


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1688-1690


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1688-1690


1688 03 25ObadiahCHAPMANMillhill.
1688 03 26JohnWILKINSONHeadrowSon of John - Buried at St.John's
1688 03 27MarkLEDGERHeadrowSon of Mr Robert - Buried at St.John's
1688 03 28EllinWALKERCorn MillsDaughter of Thomas - Notice given
1688 03 28JohnJACKSONIpsa PittsSon of Robert
1688 03 28JohnABBATIpsa PittsSon of Thomas
1688 04 02JaineWILBERFORTHKirkgateNotice given
1688 04 04ElizabethGIBSONTentersDaughter of Hannah
1688 04 06[infant]ROBINSONHeadrowChild of Jonathan
1688 04 07RobertRIDERNorthall.
1688 04 08[infant]ROBINSONKirkgateChild of Mathew - Notice given
1688 04 09JohnBARRASHolbeckSon of John
1688 04 09JohnDOBSONBriggateSon of Samuell
1688 04 09JohnMITCHELLBriggateSon of Samuell
1688 04 10JohnJACKSONHolbeckSon of William
1688 04 11JohnKAYBriggateSon of Edward
1688 04 11UxorBATESONBankeNotice given
1688 04 12IsaakABBATBankeSon of Thomas
1688 04 12WilliamWAITTentersNotice given
1688 04 16AnnSIMSONKirkgateWife of Thomas
1688 04 18MichaellCARTERRockley HallSon of Beiston
1688 04 18ElizabethSCHOALLEYBridge EndDaughter of Thomas
1688 04 19Joseph [John erased]JACKSONHolbeckSon of William
1688 04 19WilliamCOOLTONVicar LaneSon of Richard
1688 04 21WilliamTRUEMANMillhillSon of George
1688 04 22SarahROOMEBridge EndDaughter of John
1688 04 22MarthaHARGRAVEBoar LaneDaughter of Ambrose
1688 04 23JosephSCHOAFIELDHeadrowBuried at St.John's
1688 04 23JosephNOBLEKirkgateSon of Isaak
1688 04 23MathewBROWNEBankeSon of John
1688 04 24MaryLANGSCARBoar LaneDaughter of Thomas
1688 04 27Mrs MaryPITCHESHunslet LaneDied at Mr Bryan Dixon's
1688 04 27Mr NicholasNETHERWOOD SRMabgate.
1688 05 **DINSDALE.Daughter of John - Buried at St.John's
1688 05 02JohnCLARKKirkgateSon of Samuell
1688 05 02JohnBRETHERICKMillhillSon of George - First poor person - Notice given
1688 05 02JohnBURNANKirkgateSon of Arther
1688 05 03AllonNELSONQuarrell HillNotice given
1688 05 04TimothyKENTBriggate.
1688 05 04MathewKIRBYHeadrow.
1688 05 05ElizabethBRIGSBankeDaughter of John
1688 05 07ThomasMANNew PrisonSon of Edward
1688 05 08SarahATKINSONHeadrowDaughter of William
1688 05 09JohnDIXONHeadrowSon of Roger
1688 05 09NicolasCOWLINMarsh Lane.
1688 05 09Mr RichardWILSONBriggateBuried at St.John's
1688 05 09RichardJACKSONHunslet Hall.
1688 05 10ElizabethMASONCrossgreeneNotice given
1688 05 10AnnHARRISONKirkgateDaughter of Timothy - Buried in Church - Notice given
1688 05 11SarahAPPELBYHeadrowDaughter of Robert
1688 05 12JohnTHOMPSONHolbeckSon of James
1688 05 12PatienceEWAN/COCKERShamblesDaughter of Joseph Ewan & Alice Cocker
1688 05 12AliceDIXONNew Prison AlmshouseNotice given
1688 05 14JohnPARKINMarsh LaneNotice given
1688 05 15WilliamROBINSONTentersSon of Josiah
1688 05 16ElizaMITCHELLBriggateWife of Samuell
1688 05 17BenjaminSCHOALLESKirkgate.
1688 05 17ElizaTHOMPSONCall LaneDaughter of [Widow] Thompson
1688 05 18AllenCUMMINBriggateSon of Thomas
1688 05 22WilliamBARBERHolbeckBuried at the Quaker Place
1688 05 21MathiasTHOMPSONVicar LaneSon of Robert - Notice given
1688 05 23MaryCLOWGHQuarrell HillWife of Stephen - Notice given
1688 05 23WilliamMARSHALLKirkgateSon of William
1688 05 24ThomasMIDLETONHunsletBuried at Chapel
1688 05 25HannahHARDACKERMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas - Notice given
1688 05 26JamesDINNISONBriggateSon of Timothy
1688 05 27ElizaBURLEYBoar LaneDaughter of Samuell
1688 05 28JosephBAWMERHolbeckAn Alderman
1688 05 31ElizabethLUKUSNew StreetWife of Thomas - Buried at St.John's
1688 05 31MaryKENTBriggateWife of Thomas
1688 06 02ElizabethTAYLORNew PrisonNotice given
1688 06 02JaneCOATESMillhillSpinster - Notice given
1688 06 03StephenHARDYECall LaneBachelor
1688 06 04WilliamBRAMLEYKirkgate.
1688 06 06AliceHOLMESMarsh LaneDaughter of Mary - Notice given
1688 06 10GeorgeNORTHOUSEBriggateSon of George
1688 06 10JohnJOHNSONQuarrell HillNotice given
1688 06 12Mr ChristopherJACKSONHunslet.
1688 06 13FrancisBAXSTER.Buried at St.John's
1688 06 15TimothyWIMMERSLEYBriggate.
1688 06 15AnnSAULLBankeDaughter of Phillip
1688 06 15HannahHARGRAVELidgateDaughter of Moses - Buried at St.John's
1688 06 16RebeckaSTEADBridge EndWife of David
1688 06 17[infant]OLDREDGreat WoodhouseChild of Allexander
1688 07 21AnnSMITHNew ChapelDaughter of Samuell - Buried at St.John's
1688 06 22MaryHOPWOODHeadrowDaughter of Mark
1688 06 22MathewWALKERHolbeckSon of William
1688 06 24MaryHARGRAVELidgateDaughter of Moses - Buried at St.John's
1688 06 24WilliamWILBERFORTHKirkgateSon of William
1688 06 27AnnPRESTONNew ChapelDaughter of Mr John
1688 06 28CizallayWILBYNew PrisonNotice given
1688 06 30IzabellRAMSBOTHWAITHunslet Lane.
1688 06 30WilliamWILSON SRVicar Lane.
1688 06 *[child]GRANGERNew ChapelChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1688 07 01SusannaADDISONCall LaneNotice given
1688 07 01[infant]DODGSONMabgateChild of Thomas
1688 07 01AnnBYRAMLAN ByramDaughter of John - Died at Mr George Warriner's
1688 07 03ThomasLEMION.A Stranger
1688 07 03GeorgeFLETCHERKirkgateAn Infant
1688 07 07ElizabethGILLHeadrowDaughter of John
1688 07 08AnnWROACall LaneDaughter of Joseph
1688 07 08JohnHARGRAVETentersNotice given
1688 07 12Mr WilliamLOCKWOODLidgate.
1688 07 12TimothyHARWOODUpper Headrow.
1688 07 *WilliamWETHERHEADBurleyBuried at Headingley Chapel
1688 07 15[infant]HARRISONQuarrell HillChild of Richard
1688 07 16ElizabethJUB.Spinster - Died at Mr John Mathew's
1688 07 17ThomasWARRINERTimble BridgeNotice given
1688 07 18RobertWOODALEMarsh LaneSon of Richard
1678 07 19WilliamSHIPTONMilne Beck, Wortley 
1688 07 21ElizabethWALKERTentersNotice given
1688 07 23LawrenceBRIGSMabgate.
1688 07 25MarthaBARRETMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas
1688 07 27[infant]GREENBankeChild of James
1688 07 27JacobBARTONLidgateSon of John
1688 07 30ElizabethHURSTShamblesDaughter of Robert
1688 07 30WilliamWHAITESMarsh LaneSon of William
1688 07 30MarySETLEUpper HeadrowDaughter of Thomas
1688 07 30*KENDALEMillhill[Widow] - Notice given
1688 07 31ThomasHUDSONCall LaneSon of Thomas
1688 07 31JohnLAWSONVicar Lane.
1688 08 03MaryLUKHOUSEBridge EndDaughter of Robert
1688 08 06AnneATKINSONKirkgateWife of William - Buried at St.John's
1688 08 06JohnBEAMONKirkgateNotice given
1688 08 06JosephSTEPHENSONMarsh Lane.
1688 08 07ThomasRISHFORTHNew MillsSon of William - Drowned
1688 08 08Mr HeneryHALLNew StreetBuried at St.John's
1688 08 10RachellELLISBriggateDaughter of William
1688 08 10JacobCAWDARAHKirkgateSon of Jacob
1688 08 15JamesKAYMeadow LaneSon of Ralph
1688 08 17[infant]GARVISBoar LaneChild of Benjamin
1688 08 20MargaretSLINGSBYCalbrowWife of Robert
1688 08 20MyllesDAVIS.A Cobbler - Died at Thomas Walker's
1688 08 25SusannaTAYLORMillhill.
1688 08 25Ann [Margaret erased]LONGFELLOWGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Robert
1688 08 26AllexanderJEFFEREYBriggateSon of Allexander
1688 08 27HannahIVINSONBlack BankeDaughter of Mr Henery
1688 08 27SarahHOLMESMillhill.
1688 08 28SamuellBROOKESBANCKBriggateSon of John
1688 08 29Mrs DorothyHEYBriggateWife of Mr Richard
1688 08 29MaryJEFFERSONGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Richard
1688 09 01JoshuaBURNELEYKnostropSon of Charles
1688 09 01JamesAMBLERBridge EndSon of Mr Ambrose
1688 09 02SarahHAIGUEKirkgateDaughter of Robert
1688 09 03JamesHUDSONBoar LaneSon of William
1688 09 05HannahPHILLIPSTentersDaughter of William
1688 09 06BenjaminSTEPHENSONMarsh LaneSon of Joseph
1688 09 08JosephELLISHeadrow.
1688 09 10RebeckaSMYTHYESGreat WoodhouseWife of Lancelot
1688 09 14ThomasCARLILE.A Scotsman - Died at George Furster's
1688 09 14ThomasMOWGHKirkgateSon of Allexander
1688 09 15MaryWATSONHeadrowNotice given
1688 09 17HannahDOWCARMabgateDaughter of Thomas
1688 09 17ThomasLUKHOUSEWoodhouse CarrSon of John
1688 09 18AnnSCOTVicar LaneDaughter of John - Notice given
1688 09 18RebeckahWALKERVicar LaneDaughter of James
1688 09 22JonathanELLISBriggateSon of William
1688 09 24JohnPAPEChurchyard.
1688 09 24GeorgeMETCALFEHeadrowSon of Belton
1688 09 25JohnWAIRDEPastor SpringSon of John
1688 09 26HannahCROMACKTentersDaughter of John
1688 09 27MarySTANCLIFFVicar LaneNotice given
1688 09 27[infant]BATTYMillhillChild of Thomas
1688 10 *AnnSMITHIpsa PittsWife of Richard - Notice given
1688 10 03[infant]WOODALEMarsh LaneChild of Richard
1688 10 07RogerWILDHunslet LaneSon of Henery
1688 10 07JaneFLETCHERKirkgateWife of George
1688 10 09WilliamSAYNARRockley Hall.
1688 10 09[infant]OLDROYDBridge EndChild of William
1688 10 10ElizabethLAMBERTHolbeckSpinster
1688 10 13MaryJOHNSONQuarrell HillDaughter of John - Notice given
1688 10 14MargaretDIXONHeadrowWife of Samuell
1688 10 14[infant]SPENCERHunslet LaneChild of Robert
1688 10 17EllenCORNEFORTHBriggateDaughter of Richard
1688 10 19RichardHARRISONQuarrell Hill.
1688 10 20JohnMUBBERYSimpson FoldSon of Jonathan
1688 10 20RichardDOBSONHeadrowSon of Samuell
1688 10 21AnnJENKINSONMarsh LaneWife of John
1688 10 21Mr JohnGOODAIREKirkgateAn Exciseman
1688 10 21ElizabethLOWREMeadow LaneDaughter of Jeremiah
1688 10 22[infant]HARRISONTimble BridgeChild of Isaak
1688 10 24[infant]STORYVicar LaneChild of Thomas
1688 10 24GraceLOWREMeadow LaneDaughter of Jeremiah
1688 10 25ElizaKILLERBYBriggateWife of Ezra - Buried at St.John's
1688 10 27Mr PeterMASON SRMeadow LaneBuried at St.John's
1688 10 30[infant]PRESTONBankeChild of John
1688 11 02Mr FrancisWOODAlmshouses.
1688 11 04JohnCOWPLANDVicar Lane.
1688 11 05ElizaHUTTON.Wife of Mark
1688 11 05GeorgeSPECTCHBuslingthorpBuried at St.John's
1688 11 06AnnMETTERICKMillhillWife of William
1688 11 06ThomasKILNERHolbeckSon of Myles
1688 11 13Mr MathewSHARPNew Street EndBuried at St.John's
1688 11 09*SPETCHBuslingthorpBuried at St.John's
1688 11 12RobertGAYTONKirkgate.
1688 11 12JosephALDERSONHolbeckSon of Joseph
1688 11 14Mr PhillipCUNDAMPotterNewton.
1688 11 17[child]HALLMillhillChild of Elizabeth
1688 11 20JohnWRAYMillhillA Child
1688 11 20AliceSCOTKirkgateWife of William
1688 11 21JudeWOODWORTHTimble BridgeWife of Jo*
1688 11 22Mrs MarySMITHTimble Bridge.
1688 11 24FrancesCOCKERChurchyardWife of George
1688 11 24[infant]GLEADAYChurchyardChild of Abraham
1688 11 27EdwardREAVISVicar Lane.
1688 12 01JohnKIRSHAWMilne HillSon of John - Notice given
1688 12 04ElizabethSTABLEMabgate GreenWife of Jonathan - Notice given
1688 12 04SarahSWITHINBANCKBankeDaughter of Francis
1688 12 05ChristopherMYERSQuarry Hill.
1688 12 08MaryMOOREHeadrowDaughter of Mr Joseph - Buried at St.John's
1688 12 08JohnBENTLEYMillhillA Bastard
1688 12 08CatherineSTRICKLAND.Wife of William
1688 12 09JohnARMITAGEBridge EndSon of John
1688 12 09RobertTADCASTERLidgateBachelor
1688 12 09[infant]OLDROYDGreat WoodhouseChild of Robert
1688 12 09ElizaBLACLOCKLidgateDaughter of Samuell - Buried at St.John's
1688 12 10MaryFEARNELEYBankeWife of Samuell
1688 12 10ThomasLUKUSNew StreetBuried at St.John's
1688 12 11MaryKNYPEQuarry HillDaughter of Edward
1688 12 11IzabelSMITHMarsh Lane.
1688 12 12MaryMATHEWBridge End.
1688 12 12RichardHOLMESWoodhouse Gate.
1688 12 12ThomasPARKMeadow LaneNotice given
1688 12 15ElizabethCROSLANDAlmshousesNotice given
1688 12 16HannahWINTERQuarry HillDaughter of Samuel
1688 12 16JohnWILKINSONNew ChapelSon of Henery - Notice given
1688 12 19ThomasSTILLINSMeadow LaneSon of John
1688 12 21GeorgeDARNETONHeadrow.
1688 12 22ThomasLAMBERTHolbeck Moorside.
1688 12 24DorothyREAVESimpson Fold.
1688 12 26ThomasROWLEYMabgate.
1688 12 27Mrs MarySYKESTownendDaughter of Mr James
1688 12 30[infant]DUNWELLMillhillChild of Nicolas
1688 12 30SarahBRAMLEYKirkgateWife of John
1688 01 04FrancisMETCALFEMarsh LaneNotice given
1688 01 04MaryGRAYDILLBankeWife of Henery - Notice given
1688 01 06[child]DUNWELL Child of Nicolas - Buried at St.John's
1688 01 07JeremiahLANGDILLShambles.
1688 01 08AliceSTEADMeadow Lane.
1688 01 08ElizaSTOTBankeDaughter of James
1688 01 09EllinSCOTBankeWife of Jonathan
1688 01 10SarahHEYBriggateDaughter of Mr Richard
1688 01 10GeorgeBONDSimpson Fold.
1688 01 10SamuellDANIELL Son of Edward - Buried at Quaker grounds
1688 01 11JosephTURNERBriggate.
1688 01 13WilliamKIDDCall Lane.
1688 01 14EdenCOATESShambles.
1688 01 16[child]HARGRAVEClay Pit HouseChild of Moses - Buried at St.John's
1688 01 18WilliamBARRANBridge EndSon of Christopher - Notice given
1688 01 19HannahWALKERMabgateWife of John - Notice given
1688 01 19[child]CLOUDSLEYBriggateChild of Nemiah - Notice given
1688 01 21HannahSTIRK.Wife of Richard - Buried at St.John's
1688 01 21ElizabethDUNNMillhillWife of William
1688 01 25ThomasWHITTAKERSimpson Fold.
1688 01 25AnnJACKSONHeadrowWife of William
1688 01 26WilliamGYEHeadrowNotice given
1688 01 27ThomasRANTREE JRShamblesBuried at St.John's
1688 01 29AnnHARDCASTLEGreat WoodhouseDaughter of John
1688 01 30JohnDEIGHTONMeadow Lane.
1688 01 30BenjaminTOMSONGreat WoodhouseSon of Richard
1688 01 30JacobALDERSONVicar Lane.
1688 01 31ElizabethHAZELLBriggateDaughter of Mr Charles
1688 02 01JosephHOGBriggateSon of Nathaniell
1688 02 01MaryGLOVERHolbeck LaneWife of Peter
1688 02 02SarahWHITEMeadow LaneDaughter of John
1688 02 02[infant]*.Child of a Soldier
1688 02 03[infant]JEFFERSONGreat WoodhouseChild of Caleb
1688 02 05[infant]WHITTAMMillhillChild of John Jr - [Bastard child]
1688 02 06Mrs ElizaHAZELLMeadow LaneWife of Mr Richard
1688 02 07SarahMARSHALLMabgateDaughter of William
1688 02 09HannahMASONMarsh LaneDaughter of William
1688 02 09JohnBOOLTONChurchyardSon of Abraham
1688 02 12GeorgeCOCKERSaxstonNotice given
1688 02 13JohnGELDARSBriggateSon of John
1688 02 14GodfreyHUDSONKirkgateSon of Robert - Buried at St.John's
1688 02 14HellenDOBYChurchyardWife of Christopher
1688 02 17JamesKEIGHLEYMillhill.
1688 02 18JosephAIREMabgateSon of William - Buried at St.John's
1688 02 18Mrs SarahBANNISTERNorth Wood HallWife of Mr George
1688 02 18AnnBANNISTERNorth Wood HallDaughter of Mr George
1688 02 20MaryEMERSONBriggateDaughter of Christopher
1688 02 21[infant]PAWSONMarsh LaneChild of William
1688 02 22WilliamBACKHOUSEKirkgate.
1688 02 22JoshuaHAMANMabgateSon of John
1688 02 23WilliamMOORHOUSEChurchgarth Side.
1688 02 25DorothyDIXONCrossDaughter of Roger
1688 02 26AliceTENNANTMarsh LaneDaughter of Christopher - Notice given
1688 03 02AnnPAWSONMarsh LaneWife of William - Notice given
1688 03 02MercyCOWPERBurnitoftsDaughter of Thomas
1688 03 04PhibeROBINSONGreat Woodhouse.
1688 03 05ElizabethHOYLLKirkgateDaughter of Joseph
1688 03 06ElizabethNOBLEKirkgate.
1688 03 07ThomasSMITHTimble Bridge End.
1688 03 10AllexanderBLANDIpsa PittsNotice given
1688 03 11Mr MarkSTANIFORTHLeeds BridgeBuried at St.John's
1688 03 11JohnMILNERLidgateSon of Thomas - Notice given
1688 03 13RobertMAUDKirkgateSon of Francis
1688 03 14[infant]JEFFERSONGreat WoodhouseChild of John
1688 03 15GideonSHYRESHeadrow.
1688 03 15HannaDOWGLAS Wife of Myles
1688 03 15JaineSMITHCall LaneWife of James
1688 03 16[child]BURNETPark LaneChild of Robert - Buried at St.John's
1688 03 17*CLAPHAMMarsh Lane[Widow] - Notice given
1688 03 18ThomasWALKERTentersSon of Thomas - Notice given
1688 03 18AnnARDRONVicar LaneWife of John
1688 03 18RobertHARPERFarnleyBuried at Quaker Burial Place
1688 03 20MaryWILKINSONKirkgateDaughter of George
1688 03 20SamuellLINLEYGreat WoodhouseSon of Samuell
1688 03 21ThomasELSALeeds Bridge End.
1688 03 21****
1688 03 24GartrudeCOTTONKirkgateWife of Richard
1688 03 24EllenGILLMabgateWife of James
1689 03 27JamesDAWSONHolbeckSon of James
1689 03 27JohnDAYMeadow LaneSon of George [John altered to Elizabeth]
1689 03 28ThomasCOTTONKirkgateSon of Mr William
1689 03 29JohnPLACEMabgateSon of Ann
1689 03 30JohnHINDEBanke.
1689 04 01Mr JosephFOWNTAINE SRCrossBuried at St.John's
1689 04 01PeterMASONMeadow LaneSon of Mrs Deborah - Buried at St.John's
1689 04 03DavidWROA.Son of Mathew
1689 04 05Mrs ElizabethATKINSON Wife of Henery Esq - Buried in Linen - Notice given
1689 04 06JosephROBSONRothwell, MidletonSon of Thomas
1689 04 06ThomasALLONMillhillSon of John
1689 04 06JohnMURTONBankeNotice given
1689 04 07GraceHARRISONBankeWife of James [John erased] Note: Herein I find a mistake for John Harrison of Bank - had not a wife Grace and ye made me make it James
1689 04 09JohnATKINSONHunslet LaneSon of Henery
1689 04 09RalphDINSDALEVicar LaneBuried at St.John's
1689 04 10[infant]HORSMAN.Child of Peter - Buried at St.John's
1689 04 10WilliamWYNCOPLidgateSon of William
1689 04 12GraceBROADBELT.Son of George
1689 04 13ElizabethWILSONMillhillDaughter of Richard
1689 04 13Joseph [Thomas erased]DANIELLBriggateSon of John
1689 04 14MaryLEATHLEYMabgateDaughter of Thomas
1689 04 15[infant]HORNEVicar LaneChild of John
1689 04 17JacobBROWNEBridge EndSon of Jacob
1689 04 20AnnMYERSBriggateDaughter of Richard
1689 04 20RobertCOWPERHeadrowSon of Robert
1689 04 21AnnJEFFERSONGreat WoodhouseR: L. first - Burial of poor
1689 04 22ElizabethJACKSONQuarry HillWife of James - Notice given
1689 04 22JudithNEWSOMMillhillDaughter of John
1689 04 24JohnCLIFFBlack BankeNotice given
1689 04 25MargaretPECKITMabgateDaughter of Thomas
1689 04 26RichardWOODKirkgateNotice given
1689 04 27SamuellATKINSONMillhillSon of Mr Thomas
1689 04 27FrancesODDYELeeds Bridge End.
1689 04 27ChristopherCASSONBriggate.
1689 04 27MarmadukePROCTORKirkgateSon of Brian
1689 05 01IzabellSTEADMarsh LaneDaughter of Michaell
1689 05 02EstherMORTIMANBridge EndWife of Jonas
1689 05 02MarkCHAPMANMeadow LaneSon of Michaell
1689 05 03EstherMORTIMARQuarry HillDaughter of John
1689 05 03MaryGYESLEYHeadrowDaughter of William
1689 05 04AliceBREARBankeWife of Francis
1689 05 05JohnLIVERSEEDSMillhillNotice given
1689 05 08MaryLEAMANHeadrowDaughter of Thomas
1689 05 08JaneMOOREKirkgateNotice given
1689 05 08JaneCROFTCrossgreeneNotice given
1689 05 10[child]HOGMabgateChild of Joseph
1689 05 16Mrs AnnLOFTHOUSEBriggateRelict of Mr George Lofthouse
1689 05 17JamesLUKHOUSEBridge EndSon of Robert
1689 05 17SamuellBACKHOUSEMarsh LaneSon of Thomas
1689 05 20AllicePRESTONBridge EndDaughter of Anthony
1689 05 21JohnSMITHMillhillBuried at St.John's
1689 05 21AnnBROWNEKirkgateWife of Daniell
1689 05 23AliceCROMACKTimble Bridge.
1689 05 24JohnDURDANMarsh LaneSon of William
1689 05 24SarahHUDSONBoar LaneDaughter of William
1689 05 24[child]NUBYEMillhillChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 05 25AnnTOESVicar Lane.
1689 05 28[infant]KITCHINTentersChild of Nicolas - Notice given
1689 05 28MargaretHARDISTYVicar LaneNotice given
1689 05 30JohnSMITHSONBriggateSon of Savyll - Buried at St.John's
1689 05 31AnnHUNTERTentersDaughter of Robert
1689 05 31WilliamSMITHBlack Banke.
1689 05 31RobertMOORKirkgateSon of Richard
1689 06 01SamuellKENDALEBankeSon of Isaak - Notice given
1689 06 01RichardTOMPSONShambles.
1689 06 02AlicePOOLLMillhillWife of Henery - Notice given
1689 06 02JohnWAIRDCalbrowSon of Richard
1689 06 03HannaCADDYBriggate.
1689 06 04JohnWALKERTentersSon of Thomas
1689 06 05GeorgeLOFTHOUSEOsmondthorpe.
1689 06 05ThomasWALKERGreat Woodhouse.
1689 06 09AdamALTUSKirkgate.
1689 06 10AbrahamFARRAH.Son of John
1689 06 10JaneFLETCHERBanke.
1689 06 13MaryTAYLORHunslet LaneWife of Joseph
1689 06 13MarthaHARRISONBankeDaughter of Mathew
1689 06 15WilliamKITCHING.A Soldier - Buried at St.John's
1689 06 15[infant]SARJINSONMillhillChild of Richard
1689 06 17JaneWALKERMarsh LaneDaughter of Roger - Notice given
1689 06 18*WHITTAKERBriggate? of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 06 18JohnBIRDSLAY.A Soldier under Captain Goor
1689 06 19ElizaTAYLORMillhillDaughter of William
1689 06 19ElizaKITCHINGLIMANMeadow LaneDaughter of Mr John
1689 06 22EdenLAYTHAM.Daughter of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 06 23ElizaWINNMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1689 06 24GeorgeFUISTERShamblesBuried at St.John's
1689 06 26GeorgeSMITH.A Soldier under Captain Goor
1689 06 26WilliamABBAT.A Soldier under Captain Fletcher
1689 06 27CatherineBURKITNew Church Almshouse.
1689 06 28JosephHAMMANMillhillSon of John - Notice given
1689 06 28RichardJEFFERSONGreat Woodhouse.
1689 06 29ThomasAMBLERAllonleySon of Thomas
1689 06 29FrancisDICKINSChurchyardSon of Mr Richard
1689 06 30JohnSWIFTSimpson FoldSon of James
1689 07 01JohnCARTERMabgate.
1689 07 03SarahRIPLEYBankeWife of Christopher
1689 07 03Mrs FrancesBLACKBURNENew ChapelWife of Mr George
1689 07 04JohnDOBS.A Soldier under Captain Constable [Slain] - Notice given
1689 07 04AdamTOMLINSONKirkgate AlmshouseNotice given
1689 07 06MaryJACKSONBankeDaughter of John
1689 07 06MaryROBINSONHolbeckDaughter of John
1689 07 06JamesKIRSHAVYLEBriggateSon of Mr John
1689 07 06AnnHARPERFarnleyWife of Robert - Buried at the Quaker Place
1689 07 07MaryKIDSONVicar LaneDaughter of William
1689 07 09IzabellWAYLES Wife of John - Buried at the Quaker Place
1689 07 09RobertJACKSONBankeNotice given
1689 07 09JohnSTEPHENSONBriggateSon of John
1689 07 10KatherineHOBSONKirkgateSpinster - Died at Robert Conyer's
1689 07 10JosephEWANShamblesSon of Joseph
1689 07 10ElizabethWAYLESMillhillWife of John Note 2:SEE ABOVE Izabell
1689 07 11HannaLAMBERTBridge EndDaughter of Mr Charles
1689 07 12MarthaCHAMLEYCalbrowDaughter of Luke
1689 07 12[infant]KAYMeadow LaneChild of Ralph
1689 07 12RalphWOODVicar LaneNotice given
1689 07 12ThomasHORNERGreat WoodhouseSon of Thomas
1689 07 13SarahKAYBriggateDaughter of Edward
1689 07 13DorothyLAWSONVicar LaneWife of John - Notice given
1689 07 15TimothySHIPTONWortley.
1689 07 16ElizabethBEAMONTHeadrowWife of Thomas - Notice given
1689 07 17SusannaKAYHolbeckDaughter of John - Notice given
1689 07 18JosiasWESTERMANTentersDrowned
1689 07 19JaineCLINTHeadrowDaughter of Peter
1689 07 19MargaretALDERSONPark LaneWife of John
1689 07 22[infant]ROBINSONMeadow LaneChild of John
1689 07 22JohnCOCKERNew PrisonNotice given
1689 07 23GeorgeDODGSONQuarry HillNotice given
1689 07 23ThomasSMITHMillhillNotice given
1689 07 23RichardMYERSBridge EndSon of Richard
1689 07 23RobertEASTERBYEKirkgateSon of John
1689 07 24JohnMIDSLEYBridge EndSon of Luke
1689 07 25[child]MURGITROODBridge EndChild of Benjamin - Buried at St.John's
1689 07 27BrianFERRATentersNotice given
1689 07 28MaryBRABBINMeadow LaneWife of Mr ?
1689 08 01JohnHASSELLBriggateSon of Mr Charles
1689 08 01SarahBROADLEYHunslet LaneDaughter of Mr Mark
1689 08 02JosephHARRISONVicar Lane.
1689 08 02**.Daughter of Mr ? - Mark Broadley erased
1689 08 03WilliamBURROWHolbeckSon of Thomas - Notice given
1689 08 04ElizabethNETTLETONVicar LaneDaughter of Jonathan - Notice given
1689 08 05ElizabethCHAMLEYTentersDaughter of Christopher
1689 08 07MargaretHAUDENMillhillWife of William
1689 08 07JamesHEBDINShamblesSon of William - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 08ElizabethDINSDALESimpson FoldDaughter of James
1689 08 09[child]DOBSONBriggateChild of Samuell - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 10JaneSAULLBriggateDaughter of Thomas
1689 08 10TabithaSMITHSONBriggateDaughter of Savyll - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 11BenjaminNOBLEKirkgateSon of Isaak
1689 08 11ElizaBATTY ?Bridge EndDaughter of John
1689 08 12AnnDIXONVicar LaneNotice given
1689 08 13JosephDIXONBankeSon of Ben - Notice given
1689 08 14ThomasABBATPark LaneSon of Thomas
1689 08 14WilliamCLIFTON.A Sergeant under the command of Major Briscoe - Died at Peter Tomson's
1689 08 16RichardDENTONCalbrowSon of Sam - Notice given
1689 08 17AbigaleWAIRDECasselforthDaughter of John
1689 08 17JohnWAYNEMANKirkgateSon of George
1689 08 17WilliamMOOREBriggateSon of Henery
1689 08 18ElizaHYNESLEYNew Church AlmshouseWife of John
1689 08 19SusannaWALKERTentersDaughter of James - Notice given
1689 08 21WilliamSCOTKirkgateSon of William - Notice given
1689 08 21AnnHAMMANBriggateWife of Peter
1689 08 22WilliamILESMeadow LaneSon of Joshua
1689 08 22JohnPRESTONBriggateSon of Anthony
1689 08 22JohnTHACKERAYTimble BridgeSon of Robert
1689 08 23JohnPEASECallsSon of Joseph - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 24ThomasTOMSONVicar Lane.
1689 08 24ThomasDICKINSKirkgateSon of Peter
1689 08 25JosephTOMSONNew PrisonSon of William - Notice given
1689 08 26[infant]BURTONTentersChild of Joseph - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 27JohnBURTONCall LaneSon of Joseph
1689 08 28JoshuaPEASEKirkgateSon of John
1689 08 28SamuellIBBETSONKirkgateSon of Mr Samuell
1689 08 28[child]VAYRIELanse LaneChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 08 30ThomasFALKINERBriggateSon of James
1689 08 31JosephSTANNIDGEChurchyardSon of Cuthbert - Notice given
1689 09 01SarahMOXONVicar LaneDaughter of James - Notice given
1689 09 01AnnHARRISONKirkgateWife of Christopher Sr
1689 09 02MarySNELLTentersDaughter of Charles
1689 09 02WilliamWAYRDEPastor SpringSon of John
1689 09 03ThomasLEADBEATERVicar LaneSon of John
1689 09 03JohnDICKINSKirkgateSon of Peter - Notice given
1689 09 04JohnBROWNEKirkgateSon of John - a Baliff
1689 09 06MargaretPAWSONMarsh LaneWife of Nicolas
1689 09 06JohnSADLERHeadrowSon of John - Notice given
1689 09 08AliceKIRSHAVYLEBriggateDaughter of Mr John
1689 09 08ElizaHALL.Daughter of Lawrence - Buried at St.John's
1689 09 11EllinWIGINSMillhill.
1689 09 14LydiaCOTTAMKirkgateDaughter of Mr William
1689 09 16MaryHALLBriggateDaughter of Lawrence - Buried at St.John's
1689 09 17ElizaGROOCOCKVicar LaneDaughter of Mathew
1689 09 18PaulCRAWSHAWTentersNotice given
1689 09 19[infant]BOOLTANChurchyardChild of Abraham - Notice given
1689 09 20AnnCARNELL.Daughter of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 09 22[child]HARGRAVEMillhillChild of [Widow] Hargrave - Notice given
1689 09 22AbrahamKINGCall LaneSon of Richard
1689 09 23Elizabeth [altered to Izabell]KAYBridge EndDaughter of William
1689 09 23MaryKAYBridge EndDaughter of William
1689 09 23SusannaPROCTORKirkgateDaughter of John
1689 09 25[child]BASTWOBriggatea Crysome child of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 09 25DorothySMEATONNew StreetWife of Mr Joseph
1689 09 26SamuellCALVERLEYMeadow LaneSon of Robert
1689 09 26MarySARGINSONChurchyardWife of Thomas - Buried in Linen - Notice given
1689 09 27JohnHUNTERHunslet LaneSon of Mr John
1689 09 27MargaretHOWGHTONBridge EndDaughter of John
1689 09 28HannaPROCTORKirkgateDaughter of Marmaduke
1689 09 28CatherineBRABBINMeadow LaneDaughter of Mr Thomas
1689 09 29JonathanGRANTBriggateBuried at St.John's
1689 09 30[child]SUMSTERMarket PlaceChild of James
1689 10 03Ann [Mary erased]TURNERBridge EndDaughter of Charles
1689 10 03JamesWILSONMarket PlaceSon of Thomas
1689 10 06ThomasMILNERMillhillSon of William
1689 10 06MaryTURNERTentersDaughter of Charles - Notice given
1689 10 07MichaellLOGGONHeadrowSon of John
1689 10 07MaryPROCTORKirkgateDaughter of Brian
1689 10 07ThomasEDENTON ?HolbeckSon of Thomas
1689 10 08ThomasMUSGRAVEBramley.
1689 10 09Mr ThomasFENTON SRHunslet.
1689 10 09MaryHOWGHTONBridge EndDaughter of Mr John
1689 10 09WilliamCRAVENShamblesSon of Thomas - Buried at St.John's
1689 10 13JonasSCROOTONGreat Woodhouse.
1689 10 13ThomasHORSMANBridge EndSon of Simon
1689 10 13[child]HALLCalbrowChild of Elizabeth - Notice given
1689 10 14Mrs MaryJACKSONHeadrow.
1689 10 14JohnBRAYSHAWEccleshill in BradforthNotice given
1689 10 14George ?MATHEWBriggateSon of Thomas
1689 10 14WilliamGLOVERMeadow LaneSon of William
1689 10 16SamuellODDYEGreat Woodhouse.
1689 10 16MaryIBBERTSONTimble BridgeDaughter of Joseph
1689 10 19DorothyHARWOODHeadrowWife of Timothy
1689 10 20DorothyTAYLORCrossgreeneWife of John
1689 10 21ElizabethASHTONKirkgateDaughter of Edmond
1689 10 21AnnHORSEMANMeadow LaneDaughter of Simon
1689 10 21GeorgeNORTHOUSETentersSon of John
1689 10 23ThomasPOWELLCrossBachelor - Buried at St.John's
1689 10 24GraceEPPELLWAITSVicar LaneWife of James
1689 10 27MarmadukePROCTORKirkgate.
1689 10 30JaneHEYBriggateDaughter of Mr Richard
1689 10 31JamesRAYNARMeadow LaneSon of Henery
1689 10 31AnnPAPEMillhillDaughter of Jacob
1689 10 31MathewCOWPERNew ChapelSlain by a beast
1689 11 01MaryPROCTORChurchyard.
1689 11 02JohnWHYTEMeadow LaneSon of John
1689 11 04WilliamWILKINSONCall LaneSon of James
1689 11 04Mr MarySTABLESMeadow LaneWife of Mr John
1689 11 06JohnTHORESBYKirkgateSon of Mr Ralph
1689 11 07JamesADMERGILLKirkgateSon of Joseph
1689 11 09JohnWOODBramleyBuried at Bramley
1689 11 10ThomasPULLEYNQuarry HillSon of Thomas
1689 11 10EstherBOOLTONChurchyardWife of Abraham - Notice given
1689 11 11FrancisKENTTimble BridgeSon of Mr William
1689 11 14JohnTOMPSONShamblesSon of Edward
1689 11 14WilliamCLAPHAMMeadow LaneSon of John
1689 11 16JohnROGERSONCrossgreeneSon of John
1689 11 16[infant]RIDERQuarry HillChild of Francis
1689 11 16SarahGRAVEMillhillDaughter of John
1689 11 18JohnHARRISONTimble BridgeSon of Thomas
1689 11 20Mrs ?PICKARDNew Church Almshouse.
1689 11 21Mr RalphHOPTONWortley.
1689 11 21AnnaTHORESBYKirkgateDaughter of Mr Ralph
1689 11 22RuthPOLLARDBriggateDaughter of Joshua
1689 11 23DanielSTORYVicar LaneNotice given
1689 11 23AliceSARJINSONChurchyardDaughter of Thomas - Notice given
1689 11 24HannahWETHERILLGreat WoodhouseWife of Thomas - Notice given
1689 11 24JohnHALLHeadrowSon of Mathew
1689 11 24SarahALDERSONVicar LaneWife of Jacob - Notice given
1689 11 25MargaretADCOK.Wife of Henery
1689 11 25AnnWAWBURNEKirkgate.
1689 11 27RichardMOORChurchyardSon of Robert
1689 11 28JosephMOOREKirkgateSon of Jacob
1689 11 28RuthSTANIFORTHBridge EndDaughter of Mr Mark - Buried at St.John's
1689 11 28JamesASHMarsh LaneNotice given
1689 12 01Mr TimothyWARWICKQuarry Hill.
1689 12 02[infant]TOMSONHeadrowChild of John
1689 12 08SarahCLIFFNew ChapelWife of Joseph
1689 12 08JohnSLINGERKnostropSon of Mr George
1689 12 08MathewBROWNEHunslet LaneNotice given
1689 12 09RichardLONGBOTHAMMeadow LaneSon of Richard
1689 12 10JohnMOOREChurchyardSon of Robert
1689 12 11WilliamRISHFORTHNew Mills.
1689 12 11RichardFISHKirkgateSon of Richard
1689 12 14JosephHALLEYMeadow LaneSon of Joseph
1689 12 15MarySTABLEYBridge EndSpinster
1689 12 16WilliamDICKINSChurchyardSon of Mr Richard
1689 12 16JohnJACKSONTimble Bridge.
1689 12 17AnnFARNHAMSimpson FoldDaughter of Thomas
1689 12 18MathewSANDERSONMarsh LaneNotice given
1689 12 21WilliamTOMSONBankeSon of John
1689 12 23JaneJACKSONJenkinson AlmshouseNotice given
1689 12 24GilbertCURRINKirkgate.
1689 12 25ThomasSTRICKLANDNew Prison.
1689 12 29RuthBENTLEYBridge EndDaughter of Mathew
1689 12 30WilliamWAYDEKirkgateSon of Thomas
1689 12 30ElizaSTEPHENSONMarsh LaneWife of Joseph
1689 01 01MaryGREENWOODKirkgate.
1689 01 01MaryHORNERNew Church AlmshouseBuried at St.John's
1689 01 01FrancisSTANDCLIFFNew Church AlmshouseBuried at St.John's
1689 01 02IzabellRAWDONVicar Lane.
1689 01 02WilliamFOOTHERBYEMillhillSon of John - Notice given
1689 01 04JacobHARDWICKLeeds Lane.
1689 01 05JoshuaWILSONMillhillSon of Mr Thomas - Buried at St.John's
1689 01 06HeneryWRIGHT.Bachelor - Died at Mrs Conjers
1689 01 10JohnLAMBERTVicar LaneNotice given
1689 01 11MaryFEARNESIDESKirkgateWife of Timothy
1689 01 12EllenALDERSONHolbeckWife of Joseph
1689 01 12HannahHORNERBankeDaughter of Abraham
1689 01 13JaneTOMSONMillhillWife of Mathew
1689 01 14AnthonyDUNWELLKirkgateSon of Mr Nicolas - Buried at St.John's
1689 01 14JohnGILLGreat WoodhouseSon of John
1689 01 14[child]CLIFFNew ChapelChild of Joseph
1689 01 16JohnRAMFOOTMillhill.
1689 01 16MathewWRAYMillhillSon of John
1689 01 17MaryWHALLEYMillhillDaughter of Isaak
1689 01 17JohnAIVEYARDHeadrow.
1689 01 18[child]BRANTONNew PrisonChild of Mary - A Bastard - Notice given
1689 01 20GeorgeSIMSONBarkston AshDied at Headrow, the home of Samuell Farra
1689 01 21*CASSON.Wife of Christopher - Buried at St.John's
1689 01 25SarahWATSONCall LaneWife of Thomas
1689 01 26AnnCOWPERHunslet Lane.
1689 01 27AliceMETCALFE Daughter of Stephen [Ralph erased] - Notice given
1689 01 30ChristopherMATHEWBridge EndSon of Mr John
1689 01 30HeneryBRETHERICKMillhill.
1689 02 01ThomasPOTTERTONKirkgate.
1689 02 01*HORSMAN.Daughter of Austin - Buried at St.John's
1689 02 01JohnDAWSONWoodhouse LaneSon of Joshua
1689 02 02*STEPHENSONSpring GardenWife of Mr ? - Buried at St.John's
1689 02 02StephenCROSBYBriggateSon of John
1689 02 03JosephNORTONNew ChapelSon of Joseph
1689 02 03JohnTOWLSONBriggateSon of William
1689 02 04[infant]PARKERMarsh LaneChild of William
1689 02 05JohnRENSHAWCrossgreeneBuried in Linen - Notice given
1689 02 07MaryMEAKHunsletWife of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 02 11JohnLOWREEHeadrowNotice given
1689 02 12GregoryFREEMANHeadrowBuried at St.John's
1689 02 15DorothyHOLMESMillhill[Widow] aged 91
1689 02 17AnnJACKSONBridge EndWife of Christopher - Notice given
1689 02 17TabithaTHORESBYKirkgate AlmshouseNotice given
1689 02 18JohnPRESTONQuarry HillDied at Millhill, home of Richard Sarjinson
1689 02 19MathewBOLLANDKirkgate.
1689 02 20HannahDREDGECall LaneDaughter of John
1689 02 20MaryNELSONNew ChapelDaughter of Stephen
1689 02 20Mr BenjaminWADDINGTONGleadow.
1689 02 21MaryRANTREBoar LaneWife of Mr John - Buried in Quire
1689 02 21MathewMEASEQuarry HillSon of John
1689 02 21MaryWRIGHTBriggate.
1689 02 22RebeckaWRIGHTKirkgateSpinster
1689 02 22HannahHUTCHINSONBridge EndDaughter of Edward
1689 02 22MaryJEFFERSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas
1689 02 24WilliamBURGANMillhill.
1689 02 24HeneryETHERINGHTONKirkgate.
1689 02 24JamesSAWELL SRGreat Woodhouse.
1689 02 25Mr MarkFREEMANHeadrowBuried in Linen at St.John's - Notice given
1689 02 25ThomasRICHMONDClapitBuried at St.John's
1689 02 25WilliamJACKSONLidgateBuried at St.John's
1689 02 25FrancesCLARKCrossDaughter of John - Buried at St.John's
1689 02 26[infant]CLOOSEBesides CrossChild of Henery
1689 02 26JohnHARRISONTentersSon of William
1689 02 27MaryBYWATERQuarry HillDaughter of Richard
2689 02 28Mrs AnnSTANHOPE Wife of Henery [Alderman] - Buried in Linen in Quire - Notice given
1689 03 02GeorgeNICOLSONMillhillSon of John
1689 03 03SamuellFEARNELEYKirkgate AlmshouseNotice given
1689 03 03JosephIBBITSONKirkgateSon of Mr Samuell
1689 03 03AliceSERVANTQuarry HillWife of Daniell
1689 03 03RichardELLISPotterNewtonBuried at Chapel Town
1689 03 04Mr JamesSYKESPotterNewton.
1689 03 04WilliamPULLEYN [BRAMLEY ERASED]LidgateBuried at St.John's
1689 03 05RebeckaLAYTONKirkgateWife of John
1689 03 06SethGIBSONTenters.
1689 03 08WilliamSIMSONKirkgateSon of Thomas - Buried in Linen - Notice given
1689 03 08WilliamDUNMillhillSon of William
1689 03 09ThomasFALKINERMillhillSon of John - Notice given
1689 03 11EdwardNETHERWOODMabgateSon of Mr Nicolas
1689 03 12JonathanSIMSONKirkgateSon of Thomas - Notice given
1689 03 12[child]AYRYMabgateChild of William
1689 03 13JohnSCHOAFIELDMillhill.
1689 03 13MaryBOOTHMarsh LaneDaughter of Richard - Notice given
1689 03 16AmyBARRITLidgateWife of Thomas - Buried at St.John's
1689 03 16WilliamHOGGKirkgate.
1689 03 16ThomasGERMINSWAYHolbeckNotice given - Mary, his wife, written above Thomas
1689 03 18JaneWHITEMarsh LaneNotice given
1689 03 19JaneCARTERWoodhouse GreenDaughter of Nicolas
1689 03 19HannahGARDINERBriggateDaughter of Richard
1689 03 19HeneryGREENWOODMillhillBachelor
1690 03 25[child]MELARDPark LaneChild of Thomas
1690 03 28EdwardATKINSON.Son of Edward Esq - Buried in Quire
1690 03 28JoshuaCAVEGreat WoodhouseSon of Joshua
1690 03 29ElizabethWIGGINSCrossWife of William
1690 03 31*HAWDENNew Church Almshouse[Widow] - Notice given
1690 04 01ThomasSTRICKLAND.A Soldier under Captain Phillips - Notice given
1690 04 02RichardBARRETMarsh LaneSon of Henery - Notice given
1690 04 03WilliamTAYLOR.A WatchMaker - Buried in Quire
1690 04 05RichardWAWST A GoldSmith - Buried at St.John's
1690 04 06IzabellTWISLETONHeadrowWife of William
1690 04 07EdwardROWKirkgate.
1690 04 07WilliamMASONMarsh LaneSon of William
1690 04 07JohnTHORNETON.Son of Robert - Died in Churchyard at Christopher Thompson's
1690 04 10ThomasSARJINSONChurchyard.
1690 04 13Em.ATKINSON.Had pay back from Henery Ellis - Notice given
1690 04 14WilliamPOLLARDBlack Banke.
1690 04 14BethellBRETHERICKHeadrow.
1690 04 15JamesALTUSKirkgateSon of John
1690 04 15Mr SamuellHOBSON An Apothecary - Buried at St.John's
1690 04 16JohnSHAWVicar Lane.
1690 04 17[child]MAYMillhillChild of James
1690 04 18MaryCALBECKCrossDaughter of George
1690 04 18MargaretPRIESTLEYVicar Lane.
1690 04 18EstherMURTONQuarry HillDaughter of George
1690 04 19ThomasATKINSONBaslingthorpBuried at St.John's
1690 04 23[child]BARRETHeadrowChild of William - Buried at St.John's
1690 04 23JosephCOOKEVicar LaneSon of John
1690 04 25MaryCROOKCall LaneWife of John
1690 04 25[infant]KITCHIN ?TentersChild of Nicolas
1690 04 27EdwardTINSLEYBack of Shambles.
1690 04 27[child]FEARNELEYBankeChild of Samuell - Notice given
1690 04 30[child]MEAKHunsletChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1690 04 30Mrs AnnSMITHHunslet WoodhouseBuried in Quire
1690 04 30JosephMIDLETONSHeadrowBuried at St.John's
1690 05 02AnnCARTERMabgateDaughter of John
1690 05 05MaryBOOLTONMeadow LaneDaughter of Edward
1690 05 06*WEDDELLKirkgate? of Thomas
1690 05 07WilliamCULLINGWORTHGreat WoodhouseFirst poor J. S. - Notice given
1690 05 07BartholomewFISHER.A Dutchman - Died at Joseph Cocker's
1690 05 09WilliamBAYSTERHolbeck.
1690 05 09MaryCULLINGWORTHVicar LaneWife of Christopher
1690 05 11RichardOLDFIELDNew Chapel.
1690 05 13[infant]PATRICKKirkgateChild of Michaell
1690 05 13JosephMIDSLEYCall LaneSon of Thomas
1690 05 15ChristopherKENDALLBankeFirst poor R. G. - Notice given
1690 05 17FrancisHAWDENMillhill.
1690 05 17HeneryRUSSELLSMillhill.
1690 05 18MarySMITHHeadrowWife of James
1690 05 19ThomasHOLMSHolbeck.
1690 05 20AliceBRAITHWATENew PrisonWife of George - Notice given
1690 05 21[child]ARMESTEADBriggateChild of Mr ? - Buried at St.John's
1690 05 21[child]SIMSONKirkgateChild of Mathew
1690 05 21JaneNOTTINGHAMKirkgateDaughter of Richard
1690 05 22[child]ROBERTSVicar LaneChild of Joseph
1690 05 23MaryWILSONLanse LaneDaughter of Robert
1690 05 23LancelotWHITLEYMarsh Lane.
1690 05 25[child]DOBSONHeadrowChild of Samuell
1690 05 26JaneHINDEBanke.
1690 05 27AnnHAMONDMabgateWife of John
1690 05 28SarahFLETCHER.Wife of William - Buried at St.John's
1690 05 30MargaretHAMONDMabgateDaughter of John
1690 06 01ElizabethSTRICKLANDGreat Woodhouse.
1690 06 01[child]NEWHOUSE.Child of John - Buried at St.John's
1690 06 03[child]LINLEYMabgateChild of Thomas
1690 06 05JosephBURTONTentersSon of John
1690 06 05JohnBRAITHWAITEHolbeckSon of John - Drowned
1690 06 05EllinPARKINSONBriggateWife of William
1690 06 09AnnHILLBriggateDaughter of Daniell
1690 06 09Mr WilliamPEARSEHeadrowA Musician
1690 06 09MaryWAYDEKirkgateDaughter of Benjamin
1690 06 09**WakefieldA Stranger who died in Holbeck at William Sowermyer's
1690 06 10WilliamWOODBURNEBanke.
1690 06 16SamuelPARKERBanke.
1690 06 23MaryNAYLORBriggateDaughter of Robert
1690 06 23AnnCONJERSCampoWife of Cornelius
1690 06 25*GRAYSONHeadrow[Widow]
1690 06 27WilliamKITCHINGMANHunslet LaneSon of Mr James - Buried in Church
1690 06 29JohnBRIGSIpsa PittsSon of John
1690 06 29JaneBECKETNew Prison.
1690 06 29SarahHARRISONKirkgateWife of Thomas
1690 06 29OthniellWHITWORTHCross.
1690 06 30TimothyLIGHTFOOTMarsh Lane.
1690 06 30ElizabethGREGMarsh LaneWife of Edward
1690 06 30DeborahTOMSONNorthall BridgeDaughter of Anthony
1690 06 30WilliamSWAINEBradforthDrowned
1690 07 02MarthaWROACall LaneDaughter of Joseph
1690 07 02WilliamTURNERBeyond the BridgeSon of John
1690 07 02JohnBROOKSBANCKKirkgate.
1690 07 03Mr CharlesLAMBERTBriggate.
1690 07 03ElizaGREAVEGreat WoodhouseWife of Thomas
1690 07 03*WOODCall LaneDaughter of Mr William
1790 07 04[child]BURTON.Crysome Child of Joseph - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 05JohnHUDSONCall LaneSon of Thomas
1690 07 08DeborahDENTONArmley HallWife of Christopher - Buried at Armley Chapel
1690 07 09MercyLEDGERTimble BridgeDaughter of Mr Robert - Buried in Linen at St.John's
1690 07 10WilliamWIGGINSMarket Place.
1690 07 10JosephROBERTSVicar LaneSon of Joseph
1690 07 10MargaretHORNERGreat WoodhouseWife of Marmaduke - Notice given
1690 07 10JohnHAMONDMillhillSon of John
1690 07 12SarahHAIREVicar LaneDaughter of John
1690 07 12JaneHUDSONVicar LaneDaughter of John
1690 07 13AnnARGILLAlmshouseWife of Henery - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 14MaryREAMEGreat WoodhouseWife of Thomas - Notice given
1690 07 15HannahBROWNEKirkgateWife of William
1690 07 15RichardWREAKSBriggateSon of Marmaduke - Buried in Church
1690 07 15[child]BURROWVicar LaneChild of Samuell - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 16JohnGELDARBridge EndBuried at St.John's
1690 07 16[child]WILSONNew ChapelChild of Henery - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 18AnnPULLEINBridge EndWife of Thomas
1690 07 19ThomasBALMERMillhillSon of Thomas
1690 07 20ThomasBULLOCKBridge EndSon of Thomas
1690 07 20[child]BARRETHeadrowChild of William - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 21ChristopherABBATIpsa PittsSon of John
1690 07 22[child]BRAMLEYMarsh LaneChild of Thomas - Buried at St.John's
1690 07 23MarthaHOYLL.Wife of Mr Joseph - Died at Mr Joseph Pinckering's Buried in Church
1690 07 24[child]BARRASMillhillChild of Christopher
1690 07 24ElizabethROYALLHolbeckDaughter of Ralph
1690 07 24JohnROWNTHWAITEMillhillSon of John
1690 07 25ElizabethGILLHeadrow.
1690 07 25JohnHOULGATEMabgate.
1690 07 26MaryMOONEHolbeckWife of William
1690 07 30ElizabethLANGDALEChurchyardWife of William
1690 08 02JohnMARSHALLKirkgateSon of William
1690 08 02MaryWHALLEYMabgateDaughter of Isaak
1690 08 03Mrs MaryINGRAMBankeWife of William - Buried in Church
1690 08 05SarahGLENSOVERMeadow LaneWife of Richard
1690 08 05CharlesTURNERTenters.
1690 08 06MarthaGRAY.Daughter of Marmaduke
1690 08 06IzabellSERVANTMarsh LaneWife of Abraham
1690 08 06Mr JosephSHIPLEY.Died at his father's home
1690 08 08JamesHARDISTYNew Prison.
1690 08 09SarahYEADONVicar Lane.
1690 08 09MarySTEADHeadrowBuried at St.John's
1690 08 11SarahSQUIREMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1690 08 11WilliamPOTTERTONKirkgateSon of Thomas
1690 08 11[child]AYRELanse LaneChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1690 08 13JosiahHARGRAVECloosesBuried at St.John's
1690 08 14GeorgeLOFTHOUSEOsmondthorpSon of George
1690 08 16WilliamWILKINSONCall LaneSon of George
1690 08 16[child]COWELLBankeChild of John - Buried at the Quaker Place
1690 08 17CatherineSMIRTWAITCall LaneDaughter of John
1690 08 18GeorgeMANNMarsh LaneSon of Joseph
1690 08 18Mrs AliceCONSTABLENew StreetWife of Mr Everingham - Buried at St.John's
1690 08 19MargaretCOCKSHAWTentersDaughter of George
1690 08 19PeterNICOLSONCall LaneSon of Peter
1690 08 20AnnSIMSONKirkgate.
1690 08 23SarahMURTONQuarry HillWife of George
1690 08 23ElizabethTATHWELLKirkgateDaughter of William
1690 08 25StephenSAYNARNew StreetBuried at St.John's
1690 08 26GeorgeBURNETBankeBachelor
1690 08 28MaryASKWITHCrossDaughter of Mr Caleb
1690 08 28AlexanderMOWGHKirkgateSon of Alexander
1690 08 29MargaretMARKOMMeadow LaneWife of Anthony - Buried at St.John's
1690 08 30ElizabethGIBSONChurchyardDaughter of John
1690 08 30[infant]HARRISONBankeChild of Mathew
1690 09 01[child]SMITHSONBriggateChild of Savyll - Buried at St.John's
1690 09 01[child]SMITHSONBriggateChild of Savyll - Buried at St.John's
1690 09 01JohnCOATESBankeBachelor
1690 09 02RachellSTANEBURNERockley HallDaughter of Ralph
1690 09 03WilliamDENNYHunslet Lane.
1690 09 03WilliamLEDGERTimble BridgeSon of Mr Robert - Buried at St.John's
1690 09 04[infant]ELLISMillhillChild of Henery
1690 09 05CalebHOWDENMillhillSon of Robert
1690 09 05ElizabethHUNSLEYKirkgate AlmshouseWife of Robert
1690 09 06JoshuaHOWDENMillhillSon of Robert
1690 09 08ThomasROBINSONVicar Lane.
1690 09 08MaryBATTYPitfall MillsDaughter of John
1690 09 09RobertSTEPHENSONMarsh LaneSon of John
1690 09 10JeremiahLOWREMeadow Lane.
1690 09 11[infant]STANNIDGEHeadrowChild of Cuthbert
1690 09 12JohnWIGGINSMarket PlaceSon of William
1690 09 14AnnHODGSONBanke.
1690 09 23BrianPROCTORKirkgateSon of Brian
1690 09 23JoshuaTHORNETONChurchyardSon of Joseph
1690 09 24Mr JosephMOORMillhillBuried at St.John's
1690 09 25AnnHALLCalbrowDaughter of Joseph
1690 09 25EllenFARRAHTentersWife of Brian
1690 09 25JosephLAMBSimpson FoldSon of Samuell
1690 09 25ElizabethSWAILSBankeDaughter of Samuell
1690 09 27NathanGRAVE Died in Callaine at Edmond Grave's - Buried at St.John's
1690 09 28SamuellWALKERCrossgreeneSon of Henery
1690 09 29JohnMETCALFEHolbeck.
1690 09 29AnnSMITH.Wife of Thomas - Buried at the Quaker's Burial Place
1690 10 02JaneBARRACLOUGHHolbeck LaneDaughter of James
1690 10 03IsaakHOLLINGSBriggateDied at Westroop Laycock's
1690 10 03[child]WHITTAKERCalsteeleA Crysome child of Joshua
1690 10 03JohnBURROWWeetwoodSon of John
1690 10 06HeneryKAYEBriggate.
1690 10 06SarahLAMBERTArmleyDaughter of Thomas
1690 10 08JohnWESTERMANMillhill.
1690 10 10[infant]BLANDKirkgateChild of John
1690 10 14ChristopherCOATESBanke.
1690 10 14[child]KNIPEKirkgateChild of Edward
1690 10 15[child]BACKHOUSE.Child of Richard - Buried at St.John's
1690 10 16RichardWAYRDEHolbeckSon of Richard
1690 10 16AnnPOWELLMarket Place.
1690 10 16WilliamPARKERMarsh LaneBoth legs cut off and buried before his death
1690 10 20[infant]TOWLERCall LaneChild of William
1690 10 22ElizabethTETLEY.Daughter of Robert
1690 10 22FrancesTOWLERCall LaneWife of William
1690 10 23RichardBOOCOCK ?New Prison.
1690 10 24RobertBOOCOCKNew PrisonSAME AS ABOVE
1690 10 25ClareBURNEHeadrow.
1690 10 26JohnLINLEYKirkgateSon of John
1690 10 28[child]WHAITES.Child of James - Buried at St.John's
1690 11 05JanePEASEKirkgateDaughter of John
1690 11 06AnnPAWSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas
1690 11 07LydiaWAULSHHeadrow.
1690 11 13RachellSCOTKirkgateDaughter of Robert
1690 11 14MaryJALLUPGreat WoodhouseWife of Arthur
1690 11 16GraceSWAINSTONGreat WoodhouseWife of William
1690 11 17[child]STEADMeadow LaneChild of Thomas
1690 11 18EllenBRETHERICKKirkgateWife of Bethell
1690 11 18ThomasPARKINSONBriggateSon of John
1690 11 19MaryHORSEMANHunslet LaneWife of Abraham
1690 11 20MarySHAFTONKirkgateDaughter of Richard [an Irishman]
1690 11 20StephenMETCALFEMillhill.
1690 11 20JohnRAINFOOT ?Call LaneBuried at St.John's
1690 11 21JosephWESTERMANMillhillSon of Joseph
1690 11 22JaneHOLSWORTHMarsh Lane.
1690 11 26GeorgePARKERBridge EndBuried in Church - 1st funeral sermon preached by Mr Vicar
1690 11 26HannahGIBSONTentersDaughter of Seth - Buried at St.John's
1690 11 27FrancesJAGGERBanke.
1690 11 28ElizabethHOBSONBankeWife of Robert
1690 11 29WilliamPEARSONQuarry Hill.
1690 11 30JohnSHAWMeadow LaneSon of Mr John
1690 11 30AnnSERVANTBankeDaughter of Joseph
1690 11 30[infant]SHOORSHeadrowChild of Thomas
1690 12 04AbrahamSERVANTMarsh LaneSon of Abraham
1690 12 05MaryGREENWOODMarsh Lane.
1690 12 06HannahCROFTBriggateDaughter of William - Buried at St.John's
1690 12 07*PRESTONNew Prison[Widow]
1690 12 07WilliamTATONMarsh LaneSon of Oiliver
1690 12 08JosephBATTYGreat WoodhouseSon of James
1690 12 09AnnLANGSCARMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1690 12 12JohnRICHARDSON.A Scotsman - Died in Kirkgate at John Nicolson's
1690 12 13**.A poor lad who died in Headrow at [Widow] Hallon's
1690 12 15[child]BACKHOUSEHeadrowChild of Rickera - Buried at St.John's
1690 12 15JosephJACKSONHunsletSon of Mrs Jackson
1690 12 16[infant]WALKERCall LaneChild of Richard
1690 12 17MilesDOWGLASMeadow Lane.
1690 12 18JohnSCHOALLEYSimpson FoldSon of Thomas
1690 12 20SarahSTANEBURNERockley HallDaughter of Ralph
1690 12 21blank ..
1690 12 23MargaretMETCALFEKnostrop.
1690 12 24GraceSQUIREBlack BankeWife of Samson
1690 12 24RachelSTANBURNERockley HallDaughter of Ralph
1690 12 26RobertRUSSELLMilne HillSon of William
1690 12 27RuthDUNNMillhillDaughter of George
1690 12 27ElizabethBURTONHeadrowDaughter of John
1690 12 28[child]WHAITE.Child of James - Buried at St.John's
1690 12 30JohnPEARSONKirkgateSon of Thomas
1690 12 30*ROADESNew Prison[Widow]
1690 12 30JosephSIMSONCall LaneSon of Joseph
1690 01 01ThomasNETHERWOODMabgateSon of Mr Nicolas - Buried in Church
1690 01 02RichardSHOWERSHeadrowSon of Thomas
1690 01 03JamesGREEN.Died in Vicar Lane at Samuell Thorp's
1690 01 03AnnMASONBankeWife of Mathew
1690 01 06ElizabethBELLSCT Torthorwell parish 
1690 01 06MaryTATESelbyDied in Mabgate at John Lee's
1690 01 06AnnATKINSONBriggateDaughter of Edward Esq - Buried in Quire
1690 01 06JohnROBERTSVicar LaneSon of Joseph
1690 01 07ElizabethROGERSONMillhillWife of Richard
1690 01 09SarahHILLARYCrossDaughter of Frances
1690 01 09MaryDIXONVicar LaneDaughter of Bartholomew
1690 01 09AliceBROTHERHOODVicar LaneDaughter of John
1690 01 11AliceDICKINSONMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1690 01 11UxorALLONMabgate.
1690 01 11[infant]OLDROYDGreat WoodhouseChild of John
1690 01 12[child]HOLMSQuarry HillChild of Robert - Buried at St.John's
1690 01 13MargaretMANMarsh LaneWife of Joseph
1690 01 15[child]METCALFEHunsletChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1690 01 15[infant]MOREHOUSEMillhillChild of Elizabeth [A Bastard]
1690 01 16*TOMPSONAlmshouse[Widow] - Buried at St.John's
1690 01 16AnnLINLEYQuarry HillWife of Thomas
1690 01 16MercyBARKERKirkgateWife of Hugh
1690 01 16ElizaSETTELLHeadrowDaughter of Thomas
1690 01 16[infant]GILLAMMillhillChild of George
1690 01 17ThomasMETCALFECall Lane.
1690 01 17JamesEARLLEHilhouse BankeSon of John
1690 01 18AnnTOWNSONNew Church AlmshouseBuried at St.John's
1690 01 18ElleanorPRINCECoal CotesDaughter of Mr Edward
1690 01 19JohnSUTLIFFWortleySon of Richard
1690 01 20DorothyBAINESKnostropDaughter of Mr Robert - Buried in Church
1690 01 21RachellHALLIDAYBriggateDaughter of William
1690 01 21RobertHIRSTHeadrow.
1690 01 22[child]DRUIS ?HeadrowChild of John - Buried at St.John's
1690 01 23SamuellHOBSONKirkgateSon of Samuell
1690 01 23*BOOCOCKMillhill[Widow]
1690 01 24[child]SMALEPAGEBuslingthorpChild of Stephen
1690 01 24ChristopherSQUIERBlack BankeSon of Samson
1690 01 24JohnPYEVicar Lane.
1690 01 25HenryBREAKS.Bachelor
1690 01 26[child]AYRYMabgateChild of William - Buried at St.John's
1690 01 27MarthaGIBSONChurchyardDaughter of John
1690 01 28WilliamHOLLIDAYBriggate.
1690 01 29[infant]RANISONKirkgateChild of John
1690 01 29JamesRIPLEYBurnitofts.
1690 01 31RichardATKINSONVicar LaneSon of William
1690 02 01MaryWRIGHTKnostropDaughter of Mr George - Buried in Church
1690 02 02IzabellHOPTONKirkgate[Widow]
1690 02 04MargaretSAFTON Wife of Richard [An Irishman]
1690 02 04[child]COATSBankeChild of John
1690 02 04Mr StephenMETCALFEKirkgate.
1690 02 06JaneILESLittle WoodhouseDaughter of Henery
1690 02 06MargaretMITCHELLKirkgateDaughter of Robert
1690 02 06AnnLAMBBridge EndDaughter of John
1690 02 08AnnCOOKShamblesDaughter of William
1690 02 08MichaellCHAPMANMeadow Lane.
1690 02 10JohnHALLEYMeadow Lane.
1690 02 11WilliamJACKSONHunslet Lane.
1690 02 12RuthHAIGUEKirkgateDaughter of Robert
1690 02 14JamesHAIGUELANA Carrier - Died at Isaak Wood's
1690 02 15ThomasSTEADWater Hall.
1690 02 15BarbareBEDFORTHKirkgateWife of Richard
1690 02 16MaryDICKINSONMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1690 02 17AnnYAITESHunslet LaneWife of John
1690 02 18ThomasMARSHALLBriggateDied at Mr Johnson's
1690 02 19FrancisSWITHINBANCKBanke.
1690 02 20MarthaPARKERMabgateDaughter of Henery
1690 02 20DorothyWHITEHEAD.Servant to Mrs Lambert
1690 02 21Mr JoshuaILESMeadow Lane.
1690 02 21SarahTAYLORGreat WoodhouseDaughter of John
1690 02 25FrancisSERVANTBridge EndSon of Isaak
1690 02 27MaryBLACKBURNEBankeDaughter of William
1690 02 27ThomasCARRKirkgateSon of Thomas
1690 02 27JamesHANSOMVicar Lane.
1690 03 01JohnWRAYHeadrowSon of Thomas
1690 03 01WilliamDODGSONCall LaneSon of Mr John - Buried in Church
1690 03 02ThomasELTHORPVicar Lane.
1690 03 02NicolasDUNWELLAlmshouseBuried at St.John's
1690 03 07MathewJACKSONKirkgateSon of Mathew
1690 03 09WilliamODDYEGreat Woodhouse.
1690 03 09[child]PARKERMarsh LaneCrysome child of Mary
1690 03 09AnnSHAWVicar LaneDaughter of John
1690 03 10JohnBESWICKNew ChapelSon of Francis
1690 03 10JohnBURTONHeadrowSon of John
1690 03 12FrancesCLAYTONNew PrisonWife of Robert
1690 03 14[child]PROCTORTentersChild of Edward
1690 03 15ThomasTENNANTHunslet.
1690 03 15ChristopherCLIFTONChurchyard.
1690 03 16JosephHARRISONKirkgateSon of John
1690 03 19RalphDOCKERAHMarsh Lane.
1690 03 20Mr NathaniellCOOREChurchyardA.B. & Parish Clerk, and in Deacon's Orders
1690 03 21DorothyCOCKERAMMabgateWife of John
1690 03 23Mrs DeborahSTANHOPE.Wife of ? [Alderman]
1690 03 23ThomasCUMMINCrossSon of Thomas

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
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