethKERBYMeadow LaneDaughter of [Widow] Kerby
1724 06 17HenryHAYHURST. 
1724 06 19MarthaHAGUE.Daughter of Thomas
1724 06 19[child]MOXONKirkgateChild of William
1724 06 20AnneHUTHARDKirkgate 
1724 06 29JohnSTRINGER.Son of John
1724 07 01ElizabethCAWTHREY.Daughter of Anne
1724 07 03WilliamROSSLETONMarsh Lane 
1724 07 03Mr HenryELLISHunslet Lane 
1724 07 04AnneBINNORMarsh LaneWife of Joseph
1724 07 05MarthaBATESCall LaneWife or Daughter of Simeon
1724 07 05[unnamed]JEFFREY.Wife of Samuel
1724 07 09[child]FARMERMillhillinfant son of John
1724 07 10WilliamDAWSONBankSon of John
1724 07 10AgnesTOWNSONKirkgateDaughter of John
1724 07 11WilliamRISHFORTHMeadow LaneSon of William
1724 07 14JohnHOLDERBore LaneSon of William
1724 07 16[child]SNOWDENBlack Bankinfant daughter of Ebenezer
1724 07 17JohnHOLDSWORTHBank 
1724 07 18[child]KINGBriggateinfant daughter of Joseph
1724 07 20*WRIGHTOsmondthorpOld
1724 07 25WilliamBURNILLNear the Church 
1724 07 26ThomasMOORKirkgateSon of Edw.
1724 07 26JohnHAMILTONCall LaneSon of John
1724 07 28ThomasPEASE.Son of Mr Thomas [Alderman?]
1724 08 31JoshuaWROATHMarsh LaneSon of Joseph
1724 08 31Mrs. ?BAINBRIDGEKirkgateVidua ?
1724 08 03RobertBESTCall LaneSon of Samuel
1724 08 04[unnamed]TOWERSVicar LaneDaughter of ?
1724 08 11SamuelBECKWITHMarsh Lane 
1724 08 14ChristianaRAMSDENBeyond the Bridge 
1724 08 16[child]SLACKBriggateinfant daughter of William
1724 08 18JohnFIRTHBore Lane 
1724 08 26ElizabethWAITEQuarry HillWife of Abraham
1724 08 28[unnamed]ROOKSMillhillDaughter of Richard
1724 08 28Jer.ADDISONKirkgate 
1724 09 01[unnamed]WOOLRIDGE.Son of Tobias
1724 09 02RogerWILKINSONGreat Woodhouse 
1724 09 02WilliamBELLMillhillSon of Robert
1724 09 03IsabelJACKSONWoodhouse CarrWife of Robert
1724 09 06ElisabethWILDMANMillhill 
1724 09 10RobertWRIGHT.A Stranger
1724 09 13SarahAINSWORTHHolbeckDaughter of Joshua
1724 09 13[unnamed]WILDMANMillhillDaughter of Elisabeth
1724 09 13AlexanderGILESMarsh Lane 
1724 09 14[unnamed]NELSONMillhillWife of Joseph
1724 09 14ElizabethKERBYBriggateDaughter of Thomas
1724 09 16EllenALLENBriggateWife of Mr Joseph
1724 09 18[child]ODDIEShamblesinfant son of Samuel
1724 09 21ThomasENGLANDChurchyard 
1724 09 22[unnamed]BURNSChurchyardWidow
1724 09 24[unnamed]*YeadonA Stranger
1724 09 25Mr WilliamGREAVESBriggate 
1724 09 25MaryNELSON. 
1725 09 28[child]TOPPINQuarry Hillinfant son of Christopher
1725 09 28[child]TOPPINQuarry Hillinfant son of Christopher
1725 09 28AnneLEIGHthe Hospital 
1724 10 01AbrahamGREAVESMeadow Lane 
1724 10 01[child]SAWYERBore Laneinfant daughter of Mr Thomas
1724 10 04AnneNICHOLSONBore LaneDaughter of John
1724 10 05BernardTATHWELLKirkgate 
1724 10 08JohnWALKERBriggateSon of John
1724 10 09[child]MURTONKirkgateinfant daughter of William
1724 10 09[child]HUTCHINSONBriggateinfant daughter of Timothy
1724 10 10[unnamed]BURNBriggateDaughter of [Widow] Burn
1724 10 12SamuelLONGCASTERSimpson Fold 
1724 10 14[unnamed]KENDALMillhillWidow
1724 10 14[unnamed]CROSLANDBankDaughter of John
1724 10 15ElizabethHUTTONBriggateDaughter of Joshua
1724 10 16[child]RIPLEYMarsh Laneinfant son of Richard
1724 10 18SarahBRADLEYBriggateDaughter of William
1724 10 18[child]MAUDMarsh Laneinfant daughter of William
1724 10 19BenjaminNEWBYBlack Bank 
1724 10 19[unnamed]KIRKBankWidow
1724 10 24BridgetDICKENSENKirkgate 
1724 10 24DeborahBUCKLEKnostrop 
1724 10 27SarahBECKWITHMarsh Lane 
1724 10 28AnneTHOMPSONMarsh Lane 
1724 10 28HannahBOOCHMabgate 
1724 10 31JamesMAYCall Lane 
1724 11 01AliceWALBANK.Wife of John
1724 11 05JosephRAKESTRAW.Son of Richard
1724 11 05ThomasGILLONSCall LaneSon of William
1724 11 07Mrs ?ARTHINGTONBriggate 
1724 11 07RichardWALKERTimble BridgeSon of Samuel
1724 11 09JohnBOYSKirkgate 
1724 11 11MarySINCLAREVicar LaneDaughter of William
1724 11 14HenryRHODESKnostrop 
1725 11 15[infant]ROCK.Daughter of Richard [Worm Doctor]
1725 11 15[infant]BLACKBURN.Son of Joshua
1725 11 15[infant]BINGHAMKirkgateDaughter of Joseph
1724 11 18[unnamed]BENTHAM.Daughter of John
1724 11 19Rev. Mr JohnMAND.Likely MAUD
1724 11 19JohnWEBSTERKirkgate 
1724 11 19ElisabethLODGE. 
1724 11 19JohnBENTLEYBriggate 
1724 11 20[unnamed]THOMPSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas
1724 11 20OthwellCOGHILLBriggateSon of John
1723 11 23[infant]POWELBriggateSon of James
1724 11 25MaryHARTLEYHeadrow 
1724 11 25DianaMETCALFMabgate 
1724 11 26JohnGELDERMeadow Lane 
1724 12 02[infant]BRAMLEYMeadow LaneDaughter of Thomas
1724 12 02AnneBROWNMarsh Lane 
1724 12 03DorothyPROCKTORKirkgate 
1724 12 03ElizabethGARNETMillhillDaughter of John
1724 12 05JosephFARRAHKirkgateSon of Samuel
1724 12 05[infant]ATKINSONKirkgateDaughter of Henry
1724 12 06SaraHEALDLidgateWife of Mr. ?
1724 12 08[infant]PEASEBore LaneSon of Mr Samuel
1724 12 09ThomasBRAMLEYMeadow Lane 
1724 12 12[infant]ARMITAGEBriggateDaughter of Joseph
1724 12 16JaneSMITHMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1724 12 16HenryFORRESTMillhill100 years at Michaelmas last
- aged 100 +
1724 12 16AnneTURTON.Drowned
1724 12 17FrancesWEATHERHEAD.Wife of Joseph
1724 12 17WilliamBROWNMarsh Lane 
1724 12 18MargaretCOREMillhillDaughter of John
1724 12 20WilliamWARDKirkgate 
1724 12 25JamesGOODELMeadow LaneSon of John
1724 12 28GeorgeWALKERVicar Lane 
1724 12 28JamesWARDBeyond the Bridge 
1724 12 28[infant]FORBASRothwellSon of William
1724 12 29JaneBOOTHROIDKirkgate 
1724 12 31JohnWALKERHolbeckSon of [Widow] Walker
1724 01 13FrancesWOODHeadrow 
1724 01 02BartholomewWAUFHigh CawseySon of Richard
1724 01 02[infant]*Vicar LaneA Bastard Child
1724 01 02SarahJOHNSONHeadrowDaughter of Thomas
1724 01 02ThomasCALVERLEYKirkgateSon of John
1724 01 06[unnamed]CHAMBERS.Daughter of Sarah
1724 01 09[infant]GARRAWAY.Son of Jonathan
1724 01 09JohnPEARSONWoodhouse Carr 
1724 01 11MarthaWATEQuarry Hill 
1724 01 15[infant]EASTBURNLands LaneDaughter of Thomas
1724 01 16MaryWILSONMillhillDaughter of John
1724 01 17JaneWALKERVicar Lane 
1724 01 17JaneHEBBLETHWAITEBriggateDaughter of Christopher
1724 01 19JoshuaSTURKWoodhouse 
1724 01 20MaryCUMMINGSBriggate 
1724 01 20ThomasTOPPINGVicar LaneSon of Abraham
1724 01 20JamesCLARKQuarry HillSon of John
1724 01 20MaryERNSHAWMabgateDaughter of Joshua
1724 01 21HannahGRAYQuarry HillWife of Jonathan
1724 01 22[unnamed]PEASE SRBriggateMadam
1724 01 24JohnNORFOLKQuarry Hill 
1724 01 25SarahSYKESMeadow LaneDaughter of John
1724 01 26[infant]BARTLE.Daughter of Anne
1724 01 26MaryWHITFIELD.Wife of Robert
1724 01 28MargaretLIVERSIEGEKirkgate 
1724 01 30AlicePROCKTORKirkgate 
1724 01 31JamesDOCKWRAYWoodhouse 
1724 01 31[infant]BIBBY.Son of Benjamin
1724 01 31[infant]BIRKETMabgateSon of Benjamin
1724 02 01[unnamed]WARDWoodhouseDaughter of Thomas
1724 02 01[infant]WAUGHBeyond the BridgeSon of Richard
1724 02 01[infant]PHILIPSMillhillSon of Daniel
1724 02 02[infant]WORMWELCall LaneDaughter of William
1724 02 03RalphCONYERSHeadrowSon of John
1724 02 03[infant]DAYCall LaneSon of Rev. Mr Day
1724 02 04ElizabethPEARBriggateDaughter of Mr Pear
1724 02 05JaneMARSHALLKirkgate 
1724 02 06MaryDOWGLASMillhillDaughter of Samuel
1724 02 06JamesPROCKTORMeadow Lane 
1724 02 06[unnamed]BURTONKirkgateSon of Robert
1724 02 11Mrs ?BOGGBriggate 
1724 02 11MatthewLEE.Son of [Widow] Lee
1724 02 17MaryCOTTAMCall LaneWife of Lawrence
1724 02 18JohnSMITHTimble BridgeSon of John
1724 02 18IsraelBROWNMillhill 
1724 02 19MarySNOWDENBlack Bank 
1724 02 21[infant]FLETCHERHunslet LaneDaughter of Thomas
1724 02 21GregoryJACKMANKirkgate 
1724 02 22GeofreyCLIVINGERVicar Lane 
1724 02 23ElisabethSKAFEKirkgate 
1724 02 23RobertMILNER.A Stranger
1724 02 24AnneCOOKSON.Daughter of Rev. Mr Cookson
1724 02 24[unnamed]BOOTHMANVicar LaneDaughter of Thomas
1724 03 01FrancisFAWSETQuarry Hill 
1724 03 01[infant]WROATHMarsh LaneDaughter of Joseph
1724 03 02[infant]NORFOLKQuarry HillSon of John
1724 03 03RobertCHIPPINGMeadow LaneSon of Robert
1724 03 04MaryWILSONQuarry Hill 
1724 03 08JosephINSKIPBankSon of John
1724 03 09HannahHALLBank 
1724 03 10MargaretREAMBank 
1724 03 11MargaretEATONBore Lane 
1724 03 11SaraHALLMarsh Lane 
1724 03 13Mrs. ?MAUDKirkgate 
1724 03 15GeorgeGARNETBank 
1724 03 17SusannaSTEPHENSONChurchyard 
1724 03 17AnneBURNLEYQuarry Hill 
1724 03 18MargaretAINSWORTH.Wife of James
1724 03 19HannahBOOTHMANVicar Lane 
1724 03 19SarahTHORNTON.Wife of John
1724 03 21RobertMARTINGDALEBank 
1724 03 21WilliamMARSHAL.Son of William
1724 03 23[infant]LOBLEY.Daughter of Nathaniel
1724 03 23[infant]JACKSONHeadrowSon of James
1724 03 24PeterRUSSELMillhill 
1725 03 26[child]*.Child of a Stranger
1725 04 01[infant]ASLABYBriggateSon of John
1725 04 01[infant]KELLAHBriggateDaughter of James
1725 04 03MaryJACKSONGreat Woodhouse 
1725 04 04JohnOADESKnostrop 
1725 04 05Mr WilliamWILKINSONKirkgate 
1725 04 07JamesDAWSONBank 
1725 04 07[infant]AMBLERTimble BridgeSon of George
1725 04 07[infant]FREEMANBriggateDaughter of Maurice
1725 04 07SarahWEDDELLCall LaneWife of Thomas
1725 04 08MargaretNAYLORMillhillWife of William
1725 04 08JohnWHALLEYBank 
1725 04 09SarahSCURRKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 04 12SarahWOODQuarry HillWife of William
1725 04 13AnnePECKETMabgateWife of John
1725 04 13ElisabethWILKINSON.Wife of Jonathan
1725 04 14[child]GILLMarsh LaneChild of William
1725 04 15[infant]STEPHENSONHeadrowDaughter of James
1725 04 15MargaretLEIGHTONBank 
1725 04 15JonathanWOODMeadow Lane 
1725 04 17[unnamed]SIGSTONEMarsh LaneSon of Samuel
1725 04 20SarahWAUBRONCall Lane 
1725 04 20MarySMITHBriggateDaughter of Benjamin
1725 04 20[child]DIXONCall LaneChild of Mr Dixon [a crysome child]
1725 04 22Mrs JaneHARRISONKirkgate 
1725 04 25SarahBECKGreat Woodhouse 
1725 04 27[infant]BOOTHROIDVicar LaneSon of Joseph
1725 04 27[infant]CLOUDSLEYTentersSon of Peter
1725 04 27AnneWARRENERCrossgreenWife of William
1725 04 28[infant]WATEMabgateSon of Samuel
1725 04 28FrancesWALKERHolbeckWife of Thomas
1725 04 29ElizabethBELLCallsDaughter of John
1725 04 30LawrenceBOOTHMANVicar Lane 
1725 05 01Mrs ?ROTTENCall Lane 
1725 05 02Mr JosephKITCHINGMANHunslet Lane 
1725 05 02[infant]FEARNLEYKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 05 04IsraelRIPLEYQuarry HillSon of James
1725 05 06[infant]GILLIARDMarsh LaneSon of Thomas
1725 05 06[infant]LAWSONBlack BankDaughter of Thomas
1725 05 06JohnDUNDERDILLWoodhouse Carr 
1725 05 08[infant]BURLEYTentersSon of Joseph
1725 05 09Mr GeorgeDOVER JRSimpson Fold 
1725 05 09[unnamed]SPEIGHTQuarry HillWife of William
1725 05 09[infant]CUNLIFFEKirkgateSon of Mrs Cunliffe
1725 05 09[infant]FOSTERKirkgateSon of William
1725 05 10[infant]COREGreat WoodhouseSon of George
1725 05 14RichardROBINSONKirkgateSon of Richard
1725 05 16WilliamRUSSELCall LaneSon of Mark
1725 05 16JosephDUTTONCalls 
1725 05 17RichardIVESONBlack BankSon of Ald.
1725 05 17MaryHARDISTYKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 05 19RobertCOMBSMeadow Lane 
1725 05 21[infant]ROOKEBriggateDaughter of Benjamin
1725 05 22WilliamMARSHALBack of Shambles 
1725 05 24[infant]HINDMOREHeadrowDaughter of Mr ?
1725 05 26MaryLUCASMeadow LaneDaughter of John
1725 05 26ElizabethCOMBSMeadow LaneWife of Robert
1725 05 26JohnDICKENSONMillhillSon of Thomas
1725 05 28MarthaBROWNSimpson Fold 
1725 05 29[infant]BURNGreat WoodhouseSon of John
1725 05 31FrancisHOLLIDAYKirkgate 
1725 05 31HannahBOOTHMabgateDaughter of James
1725 05 31Mr HenryWITHAMBriggate 
1725 06 02JosephTHOMPSON.Son of Thomas
1725 06 02GeorgeSTEADHeadrowSon of Samuel
1725 06 03RobertGRIFFITHIreland 
1725 06 03BenjaminHARDCASTLEWoodhouseSon of Benjamin
1725 06 03[infant]WAINMANBriggateDaughter of James
1725 06 05JaneSKELTONMeadow LaneDaughter of Adam
1725 06 06SusannaWHALLEY.Daughter of Abraham
1725 06 07FrancesCALLBECKHunslet LaneDaughter of John
1725 06 08Mr P*SHORECROSSChurchyard 
1725 06 10JohnWRIGGLESWORTHKirkgate 
1725 06 14[infant]WALESBriggateSon of John
1725 06 20[infant]TATON.Daughter of Oliver
1725 06 20[infant]WILSONHunsletDaughter of William
1725 06 21DeborahDURDAINMarsh Lane 
1725 06 22[infant]WALKERWoodhouse BarrDaughter of John
1725 06 24[infant]RYDERQuarry HillDaughter of Nathaniel
1725 06 24JohnPICKERINGMabgate 
1725 06 25GeorgeBRAITHWAITBriggateSon of George
1725 06 26ThomasHARRISONBriggate 
1725 06 27[infant]PARKEMarsh LaneSon of James
1725 06 29MaryKENDALMarsh LaneDaughter of Elisabeth
1725 06 30SimonBACCHUSMabgateSon of Joseph
1725 07 01[unnamed]SHEPHERDMabgateDaughter of Isaac
1725 07 04JohnWALESMillhill 
1725 07 05[infant]BEALCall LaneSon of Mr Beal
1725 07 06JohnHEWISONBridge End 
1725 07 07[infant]WRIGHTBriggateSon of Henry
1725 07 07[infant]COWARDWoodhouse BarrSon of Joshua
1725 07 08AbigailJACKSONKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 07 08WilliamTHOMPSONMabgateSon of James
1725 07 08[infant]HEYMeadow LaneSon of Joseph
1725 07 08GeorgeHARGRAVEBriggateSon of George
1725 07 09SarahATKINSONMillhillDaughter of William
1725 07 09SarahBLAKEDGEMillhillWife of Edward
1725 07 12[infant]BLACKBURNTentersSon of Osweldiston
1725 07 12HannahCUMMINGBriggateWife of Obadiah
1725 07 17HannahCUMMINGBriggateDaughter of Obadiah
1725 07 18WilliamHORNVicar LaneSon of William
1725 07 19[infant]STEPHENSONKirkgateSon of John
1725 07 20AnnePLURATE.A Stranger
1725 07 20[infant]GRAYBore LaneSon of William
1725 07 20[infant]GREENHunslet LaneDaughter of Joseph
1725 07 20[infant]BROWNMeadow LaneDaughter of John
1725 07 21JohnEARLTenters 
1725 07 22HannahHARRISONMabgateDaughter of John
1725 07 22JosephELLISBriggate 
1725 07 25[infant]CHIPPINGDALEPark LaneDaughter of Matthew
1725 07 25RichardBACCHUSCall Lane 
1725 07 26[infant]TEBBSMabgateDaughter of Benjamin
1725 07 27HenryWRIGHTBriggate 
1725 07 29[infant]RUSAMMarsh LaneDaughter of William
1725 07 29[unnamed]JEFFERSONBriggateWife of Mr Jefferson
1725 07 31[infant]NOTTINGHAMBriggateSon of Samuel
1725 08 01[infant]WRIGHTBriggateSon of Henry
1725 08 03[infant]COOPERMarsh LaneSon of Anthony
1725 08 05JohnPEASEBore LaneSon of Mr Samuel
1725 08 06MargaretTHOMPSONMabgateDaughter of James
1725 08 07[infant]NICHOLSONVicar LaneSon of Thomas
1725 08 07AnthonyJACKSONOn the Bank 
1725 08 08[infant]RUDDMarsh LaneDaughter of William
1725 08 09[unnamed]SAULBankDaughter of Elisabeth
1725 08 10JohnCLARKSONMillhillSon of John
1725 08 11[infant]TAYLORMeadow LaneDaughter of James
1725 08 11LydiaHARDISTYKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 08 12RichardBURROWKirkgate 
1725 08 12[unnamed]HUDSONBankWife of William
1725 08 12AnneGREGGVicar Lane 
1725 08 12SamuelSHEPHERDMabgateSon of Abraham
1725 08 13Mr ?SHUBEILHunslet Lane 
1725 08 13JohnKNOTTBank 
1725 08 16RalphSTAINBURNVicar Lane 
1725 08 18RichardAINSWORTHMabgateSon of John
1725 08 19[infant]SMITHMarsh LaneDaughter of Nathaniel
1725 08 19[infant]RAFMELLVicar LaneDaughter of Richard
1725 08 20[infant]HARDYBriggateSon of Thomas
1725 08 23[infant]PICKERINGMabgateDaughter of Anne
1725 08 23RachelPOWELLMillhillDaughter of Abraham
1725 08 27Mr SamuelHUNTERBore Lane 
1725 08 28[infant]POWELLMillhillSon of Abraham
1725 08 28MaryFIRTHMillhill 
1725 08 28ElisabethHARRISONKirkgate 
1725 08 31[unnamed]METCALFTimble BridgeDaughter of John
1725 09 01AnneBIRTCHBriggateDaughter of James
1725 09 08ThomasPRATTOn the Bank 
1725 09 08AnneDAVISONKirkgateDaughter of William
1725 09 10[infant]HAMSHAWCrossSon of William
1725 09 11RuthDUCKETMillhill 
1725 09 15[infant]GELDERMillhillDaughter of William
1725 09 15[unnamed][UNNAMED]Proud-PrestonA Stranger
1725 09 17[infant]YOUNGTentersSon of George
1725 09 18JosephCHADWICKWoodhouse CarrSon of Richard
1725 09 20AnneAMBLERTimble BridgeDaughter of George
1725 09 20BenjaminWARDBeyond the Bridge 
1725 09 20[infant]PICKERINGMillhillDaughter of Richard
1725 09 22AliceMOONKirkgateDaughter of William
1725 09 23[infant]CLIFTONChurchyardDaughter of Robert
1725 09 24EdwardGREGGVicar Lane 
1725 09 24MaryHORNWoodhouse 
1725 09 30[infant]METCALFVicar LaneSon of Dinah
1725 09 30WilliamTROUTBECKKirkgate 
1725 10 02JohnDIBBHolbeck 
1725 10 02[infant]ATKINSONVicar LaneSon of John
1725 10 02AnneSAULBriggateWife of Thomas
1725 10 02JohnSIMPSON.Son of Edward
1725 10 03MarthaROGERSON.Wife of John
1725 10 03JamesSTEWARDBriggateSon of Thomas
1725 10 04JaneTOPPINGMabgateDaughter of Luke
1725 10 05JaneHARRISONKirkgate 
1725 10 05MarthaADDISON.Wife of James
1725 10 06JamesNEWPORTBriggate 
1725 10 10[infant]CHAPMANBriggateDaughter of Benjamin
1725 10 12JoshuaFEARNBankSon of William
1725 10 13[infant]WAUGHBridge EndSon of Robert
1725 10 13MaryBLACKBURNKirkgate 
1725 10 15[infant]RAYNORDKirkgateSon of John
1725 10 15MaryHARDYMillhill 
1725 10 16RogerLOCOCKMeadow Lane 
1725 10 16RichardKINGCall Lane 
1725 10 19ThomasWOOLRIDGEVicar LaneSon of Ed.
1725 10 19Mr RalphTHORESBYKirkgate 
1725 10 19AnneFOSTERKirkgate 
1725 10 21Mr RichardWATKINSON. 
1725 10 22SarahWESTKirkgate 
1725 10 23[infant]HOPKINSON.Daughter of Tobit
1725 10 23[infant]POMFRETBuslingthorpSon of William
1725 10 24WilliamCOCKERQuarry HillSon of William
1725 10 25HannahFEARNBankDaughter of William
1725 10 28JamesHEBBLETHWAIT.Son of Christopher
1725 10 29[unnamed]CALVERLEYKirkgateDaughter of Mary
1725 10 30[unnamed]BROWN.Son of Gervace
1725 10 31[unnamed]BROOKSBANK.Son of John
1725 10 31[infant]RICHARDSON.Daughter of James
1725 11 06BryanMILNERTimble Bridge 
1725 11 07SarahHOPKINSON.Daughter of Tobit
1725 11 11[infant]THACKREY.Daughter of Michael
1725 11 12DanielNOBLEMillhill 
1725 11 13JohnNORFOLK.Son of John
1725 11 13Mr HenryADAMSBore Lane 
1725 11 14[infant]WALKER.Son of Hannah
1725 11 15RachelSCHOFIELDMillhill 
1725 11 15JohnMOOR.Son of William
1725 11 16MaryBRAITHWAIT.Wife of James
1725 11 20MaryPOPPLEWELL.Daughter of Joseph
1725 11 20MargaretCOWELLMillhill 
1725 11 21SamuelWALKER. 
1725 11 21[infant]DIVERS.Daughter of Richard
1725 11 26CatherineBAINBRIDG.Daughter of John
1725 11 27BarbaraTAYLORBank 
1725 11 29CalebBURNLEYBankSon of Joseph
1725 11 29MaryTOPPINGKirkgateDaughter of John
1725 12 01AnneBRIGGSMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1725 12 01[infant]WAINWRIGHTQuarry HillDaughter of William
1725 12 01[infant]MILNERQuarry HillDaughter of Robert
1725 12 05[infant]BYWATERQuarry HillSon of [Widow] Bywater
1725 12 05HannahSPEIGHT.Daughter of Shubaal
1725 12 06[infant]GLEDSONMeadow LaneDaughter of William
1725 12 07MaryHALLTentersWife of William
1725 12 08MarySENIORBankDaughter of Joseph
1725 12 08EstherCOCKSMeadow Lane 
1725 12 09SamuelGOODRICK.Son of Joseph
1725 12 09JohnMASSY.Son of Anthony
1725 12 10ThomasWILSONVicar Lane 
1725 12 10GraceWILSONVicar Lane 
1725 12 12[unnamed]WRIGHTHospitalWife of John
1725 12 14[unnamed]CLEEVESCallsDaughter of Luke
1725 12 16WilliamGOTTMillhill 
1725 12 19FrancisCLAPHAMSouthpart 
1725 12 19ThomasBROWNKirkgate 
1725 12 21JohnWEBSTERBankSon of John
1725 12 23ElinorMILNERBank 
1725 12 25[infant]DENISONQuarry HillSon of Thomas
1725 12 23Dorothy*.Daughter of a Stranger
1725 12 25HannahBEESTON. 
1725 12 26AnneGILPING.Daughter of Richard
1725 12 30JohnFEARNBankSon of William
1725 12 30JamesAINSWORTHMabgate 
1725 12 31HannahDODSWORTH.Daughter of John
1725 01 02JosephBOYSEBankSon of Thomas
1725 01 03RichardSWALEHeadrow 
1725 01 06JamesHAWDENMillhill 
1725 01 08SarahFEARNBankWife of William
1725 01 09LydiaINSKIPBankDaughter of John
1725 01 10NathanielARNOLDKirkgate 
1725 01 11GervaceBROWNMarsh Lane 
1725 01 11JonathanTATEMabgate 
1725 01 12[unnamed]WALSH.Daughter of Catherine
1725 01 12ElisabethSHEPHERDMabgateDaughter of Abraham
1725 01 13JohnHOPTONKirkgateSon of John
1725 01 15ChristopherDUNWELLBank 
1725 01 15JohnBRADLEYKirkgateSon of William
1725 01 18AbigailLANDKnostropWife of John
1725 01 19[infant]HARDISTYVicar LaneDaughter of William
1725 01 19JohnWALBRONCall Lane 
1725 01 21EstherINSKIPBankDaughter of John
1725 01 22MaryGOWLANDKirkgate 
1725 01 24ThomasEVEERSQuarry Hill 
1725 01 24[infant]NEWHOUSEBlack BankSon of John
1725 01 25[infant]WALMSLEYTimble BridgeSon of Thomas
1725 01 25SarahMEEKGreat WoodhouseWife of Benjamin
1725 01 26JoshuaNAYLORHeadrowSon of Abraham
1725 01 26[infant]DRAKEBankDaughter of Francis
1725 01 27ArthurSHORESTimble Bridge 
1725 01 27DavidMUSGRAVEBankSon of William
1725 01 27WilliamFRANKLANDWoodhouse 
1725 01 28FrancesTATONChurchyardWife of Oliver
1725 01 29JamesINGLEKirkgateSon of Christopher
1725 01 30RebeccaMYERSBore Lane 
1725 02 01[infant]ASPDENWoodhouse CarrDaughter of Joseph
1725 02 03HannahFISHCallsDaughter of William
1725 02 08[infant]DRAKEBankDaughter of Francis
1725 02 08ThomasKELLAMVicar Lane 
1725 02 09WilliamPAGEBriggateSon of John
1725 02 10MaryHARRISONHeadrowDaughter of Richard
1725 02 14MaryGILPINGBlack Bank 
1725 02 15JaneMIDGLEYCalls 
1725 02 17RobertCOTTAMTimble BridgeSon of Mrs Cottam
1725 02 18[infant]PULLEINHunslet LaneSon of Benjamin
1725 02 18MarthaBRADLEYBriggate 
1725 02 19JamesPEARSONBridge EndSon of James
1725 02 23MaryBOOTHROIDVicar Lane 
1725 02 23ThomasHARRISONKirkgateSon of Thomas
1725 02 24[child]POWELLNear the ChurchChild of Timothy
1725 02 24[child]POWELLNear the ChurchChild of Timothy
1725 02 25JohnMILNERKirkgate 
1725 02 27HannahCLEGGKirkgateDaughter of Joseph
1725 02 27Mr JosephPICKERINGKirkgate 
1725 02 28WilliamTHORNTONMillhill 
1725 02 28FeliceSIDSWICKMarsh LaneDaughter of Edward
1725 02 28LancelotGREENBriggateSon of Lancelot
1725 03 02JohnJACKSONMillhillSon of John
1725 03 04JohnWALLISBriggate 
1725 03 05JosephSCOTTTenters 
1725 03 11IsabelCRAVENWoodhouseWife of John
1725 03 13ElisabethCOATSKirkgateDaughter of George
1725 03 14HannahMARROW.Wife of Mr Roger
1725 03 16JohnSUTTONBurley 
1725 03 16JohnWHALLEYCall LaneSon of John
1725 03 22SarahDEANMillhillWife of Richard
1725 03 23ElisabethROBERTS.Wife of John
1725 03 23ElinorMURTONTimble Bridge 
1725 03 23JosephDENISONTimble BridgeSon of Joseph

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
Checked by Brian Yewdall
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the link at the bottom of the page.