


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1716-1718


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1716-1718


1716 03 25WilliamSutton Market PlaceSon of Richard 
1716 03 25*Barras KirkgateDaughter of Joshua 
1716 03 28Mrs JaneNottingham Briggate  
1716 03 29FrancisHalliday Kirkgate  
1716 04 01MathewMitton Woodhouse CarrApprentice to Mathew Slinger 
1716 04 02JohnAspdin Timble BridgeSon of Thomas 
1716 04 02*Tildsley KirkgateDaughter of Mr Edward - Buried at St.John's 
1716 04 03NicholasCunliff Briggate  
1716 04 03MaryBrown Upper HeadrowDaughter of William 
1716 04 04MaryCraven MillhillWife of Joseph 
1716 04 04RichardWilcock TentersSon of John 
1716 04 05MaryStephenson Meadow LaneWife of Samuell 
1716 04 05ElizabethGill Marsh LaneDaughter of William 
1716 04 07ElizabethBridgewater Quarry HillDaughter of Richard 
1716 04 08*Farrah Call LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1716 04 08DeborahKitson WoodhouseDaughter of George 
1716 04 09JuniamanBurge Switzerland ?Son of John 
1716 04 09*Butler Market PlaceSon of Richard 
1716 04 09MaryBentley Call LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1716 04 09JaneMidgley HolbeckDaughter of Robert 
1716 04 09DavidRichmond Vicar LaneBuried at St.John's 
1716 04 10*Pease Beyond the BridgeDaughter of Joshua 
1716 04 11*Nicholson Boar LaneSon of John 
1716 04 11SaraWalker Vicar LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1716 04 11SaraSmith ChurchyardDaughter of John 
1716 04 12WilliamWalker Briggate Tub*r
1716 04 13*Barrand Meadow LaneChild of Mr Thomas 
1716 04 13JosephEllerton WoodhouseSon of Mathew 
1716 04 16AnnePullan Beyond the BridgeDaughter of John 
1716 04 18JohnEllerton WoodhouseSon of Mathew 
1716 04 19DorothyRouth Marsh LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1716 04 19AliceWard Millhill  
1716 04 19ElizabethWeddall Lower HeadrowDaughter of Thomas 
1716 04 20HannaHuggon MabgateDaughter of Joseph 
1716 04 23RobertDunwell Black Bank  
1716 04 23AnneDawson Marsh LaneDaughter of John 
1716 04 24WilliamStephenson Briggate  
1716 04 27JoshuaBurrow KirkgateSon of Richard 
1716 04 28ElizabethBroadbent LidgateDaughter of Richard 
1716 04 29MarthaTillotson BriggateDaughter of Jeremiah 
1716 04 30WilliamHaigh ShamblesSon of William 
1716 04 30EstherInskip BankDaughter of John 
1716 05 01ThomasPickering KirkgateSon of Thomas 
1716 05 02anneJolly WoodhouseWife of Thomas 
1716 05 03IsraellStreet ShamblesWife of RichardFem1717le n1717me?
1716 05 04MaryGlover HolbeckWidow 
1716 05 06Mary* Hunslet LaneServant to Mr Joseph Hey 
1716 05 06JohnCurr Vicar LaneSon of John 
1716 05 08MaryWeddall Lower HeadrowDaughter of Thomas 
1716 05 09AliceOldridge BankWife of James 
1716 05 10WilliamNewsome Kirkgate  
1716 05 10MaryHepworth Marsh LaneDaughter of Henry 
1716 05 12SusannaLucas near ShamblesDaughter of William 
1716 05 14EphraimHuggon MabgateSon of Joseph 
1716 05 14ThomasMorley Bank  
1716 05 16JohnPreston Quarry Hill  
1716 05 17SarahFleeming KirkgateDaughter of William 
1716 05 19DavidStead Beyond the Bridge  
1716 05 19BenjaminWade Esq New Grange  
1716 05 20ElizabethBarwick MabgateWife of John 
1716 05 20*Lee KirkgateSon of James 
1716 05 26ThomasCawton Boar LaneSon of John 
1716 05 26AnneFarrah  Daughter of JacobJacob a Soldier
1716 05 27*Woods Marsh LaneDaughter of Timothy 
1716 05 28JosephHobson Calls  
1716 05 28HannahWilson MabgateDaughter of James 
1716 05 28DaniellGibson TentersSon of John 
1716 05 28HannahWilson MabgateDaughter of James[See Above]
1716 05 31ThomasDixon KirkgateSon of Richard 
1716 05 31Miss JaneLeigh ShamblesWidow - Buried at St.John's 
1716 06 02Mrs ElizabethMarshall KirkgateWife of Joseph 
1716 06 03*Lee KirkgateWife of James 
1716 06 03JohnOrrell BankSon of Henry 
1716 06 04MarkeBrearcliff KirkgateSon of Stephen 
1716 06 05anneWebster Call LaneWife of averill 
1716 06 06Marthaash Call LaneDaughter of William 
1716 06 07*Hauworth KirkgateDaughter of John 
1716 06 09WilliamWade ChurchyardSon of Thomas 
1716 06 10MargarettL * Marsh LaneWife of John 
1716 06 10AnneTaylor Quarry HillDaughter of Richard 
1716 06 10JohnStandiford CallsSon of Richard 
1716 06 13MarthaFarrah KirkgateDaughter of Benjamin 
1716 06 14JosephScott Calls  
1716 06 15MaryWinder New ChapelDaughter of Thomas 
1716 06 19GeorgePrince YorkDied in Lower Headrow at John Long's [Possible Royal pretender?] 
1716 06 21EstherMidgley Lands LaneWife of George 
1716 06 21HannaSpence Quarry HillWife of Michaell 
1716 06 24ElizabethWilson KirkgateDaughter of Thomas 
1716 06 25AnneRobinson Beyond the BridgeWidow 
1716 06 25WilliamWesterman Quarry HillSon of Thomas 
1716 06 25ThomasGuy Quarry Hill  
1716 06 28ElizabethSeanor CalbrowDaughter of William 
1716 06 28*Tildsley KirkgateChild of John 
1716 06 28ElizabethAskwith Timble BridgeDaughter of Christopher 
1716 06 30SaraPye Vicar LaneDaughter of John 
1716 06 30JosephDouglas LidgateSon of Samuell 
1716 07 02JosephSpence Marsh LaneSon of Michaell 
1716 07 03MarthaWildman LidgateDaughter of Henry 
1716 07 04AliceProcter Vicar LaneSpinster 
1716 07 07MaryCharlesworth Meadow Lane  
1716 07 09JaneGoodrick Quarry HillDaughter of Marmaduke 
1716 07 10JosephRobinson Ibsa PittsSon of George 
1716 07 17AnnePriestley Lower HeadrowWidow 
1716 07 18RalphMetcalfe Upper Headrow  
1716 07 19SaraGregg Quarry Hill  
1716 07 20JamesHarrison near the BridgeSon of Thomas 
1716 07 21MaryBalmer MillhillDaughter of James 
1716 07 23*Lamb Call LaneChild of John 
1716 07 24WilliamCarrit Simpson FoldSon of Mathew 
1716 07 25RobertRenton Quarry HillKilled by a fall while taking up a Wool Pack 
1716 07 27MaryButtroid Vicar Lane  
1716 07 29JohnStephenson Marsh LaneDied in Cross Green at Joseph Chapman's 
1716 08 02LidiaRowell Marsh LaneDaughter of Samuell 
1716 08 03ElizabethMetcalfe Millhill  
1716 08 04aliceByfield MillhillDaughter of Thomas 
1716 08 06ThomasBroadbent Marsh Lane  
1716 08 06anneSmith Park LaneDaughter of Daniell 
1716 08 06*Brooksbanke KirkgateSon of Charles 
1716 08 06anneThirleby BriggateDaughter of Samuell 
1716 08 07Mr JosephBriggs  Died at Chapel Allerton 
1716 08 07*Porter Meadow LaneDaughter of Henry 
1716 08 11ThomasTomson Lower HeadrowSon of George 
1716 08 11BartholomewTomson Lower HeadrowSon of George 
1716 08 14JohnRipley KirkgateSon of John 
1716 08 14*Newsome KirkgateDaughter of Richard Jr 
1716 08 21Mr JosephHey Hunslet Lane  
1716 08 21ElizabethNettleton Vicar LaneWife of Jonas 
1716 08 21*Hauworth KirkgateChild of John 
1716 08 29anneHorner BankWife of Benjamin 
1716 08 31CatherineCoats KirkgateDaughter of George 
1716 09 02Mrs JaneClaxton LidgateBuried at St.John's 
1716 09 02ElizabethForge KirkgateDaughter of Robert 
1716 09 02MaryHartley Hunslet LaneServant to Mr Adam Skelton 
1716 09 03JeremiahFarrah Bank  
1716 09 09JohnTempest BankSon of William 
1716 09 10WilliamGrave BriggateSon of Mr William 
1716 09 12anneSmith near Timble BridgeDaughter of John 
1716 09 14ElizabethBlackburne MillhillDaughter of Osdiston 
1716 09 19JohnReynard KirkgateServant to John Webster 
1716 09 21aliceMitchill Vicar LaneDaughter of Francis 
1716 09 23ThomasByfield Millhill  
1716 09 23MaryWhitley Marsh LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1716 09 24AnneCunliff KirkgateDaughter of Mr John 
1716 10 01AnneWike Market PlaceDaughter of John 
1716 10 02JacobMoore Kirkgate  
1716 10 04MaryBrinsham ShamblesBuried at St.John's 
1716 10 05JohnWalker Meadow Lane  
1716 10 06WilliamHeald KirkgateSon of Roger 
1716 10 09RalphClarkson WoodhouseDied by falling on his knife and fork 
1716 10 10MaryThackrey Timble BridgeDaughter of Henry 
1716 10 12SusannaSutton Lower HeadrowDaughter of Richard 
1716 10 14JohnPratt KirkgateBachelor 
1716 10 14BenjaminMawpus  Son of JohnBoatman
1716 10 15JaneLangdaile near Churchyard  
1716 10 15SimionStirk WoodhouseBachelor 
1716 10 18SarahMathew MillhillDaughter of John 
1716 10 19ThomasWade Kirkgate  
1716 10 19*Sadler  Child of Captain Sadler - Died at Thomas Wade's 
1716 10 19JamesWard Marsh Lane  
1716 10 19JohnBradford MabgateSon of William 
1716 10 21Mr GodfreyHaddon Briggate  
1716 10 22JohnRobinson Call LaneBachelor - Died at William Atkinson's 
1716 10 23HenryShan MillhillSon of William 
1716 10 24JohnWildman Meadow Lane  
1716 10 27JoshuaCoulson Bridge EndBachelor 
1716 10 28LukeBacon Market Place  
1716 10 29JohnButtroid Vicar LaneSon of John 
1716 11 01JonasCox BankApprentice to Richard Turner 
1716 11 02ElizabethButtroid Vicar LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1716 11 04JohnCorner Shambles  
1716 11 06ElizabethRushforth BriggateSpinster - Died at Widow Greenhall's 
1716 11 08ThomasShaw Kirkgate  
1716 11 10WilliamStory Millhill  
1716 11 12JaneWild New ChapelWife of James 
1716 11 13HenrySmith Burmantofts  
1716 11 15HenryAtkinson Lower HeadrowSon of Benjamin 
1716 11 16SarahHeald KirkgateWife of Roger 
1716 11 17EdwardGreenhow Kirkgate  
1716 11 17AlexanderPreston High Cawsey  
1716 11 18AnneFoxcroft ChurchyardWife of Christopher 
1716 11 18AnneRooke Meadow LaneDaughter of Richard 
1716 11 19JohnBaines KirkgateBachelor 
1716 11 19AnneCarpinter  a Stranger - Died near Churchyard 
1716 11 20ElizabethGrayson MillhillDaughter of Charles ? 
1716 11 21SarahBradshaw Millhill alms Houses  
1716 11 21AnneWhite KirkgateSpinster 
1716 11 21RichardRawson ? Market PlaceBachelor 
1716 11 22JamesHolton Woodhouse CarrSon of William 
1716 11 22AnneAinsley Kirkgate  
1716 11 23JaneBrowne Marsh LaneWife of George 
1716 11 25ThomasSyks Under Calbrow  
1716 11 27JohnButterfield Marsh Lane  
1716 11 27*Parry ? Bridge EndDaughter of Joseph 
1716 11 28*Dodgson KirkgateChild of Edmond 
1716 11 29MaryGabbut Beyond the BridgeDaughter of James 
1716 11 29JohnJennings Upper Headrow  
1716 12 02JaneClarke KirkgateSpinster 
1716 12 02AnneMarshall Lower HeadrowSpinster 
1716 12 04CharlesRouth Marsh LaneSon of Thomas 
1716 12 05SusannaKnowles Timble BridgeSpinster 
1716 12 06JohnWhitley Boar Lane  
1716 12 06anneHorsman Meadow LaneWife of Simon 
1716 12 07Mr RichardTowne  Died in Briggate at Nehemiah Cloudsley's - Buried at Eland, Halifax 
1716 12 07Mr GarvisRayner  Died in Briggate at Mr James Wainman'sSupervisor
1716 12 08FrancesGoodrick Quarry HillDaughter of Richard 
1716 12 09JohnDrakefoot Kirkgate  
1716 12 13GeorgeKillingall Millhill  
1716 12 14SarahBrooke BriggateDaughter of Mr John 
1716 12 16RichardBedford Kirkgate  
1716 12 16LuceHarrison Bank  
1716 12 17RichardIngle Call LaneSon of Christopher 
1716 12 18WilliamReffit MillhillSon of John 
1716 12 18*Walker Vicar LaneWife of Richard 
1716 12 19AnneHargrave MillhillDaughter of John 
1716 12 19EstherCloudsley BriggateSpinster - Buried at St.John's 
1716 12 23LukeHorne BriggateBachelor 
1716 12 24IsaacNoble Kirkgate  
1716 12 25JohnSowden New StreetClerk of St.John's 
1716 12 25MaryIles Quarry HillDaughter of William 
1716 12 26JosephTurner Marsh Lane  
1716 12 27RobertCrakehill Timble BridgeSon of John 
1716 12 28ThomasWhitley Boar Lane  
1716 12 28JohnHall Bank  
1716 12 30ElizabethShaw KirkgateWidow 
1716 12 31*Showers Timble BridgeDaughter of arthur 
1716 12 31AnneJackson Timble BridgeDaughter of John 
1716 01 01JosephHarland WoodhouseSon of Thomas 
1716 01 01WilliamProcter Vicar LaneSon of John 
1716 01 01*Turner Marsh LaneChild of John 
1716 01 02JohnHowley   Soldier
1716 01 02ElinorWalker Meadow LaneDaughter of John 
1716 01 02*Harrison KirkgateChild of Joseph 
1716 01 04ElizabethLongfellow Call LaneWife of John 
1716 01 05Mrs anneatkinson BriggateSpinster 
1716 01 05*Ripley KirkgateDaughter of Robert 
1716 01 10JaneBurton KirkgateDaughter of George 
1716 01 10Mrs anneNisbitt Briggate  
1716 01 11ThomasWilkinson KirkgateBachelor 
1716 01 11MargaretChamlet Millhill  
1716 01 12JohnBatty MillhillBachelor 
1716 01 13RachellHaigh BankDaughter of Miles 
1716 01 14NehemiahPowell Marsh LaneSon of Samuell 
1716 01 15SarahChambers WoodhouseWife of Benjamin - buried at St.John's 
1716 01 17ElinorGibson Meadow LaneWife of William [Drowned in a ditch] 
1716 01 18ElizabethFletcher Marsh LaneDaughter of Samuell 
1716 01 18JoshuaBarras Kirkgate  
1716 01 20SamuellKemp   Soldier
1716 01 20JohnGott CallsSon of John 
1716 01 20ThomasWood Lower HeadrowSon of Francis 
1716 01 21GraceElsay Marsh Lane  
1716 01 22RichardDaniell MillhillBachelor 
1716 01 24JosephGoodrick Quarry Hill  
1716 01 24SarahGoodall Meadow LaneSpinster 
1716 01 27RobertStephenson Marsh Lane  
1716 01 27*Crosgill near Timble BridgeChild of Rowland 
1716 01 28*Harrison Market PlaceDaughter of Mr John 
1716 01 30AnneTomson Vicar Lane  
1716 01 30AnneKitchingman Quarry Hill  
1716 01 30JohnSaunderson  Son of Mr John - Buried at St.John's 
1716 02 01BenjaminWright BriggateBuried at St.John's 
1716 02 01*Latham  Son of Robert - Buried at St.John's 
1716 02 01ThomasBeamont Vicar LaneSon of Thomas 
1716 02 01*Bastow LidgateWidow 
1716 02 02*Walker WoodhouseSon of John 
1716 02 03MaryGrocock Vicar LaneWife of John 
1716 02 05MaryWalker Northal BridgeWidow 
1716 02 06MaryMilner MillhillWidow 
1716 02 07Josephaire Millhill  
1716 02 07JoshuaWhitehead Millhill  
1716 02 07*Roberts Upper HeadrowSon of Mr James 
1716 02 10Mr RobertTelford Hunslet Lane  
1716 02 12JamesRobinson Kirkgate  
1716 02 12MichaellScalbut Vicar Lane  
1716 02 12*Dutton near Timble BridgeWife of Joseph 
1716 02 13ArthurStanley KirkgateSon of James 
1716 02 13AnneWood Hunslet  
1716 02 14SarahWilkinson WoodhouseWife of Leonard 
1716 02 14AnneTomson Vicar LaneWife of William 
1716 02 15SamuellHowgate Kirkgate  
1716 02 17WilliamAirton Millhill  
1716 02 18JosephTurner Lower HeadrowSon of William - Buried at St.John's 
1716 02 18MaryCrackenthorpe KirkgateDaughter of Christopher 
1716 02 19BenjaminMidgley BriggateSon of Luke 
1716 02 20MaryForge KirkgateWife of Robert 
1716 02 20WilliamCrosgill Simpson Fold  
1716 02 21ElizabethHudson MillhillDaughter of Thomas 
1716 02 23AeneasBothamley KirkgateSon of aeneas 
1716 02 24MaryLamb Briggate  
1716 02 25JohnWatson MillhillSon of Morgan 
1716 02 26GraceWalker MillhillDaughter of Joshua 
1716 02 26ThomasTennant Call Lane  
1716 02 26*Lawson ChurchyardChild of Nathaniell 
1716 02 27ThomasWhitley Marsh Lane  
1716 02 27SarahCarritt KirkgateDaughter of James 
1716 03 01HannahSmith Call LaneWidow 
1716 03 05ElizabethStephenson KirkgateDaughter of William 
1716 03 06ElizabethGrave BankWidow 
1716 03 08EdwardWarrener Vicar Lane  
1716 03 08MaryOddie ShamblesDaughter of Robert 
1716 03 11MarySpence near Timble BridgeDaughter of Leonard 
1716 03 13MarySands CallDaughter of Thomas 
1716 03 14SarahCowper Simpson FoldWife of Robert 
1716 03 15MaryRichardson WoodhouseDaughter of Robert 
1716 03 15*Leak KirkgateSon of Michaell 
1716 03 17*Wetherhill Boar LaneChild of Joseph 
1716 03 19MaryNewsome Kirkgate  
1716 03 19*Reasbeck Lower HeadrowChild of John 
1716 03 20WilliamMires Hunslet Lane  
1716 03 20MaryBrown Call LaneSpinster 
1716 03 21*Batty MillhillWife of Thomas 
1716 03 21*Johnson Lower HeadrowSon of Valentine 
1716 03 21*Cockram HolbeckWidow 
1717 03 25*Leah KirkgateWife of Michaell[PROBABLY LEAK - SEE ABOVE]
1717 03 27ThomasParin Kirkgate  
1717 03 27JohnThirleby BriggateSon of Samuell 
1717 03 27JaneOldridge Marsh LaneDaughter of William 
1717 03 28*Horne WoodhouseDaughter of John 
1717 03 27*Kendall  Wife of William - Buried at Armley 
1717 04 03JohnWhitaker MillhillSon of JohnSoldier
1717 04 03JonathanTaylor Lower HeadrowApprentice to Thomas Wright 
1717 04 07*Rushton Meadow LaneSon of William 
1717 04 07HannahFalkiner Meadow LaneDaughter of William 
1717 04 07SarahSawer Kirkgate  
1717 04 07ThomasAspdin Timble Bridge  
1717 04 07JosephChapman MillhillSon of John 
1717 04 09ElizabethWilkinson Simpson Fold  
1717 04 10*Ellis BriggateWife of Joseph 
1717 04 10MaryCoulston KirkgateDaughter of Daniell 
1717 04 10RebeccaSimm MabgateDaughter of John 
1717 04 12JohnYoung HolbeckSon of John 
1717 04 15MaryBrown Timble Bridge  
1717 04 21Nathaniellarmitage Vicar Lane  
1717 04 22*Beeford  Child of William 
1717 04 24anneKing KirkgateWife of Joseph 
1717 04 24ElizabethRobinson Back of Shambles  
1717 04 25ElizabethDobson KirkgateDaughter of Benjamin 
1717 04 25MaryRobinson CalbrowDaughter of John 
1717 04 26*Dunwell BriggateChild of John 
1717 04 26JosephLofthouse Boar Lane  
1717 04 26*Burdsall Lower HeadrowWife of Thomas 
1717 04 28SarahAskin BriggateWife of Popland 
1717 04 27Mrs MaryBurditt Lower Headrow  
1717 04 28MarySeynior CallsWife of John 
1717 04 28MaryWilson Quarry HillDaughter of John 
1717 04 29CharlesBrandall Marsh LaneServant to Edmund Gilyard 
1717 04 29HannaBentley Call LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1717 04 17*Dickenson  Wife of John - Buried at Armley 
1717 04 18*Smith WortleyChild of Joseph 
1717 05 01JosephEllis Low BriggateSon of Joseph 
1717 05 01AnneCarter Lower HeadrowDaughter of James 
1717 05 02*Clarkson KirkgateChild of William 
1717 05 02AnneTinsdaile MillhillWife of James 
1717 05 02WilliamHebdin HampsthwaiteDied at Thomas Cumin's 
1717 05 03*Dyer BriggateChild of Thomas 
1717 05 04*Bywater Call LaneWife of Mr William 
1717 05 04RobertOddy Shambles  
1717 05 04HannahRipley Upper HeadrowDaughter of John 
1717 05 04ClarkeWright KirkgateBuried at St.John's 
1717 05 05RichardBurch ChurchyardBachelor 
1717 05 05*Dobson Upper HeadrowChild of William 
1717 05 10JohnConrods46GER Frankfort upon Mainea Gentleman 
1717 05 11WilliamSaynor CalbrowSon of William 
1717 05 12Elizabethanderson Meadow LaneWife of Robert 
1717 05 14GeorgeWatson Call Lane  
1717 05 15JoshuaLee Upper Headrow  
1717 05 15JosephMilner KirkgateSon of Joseph 
1717 05 16JohnSiddon Back of Shambles  
1717 05 16ElizabethFarrah  Wife of Benjamin 
1717 05 16ElizabethLambert HolbeckDaughter of Joseph 
1717 05 17LidiaAndrew Timble Bridge  
1717 05 17*Snawden Black BankChild of Ebenezer 
1717 05 17*Jackson KirkgateChild of John 
1717 05 19*Briscoe Vicar LaneChild of Henry 
1717 05 19*Briscoe Vicar LaneChild of Henry 
1717 05 19JohnKay Holbeck  
1717 05 19WilliamGill Vicar LaneSon of John 
1717 05 20Mr JohnBurnell Shambles  
1717 05 21JohnAtkinson Esq Call Lane  
1717 05 22SarahWilkinson BankDaughter of Samuell 
1717 05 24ThomasBoothman Upper HeadrowSon of Thomas 
1717 05 25JaneMires Kirkgate  
1717 05 25MaryLightfoot near the Bridge  
1717 05 27ElizabethWeddall Lower HeadrowWife of Thomas 
1717 05 28AdamKay Beyond the BridgeSon of Edward 
1717 05 30ElizabethSlinger BriggateDaughter of George 
1717 05 30*Bentham Upper HeadrowDaughter of Thomas 
1717 05 30MarthaBradley Boar Lane  
1717 05 31*Scurr Call LaneSon of John 
1717 05 31JamesLucas WoodhouseSon of John 
1717 05 31ThomasClarkson Lidgate  
1717 06 03WilliamWilson  Buried at Armley 
1717 06 03SarahBland BankDaughter of John 
1717 06 04Josepharmitage Upper HeadrowSon of Joseph 
1717 06 04Robert* Market PlaceSon of Bartholomew 
1717 06 05JohnBackhouse Bank  
1717 06 06BenjaminRipley Marsh LaneSon of Richard 
1717 06 07ThomasMilner Timble BridgeSon of Bryan 
1717 06 08anneProcter Vicar LaneWife of John 
1717 06 09JohnArmitage Upper HeadrowSon of Joseph 
1717 06 09JohnNewsome KirkgateSon of John 
1717 06 10*Horsman WoodhouseChild of Peter 
1717 06 10*Turner Call LaneChild of Thomas 
1717 06 10SamuellSaxton Quarry HillSon of Samuell 
1717 06 10HannaRawson MillhillDaughter of Joseph 
1717 06 17MaryHopwood KirkgateDaughter of John 
1717 06 17WilliamJeffrey ShamblesBachelor 
1717 06 18FrancisClough Meadow Lane  
1717 06 18MaryWilkinson Quarry HillDaughter of Richard 
1717 06 18SaraBrown KirkgateDaughter of Daniell 
1717 06 18*Leigh ShamblesChild of Mr Thomas 
1717 06 18AnneCrackenthorpe KirkgateDaughter of Barnard 
1717 06 19JohnAtkinson High CawseyDrowned 
1717 06 19MargaretShipton Holbeck  
1717 06 20*Chamlet KirkgateDaughter of Thomas 
1717 06 20*Wood Boar LaneChild of Isaac 
1717 06 22RobertGelder  Apprentice to Edward Halliday 
1717 06 23DavidCraven MillhillSon of Thomas 
1717 06 23AnneBrear BankWife of Robert 
1717 06 23*Moor CallsChild of John 
1717 06 24JamesBatty the Mills  
1717 06 24ElizabethPearson BuslingthorpDaughter of John 
1717 06 25JohnAspdin Churchyard  
1717 06 26MichaellWright Tenters  
1717 06 26*Wright TentersWife of Michaell 
1717 06 28*Mitchill Meadow LaneDaughter of Mr James 
1717 06 13*Ullah  Child of Joseph - Buried at Armley 
1717 06 28HenryWalker Meadow LaneBachelor 
1717 06 28SaraSyks Meadow LaneDaughter of John 
1717 06 29*Maude Marsh LaneDaughter of William 
1717 07 01FrancisMitchill Kirkgate  
1717 07 01*Lee Upper HeadrowChild of John 
1717 07 02ElizabethBrown Marsh LaneWife of John 
1717 07 02*Stead HeadrowChild of Thomas 
1717 07 03*Wrightson BriggateChild of John 
1717 07 05MaryTomson ShamblesDaughter of Thomas 
1717 07 07EllinorGrave TentersWife of John 
1717 07 07*Pearcie BriggateDaughter of Thomas 
1717 07 08ElizabethScott MillhillDaughter of Joseph 
1717 07 11RuthWood the CarrDaughter of John 
1717 07 12*Johnson ChurchyardDaughter of Mrs Johnson 
1717 07 14*Wright Timble BridgeSon of Marke 
1717 07 15ChristopherTennant Marsh Lane  
1717 07 17*Butler LidgateChild of Richard 
1717 07 18HannaSmith MillhillWife of Thomas 
1717 07 18AnneWhite CalbrowWife of Benjamin 
1717 07 19HenryClose the Hospitals  
1717 07 20*Lawcland CalbrowChild of Sackeus 
1717 07 21ElizabethGreen KirkgateDaughter of Lancelet 
1717 07 21MichaellSpence Quarry Hill  
1717 07 22MaryParkinson Briggate  
1717 07 22WilliamHodgson BriggateSon of Thomas 
1717 07 22MaryTaylor KirkgateWife of Robert 
1717 07 24ThomasRhodes Quarry Hill  
1717 07 24WilliamWood Vicar Lane  
1717 07 26Mrs MaryMidgley Market Place  
1717 07 27JohnTindall Bank  
1717 07 29*Tomson Market PlaceSon of Bartholomew 
1717 07 30*Neesom ShamblesChild of Robert 
1717 07 03*Dickenson armleyChild of Joseph 
1717 07 09RichardGaunt Beeston  
1717 07 09*Gaunt BeestonWife of Richard 
1717 07 *ThomasGaunt Holbeck  
1717 08 01WilliamSydall Call LaneSon of Joshua 
1717 08 02DorothyDuffin Vicar LaneDaughter of William 
1717 08 03EstherHawden MillhillDaughter of James 
1717 08 04Mrs HannahKitchingman Meadow LaneSpinster 
1717 08 04AnneCrayster Meadow LaneDaughter of Edmond 
1717 08 05WilliamWoolridge Meadow LaneBachelor 
1717 08 05MaryPoah KirkgateWife of abram 
1717 08 09AliceDixon Market PlaceWidow 
1717 08 09Mrs *Garnitt BriggateDied at Holbeck 
1717 08 09*Wilson MillhillChild of Mr Major 
1717 08 10MaryLamb Call LaneWife of John 
1717 08 12SusannaPreston ShamblesDaughter of Daniell 
1717 08 16BenjaminWincopp Hunslet LaneSon of William 
1717 08 04Mrs *Longe Headrow  
1717 08 10AnnDean the Hospitals  
1717 08 10*Horsman the CarrChild of Thomas 
1717 08 14MaryStead Headrow  
1717 08 20*Reasbeck New StreetWife of John 
1717 08 17JohnRobinson Briggate  
1717 08 17*Cliffton Marsh LaneChild of James 
1717 08 18RuthHoworth KirkgateDaughter of John 
1717 08 19ElizabethHudson Call LaneWife of Thomas 
1717 08 19Mr SamuellGardner  Bachelor - Died in Hunslet Lane at Mrs Hey's 
1717 08 19AnthonyKnott Bank  
1717 08 19SarahWilkinson KirkgateWidow of Thomas 
1717 08 19ThomasMecca CalbrowSon of Thomas 
1717 08 19** Boar LaneYoung man - Apprentice to Mr Richard Hunter 
1717 08 27ThomasScholes Churchyard  
1717 08 28Mr FrancisLupton Marsh LaneClerk of Leeds Old Church 
1717 08 28ThomasWard Boar LaneSon of Mr William 
1717 08 30WilliamNorthhouse BriggateSon of Hannah 
1717 08 30JonasNettleton Vicar Lane  
1717 08 31*Smithson BriggateWife of Mr John 
1717 09 01HannahWatson Call LaneDaughter of Israel 
1717 09 01RichardStainburn Vicar Lane  
1717 09 02JohnTaylor KirkgateSon of Abraham 
1717 09 02AbrahamPoah KirkgateSon of Isaac 
1717 09 02JohnBarras MillhillSon of Widow Elisabeth 
1717 09 05ElisabethWeetman Headrow  
1717 09 07*Cornforth LidgateChild of Richard 
1717 09 09Mr FrancisNevill Holbeck  
1717 09 09MaryGill Marsh LaneWidow 
1717 09 10MaryBrambley Call LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1717 09 10JohnStrickland Woodhouse Carr  
1717 09 11RachelSquire Quarry HillWidow 
1717 09 13AnnClose Marsh LaneWidow 
1717 09 14*Atkinson BriggateWife of Joseph 
1717 09 18*Priestley HeadrowChild of Samuel 
1717 09 20ThomasNailer Park Lane  
1717 09 21WilliamBell Kirkgate  
1717 09 21MaryWalker Great WoodhouseDaughter of Peter 
1717 09 22MargaretRichardson Great Woodhouse  
1717 09 23HannahKitching Market Place  
1717 09 24HenryVarley Quarry Hill  
1717 09 30PatienceStainburn Vicar LaneDaughter of Richard 
1717 10 03SaraClark Quarry Hill  
1717 10 04Mary*  Daughter of * 
1717 10 05ThomasButroyd Kirkgate  
1717 10 05JoshuaHartley  Son of Joshua 
1717 10 05JosephBinns  Son of Clement 
1717 10 05MarkWright    
1717 10 06WilliamCorrey Briggate  
1717 10 06EdwardHolton Woodhouse CarrSon of William 
1717 10 06WilliamBurras Upper HeadrowSon of William 
1717 10 09JohnAumgill Kirkgate  
1717 10 10WilliamBywater Call Lanenear the Bridge 
1717 10 11BridgetWood BankDaughter of Stephen 
1717 10 12DavidRyder Kirkgate  
1717 10 13AnneBerril Quarry HillWife of John 
1717 10 13WilliamPreston North Barr  
1717 10 16*Hunter Boar LaneSon of Mr Joseph 
1717 10 17FrancisWilks Mabgate  
1717 10 *WilliamMareland  Pauper 
1717 10 19ElizabethAtkinson Call LaneDaughter of William 
1717 10 20LydiaAiskille BriggateDaughter of Mr * 
1717 10 *EdwardKay Beyond the Bridge  
1717 10 22JamesMetcalf  Son of John 
1717 10 23MaryRobinson BriggateDaughter of John 
1717 10 25WilliamKnapton Call LaneSon of William 
1717 10 28Mrs HannahCookson KirkgateWidow 
1717 10 30IsaacTaylor Lower HeadrowSon of Isaac 
1717 10 30KimedDuffin Vicar LaneDaughter of Mary 
1717 10 31JohnBinns  Son of Clement 
1717 10 31HannaGill Mabgate  
1717 10 31ThomasStrickland Mabgate  
1717 10 04*Norton HeadrowWife of William - Buried at St.John's 
1717 10 07BenjaminChambers Great WoodhouseBuried at St.John's 
1717 10 07MaryStead LidgateBuried at St.John's 
1717 10 09*Haindsley Market PlaceWife of Joseph - Buried at St.John's 
1717 10 10anneDean HeadrowBuried at St.John's 
1717 10 10MaryBurton the HospitalsBuried at St.John's 
1717 10 11*Smith Quarry HillWife of John - Buried at St.John's 
1717 10 19anneReasbeck New StreetBuried at St.John's 
1717 10 23*Smith Great WoodhouseChild of Joshua - Buried at St.John's 
1717 10 25WilliamNorton HeadrowBuried at St.John's 
1717 11 01Mr DanielMuritell Lower Headrow  
1717 11 03JoshuaFlocton Calls  
1717 11 06AbrahamKendall Vicar Lane  
1717 11 07MaryCollbeck Meadow LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1717 11 09JosephHalliday KirkgateSon of [Widow] Halliday 
1717 11 09*Watson  Bastard Child of * 
1717 11 09*Bonefang  Widow 
1717 11 15JohnChapman Boar Lane  
1717 11 09*Hartley Call LaneSon of James 
1717 11 18Johnabbot Kirkgate  
1717 11 22MarjoryHardwicke Calls  
1717 11 23ElizabethLeemin Meadow LaneWife of John 
1717 11 24Mr ThomasCornforth   Mace Bearer
1717 11 25JoshuaSimpson ShamblesSon of Samuel 
1717 11 26JeremiahShibdin Boar Lane  
1717 11 26SamuelMitchel Kirkgate  
1717 11 27RichardKaley CrossSon of Richard 
1717 11 27WilliamKaley CrossSon of Richard 
1717 11 27LeonardSmithson Hillhouse Banks  
1717 11 27MarjoryGelders Hillhouse Banks  
1717 11 28SusanForrest KirkgateWife of Robert 
1717 11 12*Packet North BarrWife of John - Buried at St.John's 
1717 12 02JohnYoung Holbeck  
1717 12 02ElinorHarrison  Daughter of Robert 
1717 12 02WilliamTilitson  Son of Jeremiah 
1717 12 05MaryPickering  Daughter of Thomas 
1717 12 08SaraNichols KirkgateDaughter of John 
1717 12 09ThomasLupton Marsh Lane  
1717 12 09ThomasBrown  Servant to Mr Scur 
1717 12 11DanielStead WoodhouseSon of John 
1717 12 11MaryServant KirkgateDaughter of John 
1717 12 14SamuelPowell Marsh Lane  
1717 12 15ElizabethJessop  Daughter of William 
1717 12 18*Wigtwissle  Widow 
1717 12 21SamuelStephenson Meadow Lane  
1717 12 18AnneCook  Daughter of WilliamSoldier
1717 12 21JosephBurch Vicar Lane  
1717 12 21Mr *Cunliff Kirkgate  
1717 12 23JohnTennant Meadow LaneSon of William 
1717 12 23WilliamHawmshaw  Son of William 
1717 12 23ThomasAirton near the MillsSon of John 
1717 12 24MaryTaylor Meadow LaneDaughter of James 
1717 12 24MaryThompson Marsh LaneDaughter of Thomas 
1717 12 25MaryNichols Kirkgate EndDaughter of John 
1717 12 26JohnScafe BriggateSon of * 
1717 12 29ElizabethPerry  Daughter of John 
1717 12 28AllenNottingham  Son of Samuel 
1717 12 26BernardFarrer Call LaneSon of Thomas 
1717 12 26ThomasPrince Meadow LaneSon of Samuel 
1717 12 26WilliamLangscar Bridge EndSon of William 
1717 12 26AnneCookson KirkgateDaughter of *Alderman
1717 12 31ElizabethSpeight  Daughter of Robert 
1717 12 06*Newhouse HeadrowChild of Joseph - Buried at St.John's 
1717 12 10*Nailor KirkgateWife of Joseph - Buried at St.John's 
1717 12 11StephenBrearcliff KirkgateBuried at St.John's 
1717 12 21ElizabethWilkinson the HospitalsBuried at St.John's 
1717 12 25ElinorClose  Buried at St.John's 
1717 01 10HowardCroft the HospitalsBuried at St.John's 
1717 01 11*Taylor  Child of Jeremiah - Buried at St.John's 
1717 01 20SaraBrown KirkgateBuried at St.John's 
1717 01 21JohnBaxter HeadrowBuried at St.John's 
1717 01 24*Wales  Child of Thomas - Buried at St.John's 
1717 01 24*Wales  Child of Thomas - Buried at St.John's 
1717 01 26MaryForrest BriggateBuried at St.John's 
1717 01 31*Woggat  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1717 01 01Mrs anneWright Briggate  
1717 01 02FrancisWilks Mabgate  
1717 01 02FrancisButroyd  Son of Robert 
1717 01 02JohnWalker near the ChurchSon of Mr * 
1717 01 02SaraWilliamson    
1717 01 04JohnParrot near the Church  
1717 01 09AnneBoothman Kirkgate  
1717 01 12ThomasRichardson    
1717 01 13ElizabethRichardson Lower HeadrowWife of Thomas 
1717 01 15ZachariahWild Kirkgate  
1717 01 15MargretWalker Millhill  
1717 01 16AnnePullen Bridge EndWife of Thomas 
1717 01 16JamesWild Kirkgate  
1717 01 17MaryScot  Daughter of Joseph 
1717 01 17MargretBroadbent Marsh Lane  
1717 01 19MarthaKing  Daughter of Roger 
1717 01 19MaryHorsman Lower HeadrowWife of auston 
1717 01 21SaraKitchinman Quarry HillWife of William 
1717 01 22AliceMires    
1717 01 22John* Great WoodhouseSon of Edward 
1717 01 22NaomiBrook near the BridgeWife of * 
1717 01 23IsabelBarwick  Wife of * 
1717 01 24AnneTaylor Millhill  
1717 01 26MaryCalverley the Cross  
1717 01 27*Thornton Boar LaneWidow 
1717 01 27JohnSenior MabgateSon of Thomas 
1717 01 28ThomasByfield    
1717 01 29MaryScurr KirkgateDaughter of John 
1717 01 29LambertBilton Kirkgate  
1717 01 *JosephEllis Briggate  
1717 02 02MaryBlackburn  Daughter of William 
1717 02 02MathewBentley    
1717 02 03IsraelWatson    
1717 02 03HenryDean Lower Headrow  
1717 02 03AnneMatthews Bridge End  
1717 02 04JosephGray  Son of William 
1717 02 05BridgetKnowls Marsh Lane  
1717 02 06JosephWalker  Son of Thomas 
1717 02 07ThomasHudson Call Lane  
1717 02 07RichardFish Timble Bridge  
1717 02 08ElizabethPriestley Lower HeadrowWife of Mr John 
1717 02 09ThomasThompson Woodhouse  
1717 02 09RobertHunter near the Bridge  
1717 02 09WilliamMorehouse Kirkgate  
1717 02 10ThomasConney Cripplegate  
1717 02 11DeborahBatty  Wife of James - Buried at St.John's 
1717 02 12PeterBarrack Millhill  
1717 02 12ThomasHickson KirkgateSon of arthur 
1717 02 14WilliamGarnitt Vicar Lane  
1717 02 15JanePeart MillhillDaughter of James 
1717 02 15ThomasHuthinson Low BriggateSon of ThomasProbably Hutchinson
1717 02 16MaryMires near the ChurchWife of John 
1717 02 18EstherAtkinson BriggateDaughter of Joseph 
1717 02 19*Wainman BriggateChild of Mr * 
1717 02 20SaraWinterbotham  Daughter of Thomas 
1717 02 20MaryMottle KirkgateWife of Daniel 
1717 02 22ElizabethBarker Hunslet LaneDaughter of George 
1717 02 24JohnBrook Simpson Fold  
1717 02 24MaryHodgson Great WoodhouseDaughter of William 
1717 02 24HannahStephenson Calls  
1717 02 25BenjaminHemingway WoodhouseSon of Edward 
1717 02 25JohnDodgson Vicar Lane  
1717 02 26JeremiahTilitson Briggate  
1717 02 26JosephPerry Briggate  
1717 02 26AmbroseBarran    
1717 02 26*King near the ChurchChild of Mr Joseph 
1717 02 28KatharineWright  Daughter of Thomas 
1717 03 04GraceBarron MillhillWife of Robert 
1717 03 04ElizabethWildman HolbeckDaughter of [Widow] Wildman 
1717 03 04ThomasTidswell Meadow LaneSon of Abraham 
1717 03 03JohnFrankland Quarry HillSon of George 
1717 03 05*Powell ShamblesSon of Mr Samuel 
1717 03 06WilliamFuzzard WakefieldSon of William 
1717 03 07RobertBarwick Millhill  
1717 03 09JosephRipley  Son of Richard 
1717 03 11ElizabethCooper Meadow LaneDaughter of Mr * 
1717 03 11**  Captain Thare's RegimentSoldier
1717 03 12JaneHeplewhite Nether Millhill  
1717 03 08JohnWalker Boar LaneSon of John 
1717 03 08Samuel ?Moxson Calbrow  
1717 03 14JamesMitchel Meadow LaneSon of Mr * 
1717 03 15JoshuaPease Tenters  
1717 03 15AnneDrabble Meadow Lane  
1717 03 20MaryRyder  Daughter of Reginald 
1717 03 16MargretIrish Meadow LaneDaughter of Anne 
1717 03 17WilliamBurgess WoodhouseSon of Edward 
1717 03 20JohnIsles Quarry HillSon of Thomas 
1717 03 20AnneChappel Timble Bridge  
1717 03 22JohnWade HolbeckSon of Jonathan 
1717 03 22IsabelBrown MillhillDaughter of John 
1717 03 22RosamundWilkinson Simpson FoldDaughter of Mr John 
1717 03 24JohnMitchel BriggateSon of James 
1718 03 27abigailTinsdal Hunslet LaneDaughter of John 
1718 03 26JohnTomlison  Son of Doctor * 
1718 03 26MaryGreen Bridge EndDaughter of George 
1718 03 28WilliamSeynor near the Bridge  
1718 03 29JosephRyder MabgateSon of Leonard 
1718 03 31JamesGabbut Meadow Lane  
1718 03 *RobertScaife  Son of Robert 
1718 04 01ElizabethDixon Meadow LaneDaughter of Richard 
1718 04 01SamuelWood Hunslet MoorsideSon of Alexander 
1718 04 02JoshuaRyder Low BriggateSon of Joshua 
1718 04 02HannaDixon ChurchyardDaughter of Thomas 
1718 04 04Mrs LucyIdle Kirkgate  
1718 04 06JohnThackera MillhillSon of John 
1718 04 03HannaLangton Quarry HillDaughter of Joshua 
1718 04 07*Mason Meadow LaneWidow 
1718 04 05ThomasAspdin Timble BridgeSon of Grace 
1718 04 05*Tillitson near the BridgeChild of [Widow] Tillitson 
1718 04 05RobertBarras Millhill  
1718 04 06AnneMatthews Hunslet Lane  
1718 04 06MarthaBalmer MillhillDaughter of James 
1718 04 12AnneGidlow KirkgateDaughter of Singleton 
1718 04 12RobertWood Kirkgate  
1718 04 12JaneHardwick  Daughter of George 
1718 04 08JohnClark Quarry HillSon of John 
1718 04 10SaraFoscroft KirkgateDaughter of Christopher 
1718 04 10GraceForrest MillhillDaughter of John 
1718 04 13JohnHorn Great Woodhouse  
1718 04 15HannaWaddington Bank  
1718 04 15** WoodhouseWife of a blind man 
1718 04 15** Woodhousea Poor Woman 
1718 04 18JohnDixon BriggateSon of John 
1718 04 18SaraFirth MillhillWife of John 
1718 04 19WilliamJaxson KirkgateSon of William 
1718 04 19IsraelBateson Hunslet LaneSon of [Widow] Bateson 
1718 04 21Danielatkinson BriggateSon of Joseph 
1718 04 23WilliamMiller Hunslet LaneSon of John 
1718 04 22Mr *Keith  a Foreigner 
1718 04 22FrancesWilson Vicar LaneDaughter of John 
1718 04 24MaryDickenson KirkgateDaughter of Lanclet 
1718 04 27JosephWinkup Hunslet LaneSon of William 
1718 04 30ThomasRoselton  Son of John 
1718 04 30RobertColthirst Millhill  
1718 04 30ElizabethBrown Meadow LaneDaughter of William 
1718 05 02SolomonBarwick MillhillSon of Peter 
1718 05 02MargaretHunter Boar LaneDaughter of Joseph 
1718 05 05JosephOddie ShamblesSon of Robert 
1718 05 06ElizabethBradley Boar LaneDaughter of William 
1718 05 04MarthaForrest MillhillDaughter of John 
1718 05 04Dorothy* near StJohn'sa Roman Catholic 
1718 05 03MaryWhittaker BurmantoftsWife of Francis 
1718 05 07ThomasBothman KirkgateSon of Henry 
1718 05 07BenjaminYoung Holbeck  
1718 05 07SaraFrankland MabgateWife of George 
1718 05 08ThomasBarrand Meadow Lane  
1718 05 15JohnRoselton Marsh LaneSon of Roger 
1718 05 12AnneKent BriggateDaughter of Thomas 
1718 05 19WilliamWade Woodhouse  
1718 05 19JohnRome Bridge End  
1718 05 20Johnalcar Kirkgate  
1718 05 25JamesNettleton Bank  
1718 05 21ObadiahOddie  Son of Robert 
1718 05 21Francesateck  Daughter of John 
1718 05 21GraceChapman  Daughter of Joseph 
1718 05 27MercyBrown  Daughter of Samuel 
1718 05 29JohnBurras Boar LaneSon of William 
1718 05 21SaraLucas Woodhouse CarrWife of John 
1718 05 22MichaelThompson Shambles  
1718 05 23*Mires Hunslet LaneSon of Joshua 
1718 05 26NicholasBall KirkgateSon of Christopher 
1718 05 30GraceRainforth KirkgateDaughter of William 
1718 05 30JohnBest Marsh LaneSon of James 
1718 05 28JohnHollyday Call Lane  
1718 02 07StephenTodd  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 01*Midhurst  Child of Mr William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 01EleanorLund  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 03Mr HenryLodge  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 07Mrs ElizabethWadkinson  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 09JohnThompson  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 10*Dawson  Child of Samuel - Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 19*Clapam  Child of Robert - Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 20*Barnerd  Child of Mr Thomas - Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 24*Shearing  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 27MaryForist  Buried at St.John's 
1718 02 28GraceGillman  Buried at St.John's 
1717 03 16*Gregson  Wife of John - Buried at St.John's 
1718 03 24*Buttler  Child of Richard - Buried at St.John's 
1718 03 25*Midhurst  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 03 26*Ryder  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 03 29*Beck  Wife of James - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 06*Smithson  Wife of Samuel - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 13*Eamondson  Child of Samuel - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 16*Niecson ?  Child of Robert - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 23*Swenden  Wife of Jonathan - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 24*Frankland  Child of John - Buried at St.John's 
1718 04 25ThomasJohnson  Buried at St.John's 
1718 05 11*Skoolley  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 05 25*Brunton  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 05 27WilliamIngle  Buried at St.John's 
1718 05 28*Dilsdill  Child of Mr * - Buried at St.John's 
1718 05 29*Lee  Child of Mr Thomas - Buried at St.John's 
1718 06 02*Hall  Child of Thomas - Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 02StephenSarvant  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 03LydieSimpson  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 03LeonardBayley  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 07Mrs SarahBirdsall  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 21RichardJackson  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 23ElizabethNetherwood  Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 25*Clowdsley  Wife of Nehemiah - Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 30*Sanderson  Child of Nicholas - Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 30*Powell  Wife of Richard - Buried at St.John's 
1718 07 31*Killingbeck  Child of Mr Samuel - Buried at St.John's 
1718 08 23JohnCrosbey  Buried at St.John's 
1718 08 23*Lee  Child of John - Buried at St.John's 
1718 09 07BenjaminHaindsley  Buried at St.John's 
1718 09 17*Cowill  Child of William - Buried at St.John's 
1718 09 23*Mather  Child of John - Buried at St.John's 
1718 06 03*Batty KirkgateDaughter of * 
1718 06 03*Thompson ShamblesDaughter of Thomas 
1718 06 04*Whittaker MillhillWidow 
1718 06 05JamesBalmer MillhillSon of James 
1718 06 08MarthaChapman BankDaughter of Joseph 
1718 06 22ElizabethNewsom KirkgateDaughter of Richard 
1718 06 22ElizabethCowlson BriggateDaughter of John 
1718 06 13ElizabethKendal Vicar LaneDaughter of [Widow] Kendal 
1718 06 13JamesBarnit KirkgateSon of William 
1718 06 16AnnePearson MillhillDaughter of James 
1718 06 20JohnGreave  Son of Mr William 
1718 06 23WilliamWetherhill Simpson Fold  
1718 06 24AliceCowper Meadow LaneWife of Mr William 
1718 06 25JonathanAsh HolbeckSon of Thomas 
1718 06 26AliceMarshal  Wife of William 
1718 06 26*Miller near the ChurchWidow 
1718 06 28SamuelFarrer KirkgateSon of Benjamin 
1718 06 29JohnKendal CalbrowSon of John 
1718 07 02SamuelDobson HolbeckSon of Samuel 
1718 07 03SaraCarter WoodhouseDaughter of William 
1718 07 05AliceAthey Marsh Lane  
1718 07 07*Moor CalbrowWife of John 
1718 07 07JanetRoberts Vicar Lane  
1718 07 08JamesEccles MillhillSon of Robert 
1718 07 08ElizabethParkinson Boar LaneDaughter of Abraham 
1718 07 08AnneYoung HolbeckDaughter of John 
1718 07 13Mr HenryPawson Kirkgate  
1718 07 17MarthaWood BankDaughter of Stephen 
1718 07 26WilliamBanes MillhillSon of Joshua 
1718 07 25*Barker  * of EdmondAlderman
1718 07 26SaraRobison Upper DivisionWife of Reverend Mr * 
1718 07 30GraceStandage Lower Headrow  
1718 07 19Mr EdwardPrince Collcrofts  
1718 07 19RichardLodge CallsSon of Mr Richard 
1718 07 31WilliamSharp Call Lane  
1718 08 01HenryLupton Woodhouse Bar  
1718 08 01SaraPease TentersDaughter of Anne 
1718 08 03MaraThackera  Daughter of John 
1718 08 08*Ralphmel Vicar LaneChild of Richard 
1718 08 03RichardWalker    
1718 08 07WilliamButroyd Vicar LaneSon of Joseph 
1718 08 14Thomas* BriggateSon of Joseph 
1718 08 14*Chapman  Child of John 
1718 08 10*Wilson BriggateDaughter of Thomas 
1718 08 12MaryDib BankDaughter of William 
1718 08 11*Jaxon Lower HeadrowWife of James 
1718 08 05JosephCoghill Briggate  
1718 08 08LydiaBentley BriggateDaughter of Jo* 
1718 08 10SaraDodgson Vicar LaneDaughter of Margaret 
1718 08 10MaryWilson KirkgateDaughter of Thomas 
1718 08 10SaraHind Vicar LaneDaughter of John 
1718 08 06MargaretBlackburn Headrow  
1718 08 05WilliamBarber    
1718 08 15JudithStead HeadrowDaughter of William 
1718 08 15JamesMoor ShamblesSon of Edward 
1718 08 17CorneliusThompson ShamblesSon of Richard 
1718 08 23JosephBanks KirkgateSon of John 
1718 08 24JohnHardcastle Bank  
1718 08 26JosephLindley Woodhouse  
1718 08 29WilliamMarshal Kirkgate  
1718 08 19CalebAtkison Hillhouse BanksSon of John 
1718 08 19GeorgeDixon MillhillSon of John 
1718 08 31WilliamSherburn  Son of Richard 
1718 08 31WilliamSimm MabgateSon of William 
1718 09 01KatherineSimpson ShamblesDaughter of Thomas 
1718 09 01RobertJaxon London  
1718 09 07ElizabethParkison Meadow LaneDaughter of [Widow] Parkison 
1718 09 08JoshuaKitchiman Call Lane  
1718 09 13JohnKilburn Meadow LaneSon of Daniel 
1718 09 13Mrs MaryMurgitroyd Call LaneWidow 
1718 09 14ThomasBramley Meadow LaneSon of Thomas 
1718 09 18JosephBatty Woodhouse Carr  
1718 09 18NathanCawood Park LaneSon of Thomas 
1718 09 18*Cottam  Child of Ellis 
1718 09 17JohnMoor ShamblesSon of Edward 

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
Checked by Brian Yewdall
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the link at the bottom of the page.