


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1684-1685


Leeds Parish Church PRs, Burials 1684-1685


1684 06 11JohnTEMPESTCalsteeleSon of John
1684 06 11GeorgeBRIGSArmleyBuried at Chapel
1684 06 13SarahSMITHSONBlack BankeDaughter of John
1684 06 13JohnBRAMLEYMarket PlaceSon of John
1684 06 13WilliamLAYFIELD..
1684 06 15AliceBRASHAYCrossgreeneWidow
1684 06 15WilliamROBINSONArmleyBuried at Chapel
1684 06 16SamuelOVERENHunslet.
1684 06 17JoshuaWRAYHilhouse BanksSon of George
1684 06 18JohnHEYMarket PlaceSon of William
1684 06 18WilliamBROWNUpper TentersSon of James
1684 06 18ElizabethROBINSONLower HeadrowDaughter of David
1684 06 18SamuelPROCTERChurchyardSon of Samuel
1684 06 18HannahNELSONArmley.
1684 06 20PeterRAGGETNew Prison.
1684 06 20MaryCROFTBriggateDaughter of William
1684 06 21SamuelCLOUDSLEYBriggateSon of Jonathan
1684 06 23RichardLINLEYNorthal BridgeSon of Thomas
1684 06 23EllinGODFREYArmley.
1684 06 29WilliamNORTHOUSCall LaneDrowned
1684 06 30RebeckahBOWMANKirkgateDaughter of John
1684 06 30[infant]BREARHilhouse BanksChild of Francis
1684 07 *ElizabethREYNARArmleyBuried at Chapel
1684 07 02SamuelDOWGLASMeadow LaneSon of John
1684 07 02MaryDOUGLASMeadow LaneDaughter of Myles
1684 07 02SarahCRINAGEHunslet LaneDaughter of Jeremy
1684 07 02ElizabethGREGHunsletDaughter of John
1684 07 03MargaretHORNEGreat WoodhouseWife of John
1684 07 03JohnWILSONArmley.
1684 07 04SarahHUTCHINSONHolbeck LaneDaughter of Edward
1684 07 04SamuelMAYORHilhouse BanksSon of Jeremy
1684 07 04HannahSWAILEHilhouse BanksDaughter of Mathew
1684 07 05SarahCALBECKMarket PlaceDaughter of George
1684 07 06GeorgeTHORPEMillhill.
1684 07 07JohnHORNEVicar LaneGiven Name William?
1684 07 08SarahSYKESLedsomeDaughter of Mr Richard
1684 07 08JonathanCOOPERUpper TentersSon of Thomas
1684 07 08MarthaWILKINSONMillhillDaughter of Sarah [Widow]
1684 07 09JenetWADSWORTHHilhouse BanksDaughter of Isack
1684 07 09RebeckahFOWNTAINES.Daughter of Mr Joseph
1684 07 11SamuelCOATESMillhill.
1684 07 13RobertBLACKBURNEBriggateSon of Mr Isack
1684 07 13ThomasPICKERINGNew ChapelSon of Thomas
1684 07 15JaneDAWSONMillhill[Widow]
1684 07 15AnnCULLINGWORTHHilhouse BanksDaughter of Christopher
1684 07 16CatherinYATESBriggateDaughter of Mr David
1684 07 16AnnBATTYKirkgateDaughter of Francis - Buried at Headingley Chapel
1684 07 17[infant]WALKERHilhouse BanksChild of Richard
1684 07 18ThomasATKINSONHeadrowSon of William
1684 07 18JamesWHATESONLower Headrow.
1684 07 19TabithaMORRISNether HeadrowDaughter of William
1684 07 19ThomasPARKINDoncasterSon of Mr Roger - Died at Mr Goodair's in Kirkgate
1684 07 20JosephKIRSHAMillhillSon of John
1684 07 20[infant]PINKNEYBriggateChild of Joseph
1684 07 21HannahHARGRAVEHolbeckDaughter of Adam Jr
1684 07 22[infant]ICABOTHAMHilhouse BanksChild of William
1684 07 22JosephREYNARBeyond the BridgeSon of Henry
1684 07 22[infant]BRITTANKirkgateChild of Nathan
1684 07 23AnnSCHOLEYBeyond the BridgeWife of Thomas
1684 07 23[infant]TENANT [CLARKE ERASED]KirkgateChild of Christopher
1684 07 23JohnDINISONBriggateSon of John
1684 07 24JosephMOOREArmleySon of Christopher
1684 07 24AnnHUINShamblesWife of William
1684 07 26AnnWALKERCrossgreeneWife of Henry
1684 07 26SamuelSILSONHunsletBuried at Chapel
1684 07 27ElizabethATKINSONAlmHouses[Widow]
1684 07 28ThomasOULDFIELDMarket PlaceSon of Richard
1684 07 30MaryCALBECKMarket PlaceDaughter of George
1684 07 31JosephCOCKERLower HeadrowSon of Joseph
1684 08 01ElizabethILESHolbeckWife of Mr Tobit [Buried in Linen] Notice given 08 10
1684 08 01MaryHANSONKirkgateWife of William
1684 08 01MaryWALKERHunsletBuried at Chapel
1684 08 04Mr JohnBROOKEBriggate.
1684 08 04JoshuaOSBURNEMarket Place.
1684 08 04MaryBLANDHilhouse BanksWife of Alexander
1684 08 05JohnHARRISONGreat Woodhouse.
1684 08 05JohnLIGHTFOOT..
1684 08 07IsackSWIFTMillhill.
1684 08 07DorathyPEASECall LaneDaughter of Thomas
1684 08 07JaneWILCOCKKirkgate.
1684 08 07[infant]SHAWMeadow LaneChild of John
1684 08 07ElizabethHINDEHunsletBuried at Chapel
1684 08 09MaryDICKINSONMillhillWife of William
1684 08 09MarmadukeGUTHERICKMabgate.
1684 08 13[infant]FERNEMabgateChild of Richard
1684 08 12HenryNORTON SRLower Headrow.
1684 08 13ElizabethHARRISONKirkgateDaughter of Joseph [deceased]
1684 08 13MaryPAPEChurchyardDaughter of John
1684 08 13JosephEAMONDSONMillhillSon of Joseph
1684 08 14JohnMOREHOUSEChurchyard.
1684 08 14GeorgeSPENCERQuarry HillA Stranger
1684 08 15EsterGILLLower HeadrowDaughter of John
1684 08 15Mrs JaneBURDETKirkgate[Widow]
1684 08 16MaryJAGGERHilhouse BanksWife of Simon [deceased]
1684 08 16WilliamATKINSONLower HeadrowSon of William
1684 08 16SarahFERNEMabgateDaughter of Richard
1684 08 17MaryDUNMillhillDaughter of George
1684 08 18JosephJACKSONLidgateSon of William
1684 08 18[infant]BROWNEMillhillChild of Robert
1684 08 18ElizabethGREY..
1684 08 20[infant]DOBSONLower HeadrowChild of Samuel
1684 08 21ElizabethTOPPINMarket PlaceDaughter of Thomas
1684 08 21ThomasJACKSONQuarry Hill.
1684 08 22FrancisSILLEMANKirkgateBuried at St.John's
1684 08 22GeorgeWATSONMarsh Lane.
1684 08 22AliceLANGSCARMarsh Lane[Widow]
1684 08 24RalfeWALKERLittle Woodhouse.
1684 08 25[infant]IBBITSONKirkgateChild of Mr Joshua [Alderman]
1684 08 25JohnHINDSLEYCall Lane.
1684 08 26JosephDYSONTimble BridgeSon of Joseph
1684 08 27NicholasBIBBYBriggate.
1684 08 28AbrahamHASLAINHeadrowBachelor
1684 08 28JohnTHORPMarket PlaceSon of Samuel
1684 08 28DanielWILSONWaterhallSon of Daniel
1684 08 28SusannaSIMSONLidgate[Widow]
1684 08 30ElizabethSMITHNorthallDaughter of Abraham
1684 09 01[infant]GELDERTArmleyChild of Joshua - Buried at Chapel
1684 09 01AliceWALKERHilhouse BanksWife of Richard
1684 09 02JohnSMITHSONBriggateSon of Savill
1684 09 02JohnSTRICKLANDNew PrisonSon of Thomas
1684 09 04JoshuaBARLOWHeadingleySon of Thomas - Buried at Chapel
1684 09 04MaryPENROSEShambles EndDaughter of Mr John
1684 09 05FrancesLAWSONHeadingleyBuried at Chapel
1684 09 05WilliamHEBDINMarket PlaceSon of Mathew
1684 09 05CrisamHARGRAVEPark LaneChild of Moses
1684 09 06SamuelPARKERHunslet.
1684 09 07Mr GeorgeBANISTERBriggate.
1684 09 08MaryGIBSONHolbeckDaughter of Constantine
1684 09 09ThomasCURRAN..
1684 09 10MargaretHODSHONHunslet[Widow]
1684 09 10MosesHARGRAVE.Child of *
1684 09 12SamuelATKINSONBriggateSon of Mr Edward Esq
1684 09 14ElizabethWALKERLidgateSpinster
1684 09 14JaneSPENCEBurnitoftsWife of Robert
1684 09 14SarahGREENEBoar LaneDaughter of Mr Richard
1684 09 14MargaretKILLINBECKAlmHouses.
1684 09 15MaryRYDERMabgateDaughter of James
1684 09 15MaryBRETHERICKMillhillDaughter of George
1684 09 17ThomasROBINSONKirkgate.
1684 09 20DanielPARKERBack of ShamblesSon of Mr Daniel
1684 09 20SarahSIMSONKirkgateSon of John
1684 09 20CicelyMASONHeadrow.
1684 09 24AnnPULORTE..
1684 09 23CristeforthROBISON..
1684 09 23RosamondSTRICKLANDGreat WoodhouseSpinster
1684 09 23JosephGILMANMeadow LaneBachelor
1684 09 24MaryJOLLY..
1684 09 24JohnSHARPEPaudmireSon of John
1684 09 24AnnHANCOCKMarsh LaneDaughter of George
1684 09 24RalfeHODGSON..
1684 09 26JohnPENROSEShambles EndSon of Mr John
1684 09 28JosephHAMONMabgateSon of John
1684 09 29ElizabethSAWERBoar LaneDaughter of Mr William
1684 10 01SusannaADDINSONCall Lane[Widow]
1684 10 02ElizabethTATHWELBirom HallDaughter of Barnard [Brian erased]
1684 10 03Mrs MargaretMASSY.Died at Midleton, Rothwell, buried at Hunslet
1684 10 03MaryBARBERMeadow LaneSpinster
1684 10 04LukeBEAUMONTUpper HeadrowSon of Thomas
1684 10 05DorathySTRICKLANDNew Prison[Widow] Notice given 10 14
1684 10 07MarySPENCEGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Leonard
1684 10 07ThomasWILLIAMSON..
1684 10 07MargaretMASSYHunsletSEE ABOVE
1684 10 08JohnPICUP.Died at Mrs Conyer's house in Briggate
1684 10 08MaryBROWNE..
1684 10 08JohnDUCKIT..
1684 10 09MaryBROWNE [SMITH ERASED]ShamblesDaughter of John
1684 10 09JohnDONCASTERTimble Bridge.
1684 10 09RalfeGRAVE..
1684 10 10ElizabethDAWSONMarsh LaneDaughter of William
1684 10 10JohnJACKSONHilhouse BanksNotice given 10 19
1684 10 11JohnSMALLPAGEBuslingthorpeSon of Stephen
1684 10 11RichardATKINSONMillhillSon of Thomas Jr
1684 10 12PhillipIBITSONCall LaneBachelor
1684 10 12AdamTAYLOR..
1684 10 12WilliamGRESTWICK..
1684 10 13AliceASHMillhillDaughter of William
1684 10 13SarahDICKINSON..
1684 10 14JohnAMBLERBeyond the BridgeSon of Ambrose
1684 10 14JohnHILLHunslet LaneSon of Daniel
1684 10 16[infant]OLDREDBlack BankeChild of John
1684 10 20SarahHARDWICKCalbrowWife of Jacob
1684 10 20JohnBILTONKirkgateSon of Lambert
1684 10 21PhebeTINSDALLNew ChapelWife of Ralph
1684 10 21MaryROOMEBridge EndDaughter of Arthur [deceased]
1684 10 21PhebeTINSDALLCall LaneWife of Ralph Jr - Buried at St.John's Note 2:SEE ABOVE
1684 10 21[child]WILSONMillhillChild of Mr Thomas
1684 10 22ThomasTINSDALLNew ChapelSon of Ralph
1684 10 22SamuelLONGBOTHOMMeadow LaneSon of Richard
1684 10 24JohnLUND..
1684 10 23AliceKILLINGBECKKnostropWife of Richard
1684 10 23AnnWILSON.Daughter of Mr Thomas
1684 10 23RuthBARNARD..
1684 10 23JohnTAYLOR..
1684 10 24SusannahDODGSHON..
1684 10 27ElizabethPICKERINGNew ChapelWife of Thomas
1684 10 27SarahWALKER.Daughter of *
1684 10 27JohnWALKERBlack BankeSon of John
1684 10 30JohnBURRASKirkgateSon of William
1684 10 31HannaHARDWICKBriggateWife of Mr Mathew
1684 10 31MaryROTHERYLeeds.
1684 11 01ElizabethBLYTHHilhouse BanksDaughter of James
1684 11 01RichardHARGRAVEMeadow LaneBuried at St.John's
1684 11 03JohnWILLINGTONMeadow Lane.
1684 11 03MargaretMUSGRAVEMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1684 11 04[infant]HARRISONKirkgateChild of Thomas
1684 11 04MaryLINFOOTMeadow LaneDaughter of John
1685 11 05RichardLEEMINGAlmHouses.
1684 11 06HannahKEIGHLEYCall Lane[Widow]
1684 11 05RachelHICKSONBriggateDaughter of Mr Robert
1684 11 06JaneEDDISONMillhillDaughter of Thomas
1684 11 06[infant]BROADLEYHunslet LaneChild of Marke
1684 11 07HannahLEETOWLERHilhouse BanksDaughter of Abraham
1684 11 08WilliamBLACKBURNEHilhouse BanksSon of William
1684 11 08MarthaBROWNEShamblesWife of John
1684 11 08MargaretHORNE..
1684 11 09SibbilREYNARVicar Lane[Widow]
1684 11 10ChristopherPRESTONNew ChapelSon of Mr John, a Merchant. Died 11 08, 11:30PM, Buried under the first stone in the middle Quire, out of the broad Alley to the North side.
1684 11 10[infant]DODSHONKirkgateChild of Edmond
1684 11 10ElizabethBLANCHARDKirkgateSpinster - Notice given 11 10
1684 11 12EdwardMIDLETONBlack BankeNotice given 11 21
1684 11 12RichardBOOTHMarsh LaneBuried in Linen - Notice given 11 22
1684 11 13[infant]CLOUGHBlack BankeChild of John - Buried in Linen; Notice given 11 22
1684 11 13JacobHARDWICKCalbrow.
1684 11 14SusannaLILFORTHMeadow LaneWife of John
1684 11 14EdwardWAITMiddle TentersSon of Joseph
1684 11 17ThomasTINSDALLVicar LaneSon of Ralph
1684 11 17SamuelKITCHINKirkgateDied at William Kent's house
1684 11 17ElizabethMATHEWBridge End[Widow] Notice given 11 26
1684 11 18JosephSTEAD..
1684 11 19WilliamBELLShamblesBachelor - Died at Richard Wood's house
1684 11 19RobertWOODHOUSEShambles End.
1684 11 19MaryLAMBEChauntryWife of Oswald
1684 11 20ElizabethCLOUGHBlack BankeWife of John - Notice given 11 29
1684 11 21AnthonyFETHERSTONHilhouse Banks.
1684 11 21WilliamMARSHALLMillhill.
1684 11 21ThomasWADDILOVEMarket PlaceSon of Richard
1684 11 22EdwardTOPPINHolbeck.
1684 11 22[child]HARRISON.Child of Thomas
1684 11 24RobertTAYLOR JRLidgate.
1684 11 28Mr ChristopherBANESKnostropBachelor
1684 11 29SarahFOSTERNew ChapelWife of Alexander
1684 12 01WilliamJACKSONTimble Bridge.
1684 12 01ThomasLONSDALE..
1684 12 02MathewSHOOSMITHWestfield Gate.
1684 12 03JohnPOOLE..
1684 12 03JohnBARRITHolbeck.
1684 12 03SarahBECKLeeds.
1684 12 04WilliamSIMSONCall LaneSon of John
1684 12 04ElizabethBURKENSHAY..
1684 12 08WilliamSMITHMillhillSon of John
1684 12 07ElizabethVRY OR URYBridge EndDaughter of Robert
1684 12 07[infant]GREENEBoar LaneChild of Mr Richard
1684 12 09JohnRYDER..
1684 12 09ElizabethGARNETCalbrowWife of John
1684 12 10ElizabethFENTON..
1684 12 10Martha [Clare erased]WOODHOUSEMillhillDaughter of William
1684 12 12SarahPEASETentersWife of Joseph
1684 12 12ThomasNEWSOMEBriggate.
1684 12 13JohnDIXONMilne Hill.
1684 12 13AnnBREARCLIFFCall LaneWife of Thomas
1684 12 13SarahRICHINSONGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Robert
1684 12 14DorathyBANESKnostropWife of Mr Robert
1684 12 14Mrs SarahPEASECall Lane.
1684 12 14RobertALDERSONBriggate.
1684 12 15LuciePULLENQuarry HillDaughter of Thomas
1684 12 16ThomasROBESON..
1684 12 17HenryGRAINGERNew ChapelSon of John
1684 12 18GeorgeSMITHMillhill.
1684 12 18Jere*IDELLHunslet.
1684 12 19JohnWASTNAGEMillhillSon of John
1684 12 19IsackFALKONERBridge End.
1684 12 20WilliamBENTLEYMarket Place.
1684 12 20GraceLUPTONBuslingthorpeDaughter of Henry
1684 12 21[infant]BECKGreat WoodhouseChild of George
1684 12 22JosephBROWNEKirkgateSon of Daniel
1684 12 22[child]FAWSITSimpson FoldChild of Edward - Notice given 12 30
1684 12 23ThomasCHAPMANMillhillSon of Thomas
1684 12 23MaryTOULSONMillhillDaughter of Samuell
1684 12 25ElizabethETHERINGTONKirkgateDaughter of Anthony - Buried in Linen - Notice given 01 02
1684 12 26JosephBANESHolbeckSon of Joseph
1684 12 26ChristopherJACKSONHolbeck.
1684 12 26HellenerMOORE..
1684 12 28MargaretMOXONAlmHouses.
1684 12 29RichardWRIGLESWORTHCalbrow.
1684 12 29[infant]SYKESGledowChild of Susanna
1684 12 29[child]MURTON.Child of John
1684 12 30RichardBATESONMeadow Lane.
1684 12 30RichardCOOKE..
1684 12 30ThomasPEASETentersSon of Thomas
1684 12 31ChristopherWALKERGreat Woodhouse.
1684 01 02ThomasBANESHolbeck Millgreene.
1684 01 03JohnALLONSONNether HeadrowSon of Joseph
1684 01 04HannahHOPTONKirkgateDaughter of Isabel [Widow]
1684 01 05RobertBROWNEBridge End.
1684 01 05JaneDIXONHilhouse Banks[Widow] Buried in Linen
1684 01 06ThomasNELLSON..
1684 01 07SusannaBATESBeyond the BridgeDaughter of Alexander
1684 01 07SarahSIMSONKirkgateWife of Thomas
1684 01 07SarahROBINSONHolbeckWife of George
1684 01 07RebeckahKIDSONVicar LaneWife of William
1684 01 08JaneBROADLEYKirkgate End[Widow]
1684 01 08AliceADERSUN ?Kirkgate End[Widow]
1684 01 09LydiaWAIDUpper HeadrowDaughter of Judith
1684 01 09HannahPRESTONHolbeck.
1684 01 10RobertWILLSON..
1684 01 10AliceROWLAND..
1684 01 10ElizabethFENTON..
1684 01 10JoshuaPOLLARDCall Lane.
1684 01 11GeorgeFIDLERVicar Lane.
1684 01 12ChristopherHARRISSONKirkgate.
1684 01 12AnnWILLIAMSONLeeds.
1684 01 13RobertBAYNESBankeNotice given
1684 01 13JaneGARFORTH..
1684 01 15ElizabethGRAVESONUpper HeadrowDaughter of Richard [deceased]
1684 01 15ElizabethWATSON..
1684 01 15ElizabethMARSHELLVicar Lane[Widow]
1684 01 16SimeonPICKELES..
1684 01 17JohnHUSON..
1684 01 17ThomasFLOCKTONCalbrow.
1684 01 17RichardMORRISVicar LaneSon of William
1684 01 18[infant]KENDILETentersChild of Robert
1684 01 18*BECK.Wife of Isack
1684 01 18ThomasCHAPMANMillhill.
1684 01 19JaneDIXONNew Chapel LaneDaughter of Thomas
1684 01 20RobertGOWLINKirkgate.
1684 01 21[infant]KENTKirkgateChild of William
1684 01 21MaryROBINSON..
1684 01 23AnnHUNTERHunslet LaneWife of John
1684 01 24RobertSPEITBridge End.
1684 01 25MaryHUENQuarrell HillDaughter of William
1684 01 26AbrahamMATTHEWMillhillSon of John
1684 01 26JohnBOOKERVicar LaneBuried in Linen
1684 01 27Mr JohnSMITHChurchyardParish Clerk
1684 01 27SarahSANDERSONBlack BankeWife of Mathew
1684 01 27AnneSANDERSONBlack BankeDaughter of Mathew
1684 01 27ElizabethELLISLower HeadrowWife of Samuell
1684 01 27WilliamTOMSONCalbrowSon of Gilbert - Buried in Linen
1684 01 27AnnCLOSE..
1684 01 28JosephLAMBEBeyond the BridgeSon of John
1684 01 28GeorgeWOODVicar Lane.
1684 01 30PaulRENNARDTenters.
1684 01 30JosephBARABY..
1684 01 30ElizabethSKELTONOsmondthorpeWife of Mr Seth
1684 01 31[child]HOGEBriggateChild of Nathaniell
1684 02 02JohnLAMBERTShambles.
1684 02 02[infant]FALKINERMabgateChild of William
1684 02 03MaryTOMPSONBuslingthorpeDaughter of Anthony
1684 02 04Mr ChristopherLOCKWOODTownend.
1684 02 05MaryMIDGLEYCall LaneWife of Thomas
1684 02 06ThomasCHAMBERSPit Fall.
1684 02 06ElizabethLAMBERTHolbeckDaughter of Benjamin
1684 02 06SarahWILKINSONMillhillNotice given
1684 02 07RobertBURBECK..
1684 02 07JaneHEALDKirkgateWife of Robert
1684 02 08[infant]PARKERBriggateChild of Francis
1684 02 08HenryTOWNILLLower BankeBuried in Linen
1684 02 08JamesCANHEATH.A Stranger
1684 02 08JohnTURNER..
1684 02 09JamesROGERSLower Headrow.
1684 02 09LucePOLLARDCall Lane.
1684 02 11AnnKITCHINMANMeadow LaneDaughter of Richard
1684 02 11IsabellDAWSONNew Prison.
1684 02 11AnnHUENCall LaneDaughter of Thomas
1684 02 12JohnHEPWORTHKirkgateSon of Thomas
1684 02 12RachellAPPELBYUpper HeadrowDaughter of Robert
1684 02 13WilliamWALKER..
1684 02 13JohnHUTCHINSONQuarrell Hill.
1684 02 14FrancesGREAVEWaterhallWife of George
1684 02 14JamesJOHNSONCall LaneBachelor - Notice given
1684 02 14RichardCRAWSHAWTentersSon of Paul
1684 02 14[infant]SWINYARDMarsh LaneChild of James
1684 02 15ElizabethSWINYARDMarsh LaneWife of James
1684 02 15MaryCHAMLEYCalbrowWife of Luke
1684 02 16*ICKABOTTOMHilhouse Banks[Widow]
1684 02 17AnnROBERTSMiddle TentersWife of John
1684 02 17ElizabethPYEVicar LaneDaughter of John
1684 02 18SarahPOWELLHilhouse BanksDaughter of Joseph
1684 02 18JosephSMITHCall LaneSon of Robert
1684 02 19AnnSMITHHilhouse BanksWife of William
1684 02 23RichardKITCHINMANMeadow Lane.
1684 02 23CatherineCROFTHilhouse Banks.
1684 02 23AnnWALKER..
1684 02 24SamuellBURNLEY.Son of Samuell
1684 02 25CalibASQUITHMiddle TentersSon of James - Notice given
1684 02 26ThomasPULLANChurchyardSon of Joseph
1684 02 27JosephHARRISONHilhouse Banks.
1684 02 27VeretyMATHEW..
1684 02 28RalphARMFIELD.Died in Nether Headrow - A Stranger
1684 02 28WilliamSTOREY..
1684 02 30AnnPEARSON.Invalid Date
1684 03 01ElizabethDUCKETT..
1684 03 01MaryKETTELLWELL..
1684 03 01IsabelWARWICKCalbrowWife of Thomas
1684 03 02WilliamBESWICKE.Son of George
1684 03 02PhiniusLAMBEShambles.
1684 03 02ElenorSNEILS..
1684 03 02RichardJEFFERSONWoodhouse.
1684 03 02JamesSCAFEVicar Lane.
1684 03 02JohnCLARKEVicar LaneNotice given
1684 03 03ElizabethSIMChurchyard.
1684 03 04JaneHUMBLEHolbeckWife of Robert
1684 03 04LeonardSPENCEWoodhouseSon of Leonard
1684 03 04[infant]WILSONVicar LaneChild of Thomas
1684 03 06[infant]MOUNTANEMarsh LaneChild of James
1684 03 06JohnWOOD..
1684 03 07Mrs AnnWOODBurley.
1684 03 07AliceSTORY..
1684 03 07ElizabethETHERINGTONKirkgateWife of Anthony
1684 03 08Mr ThomasILESMeadow Lane.
1684 03 08MathewFIRTH..
1684 03 08HenrySIDALLBoar LaneSon of Joseph
1684 03 08ElizabethBROWNChurchyardWife of John - Notice given
1684 03 08AnnWHREAKSBriggateDaughter of Marmaduke
1684 03 10ElizabethDUCKETT..
1684 03 10ElizabethPRESTONQuarry HillWife of John
1684 03 10MarthaGUY..
1684 03 11BrianKITCHINMANMeadow LaneSon of Mr John
1684 03 13WilliamCARHunslet.
1684 03 13WilliamELLISHeadrowSon of Samuell
1684 03 13JohnFOSTERBridge EndSon of William
1684 03 13RichardROBINSON..
1684 03 14HenryJOHNSONTenters.
1684 03 14MarthaJACKSONMillhillWife of William
1684 03 14WilliamBROOKEMillhillNotice given
1684 03 16ThomasRANSOM..
1684 03 16Mr JohnDAWSONKirkgate.
1684 03 18JohnFAIRBARN ?New ChapelNotice given
1684 03 18[infant]PRESTONBeyond the BridgeChild of Anthony
1684 03 19IsabellBUCKELLLeeds.
1684 03 19HannahFARMERMillhill.
1684 03 20ThomasPRESTON.Son of Thomas
1684 03 21[infant]LINDLEYLittle WoodhouseChild of Mary - Notice given
1684 03 21ThomasLICKBARORHunslet.
1684 03 22JosephBROOKLidgateSon of Joseph
1684 03 22ThomasPRESTON..
1684 03 23JohnWRAYBeyond the BridgeSon of John
1684 03 23HannahRIDERKirkgateDaughter of Christopher
1684 03 24MilesDONCASTERMarsh LaneNotice given
1685 03 26Mr WilliamCARVILLMarket Place.
1685 03 26JohnBROOKEMiddle *.
1685 03 29JohnBROWNEHolbeck.
1685 03 29JohnWATERWORTHNew Prison.
1685 03 29[infant]BELL.Child of Mathew
1685 03 30ReefirasHEBDONBanke.
1685 03 30ElizabethPEARSONPasture SpringA Stranger
1685 04 01EdwardBROOKEHunslet.
1685 04 01MaryMILNERHeadrowDaughter of John
1685 04 01MaryNALERMillhill[Widow]
1685 04 02ElizabethRALLISONBoar Lane.
1685 04 03ElizabethMITCHELLBankeWife of Joseph
1685 04 03AlicePOTTERKirkgate EndDaughter of William
1685 04 04MaryGARFORTHSimpson FoldDaughter of Richard
1685 04 05IsackWEBSTERHilhouse BanksSon of Isack
1685 04 05FrancisLEVERSIDGKirkgateSon of John
1685 04 06[infant]ALLEANBridge EndChild of John
1685 04 07EdwardLEIGH..
1685 04 07DorathyJEFFERAYCall LaneDaughter of Robert
1685 04 08MathewRIDERKirkgate.
1685 04 08MaryTOPPINHolbeck[Widow]
1685 04 09RobertHUDSONCall LaneSon of Thomas
1685 04 09ThomasMATHEW [SMITH ERASED]Holbeck.
1685 04 10JamesIBITSON.Son of Mr John [Alderman]
1685 04 12JohnROBERTSUpper TentersNotice given
1685 04 11ThomasBECKWITH..
1685 04 10JohnMARTINKirkgate.
1685 04 10RobertLEADAMBeestonSon of George
1685 04 10RobertPEASEKirkgateSon of John
1685 04 13[infant]JACKSONHeadrowChild of William
1685 04 14ElizabethHUDSONCall LaneDaughter of Thomas
1685 04 15EdwardBROOKE. 
1685 04 16JohnDEARSMillhill.
1685 04 16HannahHOYLLBeestonWife of Joseph
1685 04 16AliceMIDGLEYTentersDaughter of William
1685 04 17HenryATKINSONMeadow Lane.
1685 04 17Alice ?ATKINSON..
1685 04 17LidiaTHACKERAYHolbeckWife of Thomas
1685 04 17[child]ATKINSON.Child of Robert
1685 04 16RobertPEASEKirkgateSon of John
1685 04 16ThomasWILLSONAbbey.
1685 04 17NathanSWINDELLBridge End.
1685 04 17GraceATKINSONLeeds.
1685 04 18ElizabethEMARSONBriggateDaughter of Thomas
1685 04 18JosephDARNTONLower HeadrowSon of George
1685 04 20JennetDAWGLASMeadow Lane.
1685 04 21JoshuaHUDSONMilne HillSon of James - Notice given
1685 04 20ElizabethWATSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Joshua - Notice given
1685 04 22SamuellMITCHELLBriggate.
1685 04 22SarahBACHOUSEMarsh LaneWife of Thomas - Notice given
1685 04 23ElizabethLEATOLLERCall LaneNotice given
1685 04 23MaryLOFTHOUSEMarsh LaneWife of Richard - Notice given
1685 04 25AnnHARDACKERMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas - Notice given
1685 04 25JohnLINELEYChurchyardSon of John
1685 04 25AnnHARGRAIVEHolbeckDaughter of Adam Jr
1685 04 26ThomasMOTLEY SRBeeston.
1685 04 26AnnHANSONWoodhouse.
1685 04 27AnnBARROWCLIFFHolbeckWife of James
1685 04 27JainePARKERBriggateDaughter of Francis
1685 04 28RichardNOTTINGHAMKirkgateSon of Richard
1685 04 30GeorgeMIDSLEYHeadrowSon of George
1685 04 30AnnBERNARDBoar LaneDaughter of Mr Thomas
1685 04 30JohnGOTHERICKEQuarrell HillSon of Marmaduke
1685 05 01ElizabethROOSEKirkgateDaughter of John
1685 05 01IsaacWOODShamblesSon of James
1685 05 01JamesBLANDKirkgateSon of John
1685 05 01DaniellGRADELLBankeSon of Henery - Notice given
1685 05 01ElizabethATKINSONMeadow LaneWife of Henery
1685 05 02JohnCLARKECall LaneSon of William
1685 05 03DorothyNOBLEKirkgateDaughter of Isaak
1685 05 04ElizabethBALMERBoar LaneDaughter of Mr Joseph [Alderman]
1685 05 04MaryHINDEHilhouse BanksDaughter of John
1685 05 06ChristopherTURNERChurchgate.
1685 05 06GeorgeROBINSONMilne Hill.
1685 05 06SarahMATHEWS.Daughter of John
1685 05 06ElizabethWAIRDEMilne HillDaughter of Thomas
1685 05 06ElizabethDIXONHeadrowDaughter of Robert
1685 05 07ElizabethCOWPERNew ChapelDaughter of Mathew
1685 05 08IzabellCHADWICKGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Richard
1685 05 11WilliamLAYCOCKPaudmireSon of Mr Westrope
1685 05 12RichardCHADWICKEGreat Woodhouse.
1685 05 12MaryCHADWICKGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Richard
1685 05 15ElizabethFLETCHERTentersDaughter of Samuell
1685 05 15AnnWHOLLEYMilne HillDaughter of Arthur - Notice given
1685 05 15PrissillaTHACKERAYHolbeckDaughter of George
1685 05 15ChristopherBRADFORTHVicar Lane.
1685 05 16AnnGILMANMeadow LaneDaughter of Elliner
1685 05 17JosephRYDERGreat Woodhouse.
1685 05 17ThomasSHAW ?Ridge.
1685 05 18ThomasWILSONMarket Place.
1685 05 18Mrs ElizabethFOLIFIELDHolbeckDaughter of Mrs Elizabeth
1685 05 19BenjaminLEEVERSEEDSCall LaneSon of John
1685 05 20GraceBENTLEYNew ChurchWife of William
1685 05 20RichardWOODVicar LaneSon of Francis
1685 05 21JohnFOWLERBridge EndSon of John
1685 01 23WilliamPEATWortleySon of William
1685 05 24BinjaminGABBUTTBridge EndSon of James
1685 05 24MarySTABLESQuarrell HillDaughter of Jonathan
1685 05 25JohnSERVANTMarsh LaneSon of Abraham
1685 05 25GeorgeJACKSONDUR BishopricSon of Captain John
1685 05 26RuthHARRISONKirkgateDaughter of Christopher
1685 05 27GeorgeHEPWORTHKirkgateSon of Thomas
1685 05 30SarahSMITHHolbeckDaughter of John
1685 05 31JonathanJACKSONHilhouse Banks.
1685 06 02AnnFEARNLEYMilne HillNotice given
1685 06 02AnnHEPWORTHEMilne Hill.
1685 06 02JamesBROWNEWortley.
1685 06 02[child]DUNNMilne HillChild of William
1685 06 02MaryRYDERGreat Woodhouse.
1685 06 03AnnCROSSKILLBridge EndWife of William
1685 06 09JosephHALLMeadow Lane.
1685 06 11JohnSTEPHENSONNorthall BridgeSon of John
1685 06 12ElizabethHOYLLEBeestonDaughter of Joseph
1685 06 10JosephHULLEYNew StreetSon of John
1685 06 11JohnCLARKEGreat Woodhouse.
1685 06 11EllinerBURROWVicar LaneDaughter of Samuell
1685 06 14CharlesBURNELEYKnostrop.
1685 06 14DennisLAMBERTHolbeckSon of Thomas
1685 06 14WilliamHATCHETenters.
1685 06 14HeneryJEBSONMilne Hill.
1685 06 14ThomasHARDWICK ESQPotterNewton.
1685 06 15OswallLAMBKirkgate.
1685 06 18BernardHARPERKirkgate.
1685 06 18MaryCLIFTONMarsh LaneDaughter of William
1685 06 19AnnFAULLSHAWGreat WoodhouseWife of Richard
1685 06 20SusannaTHOMSONTimble BridgeWife of Thomas
1685 06 20ThomasWOODHOUSELidgate.
1685 06 21HaannahBRAYHunslet Lane.
1685 06 21AnnBLADESLidgateWife of Mr Bartholomew - Buried at New Church
1685 06 21[infant]ELLISBridge EndChild of William
1685 06 22JamesHOBSONKirkgateSon of John
1685 06 27WilliamWALKERLanse Lane.
1685 06 27JohnPARKINKirkgate.
1685 06 28FrancisPARKERPaudmire.
1685 06 23JamesBURROWVicar LaneSon of Samuell
1685 06 28JohnBOOKEVicar LaneNotice given
1685 06 29JaneBRITTANKirkgateNotice given
1685 06 29JosuahWIMERSLEYBriggateSon of Timothy
1685 07 01JohnHALLPaudmireSon of Laurence
1685 07 01ElizabethSTOANERThornesWife of John
1685 07 01[infant]AIRIAMabgateChild of John - Buried at New Church
1685 07 01Mr JosephLEYLANDBriggate.
1685 07 01Mrs PhebeSTANIFORTHBridge EndWife of Mr Marke - Buried at New Chapel
1685 07 02WilliamLEVENSBeestonSon of William
1685 07 03MaryBARRASKirkgate.
1685 07 06SarahEDWANDFarnleyDaughter of John
1685 07 12FrancesROBERTSVicar LaneWife of Joseph - Notice given
1685 07 12JudithWISEFarnleyWife of Mathew
1685 07 12JamesGOSSMilne Hill.
1685 07 12[infant]AREYSMabgateChild of John - Buried at New Church Note 2: SEE ABOVE
1685 07 13JamesSIMPSONKirkgateSon of Mathew - Notice given
1685 07 14RichardFAULLSHAWGreat Woodhouse.
1685 07 14JohnPROCTERHunslet.
1685 07 14MargaretROOMEBridge EndWife of John
1685 07 17ElizabethMOOREKirkgateWife of Edward
1685 07 17ElizabethMOOREBriggateWife of Henery
1685 07 19JaineHODGHSONTimble BridgeDaughter of James
1685 07 19AnnHEADLEYAlmshouseBuried at New Church
1685 07 19GeorgeHARGRAIVEHightownSon of George
1685 07 19ElizabethHARGRAIVEHightownDaughter of George - Buried at New Church
1685 07 19[infant]MOOREKirkgateChild of Edward
1685 07 19[infant]ELLISBramleyChild of William
1685 07 21HannahPEASECall LaneDaughter of Thomas
1685 07 21ThomasASKWITHHightownSon of Mr Caleb
1685 07 22JohnSIMPSONKirkgateSon of Mathew
1685 07 23CharlesSTANCLIFFEUpper Headrow.
1685 07 25BrianaWHAITESMarsh LaneWife of William
1685 07 25ElizabethHUTCHINSONSheaheidWife of Samuell
1685 07 27JamesBANCKESBankeSon of Mary - Notice given
1685 07 28[infant]TAYLORGreat WoodhouseChild of John - Buried at New Church
1685 07 29ThomasWENTFORTHMilne HillSon of Mathew - Notice given
1685 07 30EstherBURNELEYHunsletDaughter of Richard [A Bastard]
1685 08 03ElizabethJEFFERSONGreat WoodhouseWife of Richard
1685 08 03JoshuaPICKERSGILLGreat WoodhouseSon of George
1685 08 03ElizabethWAUGHEHunslet LaneDaughter of John - Buried at New Church
1685 08 04JosephSHIPTONWortleyBuried at Armley
1685 08 04ThomasSHIPTONHolbeck 
1685 08 05WilliamCARTERVicar LaneSon of Beeston
1685 08 07Mr JohnHORSFALLQuarrell Hill.
1685 08 07SamuellGREGMilne HillSon of William
1685 08 08SarahWAINEMANMarsh LaneDaughter of Henery
1685 08 08GraceDOVERSMarsh LaneDaughter of John
1685 08 09WilliamLAVEROCKEKirkgate.
1685 08 10DorothyCOXKirkgateNotice given
1685 08 10ThomasGOWLINMilne Hill.
1685 08 11AnnPAWSONMarsh LaneWife of Richard
1685 08 12IsackLINELEYWoodhouse.
1685 08 13JohnSMITHWhite Coate Hill.
1685 08 15ElizabethSMITHSONUpper BankeDaughter of John
1685 08 15JosephBROWNEKirkgateSon of William
1685 08 16JaineJECABOTEHilhouse BanksWife of Martin - Notice given
1685 08 17SusannaBANNISTERPark LaneBuried at New Church
1685 08 18[infant]TAWNELYQuarrell HillChild of Lawrence
1685 08 18JamesHARGRAIVEShamblesSon of George - Buried at New Church
1685 08 22[infant]PRESTONShamblesChild of Thomas - Buried at New Church
1685 08 23EllinerFLATHERWortleyWife of John
1685 08 25JohnHORSMANGreat WoodhouseBuried at New Church
1685 08 26JosephWINTERQuarrell HillSon of Samuell
1685 08 28HellinerGIBSONChurchyardDaughter of John
1685 08 28MaryBERRANDHunslet LaneDaughter of Christopher
1685 08 29JohnGREATHEADBriggate.
1685 08 28MaryJACKSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Henery - Notice given
1685 08 28HellinerGIBSONChurchyardDaughter of John Note 2: SEE ABOVE
1685 08 30ElizabethBEDFORTHKirkgateNotice given
1685 08 30GraceDIXONShipscoare LaneNotice given
1685 08 30BenjaminHARLANDBriggateSon of Mr Ambrose
1685 08 31[infant]JACKSONQuarrell HillChild of James
1685 08 31JohnKAYHolbeck LaneSon of John
1685 09 01WilliamHOWDENMilne HillSon of Robert
1685 09 05MaryEVAIRDE ?Milne HillWife of Michaell
1685 09 06JohnCOGILLHeadrowSon of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 09 07Mrs MaryFOSTERMarsh Lane.
1685 09 07GraceBENTLEYMarket PlaceDaughter of William - Buried at New Church
1685 09 09DaniellBRIMANShipscoare LaneSon of Daniell
1685 09 09AnnWOODShamblesWife of Arther
1685 09 09AliceWINTERBridge EndWife of John
1685 09 11AmbroseBERNARDShamblesSon of John
1685 09 11ElizabethALLONSONKirkgateDaughter of Mr William
1685 09 12Mrs MaryFENTONWoodhouse HillWife of Mr John
1685 09 13JoshuahANDREWKirkgateSon of John
1685 09 13ChristineCOCKERHAMHolbeckDaughter of James
1685 09 15Mr DaniellPARKERShambles.
1685 09 15JohnFOWTHERBYECall LaneSon of John
1685 09 16ThomasHARRISONVicar LaneSon of Joseph
1685 09 18JohnOSBURNECall LaneSon of Samuell
1685 09 19MaryWILSONQuarrell HillDaughter of Edward
1685 09 19MarmadukeSERVANTMarsh Lane.
1685 09 20JaineWALKERTentersWife of Thomas
1685 09 20MarySTANCLIFFEUpper HeadrowWife of Charles
1685 09 22[infant]ELLISMilne HillChild of Henery
1685 09 22WilliamGURNELLKirkgate.
1685 09 23*GREAVECall LaneSon of Edmond - Buried at New Church
1685 09 23WilliamBROWNEKirkgate.
1685 09 23Mr WilliamFENTONShamblesSon of Mr Daniell
1685 09 23Mr JamesWADDINGHTONGleadyBuried in Linen
1685 09 25Mr BenjaminBRIGGSBriggate.
1685 09 25ElizabethTOWLERCall LaneDaughter of William
1685 09 25ElizaMARSDINVicar LaneDaughter of William - Buried at New Church
1685 09 29HannahASKEWITHBlack BankDaughter of Christopher
1685 09 30JacobSERVANTBridge EndSon of Isack
1685 09 30KatherineSLINGSBYCalbrowWife of Robert
1685 09 30JoshuaTAYLORLidgateSon of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 10 01JeremiahLANCKASTERBridge EndSon of Samuell
1685 10 02RobertSTOANERThornesSon of Robert
1685 10 03JosephDICKISONGreat Woodhouse.
1685 10 03RobertTAYLERBlack BankSon of John
1685 10 04JamesCOCKERAMHolbeckBuried at New Church
1685 10 04Mr WilliamHORNEMixburow (Mexboro ?)Buried in Linen - Notice given
1685 10 06SarahHOPPERTONMilne HillWife of George
1685 10 07HannahELLISBridge EndDaughter of William
1685 10 08JohnLAYTONKirkgate.
1685 10 09ThomasPOTTERNew ChurchSon of Thomas [Alderman]
1685 10 09ThomasJACKSONChurchgarthSon of Peter
1685 10 09[infant]RIPLEYBuritoftsChild of James
1685 10 10EdwardWILSONQuarrell HillSon of Edward
1685 10 12AnnHORNERGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Thomas
1685 10 12JohnHOULLEYNew StreetSon of John - Buried at New Church
1685 10 11Mr ThomasBERNARDBoar Lane.
1685 10 12ThomasOLDREDTimble Bridge.
1685 10 12RichardSMITHWortleyNotice given
1685 10 13SarahRAWNSONMilne HillDaughter of Samuell
1685 10 13WilliamBARROWBriggateSon of Christopher
1685 10 14*BURNISTONNew Chapel[Widow]
1685 10 14[infant]BOLLANDMilne HillChild of Margery - Base Begotten - Notice given
1685 10 15JohnSHAWVicar LaneSon of John
1685 10 15JohnWILSONKirkgate.
1685 10 16RichardCOTTONKirkgateSon of William
1685 10 17ThomasPOWELLHightown 
1685 10 17RachelBURLOWMilne HillDaughter of Samuell - Notice given
1685 10 18AnnWRIGELSWORTHMilne HillWife of Samuell
1685 10 19PeterTOWLSONBriggateSon of William
1685 10 20[infant]WROECall LaneChild of John
1685 10 21JoshuaBROOKEMilne Hill.
1685 10 22ElizabethBURNELEYMilne HillWife of Samuell - Notice given
1685 10 25NicolausEAMERSONKirkgateNotice given
1685 10 26Mrs MaryIBBETSONVicar Lane.
1685 10 27AnnOLDREDKirkgateWife of William
1685 10 28RichardINMANMarsh Lane.
1685 10 28RogerBROWNEKirkgateNotice given
1685 10 29FrancesFENTONBack of ShamblesWife of Mr Daniell
1685 11 01JosephWILDNew ChapelSon of James
1685 11 02AnnFEARNELEYHunslet LaneDaughter of John
1685 11 02EdwardLUNDMarsh LaneServant to John Dovers
1685 11 03AnnGREAVESKirkgate[Widow] - Notice given
1685 11 03EdwardBURNELEYMilne HillSon of Samuell - Notice given
1685 11 05JohnWATTSSimpson FoldSon of Thomas
1685 11 05SamuellWATTSSimpson FoldSon of Thomas
1685 11 06ElizabethPRIESTLEY.Wife of Mathew
1685 11 07MaryPULLEIN.Wife of Joseph
1685 11 07JanePULLEIN.Daughter of Joseph
1685 11 09ThomasPOTTERHeadrow ChapelSon of Thomas [Alderman]
1685 11 09BinjaminBUTLERBriggateBachelor
1685 11 10AnnCOWPERBoar LaneQuaker
1685 11 12JohnLUNDMabgateSon of Thomas
1685 11 14JohnCOLTONHeadrowSon of Richard - Notice given
1685 11 14[infant]RYDERQuarrell HillChild of James
1685 11 15JohnROOKEBoar LaneSon of William [Alderman]
1685 11 16WilliamSMITHBriggateSon of Timothy - Buried at New Chapel
1685 11 16HannahPROCTERKirkgateDaughter of Brian
1685 11 17ElizabethWROECall LaneWife of Joseph
1685 11 17ThomasLINLEYChurchyardSon of John
1685 11 17ElizabethDODGHSONCall LaneDaughter of Mr John
1685 11 19JosephMEEKLidgateSon of John - Buried at New Church
1685 11 20JohnHEMSWORTHKirkgateBachelor
1685 11 20MaryPETTYHilhouse BanksNotice given
1685 11 21JamesBAXSTERNew ChurchSon of Francis
1685 11 21BinjaminGRYSWAITEBriggateSon of Thomas
1685 11 21ThomasTHORNETONMeadow Lane.
1685 11 22ElizabethLEACKCall Lane.
1685 11 23JohnFEARNMabgateSon of Richard - Buried at New Chapel
1685 11 23GraceBAWMERBoar LaneWife of Joseph - Notice given
1685 11 23JohnFEARNELEYQuarrell HillBachelor - Buried at New Chapel
1685 11 25AnnRIPLEYQuarrell HillWife of James
1685 11 26ElizabethPOTTERUpper HeadrowDaughter of Mr Robert
1685 11 27MargaretSCHOAFIELDMilne HillDaughter of John
1685 11 27RobertTOWNSONBriggate.
1685 11 28WilliamALLENLidgateBuried at New Church
1685 11 28JaineSTILLINMilne Hill.
1685 11 28ElizabethHANSOMKirkgateDaughter of William
1685 11 30WilliamCHAMLEYTentersSon of Christopher
1685 11 30JohnSCOTMarsh LaneSon of Stephen
1685 12 02ChristopherHARRISONKirkgateBachelor
1685 12 03JacobPOEUpper HeadrowSon of Abraham
1685 12 03MaryROBINSONBriggateDaughter of Jonathan
1685 12 04WilliamGREGMilne Hill.
1685 12 04SusannaCHERRYMilne HillWife of Robert
1685 12 05MarthaROBINSONTentersDaughter of Josias
1685 12 05SamuelDARSAYUpper Tenters.
1685 12 06ThomasTHACKERAYMarsh LaneSon of Francis - Notice given
1685 12 06HellenAPPELYARDBriggate.
1685 12 06Mr EdwardHALLIWELLUpper Headrow.
1685 12 07[infant]HARRISONQuarrell HillChild of Richard
1685 12 07[infant]ROUNTRYShamblesChild of Thomas Jr - Buried at New Church
1685 12 08IsabellWATKINSONBlack BankDaughter of Thomas
1685 12 08MaryBENSONMilne HillWife of William
1685 12 08Mrs BeatrixKENTTimble Bridge.
1685 12 08SarahILESQuarrell HillWife of Robert
1685 12 08ThomasOULDROYDHolbeckSon of Thomas
1685 12 08ThomasHARDISTYMilne HillNotice given
1685 12 09ThomasDREDGECalbrowSon of John
1685 12 09GraceBURROUGHVicar Lane.
1685 12 09AnnBRIANSKirkgateDaughter of John
1685 12 10AnnBURNEMilne HillWife of John
1685 12 10MaryFRENCHTimble BridgeDaughter of Henery
1685 12 12JohnBROWNEShambles.
1685 12 12GeorgeTURTONMeadow LaneSon of Christopher
1685 12 13AliceLYSTERBriggateBuried at New Church
1685 12 13GeorgeSTOANERThornesSon of Robert
1685 12 13JohnBURNEMilne HillSon of John
1685 12 14GraceTILLISONMilne Hill.
1685 12 14HannahLONGFELLOWGreat WoodhouseDaughter of Robert
1685 12 14GraceBINCKESMarsh LaneNotice given
1685 12 16JohnROBINSONNorth Hall Briggate.
1685 12 17ThomasHEWENCall LaneSon of Thomas
1685 12 19MathewCHEECBOROWBriggateBachelor
1685 12 19RobertKAYMeadow Lane.
1685 12 21LeonardHOGMabgateSon of Leonard
1685 12 22ThomasKITCHINMilne HillSon of Thomas
1685 12 22ThomasEAMONSONMilne Hill.
1685 12 22JohnBURTONCall LaneSon of Thomas
1685 12 23ThomasWADSWORTHLidgate.
1685 12 25AliceNEWSAMKirkgateWife of Richard
1685 12 26JamesSWYNYARDMarsh Lane.
1685 12 28Mr ThomasATKINSON SRMilne Hill.
1685 12 28JosephTHOMPSONBuslingthorpeSon of Anthony
1685 12 28CatherinePARKERMabgateWife of Henery
1685 12 30LaurenceMATHERBanke.
1685 12 31WilliamBENSONMilne HillSon of William
1685 01 01JohnOTLEYWortleySon of Jonathan
1685 01 01MichaellIDELLMeadow LaneSon of Mr Michaell
1685 01 01[infant]CARTERVicar LaneChild of Beeston
1685 01 01[infant]CARTERVicar LaneChild of Beeston
1685 01 01DorithyHARDAKERMarsh LaneWife of Francis
1685 01 02ThomasHELMESMeadow LaneSon of Mr James
1685 01 04StephenGREENMilne Hill.
1685 01 05HeneryIVESONBlack BankSon of Mr Henery
1685 01 05WilliamNEWSAMKirkgateSon of Richard - Notice given
1685 01 06HellenerFOXHeckmondwikeWife of Thomas
1685 01 07Mr BrianMAUDEBack of ShamblesBuried at New Church
1685 01 07AbigailOSBORNEMarket PlaceDaughter of John
1685 01 08StephenMETCALFEBoar LaneSon of Stephen
1685 01 09JohnGIBSONMilne Hill.
1685 01 09MaryWILLIAMSONKirkgateWife of James
1685 01 09SarahTOMLINSONHunsletWife of Daniell
1685 01 10AnnRIPLEYKirkgate.
1685 01 10AnnBERNARDShamblesWife of John
1685 01 11DaniellLEIGHWater Hall.
1685 01 12DorithyCROOKEVicar LaneWife of John
1685 01 13SarahLYSTERCall Lane.
1685 01 14JoshuaBAINESMarket PlaceSon of John - Buried at New Church
1685 01 14ThomasSQUIREDarneton.
1685 01 15ElizabethTETLLEY.Wife of Robert
1685 01 15EdmondCOUPERCall Lane.
1685 01 15BenjamonMAUDEBack of ShamblesSon of Mr Brian - Buried at New Church
1685 01 17SarahJOHNSONNorthall BridgeDaughter of John
1685 01 17ElizabethKENTLeeds BriggateWife of Timothy
1685 01 17AnnTAYLERLidgateWife of John - Buried at New Church
1685 01 18MaryGRAIVESKirkgate.
1685 01 22JosephWILSONCrosSon of Hannah
1685 01 22GeorgeSHOWSMITHWestfield Gate.
1685 01 23MarthaNOBLEMilne HillWife of Daniell
1685 01 23[infant]TAYLERLidgateChild of John - Buried at New Church
1685 01 24JamesDIXONHunsletSon of John
1685 01 24ElizabethWRIGGELLSWORTHBriggateWife of Samuell
1685 01 25JaineSCOTMarsh LaneWife of John
1685 01 25MyllesSHINKLEYHolbeckSon of Mylles
1685 01 26IsaakBROWNEBankeA Young Man
1685 01 26JohnTAYLERLidgateSon of John - Buried at New Church
1685 01 27AliceHORNERMilne Hill.
1685 01 28HannahBURTONHeadrowWife of Joseph
1685 01 28WilliamIBBERTSONMarsh LaneSon of Joseph
1685 01 29WilliamBRAMLEYMeadow LaneSon of Henery
1685 01 30AnthonyBROWNEKirkgateSon of John
1685 01 30JaneDINISONQuarrell HillWife of Thomas - Buried at New Church
1685 01 30ElizaGAMBLEHeadrowWife of Mr John - Buried at New Church
1685 01 31JohnPINCKENEYBriggate.
1685 01 31HeneryGIBBINS JRBriggate.
1685 02 01JohnRIMINTONMabgate.
1685 02 01[infant]BURKETQuarrell HillChild of Thomas
1685 02 02JohnTAYLERBlack Bank.
1685 02 03EdenBINSELYVicar Lane.
1685 02 03ArthurWOOLLEYCalbrowNotice given
1685 02 06NathaniellTADCASTERLidgate.
1685 02 07RalphOLLIVERMilne Hill.
1685 02 08JaineWAIRDEVicar LaneNotice given
1685 02 08WilliamWHALLEYShambles.
1685 02 09JohnHAIREKirkgate.
1685 02 09JosephHORNERGreat WoodhouseSon of Thomas
1685 02 10HannahTAYLERBankeDaughter of Richard
1685 02 11WilliamHALLTimble BridgeA Servant
1685 02 11SarahKNOWLESMabgateWife of William
1685 02 12JosephPAPEMilne HillSon of Jacob
1685 02 13AnnNEWSAMKirkgateDaughter of Richard
1685 02 13GartrudeCLOUDSLEYNew ChurchDaughter of Nemiah
1685 02 15SamuellBLACLOCKLidgateBuried at New Church
1685 02 15JohnPARKINSUpper HeadrowBuried at New Church
1685 02 15AnnROBINSONBlack Bank.
1685 02 15GeorgeYOUNGGreat WoodhouseSon of William
1685 02 15GeorgeSPEIGHTMarsh Lane.
1685 02 16AnnBLANCHARDHeadrowWife of Thomas
1685 02 16EdwardFAWSETSimpson Fold.
1685 02 17JohnDICKINSONMilne HillSon of Thomas
1685 02 17EdwardHUMPHREYLidgate.
1685 02 17MyllesCLARKKirkgateNotice given
1685 02 17ThomasBECK JRMabgateBuried at New Church
1685 02 19HannahPULLEINMabgate.
1685 02 19AnthonyREEVESSimpson Fold.
1685 02 19MaryLINSLEYNorthallDaughter of Thomas - Notice given
1685 02 22GeorgeYOWNGE SRGreat Woodhouse.
1685 02 23WilliamKELLETTHunsletA Young Man
1685 02 24[infant]CORNEFORTHSimpson FoldChild of Richard
1685 02 24JohnFLATHERWortley.
1685 02 24JosephCOLLISONVicar Lane.
1685 02 24[infant]LEDGER.Child of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 02 26SarahBRAMLEYCall LaneDaughter of John - Notice given
1685 02 26MilcahTHOMPSONMarsh LaneDaughter of Joshua
1685 02 26MaryKIRTONAlmshouse[Widow] - Buried at New Church
1685 02 28ElizabethHARRISONMabgateWife of Lancelot
1685 02 28JosephDIXONKirkgateSon of William
1685 02 28JosephJEFFERSONWoodhouseSon of James
1685 03 01JosephDIXONKirkgateSon of William Note 2: SEE ABOVE
1685 03 02SarahBECKWITHMarsh LaneDaughter of Thomas
1685 03 02ElizabethWEDDALL.Wife of John
1685 03 03JoshuaWIGGINSHightownSon of William
1685 03 03FrancesNORTHOUSEMilne Hillaged 106
1685 03 03WilliamSMITHNorthall BridgeBuried at New Church
1685 03 03ThomasHARDWICK.Son of Mr Mathew
1685 03 04MaryTHOMPSONMarsh LaneWife of Joshua
1685 03 04MaryTHOMPSON.Daughter of Joshua
1685 03 04MaryBAYLEYPotterNewtonDaughter of Leonard
1685 03 04JamesHOLMESMarsh LaneBuried in Linen - Notice given
1685 03 04FrancisWILSONMilne Hill.
1685 03 04JaineGOODAIREKirkgateDaughter of Mr John
1685 03 05JosephHOYLLMeadow Lane.
1685 03 05MaryGREATHEADMeadow LaneA Young Woman
1685 03 06MargaretWOODALLEChurchyard.
1685 03 06HannahHARGRAIVEHolbeckDaughter of Mr Adam
1685 03 06ThomasNORTHOUSEHunslet Lane.
1685 03 07JaineDAWSONHunslet LaneWife of Mylles
1685 03 07RichardBECKETMarsh LaneSon of Richard
1685 03 08[infant]HEBDINCrosChild of Mathew
1685 03 08Mr ThomasBICKHAVERHeadrowBuried at New Church
1685 03 08Mr BartholomewBLAIDESLidgateBuried at New Church
1685 03 08JaineDODGSONKirkgateWife of Edmond
1685 03 08RuthHOLMESMilne HillWife of Richard
1685 03 08[infant]COGILLPark LaneChild of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 03 08[infant]COGILLPark LaneChild of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 03 10JohnSWIFTBridge EndSon of Isaak
1685 03 11WilliamWOODMeadow Lane.
1685 03 11AnnCOGILLPark LaneWife of Robert - Buried at New Church
1685 03 12WilliamLUTTONCall Lane.
1685 03 12RobertSPURRITQuarrell HillSon of Thomas
1685 03 13NicholusDUCKETHunslet.
1685 03 14MaryBROWNEMeadow LaneWife of John
1685 03 14JaneSOWDENChurchyardNotice given
1685 03 15AnnBRETHERICKVicar LaneDaughter of John
1685 03 15JaineSMITHQuarrell HillA Young Woman
1685 03 16ElizabethFERRAHHeadrowWife of Samuell - Buried at New Church
1685 03 16GeorgeRIPLEY SRQuarrell Hill.
1685 03 16JacobWADSWORTHBanke.
1685 03 16ElizaFARRAUpper HeadrowWife of Samuel Note 2: SEE ABOVE
1685 03 17JoshuaKINGMeadow Lane.
1685 03 18DynahDARRANSAlmshouseBuried at New Church
1685 03 19SamuellRYDERKirkgateSon of Christopher
1685 03 21JohnDOWSONVicar LaneA Young Man - Buried at New Church
1685 03 21ElizabethHAYREKirkgateWife of John - Notice given
1685 03 22JosephSERVANTPark LaneSon of Joseph
1685 03 23AnnWROECall LaneWife of John
1685 03 23JohnWHITLEYBlack BankBuried at New Church
1685 03 23Mrs SusannaBAITEBeyond Leeds Bridge[Widow]

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
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