Leeds Directory of Trades and Professions for 1822
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for LEEDS in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
STREETS, SQUARES, COURTS, LANES, &c. &c. IN THE TOWN OF LEEDS, - *** In this List are comprehended a Number of New Streets, which had not previously been named.
- Abbey street, Lisbon street
- Addy's yard, Upperhead row
- Aire and Calder dock, Simpson's fold
- Aire street, Wellington road
- Albion court, Mill hill
- Albion square, Albion street
- Albion street, Boar lane
- Alfred street, Boar lane
- Algiers street, Kirkstall road
- Allison's court, Quarry hilt
- Allison's yard, 87, Briggate
- Allison's yard, Union street
- Amen corner, Lady bridge
- Angel inn yard, back of Shambles
- Anglesea street, Templar street
- Askam's yard, Marsh lane
- Assembly court, Call lane
- Back Allison's court, Quarry hill
- Back Bow street, Bank
- Back Charles street, Charles street
- Back Coach lane, Upper High street
- Back Flags lane, top of Quarry hill
- Back George's street, St. George's street
- Back High street, St. Ann's street
- Back Kendell's row, Bank
- Back Nile street, North street
- Back Park Square, New road end
- Back Queen street, Bank
- Back Shambles, Moot hall
- Back Silver street, Water lane
- Back Waterloo street, Marsh lane head
- Back lane, Commercial street
- Back lane, Marsh lane
- Bank court, Briggate
- Bank street, Boar lane
- Baptist court, Back George street
- Barley corn row, Garden street
- Barron's yard, Upperhead row
- Barstow street, York road
- Bath street, near Wellington road
- Batty's row, John street
- Battye's yard, top of Mill hill
- Baxter's yard, Quarry hill
- Bay Horse yard, Market place
- Bean Ing, New road end
- Beck street, Water lane, Hillhouse bank
- Bedford's court, Off street
- Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane
- Beeston lane, Meadow lane
- Bellman's yard, St. James' street
- Belmont, St. Peter's hill
- Birch's yard, Lowerhead row
- Bischoff's yard, North street
- Black Bank, Marsh lane head
- Black Bull yard, Hunslet lane
- Black Swan yard, Nelson street
- Blackman lane, Woodhouse lane
- Blayds' Court, Hunslet lane
- Blucher street, Hunslet lane
- Blucher street, Wellington road
- Blue Bell fold, Bank
- Boar lane, Briggate
- Boat builder's yard, Bowman lane
- Boddey's yard, Ebenezer street
- Bond street, Briggate
- Boocock's Tow, Top close
- Boot and Shoe yard, Kirkgate
- Bow street, Bank
- Bowling Green row, Meadow lane
- Bowman lane, Hunslet lane
- Boy and Barrel yard, Wood street
- Boyne's yard, near White Cloth hall
- Boynton's yard, 87, Briggate
- Bracewell houses, School close
- Bramley row, Templar street
- Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Brewery field, Meadow lane
- Brick street, Marsh lane
- Bridge street (little), Lady lane
- Bridge, street, Lady lane
- Briggate, from Moot hell to the Bridge
- Brighton street, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Britain street, Far Leylands
- Britannia street, Kirkstall road
- Broad yard, Boar lane
- Broadhead's yard, 11, Briggate
- Brook street, Richmond road
- Brown's brick garth, Marsh lane
- Brown's yard, Duke street
- Brown's yard, Union street
- Brunswick Terrace, Camp road
- Brunswick place, North street
- Brunswick street, Kirkstall road
- Brunswick street, Water lane
- Bull and Bell yard, 4½, Briggate
- Bull's Head yard, 93, Briggate
- Bullman's yard, 21. Briggate
- Bullock's square, Far bank
- Burleybar, Upperhead row
- Burmantofts, Marsh lane head
- Buslingthorpe, Woodhouse Carr
- Butler's court, York street
- Butler's yard, 112, Kirkgate
- Butterworth's yard, 89, Kirkgate
- Butts' court, Burley bar
- Butts' hill, Burley bar
- Butts' lane, Park lane
- Bywater's yard, 49, Kirkgate
- Bywater's yard, Marsh lane
- Call lane, Duncan street
- Calls, near White Cloth Hall
- Camp field, Water lane
- Camp lane, Water lane
- Camp place, Camp road
- Camp road, Wade lane
- Camp street, Water lane
- Camp terrace, Camp road
- Cankerwell lane, Woodhouse lane
- Carlton hill, Woodhouse lane
- Carlton lane, Woodhouse lane
- Caroline place, Hunslet lane
- Caroline street, Templar street
- Carr place, Long balk lane
- Carr's yard, Quarry hill
- Carr's yard, Swinegate
- Carver street, York road
- Cavalier hill, Far bank
- Cave street, Water lane
- Cawood's yard, Off street
- Chadwick's yard, Bowman lane
- Charles street, Upper High street
- Charlesworth's yard, Swinegate
- Charlotte street, Wellington road
- Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Chatham street, Kirkstall road
- Cheapside, Hunslet lane
- Cherry Tree yard, 119, Kirkgate
- Church alley, Calls
- Church lane, Kirkgate
- Church row, Timble bridge
- Church street, Quarry hill
- Clarkson's yard, Quarry hilt
- Clay pit hill, Woodhouse lane
- Clay pit lane, Woodhouse lane
- Clayton's yard, Mill hill
- Club buildings, York road
- Club houses, Kirkstall road
- Club row, Top close
- Coach lane, Quarry hill
- Cobourg place, Wellington road
- Cobourg row, King st. Wellington road
- Cobourg street, Long balk lane
- Cobourg terrace, Camp road
- Cocker's yard, East lane
- Cockerham's yard, Lands lane
- Commercial court, 8, Briggate
- Commercial street, Bond street
- Cookson's yard, 6 and 16, Kirkgate
- Cooper's court, Bowman lane
- Copenhagen street, North street
- Cornwallis street, Kirkstall road
- Coronation place, West street
- Cotton street, Mill street
- Court street, West street
- Cowell's yard, 72, Briggate
- Coxon's yard, 42, Kirkgate
- Coxon's yard, Union street
- Crackner's yard, Vicar lane
- Cripplegate, top of Mill hill
- Cross parish, Market place
- Cross street (Lower) Richmond road
- Cross street (Upper) Richmond road
- Cross street, Lady bridge
- Crown point, near Timble bridge
- Crown street, Far Leylands
- Cryer's Court, North street
- Cullingworth's yard, Kirkgate
- Cundall's yard, 74, Briggate
- Darnton's yard, North street
- Dawson's yard, St. George's street
- Dickinson's Court, Wellington road
- Dickinson's court, 54, Mill hill
- Directory Court, St. John street, Lady ln.
- Dixon's Garth, Hillhouse bank
- Dixon's buildings, near East lane
- Dodsworth's yard, 38, Briggate
- Dolly lane, Mabgate
- Drony Laith, New road
- Duffield's yard, Hillhouse bank
- Duffield's yard, Upper High street
- Dufton's yard, Marsh lane
- Duke street, Marsh lane
- Duncan street, Briggate
- Dunn's yard, Marsh lane
- East Bar, bottom of Kirkgate
- East Lane, 99, Kirkgate
- East Parade, West street
- Ebenezer street, Vicar lane
- Ellerby lane, Far bank
- Essex street, Far Leylands
- Eyre's yard, Hunslet lane
- Fairburn's field, York street
- Far Bank, near Black Dog
- Far fold, Mabgate
- Feetham's yard, Marsh lane
- Fitzwilliam street, York street
- Flay Crow Mills, Swinegate
- Fleece lane, Meadow lane
- Fleece yard, Meadow Jane
- Foundry place, Water lane
- Foundry yard, Marsh lane
- Fountain Terrace, Sheepscar road
- Fountain street, Low lane
- Fountayne street, Wellington road
- Fox and Grapes yard, 27, Kirkgate
- Frederick row, Top close
- Frederick street, York street
- Gale's yard, Call Jane
- Gamble's yard, Quarry hill
- Garden street, Marsh lane
- Garland's fold, Timble bridge
- Gascoigne's yard, Boar Jane
- George and Dragon yard, 40, Briggate
- George's court, 91, Briggate
- George's court, St. George's street
- George's row, Vicar Jane
- Giles street, Richmond road
- Gill's yard, 78 and 80, Kirkgate
- Gilpin's yard, Church lane
- Gilyard's field, Bank
- Globe yard, Quarry hill
- Glover's yard, Nelson street
- Golden Cock yard, Kirkgate
- Golden Fleece yard, 26, Briggate
- Golden Lion yard, 2, bottom of Briggate
- Goodison's yard, Meadow lane
- Goodman's court, Hunslet lane
- Goulden's buildings, Church lane
- Goulden's yard, York street
- Greaves' yard, Quarry hill
- Greaves' yard, St. Peter's square
- Green Dragon yard, Burley bar
- Green Mount place, Meadow lane
- Green row, Mabgate
- Green row, Meadow lane
- Green's court, back of Shambles
- Greenhill, Wellington road
- Grey walk, Hunslet lane
- Grosvenor place, Hunslet lane
- Grove Terrace, Claypit lane
- Grove place, Claypit lane
- Hall's fold, Hillhouse hank
- Hardwick's yard, 48, Briggate
- Hare's yard, Hunslet lane
- Harper street, Kirkgate
- Harper's yard. 103, Kirkgate
- Harrison's court, Hunslet lane
- Harrison's yard, Bowman lane
- Harrison's yard, Hunslet lane
- Haye's court. Vicar lane
- Heaps' yard, 35, Briggate
- Heaton's court, 6, Briggate
- High Causeway, North parade
- High Court lane, Calls
- High street, St. Peter's
- Hill's yard, Meadow lane
- Hillhouse bank, Near bank
- Hindle's yard, St. James, street
- Hirst's yard, 82, Briggate
- Hobson's yard, Duke street
- Holbeck Parsonage, Meadow lane
- Holbeck lane end, Meadow lane
- Holbeck moor, Beeston bar
- Holbeck row, Wellington road
- Holdforth Square, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Holdforth's fold, Mill street, Marsh ln.
- Holme's yard, York street
- Holmfield's yard, Meadow lane
- Holroyd's yard, Meadow lane
- Hope street, North street
- Hope's Row, Charles street
- Hopp's yard, Lowerhead row
- Horse Shoe yard, Park lane
- Hotel yard, Call lane
- Hunslet lane, Bridge end
- Infirmary row, Wellington road
- Inkersley's court, 74, Briggate
- Isle of Cinder, Swinegate
- Jackson's yard, Ebenezer Street
- Jacob's well, Long balk lane
- John street, Meadow lane
- Johnson's square, Quarry hill
- Johnson's yard, 117, Kirkgate
- Johnson's yard, Quarry hill
- Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Joy's yard, Albion street
- Jubilee court, Vicar lane
- Jubilee street, St. Ann's street
- Judson's yard, Cavalier hill
- Kellett's buildings, Top close
- Kellett's row, Water lane
- Kemplay's court, 89, Kirkgate
- Kendell street, Bowman lane
- Kendell's place, Bowman lane
- Kendell's row, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Kendell's yard, St. James' Street
- Kenyon's court, 21, Briggate
- Kidd Acre lane, Hunslet lane
- King street, Near bank
- King street, Wellington road
- Kipling's row, Near bank
- Kirk logs Wharf, Calls
- Kirk stall road, West street
- Kirkgate, top of Briggate
- Lady bridge, Lady lane
- Lady lane, North street
- Lamb yard, Timble bridge
- Leathley's yard, 11, Briggate
- Lee square, York Street
- Lee street, York street
- Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Leeds and Liverpool Dock, Water lane
- Leighton lane, Little Woodhouse
- Leipsic street, Templar street
- Leylands, near Lady bridge
- Library court, Commercial street
- Liddle's yard, 61, Briggate
- Lisbon row, Kirkstall road
- Lisbon street, Kirkstall road
- Little London, Long balk lane
- Little Templar street, North street
- Little Woodhouse lane, Park lane
- Little Woodhouse, Park lane
- Lloyd's Arms yard, Duke street
- Londonderry, Mill hill
- Long Balk lane, Woodhouse lane
- Long lane, Water lane
- Lonsdale's yard, Lowerhead row
- Lorry bank, Woodhouse carr
- Low Holland, Calls
- Low Tenters, Swinegate
- Low fold, Far bank
- Low fold, Marsh lane
- Low fold, North street
- Low lane, Kirkstall road
- Low street, St. Peter's
- Lower Queen street, Wellington road
- Lower Templar street, near Lady lane
- Lowerhead row, Vicar lane
- Lupton's yard, North street
- Lydgate street, Woodhouse bar
- Mabgate green, Leylands
- Mabgate, Quarry hill
- Maida street, Templar street
- Malt Kiln row, Water lane
- Malt Mill yard, Lowerhead row
- Malt Shovel yard, 31, Kirkgate
- Mann's yard, Duke street
- Market place, Cross parish
- Marlborough street, Kirkstall road
- Marquis of Granby yard, Lower head row
- Marsh lane head, Burmantofts
- Marsh lane, Timble bridge
- Marshall street, Water lane
- Maude's yard, Church row
- Maude's yard, High street
- May's yard, Duke street
- McAndrew's Gardens, Marsh lane
- Meadow lane, Bridge end
- Mercury Office yard, 77, Briggate
- Merry Boys' hill, Burley bar
- Micklethwaite's yard, Meadow lane
- Middle fold, Mabgate
- Mill Garth, Harper street
- Mill hill, Boar lane
- Mill street, Marsh lane
- Mill street, Meadow lane
- Milton street, Meadow lane
- Montreal, West street
- Moore street, North street
- Morton's row, York street
- Mount pleasant, Park lane
- Moxon's yard, 108, Kirkgate
- Muck lane, Bank
- Musgrave's fold, Hillhouse bank
- Musgrave's yard, Duke Street
- Naylor's yard, Meadow lane
- Near bank, Steander
- Near fold, Mabgate
- Nelson street, Vicar lane
- Nether green, Woodhouse
- Nether mills, Bank
- Nettleton's yard, St. George's Street
- Neville street (Little), School close
- Neville street, School close
- New Bridge street, Wellington road
- New Park street, Park. lane
- New Shambles, Duncan street
- New lane, Meadow lane
- New row, Mill street
- New row, Sheepscar lane
- New street, Market place
- Newsome's yard, 65, Briggate
- Nile street, North street
- Noah's Ark yard, Meadow lane
- North bar, North street
- North hall, Kirkstall road
- North parade, top of Lady lane
- North passage, Lowerhead row
- North street, North town end
- North street, Woodhouse lane
- Off street, Duke street
- Old Brewery yard, Meadow lane
- Old George yard, 97, Briggate
- Old George yard, Meadow lane
- Old Infirmary yard, 52, Kirkgate
- Old Mower yard, Call lane
- Old Nag's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Old Post Office yard, 100, Kirkgate
- Old Rotation Office yard, 44, Kirkgate
- Old Shambles, top of Briggate
- Old Square, 73, Kirkgate
- Old Woolpack yard, Kirkgate
- Paley's galleries, Marsh Jane
- Paley's yard, Calls
- Paradise, Marsh lane
- Park Terrace, Park lane
- Park buildings, Wellington road
- Park buildings, West street
- Park court, Park lane
- Park lane, Burley bar
- Park place West street
- Park row, Park lane
- Park square, West street
- Park street, Park lane
- Parrot yard, Call lane
- Patchett's yard, Briggate
- Peacock's yard, Bank
- Peacock's yard, North street
- Pepper lane, Woodhouse hill
- Pleasant Dairy, Woodhouse lane
- Pleasant row, Quarry hill
- Pontefract lane, York road
- Pork alley, Hillhouse hank
- Priestley's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Prince street, Far Leylands
- Prince's yards, U0 and 116, Kirkgate
- Princess street, Kirkstall road
- Prospect row, Fitzwilliam street
- Providence court, top of High street
- Providence place, Providence row
- Providence row, Woodhouse lane
- Providence street, Richmond road
- Pulman's yard, Union street
- Quarry hill, near Lady bridge
- Quebec, top of Mill hill
- Queen street, Far bank
- Queen street, Wellington road
- Queen's court, Call lane
- Queen's court, Woodhouse lane
- Queen's square, Woodhouse lane
- Randall's yard, Quarry hill
- Randerson's yard, Ellerby lane
- Ratcliff's yard, North street
- Rathmell's Court, Bowman lane
- Rathmell's yard, 84, Briggate
- Rayner's yard, Mill hill
- Rayson's Old yard, Market place
- Rayson's yard, 69, Briggate
- Regent Inn yard, Kirkgate
- Regent street, Far Leylands
- Richardson's yard, Timble bridge
- Richmond hill, Bank
- Richmond place, Bank
- Richmond road, Richmond hill
- Richmond street, Richmond road
- Riley's court, York street
- Riley's row, York street
- Rising Sun yard, Marsh lane
- Robinson's yard, 117, Kirkgate
- Rockley hall yard, Lowerhead row
- Rooke's yard, Far hank
- Rose and Crown yard, Cross parish
- Royal Oak yard, 96, Kirkgate
- Russel street, Park row
- Saddle yard, 95, Briggate
- Sandford street, School close
- Sawyer's yard, Mill hill
- Sayner's lane, Hunslet lane
- Scales' yard, Duke street
- Scholar's yard, St. George's street
- School close, Mull hill
- School row, Bank
- Scott's yard, Off street
- Sexton's lane, Marsh lane
- Shambles (Old) Moot hall
- Shaw's Old yard, Market place
- Shaw's yard, High street
- Shears yard, 9, Kirkgate
- Sheepscar lane, North street
- Sheepscar, North Town end
- Shepherd's yard, Ebenezer street
- Sherwood's yard, 41, Briggate
- Ship Inn yard. back of Shambles
- Shore's yard, Timble bridge
- Short street, Albion street
- Shoulder of Mutton yard, Old Shambles
- Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Silk street, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Silver street, Water lane
- Simpson's fold, Bridge end
- Skinner lane, North street
- Skinner street, Bean Jug
- Slip Inn yard, back of Shambles
- Smalpage's yard, Briggate
- Smith's yard, 14. Kirkgate
- Smithies yard, York street
- Smithies' Brick garth, Bank
- Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Somers street, Kirkstall road
- Somerset street, York street, Kirkgate
- South bar, Bridge end
- South parade, Park row
- South row, Meadow lane
- South row, North street
- Sovereign street, School close
- Speedwell row, Bank
- Speight's yard, Hunslet lane
- Spence's yard Upperhead row
- Spinner street, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Spitalfields, Millhouse bank
- Spring Field, Water lane
- Spring Field, Woodhouse lane
- Squire pastures, Sheepscar bar
- St. Ann's lane, Lady bridge
- St. Ann's street, St. Peter's square
- St. George's street, Vicar lane
- St. James' court, Harper street
- St. James' place, St. James' street
- St. James' street, Woodhouse lane
- St. John's place, New street
- St. John's street, (Little) Templar street
- St. John's street, Lady lane
- St. Peter's Quay, Calls
- St. Peter's hill, Old Bradford road
- St. Peter's square, Duke street
- Stainburn field, York street
- Stainburn's field, Top close
- Stanley's yard, Lady lane
- Stansfield's yard, Kirkgate
- Stead's yard, Ebenezer street
- Steander, Nether mills
- Steel's yard, Duke street
- Sterne's Buildings, 40, Briggate
- Stock's fold, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Stone Flatts, Quarry hill
- Storey's fold, Quarry hill
- Storey's yard, St. James's street
- Sugden street, Richmond road
- Sugden's court, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Sugden's yard, Marsh lane
- Sunny Bank place, Park street
- Sunny Bank road, Little Woodhouse
- Sunny Bank, Cankerwell lane
- Swan street, Cross parish
- Sweet street, Meadow lane
- Swinegate, Leeds bridge
- Sykes' Row, York street
- Sykes' yard, Hunslet lane
- Sykes' yard, York street
- Talbot yard, Cross parish
- Teal's yard, Lowerhead row
- Tebbs' yard, Meadow lane
- Templar street (lower) Templar street
- Templar street, North street
- Temple lane, Lady lane
- Thin Coal Alley, Bank
- Thorp's Buildings, Hunslet lane
- Three Legs yard, Call lane
- Timble bridge, bottom of Kirkgate
- Tippling's row, Bank
- Top close, tipper High street
- Towlard's yard, Off street
- Trafalgar street, North street
- Trafalgar yard, back of Shambles
- Trinity lane, Bond street
- Tunstall's yard, Mabgate
- Turk's Head yard, 52, Briggate
- Turkington's yard, St. Peter's square
- Turner street, Albion street
- Turner's yard, Vicar lane
- Union court, 28, Briggate
- Union place, Burmantofts
- Union row, Quarry hill
- Union street, Vicar lane
- Upper High street, Top close
- Upper fold, Marsh lane head
- Upperhead row, Cross parish
- Upton's court, Wade lane
- Upton's yard, Briggate
- Upton's yard, Off street
- Urquhart's yard, 49, Briggate
- Vicar lane, Kirkgate
- Vickers' yard, 82, Briggate
- Vickers' yard, St. Peter's square
- Vine street, Hunslet lane
- Vittoria street, Wellington road
- Waddington's yard, 3, Briggate
- Wade lane, Woodhouse lane
- Waite's yard, Upperhead row
- Walker's yard, 23, Briggate
- Walker's yard, Timble bridge
- Walton's yard, Steander
- Warehouse hill, Call lane
- Water lane, Bridge end
- Water lane, Near bank
- Waterloo court, Quarry hill
- Waterloo street (great) Hunslet lane
- Waterloo street, Wellington road
- Waterloo street, York street
- Watkinson's yard, Duke street
- Watson's yard, Leylands
- Waugh yard, Mill hill
- Weavers' square, Hillhouse bank
- Well street, Lisbon St. Wellington road
- Well street, Lisbon street
- Wellhouse place, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Wellhouse square, Richmond hill
- Wellhouse street, Richmond road
- Wellington court, Marsh lane
- Wellington place, Little London
- Wellington road, Quebec
- Wellington street, Park lane
- Wellington yard, Kirkgate
- West bar, Boar lane
- West place, Park lane
- West street, Quebec
- Wheat Sheaf Wharf, Simpson's fold
- Wheat Sheaf yard, back of Shambles
- Wheeler's place, Mill street, Marsh lane
- White Chapel yard, Hunslet lane
- White Cloth Hall street, Call lane
- White Cross Inn yard, i7, Briggate
- White Hart yard, Market place
- White Horse yard, Boar lane
- White Swan yard, Call lane
- White Swan yard, Cross parish
- Wigglesworth's yard, St. Peter's square
- Wilkinson's yard, Hunslet lane
- Wilks' place, Hunslet lane
- Wilks' yard, Hunslet lane
- Willan's yard, Mill hill
- William street, Richmond road
- William street, Water lane
- William's place, Marshall street
- William's row, Meadow lane
- Williamson's yard, Marsh lane
- Wilson's yard, Call lane
- Wilson's yard, Ebenezer street
- Wood street, Vicar lane
- Wood's court, 47, Briggate
- Wood's court, Vicar lane
- Wood's court, Water lane
- Wood's fold, Amen corner
- Woodhead's yard, High street
- Woodhouse bar, Upperhead row
- Woodhouse lane, Upperhead row
- Woodhouse row, Lady lane
- Wormald's Row, Woodhouse lane
- Wormald's buildings, Woodhouse lane
- Wormald's place, Burley bar
- Wormald's yard, 15, Briggate
- Worsted court, Near Bank
- Worsted street, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Wright's yard, York street
- Yarmouth roads, High court lane
- York bridge, York street
- York buildings, Marsh lane
- York street, Kirkgate and Marsh lane
- Mr. James Anderson, Clerk.
- John Newton, Geo. Boot, Wm. Gumby, Letter Carriers.
- Mr. Mark Temple, Post Master.
- Benj. Atkinson, to Seacroft, Thorner, Barwick-in-Elmet, and Scholes, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- John Cowburn, to Beeston, Churwell, Morley, Bruntcliffe, Gildersome, Adwalton, Drighlington, Tong, Westgate hill, Birkenshaw, Bierley, Fulneck, and Pudsey, every day.
- John Walker, to Rothwell, Oulton, and Woodlesford, every day, Tuesdays excepted.
- John Whitaker, to Horsforth, Rawden, Yea. don, and Guiseley, every day, Tuesdays excepted.
- Richard Asquith, to Burley, Armley, Wortley, Farnley, and Bramley, every day except Sunday and Tuesday.
- Wm. Wigglesworth, to Halton, Whitkirk, Garforth, and Swillington, every day, Tuesdays excepted.
- George Wilson, every morning at 20 minutes past 5, to Birstall, Millbridge, and Huddersfield. James Gifforth, at ¼ past 6, to Wakefield, and from thence to Barnsley, every day.
- The POST-OFFICE is a spacious edifice, situated in Call-lane, built about a century ago, by Alderman Atkinson, as his residence.
- The Post Office opens for the general delivery of letters, at seven o'clock in the morning, in summer, and eight o'clock in winter; the days for which change are the 5th of April, and the 5th of October; such letters as are not regularly called for, are delivered by the letter carriers, who leave the office for this purpose at the time of opening. Attendance is given during the whole of the day, until half-past five o'clock in the evening, when it shuts for the despatch of the North Mail. Letters for this mail continue to be received with one penny for each, until six, when the bags are finally closed, which takes letters for the East and North Ridings of Yorkshire, the counties of Westmoreland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, the whole of Scotland, the North of Ireland, and the Isle of Man; the intermediate towns from Tadcaster to Ware, and from Stilton to Stevenage, with all Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, (except Diss and Harleston) Bury St. Edmonds, Brandon, and Mildenhall in Suffolk; also to Otley, Skipton, Settle, Gargrave, Cross-hills, and Kildwick, in Yorkshire; to Burnley, Padiham, Clitheroe, Blackburn, and Ulverston, in Lancashire. The same mail arrives in Leeds, every morning, at a quarter-past three o'clock, with letters from Lincolnshire, Norfolk, part of Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, part of Nottinghamshire, East and North Ridings of Yorkshire, and all parts of Scotland; through Doncaster, Ferrybridge, York, and Tadcaster. Immediately on the East mail leaving the office at six o'clock in the evening, it again opens to receive letters for London, and all other parts of the kingdom, not mentioned above, until seven o'clock, when it shuts for the evening; letters may still be forwarded till eight o'clock, at the following rate:-
- From seven in the evening to fifty minutes past seven, 1d.
- From fifty minutes past seven to fifty-five minutes past seven, 2d.
- From 55 minutes past seven to eight, 6d.
- The bags are then forwarded by the Leeds and London Mail Coach, by way of Sheffield, Nottingham, &c. which returns with bags from all the south-west parts of England, through Birmingham; bringing also the Lisbon, Malta, Gibraltar, and West India Letters.
- No mails are despatched for London on Friday evenings, neither are any received thence on Tuesday mornings.
- The West Mail arrives every evening about twenty minutes past five o'clock, and the letters are delivered within an hour afterwards to the persons who send for them; it again sets out every morning at half-past three, with bags for Liverpool, and the intermediate towns, Lancashire, Cheshire, nearly the whole of the West of England, and all parts of Ireland.
- The New Liverpool Mail leaves Leeds every afternoon at three o'clock, (the letter-box closes at half-past two) and takes letters for Bradford, Halifax, Rochdale, Bolton, Manchester, and Liverpool, and all parts of Lancashire, (Colne excepted) Cheshire, Shropshire, nearly the whole of the West of England, and all parts of Ireland; this mail returns every morning at six, bringing letters from all the places as above-mentioned, and which are delivered at seven in summer and eight o'clock in winter.
- America and the West Indies-The first Wednesday in every month.
- East Indies, &c. No stated time-Application must therefore be made at the Post-Office.
- France - Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Gibraltar, Malta, and all parts of the Mediterranean-Every third Tuesday in each month *
- Hamburgh - Every Tuesday and Friday.
- Holland and Netherlands-Every Tuesday and Friday.
- Leeward Islands-First and third Wednesday, monthly.
- Madeira & Brazils:- First Tuesday monthly.
- Portugal-Tuesdays weekly
- Sweden: Every Tuesday and Friday.
- * The Calendar Month is Only observed.
- *** Abbreviations have occasionally been found unavoidable-in the Christian Names, in the Professions or Trades, and in the names of Streets, Courts, Lanes, &c. &c. it is hoped, however, they will be readily understood.
- Abbot John, vict. Pine Apple, Park ln.
- Abbott Bryan, 42, St. James's street
- Abbott Wm. woolstapler, 50, Call lane
- Abell T. fruiterer, Gill's yd. Kirkgate
- Abrahams Thos. Club row, Top Close
- Ackroyd Misses, Nile street
- Ackroyd Rhoda fishmonger, Pack Horse yard, Back of Shambles
- Adams James, tailor & clothes dealer, 1, Church row
- Adams John, hair cutter, perfumer, & dealer in London hats, l2, Boar ln.
- Adams Major Henry, Paymaster of the District, Providence lodge
- Addiman T. coachman, Boynton's yard
- Addinell Grace and Son, basket mkrs. dealers in toys, &c. 40, Briggate
- Addison John, 15, Little Templar st.
- Addy Wm. plumber and glazier, 15, Upperhead row
- Admundson John, 4, Spinner street
- Ainley John, shopkeeper, and eating-house, 14, Call lane
- Ainsworth Thos. gent. Hunslet lane
- Ainsworth W. B. corn miller, Bank
- Airey Mary, widow Old Shambles
- Airey Robt. linen draper, milliner, & stay maker, 28, Upperhead row
- Airrah John, fustian and woollen cord manufacturer, Land's lane
- Aked Wm. cloth dresser, Park Jane
- Aked and Cookson, cloth dressers, 46, New Park street, Park lane
- Akeroyd John, Assembly court
- Akers Houseman, shopkeeper, Water ln.
- Akers Wm. butcher, Woodhouse lane
- Alcock Robt. vict. King's Head, Kirkgt.
- Aldam Pease and Co. stuff merchants, Park lane
- Aldam Wm. mercht. h. South parade
- Alderson Benjamin, Back Nile street
- Alderson Jonathan, Sheepscar lane
- Alderson Jonth. stonemason, Bridge st.
- Aldred Mrs. Anne, Barron's yard, Upperhead row
- Allen Hy. dresser, Giles yd. Marsh ln.
- Allen Jas. yd. Mabgate
- Allen John stocking manfr. Off street
- Allen Wm. Lawrence yd. St. Peter's sq.
- Allender Thomas, Warehouse hill
- Allison Edward, linen draper & silk mercer, 10, Briggate
- Allison Isabella, widow, Leylands
- Allison Thomas, linen draper, (Manchester house) 91, Briggate
- Almack Thomas, blacksmith, White Horse yard Boar lane
- Almand Wm. shoemaker Mill street
- Ambler Isaac, 31 Vicar lane
- Ambler Wm. flour, malt, and milk dealer, 11, Harper street
- Anderson George, brush maker, Back Charles street
- Anderson James; head clerk, Post office
- Anderson Thomas, Wheat Sheaf yard, Back of Shambles
- Anderson W. Wilson's yd. Ebenezer st.
- Anderton Thos. grocer, 64, Briggate
- Andrews Jas. glazier, Simpson's fold
- Andrews John, grocer & flour dealer, Summer street, Park lane
- Andrews Jonathan, bacon and butter factor, 7, Back George's street
- Annikin Wm. tailor, Water lane
- Aordsley & Field, linen drapers, 37, Lowerhead row
- Appleby Mrs. Eliz. East parade
- Appleby Thos. gardener, Little London
- Appleyard Mrs. Eliz. register office, bottom of Kirkgate
- Appleyard Ellen 27, Hope street
- Appleyard Joseph, dyer, School close
- Appleyard M. widow, Paley's yd. Calls
- Appleyard Mary, North street
- Appleyard Richard, grocer 1, Union st.
- Appleyard T.W. dyer, Mill hill
- Appleyard Thos. tailor, O. square, Kgt.
- Armistead Anthony, Cotton st. Bank
- Armistead J. & J. brush and mustard, manufacturers, seed crushers, & oil dealers, Water lane
- Armistead James, lodge
- Armistead Joseph, 4 Brunswick place
- Armitage David, cloth & stuff manufacturer, Hillhouse bank
- Armitage James, victualler. Angel Inn, Back of the Shambles
- Armitage Jane, gentwmn. East parade
- Armitage John, butcher, 7, Market pl.
- Armitage John, cloth dresser, Bk. Park row; house, 32, Bk. Hope street
- Armitage Joseph, flour dealer, 48, Briggate
- Arnott Henry, gent. Pottery lane end
- Arnott Thomas, Malt Mill yard, Lowerhead row
- Arthington James, gentleman, Carr house, Long Balk lane
- Arthington Robt. ale & porter brewer, and maltster, Hunslet lane
- Ashworth John, hat manufacturer & dealer, 5, George's street
- Ashworth Joseph, victualler, Wellington, Kirkgate
- Askin Sarah, plumber & glazier, Calls
- Askquith James, cheese and flour, &c. dealer, Wade lane
- Aspden J. bricklayer & builder, Princess street, New road end
- Aspdin J. bricklayer, Slip Inn yard
- Asquith Benj. butcher, Meadow lane
- Atack Benj. millwright, School Close
- Atack Samuel, bricklayer, 8, Nelson street
- Atack Samuel, bricklayer, builder, & white washer, Church lane
- Atha James, tailor, Goodman's court, Hunslet lane
- Atha John, grocer and flour dealer, Bowling green, Meadow lane
- Atkinson Anne, confectioner, 30, Kgt. Atkinson Edward, hair cutter & perfumer, Commercial street
- Atkinson Benj wheelwright, Lady lane
- Atkinson Benj. farmer, Ellerby lane
- Atkinson Benjamin, cabinet maker, Ellerby lane
- Atkinson Charles, friezer, York street; house, St. Peter's square
- Atkinson Daniel, currier & leather cutter, & dealer in plasterer's hair, 91, Kirkgate
- Atkinson Edward, drysalter, Bowman lane; house, Sheepscar
- Atkinson Mrs. Eliz. Trafalgar street
- Atkinson Geo. stuff, bunting manufacturer, Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Atkinson H. third master of Free Grammar School, Low Fold, North Town end
- Atkinson Henry, shopkpr. Wade lane
- Atkinson James, Moxon's yd. Kirkgt.
- Atkinson James, Newsome's yard, Bggt.
- Atkinson John, agent to the Low Moor Company, Bramley's yard
- Atkinson John, fishmonger, Bond st.
- Atkinson John, solicitor; house, Little Woodhouse
- Atkinson John, surgeon & dentist, East parade
- Atkinson John, surgeon, 34, Park sqr.
- Atkinson John, victualler, Black Lion, Mill hill
- Atkinson Joseph, farmer, Ellerby lane
- Atkinson Joseph, victualler, Golden Fleece, Briggate
- Atkinson Miles, woolstapler Albion street; house, East parade
- Atkinson Misses, Park lane
- Atkinson Moses, flax spinner, Near Bank; house, Grove Terrace
- Atkinson Richard whitesmith, Land's lane; house, Buslingthorpe
- Atkinson Samuel, stuff manufacturer, 7, St. Peter's square
- Atkinson Thomas, Riley's row, York st. Atkinson John, paper stainer, 23, Cavalier hill
- Atkinson Thomas, victualler, Star and Garter, Call lane
- Atkinson William sen. fishmonger, 17, Duncan street
- Atkinson William jun. fishmonger, 31, Hope street
- Atkinson William, flock dealer, Top of Ebenezer Street
- Atkinson William, victualler, Golden Fleece, Old Shambles
- Atkinson William, wheelwright, Isle Cinder
- Atkinson, Bolland & Atkinson, solicitors, 7, Butt's court, Burley bar
- Auber Ann, Barron's yard, Upper-head row
- Austin & Leeming, blacksmiths & farriers, Bee Hive yd. Vicar lane
- Austin Geo. butcher, North town end
- Austin Jeremiah & Co. woolstaplers, Alfred street, Boar lane
- Autey Eliz. Ladies' school, Templar st.
- Aveson Henry overlooker, Water lane
- Aveson Wm. Newsome's yd. Briggate
- Axford Thomas, (agent to Deacon, Harrison and Co.) New road end
- Aylward Thos. Hayes's ct. Vicar lane
- Backhouse & Jennings, painters & plasterers, Mill hill
- Backhouse Daniel, dyer, Bowman lane
- Backhouse Henry chemist & druggist, 2 Back of Shambles
- Backhouse Joseph, woolsorter, Off st.
- Bagnett Lieut. Wm. 19, Nile street
- Bailey Rt. milk seller, 23, Charles St.
- Bailey Sarah, Ladies' school, Skinner ln.
- Bainbridge Rbt. shoemaker, Top close
- Baines Edward, printer of the Leeds Mercury, 77, Briggate; house, King street, Wellington road
- Baines John, bookseller & stationer, 77, Briggate
- Baines Thos. gardener, St. James's st.
- Baiston James, builder & cabinet maker, Coach lane
- Baker Eliz. Smithson's yd. Meadow ln.
- Baldwin James & John, shoemakers, Old Post office yard, Kirkgate
- Baldwin James, manufacturer of stocking worsted, Cavalier hill
- Baldwin James, overlooker, Cotton st.
- Ball Abel shoemaker, Cavalier hill
- Ball Mark, victualler, Sir John Falstaff, St. Peter's square
- Balme John, woolstapler, Trinity lane; house, Queen's square
- Balmford Simeon, joiner & cabinet maker, near the New Baths
- Bancroft Sarah gentwmn. Park row
- Banks & Goodman, stuff merchants, Hunslet lane
- Banks Benj. grocer & flour dealer, Timble bridge
- Banks George, stuff merchant; house, Hunslet lane
- Banks Joshua, 9, Smithies row, Bank
- Banks Thos. packer, St. James's st.
- Barff Wm. & Sons, woolstaplers 15, Duncan st. & Star yd. Wakefield
- Barfoot John, woolstapler; house, St. James's street
- Barfoot R. & G. woolstaplers, Land's ln.
- Barker Edward, joiner & cabinet maker, 42, St. Peter's square
- Barker Francis, Bookkpr. Cobourg st.
- Barker Geo. victualler, Woodpecker, Marsh lane head
- Barker George, cabinet maker, 4, Providence court, Top close
- Barker John, dresser, Ainsworth's yd.
- Barker Joseph, coal leader, Steander
- Barker Joseph, joiner, Bowman lanes
- Barker Joseph, milk dealer, Mabgate
- Barker Margaret, flock dealer 2, Green's court, Back of Shambles
- Barker Misses, Park row
- Barker Wm. Scott's yard, Off street
- Barlow J. S. hat manufacturer & dealer, 76, Briggate
- Barlow John, overlooker, Brewery fld.
- Barnett Elizabeth victualler, Old Willow Tree, Timble bridge
- Barr Chas. banker; h. Commercial st.
- Barr Mary, widow, 35, St. George's st. Barr John, printer, bookseller, & stationer, 45, Briggate
- Barr Robert, deputy town's clerk, 35, St. George's st.
- Barraclough Jeremiah, clothier, back of North hall gardens
- Barraclough John, potter, 28, Hope st.
- Barraclough Thomas, cloth merchant, Park lane
- Barraclough W. Birch's yard, Lowerhead row
- Barrett Abraham, Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Barrett Geo. Lamb yd. Timble bridge
- Barrett Joshua, tobacconist & hop merchant, St. Peter's square
- Barstow Jerhm. tea dealer, Bond st.
- Barstow Jerhm. vict. Dolphin, Vicar ln.
- Barstow Joseph, Lupton's yd. North st.
- Barstow Samuel, brick maker & dealer, Marsh lane head
- Barstow Sarah, widow, Wade lane
- Barwick Margaret, gentlewoman, East parade
- Bateman Wm. Rooke's fold, Far bank
- Bates Abraham, stuff weaver, Marsh lane
- Bates John, rug weaver, Harper's yd.
- Bates Joseph, shopkeeper, George's st.
- Bateson Anne, widow, 25, Nile street
- Bateson Joseph, merchant, Mill hill
- Batho Thomas, Hillhouse bank
- Batty Anne, green grocer, under 71, Briggate
- Batty George, shopkeeper, Campo field
- Batty Jas. joiner, builder, Green hill
- Batty John, grocer &c. 55, Mill hill
- Battye Richard Charlesworth, surgeon, Park row
- Baxter John, gentleman, Baxter's yard, Quarry hill
- Baxter Mary, lace maker, 69, Marsh ln.
- Baxter Robert, dyer, New row, Mill st.
- Baxter William, mason, Garden street
- Bayley James, hatter, Waddington's yard, 8, Briggate
- Baylis Jph. clothes broker, Lowhd. row
- Baylis Thomas, ornamental painter, Lady lane
- Baynes Wm. bookseller & periodical publisher, George & Dragon yard
- Bean Joseph, Back Nile street
- Bean Margaret, milliner, 52, Albion st.
- Bean William, bookseller, binder, stationer, and printer, (mercantile and school agency office), 16, Lowerhead row
- Beard Geo. academy, Old Churchyard
- Beaufoy Sarah, milliner, Wade lane
- Beaufoy Thos. cloth worker Wade lane
- Beaumont James, public bakehouse, Rockley Hall yard
- Beaumont James, staymaker, 69, Kirkgate, and Harrogate
- Beaumont John, brace maker and clothes broker, Back of Shambles
- Beaumont John, dresser, St. James's st.
- Beaumont Thomas, blacking manufacturer, 39, High street
- Beck Joseph, joiner, George's street
- Beck Wm. Wellhouse place, bank
- Beckett Christopher, Esq.; h. Woodhouse lane
- Beckett James, bookkeeper, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Beckett Mary, tobacco mfr. and tea dealer, 4, Back of Shambles
- Beckett Thos. merchant, Albion street
- Beckett William, Esq.; house, Woodhouse lane
- Beckett, Blayds, and Co. bankers, 81, Briggate
- Beckwith Ann, 11, Upperhead row
- Beckwith John, victualler, Lamb, Call lane
- Beckwith Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, 38, Woodhouse lane
- Beckwith Sarah, Albion ct. Mill hill
- Beckwith Thos. mercht. h. Carlton row
- Beckwith William, vict. White Hart, Cross parish
- Beckwith Wm. New road end
- Bedale Francis, joiner, York street, Kirkgate
- Bedford Chas. bricklayer, &c. Shore's yard, Timble bridge
- Bedford James, chemist, druggist and oil refiner, 39, Briggate
- Bedford Joseph, principal clerk to the Collector of Excise duties; house, Cobourg street, Wade lane
- Bedford William, coal agent, Hunslet lane
- Beecroft Francis, vict. Harewood Arms, Old Square, Kirkgate
- Beecroft George, gentleman, Quebec
- Beecroft Heath & Co. wrought iron & steel manufacturers & merchants, Hirst's yard, Call lane
- Beecroft John, grocer and flour dealer, 63, Meadow lane
- Beecroft Thos. breeches maker, Gill's yard, Kirkgate
- Beesting Mary, shopkeeper, West place Park lane
- Beeston John, 17, Templar street
- Beeston Thos. agent to the Proprietors of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal; h. Canal wharf, Water lane
- Beevers Abm. shoemkr. Hillhouse bank
- Beezon Jas. cheesemonger & fruiterer, 72 Briggate
- Bell Edward, librarian to the Eclectic circulating library, 8, Hardwick's yard, Briggate
- Bell Eliz. dress maker, North passage, Lowerhead row
- Bell Hugh, saddler & harness maker, 52, Briggate
- Bell Jas. hairdresser. 113, Kirkgate
- Bell John, cheese and bacon factor, Calls; house, Trafalgar street
- Bell John, cloth dresser, Meadow lane
- Bell Moses, potatoe merchant, Harper street, Kirkgate
- Bell Wm. joiner, Camp lane
- Bellhouse David, joiner, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Bellhouse David, tailor and draper, Hurst's yard, Briggate
- Bellhouse James and George, Joiners and wheelwrights, Water lane
- Bellhouse John, dresser, Silk st. Bank
- Bellhouse Samuel, Joiner, Top of Marsh lane
- Bellhouse Wm. corn merchant, Warehouse hill; house, Park place
- Bellhouse Wm. joiner, Water lane
- Benn Sarah straw hat manufacturer, Turk's head yard, Briggate
- Bennett Christopher, dresser, Park ln.
- Bennett James, gent. Queen's square
- Bennett T. schoolmaster, Calls
- Benson & Simpson, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, Call lane
- Benson Chas. 8 Upton's yd. Briggate
- Benson David, mason, 56, High street
- Benson David, shoemaker. Speedwell rw.
- Benson Jarvis, gentleman, Park row
- Benson John woolstapler, Quebec; h. Little Woodhouse
- Benson John, tailor, 15, Waterloo st.
- Benson Robert & Sons, woolstaplers, bottom of Park row
- Benson Robert, woolstapler, Back ln. Trinity lane; h. Carr place
- Benson Wm. woolstapler, Boar lane; house, Woodhouse
- Bentley Charles, dresser, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Bentley John, nail maker, Old Rayson's yard, Market place
- Bentley John, tailor, 14, Union row
- Benyon and Co. yarn spinners, linen, canvass, and sail cloth manufacturers, Meadow lane
- Berry Thos. Moxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Berwick Miss Grace, 24, Park square
- Berwick Miss T. 2, North street
- Betts John, retail dlr, in bombazines, stuffs, and poplins, Bracewell's houses, School close
- Beverley Baron, 51, St. James's street
- Beverley John and Son, braziers, brass founders, and tinsmiths, Back of Shambles
- Beverley John, 24, Ebenezer street
- Beverley Margaret, widow, Union st.
- Beverley Thos. bailiff, Ebenezer street
- Bew Edw. brass, &c. turner, 71, Kgt.
- Bewley Rob., plane mkr. 74, Kirkgate
- Bewley William, schoolmaster, Duke street
- Bickerdike John, maltster Meadow ln.
- Bilbrough Dorothy, 44, Ebenezer st.
- Bill Thos. glass and china dealer, and rag merchant, 7, Boar lane
- Billet Master and Clear of the Marker, Joseph Ditch, Wormald's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Bilton Robert, pipe maker; house, Low Leylands
- Bilton and Simmons, pipe makers, Mabgate green
- Bingham Rd. gent. St. James's street
- Bingley B. K. bookkeeper, Water ln.
- Bingley Mary, shkpr. near Water lane
- Bingley William, Esq. St. Peter's hill, Park lane
- Binks Jacob, wool sorter, Top close
- Binner Wm. dyer, Low Leylands
- Binns Jas. overlooker, Wellington st.
- Binns Wm. wool comb maker, Ebenezer street
- Birch James, New road end Birchall S. J. woolstapler; house, Park square
- Birch Jas. victualler, Griffin, Mill hill
- Birch John, shopkeeper, St. James's street
- Birch Mary, grocer, 2, Duke street
- Birch Thomas, tinner, Back Nile st.
- Birch Wm. wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 21, Lowerhead row
- Birchall Alfred, merchant, 62, Albion street; house, East parade
- Birchall Edwin merchant; house, South parade
- Bird John, bone setter, 7, Harper st.
- Birdsell John, grocer, Water lane
- Birkby Catherine, Cross street
- Birks Wm. butcher, Cross street
- Birtwistle Thomas, milk dealer, Back Nile street
- Bischoff Bernard & Sons merchs. and manufacturers, North Town end
- Bischoff Thomas and James and Co. merchants and manufacturers, Woodhouse lane
- Bischoff Thos. jun. general commission merchant corner of Commercial street and Land's lane
- Black Hugh, guard of the Rockingham 1, Duke street
- Blackburn Arthur, dresser, High st.
- Blackburn Benj. and Sons, merchants and manufacturers, Hunslet lane
- Blackburn Benj. farmer, Burmantofts
- Blackburn Eliz. shopkeeper, Camp field
- Blackburn Jas. boot and shoe maker, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Blackburn Jas. cabinet mkr, Albion sqr. buildings, Top close
- Blackburn Jas. cabinet mkr. Albion sq.
- Blackburn John, Ellerby lane
- Blackburn John, dresser, 22, Park ln.
- Blackburn Joseph, gent. Black bank
- Blackburn Joseph, plasterer, Quebec
- Blackburn Josh. weaver, 47, Duke st.
- Blackburn Mary, gentwn. Park place
- Blackburn Thos. woollen draper and tailor, 18, Bridge end
- Blackburn Wm. grocer and tea dealer, 13, Boar lane
- Blackburn Wm. stuff' manuft. & cloth drawer, St. Peter's square
- Blackburn Wm. teacher, 17, Bridge st.
- Blackburn Wm. vict. and flock dealer, Elephant, Back of Shambles
- Blackett Wm. public bakehouse, near St. Peter's square
- Blagbrough Saml. 9, Trafalgar street
- Blakey Charles, schoolmaster, Low street St. Peter's.
- Blakey Dan, whitesmith, West street
- Blakey David, shear maker & grinder School close
- Blakey Edward, Turkington's yard, High street
- Blakey George, butcher, Mabgate
- Blakey Rt. cloth drawer, Leylands
- Blakey Sarah, 20, Nile street
- Blakey Sarah, 4, Hope street
- Blanchard Carrick, plasterer, whitewasher, and stainer in water colours, &c. St. George's street
- Blanchard Wm. plasterer, &c. Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Blaxland Wm. hosier, 25, Cross Parish
- Blayds John, Esq. Park lane
- Blayds Thos. gent. 8, Park square
- Blenkinsop Alexander, cabinet maker and house builder, Mill hill
- Blesard Rt. gent. 47, Albion street
- Bloome M. solicitor and clerk to the trustees of the Tadcaster and Halton Dial, and Leeds and Selby Turnpike roads, Queen's court, Call lane
- Blythe Walter, stone mason, Little Templar street
- Boddey Thomas, Boy and Barrel yard, Wood street
- Boddy John, joiner, 34, Hope street
- Boler John, joiner, 7, Bramley row
- Boler Rd. cabinet maker and house builder, Woodhouse lane
- Bolland John Stanley's yd. Lady ln.
- Bolland Miss, gentlewoman, 34, Park square
- Bolland Thos. shopkeeper, York street
- Bolland W. T. & Co. stuff' merchants, Salem court, Hunslet lane
- Bollon Joseph, tailor, 45, George's st.
- Bolton James, woollen draper & Cheshire cheese factor, 20, Bond St.
- Bond John, rope mfr. Camp field
- Boocock John, green grocer, under 77, Briggate
- Booker John, wine and spirit mercht. Upperhead row; h. Camp place
- Booker Wm. linen draper, 21, Cross parish; house, Brunswick place
- Boot Geo. letter carrier, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Booth David, vict. Rose and Crown, Queen street, near Bank
- Booth Geo. commercial and mathematical school, 52, Woodhouse lane
- Booth Grace, dress maker, Hunslet ln.
- Booth J., brush mfr., 39, Far fold, Mabgate
- Booth Jane, repository and child-bed linen warehouse, 57, Mill hill
- Booth Jas. at. Moxon's yd. Kirkgate
- Booth John, Hardwick's yd. Briggate
- Booth Joseph, 12, Back George's St.
- Booth Joseph, 19, Hope street
- Booth Matthew, 9, Waterloo street
- Booth Matthew, Top close
- Booth Nathaniel, bookbinder, top of George's street
- Booth Richard, dresser, Hunslet lane
- Booth Thomas, 102, Meadow lane
- Booth William, vict. Black Bull, Hunslet lane
- Booth William, violin and violoncello mfr. 57, Mill hill
- Boothman David, bricklayer, Baxter's yard, Quarry hill
- Boothman John, vict. Green Parrott, Mill hill
- Bost Henry, coachman, Commercial ct.
- Bostock James accountant, Taylor's buildings, Top close
- Bottrell John, cabinet maker, 20, Bridge street
- Boulby Geo. sun dial manufacturer, Top of St. Peter's square
- Bower John, sen. butcher, Hunslet ln.
- Bower John, jun. butcher, Lowerhead row
- Bowes & Milnes, woolstaplers, Mill hill
- Bowes Christopher, book keeper, Geo. and Dragon yard
- Bowes James, patent thread, linen, & canvass manufacturer, Steander
- Bowes John, woolstapler; house, Hillhouse bank
- Bowman Henry, public accountant & collector of taxes, Templar St.
- Boyle Benj. dresser, Low st. St. Peter's
- Boyle Benj. wool comber, Duke st.
- Boyle Israel, dresser, Park lane
- Boyle Wm. pawnbroker, Harper st. Kirkgate
- Boyle Zachariah, auctioneer, glass dealer, &c. 65, Briggate
- Boyne Geo. carrier by water; house, Kendal row
- Boyne Thomas, tobacconist; house, Queen square
- Bracewell John, 7, Nether mills
- Bracewell Thos. Back Waterloo street
- Bracewell Wm. hat manufacturer and dealer, Commercial street
- Bradbury John, gent. Bradbury's yd. Kirkstall New road
- Bradbury W. H. solicitor, Haye's court, Vicar lane
- Bradford Joseph, pocket book and pattern card manufacturer, opposite Call lane, Kirkgate
- Bradford Jph. Woodhead's yd. High st.
- Bradley & Maddy, linen drapers & silk mercers, 16, Cross Parish
- Bradley Thos. stay maker, 1, Duke st.
- Bradley Thos. tobacco cutter, Quarry hill
- Bradwith Mary, fruiterer, Uppperhead row
- Brady Jarvis, linen draper and hosier, Bridge end; house, Simpson's fold
- Bragg Wm. potatoe merchant, warehouse hill; h. Camp field
- Brailsford Edward, Leeds Pottery
- Braim John, auctioneer, Briggate
- Braim Thos. joiner & builder, Park ln.
- Braithwaite Henry, Quarry hill
- Braithwaite Henry, Wilson's yard, Ebenezer street
- Braithwaite Jas. & Son, plasterers, 2, Boddey's yard, Union street
- Braithwaite Jas. house & sign painter, dealer in oil and colours, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Braithwaite John, ironmonger, nail manufacturer, and bar iron merchant, 4, Market place
- Braithwaite John, plasterer, Union st.
- Braithwaite Margaret, Sheepscar
- Braithwaite Mrs. Mary, New lane, Meadow lane
- Braithwaite Wm. cloth manufacturer, Hillhouse, bank
- Bramham G. & J. farmers, Cross green lane
- Bramley George, eating house, tinder 82, Briggate
- Bramley John, gent. North Town end
- Bramley Joseph, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 5, Briggate
- Bramma Sam. millwright, School close
- Branford Elizabeth, widow, Calls
- Bray Ann, dress maker, Bank street
- Bray Geo. pocket book & pattern card maker, and fancy stationer, 6, Commercial street
- Bray John, Wood's yd. St. James's st.
- Bray Joseph, cloth drawer, Bridge st.
- Bray Thos. cloth dresser, top Union St.
- Brayshaw Benj. Addy's yd. Uphd. row
- Brayshaw David, letter press printer, Cocker's yard, East lane
- Brayshaw Jph. schoolmaster, New rd.
- Brayshaw Wm. dyer, Nether mills
- Brayshaw Mrs. nurse, 13, Nile street
- Brazier Eliz. register office, 34, Kgt.
- Brearley Thomas, Wellington court, Marsh lane
- Breedon Wm. Cookson's yd. Kirkgate
- Brennand William 4, Church lane
- Brewerton John, Quarry hill
- Brier Wm. hairdresser, 26, Wood st.
- Brigg & Son, merchants and manufacturers 4, Albion street
- Brigg H. and G. gentlewomen, Providence row
- Brigg Mrs. Mary, Woodhouse lane
- Briggs Charles, bone dealer, Mabgate green
- Briggs James, gentleman, Lisbon st. Bean Ing
- Briggs James, painter, Simpson's fold
- Briggs John, bricklayer, Leylands
- Briggs John, shopkeeper, York street
- Briggs Joseph, flax dresser, 15, Coach ln.
- Briggs Joshua, victualler, Shoulder of Mutton, Marsh lane head
- Briggs Mary and Son, plumbers, glaziers, & manufacturers of patent pipe, Commercial court, Briggate
- Briggs Pearson, grocer & flour dealer, 35, Meadow lane
- Briggs Thomas, butcher, 19, Old Shambles
- Briggs Thomas, plumber, glazier, and manufacturer of patent pipe, 14. Mill hill
- Briggs William, Water lane, Bank
- Briggs William, stuff merchant; house, St. James's street
- Briscoe Alice, ferryboat, Low fold Bank
- Briscoe John, painter, Cavalier hill
- Britton John, stay maker, Camp road
- Britton Samuel, plumber and glazier, Grey walk
- Britton William, tailor, Moxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Broadbent James, 21, George's street
- Broadhead James, brush manufacturer, and dealer in mustard, 16, Upperhead row
- Broadhead John, gentleman, 13, Brunswick place
- Broardey James, shoemaker, Vicar ln.
- Brook James, gentleman, Park lane
- Brook John, grocer and flour dealer, Sheepscar bar
- Brook Richd. linen draper, 51, Briggate
- Brooke Daniel, chemist and druggist., Nether mills
- Brooke John, Edward and Co. merchants & manufacturers, Hunslet lane and Kirkstall
- Brooke John, merchant; house, Hunslet lane
- Brooke Obadiah, surgeon, North bar
- Brooke Wm. waggoner, (from Leeds to Selby) Fairburn's field
- Brotherton Francis, livery stable keeper, Cundall's yard, Briggate
- Brotherton Joseph, shopkeeper, St. George's street
- Broughton William victualler, Blue Ball, Far fold, Mabgate
- Brown Benjamin, brick maker and dealer, Back of Waterloo street
- Brown Bernard, flax and tow spinner, thread manufacturer, &c. Mabgate; house, Bullock's square, Far Bank
- Brown C. W. C. and Co. merchants, Hunslet lane
- Brown Chas. mercht. h. 9, Grey walk
- Brown Daniel, merchant, Hunslet ln.
- Brown Elizabeth, widow, Sykes's yd.
- Brown Fountaine, merchant; house, 1, Park square
- Brown Geo. brick maker, 21, Nile st.
- Brown Geo. flour dealer, 18, Lady ln.
- Brown Harriet, plumber and glazier, North street
- Brown James & Co. merchants, Woodhouse lane
- Brown James, Esq. houses, Woodhouse lane and Harehills lane
- Brown James, baker and flour dealer, Old square, 73, Kirkgate
- Brown James, brick maker & dealer, Holdforth's yard, Bank
- Brown James, brick maker, Timble bridge
- Brown James, shear maker, Bullock's sqr.
- Brown John, draper, 4, Nelson street
- Brown John, gentleman, 2, New row, Sheepscar
- Brown John, merchant, West street, Quebec
- Brown John, shear maker & grinder. Leylands
- Brown John, straw hat mfr. Bridge st.
- Brown John, tailor, 7, York street
- Brown John, veterinary surgeon, 49, Woodhouse lane
- Brown Jonas & Son, lap board makers & dealers in hard wood, Water la.
- Brown Joseph, dresser, 15, George's st.
- Brown Robert, coal leader, Steander
- Brown Rodger, cloth dresser, Eyre's yard, Hunslet lane
- Brown Samuel, dresser, 7, Coach lane
- Brown Samuel, engraver & printer in wood and copper, 62, Kirkgate
- Brown Thomas and Co. shear makers, Crown Point forge
- Brown Thomas, importer of Irish linens, and woollen manufr. Hunslet lane
- Brown William, brick maker & dealer, Marsh lane head
- Browne John, dresser, 82, Meadow ln.
- Browne John, merchant; h. Park row
- Browne John, jun. stuff merchant, Boar lane; house, West street
- Browne Lydia and Elizabeth, gentlewomen East parade
- Brownhill Thomas, goldsmith, jeweller and watch manfr. 19, Briggate
- Brownless Geo. brush manufacturer, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Brownridge Martha, Quarry hill
- Brownridge Samuel, flax spinner and manuf. Leylands; house, Nile st.
- Bruce & Dorrington, merchants, (fancy goods) Sherwood's yard, Briggate
- Brumfit Richard, victualler, Neptune, Lady lane
- Brumfit Sarah, shopkeeper, Lady lane
- Brumfit Susannah, tea dealer, Lady ln.
- Brumfit Thomas, farmer, milkman, Coach house, Black bank
- Brumfit William, victualler, Marquis of Granby, Lady lane
- Brunton William, smith and farrier, 4, Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Brusher Charles, shoe & artificial limb manufacturer, Mabgate
- Bryan William, pocket book maker, Brown's yard, Duke street
- Bryant John, grocer and flour dealer, 21, Off street
- Buck Richard, traveller, Camp road
- Buckbrough Rich. shopkpr. Near bank
- Buckle Thomas & Co. merchants and manufacturers, Woodhouse lane
- Buckle Thos. merchant; h. Wade lane
- Buckley Geo. rag dealer, &c. Smithies' brick garth Far bank
- Buckley and Co. carriers to Manchester, &c. Water lane
- Buckton Joseph and Son, merchants and manufacturers, Meadow lane
- Bucktrout Robert, victualler, Cardigan Arms, Kirkstall road
- Budick J. cloth dresser, George's row
- Bullman Robt. & Son, cabinet makers & upholsterers, 5, Commercial st.
- Bullock Richard, clothes broker, Lowerhead row
- Bulmer Samuel, butcher, 5, Duncan st.
- Bulmer Uriah, victualler, White Swan, Cross Parish
- Burgess Mary, schoolmistress, Wood st.
- Burland T. wire worker, St. James's st.
- Burlinson Ralph, shoemaker, Duke St.
- Burnand John, tailor & draper, Lady ln.
- Burnand Mrs. Sarah, Pleasant Dairy
- Burnand Sarah, vict. Old George, Brigt.
- Burnell Abraham, corn & flour dealer, Swan street, Cross Parish
- Burnell James, victualler, Scarbro' Castle, Hunslet lane
- Burnell Mary, York street
- Burnell and Mallorie, wine and spirit merchants, Swan st. Cross Parish
- Burnett John, bailiff, 9, Harper street
- Burnett Joseph, tailor and draper, 33, Briggate
- Burniston Geo. fishmonger, Slip Inn yd.
- Burniston Geo. shopkeeper, Water ln.
- Burnley R. W. cheese bacon & flour factor, 8, Market place
- Burrell Benjamin, Joiner and cabinet maker, Turner's yard; house, 49, George's street
- Burrell Benjamin, printer, School row, Bank
- Burrow Alexander, School row Bank
- Burrow John, engineer, 55 Call lane
- Burrow Wm. clothes broker, Marsh ln.
- Burrows Thomas, artist, Kirkstall new road
- Burrows W. corn dealer, Trafalgar st.
- Burton John, woolstapler; house, Grove terrace
- Burton Joshua & Sons, woolstaplers, Bank street; house, Grove terrace
- Burton Richard, corn merchant, 2, Camp lane
- Burton Samuel, joiner and carpenter, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Burwell James, dresser, Camp field
- Bushby J. woolsorter, North passage
- Bushby Rev. Joseph, M.A. Parsonage near Meadow lane
- Bussey James, stone mason, North st.
- Butler George, bailiff, York street
- Butler Jas. woolsorter, New road end
- Butler John, Royal Oak yd. Kirkgate
- Butler John, butcher, 98, Kirkgate
- Butler John, painter, St. Anne's lane
- Butler Thomas, butcher, 95, Kirkgate
- Butler William, hair dresser and bacon factor, Call lane
- Butterfield Sarah, midwife, Sidney st.
- Butterfield W. waterman, Bowman ln.
- Butters David, coal dealer, Marsh lane
- Butterwicke John, old bookseller, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Butterworth Charles, rope and twine maker Swinegate
- Butterworth Christopher, engraver, Butterworth's yard, 89, Kirkgate
- Butterworth Mrs., New road end
- Butterworth, Livesey and Co. engravers and copper-plate printers, 88, Kirkgate
- Buttle William, tailor, Quarry hill
- Button Charles, Lisbon st. Bean Ing
- Button Thomas, cloth dresser, Mill hill
- Buttrey J. A. woolstapler, Boar lane; house, Sunny bank
- Buttrey John and Son, Spanish wool agents, Trinity lane
- Byram Richd. dresser, Upper High st.
- Bywater Mrs. Anne Cobourg street
- Bywater Benjamin, 6, Duke street
- Bywater J. R. house, Belle Isle
- Bywater Joseph victualler, Albion Inn, Top of High street
- Bywater Joseph, glosser, Blackman ln.
- Bywater Thomas, Marsh lane
- Bywater William, gentleman, Old Brewery yard, Meadow lane
- Bywell Sarah, gentlewoman, Lisbon st. Cadman John, rectifier and spirit merchant, Simpson's fold
- Cadman Thomas, tobacco manufacturer; house, Sheepscar lane
- Cadmans and Stanley, tobacco manufacturers, Lady lane
- Calder William, shopkeeper, Marsh ln.
- Calverley James, victualler, Cock and Bottle, Upperhead row
- Calverley John, lap board maker and dealer in bard wood, &c. Jubilee st.
- Calvert Edw. shopkeeper, 4, Duke st.
- Calvert John & William, gun makers, 73, Briggate
- Calvert John, dyer; house, Mabgate
- Calvert Joshua, perfumer, & C. Bank st.
- Calvert William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 9, Mill hill
- Calvert Wm. gunsmith; h. Butt's ct.
- Campbell Samuel, tailor and draper, Newsome's court, Briggate
- Canby Christopher, stocking manufacturer, Old Infirmary yard
- Canne John tailor, Nile street
- Capes Thos. bookkeeper, St. James's st.
- Cappe William, commission agent, East parade
- Cardiss Thos. well sinker, St. Anne's ln.
- Carlile James, tobacco & snuff manufacturer, 8, Boar lane
- Carlile Misses R. & S. ladies' boarding school, Kirkstall new road
- Carlton William, Joiner & loom maker, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Carpenter Rev. Benjamin Sunny bank
- Carpenter W. brass moulder, Union st.
- Carpenter Wm. wood turner, Near bank
- Carr John, merchant; h. South parade
- Carr John, shopkeeper, Water lane
- Carr Joseph, joiner, Elephant Inn yard
- Carr Mary victualler, Wheat Sheaf, Upperhead row
- Carr Mary, Queen's square
- Carr Thos. & Eliz. dyers, Swinegate
- Carr Wm. and Sons, dyers Swinegate
- Carrack John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Far bank
- Carrett Benjamin, Ellerby lane
- Carrett James, farmer, Cross green
- Carrett Matthew, pocket book and pattern card maker, Heaton's court, 6, Briggate
- Carter Ann, linen draper and milliner, 46, Briggate
- Carter John, coachman, Turner's yard, top of George street
- Carter Jonathan bricklayer & builder, Charlesworth's yard
- Carter W. joiner, 4, New row, Mill st.
- Cash J. J. and N. stuff merchants, Woodhouse lane
- Cash N. stuff merchant; h. Queen sqr.
- Cass Anthony, surge on, Albion street
- Cass Martha, vict. and wholesale and retail spirit merchant, 2, Boar lane
- Castle M. Union yard, Briggate
- Catlow H. straw hat maker, Cross st
- Catlow John, pawnbroker, Church row
- Catlow Jph. warehouseman, Butt's ln.
- Catton John, porter, Boot & Shoe yard
- Cave Joshua, grocer, &c. Mill hill
- Cave ft. & J. bricklayers and builders, 94, Meadow lane
- Cawood Charles, joiner, 29, Union st.
- Cawood J., Cowell's yard, Briggate
- Cawood J., stone mason, Kirkstall road
- Cawood John, saddler, 21, Union st.
- Cawood M. and Son, brass and iron founders, manufacturers of coal gas apparatus, fire proof buildings, patent metallic cocks & tinn'd cast iron kitchen furniture, Marsh lane
- Cawood Martin, iron founder; house, Far bank
- Cawthorn Edward, sawyer, Leylands
- Cawthorn Joseph, victualler, Talbot Inn, Cross Parish
- Cawthry Robt. shopkpr. Meadow lane
- Cawthry and Thompson, scribbling millers, Black Dog mill
- Chadwick Charles, dyer, Bowman ln. house, St. Anne's lodge Burley
- Chadwick Joseph, dyer, Chadwick's yard Bowman lane
- Chadwick Joshua, mason, Garden st.
- Chadwick Mary, gentwmn. Park sq.
- Chadwick Susannah, dyer, Swinegate
- Chadwick Thos. bailiff. Bywater's yd.
- Chadwick Wm. grocer, Meadow lane
- Chaffer John, Hopp's yard, Lowerhead row
- Chambers Hy. architect, Trafalgar st.
- Chambers J. bookkeeper, Hunslet ln.
- Chambers Jonathan, cooper, Duke st.
- Chantrell R. D. architect, 25, Park row
- Chapman & Southerne, merchants and manufacturers, North town end
- Chapman Benjamin, merchant; house, Little Woodhouse
- Chapman Elkanah, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Chapman John, spade & shovel maker, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Chapman Sarah, straw hat manufacturer, Bean Ing
- Chapman William, spirit merchant; house, Quebec
- Chappel Stephen, Mill street, Bank
- Chappel Thomas, cheese, bacon and flour dealer, 18, Timble bridge
- Charlesworth & Meggison, woolstaplers, Swinegate
- Charlesworth Anne, shopkpr. Kirkgate
- Charlesworth J. & J. coal merchants, Lofthouse; Staith Crown Point
- Charlesworth Jonth. dresser, Nelson st.
- Charlesworth Joshua, list shoe manufacturer, 8, Lady lane
- Charlesworth and Smith, silk mercers and woollen drapers, 1, Briggate
- Charnock Chas. woollen yarn manufacturer, Trafalgar mill, Meadow ln.
- Charnock John, merchant, Meadow ln.
- Cheetham Joseph, watch and turret clock maker, goldsmith & cutler, 5, Boar lane
- Cheetham Richard, watch maker and jeweller, corner of Vicar lane, Kirkgate
- Cheetham Samuel, tailor, Feetham's yard Marsh lane
- Child Charles, joiner, School close
- Child William, clerk, Carlton hill
- Child Wm. stone mercht. New Navigation Wharf, Agent, Thomas Hollins, Water lane
- Chippendale Charles, tallow chandler, and soap dealer, 100, Briggate
- Chorley Francis, merchant; h. Park ln.
- Chorley Thomas, surgeon, Assembly court, Call lane
- Chorley and Uppleby, merchants and manufacturers, Park lane
- Chorlton James, cabinet maker, back Nile street
- Christie J. R. & Co. drysalters, Commercial court
- Churchill Samuel, jun. commission wool agent; house, Sheepscar
- Clapham Mrs. Anne, Hunslet lane
- Clapham Brothers, merchants, Hunslet lane
- Clapham Rev. Charles, B.A. Kirkgate
- Clapham Henry, mert. h. Templar st.
- Clapham John, joiner, East lane
- Clapham John, merchant; house, Woodhouse lodge
- Clapham Joseph, butcher, O. Shambles
- Clapham Mary, dressmaker, Wade ln.
- Clapham Samuel, merchant; house, Hunslet lane
- Clark Geo. flour dealer, Templar st.
- Clark James, shoe mkr. back Waterloo st.
- Clark James, shopkeeper, Mabgate
- Clark John, coach builder, White Cloth Hall street
- Clark John, overlooker, Mill st. Bank
- Clark John, painter Water lane
- Clark Joseph, butcher 20, Duncan street; house, Headingley
- Clark Joseph, stuff manufacturer, Marsh lane head
- Clark Joseph, traveller, Cobourg pl.
- Clark Miss, South parade
- Clark Thomas, dresser, Blackman lane
- Clark Thomas, grocer & tea dealer, 13, Kirkgate
- Clark Thomas, smith, Campfield
- Clark William, butcher, Bradford St.
- Clark William, currier, Brooke street
- Clarke Richard, wharfinger to Leeds & London contract vessels; Warehouse hill; house, 2, Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Clarkson H. green grocer, Boy and Barrel yard
- Clarkson John, tailor, Hill house bank
- Clarkson John, tallow chandler, Templar street
- Clarkson Samuel, shoemaker, Boy & Barrel yard
- Clarkson Sarah, tallow chandler and melter, 14, back of Shambles
- Clarkson Wm. butcher, Old Shambles
- Claughton Dorothy, shopkpr. Brunswick street, Water lane
- Clay John, shoe maker, Kirkstall road
- Clay Wm. shoe maker, Quarry hill
- Clayton James, whitesmith, Water ln. house, Camp field
- Clayton Mrs. Jane, Lady bridge
- Clayton Jeremiah, grazier, Park row
- Clayton John, cabinet maker, Haye's court
- Clayton Joshua, tailor, Camp lane
- Clayton Thomas, dresser, Camp lane court
- Cliff William, stocking manufacturer, Gilyard's field
- Clough James, woolstapler, Simpson's fold
- Clough John, shoe mkr. Bridge street
- Clough Rd. wheelwright, New street
- Clough Wm. printer, Shears yd. Kgt.
- Coates James, joiner, builder and wheelwright, Water hall
- Coates James, stuff weaver, Quarry hill
- Coates Joseph, silk dyer, 4, Vicar lane
- Coates Richard, Storey's yard, St. James's street
- Coates William, wheelwright, Marsh lane head
- Coates William, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 23, Market place; house, Brunswick terrace
- Coats Thos. bailiff St. George's st.
- Cockcroft Eliz. genwmn. North st.
- Cockcroft Henry, cloth dresser, Lowfold
- Cockcroft John, dresser, 5, York st.
- Cockcroft Sarah, coverlet manufacturer, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Cockcroft William, cloth drawer, Bean Ing
- Cockell Mary, genwmn. Park square
- Cockerham Edward, victualler, Black Bull, Land's lane
- Cockerham William, common carrier, Land's lane; house, Barley
- Cockshott Mrs. Eliz. Wade lane
- Cockshott John, joiner, St. George's st.
- Codling Chs. traveller, New road end
- Codling William, flour dealer, Timble bridge
- Coggill John, dresser, 41, High street
- Coldbeck Wm. oil refiner and dealer, Water lane
- Collett Rd. dresser, North town end
- Collett Richard, grocer & tea dealer, 63, Call lane
- Collinson John, tailor, 27, Back of George's street
- Collinson Rd. stone mason & surveyor of the highways; 25, Bridge St.
- Connor Timothy, brush maker, Camp field
- Constantine Caroline, 11, George's row
- Constantine Patience, straw hat manufacturer, Kirkstall new road
- Conyers Thomas, shoe maker, Camp field
- Cook E. & M. straw hat & dress makers, 4. Newsome's yd. Briggate
- Cook Wm. brazier, tin plate worker, 4, Newsome's yard, Briggate
- Cooke Edward, bookkeeper, Cooper's court, Bowman lane
- Cooke George, coach spring maker, Templar street
- Cooke Moses, patten ring maker, Back George's street
- Cooke Sarah clothes broker, 23, Meadow lane
- Cooke Thomas, nail and hook maker, 28, Wood street
- Cookson Charles, solicitor, Sterne's buildings; h. Brunswick place
- Cookson Rev. Francis Thomas, M. A. New street
- Cookson Hannah, victualler, Devonshire Arms, Bridge street
- Cookson John, cloth dresser, Park ln.
- Cookson Thomas, gentleman, 7, Brunswick place
- Cookson and Fawcett, carpet manufacturers, Kirkgate
- Cooper Geo. butcher, 24, Duncan at.
- Cooper Geo. shoe maker, Duke street
- Cooper Hannah, 3, Cooper's court, Bowman lane
- Cooper John, butcher, 36, O. Shambles
- Cooper John, commission warehouse, Albion street; h. Sunny bank
- Cooper John, victualler, Blakewell Ox, Old Shambles
- Cooper Rt. shoe maker, 8 Kirkgate
- Cooper Saml. maltster & corn dealer, Calls
- Cooper Thomas, butcher, Gill's yard, Kirkgate
- Cooper William, dealer in linens, &c. Butt's lane
- Cooper Mrs. gentlewoman, Carlton hill
- Cope Charles, artist, 3, Park square
- Copley Burrow, shpr. Marsh lane hd.
- Cordingley Miss Chant, near Park row
- Cordingley John, stuff merchant, Bk. Park row; h. Brunswick place
- Cordingley Sarah, Royal Oak yard, Kirkgate
- Cordingley Thomas, clock & watch maker, 33, Lowerhead row
- Cordingley William, joiner and house builder, School close
- Cordukes John, butter, bacon, ham, and cheese factor, 72 Kirkgate
- Cork Chp. hair cutter, 3, Duncan st.
- Cork James, hair cutter, Hunslet lane
- Cork John, coachman, Bull & Mouth
- Corker John, clothes broker, Kirkstall New road
- Corker John, saw maker, and dealer in joiners' tools 6, Swan street
- Corker Robert, overlooker, Park court, Park lane
- Corson David, tea dealer and draper, 4, Nelson street
- Cottam Rt. tailor, Old Church gates
- Coulson John joiner, 151, Marsh ln.
- Coulson Ralph, victualler, White Cross, Briggate
- Coultate John currier and leather seller, 27, Hunslet lane
- Coupland & Shaw, solicitors, Boar ln.
- Coupland Charles, brandy merchant; house, Calls
- Coupland Charles, solicitor; house Park place
- Coupland Mrs. Harriett, Calls
- Coupland Thos. & Sons, distillers and brandy merchants, Calls
- Cout Robert & Co. dyers, Mabgate
- Coutts Miss Anne, 4, West pl. Park ln.
- Coventry Anne, confectioner, 5, Geo. & Dragon yard, Briggate
- Cowell John, plasterer, Sykes's yard, York street, Kirkgate
- Cowgill John, Wellhouse street
- Cowlam Thos. coach, sign and house painter, 46 Albion street
- Cowlam Wm. house and sign painter, 3, Old Infirmary yard, Kirkgate
- Cowling Anne, widow, St. Peter's sqr.
- Cox George, victualler, Robin Hood & Little John, 27, Vicar lane
- Coxon and Johnson, pawn brokers, Rotation Office yard Kirkgate
- Crabtree Charles, Bull & Bell yard
- Crabtree Wm. cloth dresser, Park ln. house, Princess street, New road
- Cradock Joseph stuff manufacturer, Garland's fold
- Cradock Joseph, stuff manufacturer, Queen street, near Bank
- Cradock Thomas, stuff manufacturer, Garland's fold, Timble bridge
- Cragg Thomas, hat manufacturer and furrier 11, Bridge
- Craister Edw. shoemaker, 41, Kirkgate
- Crann Jas. hatter, 10, perfumer, and hair cutter, 22, Back of Shambles
- Crann John, High street, St. Peter's
- Crann Robert dresser, 16, Off street
- Craven Elizabeth, 16, Vicar lane
- Craven Geo. book keeper, School close
- Craven John, Camp field
- Craven Joseph, 41, Ebenezer street
- Craven Joseph, grocer, 51, Ebenezer st.
- Craven Rd. shopkeeper, St. James's st.
- Craven Mrs. Sarah, Wellington road
- Crawshaw George, letter press printer, 12 James's street
- Crawshaw Saml. iron founder, Park ln.
- Crawshaw T. wool and general commission agent, 49, Call lane
- Crawshaw Thos. musician, Harper's yard, Kirkgate
- Croft Chas. Golden Lion tap room
- Croft Sam. joiner, builder, Water ln.
- Croisdale Eliz. widow, Ebenezer st.
- Croisdale Joseph, dyer, Water lane, Bank; house, Richmond hill
- Croisdale Sarah, shpr. Hillhouse Bank
- Cromack Sarah, 19, Nile street
- Crompton John, shpr. 48, Kirkgate
- Crooke Eli, grocer and flour dealer, Bridge end
- Crookes J. schoolmaster, Bk. Geo. st.
- Crooks Jas. shoe maker, 12, East lane
- Crooks Jph. tailor, High st. St. Peter's
- Crooks William, tailor & draper, 64, Meadow lane
- Crooks Wm. tailor, 26, St. Anne's st.
- Crookshanks Robert, auctioneer & appraiser, Auction Mart, Moot hall
- Crosby John, bricklayer and builder, Quarry hill
- Crosfield John, grocer and tallow chandler, 11, Lady lane
- Crosier Jas. toy dealer, &c. Lady lane
- Crosland Christopher, butcher, 12, Market place
- Crosland John, butcher, 8, Old Shambles; house, New street
- Crosland Joseph, butcher, Duncan St.
- Crosland Thomas, butcher, 39, Old Shambles
- Crosland William, butcher, 38, Old Shambles
- Crosley Mrs. Anne, Providence row
- Crosley Jas. & Co. cloth, blanket and stuff merchants, Upperhead row; house, Grove Terrace
- Cross John, merchant and general agent, Meadow lane
- Crossland Elisha, tailor and clothes dealer, 8, Vicar lane
- Crossland John and Edward, grocers and tea dealers, 49 Vicar lane
- Crossland John, Sykes's row, York st.
- Crossland William, tailor and clothes dealer, 6, Vicar lane
- Crossland and Robertshaw, brush manufacturers, Nelson street
- Croudace John, accountant, St. James's street
- Crowther Cecilia, confectioner, 65, Meadow lane
- Crowther Eli, joiner, 15, Nile street
- Crowther Isaac, hair dresser and perfumer, Bridge end
- Crowther Jas. shoe maker, 7, Duke st.
- Crowther John, woolsorter, Marsh ln.
- Crowther Richard Jubbs, tea dealer & grocer, 93, Meadow lane
- Cryer Anthony, shpr. Ellerby lane
- Cryer John, clerk, Wellington road
- Cryer Joseph, clerk, Cryer's court, High causeway
- Cryer Wm. vict. Haunch of Venison, Upperhead row
- Cudworth John, (late Broadhead and Cudworth) tea dealer hop, and British wine mert. 13, Briggate
- Cullingworth Henry, printer, bookseller, stationer, and agent to the Eagle Insurance Office, Bridge end
- Cullingworth John, book keeper, Salem court, Hunslet lane
- Cullingworth Jph. engraver, Geo. st.
- Cundale Elizabeth, straw hat maker, Hope street
- Cundall Joseph, tailor, 5, St. Anne's st.
- Cundall Richard, saddler, harness & trunk maker, 74, Briggate
- Curling & Nelson, woolstaplers, Call ln.
- Cusson John, gentleman, Wade lane
- Cusworth Joseph architect and land surveyor, 5, Albion street
- Cusworth Joseph, blacksmith & shopkeeper 10, Marsh lane
- Cusworth Richard, Lloyds' Arms yd. York street
- Cuttell Benj. fellmonger, York street
- Dains Thomas, flax dresser, Charles street
- Dalby Jas. whitesmith & bell hanger, Barr's yd. St. George's st. house, North Passage. Lowerhead row
- Dalton Wm. Lower Templar street
- Danby John, wholesale & retail boot and shoe warehouse, (late Horton, Elley & Co.) & agent to David Bellhouse & Son, rolling bds. & packing case mfrs. Manchester), 20, Briggate
- Daniel Robert, saddler, 25, Briggate
- Danpure Thos. painter & enameller of rooms, 35, Lady lane
- Darby I. S. butcher, 47, Old Shambles
- Darby John, commercial and mathematical academy, 10, Trafalgar st.
- Darling John, mariner, (and carrier coastways to Newcastle upon Tyne) Camp field
- Darnton John, gentleman, Sheepscar
- Davey William, lock keeper, near Bowman lane
- Davidson John, warehouseman, Addy's yard, Lowerhead row
- Davies Mrs. Sophia, Low fold, North Town end
- Davis G. working optician, 20, Boar ln.
- Davison Abel, letter press printer, St. James's street
- Davison Geo. New row, Sheepscar ln.
- Davison John, carpet weaver, 6, Back Bow street
- Davison Mrs. Mary, East Parade
- Davy Josiah and Co. merchants, 3, Butt's lane, Park lane
- Davy Wm. American Consul Office, Butt's lane; h. Brunswick place
- Dawson David, dresser, 29, Marsh ln.
- Dawson Geo. tailor, 39, Ebenezer at.
- Dawson Henry, silk mercer, 23, Upperhead row
- Dawson Henry, victualler, King's Arms, Lowerhead row
- Dawson James, victualler, Leopard, Back of Shambles
- Dawson John, Malt kiln row, Water ln.
- Dawson John, dresser, Scott's yard, Mill street, Bank
- Dawson John, flour dealer, 19, Upperhead row
- Dawson John, milk seller, Ellerby ln.
- Dawson John, millwright, Flay Crow Cottage, King's Mills
- Dawson John, tailor and draper, Allison's yard, Briggate
- Dawson Joseph, Nile street
- Dawson Joseph, book keeper, Warehouse hill
- Dawson Martha, bread baker & flour dealer, 48, Call lane
- Dawson Martha, shpr. Swinegate
- Dawson Miles, hair dresser, & clothes dealer, 3, Vicar lane
- Dawson Mrs., Park place
- Dawson Rd. gardener, St. George's st.
- Dawson Thomas, dresser, Leylands
- Dawson Thomas, tanner, Low fold, Bank
- Dawson Timothy, 2, Marsh line
- Day Francis, woolstapler, Albion st.
- Day John, dresser, Kendall's yard, St. James's street
- Day John, dresser, Sykes's yard, St. George's street
- Day Joseph, listing, &c. manufacturer, Near bank
- Day Samuel, overlooker, Bean Ing
- Day William, woolstapler, Dickinson's court, Albion street
- Deacon, Harrison and Co. carriers, West street
- Dealtry Isaac hair seating weaver, Royal Oak yard
- Dean Richard, shoe maker, Royal Oak yard
- Dean Samuel, dresser, Watkinson's yard, Duke street
- Dean William, shopkeeper & pocket book maker, 1, York street
- Dearlove Mary musical instrument maker and dealer, 4, Boar lane
- Dearman Mary, calenderer, Mill hill
- Demaine George, livery stables, Top of Nelson street
- Denbigh John, gent. Queen's square
- Denby Thomas, stone merchant, New Navigation Wharf and Idle, Geo. Inn, Briggate, agent, H. Watkinson, Swinegate
- Denison George, tailor, Albion square, Albion street
- Denison I. joiner and cabinet maker, Calls
- Denison Jas. whitesmith, &c. Mabgate
- Denison RJ. George's count, Briggate
- Denison Sam. whitesmith, screw press, scale beam, weighing machine maker, Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Denison Thomas, tea dealer, Bowman lane
- Denison Wm. whitesmith, screw press, and stamp maker, Lands lane
- Dennis Sarah, straw hat maker, Brunswick street, Water lane
- Dennison Benj. gardener, Marsh lane
- Dennison James, shoe maker, Goulden's yard, York street
- Dennison Joseph, mason, New road end
- Denton John, block maker, & dealer in tar and varnish, &c. Simpson's fold
- Denton William, gentleman, Hunslet lane
- Derham Robert, 43, Meadow lane
- Dewhirst Benjamin, letter press printer, 21, Commercial street
- Dibb Miss Hannah, 1, Park square
- Dibbs Misses, ladies' school, Park row
- Dickens Jonathan, gent. Skinner lane
- Dickenson James, master porter, Simpson s fold
- Dickenson John packer Water lane
- Dickinson Abraham and Sons, wool. staplers, Boar lane
- Dickinson Anne, North Town end
- Dickinson Christopher, shoe maker, Old square, Kirkgate
- Dickinson James, woolstapler; house, Flower Bank, Burley
- Dickinson Jonathan, brush manufacturer; house, Meadow lane
- Dickinson Joseph, Club row, Top close
- Dickinson Joseph, grocer and flour dealer York street
- Dickinson Joseph, woolstapler; house, Willow Lodge near St. James's st.
- Dickinson Rt. sawyer, Water ln. Bank
- Dickinson Samuel, surgeon, 18, Albion street
- Dickinson William, dealer in hay, &c. 75, Meadow lane
- Dickinson and Brownless, brush manufacturers, salt agents, & dealers in sulphur for agriculture, 45, Water lane
- Dinsdale Thos. book keeper, School close
- Ditch Joseph, billet master, &c. Wormald's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Ditch Thomas, tailor, New road end
- Dixon Edw. dealer in hay; York st.
- Dixon George, scissor and razor grinder, 33, Marsh lane
- Dixon George, slay and geer maker, Kirkgate
- Dixon Isaiah and Co. woolstaplers, Meadow lane; house, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Dixon Jane, flour dealer, &c. Kirkgate
- Dixon John and Son, woolstaplers, Meadow lane; house, Bruntcliffe
- Dixon John, butcher, 19, Old Shambles; house, Ship Inn yard
- Dixon John, dyer, 11, Union row
- Dixon John, grocer & tallow chandler, 100, Kirkgate
- Dixon John, hair dresser, perfumer, tooth drawer, &c. 4, Church row
- Dixon John, tailor, Low st. St. Peter's
- Dixon Joshua, butcher, Meadow lane
- Dixon Joshua, gentleman, Burley bar
- Dixon Mary, Dixon's garth, Bank
- Dixon Nathan, dyer, Mabgate green
- Dixon Stephen, cloth dresser, Mill hl.
- Dixon Thomas, butcher, 12, Hillhouse Bank
- Dixon William, butcher, Top Marsh lane
- Dixon William, dyer, Black Bank
- Dobbin Anne, victualler, Old Mower, Call lane
- Dobbings Thomas, clothes and furniture broker, 51, Kirkgate
- Dobbings William, clock maker, 51, Kirkgate; house, 17, Brighton street
- Dobby Wm. maltman, Paley's yard
- Dobson Mrs. Elizabeth, Grove place
- Dobson Ezra, boot and shoe maker, & shopkeeper, Meadow lane
- Dobson Hardon, carver and gilder, Woodhouse lane
- Dobson James, book keeper, Waterloo staith; house, Steander
- Dobson James, cloth maker, Grey's walk, Hunslet lane
- Dobson James, porter, Bull & Bell yd.
- Dobson John, 7, Templar street
- Dobson John, book keeper, 31, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Dobson John, excise officer, Cooper's court, Bowman lane
- Dobson John, near the Bank school
- Dobson Lepton and George, merchants, Back of Park square
- Dobson Lepton, merchant; house, Park square
- Dobson O. F. hatter and hosier, 80, Briggate
- Dobson Thomas, basket maker, Bull and Bell yard, Briggate
- Dobson William, book keeper, Bank
- Dodgson Misses A. & E. North Passage, Lowerhead row
- Dodgson J. blacksmith, Bowman lane
- Dodgson J. shopkeeper, 25, Back Hope street
- Dodgson John, commission wool dealer, White Horse yard
- Dodgson W. tobacco cutter, Sheepscar
- Dodgson Wm. tailor, New road end
- Dodson James, woolstapler, George's court, 91, Briggate
- Dodson Sarah, Leyands
- Dodsworth William, corn and flour dealer, Calls.
- Dodsworth William, surgeon, Albion street
- Dodsworth Wm. Hotel tap, Call lane
- Dolby Robert shopkeeper, Boar lane
- Doolen Rhd. Londonderry, Mill hill
- Door E. shoe mkr. Wm. st. Water ln.
- Dorrington Robert, 9, Trafalgar st.
- Douglas James, black beer manufacturer & porter brewer, Leylands
- Dove C. and W. curriers and leather sellers, Boar lane
- Dove Wm. hair dresser, 3, Harper st.
- Downs George, butcher, 7, Duncan street, and 24, York street
- Downs William, Leeds and Wakefield carrier, Bridge street
- Downs Wm. grocer and flour dealer, Summer street, Park lane
- Dowson Geo. bricklayer and builder, Top of Mill hill
- Drake Anne, 26, Hope street
- Drake Henry, Duffield's yd. Bank
- Drake John, cloth dresser, Swinegate
- Drake Sm. listing mkr. Bow st. Bank
- Drake William, whitesmith & scale beam maker, Bridge end
- Driffield Thomas, shoemaker, Rose & Crown yard, Ebenezer street
- Driver Joseph, Quarry hill
- Driver Richard, jun. merchant; house, Bagby lodge
- Drury John, sloop owner & potatoe merchant, Warehouse hill
- Drury Thos. mason, Wellhouses, Bank
- Duckworth Elizabeth, victualler, Rose Inn, White Cloth Hall street
- Duffield Howson, victualler, Leeds Arms, Hill house bank
- Duffield William, victualler, & wholesale and retail spirit merchant, White Hart, Call lane
- Dufton John, furniture broker, Marsh lane
- Dunderdale John and Joseph, linen merchants, Butt's lane
- Dunderdale John, linen merchant; house, Park row
- Dunderdale Thos. grocer, Meadow ln.
- Dunkin George, boot and shoe maker, Low street, St. Peter's
- Dunn Richard. commercial agent, warehouse hill; h. Brunswick pl.
- Dunning Joseph, solicitor, Rose and Crown yard
- Dunthorne Joseph, auction & commission sale room, Commercial ct. house, Cobourg street
- Dunwell George, victualler, Old Boot and Shoe, Wood street
- Dunwell Sand. Park court, Park ln.
- Dunwoody James, file cutter, 4, York street
- Dutton Robert, farmer, Park street, Park lane
- Dutton Thomas, 2, Brunswick place
- Dykes Thos. tailor, Back George's st.
- Dyson John, bookbinder, Old Square, Kirkgate
- Dyson John, dresser, 42, High street
- Dyson Joseph, mariner, 122, Marsh ln.
- Dyson Thos. Gascoigne's yd. Boar ln.
- Dyson William, overlooker, Bank
- Eagland J. B. surgical mechanician, Bottom of Park row
- Earnshaw George, dresser, 22, Off st.
- Eastburn & Kaye, milliners & dress makers, 11, Nile street
- Eastburn John, cloth and stuff merchant, Park lane; house, Kirk-stall new road
- Eastburn Joshua, gent. Nelson street
- Eastburn William, victualler, Old Chequer Inn, Water lane
- Eastby Richard 39, Nelson street
- Eastwood Anthony, linen draper, Bridge end
- Eastwood Job, joiner, Hillhouse Bank
- Eastwood Paul, Low Holland, Calls
- Eastwood Rbt. shopkeeper, Park ln.
- Eastwood William, grocer and flour dealer, Kirkstall new road
- Eddison George, gent. Holbeck lodge
- Eddison Timothy, tailor, Duke street
- Elam Catharine, gentlewoman, 6, Park square
- Elam John, Esq. Sheepscar
- Elam John, merchant, Woodhouse lane
- Ellerby Richard, butcher, 5, Old Shambles
- Ellershaw John, oil merchant & drysalter, Albion street
- Elliott Richard, shoe maker, 8, St. James's street
- Ellis James, clock maker, Templar street
- Ellis John, brazier, Boot & Shoe yard
- Ellis John, shopkeeper, 93, Quarry
- Ellis Joseph, cloth dresser, Park lane
- Ellis Marmaduke, Paley's yard, Calls
- Ellis Mary, 3, Hard wick's yd. Briggate
- Ellis Thomas, brick maker and dealer, Wellhouse place
- Ellison J. Waterloo court, Quarry hill
- Ellison Thos. dresser, Bridge street
- Ellison William, cut nail manufacturer, & dealer in bar, sheet, & rod iron, Bee hive yard, & 5, Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Eltoft George, clothes broker, 4, Low street, St. Peter's
- Elwin George, Shears yard, Kirkgate
- Emerson Henry East lane
- Emerson Richard, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Emmott Anne, shopkeeper, Mill st. Bank
- Emmott George, joiner and cabinet maker, Mabgate
- Emmott James, joiner & cabinet mkr. Mabgate; house, Leylands
- Emmott John, butcher, 10, Old Shambles
- Empsall Thomas, cloth dresser, Butt's lane; house, Mill hill
- Emsley Joseph, blacksmith, (horses and gigs to let) White Cloth Hall street
- Endeacott Hy. shopkpr. Ebenezer st.
- England Edw. butcher, 25, Duncan st.
- England John, butcher, 3, O. Shambles
- England Stephen, joiner, York street
- England Thomas, corn factor, Warehouse hill; house, Trafalgar st.
- England Thos. butcher, 46, O. Shambles
- English John, shopkeeper, 4, Water lane, Bank
- Etherington Charles, circulating library, Rayson's yard, Briggate
- Etherington Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 21, Wade lane
- Evans P. W. Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Evers George, book keeper, 4, Templar street
- Evers Joseph, shoemaker, Union st.
- Exley Joseph, tailor, William street, Camp field
- Eyre Margaret, milliner, & circulating library, North town end
- Eyres William and Sons, merchants, & manufacturers, Park lane
- Eyres William, victualler, Green Dragon, Merry Boy's hill
- Fagan John, pipe maker, Mabgate
- Fagin J. 3, Spinner street, Bank
- Fairbornes Walter, Scott's yd. Off st.
- Fallas Martha, 13, Wood street
- Falshaw Eliz. butcher, 22, Duncan st.
- Farmery William, CHIEF CONSTABLE of the Borough, Dickinson's yard, 35, Briggate, & Broad yard, Boar lane
- Farrar Abraham joiner and builder, Back of Garden street
- Farrar Hannah, clothes broker, 10, Wood street
- Farrar James, St. John st. Lady lane
- Farrar Joseph, 17, Vicar lane
- Farrar Rachael, dress maker, Wade lane
- Faulkner John, chemist, druggist and apothecary, 13, Lady lane
- Faulkner Richard, translator, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Fawcett John, victualler, Noah's Ark, Meadow lane
- Fawcett Joseph, merchant; h. Park pl.
- Fawcett Rev. Richard, M.A. Vicar of Leeds, Vicarage, Kirkgate
- Fawcett Thos. dyer, 26, St. Peter's sq.
- Fawcett William, carver, gilder, print seller, oil paintings, &c. 21, Boer ln.
- Fearne Jane, dress maker, 8, Hope st.
- Fearnley Ellen, gentlewoman, Hunslet lane
- Fearnley Mat. shoemaker, 13, High st.
- Fearnside William, wholesale grocer and tea dealer Bridge end
- Feetham Eliz. upholsterer, Mill hill
- Fell John, Joiner, 11, Templar street
- Fell Thomas, busier & stocking manufacturer, 1, Wood street
- Fell Thos. cabinet mkr. Bk. Nile st.
- Fennell John, tanner, Low told, Bank
- Fenteman Thomas, mattrass maker & dealer in old books, Land's lane
- Fenton Christopher, nail manufacturer, Near bank
- Fenton Edw. solicitor, Albion street
- Fenton Elizabeth, hair cutter and perfumer, Burley bar
- Fenton George, York street, Kirkgate
- Fenton Hannah, mfr. of hosiery and glover, 30, Back of Shambles
- Fenton S.G. mercht. h. East Parade
- Fenton Wm. shopkeeper, Top close
- Fenton, Murray and Co. manufacturers of steam engines, flax spinning, and mill machinery. constructors of fire proof buildings, water presses, & gas light apparatus, Water lane
- Fenton, Sadler & Sadler, linen merchants, Albion street
- Ferguson John, joiner and cabinet maker, Gale's yard, Call lane
- Field Royston k Field, merchants & manufacturers, Templar lane
- Field Betty, shopkpr. 66, Quarry hill
- Field George, overlooker, Hunslet ln.
- Field Isaac, farmer, Ellerby lane
- Field Isaac, merchant; h. 32, Coach ln.
- Field Joseph, tailor, George street
- Field Richard, ironmonger, 2, Lowerhead row
- Field Stephen, mercht. h. Pomfret ln.
- Fielding Mary, 32, St. Peter's square
- Fields, Greenwood and Co. bankers, Bank street, Boar lane
- Figari Christiana, wine & spirit merchant, wholesale and retail, Nag's Head, 30, Vicar lane
- Fillis James, Trafalgar street
- Finley Jas. woolsorter, Templar st.
- Firth Benj. Cherry tree yd. Kirkgate
- Firth George, stuff manufacturer, Storey's fold, Burmantofts
- Firth John, spindle and flier maker, Smithies' Bank Garth, Rank
- Firth John, victualler & cloth dresser, Brown Cow, 91, Meadow lane
- Firth Joseph, organist to the Catholic Chapel; house, Burley bar
- Firth Thomas, grocer & flour dealer, Bridge street
- Firth Wm. shopkeeper, Wood street
- Fish Wm. shoemaker, 14, Marsh lane
- Fisher Thomas, commission oil & soap dealer, &c. Green hill
- Fisher William, Far told, Mabgate
- Fisher Wm. bailiff, 30, Lady lane
- Fisher Wm. clerk, Cobourg street
- Fitch John, bookkeeper, Cobourg st.
- Fitzgerald Hannah, subscription circulating library, Bank street
- Fleming John, commercial ct. Briggate
- Fletcher Charles, clothes & furniture broker, 49 & 50, Kirkgate
- Fletcher Thomas, joiner, Bridge st.
- Fletcher Thomas, victualler, Friendly Inn, and wharfinger, agent to the Union Company, 59, Call lane
- Fletcher Thomas, watch and clock maker, 66, Meadow lane
- Fletcher William, pipe maker, 34, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Flood John, surgeon, New road end
- Flowers Marmaduke, Commercial school, 11, Lee's sq. York st.
- Flowitt Thos. victualler, Black Horse, Mabgate
- Foden T. F. solicitor, Mercury office yard, 77, Briggate
- Forbes William, gardener, Ivy cottage, Wellington vale
- Forrest John, shopkeeper, Mill hill
- Forster Jonathan, tanner, Low fold, Bank
- Fort Jane, 1, Cookson's yd. Kirkgate
- Foster E. & C. confectioners, 7, Vicar lane
- Foster George, Back Hope street
- Foster George, auctioneer, appraiser, & sheriff's officer, Land's lane
- Foster Hannah, dress mkr. 7, New st.
- Foster James, coach guard, 7, New st
- Foster John, thread manufacturer, Blucher street, Hunslet lane
- Foster Jonas, shopkeeper, Church row
- Foster Jonathan, paper maker, New road end
- Foster Rbt. 8, Sykes's yd. York st.
- Foster Samuel, mariner, Camp field
- Foster William, carver and gilder; house, Hayes's court
- Foster William, constable of the West riding, Ratcliffe's yard, High Causeway
- Fotherby James, back of Church row
- Fotherby John, gun maker, . 34, Lowerhead row
- Fotherby Thomas, patten, last and; boot tree maker, 35 Lowerhead row
- Fothergill Mrs. Anne, Park row
- Fothergill Christiana, widow, 26, Moxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Fothergill William, eating house, under 87, Briggate
- Foulston Charles, bricklayer, Morton row, York street
- Foulston John, bricklayer, Marsh ln.
- Fowler Charles, land surveyor, 12, Commercial street
- Fowler James, whitesmith, Lady lane
- Fowler Joseph, bookbinder, 3, Call ln.
- Fowler Jph. tailor, Far fold, Mabgate
- Fowler Robt. watchmaker, Hunslet ln.
- Fox Frederick Worsted street, Bank
- Fox James, hair seating manufacturer, Richmond hill
- Fox Wm. cloth miller, Water lane
- Foxcroft Benjamin, stuff manufacturer, 4, St. Peter's square
- Foxcroft Samuel, stuff manufacturer, 96 Quarry hill
- Foxton Alice, York bridge
- Fozard John, grocer, flour dealer, and joiner, Water lane
- Fozard Joseph, sawer, 18, Coach lane
- Fozard Leonard, tailor, Frederick st.
- Frances John, victualler Wheat Sheaf Inn, back of Shambles
- Frankland J. B. haberdasher & silk mercer, 1, Commercial street
- Frankland John, St. James's street
- Frankling Elizabeth, ladies' boarding school, Woodhouse lane
- Frazer Widow, heckle maker, Camp field
- Frederick William, house and sign painter, 9, Wood street
- Freeman Thos. tailor, St. Peter's sq.
- Freman Thomas, cheese & flour dealer, 28 Lowerhead row
- French, Cooper, & Co. cloth merchants and manufacturers, Park lane
- Fretwell & Cockshott, grocers & hop merchants, 22, Cross Parish
- Fretwell Mary, grocer, 4, Upperhead row
- Fridge Mary, widow, ladies' day school, 30, Call lane
- Frobisher Thos. Rockley hall yard
- Frost George, agent (to Brightley and Childs, Bungay) Top close
- Frost John, Templar street
- Fryer Annabella and Anne ladies' boarding school, 53, Quebec
- Fryer William, undertaker, Burley bar
- Fryer William, jun. watchmaker, Claypit lane
- Furbank James, solicitor, New street end; house, Upperhead row
- Furbank Thos. gent. Upperhead row
- Furness Phineas, paper maker, paste board manufacturer; mills, Fifth house, near Halifax; warehouse, Calls; house, North parade
- Furniss Job, dresser top of High street
- Furniss William, gardener, Caroline place, Hunslet lane
- Furniss Wm. blacksmith & farrier, Rose & Crown & White Hart yards
- Fyfield Thos. staff serjeant, East lane
- Gale John, victualler and wholesale and retail spirit dealer, Mason's Arms, 27, Call lane
- Gale Jph. slay mkr. Richmond hill
- Gallon Mrs. Mary, 6, Nile street
- Gallon Rd. stuff merchant, Park lane
- Gallon Thomas, stuff & blanket merchant Burley bar
- Galloway James, clock maker, Low street, St. Peter's
- Galloway John, clock mkr. 9, East lane
- Galloway John, shoemaker & grave digger, Church alley, Calls
- Galloway Matthew, clock & umbrella maker, 1, Dawson's ct. George's st.
- Gama and Sons, cloth merchants, Blucher street, Hunslet lane
- Gamble George, flour dealer, &c. Water ln. Gamble Thomas, coach guard, Lower Templar street
- Gamble John, boot and shoemaker, Top of Meadow lane
- Gamble Robert, gent. Quarry hill
- Garbutt John, patten ring maker, Rockley hall yard
- Garbutt Zachariah, chain maker, Rockley hall yard
- Gardiner William, dyer, Low tenters
- Garland John, bricklayer, Call lane
- Garland William, bricklayer & builder, Assembly court
- Garlick Miss Lucretia, matron of the Infirmary
- Garlick Prince, apothecary to the Infirmary
- Garnett Benj. cloth dresser Templar st
- Garnett John, flour dealer, Leylands
- Garnett K. list shoe maker, Wade ln.
- Garsed Joshua, flax spinner & linen yarn bleacher, Mill garth; house Roundhay
- Garside John, chaise driver, Shoulder of Mutton yard, Old Shambles
- Garside Robt. flour dealer, &c. Charles Street
- Garth James, Joiner & cabinet maker, Far fold, Mabgate
- Garthwaite Hannah, shopkeeper, William street, Water lane
- Gascoigne George, confectioner, Boar lane
- Gascoigne John, tailor and draper, 6, Wood street
- Gascoigne Joseph, Woodhouse lane
- Gaskell Rosamond, tea, flour, cheese, &c. dealer, 9, Duke street
- Gatliff Mrs. Jane, Park row
- Gatliff Thomas, merchant; house, Mount pleasant
- Gatliff William and Co. stuff merchants, Park lane
- Gatliff William, stuff merchant; house, 11, Park place
- Gatliff and Sort, merchants & manufacturers, Hunslet lane
- Gaunt Matthew, solicitor; house, Queen's square
- Gawthorp & Flesher, upholsterers & cabinet makers, Turner street, Albion street
- Gawthorp James, cabinet maker, Lower Templar street
- Gawthorp John, 15, St. Anne's lane
- Gawtress Wm. & Co. printers of the Leeds Intelligencer, & stationers; office, end of New street
- Gawtrey Richard, hair dresser, 6 Lowerhead row
- Gay John, surgeons' instruments and spring truss maker, and working cutler, 68, Kirkgate
- Gay Thomas, working cutler, White Hart yard, Market place
- Geldard Wm. grocer, linen draper, &c. Low street St. Peter's, and St. Peter's square
- Geldard Wm. joiner & cabinet maker, and patent mangle manufacturer, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- George Thomas, dyer, Swinebeck; house, Grove terrace
- Gibb Peter, dyer, School close
- Gibson Jane, shopkeeper, Wood street
- Gibson John, vict. Old Buck, Kirkgate
- Gibson Joseph, cloth dresser, New lane, Meadow lane
- Gibson Matthew, excise officer, Kendell's row, Bowman lane
- Gibson Rd. butcher, 29, Old Shambles
- Gibson Richard, hunting and army 22, Lowerhead row
- Gilbertson Rd. porter, 8, George's st.
- Gilderdale John, sail mkr. Bowman ln.
- Giles I., I. & M. cloth dressers, Hunslet lane
- Giles Jph. book keeper, Pleasant dairy
- Giles Moses, flock dealer, Bowman ln.
- Giles Thomas, dyer & cloth dresser, High court lane
- Giles Thomas, joiner, builder, & brick maker, Mill street, Bank
- Gill Anne, shpr. 26, Ebenezer street
- Gill George, butcher, 13, Lowerhead row
- Gill Joseph, tailor, Royal Oak yard
- Gill Mary, widow, 24, Templar street
- Gill Nathan, engine man, Far bank
- Gill Robert, York street, Kirkgate
- Gill Sarah, milliner and stay maker, 2, Vicar lane
- Gill Thos. cloth drawer, Bowman ln.
- Gilling John, shoemaker, Off street
- Gilpin Geo. tobacconist, Old Church yard
- Gilpin John, merchant, North T. end
- Gilpin Joseph, bricklayer, Back of Wile street
- Gilpin Samuel, bricklayer & builder, Church lane
- Gilpin William, bricklayer, Lee's square, York street
- Gilyard Edward, bookkeeper, Marsh lane head
- Ginever John, ship biscuit maker Simpson's fold
- Girvan Hugh, tea dealer, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Gledhill Jas. shopkeeper, Water lane
- Gledhill John, dresser, Off street
- Gledhill Richard, gentleman, 7 Stars yard, Simpson's fold
- Gledhill William, dresser, St. James's street
- Glover Henry, bookkeeper, Meadow ln.
- Glover J. and R. merchants and manufacturers, Aire dale mill, Kirkstall new road
- Glover John, paper maker, Horsforth warehouse, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Glover Joseph, shopkeeper, 38, York street, Kirkgate
- Glover Miss, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Glover Samuel, 20, Duncan street
- Glover Samuel, carver and gilder, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Glover Samuel, druggist & oil dealer, 17, Back of Shambles
- Glover Thomas, clothes broker, East lane
- Glover Thos. whitesmith, George's row
- Glover Wm. merchant, Meadow lane
- Gomersall John, baker, 142, Marsh ln.
- Gomersall Thomas, machine maker, Back of High street
- Good Timothy, boot & shoemaker, Allison's yard, Briggate
- Goodall Anne, dress & pelisse maker, 9, Low street, St. Peter's
- Goodall Benjamin, butcher, 41, Old Shambles
- Goodall G. shear grinder, Mill hill house, St. James's street
- Goodall John, Farfold, Mabgate
- Goodall John, letter press printer, 9, Low street, St. Peter's
- Goodall John, skinner and butcher, Rockley hall yard
- Goodall Matthew, translater, Royal Oak yard, Kirkgate
- Goodall Thomas, joiner and builder, West street
- Goodall Wm. back No. 8, Vicar lane
- Goodall Wm. joiner St. James's street
- Goodlad Miss Frances, . Near Carr place, Wood house lane
- Goodman George, merchant & wool factor, Hunslet ate
- Goodman John, merchant; house, North Town end
- Goodricke William, quill manufacturer, & feather dresser, 7, Kirkgate
- Goodwill Wm. Holmes yd. York street
- Gooin Wm. dresser, 9, High street
- Gott Benjamin & Sons, merchants & manufacturers, Upperhead row
- Gott Benjamin, merchant; house, 5, Park square
- Gott Isabella, linen draper, 61, Meadow lane
- Gott John, blacksmith and farrier, White Hart yard, Market place
- Gott John, merchant; house, 33, Park square
- Gott William, merchant; house, top of Park row
- Goulden John, corn miller and flour dealer 1, Harper st. & Swillington
- Goulden William, bricklayer, builder, & tobacco manufacturer, York st.
- Gouldthorp James, whitesmith, Trinity lane
- Gouldthorp Thomas, whitesmith, 48, Ebenezer street
- Gouthwaite John, butcher, 60, Briggt.
- Gouthwaite Richard, butcher, 19, Duncan street
- Grace & Jepson, merchants and drysalters, hack of East parade
- Grace Edward, merchant; house, East parade
- Grace Frances, Stocks' fold, Near Bank
- Grace Miss, South parade
- Grafton Wm. 16, Smithies row, Bank
- Graham Frances, butcher, 2, Old Shambles
- Graham John, victualler, Rising Sun, Marsh lane
- Grainger Mrs. Eliz. 24, Nile street
- Grainger John, merchant, Camp road, house, Grove terrace
- Grainger Josiah, clothes dealer, 5, Union street
- Grange Wm. shopkeeper, Little London
- Granger Thomas Horner, solicitor, Commercial street; house, Woodbine cottage, Camp place
- Grant Alex. Brown's yd. Duke street
- Grant John, staff-serjeant-major, 14, back of George's street
- Grant Margaret, flour dealer, & e. Hunslet lane
- Grasby Thomas, tailor, Hunslet lane
- Graves John, shoemaker, Brunswick street Water lane
- Gray R. J. W. glass and lead merchants, St. James's street
- Grayson Rt. vict. 3 Legs Inn, Call lane
- Grayson William, cooper, Call lane
- Greaves John & Joseph, linen drapers, and hosiers, 12, Bridge
- Greaves John, sexton of Trinity church, back of 22, Boar lane
- Greaves Jonathan, shopkeeper, Marsh lane head
- Greaves Jonathan, tailor, dealer in rags, &c. Low street, St. Peter's
- Greaves Joseph, tobacco manufacturer & tea dealer, 11, Lowerhead row
- Greaves Sarah, hotel, Briggate
- Green Anthony, grocer & flour dealer, 52, York street
- Green Frederick, cloth drawer, Cheapside, Hunslet lane
- Green James, stuff manufacturer, 31, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Green John, rope and twine maker, Brewery fields, Meadow lane
- Green Joseph, stuff manufacturer, King street, Bank
- Green R. F. tobacco and snuff manufacturer, Neville street; house, West street
- Green Saml. bricklayer, New road end
- Green Thomas, cloth drawer, Cheap. side, Hunslet lane
- Green Thomas, rope maker, and sole manufacturer of Pig's hair foot rugs 12, Meadow lane
- Green William, rope & twine manufacturer, Camp field
- Green William, tailor. Templar street
- Green William, victualler, Swan Inn, Old Church yard
- Greenhough Elizabeth, confectioner, 4, Bridge end
- Greenhow, John, saddler and harness maker, 5 Bridge end
- Greenwood Darnton, assistant apothecary, at the Infirmary
- Greenwood Giles, boat builder, Water lane
- Greenwood James, gentleman, Bullock's square, Far bank
- Greenwood John, joiner, Mill hill
- Greenwood John, music preceptor, West street
- Greenwood Joseph, joiner, Hope st.
- Greenwood Susannah, rope & twine manufacturer, North street
- Greenwood Thomas, organ builder, Crown point; house, 50, York st.
- Greenwood William, butcher, 26, Old Shambles
- Greenwood William, grocer, and tea dealer, corner of Simpson's fold
- Gregson Anthony, cotton lace manufacturer, Fleece lane, Meadow lane
- Grey John, joiner & cabinet maker, Bay Horse yard, Market place
- Grimshaw Hannah, confectioner, 16, Briggate
- Grimshaw John, coachman, George's court, 91, Briggate
- Grimshaw John, corn & flour dealer, High court lane; h. 115, Kirkgate
- Grimshaw Lamb, Butterworth's yard
- Grimshaw Saml. flax dresser, spinner, and manufacturer, 61, Meadow lane; house, Queen's square
- Grimwood John, porter, Little London
- Grocock Richd. sawer, 35, High street
- Grub George victualler, Dog and Gun, York road
- Grunwell Anne, schoolmistress, Eagle and Child yard, Hunslet lane
- Grunwell Joseph, mason and builder, Templar street
- Guest Edith, Lady lane
- Guest James, baker, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Gumby William, letter carrier, (North division) Little Templar street
- Gunnis Job, wool sorter, Far bank
- Gunnis Robert, Little Templar street
- Guthrie Thomas, machine maker, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Haddock James, chimney sweeper, 23, Vicar lane
- Haddock Joseph, chimney sweeper, 134 Marsh lane
- Hague Mrs. Elizabeth, Park row
- Hague Joseph, bookkeeper, Maude's yard, Church row
- Haigh & Whiteley, dyers, Sheepscar mill, Sheepscar lane
- Haigh Benjamin, stuff manufacturer, King street, Near bank
- Haigh Daniel, coachman, White Cross yard, Briggate
- Haigh Geo. chimney sweeper, Vicar ln.
- Haigh Geo. schoolmaster, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Haigh Henry, potatoe merchant, 16, Marsh lane
- Haigh James, Kirkstall new road end
- Haigh James, fancy woollen cord manufacturer, Church row
- Haigh Jas. select academy, Call lane
- Haigh John, St. James's street
- Haigh John, hosier & ornamental hair manufacturer, 66, Kirkgate
- Haigh John, porter, Bowman lane
- Haigh John, shopkpr. 34, Marsh lane
- Haigh William, dyer, house, Nile street
- Haigh William, dyer, house, School close
- Haigh William, schoolmaster, Lady bridge
- Hainsworth John, Waterloo street
- Hainsworth John, mason, Low street St. Peter's
- Hainsworth William Burrows, corn miller, Steander and Bank
- Hale John, hair dresser, 27, Lowh. row
- Haley Edwin, butcher, New road end
- Haley Elizabeth, straw hat maker, New road end
- Haley John, bricklayer and builder, Water lane
- Haley John, merchant, scribbling miller and manufacturer, Mill hill, and Bramley
- Haley William, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Hall Mrs. Anne East parade
- Hall Henry, merchant; house, Pontefract lane
- Hall John, sawyer, 17, High street
- Hall John, victualler, York Tavern, York street, Kirkgate
- Hall Joseph, merchant; house, Cobourg street
- Hall Joseph, plumber, glazier, and brazier, Land's lane
- Hall Rhd. shoe maker, Long Balk lane
- Hall Richard, cloth dresser & dealer, Sykes' yard, Hunslet lane
- Hall Samuel Wood turner, shuttle and bobbin mkr. & grocer, Meadow ln.
- Hall Thomas, Wheeler place, Bank
- Hall Thos. butcher, 7, Duncan street
- Hall Wm. shopkeeper, 53, Duke street
- Hall Wm. woolstapler, Queen's court, Call lane; house, Park row
- Hall, Clapham & Co. stuff merchants, Butt's lane
- Hallas George, shopkeeper, 76, Marsh lane
- Hallas John, victualler, Unicorn, Lowerhead row
- Hallewell Joseph, brandy, British wine, & hop merchant, 16, Duncan st.
- Halliday Jeremiah, Far fold, Mabgate
- Halliwell Joseph, frizer, 34, Duke st.
- Halstead Henry, milk dealer, Marsh lane head
- Halstead William, shopkeeper, Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Halton Thomas, joiner, Brook street, Marsh lane
- Halton Wm. woolstapler, commission wool, oil, & soap dealer, Mill hill; house, Cobourg street
- Hamilton Henry, preceptor in music, 8, Low street, St. Peter's
- Hamilton John, shoemaker, Mill st.
- Hamilton Rev. R. W. minister of Albion chapel; house, Park square
- Hammond George, flax spinner, Wellhouse place
- Hammond Mrs. Hannah, near Wade ln.
- Hammond James, 100, Marsh lane
- Hammond John, worsted manufacturer, Nether mills
- Hammond Richard, clog and patten Baker, 5, Old Infirmary yard, Kirk gate
- Hammond Thomas, stuff manufacturer, grocer, and flour dealer, 64, York street
- Hammond Wm. Little Templar street
- Hampshaw Thos. tailor, 60, Call lane
- Hampshire James, Lady bridge
- Hampshire Thomas, Lee's yard, Vicar lane
- Hampshire Thomas, auctioneer, appraiser, & sheriff's officer, Trinity lane
- Handley Henry, junr. cabinet maker, Willan's yard, 23, Mill hill
- Handley Henry, senr. cabinet maker and upholsterer, 12, Mill hill
- Handley John, cabinet maker, 15, Hope street
- Handley John, town's beadle, Gill's yard, 76, Kirkgate
- Handley Moses, shopkpr. Swinegate
- Handley William, joiner and cabinet maker top of Hope street
- Hanson Anthony, tailor, Call lane
- Hanson Benj. stay mkr. 44, High st.
- Hanson Geo. overlooker, Water lane
- Hanson George, earthenware merchant, Leeds Pottery
- Hanson Mary, shopkeeper, 18, Kirkgt.
- Hanson Matthew, shoemaker, Smithies brick garth, Far bank
- Hanson Wm. bookkeeper, 51, Woodhouse lane
- Hardacre Joseph, working cutler, 11, Call lane
- Hardacre Mark, Marsh lane head
- Hardcastle Anne, Smith's yd. Kirkgt.
- Hardcastle Thos. dresser, 13, Union st.
- Hardcastle William, bookseller and stationer 23, Cross Parish
- Hardcastle Wm. bailiff, Upper High st.
- Hardisty Elizabeth, china, glass and Staffordshire warehouse, 70, Bggt.
- Hardisty George, merchant; house, Park square
- Hardisty Robert, cattle dealer, 70, Briggate
- Hardisty William, letter tress printer, 33, York street
- Hardisty and Eastburn, merchants, Park lane
- Hardon Mary, 8 Templar street
- Hardwick & Bray, drysalters and oil merchants, Simpson's fold
- Hardwick & Brown, bricklayers and builders, Skinner lane
- Hardwick Mrs. B. Park place
- Hardwick Enoch, cloth dresser, Skinner lane
- Hardwick James, smith, Bowman ln.
- Hardwick John, preserver of birds, & transparent eye maker, 2, Union street
- Hardwick William, Boot and Shoe yd.
- Hardwicks and Nelson, woollen drapers 49, Briggate
- Hardy Ann, dress mkr. 13 Templar st.
- Hardy Jas. shoemaker, 110, Marsh ln.
- Hardy Wm. linen mfr. Little London
- Hare Henry, tallow chandler, 5, Back of Shambles and Beeston
- Hare John, Bow street, Bank
- Hare Samuel, surgeon, Albion street
- Hargill Mrs. Hannah, widow, Butt's ln.
- Hargill William, house & sign painter, 1, High street, St. Peter's
- Hargrave James & Son, merchants & manufacturers to his Royal Highness the Duke of York, Mill garth; house, Brunswick place
- Hargrave James, paper hanging manufacturer, 87, Kirkgate
- Hargrave Miss Jane, 39, St. Peter's sqr.
- Hargrave Mary, shopkpr. 20, Kirkgt.
- Hargrave Richard, paper hanging manufacturer, Lowerhead row; house, St. John's place
- Hargrave Robert, undertaker & sexton of the Parish church, Burial Ground house, Church lane
- Hargrave William, merchant; house, Eyebright place
- Hargrave William, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, and hop merchant, School closed house, Green hill
- Hargreave Isaac & Son, rope & twine manufacturers, grocers and flour dealers, Pottery lane end
- Hargreave Sarah, gentlewoman, Providence row
- Hargreave William, victualler, Irwin's Arms, Water lane
- Hargreaves James, academy, Back of Park row
- Hargreaves Josephus, 7, St. James's st.
- Hargreaves Joshua, Back Nile street
- Hargreaves Seth, joiner, Garden st.
- Hargreaves William, solicitor, Bell and Bull yard, Briggate
- Harker William, Mill street, Marsh ln.
- Harland John, jun. cabinet maker, Bramley's yard Lowerhead row
- Harland John, sen. joiner and cabinet maker, Lowfold, North street
- Harland John, joiner, 5 J, Quarry hill
- Harland Joseph, joiner, Back Nile st.
- Harland Saml. butcher, Old Shambles
- Harper Rev. Robert, (St. George's st. chapel) Cobourg street
- Harper Wm. butcher, 2, Near Bank
- Harrall J. H. clothes broker, 55, Kgt.
- Harrall Joseph, shoemaker, Water ln.
- Harrall W. H. clothes broker 71, Kgt.
- Harrap Richard, attorney, Bank st.; house, 6, Commercial street
- Harrat John and Sons, woollen cloth manufacturers, St. James's street
- Harris John, 4, Dawson's ct. George's st.
- Harrison Ann, Harrison's court, Hunslet lane
- Harrison Elijah, oil merchant, Hunslet lane; house, Park square
- Harrison Jacob, cloth merchant, Harrison's court, Hunslet lane
- Harrison Jas. (gigs to let) Trinity ln.
- Harrison John, 38, Far fold, Mabgate
- Harrison John, Water lane, Bank
- Harrison John, hair dresser, 85, Meadow lane
- Harrison John, tailor, 26, Back of Hope street
- Harrison John, tailor, Back Nile st.
- Harrison Robert and Co. timber merchants, Simpson's fold
- Harrison Robert, timber merchant; house Rothwell Haigh
- Harrison Mrs., St. Peter's square
- Harrison Thomas, joiner, Bull's Head yard, 93, Briggate
- Harrison William, Kendell place, Bowman lane
- Harrison William, rectifier and spirit merchant, Water lane
- Harrison William, shoemaker, Upper High street
- Harrison Wm. Blue Bell fold, Bank
- Hartley David, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 38, H Hunslet lane
- Hartley Hobson, carriers, Vicar ln.
- Hartley James, coal agent, Hunslet ln.
- Hartley John, 15, Wood street
- Hartley John, cabinet maker, Back of Brooke street
- Hartley John, eating house, Call lane
- Hartley Jonas, cooper, Top close
- Hartley Joshua, 174, Marsh lane overlooker, Hunslet ln.
- Hartley Marshall, stuff and woollen printer, School close
- Hartley Mary, gentlewoman, North Town end
- Hartley Robt. cabinet maker, Leylands
- Hartley Simeon, cloth dresser, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Hartley Susannah, gentlewoman, East parade
- Hartley William, butcher, York street
- Hartley, Greens and Co. manufacturers and exporters of earthenware, Leeds pottery
- Harwood Robert, billiard table, Rose and Crown yard
- Hatfield James, stuff manufacturer, Marsh lane head
- Hattersley John, shopkeeper, Calls
- Hattersley Richard, butcher, 6, Old Shambles
- Haughton Thomas, Green Mount pl.
- Haw Mary, widow, Leylands
- Haw Thos. Nettleton's yd. George's st.
- Hawkesworth Timothy, currier and leather cutter, 101, Kirkgate
- Hawksby John, shoemaker, 6, Hope St.
- Hawksworth Benjamin, B ridge street
- Haxby William, linen manufacturer and dealer in lists and nooks, Milk street, Meadow lane
- Haxton Richard, working jeweller, Land's lane
- Hay Hannah, victualler, Royal Sovereign, High causeway
- Hay Margaret, haberdasher, straw hat and stays warehouse, 16, Cross parish
- Hay R. C. surgeon, 4, Mill hill
- Hayes Benj. butcher, 28, Vicar lane
- Hayes John, flour, cheese and bacon factor, 32, Lowerhead row
- Hayes John, pipe mkr. Timble bridge
- Haykin Thos. schoolmaster, Mabgate
- Headlam Mrs. 4, Park row
- Headley Mrs. 13, Hope street
- Headley William, printer of the Leeds Independent, bookseller and stationer, 21, Briggate; house, Trafalgar street
- Heaps Christopher, plumber, glazier dealer in milled and pig lead, and patent pipe, 44, Kirkgate
- Heaps John, tobacco manufacturer, tallow chandler, grocer, tea dealer, and agent to the Yorkshire mill'd lead, and patent pipe Company, 45, Kirkgate
- Heaps and Fenton, glass painters and stainers, 44, Kirkgate
- Hearl Charles, card maker, Union st.
- Heaton George, tailor and draper, Heaton's court, 6, Briggate
- Heaton James, tailor, flour dealer grocer, Meadow lane
- Heaton John, bookseller and stationer, and sub-distributor of stamps, 7, Briggate
- Heaton John, butcher, Old Shambles
- Heaton John, watch maker, Stanley's yard, Lady lane
- Heaton William, tailor, Nelson street
- Heavyside and Rennison, blue slate merchants, Canal basin; house, Canal wharf Water lane
- Hebblethwaite Christopher, merchant house, Woodhouse lane
- Hebblethwaite John, merchant; house, Woodhouse lane
- Hebblethwaite Robert, merchant; house, Pleasant Dairy
- Hebblethwaite Thomas, merchant; house, Woodhouse lane
- Hebblethwaite, Walker and Co. cloth and stuff merchants, and manufacturers, Woodhouse lane
- Hebden Thos. merchant and manufacturer, Burley Bar; house, Red hall
- Heighington Joseph, London porter and spirit merchant, Vicar lane; house 20, Brunswick place
- Helliwell John, overlooker, Bk. Nile st.
- Helliwell William, clock maker, &c. 27, Duke street
- Helliwell Wm. bricklayer, Land's ln.
- Hemingway Edward, solicitor, Bank street; house, Park lane
- Hemingway Enoch, Near Bank
- Hemingway Joseph, land surveyor, Bank street
- Hemingway W m. 20, Back of Hope st.
- Hemsley Richard, Joy's fold, Marsh ln.
- Hemsworth Jonathan, clerk of the Parish church, and apparitor, opposite the church gates, Kirkgate
- Hepton Wilford, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Heptonstall Joseph, 41, Vicar lane
- Hepworth David, grocer, Hunslet lane
- Hepworth John, woollen draper and cloth dresser, 41, Vicar lane
- Hepworth Susannah, victualler, Spotted Cow, Vicar lane
- Hepworth Thomas, boot & shoemaker, 83, Briggate
- Herman Peter, toy warehouse, manufacturer of musical & larum clocks, and time keepers for schools and workshops, 75, Kirkgate
- Hernaman John, books bookseller house, 35, Park square
- Herries and Co. flax spinners, canvass and thread manufacturers, Black Dog mill, Bank
- Herring Robt. flour dealer, Templar st.
- Heseldine Benjamin, Gilyard's field
- Heselton John, confectioner, 7, Commercial street, Albion street
- Hewson John, Marsh lane head
- Hey Miss Rebecca, gentlewoman, Albion street
- Hey William, Esq. & Son, surgeons, Albion street
- Heywood Mary, Sykes yd. Hunslet ln.
- Hezmalhalch J. and J. millwrights, Far Leylands
- Hick James, tin plate worker and brazier Kirkstall new road
- Hick John, tailor, Park row
- Hick John, tin plate worker & brazier, Bridge end
- Hick Joseph, carver, gilder japanner and varnish maker, 56, Mill hill
- Hick Robert, wine & spirit merchant, Butt's lane; house, Park row
- Hick Wm. book keeper at Hotel coach office; h. Kemplay's yd. Kirkgate
- Hickey John, clothes broker, l9, Kirkgt.
- Hickey Patrick, Boot & Shoe yd. Kgt.
- Hicks John, (agent to H. Fisher, Caxton press, London), 4, Hope St.
- Hicks Joseph, corn commission dealer, Commercial court, Briggate
- Higgins John, Wood's yard, Briggate
- Higgins John, joiner, Templar street
- Higgins Richd. wholesale flour dealer, Calls; h. Paley's yard, Kirkgate
- Higgins Robert, fireman, Ebenezer st.
- Higgins W. Liddle's yard, Briggate
- Higgins Wm. 7, Moxon's yd. Kirkgate
- Higham Samuel, pawnbroker, Off st.
- Highton Edward, Boynton's square, Quarry hill
- Hill Beverley, merchant; house, Hunslet lane
- Hill Daniel, Harper's yard, Kirkgate
- Hill Eliz. widow, Union yd. Briggate
- Hill J. H. and Co. manufacturers of Superfine cloth School close
- Hill Jewison, Sheepscar lane
- Hill John, Esq.; h. Little Woodhouse
- Hill Mary, Long Balk lane
- Hill Thomas, commission agent and dealer in wolds, Albion wharf, School close
- Hill William shoemaker, 44, Union st
- Hill Wm. whitesmith, Rockley hall yard; house, Isle of Cinder
- Hilton John, agent for the manufacture of tobacco, York st. Kirkgate
- Hilton Joseph, grocer & flour dealer, Low lane, Park lane
- Hilton Richard, Upton's yd. Briggate
- Hinchliffe Mrs. Elizabeth, Grove place, Claypit lane
- Hinchliffe Jas. shopkpr. Meadow lane
- Hinchliffe John, merchant and cloth dresser, Skinner lane
- Hinchliffe Thomas, North hall
- Hinchliffe William, victualler, Fleece, Meadow lane
- Hind John, eating house, 43, Vicar ln.
- Hind, Smith & Co. merchants, Sheep scar road
- Hindes John, tinman, 12, Quarry hill
- Hindes and Patchett, woolstaplers and stuff manufacturers, Meadow ln. and Dolphinholme, near Lancaster
- Hindle John, pawnbroker, Hayes's court, Vicar lane
- Hindle Mary, fancy milliner and dress maker, 69, Briggate
- Hindle William, haberdasher & straw hat manufacturer, 69, Briggate
- Hindle Wm. flour dealer 11, Union st.
- Hird Benjamin, M. D. Park row
- Hird John, shopkeeper, Brunswick street., Water lane
- Hird John, tailor, 108, Marsh lane
- Hird Robert, bookseller, binder and stationer, 61, Kirkgate; house, 3, Providence place
- Hird Thomas, cattle dealer, Coxon's yard Kirkgate
- Hird, Dawson, Hardy and Field, iron manufacturers, merchants and founders, Low moor; warehouse, Lowerhead row; agent, John Atkinson, Bramley's yard
- Hirst Benjamin, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 82, Briggate
- Hirst G. K. goldsmith; h. 8, Market pl.
- Hirst Geo. hair dresser, 94, Briggate
- Hirst Geo. mercht.; h. Providence row
- Hirst Henry, merchant & manufacturer; house, King street, Wellington road
- Hirst Henry, victualler, Jacob's Well, Meadow lane
- Hirst James and Son, corn factors and salt dealers, Warehouse hill
- Hirst John, corn factor, Warehouse hill; house, Moortown
- Hirst John, paper warehouse, Water lane; house, Quebec, Mill hill
- Hirst Richd. superintendent of the gasworks; house, York st. Marsh s
- Hirst Samuel and Son, goldsmiths, jewellers cutlers, opticians, clock and watch makers, 8, Market pl.
- Hirst Samuel, clothes dealer, New lane, Meadow lane
- Hirst Samuel, goldsmith; h. Camp pl.
- Hirst William, merchant, manufacturer to his Majesty, School close; warehouse, Alfred street
- Hirst William, public bakehouse, 14, Brick street, Marsh lane
- Hirst William, woolstapler, Isle of Cinder and Gomersall
- Hirst, Bramley & Co. merchants and woollen manufacturers, Schl. close
- Hobson & Robinson, booksellers, stationers and binders, dealers in stamps, agents for the sale of gold leaf, Moot hall, Back of Shambles
- Hobson Abraham, gentleman, Park ln.
- Hobson Geo. cabinet maker, Bean Ing
- Hobson Geo. merchant; house, North Town end
- Hobson James, carrier; h. 6 Camp pl.
- Hobson John, cabinet maker, Boyne's yard near White Cloth halt
- Hobson John, wheelwright, Wade lane and Burley
- Hobson John, woollen printer, Goodman's court, Hunslet lane
- Hobson Mary, gentwmn. Queen's sqr.
- Hobson Rt. butcher, 7, Old Shambles
- Hobson Sarah, victualler, Malt Shovel, 3, Lowerhead row
- Hodghon Francis, whitesmith, Royal Oak yard, Kirkgate
- Hodgson Benj. green grocer, Shoulder of Mutton yard Old Shambles
- Hodgson Christopher, flax dresser, Water hall
- Hodgson John, shopkeeper, 1, Hope st.
- Hodgson John, victualler, Royal Oak, Kirkgate
- Hodgson Richard, currier and leather cutter 34, Vicar lane
- Hodgson Richard, pipe maker, 129, Marsh lane
- Hodgson Thomas, farmer York st.
- Hodgson William, butcher, Old Shambles
- Hodgson William, plumber, 22, Hope st.
- Hodgson William, victualler, Regent Inn, Kirkgate
- Hodgson William, wholesale and retail tea dealer, and hop merchant, North town end
- Hodson Faith, shopkpr. 17, Union st.
- Hodson J. H. agent to the Aire and Calder Co.; house, Simpson's fold
- Hogg Christopher, flour, &c. dealer, under 40, Briggate
- Hogg John, tea dealer, Hunslet lane
- Hogg John, vict. Rose & Crown Inn, Cross Parish
- Holbrook Elizabeth, Prince's yard, Kirkgate
- Holden J. S. schoolmaster Harper st.
- Holden John, Thin Coal alley, Bank
- Holderness William, colour maker & enameller of rooms, 8, East lane
- Holdforth James, worsted and silk spinner, Mill street, Bank; house, Burley lodge
- Holdsworth Joseph, rope and twine manufacturer, 58 Call lane
- Holdsworth Richard & Co. flax spinners and thread manufacturers, Simpson's fold
- Holdsworth and Co. cloth merchants, (Wakefield) & Golden Lion yard, Tuesdays and Saturdays
- Holdsworth and Scholefield, saddlers, 72, Meadow lane
- Holker William, victualler and flock dealer, Horse and Groom, St. James's street
- Holland John, cloth dresser, Walker's yard, Timble bridge
- Holliday & Richardson, wheelwrights and patent arm manufacturers, Wilkes' place, Hunslet lane
- Holliday James, Holdforth's sqr. Bank
- Holliday James, tobacconist and snuff manufacturer 27 Kirkgate
- Holliday John, hair cutter Duncan st.
- Holliday Samuel, tobacco manufacturer, 13, Lowerhead row
- Holliday Thomas, wheelwright; house, Cooper's court., Bowman lane
- Holliday William, excise officer, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Hollings John, Newsome's yd. Briggt.
- Hollings Thomas, St. Anne's lane
- Hollings Wm. coach proprietor, White Horse yard, Boar lane
- Hollings and Nettleton, wheelwrights, Alfred street
- Hollingsworth Hannah, l4, Meadow ln.
- Hollingworth John, cotton thread manufacturer, Black bank
- Holmes Abraham, whitesmith & scale beam maker, New ln. Meadow ln.
- Holmes John, auctioneer, appraiser, bookseller, & dealer in Dunfermline table linen, 19, Bond street
- Holmes John, brazier, plumber and glazer, Leylands
- Holmes John, grocer and flour dealer, 6, Kirkgate
- Holmes John, hardware dealer, 11, Timble bridge
- Holmes Joseph, Timble bridge
- Holmes Matthew clogger, 54, Kirkgt.
- Holmes Mites, flour dealer, Low street, St. Peter's
- Holmes Saml. linen draper & hosier, Boar lane
- Holmes William, land agent, Leylands
- Holroyd A.P. merchant, Sheepscar
- Holroyd J. and J. dyers, Sheepscar
- Holroyd James, cloth manufacturer, Jacob's well; house Darnton's yard, North town end
- Holroyd James, tailor, 16, Waterloo st.
- Holroyd John, dyer, Grove house, Claypit lane
- Holroyd Joseph, dresser, Meadow ln.
- Holroyd Joseph, joiner, Meadow lane
- Holroyd Joseph, woolstapler, Call ln.
- Holroyd Mary, grocer, 29, Meadow ln.
- Holroyd Mirfield, joiner, Meadow lane
- Holroyd William, woolstapler, 6, Call lane; h. Carr pl. Woodhouse lane
- Holt Edward, dyer, Nether mills
- Holt James, Kendel row, Bowman ln.
- Holt James, cloth drawer, Kirkstall new road
- Holt John, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Holt John, pattern dyer, Isle of Cinder
- Holt L. W. bookseller and stationer, 28 Briggate; house, Cobourg st.
- Holt Thomas, 27, Back of Hope st.
- Holt Thomas, tailor, Timble bridge
- Holt W. & T. woolstaplers, 28, Mill hill (woollen manufacturers, Horbury)
- Holyday Wm. linen draper, 31, Kgt.
- Hood George, shoemaker, Vine St.
- Hope & Foster, carvers, gliders, looking glass and picture frame manufacturers, 2, North parade
- Hope John, mason, Low Leylands
- Hope Joseph, boot and shoemaker, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Hopkins Charles, stuff manufacturer, Muck lane, Bank
- Hopkins Daniel, vict. Smith's Arms, Garden street
- Hopkins Saml. 1. academy, St. Peter's sq.
- Hopkins Thomas, Mill st. Marsh lane
- Hopkins Thomas, commission dealer, Hunslet lane
- Hopkins Wm. joiner, St. George's st.
- Hopkinson John, music master, Queen's square
- Hopps John, bookkeeper, North st.
- Hopps Joseph, boot and shoemaker, and maltster 29, Lowerhead row
- Hord Wm. tailor and draper, Talbot Inn yard, Cross parish
- Horner Henry, cloth merchant, Meadow lane
- Horner Jas. bread baker, top Mill hill
- Horner Martha, gentlewoman, Camp terrace
- Hornsby Richard, cooper, Church row; house, Milton st. Meadow lane
- Horrocks James, tailor, Wellhouse pl.
- Horsefield James, corn merchant, miller and flour dealer, maltster and hop merchant, cheese and bacon factor, High causeway
- Horsefield John & James, flour warehouse, Call lane and Swillington
- Horsefield Wm. boiler mkr. Water ln.
- Horsfall Benjamin, woollen manufacturer, Far fold, Mabgate
- Horsfall John, bookkeeper, Cobourg st.
- Horsfall John, butcher, Top close
- Horsfall Joseph, butcher, Park lane
- Horsman Christopher, tailor & clothes dealer, 36, Lowerhead row
- Horton John, cabinet maker & house builder, Kirk Ings wharf
- Houghton Geo. slubber, Templar st.
- Houlden John, farmer, 30, Hope St.
- Houldgate William, filesmith and manufacturer, Bowman lane; house, Hunslet lane
- Houlgate John, butcher, O. Shambles
- Houseman John, 6, Trafalgar street
- Howard David, cotton coverlet manufacturer, Warehouse hill; house, Potternewton
- Howard Elizabeth coverlet manufacturer, Timble bridge
- Howard Jas. shopkeeper and earthenware dealer, Mill garth
- Howard John, manufacturer of coverlets, brussels, &c. Timble bridge
- Howard Thomas, tailor and draper, 9, Bank street
- Howarth Edmund & Co. woolstaplers and cloth merchants, Burley bar
- Howarth Edmund, merchant; house, Providence row
- Howarth, Hobson and Co. cloth merchants, Wade lane
- Howcroft William, St. James's street
- Howden Samuel, woolsorter, 22, Nile street
- Howe Thos. cloth dresser, Turner's yard, Vicar lane
- Howgate John, First fold Mabgate
- Howgate John, butcher, O. Shambles
- Howitt John, dresser, 7, Church row
- Howitt Robert and Son, wholesale grocers and tea dealers, and hop merchants, 20, Bridge end
- Howitt Robert, tobacco manufacturer, Calls; house, Bridge end
- Hownams William, Harper's yd. Kgt.
- Howson Sarah, gentlewoman, Wellington road
- Hoyle Eli, Stanley's yard, Lady lane
- Hoyle George, overlooker Hope st.
- Hoyle Isaac, warehouseman, Park la.
- Hoyle Joshua, Back of Nile street
- Hoyle William, Back of Hope street
- Hubbard James, woolstapler, Bottom of Albion st. house, Queen's sqr.
- Hudson & Roberts, merchants, (Churwell) Golden Lion yd. Tuesdays and Saturdays
- Hudson David, St. Peter's square
- Hudson Edward and Co. corn factors, oil millers and maltsters, King's mills
- Hudson Edward, boot and shoemaker, Water lane end
- Hudson Edward, corn factor, &c.; house, Queen's square
- Hudson J. Old Nag's Head yard, Kgt.
- Hudson James, Duffield's yd. Bank
- Hudson Joshua, Meadow lane
- Hudson Mary, widow, 25, Ebenezer st.
- Hudson Richard, Stainburn's field
- Hudson Saml. shoemaker, 38, Kirkgt.
- Hudson Samuel, Templar street
- Hudson Thos. shoemaker, Near bank
- Hudswell M.A. and E. linen drapers, 11, Market place
- Huggan G. and J. eating house, under 72, Briggate
- Huggan John, boot and shoemaker, Holdforth's square, Bank
- Hughes Richard, Marshall's yard, Water lane
- Hulland William, working goldsmith and jeweller, Bank street
- Humble P. and Co. stone merchants, New Navigation wharf; agent, Benj. Mortimer School close
- Hunt Joseph, victualler, Bed Lion, 46, Meadow lane
- Hunt Wm. straw hat manufacturer, and wholesale and retail dealer, Commercial street
- Hunter Adam, M.D. Park row
- Hunter Geo. butcher, 13 Old Shambles; house, Great
- Hunter Jas. dealer in fishing tackle, &c. Bottom of High street
- Hunter Thos. pipe maker, 10, Middle fold, Mabgate
- Hunter William, Boy and Barrel yard, Wood street
- Hunton Charles, warehouseman and ladies' school, Meadow lane
- Hutchinson Anthony, painter, gilder, dealer in prints and oil paintings, 19, Back of Shambles
- Hutchinson John, Upper High street
- Hutchinson W. 55, High st. St. Peter's
- Hutchinson W. and J. merchants and manufacturers, Upperhead row
- Hutchinson Wm. 5, Spinner st. Bank
- Hutton Chas, rope and twine spinner, and flax dresser, Meadow lane
- Hutton John, Fleece yd. Meadow ln.
- Hutton John, Old Church yard
- Hutton Rev. Joseph, B.D. South parade
- Ianson John, shoemaker, Quarry hill
- Ibbotson Joseph, shoemaker, Far bank
- Ibbotson Thos. Club row, Top close
- Ikin, Carr and Co. merchants, Top of Park row
- Iles Joseph, bricklayer and builder, 24, Nelson street
- Iley Richard, academy, Albion street
- Illingworth Hannah, Vicar lane
- Illingworth J. cloth worker, Top close
- Illingworth Jeremiah, merchant; h. Bowman lane
- Illingworth and Knowles, merchants and manufacturers, Steander
- Inchbold John, dresser, 12, Coach ln.
- Inchbold Thomas, bookseller, binder and stationer, Back of Shambles
- Ingham James, deputy constable, Bond street
- Ingham Timothy, butcher, Mill hill
- Ingham, Brothers and Co. merchants and manufacturers, Hunslet lane and Waterloo mill
- Ingle John, joiner & builder, 9, Hardwicks yard, Briggate
- Ingle Joseph, near Timble bridge
- Ingle William, raff merchant, York street; house, St. Peter's square
- Ingle Wm. joiner and builder, Nile st.
- Ingram John, gardener and seedsman, Sayner's lane, Hunslet lane
- Inman Charles, butter factor, &c. Old Rayson's bard, Market place
- Ireland Hannah, flour dealer, 5, Rose and Crown yard
- Irvin Js. stuff, cloth dyer, School close
- Issott Robert, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 2. Market place
- Jackson & Co. carriers, White Horse yd.
- Jackson Andrew, stone mason, New road end
- Jackson Ben. architect, 1, Kirkgate
- Jackson Benjamin, jun. classical commercial, and philosophical boarding and day academy, Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- Jackson Captain William, Ivy house, Black bank
- Jackson Mrs. Elizabeth, Albion street
- Jackson Geo. bookkeeper, Water lane
- Jackson George, house and sign painter, gilder, and dealer in oils and colours, 29, Upperhead row
- Jackson Henry & Sons, fellmongers, Far bank
- Jackson Henry, exciseman of the lath division, Templar street
- Jackson Henry, joiner and builder, Old Post Office yard, Kirkgate; house, Harper street
- Jackson James, mason, 4, Dawson's yard, St. George's street
- Jackson Jno. turner in wood, Smithies brick garth, Bank
- Jackson John Smith, tanner, Low fold, Bank; house, Woodhouse lane
- Jackson John, bricklayer, Bramley's yard, Market place
- Jackson John, butcher, Old Shambles
- Jackson John, painter, 39, York st.
- Jackson M. C. corn factor, Warehouse hill
- Jackson Rev. Miles, Bottom of St. street
- Jackson Richard, engineer, Water lane
- Jackson Robert, Templar street
- Jackson Robert, cloth dresser, Bottom of Lady lane
- Jackson Robert, shopkeeper, 17, John street, Lady lane
- Jackson Susannah, straw hat manufacturer; 56, Kirkgate
- Jackson Thomas, Low st. St. Peter's
- Jackson Thomas, tailor, Steander
- Jackson Thos. Dunn's yd. Marsh lane
- Jackson W. Smithies brick garth Bank
- Jackson William, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 1, Lowerhead row
- Jackson Mrs. gentwmn. Trafalgar st.
- Jacques George, 5, Hope street
- Jacques Mrs. Trafalgar street
- Jagger James, Butler's yard, Kirkgt.
- Jaques and Nell, common brewers, Meadow lane
- Jenkinson Henry, poulterer, Union st.
- Jenkinson Saml. joiner, Brighton st.
- Jenner Richard, excise officer, 7th division, 1st district, 43, St. Peter's square
- Jennings & Co. stone merchants, New Navigation wharf, agent, Thomas Naylor, Water lane
- Jennings Benj. woollen manufacturer, Boynton's square, Quarry hill
- Jennings Henry, old square, Kirkgate
- Jennings John, 20, Cavalier hill
- Jennings Thomas Gill's yd. Kirkgate
- Jennings and Hutchinson, leather hat, cap and brace makers, Vine St. Hunslet lane
- Jepson Thos. merchant, East parade
- Jessop Thomas, lock manufacturer, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Johnson Clark, Shear's yd. Kirkgate
- Johnson Edw. cloth glosser, 4, Nile st.
- Johnson Isaac, Providence st. Bank
- Johnson James, Lisbon st. Beau Ing
- Johnson Jas. hair dresser, Meadow ln.
- Johnson John, flour dealer, Top close
- Johnson Jonathan, Templar street
- Johnson Matthew, cloth merchant, 22, St. James's street
- Johnson Michael, tailor and draper, George and Dragon yd. Briggate
- Johnson Robert, black & whitesmith, Swinebeck
- Johnson Samuel, Hardwick's yard
- Johnson Thos. whitesmith and screw press maker, Kirkstall new road
- Johnson William, dyer, Steander Johnson Matthew, cloth glosser, 7, Nile street
- Johnson William, tailor, Bridge st.
- Johnson Wm. stocking worsted manufacturer, Lamb yd. Timble bridge
- Johnstone Christopher, St. James's st.
- Johnstone J.R. gent. Bullock's sq. Bank
- Jones Joseph, Shear's yd. Kirkgate
- Jones Richard, shopkeeper, Kendell row, Bank
- Jopson Miss Margaret, ladies' school, 42, St. Peter's square
- Jopson William, machine maker, 42, St. Peter's square
- Jordan Benj. vict. Marquis of Granby, Lowerhead row
- Jordan H. F. wholesale grocer, tea dealer, coffee roaster and feather merchant, 1, Lowerhead row
- Jordan John, joiner, Back of Garden st.
- Jowett Samuel, latter press printer, Dickinson's court, Mill hill
- Jowitt Mrs. Anne, 16, Brunswick pl.
- Jowitt Benj. shopkeeper, Nether mills
- Jowitt Bryan, Bywater's yd. Marsh ln.
- Jowitt Grace, gentlewoman, Fountain terrace, Sheepscar
- Jowitt John and Sons, woolstaplers, Albion street
- Jowitt Robert, woolstapler, Carlton house, Woodhouse lane
- Jowitt T. J. and Co. woolstaplers, 48, Albion street
- Jowitt Thos. woolstapler; h. Park sq.
- Jowitt William, hatter, Bond street
- Joy Edward, oil merchant; house, St. James's place
- Joy Miss Elizabeth, St. James's place
- Joy William, oil merchant; house, St. James's place
- Joy Wm., Edw. drysalters, Mill hill, and oil merchants Albion street
- Jubb Mrs. Elizabeth, Bowman lane
- Judson Mary, vict. Boot and Shoe, 20, Hillhouse, Bank
- Judson Robert, butcher, Near bank
- Judson Thos. jun. Joiner and builder, Far bank
- Kabery William, clothes broker and tailor, 64, Call lane
- Kay Edw. Waterloo ct. Marsh lane
- Kay Edward, house and sign painter, 45, Duke street
- Kay James, wood turner Water lane
- Kay Jas. stuff & woollen printer, Cookson's yard Kgt.; h. 39, Duke st.
- Kay John, Goulden's buildings
- Kay Mrs. Mary, Cobourg terrace
- Kay William, house and sign painter, Sheepscar bar
- Kaye Eliz. dress mkr. Back of Hope st.
- Kaye J.B. straw hat mkr. George's st.
- Kaye John, joiner, 21, Speedwell row
- Kaye Joshua, gentleman, Water lane
- Kaye Samuel, butcher, 22, Vicar lane
- Kaye Thomas, rope and twine manufacturer, Bowman lane
- Keck B. A. Esq. 14, Park square
- Keeling Richard, Cavalier hill
- Keighley Benjamin, Low fold, Bank
- Keighley John, Water lane, Bank
- Keighley Joseph, merchant, Park row
- Kellett David, bricklayer and builder, 7, Nelson street
- Kellett Geo. bricklayer and builder, Top of Ebenezer street
- Kelley John, bricklayer & blue slate merchant, Neville street
- Kemplay John & Mary, ladies' seminary, Boar lane
- Kemplay Richard, academy for young gentlemen, St. John's pl. New St.
- Kemplay Robt. joiner, St. John's pl.
- Kendall Mrs. Lydia, St. James's st.
- Kendall Richard, St. James's street
- Kendall William, gent. St. James's st.
- Kendell John & Co. upholsterers and cabinet makers, hair seating and curled hair manufacturers, 55, West bar, Mill hill
- Kendell John, upholsterer, &c.; house, Chapel Allerton
- Kendell Thomas, gent. 1, Kendell st. Bowman lane
- Kendrew Thos. straw hat manufacturer and stay maker, 34; Lady lane
- Kennedy Alexdr. gardener, North hall
- Kennedy Thos. Unicorn yard, Lowerhead row
- Kent John, butcher, 30, Old Shambles
- Kenworthy James, vict. Bull & Bell, 43, Briggate
- Kerry Robt. joiner, Albion ct. Mill hill
- Kershaw Miss Eliz. 13, Newsome's yd.
- Kershaw Mrs. Mary, Park place
- Kershaw T. bricklayer, Templar lane
- Kershaw W. S. house & sign painter, 1, Mill hill
- Kettlewell J.H. Far bank
- Kidson David, 7, Meadow lane
- Kidson Mrs. Kemplay's court, Kgt.
- Kighley Geo. book kpr. 2, Trafalgar St.
- Kighley Thos. book keeper, 26, Nile st.
- Kilham S. Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Killerby Joseph, translator, Glover's yard, Top of Ebenezer street
- Killingbeck B.J. commercial school, Cowell's yard, Briggate
- Kilvington Frances, Providence place
- King Rev. John, Sheepscar
- King John, vict. and furniture broker, Boy and Barrel, Hunslet lane
- Kipling James, stuff manufacturer, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Kirby John, maltster, Water lane
- Kirby Robert, bricklayer and builder, 5, Coach lane
- Kirk Benjamin, vict. Horse & Trumpet, Cross parish
- Kirk Isaac, overlooker, 32, Back of George's street
- Kirk Joseph, tin plate worker and brazier, 67, Kirkgate
- Kirk Wm. saddler and rag merchant, Meadow lane
- Kirkbride John, carrier, Gascoigne's yard, Boar lane
- Kirkby Charles overlooker, Park ln.
- Kirkby John, Rooke's yd. Far bank
- Kirkby Thomas, cloth merchant, Park lane; house, Park square
- Kirkman David, victualler, Golden Fleece, Bottom of Ebenezer st.
- Kitchen Christopher, boot and shoemaker, 35, Lady lane
- Kitchen Geo. butcher, Old Shambles
- Kitchen Jas. woolsorter, 12, Nile st.
- Kitchen Joshua, hair dresser, Top of Mill hill
- Kitchen Rachael, tea and cork dealer, and confectioner, 22, Boar lane
- Kitchen Thos. silversmith, 19 Hope st.
- Kitchen William, corn & flour dealer, Water lane; house, Fleece yard
- Kitching Charles, St. John's street, Lady lane
- Kitching Matthew, vict. Turk's Head, 51, Briggate
- Kitchingman Joseph, boot and shoemaker, Lady lane
- Kitchingman Wm. agent to the Sun Fire Office, and General Commission agent, 19, Bank street
- Kitson Joseph, overlooker, Water ln.
- Kitson Wm. cloth drawer, Hindle's yard, St. James's street
- Knapton Robert, Low st. St. Peter's
- Knight & Hird, booksellers, stationers and binders, 61, Kirkgate
- Knight James, Templar street
- Knight Thomas, woollen draper, Templar lane
- Knowles & Sons, merchants, (Gomersall) Golden Lion yard, Tuesday and Saturday
- Knowles Benjamin, boot and shoemaker, York street
- Knowles Jas. stocking worsted manufacturer, Timble bridge
- Knowles John, Back of Park square
- Knowles Mary & Son, ironmongers & iron merchants, 69, Meadow lane
- Knowles S. & H. dress makers, Sturdy's yard, Burley bar
- Knublay Benjamin, gunsmith, Hayes' court, Vicar lane
- Knublay John, gent. Park place
- Knublay Robert, tailor and draper, Swan street, Cross parish
- Labron John, tailor & woollen draper, 11, Boar lane; house, Park lane
- Labron Mary & Son, furnishing ironmongers and lamp manufacturers, &c. 55, Briggate
- Lady Ann, straw hat maker, Camp field
- Lakin Mary, milliner, &c. 6, Mill hill
- Lambert Charles, jun. butcher, Club row, Top close
- Lambert Charles, butcher, I. O. Shambles, h. Milton St. Meadow lane
- Lambert George, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 88, Briggate
- Lambert Mary, 22, Mill hill
- Lambert Robert, mason, Black bank
- Lambert Samuel, commission wool & oil dealer, Laud's ln. h. Hope st.
- Lancaster James, governor of the borough jail, West street
- Lancaster Thos. butcher, 142, Marsh ln.
- Lancaster Thos. wholesale ironmonger, nail manufacturer and dealer in grass seeds, Market place
- Land John, rope and twine manufacturer, Tofts lane, Quarry hill
- Land Thomas, flax spinner, Water ln.
- Landale Robert, ship carpenter, Rathmell's court, Bowman lane
- Lang Elizabeth, Simpson's fold
- Langdon Rev. Thos. minister of Baptist Chapel, and academy for young gentlemen, West street
- Lansdown Samuel, victualler, Old White Swan, Call lane
- Lapage Mrs. Elizabeth, Park place
- Lapage John, drysalter, h. Park place
- Large Thos. 15, North st. Woodhs. ln.
- Law John, butter factor, Bean Ing
- Lawn Wm. blacksmith, Brighton st.
- Lawrence Dorothy, 20, Templar St.
- Lawrence Geo. Wellhouse pl. Bank
- Lawrence Jonathan chemist, druggist, & oil dealer, 32, back of Shambles
- Lawson & Walker, iron founders, machine makers, turners in wood & metal, & manufacturers of fancy tools, &c. Mabgate
- Lawson Geo. plumber & glazier, Old Infirmary yard, Kirkgate
- Lawson John, flour & bacon factor, 3, Wood house lane
- Lawson Sam. machine maker; house, Mabgate
- Lawton James, pawn broker, 101, Meadow lane
- Lax Hannah, shopkeeper, Camp field
- Laycock Chs. Kendell's row, Bank
- Laycock John, Kipling's row, Bank
- Laycock John, Park lane
- Laycock John, tin smith, Bank bridge
- Layton Joseph, green grocer, Briggate
- Lazenby John, bookkpr. Bowman ln.
- Le Febvre Rev. Charles, M. A. chaplain to the Right Honourable Lord Stourton, and priest to the Catholic chapel, Lady lane
- Le Resche Henry, mercht. Meadow ln.
- Leach James, 12, Water lane, Bank
- Leach John Hustler, printer, bookseller, & stationer, Market place
- Leathley John, grocer, 11, Briggate
- Leathley Samuel hosier, 89, Briggate
- Lee Chas. drysalter, Calls; h. Mill hill
- Lee Mrs. Eliz. gentlewmn. Park row
- Lee Harriet, grocer & tea dealer, Kgt.
- Lee John & Son, stuff manufacturers, Low Holland; h. 8, Kirkgate
- Lee John, Cooper's court, Bowman ln.
- Lee John, black beer brewer & hop merchant; clothes and furniture broker, 26, Vicar lane
- Lee John, manufacturer of carpets, brussels, woollen & cotton coverlets, Nether mills
- Lee John, tailor, Bean Tug
- Lee Joseph, carpet manufacturer, Nether mills
- Lee Lydia, schoolmistress, Park lane
- Lee Priscilla, dress maker, West bar
- Lee Thos. & Brother, merchants and manufacturers, Woodhouse lane
- Lee Thos. merchant; h. Sunny bank
- Lee Thos. solicitor, Sterne's buildings, George & Dragon yd. 40, Briggate; and Headingley house
- Lee W.T. cloth merchant; h. Park sq.
- Lee Wm. Golden Lion Inn, 2, Briggate
- Lee Wm. dresser, 14, North street
- Lee Wm. vict. Gen. Elliot t, Vicar lane, wholesale spirit mercht., 81, Kirkgt.
- Leeds General Eye Dispensary, St. Peter's square, conducted by Mr. R. C. Hay, and Mr. T. Metcalfe, members of the Royal Colleges of London and Edinburgh
- Legg W. B. grocer and tea dealer, & patten maker, 44, Briggate
- Leigh A. H. merchant, Ellerby lane
- Leigh A. and R. cloth merchants, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Leigh Wm. malt, c. dlr. Amen corner
- Lent Jemima, straw hat maker, 37, Duke street
- Leuty Thos. machine maker & shopkeeper Camp lane
- Leuty William, brewer, Templar st.
- Lewis George, artist and worker in plaster, 33, Lady lane
- Lewis John, draper, haberdasher, &c. Lowerhead row
- Lewis John, plane maker, Union st.
- Lewis Rice, coal merchant, bank
- Lewis Thos. vict. wholesale and retail spirit dealer, New Inn, Vicar lane
- Liddle Caleb, traveller, Queen's sq.
- Liddle John, hair dresser, Marsh lane
- Liddle Wm. stuff, & C. printer; house, School close
- Liddle and Rogers, stuff and woollen printers, Sandford St. School close
- Lightfoot John, 56, High street
- Lightfoot Mary, leech hirer, 95, Kgt.
- Lilley Mary, sempstress, Kirkgate
- Lilley S. confectioner, &c. Boar lane
- Lindley William, woolstapler, Mill hill
- Linfoot Mary, furniture broker, Kgt.
- Linley Anne, tin plate worker, brazier, &c 1, back of Shambles
- Linley John, house & sign painter, 4, Hunslet lane
- Linley Joseph, schoolmaster, Saint Peter's square
- Linley S. and Son, house & sign painters, 58, Bridge end
- Linley Thomas, 19, Back Hope street
- Linley Wm. tin smith, Meadow lane
- Linsley John, warehsm. Hunslet lane
- Linsley Joseph, merchant, Mabgate
- Linsley Joseph, jun. merchant; house. St. Peter's square
- Linsley Joseph, over looker, Water ln.
- Lister & Co. knitting worsted manfrs. Swinegate, & woolstaplers, Moot hall; house, St. Peter's square
- Lister Benj woolstapler; h. Hunslet ln.
- Lister George, dresser, Park lane
- Lister George, maltster, Paley 's yard; house, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Lister James, tea dealer and coffee roaster, 9, Briggate
- Lister John bookkeeper, Nile street
- Lister John, 1, back George's street
- Lister John, hair cloth weaver, Steander
- Lister John, woolstapler; house, Knowsthorp
- Lister R. & J. merchants, Park lane
- Lister Richard, 18, Burmantofts
- Lister Richd. packer, 12, Templar st.
- Lister Robert, cloth dresser, Park lane; h. Birch's yard, Lowerhead row
- Lister T. & B. woolstaplers, Call lane
- Lister William, maltster, Kirk Ings wharf; house, Cookson's yard
- Littlewood Charles, painter, Paley's yard, Calls
- Littlewood Elizabeth, straw hat manufacturer, Paley's yard, Calls
- Littlewood Joseph, victualler, Lion & Lamb, Kirkgate
- Littlewood Thomas cabinet maker, York street, Kirkgate
- Littlewood Wm. deputy constable of Holbeck, Green mount place
- Liversedge John, cheesemonger, 2, Bridge end
- Liversedge Robert, cooper, Wellington court, Marsh lane
- Livesey Henry house & sign painter, Green's court, back of Shambles
- Livesey John, engraver, &c.; house, Butterworth's yd. 89, Kirkgate
- Livesey John, hair cutter, perfumer, and agent to P. Blenkinsop, woolstapler, 50, & 51, Albion street
- Livesey W. H. clerk to the Philosophical hall, Park row
- Lloyd James, locksmith & bell hanger, Carr's yard, Swinegate
- Lloyd Robert, London carrier; house, Albion court, Albion street
- Lobley Matthew, gentleman, Bullock's square, Hillhouse bank
- Lockwood J. academy, St. Peter's sq.
- Lockwood John, confectioner, Nether mills
- Lockwood Mw. shopkeeper Vicar lane
- Lockwood William, Meadow lane
- Lockwood Wm. shoemaker, Marsh lane
- Lodge John, Newsome's yd. Briggate
- Lofthouse Elizabeth, 21, Ebenezer st.
- Lofthouse Mary, widow, Church yard
- Lofthouse Sarah, wheelwright, High court lane
- Lofthouse Thos. Princess st. New road
- Loftus John, paviour, Old Shambles
- Loine Adw. surgeon, 20, North street
- Longbottom Joseph, Bowman lane
- Longbottom Thos. bookkpr. Park lane
- Longbottom Thos. butcher, Water lane
- Longbottom Wm. Joiner, 58, Marsh ln.
- Longcake William, officer of excise, Harper street, Kirkgate
- Longfield Joseph, tin plate worker & brazier, 21, Wood street
- Longley Robert, bricklayer & builder, Upper high street
- Longley Thomas, jun. bricklayer & builder, St. Peter's square
- Longley Thomas, sen. bricklayer & builder, Upper high street
- Longley Thomas, bricklayer, & builder, 2 Spinner street, bank
- Lonsdale & Smith, crown glass, merchants, Wood street
- Lonsdale Abr. confectioner, 105, Kgt.
- Lonsdale Benj. Far fold, Mabgate
- Lonsdale J. & A. wholesale linen drapers, 23, Lowerhead row
- Lonsdale John, glass merchant; house, 5, New street
- Lonsdale Joseph, dyer, Bowman lane
- Lord Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, Trinity lace
- Lord Jonathan, joiner and cabinet maker, White cloth hall street
- Lord Samuel, cloth dresser; house, Cobourg terrace
- Lord and Robinson, cloth dressers, Wade lane
- Lowcock Thomas, Timble bridge
- Lowcock Wm. stocking manufacturer, 4, Nether mills
- Lowe Joseph, Middle fold, Mabgate
- Lowe Mary, Coxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Lowe Robert, hair dresser, 51, kgt.
- Lowther Wm. shoemkr. 31, Union st.
- Lucas Mrs. Anne, Trinity lane
- Lucas Benj. bricklayer, Off street
- Lucas Benj. brickmaker & builder, Mabgate end
- Lucas George, Williamson's yard, Marsh lane
- Lucas James, mason, Wellhouse place
- Lucas Jas, bricklayer, 16, Union street
- Lucas Jas. tailor, 27, St. George's st.
- Lucas Joseph, painter, Marsh lane hd.
- Lucas Samuel, shoe mkr. Woodhouse
- Lucas Thos. 16, Little Templar street
- Luccock John, gentleman, Fountain terrace, Sheepscar
- Lumb Anne, Coxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Lumb John, King street, Bank
- Lumb Samuel, auctioneer; Commercial sale room, Boar lane; house, Burmantofts
- Lumb Thos. auctioneer, appraiser, 5, Gascoigne's yard Boar lane
- Lumb Wm. millwright, Templar st.
- Lupton Jonathan, seed crusher & mustard maker, Sheepscar lane
- Lupton Mrs. St. James's street
- Lupton Wm. and Co. merchants and manufacturers, North town end
- Lyon Ann, shopkeeper, Water lane
- Maburn, Brown, and Maburn, cloth manufacturers, Mill garth
- MacGregor Waiter, dyer, Fox and Grapes yard, Kirkgate
- Machin Robert, wholesale shoe warehouse, 1, Market place
- Madden James, dealer in small wares, Dixon's buildings, East lane
- Maggi Peter, teacher of foreign languages, West street
- Maguire Sarah, Long balk lane
- Makin Juliana, North st. Town end
- Mallinson Frk. 24, Sykes's yd. York st.
- Mallinson Henry, boot & shoe maker, North passage, Lowerhead row
- Mallinson Joah, Woodhouse lane
- Mallinson Joseph, 31, Charles street
- Mallinson Jph. toilonet, swandown & fancy waistcoat mfr. East lane
- Mallinson Mary, Boot & Shoe yd. Kgt.
- Mallorie Benj. grocer, 58, Briggate
- Maloy John, enameller of looms, East lane
- Maltas Robert, flour dealer, 12, Kgt.
- Maltas Rt. shoemaker, Brighton st.
- Maltby Samuel, plumber and glazier, Cookson's yd. Kgt. h. Ellerby ln.
- Manby Aaron, shopkeeper, Vicar lane
- Mann Benj. slubber, Water lane
- Mann C. D. heckle maker, Fleece yd. Meadow lane
- Mann Jas. bookseller, 68, Briggate
- Mann John surgeon, 8, North T. end
- Mann Mary, Baptist ct. Ebenezer st.
- Mann Peter, cooper, Timble bridge
- Manners John, house and ornamental painter, Old square, Kirkgate
- Manners Rbt. shoe maker, Templar st.
- Mapother Charles, army surgeon for the district, Park lane
- Marcroft John, cabinet maker, Providence place
- Marcroft Joseph, Woodhouse lane
- Margerison Robert, butcher, Lady ln.
- Markland Ralph, merchant; house, Brunswick place
- Marriott Mrs. Mary, Queen's square
- Marsden Geo. shopkeeper, 21, Kgt. Marsden Thos. bank bellman, Weaver's square, Bank
- Marsden John, hosier and glover, 34, Briggate
- Marsden Samuel, Cross green
- Marsden Thomas, Back Nile street
- Marsden Thomas, worsted spinner & mfr. Cockerham's yd. Land's ln.
- Marsden Wm. bacon and flour dealer, 18 and 23, Lowerhead row
- Marsden Wm. blacksmith and farrier, Top of Lady lane
- Marsh Jph. 20, Sykes 3d. York st.
- Marsh Luke, hatter and perfumer, 8, Upperhead row; h. Woodhouse lane
- Marsh Robert, overlooker, Far bank
- Marshall Agnes, 33, back Hope street
- Marshall Gervas, gent. Camp place
- Marshall John, cooper, porter dealer, 3, North parade
- Marshall Jph. and Co. coach builders, (successors to J. Hinchliffe) 44, Albion street
- Marshall Nathaniel, shopkeeper, 40, York street, Kirkgate
- Marshall Saml. 19, Cavalier hill, Bank
- Marshall Wm. butter factor, Vicar ln.
- Marshall Wm. linen draper, 18, Brgt.
- Marshall, Hives & Co. flax spinners, and manufacturers of patent linen yarn, canvass, &c. Water lane
- Marsland John, gentleman, Park lane
- Marsland John, vict, Elephant & Castle, Hunslet lane
- Marsland Wm. St. James's street
- Marston Chas, cork cutter, 10, Sykes's row, York street
- Marston Thomas, cork cutter, 84, Briggate
- Martin Anne, Wellhouses, Bank
- Martin James and William Mawson, wholesale & retail stationers, paper makers and rag merchants, 83, Vicar lane
- Martin Mary, governess of free school, Old Assembly room yard
- Martin Mrs. gentlewoman, Templar st.
- Mason Mrs. Eleanor, Burley bar
- Mason Elizabeth, grocer and flour dealer, 16, Wood street
- Mason Joseph, joiner, Bean Ing
- Mason Matthew, fruiterer, Cross parish
- Mason Robert, silk comber, Bank
- Massey John, harness buckle maker, Wellhouse place
- Massey Wm. vict. George & Dragon, George & Dragon yd. 40, Briggate; joiner & builder, Wade lane
- Masterman John, guard of the Wellington York coach, at the Boy & Barrel, Wood street
- Masterman Robert, coach proprietor, Trinity lane
- Mathers David, bookkpr. Templar st.
- Mathers Joseph, Blackman lane
- Mathers Jph. millwright, Burmantofts
- Mathers Rbt. millwright, Burmantofts
- Matson George, cooper, Land's lane
- Matterson E. druggist, and dealer in paint and colours, 12, Briggate
- Matthewman Geo. & Chs. merchants; h. Carlton lodge, Woodhouse lane
- Matthewman John, brush manufacturer, 12, Kirkgate
- Matthewman John, cloth glosser, Woodhouse carr; h. Hope street
- Matthews Edward, tailor, York street, Marsh lane
- Matthews Joseph, patent axle tree & machine maker, Water lane
- Mattock David, saddler, 52, Union st.
- Maude Edm. mercht.; h. Church row
- Maude Edmund & Sons, raff and iron merchts. St. Peter's quay, Calls
- Maude James, mason, 39, High street
- Maude Jas. merchant; h. Knosthorp
- Maude Samuel, shuttle maker, 67, Marsh lane
- Mawson Henry, Ellerby lane
- Mawson J. T. surgeon & cattle doctor, 51, Call lane
- Mawson John, gent. Park lane
- Mawson Joseph, Ellerby lane
- Mawson Rd. Holmes' yard, York at.
- Mawson Thos. canal agent, Water ln.
- Mawson William, tailor, Park lane
- Mawson Wm. aqua fortis manufacturer, Burmantofts grove
- Mawson Wm. cabinet mkr. Ellerby ln.
- Mawson Wm. shoe maker, King st.
- Mawson Wm. wholesale stationer; house, Woodhouse lane
- May George, boot & shoe maker, Top of St. Anne's lane
- May Wm. gardener & seedsman, 40, Duke street
- Maynard Joseph, tailor, 6, Wood st.
- Mayne Joshua, shopkeeper, Park lane
- McGowan Wm. canvasser, Quarry hill
- McIntyre G. general commission agent, auctioneer and appraiser, Sterne's buildings, George & Dragon yard, 40, Briggate
- McLea C. J. engineer, Water lane
- McLeod Robert, Park street, Park la.
- McVoy Joseph, 23, Sykes's yard
- Mead James, overlooker, Meadow ln.
- Meade John, book binder, White Cross Inn yard, Briggate
- Meadley Henry, grocer, Meadow lane
- Meadley John, hairdresser, Woodhs. ln.
- Medd Mrs Mary, Templar street
- Medley Joseph, oil merchant & drysalter, Crown point oil mills; house, Potternewton
- Meggison J. B. woolstapler; house, Salem court, Hunslet lane
- Melin Geo. Water hall, Water lane
- Mercer Thomas, school master, East Parade
- Metcalf David, dyer, Leylands
- Metcalf Edward, St. Peter's square
- Metcalf Jph. 3, Moxon's yd. Kirkgate
- Metcalfe Thos. Thompson, surgeon, Woodhouse lane
- Metcalfe Thos. merchant, 4, North st.
- Metcalfe, Smalpage & Co. merchants & manufacturers, Sheepscar lane
- Micklethwait Richard, wholesale grocer & tea dealer, l4, 15, Bridge
- Middlebrook Mrs. Hannah, North st.
- Midgley Mary, plumber & glazier, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Midgley Sam. bookkpr. Richmond hill
- Miers Anne, dress mkr, 43, Vicar lane
- Miers Sam. painter, &c. h. 46, Vicar ln.
- Miers Samuel & Son, house, & sign painters & gilders, 46, Vicar lane
- Miers Wm. painter, &c. 43, Vicar lane
- Milburn Jane, Camp field
- Milburn William, Cobourg street
- Millns Mrs. Eliza. Hardwick's yd. Bgt.
- Millns George, butcher, Bridge end
- Millns Thos. butcher, Old Shambles
- Mills Margaret, Templar lane
- Milner John, Worsted street, Bank
- Milner Samuel, cabinet maker, Upper high street
- Milner Wm. shopkeeper, Hunslet lane
- Milner Wm. vict. Globe Inn, Quarry hill, & whitesmith, Steander
- Milnes William, woolstapler; house, 13, Boar lane
- Milson Joseph, school master, Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- Minors & Scurr, linen drapers, 3, Back of Shambles
- Mirfins Thomas, 1, Camp field
- Mitchell H. C. W. brandy and hop mert. Burley bar; h. Headingley
- Mitchell James, carrier, warehs. Calls
- Mitchell Jonathan, vict. White Swan, 11, High causeway
- Mitchell Mary, shopkeeper, Water hl.
- Mitchell Stephen, merchant & cloth dresser. Fleece yd. Meadow lane
- Mitchell Susannah, gentlw. Bean Ing
- Moat John, bacon, cheese, flour and malt warehouse, Water lane and New road end
- Moffat Archibald, tailor, 10, Briggate
- Mohun Wm. shoe maker, Quarry hill
- Monby George, Low Leylands
- Monks John, shopkpr. 39, Kirkgate
- Moody John, boot & shoe maker, 75, Briggate
- Moody Mary, dress maker, Lady lane
- Moody Thomas, joiner, Mabgate
- Moody Wm. joiner, 4, Sheepscar lane
- Moon John, wool comber, Bridge st.
- Moon Thomas, merchant, Kirkgate; house, Albion street
- Moore George, commission agent, 50, Woodhouse bar
- Moore Joseph & Co. thread manufacturers, Low fold, Far bank
- Moore Jph. Wm. solicitor; h. Park row
- Moore Wm. gentleman, 5, Trafalgar st.
- Moorhouse Abr. tailor, Gilyard's field
- Moorhouse Geo. cloth dresser, Neville street, School close
- Moorhouse John, wholesale & retail tea dealer, 90, Briggate
- Moorhouse Thos. joiner, 63, Marsh ln.
- Moorhouse Wm. traveller, 8, New st.
- Morgan L. V. gentleman, New road
- Morgan Lewis, bricklayer & builder, Wheeler place, Bank
- Morgan Thos. linen & woollen draper, 26, Cross parish
- Morley James, dresser, Templar st.
- Morphet John, book binder, North st. Woodhouse lane
- Morphet John, dresser, Providence pl.
- Morris Abraham Hillhouse hank
- Morris William, Little London
- Morris Wm. boot and shoe maker, 13, Market place
- Morris Wm. druggist, 4, Briggate
- Morris Wm. vict. Buck Inn, ½6, Briggt.
- Mortimer Benj. mason & clothes broker, & agent to D. Humble & Co. School close
- Mortimer Benj. stone mason, Bank
- Morton James, veterinary surgeon, Meadow lane
- Morton Jerm. Harper's yd. Kirkgate
- Morton John, 14, Templar street
- Morton John, maltster, Meadow lane
- Morton John, writer, Malt mill yard, Lowerhead row
- Morton Joseph, Cavalier hill, Bank
- Morton Joseph, victualler, Red Bear, 148, Marsh lane
- Morton William, breeches maker and leather seller, Land's lane
- Morton Wm. top of St. Peter's sq.
- Morvel Thos. shopkeeper, under 41, Briggate
- Moseley Elizabeth, carver & gilder, 6, Commercial street
- Moseley George, victualler, Saddle Inn, Briggate
- Moss John, Kendell's row, Bowman ln.
- Moss Joseph, glass cutter, Wheeler place, Bank
- Moss Lieutenant George, adjutant of Leeds recruiting district, New lane, Meadow lane
- Moss Sarah, 3, Camp lane, Water ln,
- Moss William, tailor, Far bank
- Motley James, woolstapler; house, Osmanthorp
- Motley Thomas, J. & J. woolstaplers, Old rotation office yard, Kirkgate
- Motley Thomas, woolstapler; house, East parade
- Motley Thos. woolstapler, 8, Duncan street; house, 7, Trafalgar street
- Mottram James, guard of the Rockingham, 17, Trafalgar street
- Mouncey B.D. of the firm of John Kendal & Co.; h. Chapel Allerton
- Moxon Geo. 59, St. George's street
- Moxon Hannah, shpr. 87, Quarry hill
- Moxon Jas. carpet mfr. St. Peter's sq.
- Moxon John, tobacco & snuff mfr. & tea dealer, 27, Cross Parish
- Moxon Joseph, carpet manufacturer, 12, Lee's square, York street
- Moxon Joseph, eating house, George & Dragon yard, Briggate
- Moxon Joseph, provision dealer, Quarry
- Moxon Wm. linen draper, 6, Briggate
- Muff Joshua, musical repository, agent to the county and provident lire & life, &c. office, 17, Commercial street; house, West street
- Muir Alex. Naylor's yd. Meadow ln.
- Murphy Jph. surgeon dentist, Park sq.
- Murray Matthew, iron founder; house, near Water lane
- Murray Wm. 1, White cloth hall st.
- Muschamp Thos. flour and provision dealer, Upperhead row
- Musgrave Benjamin, Lowerhead row
- Musgrave Benjamin, dyer, Bank; house Garden street
- Musgrave Benjamin, surgeon, Richmond place, Richmond hill
- Musgrave David, furniture broker, 52, Kirkgate
- Musgrave James, wholesale patten, patten ring & tie manufacturer, North passage, Lowerhead row
- Musgrave John, Richmond hill
- Musgrave John, agent. to collect rents, Musgrave's yard, Duke street
- Musgrave Samuel, dyer, Steander
- Musgrave Simeon, hop merchant, Hardwick's yard, 4], Briggate
- Myers Jas. coachman, St. George's St.
- Myers John, grocer, die. Hunslet lane
- Myers Joseph, dyer, School close
- Natt Joseph, carver, 31, Bk. Hope st.
- Naylor Abraham, merchant; house, 40, St. Peter's square
- Naylor Isaac, schoolmaster, Back of Charles street
- Naylor Jacob, gentleman, 1, Nile st.
- Naylor Jas. dresser, 45, Union street
- Naylor Jas. governor of Leeds workhouse, Top of Lady lane
- Naylor John and Jeremiah & Co. merchants, Hirst's yard, 82, Briggate, Hotel Tuesday's & Saturday's, and Wakefield.
- Naylor John, ferryman, (pleasure boats to hire) Hillhouse bank
- Naylor John, saddler, 143, Marsh lane
- Naylor John, tailor, 34, Meadow lane
- Naylor Jph. wheelwright Marsh ln. hd.
- Naylor Thos. stone mason, agt. to Jennings & Co. William's st. Water ln.
- Naylor Thos. woolsorter, 50, Union st.
- Naylor William, gent. Cobourg st.
- Naylor William, grocer, Grove place
- Naylor William, tailor, Bridge street
- Neal Joseph, joiner, and flour dealer, Hunslet lane
- Neesom James, wholesale tea dlr. & hop merchant, near Salem Chapel, Hunslet lane
- Neesom W. R. wholesale tea dealer & tobacco manufacturer, Bridge end
- Nelson Clement 27, Wood street
- Nelson Grace, dress mkr. Assembly et.
- Nelson James, Brunswick place
- Nelson James, clothes broker, 29, Vicar lane
- Nelson James, furnishing ironmonger & whitesmith, 47, Briggate
- Nelson Joseph, Assembly ct. Call ln.
- Nelson Sutcliffe, woolstapler, 32, Call lane; house, 19, Trafalgar street
- Nelson Thomas, whitesmith, Bell & Bull yard, Briggate
- Nettleton Hugh, Templar street
- Nettleton Jeremiah, 54, Union street
- Nettleton John, tailor, School close
- Nettleton Peter, corner and leather seller, 51, St. George's street
- Nettleton Thomas, bricklayer, White Lion yard, Kirkgate
- Nevins Pim & Sons, merchants and mfrs. Larchfield, Hunslet lane
- New Coal Staith, (W. Fenton, Esq.) Waterloo wharf; agent, James Dobson, Nethermills
- Newell John, tailor, Church lane
- Newhill Thos. victualler, Malt Shovel, Swinegate
- Newhouse Thos. dresser, 4, Union st.
- Newlove George, victualler, White Horse Inn, 14 Boar lane
- Newman Wm. blacksmith & farrier, 43, York street, Kirkgate
- Newsam Wm. shpr. 156, Marsh lane
- Newsome John, bookpr. Meadow ln.
- Newsome John, shopkpr. Quarry hill
- Newsome Joseph, gentleman, Providence row
- Newsome Thomas, tobacco manufacturer, 21, Upperhead row
- Newsome Wm. First fold, Mabgate
- Newton Geo grocer, 11, Kirkgate
- Newton John, letter carrier & grocer, Caroline street, Park lane
- Newton John, millwright, Watkinson's yard, Duke street
- Newton John, overlooker, Park lane
- Newton Matthew, furniture broker, 40, Kirkgate
- Nicholls James, schoolmaster, William's street, Meadow lane
- Nicholls John Welfit, cloth glosser, St. James's street
- Nichols Abraham, hair dresser, Low street St. Peter's
- Nichols Anne, 15, New street
- Nichols Anne, widow, Simpson's fold
- Nichols James, hair dresser and perfumer, 12, Lowerhead row
- Nichols John, Chamber's yd. Geo. st.
- Nichols John, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street
- Nichols Thomas mason, 42, High st.
- Nicholson & Hill, saddlers & harness makers, Woodhouse lane
- Nicholson Beatrice, 16, Hope street
- Nicholson Charles, victualler, Malt Mill, Lowerhead row
- Nicholson James, Esq. solicitor and town's clerk, & clerk to the commissioners of assessed taxes for the town and borough of Leeds, office, 12, Call lane
- Nicholson John, excise officer, St. Peter's square
- Nicholson John, saddler, Malt Mill yd.
- Nicholson Joseph, minister of the Ingamite chapel, School close
- Nicholson Lawrence, brewer, 35, Nelson street
- Nicholson Mrs. Park square
- Nicholson Robert, merchant; house, Mill hill
- Nicholson Samuel, book binder, 86, Meadow lane
- Nicholson Samuel, cloth drawer, Hunslet lane
- Nicholson Samuel, engraver & copper plate printer, Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- Nicholson Simon, joiner, Hainsworth's yard, Hunslet lane
- Nicholson William, Esq. surveyor of taxes, office, 4, Hirst's yard; h. Woodhouse cottage
- Nicholson William, brush mkr. Campfield
- Nicholson William, tobacco & snuff mfr. & tea dealer, Hunslet lane
- Nicholson, Brown and Co. bankers, Commercial street
- Nixon John, cloth mercht. Trinity ln.
- Noble Thomas, merchant; house, Wood house lane
- Norfolk John, commission alum merchant, Kirk Ings wharf
- Norfolk Joseph, butcher, 16, Old Shambles; house, Green's court
- Norman Thos. butcher, Old Shambles
- Normington Isabella, clothes broker, 119, Kirkgate
- North Benj. woolstapler, Wortley & Sterne's buildings, 40, Briggate
- North Reuben, grocer, School close
- Northend Joseph, Joiner and shopkeeper, 20, Queen street
- Norton George, cabinet maker, top of Mill hill
- Nuns William, rope maker, Gray's walk, Hunslet lane
- Nussey George, woollen and stuff dyer, Sandford street
- Nussey Joseph, wool dyer, Mill hill
- O'Brien I. staff-serjeant, Leeds recruiting district, 77, Marsh lane
- O'Brien John, tailor, Back Charles st.
- O'Conner John, shoe maker, Boy and Barrel yard, Wood street
- Oastler John, drysalter, Land's lane
- Oastler John, gentleman, Bean Ing
- Oastler Mrs. Sarah, Sheepscar lane
- Oates Frederick William, solicitor, & agent to the Birmingham Fire Office, George's court, Briggate; house, Park place
- Oates J. & Son, cloth merchs. Park ln.
- Oates John, saddler, Bramley's yard
- Oates Joseph, joiner, York street
- Oates Josiah, merchant; h. Burley
- Oates Stpn. Bramley's yd. Market pl.
- Oates Wm. Chamber's yd. Geo. St.
- Oates Wm. mason, Back Nile street
- Oates Mrs. gentwn. New road end
- Oates, Wood & Co. merchants, Albion street
- Officer James, baker and flour dealer, 21, North street
- Ogden John, gent. Green Mount pl.
- Ogden Mrs. Sarah, 33, Park place
- Ogle John, gentleman, Park lane
- Ogle Saml. grocer, tea dealer & linen manufacturer, 20, Cross parish
- Oldman Robert, woolstapler, Dickinson's court, Albion street; house, Hillhouse, Bank
- Oliver Thos. basket mkr. Liddle's yd.
- Ollrid Robert, master porter, Mill hill
- Orange John, draper, in, Briggate
- Ormerod John, bleacher, 33, Union st.
- Osburn John, clothes broker, 16, Kgt.
- Osburn Wm. & Co. importers & wine & spirit merchts. Upperhead row
- Osterfield Anne, Wellington street
- Othick Edward, bookkeeper, Lock house, Canal warehouse
- Othick Edward, bookseller, 21, Bridge end
- Ounsworth Stephen, shoe maker, Old Wool Pack yard, 71, Kirkgate
- Outhwaite Matthew, bookkeeper, Albion court, Mill hill
- Outhwaite T. coachman, Briggate
- Outhwaite Thos. Riley's row, York st.
- Overand Richard, grocer and flour dealer, 9, High causeway
- Overend James, Weaver's sq. Bank
- Overton Benjamin, haberdasher, laceman, and manufacturer of sewing cotton, 23, Briggate
- Oxley S. vict. Ship Inn, bk. Shambles
- Page John, overlooker, Mill garth
- Paget Eliz. Baron's yd. Upperhead row
- Paley Richard and Co. soap boilers, Kirk Ings.
- Paley William, gent. Squire Pastures
- Pallister George, Wellhouse, Bank
- Palmer Thomas, furnishing & general ironmonger, 21, Briggate
- Pape Thomas, oil merchant, Horse and Trumpet yard, Upperhead row; house, Sheepscar
- Parfitt James, 11, St. John's street
- Park Samuel, tailor, Church lane
- Parker Benjamin, dealer in corks, Rose & Crown yard
- Parker Benjamin, rope maker and waste dealer, Water lane
- Parker George, overlooker, Mill st.
- Parker John, Urquhart's yard, Bggt.
- Parker John, blacksmith, Old sqr. Kgt.
- Parker John, cloth worker, Hope st.
- Parker John, glover and breeches maker, Bank street
- Parker John, joiner & cabinet maker, Low street, St. Peter's
- Parker John, merchant and drysalter, Mill hill; house, Wellington st. Park lane
- Parker Joseph, victualler and cloth drawer, Old Dove, Call lane
- Parker Samuel, keeper of the public baths, Wellington road
- Parker Wm. brewer, Templar street
- Parkin Jonth. machine & lathe mkr. great Waterloo st. Hunslet lane
- Parkin Thos. nail maker, Gray's walk
- Parkinson Abraham. wine and spirit merchant, Commercial court, Briggate; house, Long Balk lane
- Parkinson George, joiner, Charles st.
- Parkinson James, butcher, 25, Old Shambles
- Parkinson Jane, gentlewoman. Brunswick place
- Parkinson Jonathan, blacksmith, Golden Cock yard, Kirkgate
- Parkinson Ralph, kerseymere printer, Back of 22, Boar lane
- Parkinson Robert, commission merchant, and agent to the Albion Fire, &c. office, Bank street; house, South row
- Parry John, wholesale hosier, 9, Cobourg street
- Parson William, traveller, St. John street, Lady lane
- Parsons Rev. Edward, minister of Salem chapel, Well close place
- Patchett & Mayor, hat manufacturers & furriers, 3, Briggate
- Patchett Jonathan, hat manufacturer; house, Providence row
- Patrick John, brazier, 3, High street
- Patrick Wm. rope mkr. Upper High st.
- Pattinson & Proctor, wine & spirit merchants, Albion street
- Pattinson John, geer and slay maker, 91, Meadow lane
- Pattinson Thomas, spirit merchant house, Bank street
- Pattinson William, joiner & builder, North st. Woodhouse lane; house, 27, Back st. Peter's square
- Pawson John, billiard rooms, George & Dragon yard, 40, Briggate
- Payne J. A. M.D. Park row
- Payne John & Co. drysalters, &c. Swinegate
- Payne R. E. solicitor, Albion street
- Peace Samuel, butcher, 14, Old Shambles; house, Green's court
- Peacock B. Son and Co. timber, mahogany, &c. merchants, Calls
- Peacock Barnaby, timber merchant; house, Grove, Calls
- Peacock Mrs. Ellen, a, Trafalgar st.
- Peacock Henry, Meadow lane
- Pearson Geo. cloth dresser, North St.
- Pearson J. 22, Brunswick place
- Pearson John, merchant, & cloth dresser, Skinner ln.; h. Grove terrace
- Pearson Joseph, carrier, Templar st.
- Pearson L.R. dress mkr. 17, Wood st.
- Pearson Mthw. butcher, Q. Shambles
- Pearson Robert, shopkr. North street
- Pearson Robert, victualler, Union Inn, 69, Briggate
- Pearson Sarah, 6, Newsome's yd Bggt.
- Pearson Thomas, joiner and builder, Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane
- Pearson Thos. coach guard, Hirst's yd.
- Peart Martha, George's st. George's st.
- Pease Robert, lap board maker, Bee Hive yard
- Pease T. B. merchant; h. Park place
- Peck Mrs. schoolmistress, George's st.
- Pemberton & Bellhouse, tailors and drapers, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Pemberton Elizabeth, dress maker, Sweet street, Meadow lane
- Pemberton Joseph, Wellhouse s square
- Pemberton Richard, tailor & draper, Milton street, Meadow lane
- Pemberton Wm. cloth drawer, Top cl.
- Pennistone Jonathan, Templar street
- Pennistone Jph. Stanley's yd. Lady ln.
- Penrose William, 10, Vicar lane
- Perfect John and William, & George Smith, bankers, 8, Briggate
- Perkin Geo. nail maker, Marsh lane
- Perkin Joseph, smith and nail manufacturer, York street
- Perry Saml. Silver street, Water lane
- Pettigrew Mark, Cavalier hill, Bank
- Petty John, bread baker and flour dealer, Meadow lane
- Petty William, surgeon, 16, Call lane
- Phillips Geo. leather leggins, breeches braces, mud boots, gloves, and military uniform maker, & tailor, 5, Vicar lane
- Phillips Jas. cloth dresser, Trafalgar st.
- Phillips Peter, tailor and draper, Old square, Kirkgate
- Phillips Thos. corn merchant, Warehouse hill; house, Wade lane
- Phillips Thos. shoe maker, Quarry hill
- Phillips Wm. Commercial ct. Briggate
- Phillips Wm. victualler and butcher, Prince of Wales, St James's st.
- Philliskirk Henry, tailor, Bridge end
- Pickard Christopher, secretary to the Infirmary, & letter press printer, Kirkgate; house, 130, Marsh lane
- Pickard Esther, 15, Albion ct. Mill hill
- Pickard George, cash keeper to Union Company, Fleece yd. Meadow ln.
- Pickard Jeremiah, shoe maker, Lawrence yard, St. Peter's square
- Pickard John, waterman, Meadow ln.
- Pickard Samuel, fulling miller, Nether mills
- Pickard Thos. tailor 81, Meadow ln.
- Pickering Chpr. 23, St. Peter's square
- Pickering F. paper hanging manufacturer; h. 22, St. Peter's square
- Pickering H. and Sons, paper hanging manufacturers, York street
- Pickering John, waterman, Kendell's row, Bowman lane
- Pickering Joseph, tailor, 47, Vicar ln.
- Pickersgill & Sons, carriers, Vicar ln.
- Pickersgill Thos. shoe maker, Crackner's yard, Vicar lane
- Pickersgill William, joiner and flour dealer, Hunslet lone
- Pickersgill William, victualler, Hope & Anchor, Call lane
- Pickford T. & M. carriers, Meadow ln.
- Pickles Benjamin, astrological doctor, Black bank
- Pickles Benjamin, stocking worsted manufacturer, 38, High street
- Pickles David, stuff manufacturer & shopkeeper, Wellhouse place
- Pickles John, worsted manufacturer, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Pickles Joseph, woollen draper, tailor, & undertaker, 3, Market place
- Pickles Rebecca, stuff manufacturer, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Pickles Sarah, victualler, Crown and Anchor, North street
- Pickles William, cloth drawer, Black Swan yard
- Pickles and Fawcett, dyers, Walker's yard, Timble bridge
- Pike Wm. vict. Lloyd's Arms, Duke st.
- Pindar Rev. Thomas, Turner street
- Plant Jas. cabinet maker, Templar st.
- Plint Jane, haberdasher, milliner and dress maker, 19, Commercial st.
- Plint Thos. traveller Commercial st.
- Plummer George, currier and leather cutter, 19, Vicar lane
- Poe Isaac, grocer, &c. 14, Hunslet ln.
- Poe John, Cooper's ct. Bowman lane
- Pollard Benjamin, 49, High street
- Pollard Joshua, stone merchant, New basin wharf; agent, John Atkinson
- Pollard Samuel, Harper street
- Pollard Thos. spindle and flier maker, Smithies' brick garth, Far bank
- Pollard Thos. translator, 25, Lady ln.
- Polti Joseph, barometer, thermometer and looking glass maker, Coxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Pomfret William, china and cut glass warehouse, 3, Commercial street
- Pontey F. seedsman, 30, Upperhd. row
- Pontey Martha, nursery and seeds-dealer, 30, Upperhead row
- Poole Richard, grocer, tea dealer and tallow chandler, South bar, Bridge
- Popplewell Richard, tailor, Goulden's buildings, Church lane
- Porritt John, Cankerwell lane
- Porter Edward, music and musical instrument dealer, Lowerhead row
- Poulter Gibson, house & sign painter, Cabbage hall, Woodhouse lane
- Pounder Saml. gent. Cobourg terrace
- Povey Stpn. clothes cleaner, Coach ln.
- Powell Edw. Green's ct. Bk. Shambles
- Powell James, Bank court, Briggate
- Powell Joseph, Old square, Kirkgate
- Powell Robert, joiner and cabinet maker, King's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Powell Thos. Holdforth's sqr. Bank
- Poynton I.M. auctioneer & appraiser at Star and Garter, Call lane
- Pratt Robert, Garden st. Marsh lane
- Prentis James, tallow chandler, Kirkstall new road
- Prest John, schoolmaster, George's st.
- Prest Samuel, Malt Shovel yard, Kgt.
- Preston John, Back of St. John's st.
- Preston Matthew, 3, Kendell's row, Bowman lane
- Preston Thomas, cloth dresser, 11, Bowman lane
- Preston Thomas, shopkeeper, Water lane
- Preston Wm. Westmoreland & Welsh blue slate merchant; dealer in Roman cement and plasterer's hair, St. George's wharf, Bridge; house, Hunslet lane
- Prestwick Benj. string and laceman, Stedman row, New road end
- Price Sarah, schoolmistress, Holdforth's square, Bank
- Price William, surgeon, Harrison's yd. Meadow lane
- Price Wm. accountant, Queen's sqr.
- Priestley C. T. commission agent, Far bank
- Priestley George, stover, Skinner lane
- Priestley John, overlooker, Meadow ln.
- Prince John, rope, twine & hair cloth manufacturer, 89, Kirkgate
- Prince Marmaduke, gent. Burley bar
- Prince Mary, keeper of the library and repository, Albion street
- Prince Sarah, hat manufacturer, dealer in Foreign and British spirits, 17, Upperhead row
- Prince Thomas, dyer, Isle of Cinder; house, Mill hill
- Prince Wm. cabinet mkr. bk. Hope st.
- Prince Wm. rope mkr. flax dresser & grass seedsman, Lowerhead row
- Prior George, watch clock and chronometer maker, Woodhouse lane
- Pritchard William, engineer, Bean Ing
- Proctor George, farmer, Sheepscar
- Proctor Henry, smith and farrier, Spence's yard, Upperhead row; house, Albion street
- Proctor James and Son, machine makers, Meadow lane
- Proctor John, whitesmith, scale beam and screw press maker, Bottom of George's street
- Proctor Mary, grocer and flour dealer, 22, Hillhouse, Bank
- Proctor Matthew, tobacco manufacturer; house, Queen's square
- Proctor Thos. milk dealer, Mabgate end
- Proctor William, 21 Sykes's yd. York st.
- Proctor William, dyer, 5, Call lane
- Proprietors of the Aire & Calder Navigation; warehouses, Simpson's fold and Warehouse hill
- Proprietors of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal; office, Water lane
- Pullan James, cylinderer, Grey walk
- Pullan Richard and Co. dyers, Buslinthorp, stuff & pelisse merchants, Park lane; house, Skinner lane
- Pullan Richard, steam engine manufacturer; house, Hunslet lane
- Pullan S. P. solicitor, Commercial St. house, Skinner lane
- Pullan Thos, overlooker, Ellerby lane
- Pulleine John linen draper and merchant, 9, Market place
- Pullison John, Bull & Mouth yd. Bggt.
- Punt Peter, butcher, 4, Old Shambles; house, Grove place
- Purchon Charles, flour dealer, Mill street and Steander
- Purchon John, Smith's yd. Kirkgate
- Purchon Robert, flour & earthenware dealer, 110, Kirkgate
- Purdy Thomas and Son, turners in wood, Calls
- Pybus Wm. tailor, Goulden's buildings
- Pygott James, tailor, 12, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Quin Elizabeth, widow, 22, Union st.
- Rabner Matthias, cabinet maker, St. James's street
- Radcliffe Henrietta, victualler, Old Crown, Bottom of Kirkgate
- Radcliffe John, victualler, Three Horse Shoes, Park lane
- Radford Wm. working gold & silversmith, jeweller and watch maker, 10, Market place; h. 5, Brunswick place
- Ragg John, woollen draper and tailor, 9, Lowerhead row
- Raisbeck John, shopkeeper, 5, High st.
- Raistrick Joseph, manufacturing chemist, School close
- Raistrick Jph. millwright, Bridge end
- Raistrick Samuel, vict. Star Mabgate
- Ramsbottom Jas. brush maker, Silver street, Water lane
- Ramsbottom John, Low st.
- Ramsden David, shoemaker, York st.
- Ramsden John, Low st. St. Peter's
- Ramsden John, grocer, 92, Meadow ln.
- Ramsden John, plumber and glazier, Bond street
- Ramsden Nimrod, 11, High street
- Ramsden William, victualler, Bull's Head, 93, Briggate
- Randall William dealer in woollens, &c. 38, St. Peter's square
- Randerson John, gent. Woodhouse ln.
- Randerson William, cloth drawer, Hare's yard, Hunslet lane
- Raper Benjamin, ironmonger, Bottom of Briggate
- Ratcliff James and Charles, white-smiths, Ratcliff's yd. North st.
- Ratcliff John, land surveyor, North parade
- Ratcliff Lydia, saddler and harness maker, 5, Lowerhead row
- Ratcliffe Wm. dresser, Top of High st.
- Rathmell John, house & sign painter, Rathmell's yard, Briggate
- Rawling Benjamin, woollen draper & tailor 35, Vicar lane
- Rawling John, flour dealer & grocer, Camp field
- Rawling Samuel dyer, School close
- Rawnsley John, bookkeeper, Blayd's court, Hunslet lane
- Rawson Catharine, confectioner, High causeway
- Rawson George, stuff merchant; h. Park square
- Rawson Jervas, fancy chair manufacturer York street
- Rawson Joseph, 18, Templar street
- Rawson Mrs. Lydia, Park square
- Rawson M. J. gentlewoman, Park ln.
- Rawson William, butcher, 18, Old Shambles
- Rawson, & Thackrey Brothers, stuff merchants, Park lane
- Ray Robert, clerk to collector of excise, Skinner lane
- Raynar John, solicitor, Hardwick's yd. 41, Briggate; house, Green hill
- Rayner Frd. master of the national school High ct. ln. h. Knowsthorp
- Rayner J. & W. merchants Almondbury Golden Lion yd. Tu. & sat.
- Rayner Joseph, agent, Mill hill
- Rayner Thomas, vict. Cross Keys, Hunslet lane
- Rayner Wm. dealer in teazels, Butt's lane, Park lane
- Rayson Mrs. Anne, Sunny bank
- Read Mrs., gentwmn. Park hs. Bean Ing
- Reade T. S. B. merchant; h. Park pl.
- Redshaw Thos. cloth maker, Far bank
- Reed Benj. wharfinger to the Leeds & London contract vessels, Wheat Sheaf wharf; h. 15, Bowman lane
- Reeding Chas. 3, Holdforth's sq. Bank
- Reffitt John, cloth dresser, North st.
- Reffitt Wm. George's ct. George's st.
- Reinhardt Johann Christian, druggist, 18, Cross parish
- Render Ann and Sarah, milliners and dress makers, Woodhouse lane
- Render M. A. dress mkr. Kendal row
- Rennison James, blue slate merchant; house, Water cottages, Water ln.
- Rennison John, shopkpr. Camp field
- Renshaw Wm. traveller, Jacob's well
- Renton Thomas, paper hanging manufacturer, Back of Shambles
- Renwick Richard, Harper street
- Reynard Jonth. 2. Holdforth sq. Bank
- Reynard Marmaduke, Burmantofts
- Reynolds John, gentleman, Park sqr.
- Reynolds Richard, ironmonger, iron merchant & brass founder, whitesmith, &c. 31, Briggt. & Swinegt.
- Reynolds William & Son, wine, spirit and porter merchants, court, Briggate
- Reynoldson Thos. Hillhouse, Bank
- Rhodes Ann, gentlewoman, Water ln.
- Rhodes F. & J. cloth dressers, Wade lane; house, Queen's square
- Rhodes J. W. & Co. stuff merchants & mfrs. Camp road, Long balk ln.
- Rhodes J. W. merchant; house, Camp field, North town end
- Rhodes James, Esq. Knowsthorp
- Rhodes James, butter & bacon factor, Bridge street
- Rhodes James, currier and leather dresser, Heaton's court
- Rhodes James, flock dealer, Land's ln.
- Rhodes James, shoemaker, York st.
- Rhodes John, joiner and builder, Woodhouse lane
- Rhodes John, whip manufacturer, Waddington's yard, Briggate
- Rhodes John, woolstapler, Meadow ln.
- Rhodes Joseph, landscape & portrait painter & drawing master, North town end
- Rhodes Joseph, shoemaker, Albion st.
- Rhodes Joseph, vict. White Horse, York road
- Rhodes Mrs. M. North town end
- Rhodes Martha, butter dealer, Vicar ln.
- Rhodes Mrs. Mary, Queen's square
- Rhodes Moses, butcher, Bridge street
- Rhodes Peter, Esq. Park place
- Rhodes Richard and Co. stone merchants, Navigation wharf; agent, Jonathan Alderson, Bridge street
- Rhodes Thos. bacon factor, Bridge st.
- Rhodes Wm. Foundry yd. Marsh lane
- Rhodes Wm. shoemkr. 21, George's st.
- Richards Samuel, woolfactor, White cloth hall street; house, North st. Woodhouse lane
- Richardson & Brother, sheeting mfrs. George and Dragon yd. Briggate
- Richardson D. O. and John, woollen printers Meadow lane
- Richardson Edw. shoemaker, Crackner's yard, Vicar lane
- Richardson Elizabeth, Pottery ln. end
- Richardson Geo. vict. and wholesale & retail spirit dealer, Black Swan, North parade
- Richardson James, house & sign painter Timble bridge
- Richardson John, 15, Marsh lane
- Richardson John, shoemaker, Rathmell's court, Bowman lane
- Richardson John, surgeon, 2, Commercial street
- Richardson John, wheelwright; h. Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Richardson Luke, shoemaker & horse provender dlr. 29, bk. George's st.
- Richardson Mrs. Mary, 1, Queen's sqr.
- Richardson Michael, Far bank
- Richardson Rd. gent. 7, Trafalgar st.
- Richardson Sarah, 15, Vicar lane
- Richardson Wm. & Sons curriers and leather sellers, Call lane
- Richardson Wm. captain of watch and patrol, Waterloo ct. Quarry hill
- Richardson Wm. cooper, Timble bdg.
- Richardson Wm. shoemaker, Mill hill
- Richie Robert, gentleman, Water ln.
- Rider David, merchant; h. North st.
- Rider Major, gentleman, Storey's fold, top of Quarry hill
- Rider Wm. Fairburn's field, York st.
- Ridsdale J. H. merchant, Woodhouse lane; agent to the Norwich Union Fire, &c. Office, 58, Mill hill; h. East parade
- Riley Jane, shopkeeper, Boar lane
- Riley John, flock merchant, Garden street, Marsh lane
- Riley Saml. schoolmaster, Drony laith
- Riley William, flour dealer, Mill hill
- Riley Wm. 26, New ln. Meadow lane
- Rimington Mrs. Elizabeth, ladies' academy, Well close house
- Rimington Henry, attorney, Library court, Commercial street
- Rimington Mrs. agent to the Phoenix Insurance office, Woodhouse lane
- Rinder Mrs. Anne, butcher, Duncan st. house, Boar lane
- Rinder Frederick, butcher, Duncan st.
- Rinder Henry, butcher, Bridge end; h. Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Rinder John, hotelier, 9, Market pl.
- Rinder John, tobacconist, Boar lane
- Rinder Joseph, butcher, 17, Old Shambles; house, New street
- Rinder Lucy, linen draper & tea dealer, Kirkgate
- Riorden Isabella, Hillhouse, Bank
- Ripley Henry, wood turner, North St. Woodhouse lane
- Ripley Isaac, Stainburn field, York st.
- Ripley John, Old Post office yard
- Ripley John, gentleman, Albion st.
- Ripley John, tailor & draper, Call ln.
- Ripley John, tobacco cutter Wood st.
- Ripley Samuel, Pleasant dairy
- Ripley Wm. patten maker, Nelson st.
- Ripley Wm. vict. Old Buck, Mabgate
- Riplingham William, starch manufacturer, Water ln. house, Queen's square
- Roberts Abm. canvasser, Top close
- Roberts James & Co. woolstaplers, White Horse yard and Holbeck
- Roberts Joseph, iron merchant, nail cutter, & dealer in shoe makers grindery, 35, back of George's st.
- Roberts Thomas, corn miller, Water ln.
- Roberts Thomas, gardener & seedsman, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Roberts Thomas, gentleman, Park sqr.
- Roberts William, shoemaker, Bank
- Robertshaw Benjamin, shopkeeper, York street
- Robertshaw John, cooper, Lady lane; house, 16, Bridge street
- Robertshaw Pamela, New road end
- Robertshaw William, gardener, Low street, St. Peter's
- Robinson & Co. stuff and woollen printers, Isle of Cinder
- Robinson & Hernaman, booksellers & stationers, 14 & 15, Commercial st.
- Robinson Mrs. Anne, West pl. Park ln.
- Robinson Anthony, tailor & draper, Wood's yard, Briggate
- Robinson Benj. painter, Sydney street
- Robinson David, painter, 3, Duke st.
- Robinson George, back of Charles st.
- Robinson George, linen manufacturer 16, Trinity lane; h. Woodhouse lane
- Robinson Grace, brazier & tin plate worker, Dodsworth's yd. Briggate
- Robinson Hannah, butcher, Lady bdg.
- Robinson James, cloth dresser; house, Wade lane
- Robinson James, hosier, 41, Briggate
- Robinson James, maltster, Paley's yd. house, Marsh lane
- Robinson James, painter, 15, Lady ln.
- Robinson John Clark, house and sign painter, Rodney yard 100, Briggate; h. Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Robinson John, 7, Turk's Hd. yd. Bgt.
- Robinson John, Lowerhead row
- Robinson John, butcher, Timble bdg.
- Robinson John, exciseman, 2nd division, St. John's street, Lady lane
- Robinson Margaret, Bridge street
- Robinson Mary, 21, Bridge end
- Robinson Mrs. Mary, Burley bar
- Robinson Matthew, public bakehouse, Church lane
- Robinson Miss, bookseller; house, Albion street
- Robinson Mould, traveller, West pl.
- Robinson Robt. linen mfr. Low bank
- Robinson Saml. cloth dresser, Mill hill
- Robinson Thomas, 21, Bridge end
- Robinson Thomas, bookseller; house, Westfield cottage near Knostrop
- Robinson Thomas, overlooker Water ln.
- Robinson Thomas, vict. Old Nag's Head Inn, bottom of Kirkgate
- Robson John grocer, &c. Sheepscar ln.
- Robson Mrs. South parade
- Rodwell Richard, tailor and clothes dealer, 21, Vicar lane
- Roebuck Israel, commission merchant, New road end
- Rogers James, Claypit lane, Woodhouse lane
- Rogers John, joiner, Stock's yard, Mill street
- Rogers Richard, Stainburn's field, York street
- Rogerson Thos. & Sons, drysalters & stone merchants, Bramley; office, Cundall's yard, 74, Briggate
- Rollinson Joseph, joiner, Marsh lane
- Rooke Edw. accountant & provisional assignee, St. Peter's square
- Rooke R. L. accountant & provisional assignee, 77, Briggate; house, Hill house, Bank
- Roper & Wrightson, merchants, Park
- Roper Wm. tinman, 106, Marsh lane
- Rose John, whitesmith, screwpress & machine maker, Neville street, School close
- Rose Wm. Hopp's yd. Lowerhead row
- Ross John, dresser, 16, High street
- Rothery Mrs. 4, Trafalgar street
- Rothery John & Co. mustard manufacturers, seed crushers, oil refiners & dealers, near Timble bdg.
- Rothery John, oil merchant; house, Sheepscar
- Rothery Joseph, victualler, Saracen's Head Boar lane
- Rothery and Birchall, woolstaplers, Albion street
- Rothwell Thos. commission dealer in dyewares, Goulden's buildings, York street
- Routh Geo. Cooper's ct. Bowman ln.
- Rowbottom John, 1, Charles street
- Rowley Samuel, dyer, School close
- Rowley W. G. hat manufacturer, 38, Briggate and 57, Kirkgate
- Royce John, gem & seal engraver, 15, Boar lane; house, Bean Ing
- Royston J. agent to Scott, Carver & Co. land & water carriers, Mill hill
- Royston Thos. woollen manufacturer & merchant, Templar ln.; house, Burmantofts
- Ruperti J. C. earthenware merchant; house, Leeds pottery
- Rushforth Joseph, joiner and builder, Regent Inn yard, Kirkgate
- Rushforth Joseph, merchant & manufacturer, Sunny bank
- Rushforth Saml. shoemaker, Lady ln.
- Rushforth Wm. hair dresser, Bank
- Rushton Joseph shoemaker, Peacock's yard, Cavalier hill
- Rushworth John, engraver & copperplate printer, Dickinson's court, Albion street
- Rushworth Joseph, merchant & manufacturer, Park lane
- Rushworth Joseph, pasteboard manufacturer, Ellerby lane
- Rushworth Mrs. Providence row
- Rushworth Thomas, gent. Sandford street, School close
- Rushworth Thos. vict. Spring gardens
- Russel Jane, straw hat mfr. Woodhs. ln.
- Russel Thomas, 25, Marsh lane
- Russel Thos. flour dealer, Nether mills
- Russel Wm. grocer, flour, &c. dealer, 68 Meadow lane
- Russell William, schoolmaster, Camp lane, Water lane
- Russum Richard, cloth dresser & shop. keeper, 24, Meadow lane
- Rutland James, joiner, Kellett's buildings, Top close
- Rycroft Mary Ann, 14, Hope street
- Rycroft William, grocer, Far bank
- Ryder James, butcher, 63, Kirkgate; house, 91 Templar street
- Ryley Benj. butcher, Upperhead row
- Sadler & Briggs, wholesale druggists, drysalter, & manufacturers of oil paints, 59, Kirkgate
- Sadler Edward, Burmantofts
- Sadler James, back Waterloo street
- Sadler M. T. merchant, Albion street
- Sadler Sarah, milliner & dress maker, 9, Burley bar
- Sagar John, linen draper, Bradford st.
- Sagar William, cloth merchant, Brunswick place
- Salmon Joseph, accountant, St. James's street
- Saltmer, Miss Matilda, Park square
- Salvin Lieut. Col. Auth. commanding officer of the Leeds district, Brunswick place; office, 24, Lowerhead row
- Sampson John, tobacco & snuff manufacturer 9, back of Shambles
- Sampson carrier, Wade lane
- Sanderson Jas. corn dealer, Land's ln.
- Sanderson Richard, whitesmith, Kgt.
- Sanderson Thomas, victualler, Volunteer, Amen corner
- Sanderson Thos. boot & shoe maker, 29, Hunslet lane
- Sanderson Wm. cooper, Bridge end
- Sandford William, millwright, Green mount, Meadow lane
- Sandiford Hannah, rug maker, 14, Bramley's row, North street
- Sands Jas. Newsome's yd. Briggate
- Sangster John, solicitor, Albion street
- Saville Benj. boot & shoe maker, 22, Upperhead row
- Saville George, shoe maker, Well-house place
- Saville James, shoe maker, Butt's ln.
- Saville Wm. cloth dresser, bk. Nile St.
- Sawer Joseph, butcher, Duncan street
- Saxton Robert, broker, 31, Kirkgate
- Saxton Thos. cloth drawer, High st.
- Sayer George, gentleman, Sheepscar
- Sayer Joseph, paper and rag dealer, White Hart yard, Market place
- Sayes W. & W. blacking manufacturers, 1, Water lane
- Sayner John & George, dyers, Hunslet lane
- Scales Rev. Thomas, Thorp's buildings, Hunslet lane
- Scaley Mrs. Elinor, Sheepscar
- Scarf Samuel, stuff manufacturer, Garden street
- Scarf Thomas, stuff manufacturer, Bullock's square, Far bank
- Scarr Gen. cloth drawer, Park lane
- Scarr John, warehouseman, Bridge st.
- Scarth W. G. dyer, Mill garth; house, Camp road
- Scatcherd Saml. Stansfield's yd. Kgt.
- Schlisinger U. S. merchant, Sheepscar
- Schofield Samuel, Low Leylands
- Scholes Anne, North st. Woodhs. ln.
- Scholey Geo. dyer Bowman lane
- Scholey John, cloth drawer, Nile st.
- Scholey John, shoe maker, Fleece yd.
- Scholfield John, dyer, School close
- Scholfield Joseph, victualler, Black Dog, Hillhouse bank
- Scholfield Mary, Kirkstall new road
- Scholfield Richard, woolstapler; h. Wade lane
- Scholfield Saml. dresser, York street
- Scholfield William, New road end
- Scholfield William, New road end
- Schroeder Henry, copperplate printer, Marsh lane
- Schwanfelder C. H. animal painter to his Majesty, Mill hill
- Schwanfelder J. & J. house and sign painters, top of Upperhead row
- Scott Abraham, dyer, Frederick row, Top close
- Scott H. N. butcher, Timble bridge
- Scott John & Co. carriers to Hull & London, Leeds lock
- Scott John & Son, rectifiers & spirit merchants, Simpson's fold
- Scott John, auctioneer, valuer and appraiser, 9, Hope street
- Scott John, book keeper, Black bank
- Scott John, tailor, Long balk lane
- Scott Mrs. Margt. Lisbon st. Bean lag
- Scott William, solicitor, Albion street
- Scott Wm. milk man, Pleasant dairy
- Scott fly. dresser Harper yd. Kgt.
- Scott, Carver & Co. carriers, White Horse yard, Boar lane
- Seal James, victualler, Seven Stars, Simpson's fold
- Seal John, joiner, Wellhouse street
- Searle George, chemist & druggist, 79, Briggate
- Searle William, starch manufacturer, Harper street; h. Top close
- Sedgwick John, wood turner, Nelson street; house, 78, Kirkgate
- Sedgwick Mary, tea, &c. dealer, 16, New street
- Sefton Thos. joiner, 8, Waterloo st.
- Selby Cath. nurse, Hardwick's yd. Bgt.
- Sellers Beckwith, tallow chandler, Wood street
- Senior Benj. shoe maker, Garden st.
- Senior Geo. tailor, Union yd. Bgqt.
- Senior John, French & sea biscuit baker, Kirkstall new road end
- Senior John, mason, 43, High street
- Senior Rd. bank clerk Woodhouse ln.
- Senior Thos. tea dealer, Bowman ln.
- Sephton Fran. butcher, 84, Marsh ln.
- Servant John, shopkr. 68, Quarry hill
- Servant William, victualler, Boy and Barrel, Wood street
- Settle Jas. wood turner, Templar St.
- Settle Susannah, straw hat maker, Meadow lane
- Settle Thos. Sykes's yd. York street
- Settle Wm. academy, St. James's st.
- Sewell John, grocer and flour dealer, Well street, Bean Ing
- Shackleton Martha, confectr. Call ln.
- Shackleton Samuel, eating house, & confectioner, 78, Briggate
- Shackleton Mrs. Susan, Clay pit lane
- Shackleton Wm. bank clerk Call lane
- Shann John & Samuel, cloth dressers, by machinery, Mabgate end
- Shann Samuel, cloth dresser; house, 16, Trafalgar street
- Shann Thomas, cloth merchant; house Park square
- Shann, Driver & Co. merchants and mfrs. Carlton hill, Woodhs. lane
- Sharp G. shoe mkr. 3, Upperhead row
- Sharp James, editor of the Leeds Independent newspaper, 18, Hope st.
- Sharp John, heckle maker, bottom of Ebenezer street
- Sharp John, joiner & builder, Turner street, Albion street
- Sharp John, stone merchant, New navigation wharf and Idle, White Horse; agent, Henry Watkinson, Swinegate
- Sharp Rebecca, victualler, Black Bear, East lane, Kirkgate
- Sharp Robert, stuff weaver, King st.
- Sharpe Jas. Watkinson's yd. Duke st.
- Sharpe Mrs. Mary, Nile street
- Shaw James, butter dealer, Birch's yard Lowerhead row
- Shaw James, umbrella manufacturer, 3, New street
- Shaw John, dresser, 57, High street
- Shaw John, dresser, Park lane
- Shaw Jonathan, grocer & flour dealer, 163, Marsh lane
- Shaw Joseph, butcher, 61, Briggate
- Shaw Joseph, iron merchant & manufacturer Swan st. & Hunslet iron works; house, Park square
- Sheard Joseph, shoe mkr. Camp field
- Shearer Geo. breeches maker, Wheat Sheaf yard Back of Shambles
- Sheepshanks Mrs. Anne, East parade
- Sheepshanks John, merchant; house, North Town end
- Sheepshanks William, merchant; h. Brunswick place
- Sheepshanks Wm. & John, merchants. North T. end; h. Sheepscar hall
- Sheeran John, victualler, Fountain Inn, Bridge end
- Sheerbrook Miss Eliz. Brunswick pl.
- Sheerbrook Thos. 21, Brunswick pl.
- Shephard Sarah, widow, 1, Bridge st.
- Shepherd John & Son, merchants, Blackman lane, Woodhouse lane
- Sheppard Thos. gent. Trafalgar st.
- Shergold William, Back High street
- Sheriff William, boot & shoe maker, 14, Kirkgate
- Sherwood Thos. goldsmith, jeweller & watch maker, 43, Briggate
- Sherwood Wm. supervisor, 1st district, St John's street, Lady lane
- Shiers Joseph, stationer and bookbinder, 2, Coach lane
- Shiers Marmaduke, Mabgate
- Shiers William, Back Nile street
- Shiers Wm. Butterworth's yd. Kgt.
- Shillito Thos. bottom of Park lane
- Shirt Ann, widow 17, Kirkgate
- Shirt Thos. cooper, under 94, Bggt.
- Shore Elizabeth, Timble bridge
- Shores Eliz. Fleece yd. Meadow lane
- Shute Henry, cabinet maker & pawn broker, 26, Kirkgate
- Shuttleworth James, cabinet maker, Back of Park row
- Sidden Arabella, 15, Near bank
- Siddle Wm. blacksmith, Timble bg.
- Sidebottom Abm. Royal Oak yd. Kgt.
- Sidwell William, New road end
- Sigston James, academy for young gentlemen, Queen's square
- Sigston Misses, ladies' boarding school, Park row
- Silversides Mrs. Alice, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Simmons Dvd. pipe maker, Quarry hl.
- Simons Thomas, billiard room, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Simpson Anthony, whitesmith and flyer maker, near Bank
- Simpson Benjamin, cooper & porter dealer, top of Bank street
- Simpson Edwin, foreign wool commission merchant 14, Albion st.
- Simpson James, 11, Hope street
- Simpson John & Joseph, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, Water lane
- Simpson John, Back Nile street
- Simpson John, grocer and tea dealer, 59, Briggate
- Simpson John, shopkpr. Meadow ln.
- Simpson John, tobacconist; house, Queen's square
- Simpson Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Meadow lane
- Simpson Joseph, woolstapler, Trinity lane; house, Park square
- Simpson Marg. Albion sq. Albion st.
- Simpson Rbt. 33, Back George's st.
- Simpson Robert, plumber & glazier, Simpson's fold
- Simpson Thomas, house & sign painter, & dealer in colours, 1, North parade
- Simpson William, plumber & glazier, Swinegate
- Simpson Wm. Bee Hive yd. Vicar ln.
- Singleton Martha, Liddle's yd. Bggt.
- Singleton William, timber merchant, Simpson's fold; h. Bowman lane
- Sirrs Thos. coach guard, Allison's yd.
- Sissons George, Brick st. Marsh lane
- Sissons Paul, butcher, Shambles
- Skelton & Wells, wine and spirit merchants, Albion street
- Skelton Henry, drysalter and oil dealer, Queen's court, Call lane
- Skelton Hy. spirit mert. h. Carlton hl.
- Skelton Jer. Stanley's yd. Lady lane
- Skelton John, hair cutter & toy man, 24, Briggate
- Skelton Mrs. Park square
- Skelton Thos. 19, Moxon's yard, Kgt.
- Skelton Thos. maltster, Water lodge
- Skelton William, Esq. Park lane
- Skilbeck S. agent for Mills' stays & corsets, Upperhead row
- Slack Wm. shopkeeper, Lady lane
- Slade William, cornfactor, Warehouse hill; house, Cobourg terrace
- Slater Christopher, general broker, warehouse, 24, Lowerhead row; house, Woodhouse lane
- Slater H. clothes broker, Timble bdg.
- Slater Jas. translator, Sidney street
- Slater John, stone merchant, New canal wharf
- Slater Stphn. flour dlr. Nether mills
- Slawin John, cabinet mkr. Black bank
- Smaller Wm. boot & shoe makr and undertaker, St. Anne's street
- Smallpage John, 6, St. John's street
- Smallpage John, cloth dresser, Sheepscar lane
- Smallpage John, watch maker, High causeway
- Smallpage Rd. cloth dresser, Sheepscar
- Smallpage Saml. dresser, Sheepscar
- Smalpage & Vickers, tailors, habit & pelisse makers, 22, Briggate
- Smalpage John, carpet, rug, & blanket commission warehouse, 22, Briggate
- Smith Alfred, land surveyor, Saddle yd.
- Smith Anne, widow, back Hope street
- Smith Benjamin & Son, timber merchants, Kirkgate
- Smith Charles, bookkeeper, St. James's street
- Smith Chas. butcher, 44, Old Shambles
- Smith Chpr. merchant; h. Kirkgate
- Smith Miss Eleanor, Trafalgar street
- Smith Elizabeth, butcher, Duncan st.
- Smith George, Park square
- Smith George, ironmonger; house, Carr place, Woodhouse lane
- Smith George, last maker, and dealer in shoe grindery, 79, Kirkgate
- Smith George, pork butcher, 54, Kgt.
- Smith George, schoolmaster, Mabgate
- Smith I. F. Long Balk lane
- Smith I. P. commission wool dealer, Albion street; house, East parade
- Smith J. & G. corn & oil millers, and stone merchants, Scott hall mills
- Smith James, butcher, 45, Old Shambles
- Smith James, coach guard, Templar st.
- Smith James, tea dealer, Bischoff's yard, North street
- Smith John & Sons, merchants, Kgt.
- Smith John, 58, St. George's street
- Smith John, Watkinson's yd. Duke st.
- Smith John, corn dealer, Church lane
- Smith John, dresser, 15, High street
- Smith John, gardener, York bridge
- Smith John, master of the vagrant office, top of George street
- Smith John, painter, George's street
- Smith John, tea dealer, School close
- Smith Jonas, Feetham's fold, Marsh lane
- Smith Jonas, skinner, Wilkinson's yard, Hunslet lane
- Smith Joseph, furniture broker, Kgt,
- Smith Joseph, iron mert. Cart place
- Smith Joseph, pawn broker, 80, K
- Smith Joseph, timber merchant, Simpson's fold; h. 1, Wilkes's place
- Smith Mary, widow, Bowman lane
- Smith Rbt. bookseller, 87, Briggate
- Smith Samuel, butcher, 13, Market p
- Smith Samuel, surgeon, 18, Commercial street
- Smith T. & Sons, ironmongers & hair seating mfrs. 92, Briggate
- Smith T. T. commission broker, St. Paul's buildings
- Smith Thomas, furniture broker, & flock dealer, 53, Kirkgate
- Smith Thomas, shoe maker, 101, Marsh lane
- Smith Thomas, shoe maker, 26, Hunslet ln.
- Smith Thomas, tailor, 5, John st. Lady ln.
- Smith Thomas, tinman, 38, Union st.
- Smith Thomas, woolsorter, Near bank
- Smith W. A. surgeon, Burley bar
- Smith W. B. Cart place
- Smith W. druggist, 19, Boar lane
- Smith Walker, commission agent, Saddle yard
- Smith William, butcher, k mustard dealer, 1, Back George's street
- Smith William, dyer; h. Sandford street
- Smith William, furniture painter & toll bar keeper, Wellington bridge
- Smith William, glass merchant; house, Queen square
- Smith William, hair dresser, 60, Call lane
- Smith William, merchant, Woodhouse ln.
- Smith William, merchant; house, North town end
- Smith William, milk dealer, Templar st.
- Smith William, shoe maker, 3, Bowman ln.
- Smith William, shoe maker, back Nile st.
- Smith and Moore, solicitors, clerks to the commissioners of assessed taxes, for the division of Skyrack, 17, Trinity lane
- Smith Mrs. gentwn. Cobourg street
- Smith, Warwick and Co. brass and iron founders, Leeds bridge
- Smithies Jas. gent. Hillhouse, Bank
- Smithies L. gent. Sheepscar hall
- Smithies William, Hillhouse, Bank
- Smithson John, cabinet maker and furniture broker, Hotel yard
- Smithson Robert, straw hat manufacturer, 18 St. George's street
- Smithson Saml. Albion court, Mill hill
- Snow Thos. Royal Oak yd. Kirkgate
- Snowden Geo. Cooper's ct. Bowman la
- Snowden Geo. joiner, Wellhouses, Bnk.
- Snowden John, grocer, Cross parish
- Somersgill Joseph, 19, Templar street
- Southern Wm. gent. Providence row
- Sowden Jeremiah, victualler, and maltster, Cross Keys, Water lane
- Sowden Joshua, joiner & cabinet maker, 31, St. George's street
- Sowden Matthew, stone merchant, Crown point. h. Albion street, and Albion wharf, Holland street, Bank side, Southwark, London
- Sowden Thos. shopkpr. 8, York street
- Sowerby Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 1, Old Post Office yard, Kirkgate
- Speight Benjamin & Son, joiners and cabinet makers, Park lane
- Speight James, shopkpr. Quarry hill
- Speight Joseph, hair cutter and confectioner, Bowman lane
- Speight Mrs. Sarah, 9, Commercial st.
- Spence Anne & Sons, cabinet makers, Simpson's fold
- Spence Eleanor, ladies' school, Queen's square
- Spence James, baker, Wade lane
- Spence James, cloth drawer, Meadow ln.
- Spence James, printer, St. James's st.
- Spence John, maltster, and agent to Messrs. Tootal of Wakefield, Paley's yard, Calls; house, High Court lane
- Spence Mary, army baker and flour dealer, 25, Upperhead row
- Spence Wm. dyer, back Nile street
- Spencer Mrs. Eleanor, New road end
- Spencer Eliz. dress mkr. School close
- Spencer Hannah, confectioner, Kgt.
- Spencer John, Low street, St. Peter's
- Spencer John, shoe maker, Bond St.
- Spencer S. traveller, St. Peter's sq.
- Spencer Saml. linen thread mfr. and dyer, Union place, Water lane
- Spencer Thomas, overlooker, Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Spink Henry, bookseller, binder, and stationer, 36, Briggate
- Spink John woolstapler, Land's lane; house, bean Ing
- Spink John, letter press printer, 24, Speedwell row
- Spink William, chemist and druggist, 30, Cross parish
- Spivey John, bailiff, 24, Lady lane
- Spurr Jas. flour dlr. St. James's st.
- Squire William, tea, coffee, and cocoa dealer 1, Boar lane
- Stafford John, shpkpr. Woodhouse ln.
- Stafford William, editor of the Leeds Intelligencer, Providence row
- Stainburn John, dealer in milk,
- Stainburn's field, York street
- Staley W. T. agent to Jackson & Co. London carriers; h. Camp road
- Stancliffe Samuel, maltster, Park lodge, York road
- Standeven Jas. boot & shoe maker, Kirkstall new road
- Stanfield William, silk dyer, Nag's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Stanley Jas. woolstapler, Simpson's fold; house, Hardwick's yard
- Stanley John, tobacconist, Skinner ln.
- Stansfeld, Briggs & Stansfeld, worsted spinners and manufacturers of bombazines, camblets, bombazets, &c. St. Peter's hill, Park lane
- Stead Mrs. Eliz. St. James's street
- Stead John, saddler & harness maker, 13, Upperhead row
- Stead Joseph, saddler & harness maker, 28, Upperhead row
- Stead Joshua, keeper of mixed cloth hall, Montreal
- Stead Matthew, joiner and builder, 21 Back of Hope street
- Stead Richard, baker, 42 Kirkgate
- Stead Samuel, grocer and tea dealer, 10, Upperhead row
- Stead Thos. victualler, Malt Shovel, Meadow lane
- Stead Wm. cabinetmaker, Marsh lane
- Steadman John, baker, Bean Ing
- Stears Morley, commercial school, York street; house Knowsthorp
- Stears W.M. working cutler, surgeon's instrument, umbrella, & parasol manufacturer, & agent to Cluley instrument maker, Sheffield, 86, Briggate
- Steel John, gentleman, Park lane
- Steel Joseph, victualler, Brewer's Arms, Kirkgate
- Steel Robert, potatoe dealer, Camp field
- Steel Thos. shopkeeper, Meadow ln.
- Steele John, shopkeeper, Paley's yd. Kirk Ings wharf
- Stenson Joseph, linen draper and stocking manufacturer, Manchester rovings; warehouse, Boar ln.
- Stephenson Edward cloth drawer, Blackman lane, Woodhouse lane
- Stephenson James, woollen draper, 53, Briggate
- Stephenson Joseph stuff manufacturer, 14, Hillhouse bank
- Stephenson Timothy, Meadow lane
- Stephenson William, confectioner, Burley bar
- Stevenson Thomas Sheepscar
- Stewart Charles, plumber and glazier, 25, Duke street
- Stewart Charles, tinman, Leylands
- Stewart Henry tailor, Camp field
- Stiran John, foot & shoemaker, 22, Meadow lane
- Stirk & Horsfield, brass & iron founders, manufacturers of steam engines, flax spinning, & mill machinery, water presses, & gas light apparatus, York street
- Stirk Joshua, 6, Templar street
- Stocks Benjamin woolstapler, fellmonger, & leather dresser, 19, Duncan street; house, Near bank
- Stocks Richard, millwright, Marsh lane
- Stonehouse Hannah, confectioner, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Stonehouse Robert siring & turret clock maker, Timble bridge
- Stones Jonathan, victualler, Spread Eagle, Meadow lane
- Storey Adam, maltster, School close; house St. James's street
- Storey Benj. Joiner, St. James's st.
- Storey John, plumber & glazier, Commercial court, Briggate
- Storey Thos. shoemaker, Black bank
- Storey William, Land's lane
- Stothard John, excise officer, Leylands
- Stott Harriot, gentlewoman, Park sq.
- Stott Sampson, Harper's yard, Kirkgt.
- Strafford Richard, tin plate worker, 23, St. Anne's lane
- Strangeways Edward, drysalter, Sterne's buildings, 40, Briggate
- Strickland Ann, poulterer, Mill hill
- Strickland Francis stone mason, Neville street, School close
- Strickland Joseph, stone mason, Mill hl.
- Strickland Wm. thread & cotton mfr. and rag dealer, Lady lane
- Strother Benjamin, stuff presser, Brewery fields Meadow lane
- Strother Marmaduke, gentleman, Timble bridge
- Strother Wm. gentleman, Burley bar
- Stubbins T. C. stuff merchant, West bar, Quebec
- Stubbs Francis, baker &c. 15, Kirkgt.
- Stubbs William, cattle dealer and butcher, 14, back of Shambles
- Sturdy Mrs. Mary, gentlewoman, Red hall, Burley bar
- Sturges John & Co. brass & iron founders, Alfred st. agent D. Hudson
- Sugden Frederick. butcher, 62, Briggate
- Sugden Jesse, tailor, Boyne's yard, near White Cloth hall
- Sugden John, maltster, Meadow lane
- Sugden John, tailor, Camp field
- Sugden Joseph, sizing boiler & soft glue maker, Near bank
- Sumpster Francis, Albion ct. Albion st.
- Sunderland Isaac, cloth dresser, Woodhouse lane
- Sunderland John, woolstapler, Sterne's buildings; h. Butt's court
- Sunderland Joseph, Norwich Union fireman, King's Arms yard, Lowerhead row
- Sunderland Joseph, schoolmaster, 9, Lady lane
- Sunter Thomas, joiner, 23, Nelson st.
- Sutcliff Mary shopkeeper, 19, Hillhouse bank
- Sutton Anne, shpkpr. Water lane, Bank
- Sutton John, Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Swail Solomon, boot & shoemaker, 17, New lane Meadow lane
- Swain Alice, 28, back of Hope street
- Swain R. & J. foreign wool brokers, 45, Albion street
- Swaine Benjamin, tailor, Mill street
- Swaine Robert, commission agent, bottom of Kirkgate
- Swale Thomas, gardener, Mill street
- Swallow Wm. Scott's yard, Off street
- Swan Robert, joiner, Sheepscar
- Swan Samuel, grocer and tea dealer, Kirkgate
- Swift James, dresser, 23, Union st.
- Swift Jas. Newsome's yard Briggate
- Swift Jeremiah, dresser, Marsh lane
- Swift Jeremiah, dyer, Nether mills; house St. Peter's square
- Swift John, commercial school, 3, Nelson street
- Sykes Geo. traveller, St. Peter's square
- Sykes John, bricklayer and builder, Garden street, Marsh lane
- Sykes John, druggist, Bridge end
- Sykes Jonathan, joiner and cabinet maker, Templar street
- Sykes Sam. butcher, 23, Duncan street
- Sykes William, common brewer, Salem place; Hunslet lane
- Sykes Wm. music seller & tuner of instruments, 16 & 18, Burley bar
- Sykes Wm. salesman, Queen's square
- Talbot John reporter and assistant editor of the Leeds Mercury, St. James's street
- Talbot Joseph, cabinet maker, Gill's yard, Kirkgate
- Tanner Robert, public accountant, agent to the London Union Fire, &c. office, & secretary to the Saving's bank, Bank street; house, Low fold, North street
- Tasker John, Old Infirmary yard, Kirkgate
- Tatham E. B. brazier and tin smith, Cundall's yard, Briggate
- Tatham Joseph, academy, 6, Camp Court., Water lane
- Tattersall Thomas, dresser, Bramley's yard, Market place
- Tax Office Hirst's yard, Briggate; W. Nicholson, surveyor, Woodhouse
- Taylor & Chapman, spirit merchants, Land's lane
- Taylor Charity, Kirk Ings Wharf
- Taylor David, dresser, Rathmell's court, Bowman lane
- Taylor Elizabeth, pawnbroker, St. John's street, Lady lane
- Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth, tea dealer, Wormald's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Taylor Mrs. Ellen, Green's court, back of Shambles
- Taylor J. jun. bricklayer, Nelson st.
- Taylor Jane, shopkpr. 14, George's st.
- Taylor John, brick maker & dealer, Burmantofts
- Taylor John, bricklayer and builder, 28, Union street
- Taylor John, carrier by land & water, (agent to Buckley) Water lane
- Taylor John, cooper, 43, Ebenezer st.
- Taylor John, joiner, top George's st.
- Taylor John, letter press printer, Lee's square, York street
- Taylor John, saddler, Bellman's yard, St. James's street
- Taylor Jonathan, land surveyor, 20, Commercial street
- Taylor Joseph, William's row, Water lane
- Taylor Joseph, nursery & seedsman, Colton, attendance on Tuesdays & Saturdays,
- Taylor M. surgeon, Water lane
- Taylor Martha, furniture broker, Meadow lane
- Taylor Matthew, shopkeeper, 5, St. James's street
- Taylor Nathan, woolsorter, Swinegate
- Taylor Robert, bricklayer Coach lane
- Taylor Robert, surgeon, 4, Kirkgate
- Taylor Samuel, cloth dresser, Grosvenor place, Hunslet lane
- Taylor Samuel, dresser, 17, St. Anne's lane
- Taylor Sarah, green grocer, under 55, Kirkgate
- Taylor Thomas, architect, Library court, Commercial street
- Taylor Thomas, machine maker, Mill garth; house, 21, York street
- Taylor Thos. overlooker, Woodhouse ln.
- Taylor Thos. shopkeeper, Timble bdg.
- Taylor William & Sons, tobacco manufacturers, Lowerhead row; h. New street 19, Lowerhead row
- Taylor William, grocer & tea dealer, 98, Briggate
- Taylor Wm. 5, New row Sheepscar lane
- Taylor Wm. dresser, 13, Waterloo st.
- Taylor, Wordsworth, & Co. flax, woollen, & worsted machine makers, & manufacturers of patent axle trees, and brass founders, Silver street, Water lane
- Teal Henry, land surveyor & land agent, Albion street; house, Stourton lodge, Hunslet
- Teale Joseph, butcher, Old Shambles
- Teale Josiah & Son, cabinet makers & upholsterers, 30, Lowerhead row; house, Trafalgar street
- Teale Luke, paper dealer, Bowman ln.
- Teale Richard, butcher, 70, Kirkgate
- Teale Thomas, butcher, Water lane
- Teale Thomas, cabinet maker, l4, Nile st.
- Teale Thomas, gentleman, Carr place
- Teale Thomas, surgeon, Albion street Teale William, linen & woollen draper, 32, Briggate
- Teall Henry, boat & vessel builder, Dock lodge, Monk pits
- Teall Thos. Old Bank yd, 84, Briggate
- Tebbs Joseph, victualler, Old George, Meadow lane
- Temple Mark, post master; house, Call lane
- Tennant Jas. milk man, Nelson street
- Tennant John, collector of taxes, 12, Lady lane
- Tennant Thomas & Son, merchants, Albion street
- Tesseyman Thomas, grocer, baker, & flour dealer, horses to hire, 28, Call lane
- Tetley David, dyers, Shore's yard, Timble bridge
- Tetley Joshua, British wine merchant; house, Park square
- Tetley William and Sons, maltsters, Armley; & British wine manufacturers, & agents to the Imperial Fire and Life office, Mill hill
- Tetlow Isaac, horse dealer Hunslet ln.
- Teuson Thomas, 49, Marsh lane
- Thackeray Henry, solicitor, Dodsworth's yard, 38, Briggate
- Thackrah C. T. surgeon, North street Thackrah Joseph, spring truss maker, & elastic steel surgical mechanist, Assembly court, Call lane
- Thackray Benj. 51, Kirkgate
- Thackray David, Lee's yd. Meadow ln.
- Thackray Edw. tailor, Duke street
- Thackray H. clothes broker, 112, Kgt.
- Thackray James, Templar street
- Thackray James, joiner and cabinet maker, Church lane
- Thackray John, plasterer, &c. Timble bridge
- Thackray Joseph, furniture broker & maltster 33, Kirkgate
- Thackray Stephen, list shoemaker, 27, Puke street
- Thackray William, Simpson's fold
- Thackray William, straw hat manufacturer, 5, Market place
- Thackrey Geo. stuff merchant, Little Woodhouse
- Thackrey John, stuff mercht. Park sq.
- Thackrey, Smith, and Haigh, dyers, Swine beck
- Thackwray John, dealer in long & short wools, Mill hill; h. School close
- Theaker Joseph, cabinet maker, and upholsterer, 106, Kirkgate
- Theaker Thomas, 18, Trafalgar street
- Thistlethwaite John, & Son, grocers & maltsters, Meadow lane
- Thomas James, town's crier, 70, Briggate; house, Kirkstall new road
- Thomas John, Union yard, Briggate
- Thomas John, worsted street, Bank
- Thomas Joseph back George's street
- Thomas Thomas, green grocer, Kgt.
- Thomlinson Elizabeth, plumber & glazier, Woodhouse lane
- Thomlinson James, Woodhouse lane
- Thomlinson Joseph, Low Leylands
- Thomlinson Thos. tailor, Coach lane
- Thomlinson William, Bridge street
- Thompson Anne, shopkeeper, Call ln.
- Thompson Mrs. Charlotte, ladies' seminary, Woodhouse lane
- Thompson Hugh, St. James's street
- Thompson James, Hunslet lane
- Thompson James, Kirkstall road
- Thompson Jeremiah, Burley bar
- Thompson John, 7, Camp field
- Thompson John, stone mason, Brewery field, Meadow lane
- Thompson Joseph, Harper st. Kirkgt.
- Thompson Joshua, Woodhouse lane
- Thompson Rt. shoemaker 35, Briggate
- Thompson Sarah, widow, Butt's ct.
- Thompson William, gardener & seeds-man, Blackman lane
- Thompson William, grocer, &c. Water ln.
- Thompson William, tailor, Top close
- Thompson William, wharfinger, Simpson's fold; house, Meadow lane
- Thompson Mrs. widow, Woodhs. lane
- Thornhill Robert, warehouseman, Hirst's yard, Market place
- Thornton & Moxon, carpet & hearth rug manufacturers, Lady bridge
- Thornton Henry, spirit merchant, Woodhouse lane
- Thornton James, Royal Old yd. Kgt.
- Thornton Joseph, 46, Duke street
- Thornton Launcelot, 5, Bowman lane
- Thornton Richard, tailor Wellhouses
- Thornton Sarah, shopkeeper, 7, Sykes' row, York street
- Thornton William, machine maker, 20, Goulden's buildings, York street
- Thorp John, 28, back George's street
- Thorp John, tea and coffee warehouse, 17, Briggate
- Thorp Joseph, victualler, Olive Branch, Swinegate
- Thorp R. W. D., M.D. East parade
- Thorp William, joiner & builder, Bowman ln.; h. Simpson's fold
- Threlkeld Thomas, plumber, glazier, & manufacturer of patent pipe, water closets, beer machines, & Hydraulic pumps, &c. 15, Call lane
- Thursby John, agent to the Globe fire, &c. office, New ln. Meadow lane
- Thwaites James, 3, Templar street
- Thwaites Michael, joiner, School close
- Thwaites William, boot and shoemaker Timble bridge
- Tidmas J. S. hosier and silkman, 96, Briggate
- Tidswell Frances, register office for servants, Park lane
- Tiffany C.T. & Co. brush mfrs. Land ln.
- Tiffany John, grocer & flour dealer, bottom of Kirkgate
- Tilney Nicholas, mason, Leylands
- Tilney Thomas and Sons, stone masons, Hunslet lane
- Tilney William, stone mason, Nile st.
- Tilsley Charles, dresser, Charles st.
- Tilsley William, hair cutter, Wood st
- Timms John, hosier, Lowerhead row
- Tinker Saml. jeweller, gold & silversmith & watchmaker, corner of Bond st.; house, Chapel-Allerton
- Tinkler William, victualler, Royal Oak, Old Church yard
- Titley, Tathams, and Walkers, flax spinners & manufacturers of patent thread, linens, &c. Water hall mill
- Tobin J. W. tailor, 14, Harper street
- Todd Cuthbert, St. Peter's square
- Tolson John, Shears yard, Kirkgate
- Tolson Matthew, Cavalier hill, Bank
- Tolson Peter, bookkeeper, Coal staith, Hunslet lane; house, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Tomlin James, fashionable boot and shoemaker, 11, back of Shambles
- Tomlinson William, pawnbroker, 8, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Took Peter, spoon mkr. Gill's yd. Kgt.
- Tootal & Co. cornfactors; warehouse, Meadow lane
- Tootal John and Thomas, cornfactors, Warehouse hill; agent, John Spence High court lane
- Topham Dennis, boot & shoe warehouse, 15, back of Shambles
- Topham Francis, tailor Assembly ct.
- Topham George, bat manufacturer, and dealer, 77, Kirkgate
- Topham George, saddler and buckle maker, Old square, Kirkgate
- Topham George, saddler and trunk maker, 9, Boar lane
- Topham John, carrier, & leather seller, dealer in hair, 57, Call lane
- Topham Mark, linen and woollen draper, 17, Cross parish
- Topham Richard, gent. Wellington rd.
- Topham Richard, tailor, ready made clothes warehouse, 43, Kirkgate
- Topham Samuel, engraver & copperplate printer, 11, Boar lane
- Topham Thomas, engraver & copper plate printer 11, Boar lane; grocer & flour dealer, Ebenezer St.
- Topliss Elizabeth, 34, York street
- Tottie T. W.; house, Beech grove, Woodhouse lane
- Tottie, Richardson, & Gaunt, solicitors, and agents to the Sheffield fire office, &c. Albion street, & 33, Poultry London
- Towers Matthew, 22, Hope street
- Townend James, shoemaker, Marsh ln.
- Townend John, Cavalier hill, Bank
- Townley A. V. Bowman lane
- Townsend J. & C. joiners, Royal Oak yard, Kirkgate
- Townsend John, sen. cabinet maker, Boot & shoe yard, Kirkgate
- Townsley William, Assembly court
- Townsley William, back 22, Boar lane
- Tracey Stephen, tailor, 26, Lady lane
- Trant Thomas, druggist, 29, Briggate
- Tranter Edward, shopkeeper, 16, Nelson street
- Tresilian Leonard, veterinary surgeon, West place
- Triebner & Co. tobacco manufacturers, near Water lane
- Tripp Ann, tea dealer, 10 St. Ann St.
- Tuer John, bookkeeper, Far bank
- Tuke Edward, tailor, 5, Duke street
- Tuke Geo. hairdresser, Timble bridge
- Tunstall Joseph, pipe maker, Mabgate, & Quarry hill
- Turkington Charles, gentleman, 12, Trafalgar street
- Turkington Grace, shopkeeper, Frederick street, Top close
- Turkington Joseph, bookkeeper, Sunny bank, Cankerwell lane
- Turlay James, cabinet maker & house builder, Old Infirmary yard, Kirkgate; house, Lady lane
- Turnbull Hen. Wood's yd. Bowman ln.
- Turnbull James, cut glass manufacturer 5, Woodhouse lane
- Turnbull Thos. waiter, Bank street
- Turner Brothers, woollen cloth manufacturers, 6, Harper street
- Turner Elizabeth, Glover's yard, Ebenezer street
- Turner George, 12, St. Peter's square
- Turner Giles, woolstapler, 74, Meadow lane; house, Fleece yard
- Turner James, Smith's raff yd. Kgt.
- Turner John, gentleman, Turner's yard Vicar lane
- Turner Michael, Tebbs' yd. Meadow ln.
- Turner Sarah, Fox & Grapes yd. Kgt.
- Turner Thos. bottom St. James's pl.
- Turner William, Wellhouses, Bank
- Turner William, fancy chair manufacturer Lowfold, Low st. St. Peter's
- Turtle J. victualler, Bay Horse, Cross Parish
- Turtle Thomas, excise officer, Kendell's row, Bowman lane
- Turton E. dress maker, Kirkstall road
- Turton John, Fleece yd. Meadow lane
- Turton John, joiner & builder, back Nile street
- Turver William, cooper, Rayson's Old yard, Market place
- Tute & Calvert, dyers, Skinner lane, Sheepscar
- Tute James, surgeon, Call lane
- Tute William dyer; house, Sheepscar
- Tutil Thomas, Worsted street Bank
- Tweedle Mary, Old square, Kirkgate
- Umpleby John, Prince's yard, Kirkgt.
- Umpleby William, hat manufacturer, and dealer, 42, Vicar lane
- Uncless Thos. Stainburn's fld. York St.
- Underwood David, corn dealer, Kirk Ings Wharf; house, Brunswick pl.
- Uppleby Margaret, gentlewoman, East parade
- Upton Miss Apalina, North street
- Upton John, solicitor; h. Park square
- Upton T. E. solicitor, and agent to the Royal Exchange Fire office, Commercial court, Briggate
- Urquhart Binning, linen draper & silk mercer, 50, Briggate
- Uttley John, Shoulder of Mutton yard
- Uttley John, sergeant major of First West York Militia, Black bank
- Varey Thomas, tea dealer, 7, John St.
- Varey William, Bridge street
- Varley Jane, confectioner, Call lane
- Vaux Daniel, Warehouse hill
- Veevers John, joiner, Marsh lane head
- Verity Benj. Garden st. Marsh lane
- Vickerman Richard, 7, Off street
- Vickers John Ash, patten and patten ring maker, and wholesale dealer, Harper street Kirkgate; house, Skinner lane, Sheepscar
- Vickers Mary and Son, patten and patten ring makers, 81, Kirkgate; warehouse Harper st. Kirkgate
- Vickers Mrs. Mary, 13, St. Peter's sq.
- Vickers Thomas, gentleman, 8, Trafalgar street
- Vincent Mrs. West place
- Vitton Francis, bookkeeper, at Mr. Neale's, Hunslet lane
- Vitty Dorothy, back Charles's street
- Waddington George, master of Lancasterian school; residence, Dyson house, Burley
- Waddington Rt. joiner, Meadow lane
- Waddy William, adjutant, Near bank
- Wade Benjamin, linen draper, hosier, & glover, 99, Briggate
- Wade Isaac, woolstapler, Queen's ct. Call ln; h. near Timble bridge
- Wade John, Providence st. Top close
- Wade John, schoolmaster, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Wade John, surgeon, 6, Boar lane, & Potternewton
- Wade John, woolstapler, Bank street, & Beeston
- Wade John, woolstapler, Calls
- Wade Joseph, shoemkr. Upper High st.
- Wade Joshua, woolstapler, Simpson's fold; h. New lane, Meadow lane
- Wade Mary, saddler & harness maker, 12, back of Shambles
- Wade Sarah, vict. Rodney, 101, Bggt.
- Wade William & Son, woolstaplers, Call lane; house, Camp lane
- Wade William, Kirkstall new road
- Wade William, hosier & glover, Bridge
- Wadman Peter, bacon & flour dealer, & grocer 93, Briggate
- Wadsworth James, brush maker, 9, Camp field
- Wadsworth Saml. printer, 20, Union st.
- Wadsworth Thomas, milk seller & flour dealer, Bank
- Wager Thomas, book keeper, Commercial street
- Waggitt John, plasterer, 11, George's st.
- Waggitt John, jun. vict. & plasterer, Bee Hive Ian, Vicar lane
- Wainhouse Edward & Co. merchants, Belle vue, St. Peter's hill
- Wainhouse Mary, Sunny bank, Cankerwell lane
- Wainwright David & Son, merchants, 46, Park lane
- Wainwright John. collector of taxes, St. John's place, Wade lane
- Wainwright Mark & Son, merchants, Park lane
- Waite George, accountant, Upton's court Woodhouse lane
- Waite John, Larchfield, Hunslet lane
- Waite William, cabinet maker, Brown Cow yard, Meadow lane
- Waite Wm. glass & lead merchants, Upperhead row; h. Burley lodge
- Wakefield John, York street, Kirkgate
- Wales Edward, linen draper & undertaker 37, Briggate
- Wales John, house & sign painter, & gilder, 4, Lowerhead row
- Walker Abraham, Albion square, Albion street
- Walker Anne, coal dealer, 6, Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Walker Anne, straw hat maker, 30, Ebenezer street
- Walker Ard, distiller & wine merchant, Briggate; house, Park place
- Walker Benjamin, merchant, house, Water lane
- Walker Mrs. Betty, 13, Park square
- Walker Elizabeth, widow, Calls
- Walker Rev. G. head master of the Free Grammar School; house, North Town end
- Walker G.L. wool, oil, & general commission agent, Land's lane; house Cobourg street
- Walker Hannah, flour, &c. dealer, 78, Kirkgate
- Walker James, butcher, Old Shambles
- Walker James, collector of water rate, Newsome's yard, Briggate
- Walker James, gardener & blank maker, North street
- Walker James, watchmaker, Top close
- Walker James, wheelwright, Coal staith yard
- Walker Jane, Turk's Head yard, Briggt.
- Walker John, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Walker John, Water hall, Water lane
- Walker John, jun. bookkeeper, Cookson's yard, Kirkgate
- Walker John, sen. bookkeeper, Far bank
- Walker John, bread baker, Waddington's yard, Briggate
- Walker John, cabinet maker, & house builder, Lower Templar street
- Walker John, cloth drawer, Church ln.
- Walker John, dresser, 50, Water lane
- Walker John, indigo merchant, Park place
- Walker John, timber merchant, Water lane, grocer, flour, &c. dealer, 2, Kendell
- Walker Joseph, chemist & druggist, 66, Briggate
- Walker Joseph, merchant; house, Queen's square street, Bowman lane
- Walker Joseph, plumber & glazier, Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane; house, top of George's street
- Walker Joseph, woollen manufacturer, Thorp's buildings, Hunslet lane
- Walker Misses M. & B. Park square
- Walker Mark, machine maker, Mabgate Walker John, dyer, Near bank
- Walker Mary, confectioner, Water ln.
- Walker Mary, gentlewoman, Park pl.
- Walker Metcalf, butcher, East lane
- Walker Nathaniel, clothes broker & tailor, 103, Kirkgate
- Walker Oswell, butter factor, Charles st.
- Walker R. & J. stuff merchants, 36, Park lane
- Walker Rt. tailor, 14, Little Templar st.
- Walker Samuel, maltster, Garden st. Marsh lane, & Park lane
- Walker Samuel, silk, cotton, & woollen dyer, Swinegate
- Walker Samuel, victualler, Eagle & Child, Hunslet lane
- Walker Mrs. Sarah, Park square
- Walker Thomas & Sons, merchants, mfrs. & dressers, Woodhouse lane
- Walker Thomas, spoon maker, Turk's Head yard, Briggate
- Walker Thomas, tea dealer, 9, Nile street
- Walker Thomas, victualler, Strafford Arms, High court lane
- Walker W. L. veterinary surgeon, Bramley's yard, Market place
- Walker William, valuer & appraiser, 50, Templar street
- Walker Wm. 7, Old Infirmary yard
- Walker Mrs. bottom of Kirkgate
- Walker, Churchill & Walker, woolstaplers, Albion street
- Walley Samuel & Co. woolstaplers, Alfred street & Call lane
- Wallis John, printer, Little London
- Wallis Nathaniel, tailor, High street
- Wallis Richard, traveller, Bank street
- Wallis Rt. 2, Allison's yd. Ebenezer st.
- Walls Chas. shoemaker, Waterloo st.
- Walls Geo. grocer, 153, Marsh lane
- Walmsley Benj. dresser, York st.
- Walsh & Dunbar, marble & stone masons, Park row; h. Little London
- Walsh Saml. dresser, 1, George's st.
- Walsh Thos. Golden Cock yard, Kgt.
- Walsha John, stone & marble mason, Cankerwell lane
- Walton Benj. whitesmith, Charles st.
- Walton Joseph, tailor, &c. Near bank
- Walton Richard, dyer, Steander; h. Squire pastures
- Walton William, house & sign painter, Cowell's yard, Briggate
- Wanless William, Vine st. Hunslet. ln.
- Ward Benj. merchant; h. Crown point
- Ward Elizabeth, victualler, Three Legs of Man, 7, Lowerhead row
- Ward George, Park street
- Ward John, school master, East lane
- Ward John, schoolmaster, back High st.
- Ward William victualler, Bull and Mouth Inn, Briggate
- Ward William, boot and shoemaker, 14, Lowerhead row
- Ward William, last, patten, and boot tree maker, 83, Briggate
- Ward William, solicitor, Boar lane; h. Salem place & Kirkstall bridge
- Wardle Francis, bookkeeper, Frederick street, Top close
- Wardle George, dealer in oil and colours, 25, Kirkgate
- Wardle Thomas, linen draper, 24, Cross parish
- Wardrobe Edw. house & sign painter, North passage, Lowerhead row
- Warham Thomas, wine & spirit merchant; dealer in tea and coffee, and agent to the Newcastle Fire Office, 6, Trinity lane
- Waring Samuel, Kirkgate
- Warner M. traveller, St. James's st.
- Warrener Joseph, School row, Bank
- Warwick Joseph, iron founder; house, George's court, Briggate
- Washington A.G. wholesale grocer, and druggist, 88, Timble bridge; house, Burmantofts
- Wass Joseph, bookkeeper, Skinner ln.
- Wass William, grocer and tea dealer, 6, back of Shambles
- Wasse Joseph, grocer, tea dealer, and tobacconist, 56, Kirkgate
- Waterhouse Jane, Cankerwell lane
- Waterhouse William, woolsorter, Charlesworth's yard, Briggate
- Waterworth Thomas, machine maker, Walton's yard, Steander
- Watkinson George, gardener, and seedsman, Camp lane
- Watkinson Henry, mason and stone agent, Swinegate
- Watkinson John, Bridge street
- Watkinson William , Watkinson's yard, Duke street
- Watkinton James, cloth drawer, back of Nile street
- Watson Adam, linen draper, Nelson st.
- Watson Ann, 6, Low st. St. Peter's
- Watson Ann, gentlewoman, South parade
- Watson Ann, widow, Hunslet lane
- Watson Benjamin, dyer, Leylands; house, 15, St. Peter's square
- Watson David, milk seller, 62, Marsh lane
- Watson E.A. and M. mantua makers, Cripplegate, Mill hill
- Watson Elizabeth, dress maker, Princess street, New road
- Watson Emanuel, joiner, Cripplegate, and York street
- Watson Miss Frances, ladies' boarding school, Providence row
- Watson George, corn and flour dealer, 63, Call lane
- Watson John, Wright's yd. Bowman ln.
- Watson John, cheap shoe warehouse, Bridge end
- Watson Joseph, Albion sqr. Albion st.
- Watson Joseph, Hirst's yd. Briggate
- Watson Joseph, plane mkr. Templar st.
- Watson R. B. foreign and general agent, 12, Commercial street
- Watson Richard & Joseph, plane makers, and veneer sawers by machinery, Crown point; house, Hirst's court, Briggate
- Watson Thomas & Son, stuff & cloth dyers, School close; h. Well close
- Watson Thomas, bottom of Church ln.
- Watson Thomas, portrait painter, 31, Bridge street
- Watson Thomas, tobacco & snuff mfr. & tea & hop dealer, Cross parish
- Watson William & Son, corn millers, & flour dealers, Kirk Ings wharf
- Watson William & Son, dyers, Leylands
- Watson William, 36, Nelson street
- Watson William, boat & vessel builder, Bowman lane; h. Cooper's court
- Watson William, shopkeeper, Bridge end
- Waud John, straw hat manufacturer, 11, Sykes's row, York street
- Waud Joseph, plasterer, Templar st.
- Weare William, victualler, Waterloo Inn, Nether mills
- Weatherhead William, 21, Nelson st.
- Webb Samuel, turner in wood and ivory, 150, Marsh lane
- Webster Geo. Sykes' yd. Hunslet ln.
- Webster Geo. gent. North Town end
- Webster James, joiner, Malt Mill yard Lowerhead row
- Webster John, grocer, Woodhouse ln.
- Webster John, miller, Marsh ln. head
- Webster Joseph, Low tenters, Swinegt.
- Webster Michael, joiner and builder, Park lane
- Webster Susannah, hall keeper, White Cloth hall
- Webster Thomas, drysalter; Waddington's yd. Briggate; h. Burmantofts
- Webster Wm. pocket book, pattern card, & ass skin manufacturer, 24, Newsome's yard, Briggate
- Wells Abraham, spirit merchant; h. York street, Kirkgate
- Wells Chas. shopkeeper, l Mill st. Bank
- Wells John, patten maker, 9, back of Shambles
- Wells Mary, widow, St. George's st.
- Wells Wm. cloth drawer, Little London
- Welsh Widow and Son, carriers by land, Bank street
- Wesson John, tailor, Dickinson's court, Albion street
- West William druggist, 14, Briggate
- Westerman Edward, woolsorter, Malt Shovel yard, Kirkgate
- Westerman Joseph, warehouseman, Broadhead's yard, Briggate
- Westerman Rd. eating house, Call lane
- Westmoreland & Wrigglesworth, timber and raff merchants, Calls
- Westwood William, merchant & manufacturer, Low fold, North street
- Wetherherd, Mrs. St. James's street
- Wetherhill John public bakehouse, Mill street, Bank
- Wetherill John, cowkeeper, Marsh ln.
- Whaley Jas. vict. Cross Shears, Kgt.
- Whaley William, tobacco manufacturer 22 Lowerhead row
- Whalley Joseph, woolstapler, 27, Mill hill; house, Holbeck
- Wheater Margaret, St. James's street
- Wheatley Samuel, Kirkstall new road
- Wheatley Wm. hair dresser, 7, Lady ln.
- Wheelwright John, Little London
- Wheelwright Mrs. Mary, Woodhouse lane
- Wheelwright Miles, St. John's place
- Whitaker Benjamin, tailor and draper, Allison's yard, Briggate
- Whitaker Mrs. Cobourg street
- Whitaker Isaac, stone merchant and mason, Church lane
- Whitaker John, flour dealer, Harper st.
- Whitaker John, house & sign painter, japanner, and clock dial maker, Trinity lane
- Whitaker R. S. common brewer and maltster, Harper st. and Water ln.
- Whitaker Rd. bookpr. Hillhouse bank
- White Benjamin, tanner, Hillhouse place
- White George, tobacconist and tea dealer, 61, Woodhouse bar
- White James, flour dealer, draper, & maltster, Mabgate
- White John, music preceptor, Park row
- White John, victualler, White Lion, 86, Quarry hill
- White Joseph, tailor, Newsome's yard, Briggate
- White Robt. wholesale grocer, Wharf street; house, Bowman lane
- Whitehead I. I. and A. woolstaplers; house, Wellington road
- Whitehead John, canvasser, Quarry hill
- Whitehead John, shopkeeper, 176, Marsh lane
- Whitehead Thos. butcher 62, Kirkgate
- Whitehead Thos. shoemkr. Templar st.
- Whitehead W. tailor and habit maker, 2, George & Dragon yard, Briggt.
- Whitehead Wm. & Sons, woolstaplers, 9, Duncan street, and Nottingham
- Whitehead Wm. maltster, Bridge st.
- Whiteley Eli, stuff weaver, (clerk to the Prince of Wales Society) Spitalfields, Bank
- Whiteley James, worm doctor, Garden street, Marsh lane
- Whiteley Mrs. Mary, Park row
- Whiteley Thos. flock dealer, Swinegate
- Whitfield William, traveller & bookkeeper, Bellmont, North hull
- Whitham Mary, straw hat mkr. Mill st.
- Whitlark Elizabeth, girls school, Woodhouse lane
- Whitlark John, commission wool dealer, Priestley's yd. Meadow lane
- Whitlark M, M. schoolmaster, Woodhouse lane
- Whittaker Eliz. widow, Cobourg st.
- Whittaker Ellen, maltster, Water ln.
- Whittaker James mason, Walker's yard, Timble bridge
- Whittaker John, cloth dresser, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Whittaker John, victualler, Horse & Jockey, Bond street
- Whittaker Wm. blacksmith, Green row
- Whittaker Wm. shopkeeper, Camp ln.
- Whittling Elizabeth, dress maker, Bull and Bell yard, Briggate
- Whitwell Charles, cabinet maker, John street Meadow lane
- Whitworth Daniel, vict. Golden Cock, list and washer cloth dealer, Kgt.
- Whitworth William machine maker & board cutter, Low mill, Mill st.
- Widdop Samuel, stone merchant and mason, Low fold, Hillhouse, Bank; house, Wellhouse street
- Wigglesworth B., butcher, 113, Marsh ln.
- Wigglesworth Elizabeth, 4, New st.
- Wigglesworth Frederick, wholesale & retail furnishing ironmonger, 6, Market place
- Wigglesworth Thomas, stuff commission agent, 33, St. Peter's square
- Wigglesworth William, butcher, Old Shambles
- Wigglesworth William, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, Mill garth; house, North street
- Wikeley Thomas, straw hat manufacturer, 29, Templar street
- Wilcock Elizabeth, victualler, Black Horse, Mill hill
- Wilcock Joseph, painter, Camp road
- Wilcock Sarah shopkeeper, 111, Kgt.
- Wilcock Mrs. Sarah, milliner & dress maker, Cabbage hall
- Wilcock William, writer, Cobourg st.
- Wild James, baker, flour dealer and confectioner, 41, Hunslet lane
- Wild John, rag dealer, 85, Quarry hill
- Wilde Francis, 60, St. George's street
- Wilde Francis, victualler, Wild Man, Quarry hill
- Wilde James, letter press printer, 62, St. George's street
- Wilkinson Anne, confectioner, 62, Woodhouse lane
- Wilkinson Anne, matron of the House of Recovery, Vicar lane
- Wilkinson David, 12, Ebenezer street
- Wilkinson Elizabeth, Sheepscar lane
- Wilkinson Henry, cheesemonger and bacon factor, 31, back of Shambles
- Wilkinson James, general commission. agent, 1, Templar street
- Wilkinson Jas. & Wm. merchants and manufacturers, Hunslet lane
- Wilkinson John, Wormald's yard, Meadow lane
- Wilkinson John, agent, 48, Duke st.
- Wilkinson John, rope maker, Park ln.
- Wilkinson John, wheelwright, New rd.
- Wilkinson John, woolstapler and merchant, 2, Albion street; residence, Elmwood house
- Wilkinson John, woolstapler, Albion st.
- Wilkinson Joseph, shoemaker, Sykes's yard, York street
- Wilkinson Js. tobacco cutter, Bridge st.
- Wilkinson Richard, joiner, White Hart yard, Market place
- Wilkinson Robert, milk seller, Harrison's yard, Hunslet lane
- Wilkinson Thomas, cheese, flour and bacon factor, Quebec, Park row
- Wilkinson Thomas, cooper and sieve maker, 42, Briggate
- Wilkinson William, flour, &c. dealer, Kgt.
- Wilkinson William, merchant; house, Mount pleasant
- Wilkinson William, painter, Nile st.
- Wilkinson Mrs. gentlewoman, Cobourg terrace
- Wilks J. & G. and Co. merchants and manufacturers, Meadow lane
- Wilks Mrs. J. back of Nile street
- Wilks Jonathan, merchant; house, Meadow lane
- Wilks T. W. maltster, Hunslet lane
- Wilks Wm. merchant; house, Burley
- Wilks, Shepherd and Co. merchants, Meadow lane
- Willans Benj. flour dealer, Hunslet ln.
- Willans Jas. shoemaker, Stainburn's field, York street
- Willans Obadiah, King street, Wellington road
- Willans Peter, merchant; h. Park pl.
- Willey James butter factor, Wood st.
- Willey John, bacon and flour dealer, Templar street
- Willey Thos. translator, Marsh ln. head
- Williamson James, M. D. Park row
- Williamson John, victualler, Harper's Arms, Harper street
- Williamson Matthew, 52, Marsh lane
- Williamson Matthew, horse dealer, back Waterloo street
- Williamson William, horse dealer, 20, Waterloo street
- Williamson William, horse dealer, Black bank
- Willis Richd. dancing master, Park ln.
- Willis William, letter press printer, Wellington yard, Kirkgate
- Wilshire Anne, straw hat and dress maker, Summer st. Park lane
- Wilshire Jacob, vict. Old Parrot, Call ln.
- Wilshire James Brice, Hunslet lane
- Wilshire W. B. dresser, Duke street
- Wilson Benjamin, gentleman, Park ln.
- Wilson Benjamin, timber merchant and sloop builder, School close
- Wilson Charlotte, straw hat manufacturer, Bridge street
- Wilson Ebenezer, printer, Bridge st.
- Wilson Edward, brandy, &c. merchant, 46, Kirkgate
- Wilson Miss Eliza, schoolmistress, St. John's place, New street
- Wilson Ephraim, grocer, St. James's st.
- Wilson Frances, 23, Nile street
- Wilson Frederick, house and sign painter, 14, Upperhead row
- Wilson George, jun. letter press printer, Kirkstall New road end
- Wilson George, printer & bookseller, 3, Kirkgate
- Wilson George, tin plate worker, 44, Vicar lane
- Wilson Mrs. Jane, Carr place
- Wilson John & Son, linen merchants, Camp hall, Water lane; house Seacroft hall
- Wilson John, cloth drawer, Park lane
- Wilson John, cloth merchant, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Wilson John, dresser, St. James's st.
- Wilson John, dyer, 39, Marsh lane
- Wilson John, friezer, Sheepscar
- Wilson John, house and sign painter, Meadow lane
- Wilson John, victualler, Nag's Head, 6, Upperhead row
- Wilson Jonas, Frederick street
- Wilson Jonathan and Son, stone and marble masons, Wade lane
- Wilson Joseph, cabinet maker and builder, 3, Duke street
- Wilson Joseph, saddler, Nelson street
- Wilson Joseph, whitesmith, Water lane end
- Wilson Josias, tea dealer & soda water manufacturer, Woodhouse lane
- Wilson Mary, Fleece yd. Meadow ln.
- Wilson Mary, confectioner, corner of Bank street
- Wilson Matthew, butcher, Briggate
- Wilson Michael, tailor, Top close
- Wilson Miss, gentwmn. Little London
- Wilson Richard, cattle dealer, Hunslet ln.
- Wilson Richard, woollen draper and tailor, 20, Lowerhead row
- Wilson Robert, Woodhouse lane
- Wilson Robert, plasterer, Nile street
- Wilson Robert, surgeon, Woodhouse ln.
- Wilson Robert, umbrella maker, back of St. John's church
- Wilson Sarah, tailor and draper, 3, Land's lane
- Wilson Sarah, widow, Bridge street
- Wilson Thomas, bookkeeper, Green mount place, Meadow lane
- Wilson Thomas, hair dresser, Water lane
- Wilson William, butcher, 62, Briggate; house, Turner's court
- Wilson William, dyer, Marsh lane
- Wilson William, engineman, School close
- Wilson, Stow & Co. stuff merchants, 45, Albion street
- Wincup Richard, 36, Call lane
- Wincup William, Warehouse hill
- Wind John, currier, 41, Call lane
- Winders Hannah, dealer in old clothes, Briggate
- Windle Christopher, gent. Queen's sqr.
- Windross Mark, schoolmaster, Steander
- Windsor Ann, milliner, York street
- Windsor John, butter factor, bottom of Nelson street
- Winn John, cabinet maker, upholsterer, appraiser & furniture broker, 82 Kirkgate
- Winn Thomas, tailor, Wood street
- Winn Thos. broom maker, East lane
- Winter Benjamin and Samuel, cloth merchants, Mill hill
- Winter Margaret, shopkpr. Quarry hill
- Winteringham Robert, York street
- Wittenbury E. back of Park row
- Wolford Richard, cooper, Camp road
- Wollaston Rev. W. C. second master of grammar school; h. Camp pl.
- Womack Charles, tailor, Low street St. Peter's
- Womersley Clifford, Claypit lane
- Womersley John, fetter press printer, 2, Gamble's ct. top of George's st.
- Womersley Jonth. dresser, Bean Ing
- Womersley Joseph 9, Queen's square
- Womersley Wm. Fox and Grapes yd.
- Wood Abraham, Mill st. Marsh lane
- Wood Benj. shoemaker, Ellerby lane
- Wood Benj. spirit merchant, Timble bridge; house, Skinner lane
- Wood Benjamin, wood turner, White cloth hall street
- Wood Charles, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, Lady, lane; house, Brunswick place
- Wood Chas. public bakehouse, Bank
- Wood Chs. cloth dresser, St. Peter's sq.
- Wood David gentleman, Water lane
- Wood Eliz. Fox & Grapes yd. Kirkgt.
- Wood Eliza, Royal Oak yd. Kirkgate
- Wood Mrs. Ellen, Camp road
- Wood George, cabinet maker, Leylands
- Wood George, fruiterer, Burley bar
- Wood George, lime merchant, Warehouse hill
- Wood George, shoemaker, Vine st.
- Wood Hannah, sausage mkr. Wade ln.
- Wood J. and Co. carriers by water, Simpson's fold
- Wood James, Liddle's yd. Briggate
- Wood James, boot and shoemaker, Quarry hill
- Wood James, fashionable boot and shoemaker, 48, Briggate
- Wood James, stationer & bookbinder, dealer in old books 23, Kirkgate
- Wood James, tailor, Brewery field, Meadow lane
- Wood Mrs. Jane, Park place
- Wood Jas. wood turner, St. George' St.
- Wood John & Son, dressers, Meadow ln. Wood John, cloth merchant; house, Green mount place
- Wood John, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Wood John, William's row, Meadow ln.
- Wood John, bookkeeper, Brewery field, Meadow lane
- Wood John, butter factor, Wood st.
- Wood John, dealer in nooks and lists, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Wood John, painter & grainer, Leeds bridge; house, Cobourg street
- Wood John, shopkeeper, Meadow ln.
- Wood John, stuff and blanket manufacturer and merchant, Boar lane; house, Crimp place
- Wood John, vict. .Fox & Grapes, Kirkgt.
- Wood John, woolstapler, Park lane
- Wood Joseph, Kendell's row, Marsh ln.
- Wood Joseph, house and sign painter, Wood's court, Briggate
- Wood Joseph, solicitor Kemplay's ct. Kirkgate; house, Millhouse, Bank
- Wood Joshua, butcher, Old Shambles
- Wood Joshua, dyer, 27, Coach lane
- Wood Jph. & Son, stuff dyers, Call ln.
- Wood Margaret, vict. Dusty Miller, Swinegate
- Wood Maria, listing mkr. Hill hs. Bank
- Wood Mrs. Mary, Bank street
- Wood Matthew, Urquhart's yd. Briggt.
- Wood Richard, cloth glosser; h. Calls
- Wood Richard, joiner, George's st.
- Wood Richard, merchant, Templar st.
- Wood Richard, wood turner and furniture dealer, Vicar lane
- Wood Robert, maker up, Ellerby ln.
- Wood Robert, upholsterer, Mill hill
- Wood Thomas, dresser, Timble bridge
- Wood Thomas, vict. Black Lion Inn, Near bank
- Wood Thos. shoemaker back Nile st.
- Wood Thos. whitesmith, bell hanger scale beam maker, Bank bridge
- Wood William & Richd. cloth glossers & flock dlrs. Cookson's grove, Calls
- Wood William, Royal Oak yard, Kirkgate
- Wood William, Union row, Quarry hill
- Wood William, cloth glosser; house, Woodhouse lane
- Wood William, shoemaker, Turk's Head yard, Briggate
- Wood William, tailor, 48, Call lane
- Wood William, turner in wood, Fox and Grapes yard, Kirkgate
- Wood William, wood turner, Steander
- Woodburn John, brush maker, 13, Ebenezer street
- Woodcock and Harrison, machine makers, Meadow lane
- Woodhead Benj. joiner, Charles st.
- Woodhead Benj. plumber and glazier, Harrison's yard, Meadow lane
- Woodhead Geo. painter, Templar ln.
- Woodhead Henry victualler, Pack Horse, Slip Inn yard, back of Shambles
- Woodhead Henry, joiner, Ebenezer St.
- Woodhead Joseph, Mill street, Bank
- Woodhead Joseph, woolstapler White cloth hall street; h. Templar st.
- Woodhead Matthew, Norwich Union fireman, 15, Brick street, Bank
- Woodhead Richard & Co. joiners and builders Lady lane
- Woodhead William, jun. Templar ln.
- Woodhead and Whitehead, joiners, builders & brick mkrs. Harper st.
- Woodhouse John, joiner, Coach lane
- Woodson Benjamin, boat builder and carpenter, Water lane
- Woodson Geo. Stanley's yd. Lady lane
- Woolley Edw. coal dealer, Quarry hill
- Woolley Mrs. Mary, Park row
- Woolley Stephen, bricklayer, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Woosey Thomas, merchant and cloth dresser, top of Providence row house, Pleasant dairy
- Wormald Bryan, woollen draper, 15, Briggate
- Wormald Henry, butcher, Duncan st.
- Wormald John, cloth dresser, Woodhouse lane
- Wormald Richard, Esq. Park terrace, Park lane
- Wormald Samuel, cloth dresser, Woodhouse lane
- Wormald Sarah, confectioner, Woodhouse lane
- Wormald Thos. blacksmith, Meadow ln.
- Wormald William, painter and gilder, King's Arms yd. Lowerhead row
- Wormald Wm. butcher, Duncan st.
- Worrall John, royal navy; house, South row, Skinner lane
- Worsey Wm. shoe-warehouse, 26, Bgt.
- Worswick Richard and Son, upholsterers, paper hangers & cabinet. makers 21, Lowerhead row
- Worswick William, blacking maker, Camp field
- Wray Charles bricklayer & builder, near Meadow lane
- Wray Rev. George, A.M. Lecturer of the Parish Church; h. Burley
- Wray John, grocer, Black hank
- Wray Thos. time keeper, School close
- Wray Wm. butcher, Old Shambles
- Wrigglesworth Mrs. B. Trafalgar st.
- Wrigglesworth John, Old Church yd.
- Wrigglesworth John, wholesale and retail grocer, Meadow lane
- Wrigglesworth Joseph, wholesale grocer, 8, Lowerhead row
- Wrigglesworth Wm. timber merchant, Kirkgate; maltster, Wellhouses house, Cookson's yard, Kirkgate
- Wright George, stone mason, Wade lane & Portwood house
- Wright George, tailor, 5, Leylands
- Wright James, butcher, Quarry hill
- Wright James, cloth merchant, Park lane; house, Queen's square
- Wright John, butcher, Timble bridge
- Wright John, cloth dresser, Smith's yard, Sheepscar lane
- Wright William, Far fold, Mabgate
- Wright William, Low fold, North st.
- Wright Wm. currier, Back Nile street
- Wrightson Wm. druggist, 6, Kirkgate
- Wylde John & Co. woolstaplers, 36, Call lane
- Wylie Henry, victualler, Queen's Head, Mill hill
- Yarborough John, Old Post office yd.
- Yates P. D. shopkpr. Marsh ln. head
- Yewdall John, grocer, 29, bk. Shambles
- Youill Thomas, ale, and black beer brewer, Paley's yard, Calls; h. 11, St. Peter's square
- Young David, merchant and manufacturer, Bowman lane
- Young George, coach guard, 8, Turk's Head yard, Briggate
- Young Henry, dyer, Swinegate
- Young John & Co. woollen mfrs. and commission merts. Simpson's fold
- Young John, warehouseman, Templar st.
- Younger Joseph, shoe maker, York st;
From the Bull and Mouth, William Ward, Briggate.
- The ACCOMMODATION every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arrs. from Skipton at half past 10 morn. and returns at half past 3 aft. through Otley, Ilkley and Addingham.
- The ROYAL FORRESTER to Pontefract at ½ p. 3 afternoon.
- The WAKEFIELD TRADESMAN arrives every morning at 10, returns every evening at 6.
- COACH to Scarbro' every morning at 7, during the bathing season.
- NEW MAIL COACH to Liverpool, thro' Halifax, Rochdale, Bolton, and St. Helen's every afternoon at 3.
- NEW MAIL to York at ½ p. 5 in the morning, through Tadcaster.
- OLD TRUE BLUE every morning at 7 in Summer and 8 in Winter, to York, Beverley and Hull, returns at past 5 in the evening.
- ROCKINGHAM to London every morn. at 8, through Ferrybridge, Doncaster, Newark, Stamford, &c, returns at 10 in the morning.
- ROYAL NEPTUNE to Liverpool every morning at 6, through Bradford Halifax, Rochdale, Bolton, Chowbent, and St. Helen's, returns at 8, in the evening.
- TELEGRAPH every morning at half past 5, to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, returns at 8 in the evening.
- The DEFIANCE every morning at 6 to Manchester, through Bradford, Halifax and Rochdale, returns at 8 in the evening.
- The HIGH FLYER to Newcastle, thro' Knaresbro', Boroughbridge and Thirsk, every morn, at ½ p. 4, returns at 9 in the evening.
- The TALLY-HO Post Coach from Ripon, through Harrogate & Harewood, arrives at 9 morn, returns at half past 1 afternoon.
- BLUCHER every morng. at 6, to Hawden's Hotel, Selby, where it meets the Steam Packets for Hull.
- CORNWALLIS every morning at 6, by Huddersfield, Marsden, Delph & Oldham, to the Mosley Arms, palace & Star Inns, Manchester, whence coaches proceed to Liverpool hourly.
- EXPEDITION to Newcastle at ½ past 4 in the morning.
- EXPRESS Post Coach to London every morning at 6, by Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester, Northampton, Wooburn, &c. and arrives at the Bull & Mouth, at 1 at noon.
- NEW MAIL to Huddersfield at ¼ before 6 in the morning.
- REGULATOR every morning at ¼ before 10, by Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Marsden, Delph and Oldham to Manchester, where it arrives at 4 in the afternoon, thence proceeds to Liverpool, where it arrives at 9 at night.
- ROYAL MAIL to London every night at 8, thro' Sheffield, (where it meets the mails for Birmingham, Oxford, &c.) Nottingham, Melton Mowbray, Kettering, Bedford, &c. and arrives at the Bull and Mouth at ½ past 10 at night
- TALLY-HO Post Coach arrives from Ripon at 9 morning, and returns by way of Harrogate at ½ past 1 afternoon.
- TELEGRAPH every morn, at ½ p. 5, by Harrogate, Ripon, Catterick, Darlington and Durham, to the Turf and Half Moon Inns, Newcastle, where it arrives at 8 in the evening.
- UNION every morning at 10, (Sundays excepted) by Skipton, Settle and Kirkby Lonsdale, to the King's Arms, Kendal, whence Mails and Post Coaches proceed daily to all parts of the North; returns to Leeds at 7 in the evening.
- WELLINGTON every afternoon at ½ past 3, to the Black Swan, York, returns to Leeds at 9 the following morning.
- ALEXANDER every afternoon (Sundays excepted) at 4 to Skipton, by Bradford, Halifax, and Keighley.
- HIGHFLYER from York arrives at ¼ before 9 morning, returns through Tadcaster every afternoon at 3.
- Highflyer to Manchester ever morning at ¼ before 10, throng Bradford Halifax and Rochdale, returns at 2 afternoon.
- MAIL to Liverpool every morning at 3, returns at ½ past 5 at night
- Mail to York every evening at 6 where it meets the mails destined to all parts of the kingdom, and at 12 at night proceeds to Hull.
- New MAIL COACH to Liverpool every afternoon at 3.
- New MAIL to York every morning at 6, through Tadcaster, and returns from York ½ before 12.
- PRINCE BLUCHER to Scarbro' at 4 before 10 morning, during the Summer, returns to Leeds at 5 in the evening.
- ROYAL UNION arrives from Sheffield daily at 1 at noon, returns through Wakefield and Barnsley every day at 2, in time to meet the Buxton. and Birmingham coaches.
- ROYAL UNION (4 insides) arrives from Ripon at ½ past 9 morning, and returns through Harrogate at ¼ before 2 afternoon, daily.
- ROYAL UNION to London, through Ferrybridge, Doncaster, Retford, Newark, Grantham, Stamford, &c. &c. daily at 12 at noon, arrives in Leeds (on return) at half past9 morn.
- THE HOPE (4 insides) every day (except Sunday) at 6 morn, to Selby, where it meets the Steam Packets for Hull, whose arrival is waited for to convey passengers to Leeds.
- TRUE BRITON Post Coach (6 insides) daily at 12 at noon, by Millbridge Huddersfield Junction & Oldham, to the Swan inn, Manchester, returns to Leeds at ½ past 8 night.
- The Commercial Union every morning at 8 to Manchester, through. Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Marsden, Delph, and Oldham, returns at 8 in the evening.
- ROYAL ALEXANDER. arrives from Bradford every morning at 4 past 10, and returns at 6 evening.
- TRUE BLUE to Wakefield every morning at ½ past 9, returns at ½ past 6 evening.
- A Coach arrives from Thorp Arch and Boston every Tuesday & Saturday, at 4 past 9 morning, and returns same days at 4 afternoon.
From the Aire and Calder Dock, Simpson's Fold.
- The AIRE AND CALDER COMPANY'S Fly Boats are dispatched every evening (Sundays excepted) from their warehouse in Simpson's Fold to Selby, where they arrive in 12 hours, and deliver their cargoes on board a Steam Packet, which sails every morning and lands packages, &c. at Hull the same afternoon, whence they convey goods to London and places on the coast.
- The Company have also a number of Contract Vessels which convey goods regularly to London, also to Lynn, Wisbeach, Boston, Yarmouth, Newcastle and other places on the coast.
- Vessels Inland to York, Malton, Gainsbro', Lincoln, &c. Agent J. H. Hodson, New Dock, Simpson's Fold.
- A number of Contract Vessels convey goods direct in one bottom regularly every week, to the Wheat Sheaf Wharf, Wapping, London. Agent at London, Joseph Fletcher. Agent at Leeds, Benjamin Reed, house, Bowman lane.
- CONTRACT VESSELS from Simpson's Fold regularly twice per week to Hull. G. Mells, Agent.
- JOHN SCOTT & Co's. Vessels from Leeds Lock, regularly to Hull, London, and all parts of the kingdom.
- A number of Vessels regularly to all parts of the coast.
- CONTRACT VESSELS from the New Basin, Simpson's Fold, direct in bottom to London.-Wharfinger at Leeds, W. Thompson; At London, J. Milnes.
- CONTRACT VESSELS, three days per week to Hull, from Simpson's son's Fold.-Agents at Hull, Mills & Kipling. At Leeds, W. Clark.
- DRURY'S Vessels from the Aire and Calder Company's Warehouse Simpson's Fold, to Gainsbro' and Nottingham.
- FLY BOATS daily from the end of Bowman lane to Selby whence goods are forwarded by the Steam Packet, Humber, to Hull, Gainsbro', &c. Agents, Fisher, Fletcher & Co.
- JOSEPH Hall's Vessels from the Wheat Sheaf Wharf, Simpson's Fold, to Gainsbro' and Nottingham, weekly.
- Old Contract Vessels convey goods direct in one bottom to the Three Cranes Wharf, Queen street Cheapside, London, one. of which sails from their wharf, Simpson's Fold, every Saturday.-Agents at Leeds, J. Wood and Co. Agents at London, Sills & Co.
- The LEEDS and HULL UNION CONTRACT have a number of Vessels which convey goods to and from Hull, a vessel every day. - Agent at Leeds, Richard Clarke Bridge Wharf. Agents at Hull, Bromley and Clark; M. Margeson, Shipping Clerk.
- The UNION COMPANY'S Vessels daily to Manchester, by way of Wakefield, Sowerby, Rochdale, &c. from Simpson's Fold and Old Basin. Agent at Leeds, Thos. Mawson. Agents at Manchester E. and J. Thompson, Piccadilly Wharf.
- Vessels which sail every week convey goods direct in one bottom, to Hayes' Wharf, Tooley street, near London bridge.-Agents at London, W. Bedford and W. Humphrey, Hayes' Wharf.
- W. MORLEY & Co's. Contract Vessels every 10 days, from Simpson's Fold, to Doncaster, Sheffield, &c. Agent W. Clark.
- HENRY TEALL'S Packet from the Pottery Warehouse, Water lane, Leeds, 3 days per week alternately to the Old and New Cranes Wharf; York.
- JOHN SCOTT'S Vessels from Leeds Lock regularly to Bradford, also to H till and London.
- The UNION COMPANY employ about 40 vessels in the transport of goods, &c. to the different towns on the line of the above canal, from their warehouse, Water lane: The Company's Fly Boats, which sail every day, convey goods to Liverpool, &c. in 4 days.- Acting agent at Leeds, Thos. Mawson, Water lane. Agent at Liverpool, Geo. Dearden, Canal warehouse.
- YORK PACKET, Thomas Hewitt, from the Chain Crane, Simpson's Fold, Leeds, to the Old Crane, York, once per week.
From Buckley and Co's. Warehouse, Water Lane,
- Loads conveyed every evening, (except Sunday) at 9 o'clock, by land to Dewsbury, and thence by Fly Boats, through Huddersfield Saddleworth, &c to Manchester, (in 60 hours) whence packages are expeditiously forwarded to all parts of the kingdom. Agent: John Taylor.
- C. Pickersgill, to Ripon, Bedale, and Richmond, every Thursday.
- Goods conveyed daily to Bradford, Halifax, Rochdale, Oldham and Manchester, whence goods are forwarded to all parts of the kingdom. Also, every evening to Selby, and thence by Steam Boats to Hull.
- HOBSON COCKERHAM & Co. daily to Wakefield, Barnsley, Sheffield, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham Bristol, &c.
- W. PEARSON, to Knaresbro' & Thirsk, every Tu. Thursday & Saturday.
- A daily conveyance to London through Sheffield Chesterfield, &c. To Cromford by land, thence by the Cromford, Grand Junction, and Union Canals, through Loughborough, Leicester, &c. to 6, Paddington Wharf, London. Agent, Thomas Axford; house, New Road end.
- CARAVANS (on springs) convey parcels, &c. to London, in 36 hours, depart at 4 afternoon, return to Leeds, at 7 morning.
- DAILY POST WAGGONS to London, by Doncaster, Newark, Stamford, Biggleswade, Baldock, &c. arrive at the White Horse, Cripplegate, and Commercial Inn, 90, London Wall, in four days.
- WAGGONS to Cambridge, Wednesday and Saturday. To York daily.
- DAILY POST WAGGONS leave the White Horse yard, every evening at 9, through Doncaster, Bawtry Retford, Newark, Grantham, and Stamford, and arrive at the Bull and Mouth Inn, London, at 10 in the morning of the 4th day following. A Waggon is dispatched from London daily, at 4, after noon, which arrives in Leeds, on the 4th day, at 9 in the morning. -Agent, at Leeds, W. T. Staley house, North Town end.
- WAGGONS to Manchester, and Huddersfield, daily. Agent, David Wood, Call Lane.
- HARTLEY, HOBSON & Co's. WAGGONS arrive daily from York, at 11, morning, depart at 3, afternoon.
- HOBSON, COCKERHAM & Co. WAGGONS to Sheffield, through Wakefield & Barnsley daily, in 20 hours.
- JOHN PICKERSGILL & SONS' WAGGONS every Tuesday and Friday, to Darlington, through Boroughbridge and Northallerton.
- WAGGONS DAILY to Edinbro' and Glasgow, through Newcastle and Durham.
- A CARAVAN (on springs and guarded) to London, daily at past 1 noon, through Sheffield, Nottingham, Loughborough, Leicester, Northampton, &c. in 36 hours, returns at 10, in the morning.
- Goods are conveyed daily to Manchester, by WAGGON and forwarded thence, by FLY BOATS to London, Birmingham, Worcester, Bristol, Liverpool, and all parts of the West and South of England.
- POST WAGGONS to London, every evening, through Sheffield, Harbro', &c.-John Rawnsley, Agent; h. Blayde's court, Hunslet lane.
- EDWARD Ridsdale daily to Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol, and all parts of the West of England. To Cambridge & London, through Doncaster, Newark, Stamford, &c. and to all parts of Lincolnshire, Suffolk and Norfolk, every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.
- ISAAC ROBSON arrives from York, every Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, at 6, morning, returns 4 afternoon
- JAMES BOYS to Bradford, every evening at 9 o'clock.
- JOHN SCOTT to Halifax and Rochdale, daily.
- SAMPSON & Co. convey goods, by waggon daily, to Sowerby Wharf, thence by COGSWELL and Co.'s boats to all parts of Lancashire
- THOMAS KAY, every Tuesday through Howden, Snaith, &c. to meet the Steam Packet, at Selby, whence goods are conveyed to Hull Barton, Grimsby, Louth, and all parts of Lincolnshire, &c.
- THOMAS MARSHALL, to Knaresbro', Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, arrives 9, departs 2, afternoon.
- WIDOW WOOD AND SON, every Tuesday and Friday, to Ripon, Thirsk, Guisbro', Stockton, to Bedale, Richmond, and all parts of the North.
- WILSON & DOWKER every Tuesday and Friday, to Kendal, through Skipton, Settle, & Kirkby Lonsdale, whence goods are conveyed to Penrith, Whitehaven, Carlisle, Appleby, Dumfries, and all parts of Scotland, Agent at Kendal, Richard Walker.
- FLY WAGGONS to Huddersfield, every evening, to meet the Fly Boats, which convey goods to Manchester & Liverpool. A Fly Waggon to Selby every evening, to meet the Steam Boats to Hull.
- J. STURDY to Ripley, Ripon, Masham, Middleham, Bedale, Leyburn, Richmond, Reeth, &c. every Tuesday and Friday, arrives 8, morning, departs 4, afternoon. Agent, J. Royston, Mill hill.
- JAMES HUTTON every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to Bradford, Bingley, and Keighley, arrives 5 afternoon, departs 8 evening.
- POST WAGGONS to Manchester and Liverpool, through Bradford, Halifax, & Rochdale, every evening.
- Widow Welsh and Sons, Bank street, Boar lane, Convey Goods to Manchester and Liverpool, to York, Hull, Edinbro', Glasgow, & all parts of the North. Also to Selby, & thence by Steam Packets, to Hull daily
- Abberford, Boy and Barrel, Wood st. Joseph Senior, Tu. and every second Fri. a 12, d 6
- Abberford, Harewood Arms, John Brown, Tu. a 9, d 3
- Adwalton, Red Lion, Jonathan Ackroyd, daily, a 11, d 2
- Alverthorpe, Three Legs, Call lane, John Broadhead, Tu., Sat. a 11, d 3
- Apperley Bridge, Haunch of Venison. T. Waterhouse, T. T., Sat. a 9, d 3
- Armley, Rodney Inn, Joseph Binks, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 3
- Armley, Union Inn, Briggate, Thomas Scott, Tu. and Sat.
- Armley, White cross, Briggate, Joseph Coulson, Tu. and Sat, a 1, d 4
- Askrigg, see Sampson's Wade lane
- Askworth Ship Inn, William Crooks, Tu. Thu. and Sat. a 11, d 5
- Baildon, Green Dragon, Burley bar, Thos. Taylor, Tu. & Sat, a 10, d 3
- Barnsley, see article Land Carriage
- Batley Carr, Nag 's Head, Upperhead row, John Wilson, Tu. & Sat a 8, d 3
- Batley, Nag's Head, Joseph Walker, Tu. Wed. Fri. & Sat, a 10, d 4
- Batley, Nag's Head, Upperhead row, John Nelson, daily, a 10, d 4
- Batley, White Swan, Call lane, J. Stubley, daily a 11, d 5
- Bawtry, see Doncaster Carriers.
- Bedale & Richmond Horse 4' Trumpet, Joseph Blades, Thu. a 9, d 4
- Bingley, see Scott, White Horse yard
- Birkenshaw, Crown Inn, Wm. Firth, Tu. and Sat. a 9, d 3
- Birstall, Rodney, Jonas Yates, Thu. and Sat. a 10, d 2
- Boroughbridge, see Sampson's
- Boston and Thorp Arch, Boot & Shoe, Wood st. J. Jagger, Sat, a 8, d 12
- Bowling near Bradford, Old Mower, James Walker, Tu. a 9, d 3
- Bradford, Black Swan, John Fielding, Wed, and Sat. a 11, d 4
- Bradford, Horse and Jockey, J. Spence, Tu. and Sat, a 10, d 4
- Bradford, Saracen's Head, Thos. Hutton, Mon. Wed. & Sat, a 4, d 9
- Bramham, Black Swan John Ames, Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 2
- Bramham, Golden Cock, John Stubbs, Tu. a 9, d 3
- Bramley, Golden Fleece, Wm. Boyne, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 4
- Bramley, Punch Bowl, Wm. Turner, Tu. and Sat. a 9, d 12
- Bridlington, see York
- Calverley, Green Dragon, David Pratt, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 3
- Calverley, S/tip Inn, John Grey, Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 4
- Cawood, see Scott, White Horse yard
- Cleckheaton and Gomersall, Fox and Grapes, John Walker, Tu. and Sat, a 10, d 3
- Cleckheaton, Golden Fleece, Benjamin Clough, Tu. & Sat, a 10, d3
- Dewsbury, Parrot, Call lane, William Whitaker, Tu. & Sat. a 8, d 2
- Dewsbury, White Swan Call ln. Jas. Wilson, Tu. Thu. Sat, a 9, d 1
- Doncaster, see Land Carriage
- Driffield Great, see York
- Drighlington, Red Lion, Geo. Burley and Jonathan Ackroyd, Tu. and Sat, a 8, d 1
- Earlsheaton, see Dewsbury
- Easingwold, see York
- Eccleshill, Crown, Assembly court, Thos. Mawson, Tu., Sat. a 10. d 4
- Farnley, Green Parrot, Mill hill, Eccles, Tu. and Sat. a 12, d 4
- Farnley, Green Parrot, Mill hill, Wm. Edmondson, Tu. & Sat, a 12, d 4
- Farnley, Horse and Jockey, John Roberts, Tu. and Sat, a 19, d 4
- Farnley, Malt Shovel, Swinegate, J. Holdsworth, Tu. a 10 d 3
- Farsley, Angel Inn, Samuel Wade, Tu. and Sat. a 9, d 1
- Farsley, Leopard Inn, Benj. Craven, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 3
- Ferrybridge, see Land Carriage
- Frodingham, see York
- Fulneck, Golden Fleece, Wm. Proctor, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 3
- Fulneck, Parrot, Call lane, T. Newsham, Tu. and Sat, a 8, d 2
- Fulneck, White Cross Inn, Joseph Proctor, Tu. and Sat. a 9 d 4
- Gawthorp, Bull's Head, Briggate, Joshua Graham, Tu., Sat. a 9, d 3
- Gildersome and Farnley, Dusty Miller, Jas. Balmforth, Matt. Gomersall, & Thos. Rycroft, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 4
- Gisburn, see Sampson's Wade lane
- Gomersall and Spen, Fox and Grapes, John Walker, Tu. & Sat, a 10, d 3
- Gomersall, Fox and Grapes, George Holdsworth, & Jonas Yates, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 2
- Guisbro', see Sampson's Wade lane
- Guiseley, Saracen's Head, Thos. Birch, Tu. and Sat. a 8, d 4
- Halifax & Cleckheaton, Bowman lane, Abraham Thornton, daily
- Halifax Saracen's Head, John Scott, daily, a 10, d 1
- Hampstead, Bee Hive, John Dodsworth, Tu. and Fri. a 6, d 3
- Harewood, Harewood Arms, Arthur Smithson, Tu. Thu., Sat. a 11, d3
- Harrogate, Horse and Jockey, Joseph Cullingworth, Tu. & Sat, a 7, d 1
- Harrogate, White Hart, Cross Parish, Samuel Farrar, Tu., Sat, a 2, d 12
- Hartlepool, White Hart, Cross Parish, Wm. Blakey and Stephen Ward, Mon. and Thu. with Fish, & take back parcels, &c.
- Hartshead, High Town, Clifton, and Elland, White Swan, Call ln. G. Scorer, Tu. Thu. & Sat, a 10, d 3
- Heckmondwike, Nag's Head Wm. Bentley, Tu. & Sat. a 11, 3
- Heckmondwike, Nag's Head, Francis Hepworth, daily, a 11, d 4
- Heckmondwike, Nag's Head, Joseph Bentley, Tu., Sat. a 11, d 4
- Heckmondwike, Nag's Head, Upperhead row, Jonas Hepworth, daily a 11, d4
- Heckmondwike, Swan Call lane, Wm. Halliday, Tu. & Thu. a 11, d 4
- Hedon, see York
- Hemsley, see York
- Holbeck, Old Dove, Call lane, Wm. Foster and Benjamin Hardacre, Tu. and Sat. a 9 d 3
- Horbury, Parrot, Call lane, Charles Charlesworth, Tu. & Sat. a 8, d 2
- Horbury, Star and Garter, Thomas Sidney, Tu. a 11, d 3
- Hornsea see York
- Horsforth Black Swan, Field, Gaunt, and Co. Tu. Wed. & Sat. a 9, d 3
- Horsforth Black Swan. Wm. Stead, Tu. Thu. and Sat. a2 d 3
- Horsforth Boot & Shoe, Joseph Carr, Tu. and Sat. a9 d 3
- Horsforth, White Swan, North Town end, John Wilson, Tu. and Sat. a 11, d 2
- Howden, see York
- Huddersfield, see Land Carriage
- Hull, see Land Carriage
- Hunmanby, see York
- Idle, Parrot, Call lane John Spencer, Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 1
- Idle, Rose Inn, James Berry & Joshua Thomas, Tu. and Sat, a 9½, d 3
- Idle, Rose Inn, James Stansfield, Tu. & Sat. a 9½, d 3
- Idle, Rose Inn, Thomas Pullan, Tu. and Sat. a 9 d 3
- Idle, Rose Inn, William Bakes, Tu. & Sat. a 9½ d3
- Idle, Rose Inn, William Cansfield. Tu. & Sat, a 9½, d 3
- Idle, White Hart, Call lane, William Glover, (takes passengers) Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 4
- Ilkley, Pack Horse, Francis Dobson, Tu. and Fri. a 9, d 1
- Keighley & Colne, White Swan, Cross Parish, Pearson Sugden, Tu. and Sat. Sat. a 7, d 2
- Kilham, see York
- Killinghall, Bee Hive, Vicar lane, John Dodsworth, Tu. and Fri. a 6, d 2
- Killinghall, Boot and Shoe, Francis Wardman, Tu. a 7, d 2
- Kippax, White Swan, Cross Parish, B. Cheesebro' Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 3
- Kirbymoorside, see York
- Kirkby Overblow, Crown and Anchor, Wm. Beeston, Tu., Sat. a 9, d 12
- Kirkby Overblow, Horse and Trumpet, John Marsden, Tu. & Sat, a 8 d 5
- Knaresborough see Land Carriage
- Lancaster and' Settle, White Hart, Cross Parish, John Ralph, Mon. & Thur. a 10, d 2
- Leyburn, White Hart, Cross Parish, William Abbott, Fri. a 6, d 1
- Little Town, Nag's Head, Upperhead row, Geo. Illingworth, Tu. a 10, d 3
- Malton New, see York
- Market Weighton, see York
- Masham, Bedale, & Ripon, Horse and Trumpet, Joseph Reynard, and Joseph Towler, Fri. a 9, d 5
- Masham, Punch Bowl, John Sturdy, Tu. and Fri. a 7, d 3
- Masham, White Swan, Joseph Towler, Fri. 9, d 5
- Methley, Golden Fleece, Isaac Brook, Tu. a 12, d 7
- Middleham, see Sampson's, Wade lane
- Mirfield, Swan Call lane, Henry Howarth, Tu. Thu. & Sat, a 9, d 2
- Mirfield, Swan Call lane, John Howarth, Tu. and Sat, a 11, d 5
- Morley, Old George, John Wade, Tu. and Sat. a 8, d 4
- Morley, Saddle Inn, John Bywater, Tu, and Sat, a 10, d 3
- Newton, near Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, John Stillings, daily
- Northallerton, see Sampson's Wade ln.
- Ossett, Parrott, Call lane, Richard Illingworth, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 3
- Ossett, Saddle, George Farrar, Tu. & Sat, a 8, d 3
- Ossett, Star and Garter, William Fearnley, Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 3
- Ossett, Three Legs, Call lane, J. Clarkson, Tu, and Sat, a 9, d 3
- Otley, Angel Inn, Walter Bailey, Tu. Thu. and Sat, a 8, d 1
- Otley, Boy and Barrett, Wood street, Michael Bell, daily, a 9, d 2
- Oulton, Talbot Inn, Cross Parish, Brooke & Co. Tu. and Sat, a 9 d 3
- Pateley Bridge, Swan, Cross Parish, Wm. Wood, Tu. a 8, d 4
- Patrington, see York
- Pennistone, see Huddersfield
- Pickering, see Pickersgill's Vicar lane
- Pocklington, see York
- Pontefract, Elephant and Castle, J. Pennington, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 4
- Pontefract, Harewood Arms, Joseph Brook, Tu. & Sat. a 9, d 3
- Pontefract, Talbot Inn, Cross Parish, Wm. Brooke, Tu. & Fri. a 10, d 4
- Pudsey, Bull's Head, Briggate, David Brook, Tu. and Sat. a 9, d 3
- Pudsey, Fleece Inn, William Proctor, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 3
- Pudsey, Parrot, Call lane, J. Hinchcliffe, Tu. & Sat, a 8, d 2
- Pudsey, White Cross Inn, David Fearnley, David Tunnicliffe, & Richard Varley, Tu. & Sat, a 9, d 3
- Pudsey, White Cross Inn, William Fearnley, Tu. and Sat, a 9, d 3
- Pudsey, White Cross, Briggate, John Varley, Tu. and Sat. a 10, d 3
- Rawden, Cock and Bottle, Richard
- Rawnsley, daily, a 1, d 5
- Richmond, see Sampson's, Wade lane
- Ripley do do.
- Ripon. Talbot Inn, Thomas Boddey, Tu. a 8, d 4
- Rotherham, see Land Carriage
- Rothwell, Old George, Briggate, Saml. Rhodes daily, a 11, d
- Saddleworth, see Land Carriage
- Sawley, White Swan, Cross Parish, Rich. Brown, Tu. & Fri. a 7, d 12
- Saxton, White Hart Cross Parish, Robt Richardson Tu. & . Sat. a 8, d 3
- Scarbrough, see York
- Scruton, Horse and Trumpet, Joseph Blayds, Thu. a 8, d 5
- Sedbergh, see Land Carriage
- Selby, do. do.
- Settle, do. do.
- Shadwell, White Swan, North Town end, Tu. a 10, d 2
- Sheffield, see Land Carriage
- Sherborn, see Aberford
- Shipley, Rose Inn, Benjamin Park, Tu. & Sat. a 9, d 3
- Skipton, do. do.
- Snaith, do. do.
- Soothill, Old Dove, Joseph Brearey, jun. Tu. & Sat. a 8, d 4
- Stanningley, Griffin Inn, Wm. Rayner, daily, a 9, d 3
- Stokesley, see Sampson's, Wade lane Tadcaster, Land Carriage
- Thirsk, see Sampson's, Wade lane
- Thorne see Land Carriage
- Thorp Arch, Horse and Jockey, John Jagger, Thu. a 7, d
- Tickhill, see Rotherham & Doncaster
- Wakefield, Eagle and child, John Dibbs, daily, a 10, d 4
- Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, Geo. Birkenshaw, daily
- Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, Geo. Shepherd, Tu. & Sat. a ]0, d 4
- Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, John Stillen, daily, a 10, d 4
- Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, Joseph Brumfitt, Tu. & Sat. a 10, d 4
- Wakefield, Elephant and Castle, William Downs, daily, to George and Crown
- Wakefield, Rodney Inn, Wm. Pennington, Tu. Thu., Sat, a 11, d 3
- Wetherby, Harewood Arms, John Anderson, Tu. a 9, d 3
- Wetherby, Swan Cross Parish, Francis Naylor, daily, a 6, d 1
- Whitby, see York
- Windhill, Rose Inn, John Hall, Tu. & Sat. a 9½, d a
- Windhill, Rose Inn, John Murgatroyd, Tu. & Sat, a 9½, d 3
- Wortley, Green Parrot, S. Holdsworth, Tu. & Sat, a 2, d a
- Wortley, Old George, Joshua Stead, Tu. and Sat. a 10½ d 4
- Wortley, Saracen's Head, James Bell house, P. & Sat, a 1, d 3
- Yarm, see York
- Yeadon, Black Bull, Land's lane, John Barker & Thomas Waterhouse, Tu. & Sat. a 11, d 3
- Yeadon, Cock and Bottle, John Long, Tu. Thu. & Sat. a 9, d 4
- Yeadon, Nag's Head, James Johnson and Joseph Fletcher, Tu. & Sat. a 9, d 3
- York, Boot & Shoe, Wood street, Isaac Robshaw, Tu. & Fri. a 8, d 6
- York, Griffin Inn, John Chapman, (Mill hill) Tu. & Fri. a 7, d 12
- York, see Land Carriage
Academies, Boarding Day Schools,
Those marked thus * are Boarding Schools.
- Autey Elizabeth, 25, Templar street
- *Bailey Sarah, Skinner lane
- Beard George, Old Church yard
- Bennett T. Calls
- Bewley William, Duke street
- Booth George, 52, Woodhouse lane
- Carlile R. & S. Kirkstall new road
- Cowling Ann, National Girls' school
- Crookes J. back George's street
- Darby John, 10, Trafalgar street
- Davies T. S. Bank street
- *Dibbs Misses, Park row
- Flowers Marmaduke, 11, Lee's square, York street
- *Frankling Elizabeth, Woodhouse lane
- Fridge Mary 80, Call lane
- *Fryer Annabella & Anne 53, Quebec
- Grant Margaret, Hunslet lane
- Haigh George, Meadow lane
- Haigh James, Call lane
- Haigh William, 1 Lady bridge
- Hargreaves James, back Park row
- Haykin Thomas, Mabgate
- Holden J. S. Harper street
- Hopkins Samuel, St. Peter's square
- Hunton Charles Meadow lane
- Iley Richard, Albion street
- *Jackson Benjamin, jun. Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- Jopson Margaret, 42, St. Peter's square
- *Kemplay John & Mary, (Ladies) Boar lane
- *Kemplay Richard, St. John's place, New street
- Killingbeck B. J. Cowell's yd. Briggt.
- Langdon Rev. Thomas, West street
- Lindley Joseph, St. Peter's square
- Lockwood Jonathan, St. Peter's square
- Mercer Thomas East parade
- Milson Joseph, Kemplay's ct. Kirkgt.
- Naylor Isaac, back Charles street
- Parker Anthony, Moxon' yd. Kirkgate
- Poole Janet, Well close place
- Prest John, 5 St. George's street
- Rayner Frederick, National boys' School, Cookson's yard, Kirkgate
- *Rimington Elizabeth, Well close; house Bagbie
- Russell Wm., Camp lane, Water lane
- Ryley Samuel bottom of Park lane
- Settle William, St. James's street
- *Sigston James, Queen's square
- *Sigston Misses, Park row
- Smith George, Mabgate
- Spence Eleanor, Queen's square
- *Stears Morley, York street
- Sunderland Joseph, 9, Lady lane
- Swift John 9, Nelson street
- *Tatham Joseph, 6, Camp ct. Water ln.
- Thompson Charlotte, Woodhouse lane
- Waddington George, (Lancasterian) Boar lane
- Wade John, Meadow lane
- *Watson Frances, Providence row
- Whitlark M. & M. Woodhouse lane
- Wilson Eliza. St. John's place, New st.
- Windross Mark, Steander
- Wood John, Land's lane
- Bowman Henry, Templar street
- Croudace John, St. James's street
- Price William, Queen's square
- Rooke Edward, (and provisional assignee) St. Peter's square
- Rooke R. L. (& provisional assignee) 77, Briggate
- Tanner Robert, Bank Street
- Atkinson John, (to Low Moor Company) Bramley's yd. Lowhd. row
- Axford Thomas, (to Deacon and Co.) New road end
- Bedford William, (to J. C. Brandling, Esq.) Hunslet lane
- Beeston Thomas, (to Leeds & Liverpool canal Co.); h. Canal wharf, Water lane
- Booth James, (woollen and cotton cords) Moxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Cappe William, East parade Danby John, (to D. Bellhouse & Son, Manchester) 20, Briggate
- Dobson James, (to W. Fenton, Esq. coals) Nether mills
- Dunn Richard, (commercial) Warehouse hill
- Hartley James, (coals) Hunslet lane
- Hill Thos. (Albion wharf) School close
- Hodson J. H. (to Aire & Calder Co.) Simpson's fold
- Kitchingman William, (general commission) Bank street
- Livesey John, (to P, Blenkinsop, woolstapler) 50, Albion street
- Mc'Intyre G. (general Commission) Sterne's buildings, Briggate
- Moore George, 50, Woodhouse bar
- Priestley C.T. (commission) Far bank
- Roebuck Israel, New Road end
- Skilbeck S. (for Mills's stays & corsets) 18 Upperhead row
- Smalpage John, 29 Briggate
- Smith Walker, Saddle yard
- Staley W. P. (to Jackson and Co.) Camp road
- Stears W. M. (to Cluley, instrument maker, Sheffield) 86, Briggate
- Swaine Rbt. (commission) Kirkgate
- Walker G.L. (wool & oil) Land's ln.
- Whitlark John (wool) Meadow lane
- Wigglesworth Thomas (stuff) 83, St Peter's square
- Wilkinson James, (general commission) 1, Templar street
- Chambers Henry, Trafalgar street
- Chantrell R.D. 25, Park row
- Cusworth Joseph, 5, Albion street
- Jackson Benjamin, 1, Kirkgate
- Taylor Thomas, Commercial street
- Atkinson, Bolland and Atkinson, 7, Butt's court, Burley bar
- Bloome Matthew, Queen's et. Call ln.
- Bradbury W.H. Haye's ct. Vicar ln.
- Cookson Charles, Sterne's buildings
- Coupland & Shaw 25, Boar lane
- Dunning Joseph, Rose & Crown yard
- Fenton Edward, Albion street
- Foden J. F. Mercury office yard, 77, Briggate
- Furbank James, New street end
- Granger T. H. Commercial street
- Hargreaves William, Bull and Bell yard, Briggate
- Harrap Richard, Bank street
- Hemingway Edward, Bank street
- Lee Thos. Sterne's buildings, 40, Bgt.
- Nicholson James, 12, Call lane
- Oates F. W. George's court, Briggate
- Payne R. E. Albion street
- Pullan S. P. Commercial street
- Raynar John, 41, Briggate
- Rimington Henry, 7, Library court, Commercial street
- Sangster John, Albion street
- Scott William, Albion street
- Smith & Moore, 17, Trinity lane
- Thackeray Henry, 38, Briggate
- Tottie, Richardson & Gaunt, Albion st.
- Upton T. B. Commercial court, Bgt.
- Ward William, Boar lane
- Wood Joseph, Kemplay's court, Kgt.
- Boyle Zachariah, 6½, Briggate
- Braim John, Briggate
- Crookshanks Robert, Auction Mart, Moat hall
- Foster George, Land's lane
- Hampshire Thomas, Trinity Jane
- Holmes John, 19, Bond street
- Lumb Samuel, Commercial sale room, Boar lane
- Lumb Thomas, 5, Gascoigne's yard, Boar lane
- Mc'Intyre Gilbert, Sterne's buildings
- Poynton J. M. at Star & Garter, Call ln,
- Scott John, 9, Hope street
- Walker William, 50, Templar street
- See also Bakers and Flour Dealers and Cheesemongers.
- Andrews Jonathan, 7, back George's st.
- Bell John. Calls
- Burnley R. W. 8, Market place
- Butler William, Call lane
- Chappel Thomas, 18, Timble bridge
- Cordukes John, 72, Kirkgate
- Hayes John, 32, Lowerhead row
- Horsefield James, High causeway
- Lawson John, 3, Woodhouse lane
- Marsden William, 23, Lowerhead row
- Moat John, Water ln. New road end
- Rhodes Thomas, Bridge street
- Wadman Peter, 93, Briggate
- Wilkinson Henry, 31, back Shambles
- Wilkinson Thomas, Quebec
- Willey John, Templar street
- See also Bacon Factors and Cheesemongers.
- Armitage Joseph, under 48, Briggate
- Brown James, Old square, 73, Kgt.
- Brumfit Sarah, 46, Lady lane
- Bryant John, 21, Off street
- Calder William, 80, Marsh lane
- Calvert Edward, 4, Duke street
- Cawthry Robert, 13, Meadow lane
- Codling William, Timble bridge
- Copley Burrow, Marsh lane head
- Cordingley Sarah, Royal Oak yard
- Craven Richard, St. James's street
- Croisdale Sarah, Hillhouse bank
- Crompton John, 48, Kirkgate
- Cusworth Joseph, 10, Marsh lane
- Dawson Martha, 48, Call lane
- Dixon Jane, Kirkgate
- Emmott Anne, Mill street, Bank
- Endeacott Henry, 28, Ebenezer street
- English John, 4, Water lane, Bank
- Field Betty, 66 Quarry hill
- Firth William, Wood street
- Forest John, Mill hill
- Foster Jonas, Church row
- Freeman Thomas, 28, Lowerhead row
- Gamble George, Water lane
- Garnett John, Leylands
- Garside Robert, Charles street
- Garthwaite Hannah, Water lane
- Gaskell Rosamond 9, Duke street
- Gibson Jane, Wool street
- Gill Ann, 26, Ebenezer street
- Gledhill James, Water lane
- Glover Joseph, 38, York street
- Goulden John, 1, Harper street
- Grange William, Little London
- Grant Margaret, Hunslet lane
- Greaves Jonathan, Marsh lane head
- Green Anthony, 52, York street
- Guest James, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Haigh John, 34, Marsh lane
- Hall William, 53, Duke street
- Handley Moses, Mill hill
- Hardwick William, Boot & Shoe yard, Kirkgate
- Hargreave Isaac & Son, Pottery ln. end
- Heaton James, Meadow lane
- Herring Robert Templar street
- Hilton Joseph, Drony Laith
- Hinchliffe James, Meadow lane
- Hindle William, 11, Union street
- Hird John, Brunswick st. Water lane
- Hodgson John, 1, Hope street
- Hodson Faith, 17, Union street
- Hogg Charles, under 40, Briggate
- Holmes John, 6, Kirkgate
- Holmes Miles, Low St. St. Peter's
- Howard James Mill garth
- Hutchinson John, Upper high street
- Illingworth Hannah, 23, Vicar lane
- Jackson John, 104, Kirkgate
- Jones Richard, Kendall's row, Bank
- Jowitt Benjamin, Nether mills
- Knowles John back Park square
- Lang Elizabeth, Simpson's fold
- Milner William, Hunslet lane
- Mitchell Mary, Water lane
- Myers John, Hunslet lane
- Officer James, 21, North street
- Petty John, Meadow lane
- Pickles David, Wellhouse place
- Sewell John, Well street, Bean Ing
- Slater Stephen, Nether mills
- Spence Mary, army baker, 25, Upperhead row
- Stead Richard, 42, Kirkgate
- Stubbs Francis, 15, Kirkgate
- Tesseyman Thomas, 28, Call lane
- Thompson William, Water lane
- Tiffany John, bottom of Kirkgate
- Wadman Peter, 93, Briggate
- Wadsworth Thomas, Bank
- Walker John, Waddington's yd. Briggt.
- Waterson William, Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Watson Wm. & Co. Kirk Ings wharf
- Wild James, 41, Hunslet lane
- Wilkinson Thos. Quebec, Park row
- Wilkinson William, 22, Kirkgate
- Willans Benjamin, Hunslet lane
- Willey John, Templar street
- Beckett, Blayds & Co. Briggate
- Fields Greenwood & Co. Bank street
- Nicholson, Brown & Co. Commercial street
- Perfect John and William, and George Smith, 8, Briggate
- Polti Joseph, Coxon's yard, Kirkgate.
- Hardy John, Esq. Little Woodhouse
- Wailes George, Esq. Potter Newton
- Walker William, Esq. Middleton
- Addinell Grace & Son, 40, Briggate
- Dobson Thomas, Bull and Bell yard, Briggate
- Oliver Thomas, 61, Briggate
- Harwood Robert, Rose & Crown yard
- Pawson John, 40, Briggate
- Simons Thomas, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Beaumont Thomas, 39, High street
- Cockroft John, York street
- Sayes W. & W. 1, Water lane
- Worswick William, Camp field
- Almack Thomas, White Horse yard, Boar lane
- Austin and Leeming, Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane
- Brunton William, 4, Wilkes's place, Hunslet lane
- Cusworth Joseph, 10, Marsh lane
- Dodgson Joseph, Bowman lane
- Emsley Joseph, White cloth hall st.
- Furniss William, Rose & Crown yard, Market place
- Gott John, White Hart yard, Market place
- Johnson Robert, Swine beck
- Johnston John, Granby yard, Lowerhead row
- Marsden William, top of Lady lane
- Newman Wm. 43, York st. Kirkgate
- Parker John, Old square, Kirkgate
- Parkinson Jonathan, Golden Cock yard, Kirkgate
- Proctor Henry, Upperhead row
- Siddle William, 1, Timble bridge
- Wormald Thomas, Meadow lane
- Butler George, Urquhart's yard, Brig-gate
- Raistrick Jonathan, Harper street
- Walker James, North street
- Walker Robert, North street
- Whitaker Benjamin, East lane
- Denton John, Simpson's fold
- Booth Thomas, Holbeck lane end
- Hall Samuel, 80, Meadow lane
- Bean William, 16, Lowerhead row
- Booth Nathaniel, top George's street
- Dyson John, Old square, Kirkgate
- Fowler Joseph, 33, Call lane
- Heaton John, 7, Briggate
- Hobson and Robinson, pocket book warehouse, back of Shambles
- Inchbold Thomas, hack of Shambles
- Knight & Hird, 61, Kirkgate
- Mead John, White Cross yd. Briggate
- Nicholson Samuel, 86, Meadow lane
- Othick Edward, 21, Bridge end
- Robinson & Co. Commercial street
- Shiers Joseph, 2, Coach lane
- Spink Henry, 36, Briggate
- Wood James, 23, Kirkgate
- Baines John, 77, Briggate
- Barr John, 45, Briggate
- Baynes William, (& periodical publisher) George & Dragon yard
- Bean William, (mercantile & school agency office) 16, Lowerhead row
- Cullingworth Henry, Bridge end
- Hardcastle William, 23 Cross parish
- Headley William, 91, Briggate
- Heaton John, 7, Briggate
- Hobson & Robinson, Moot hall
- Holmes John, 19, Bond street
- Holt L. W. 28, Briggate
- Inchbold Thomas, hack of Shambles
- Knight & Hird, 61, Kirkgate
- Leach John Hustler, Market place
- Mann James, 68, Briggate
- Martin & Mawson, wholesale & retail stationers, 33, Vicar lane
- Othick Edward 21, Bridge end
- Robinson & Hernaman, 14 and 15, Commercial street
- Spink Henry, 36, Briggate Wilson George, 3, Kirkgate Wood James, 23, Kirkgate
- Bainbridge Robert, Frederick street, Top close
- Baldwin James & John, 1, Old post office yard, Kirkgate
- Beckwith Jonathan, Woodhouse lane
- Blackburn James, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Clay John, Kirkstall road
- Clay William, Kirkstall road
- Clay William, Quarry hill
- Cooper Robert, 3, Kirkgate
- Craister Edward, 41, Kirkgate
- Crowther James, 7, Duke street
- Danby John, wholesale & retail boot & shoe warehouse, 20, Briggate
- Dobson Ezra, Meadow lane
- Dunkin George, Low st. St. Peters
- Etherington Joseph, 21, Wade lane
- Fearnley Matthew, 13, High street
- Gamble John, Meadow lane
- Good Timothy, Allison's yd. Briggate
- Harrison William, Upper high street
- Hepworth Thomas, 83, Briggate
- Hewson John, Marsh lane head
- Hood George, Vine st. Hunslet lane
- Hope Joseph Sykes's yd. Hunslet ln.
- Hopps Joseph, 29, Lowerhead row
- Hudson Edward, Water lane end
- Hudson Samuel 38, Kirkgate
- Huggan John, Holdforth square, Bank
- Kitching Charles, 35, Lady lane
- Kitchingman Joseph, Lady lane
- Knowles Benjamin, York street
- Machin Robert, wholesale, 1, Market place
- Mallinson Henry, North passage, Lowerhead row
- May George, top of St. Anne's lane
- Mohun Wm. Union row, Quarry hill
- Moody John, 75, Briggate
- Morris William, 13, Market place
- Nichols John, Bridge street
- Rhodes Joseph, Albion street
- Richardson William foot of Mill hill
- Rushforth Samuel, Lady lane
- Sanderson Thomas, 29 Hunslet lane
- Saville Benjamin, 22, Upperhead row
- Schofield William New road end
- Sharp George, 3, Upperhead row
- Sheriff William, 14, Kirkgate
- Simpson Joseph, Meadow lane
- Smaller William, . 23, St. Anne's st.
- Smith Thomas, 26, Hunslet lane
- Smithson Samuel, 17, Mill hill
- Spencer John, Bond street
- Standeven James, Kirkstall new road
- Stiran John, 22, Meadow lane
- Swail Solomon, 15, New lane, Meadow lane
- Thompson Robert, 35, Briggate
- Thwaites William, Timble bridge
- Tomlin James, 11, back of Shambles
- Topham Dennis, 15, back of Shambles
- Wade Joseph, Upper high street
- Ward William, 14 Lowerhead row
- Watson John, Bridge end
- Whitehead Thomas, Templar street
- Wood James, 48, Briggate
- Wood James, 70, Quarry hill
- Worsey William, 26, Briggate
- Fotherby Thomas, 35, Lowerhead row
- Roberts Joseph, 35, back George's st.
- Smith George, 79, Kirkgate
- Ward William, 83, Briggate
- Beverley John and Son, 13, back of Shambles
- Cook Wm. 4, Newsome's yd. Briggate
- Hall Joseph Land's lane
- Hick James, Kirkstall new road
- Hick John, Bridge end
- Holmes John, Leylands
- Kirk Joseph, 67 Kirkgate
- Laycock John, Bank bridge
- Linley Anne, 1, back of Shambles
- Linley William, 100, Meadow lane
- Longfield Joseph 21 Wood street
- Patrick John, 3, High street
- Robinson Grace, Dodsworth's yard, Briggate
- Stewart Charles, Leylands
- Strafford Richard, 23, St. Anne's lane
- Tatham E. B. Cundall's yd. Briggate
- Wilson George, 44, Vicar lane
- Arthington Robert Hunslet lane
- Jaques Thos. G. Old brewery, Meadow lane
- Sykes William, Salem place, Hunslet lane
- Whitaker R. S. Harper street and Water lane
- Youil Thomas, Paley's yard, Calls
- Douglas James, (& porter) Leylands
- Lee John, 26, Vicar lane
- Parker Francis, Templar street
- Youil Thomas, Paley's yard
- Barstow Samuel, Marsh lane head
- Bower Joshua, Hunslet
- Brown Benjamin, back Waterloo st.
- Brown George, 21, Nile street
- Brown James, Holdforth's yd. Bank
- Brown James, Timble bridge
- Brown John, Woodhouse car
- Brown William, Marsh lane head
- Ellis Thomas, Wellhouse place
- Garland William & Co. Call lane
- Giles Thomas, Mill street, Bank
- Lucas Benjamin, Mabgate end
- Robinson William, New road
- Russell William, Holbeck pottery
- Taylor John, Burmantofts
- Woodhead & Whitehead, Harper st.
- Aspdin J. Princess street, New road end
- Aspdin J. Slip Inn yard, Briggate
- Atack Samuel, 8, Nelson street
- Atack Samuel, Church lane
- Bedford Charles, Shore's yd. Timble bridge
- Carter Jonathan, Charlesworth's yd.
- Cave R. & J. 94, Meadow lane
- Crosby John, Quarry hill
- Dowson George, top of Mill hill
- Foulston Charles, Morton row, York street
- Foulston John, 157, Marsh lane
- Garland John Call lane
- Garland William, Assembly court
- Gilpin Samuel, Church lane
- Goulden William, York street
- Haley John, Water lane
- Hallewell. William, Land's lane
- Hardwick and Brown, Skinner lane
- Iles Joseph, 24, Nelson street
- Kellett David, 7, Nelson street
- Kellett George, top of Ebenezer st.
- Kelley John, Neville street
- Kershaw Thomas, 9, Templar lane
- Kirby Robert, 5, Coach lane
- Longley Robert, Upper High street
- Longley Thomas, 2, Spinner st. Bank
- Longley Thomas, jun. St. Peter's sqr.
- Longley Thomas, sen. Upper High st.
- Lucas Benjamin, Mabgate end
- Morgan Lewis, Wheeler place, Bank
- Sykes John, Garden st. Marsh lane
- Taylor John, sen. 28, Union street
- Taylor John, jun. Nelson street
- Woolley Stephen, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Wray Charles, near Meadow lane
- Anderson George, back of Charles st.
- Armistead J. & J. Water lane
- Booth James, 39, Far fold, Mabgate
- Broadhead James, 16, Upperhead row
- Crossland and Robertshaw, Nelson st.
- Dickinson & Brownless, 45, Water ln.
- Matthewman John, 12, Kirkgate
- Tiffany C. T. and Co. Land's lane
- Akers William, Woodhouse lane
- Armitage John, 7, Market place
- Asquith Benjamin, Meadow lane
- Austin George, North town end
- Birks William, Cross street
- Blakey George, Mabgate
- Bower John, jun. 6, Lowerhead row
- Bower John, sen. Hunslet lane
- Briggs Thomas 19, Old Shambles
- Bulmer Samuel', 5, Duncan street
- Butler John, 98, Kirkgate
- Butler Thomas 95, Kirkgate
- Clapham Joseph, 28, Old Shambles
- Clark Joseph, 20 Duncan street
- Clark William, Bradford street
- Clarkson William, 15, Old Shambles
- Cooper George, 24, Duncan street
- Cooper John, 36, Old Shambles
- Crosland Christopher, 12, Market place
- Crosland John, 8 Old Shambles
- Crosland Joseph, 18, Duncan street
- Crosland Thomas, 39, Old Shambles
- Crosland William, 38, Old Shambles
- Darby J. S. 47, old Shambles
- Dixon John, 19, Old Shambles
- Dixon Joshua, Meadow lane
- Dixon Thomas, 12, Hillhouse Bank
- Dixon William, top of Marsh lane
- Downs George, 7, Duncan street, and 24, York street
- Ellerby Richard, 5, Old Shambles
- Emmett John, 10, Old Shambles
- England Edward, 25, Duncan street
- England John, 3, Old Shambles
- England Thomas, 46, Old Shambles
- Falshaw Elizabeth, 22, Duncan street
- Gibson Richard, 29, Old Shambles
- Gill George, 12, Upperhead row
- Goodall Benjamin, 41, Old Shambles
- Gouthwaite John, 60, Briggate
- Gouthwaite Richard, 19, Duncan st.
- Graham Francis, 2, Old Shambles
- Greenwood William, 26, Old Shambles
- Haley Edwin, New road end
- Hall Thomas, 7, Duncan street
- Harland Samuel, 11, Old Shambles
- Harper William, 2 Near bank
- Hartley William, York street
- Hattersley Richard, 6, Old Shambles
- Hayes Benjamin, 28, Vicar lane
- Heaton John, 12, Old Shambles
- Hobson Robert, 7, Old Shambles
- Hodgson William, 31 Old Shambles
- Horsfall John, Top close
- Horsfall Joseph, Park lane
- Houlgate John, 42, Old Shambles
- Hunter George, 13, Old Shambles
- Ingham Timothy, top of Mill hill
- Jackson John, 34, Old Shambles
- Judson Robert, Bank
- Kaye Samuel, 22, Vicar lane
- Kent John, 30, Old Shambles
- Kitchen George, 48, Old Shambles
- Lambert Charles, 1, Old Shambles
- Lambert Charles, Club row, Top close
- Lancaster Thomas, 142, Marsh lane
- Longbottom Thomas, Water lane
- Margerison Robert, Lady lane
- Millns George, Bridge end
- Millns Thomas, 37, Old Shambles
- Norfolk Joseph, 16, Old Shambles
- Norman Thomas, 13, Old Shambles
- Parkinson James, 25 Old Shambles
- Peace Samuel, 14, Old Shambles
- Pearson Matthew, 32, Old Shambles
- Phillips William, St. James's street
- Punt Peter, 4, Old Shambles
- Rawson William 18, Old Shambles
- Rhodes Moses, Bridge street
- Rinder Benjamin Duncan street
- Rinder Frederick, 4, Duncan street
- Rinder Henry, Bridge end
- Rinder John, Market place
- Rinder Joseph, 14 Old Shambles
- Robinson Hannah, Lady bridge
- Robinson John, Timble bridge
- Ryder James, 63, Kirkgate
- Ryley Benjamin, Upperhead row
- Sawer Joseph Duncan street
- Scott H. N. Timble bridge
- Sephton Francis, 84, Marsh lane
- Shaw Joseph, 61, Briggate
- Smith Charles, 44, Old Shambles
- Smith Elizabeth, 5, Duncan street
- Smith George, (pork) 54, Kirkgate
- Smith James, 45, Old Shambles
- Smith Samuel, 13, Market place
- Smith William, 1, back George's street
- Stubbs William, 14, back of Shambles
- Sugden Frederick, 62, Briggate
- Sykes Samuel, 23, Duncan street
- Teale Joseph, 43, Old Shambles
- Teale Richard, 70, Kirkgate
- Teale Thomas, Water lane
- Walker James, 25, Old Shambles
- Whitehead Thomas, 62, Kirkgate
- Wigglesworth B. 113, Marsh lane
- Wigglesworth Wm. 27, Old Shambles
- Wilson Matthew, 59, Briggate
- Wilson William, 62, Briggate
- Wood Joshua, 49, Old Shambles
- Wormald Henry, 9, Duncan street
- Wormald William, 21, Duncan street
- Wray William 9, Old Shambles
- Wright James, 81, Quarry hill
- Wright John, Timble bridge
- Cordukes John, 72, Kirkgate
- Inman Charles, Old Ray son's yard, Market place
- Law John, Bean Ing
- Marshall William, Turner's yard, Vicar lane
- Rhodes James, bridge street
- Rhodes Thomas Bridge street
- Shaw James, Birch's yards Lowerhead row
- Walker Oswell, Charles street
- Willey James, 14, Wood street
- Windsor John, Nelson street
- Wood John, 22, Wood street
- See also, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers.
- Baiston James, Coach lane
- Balmford Simeon, near the New baths
- Barker Edward, 42, St. Peter's square
- Barker George, 4, Providence court, Top close
- Blackburn James, Albion square
- Blenkinsop Alexander Mill hill
- Boler Richard, Woodhouse lane
- Burrell Benjamin, Turner's yard
- Calvert William, 9, Mill hill
- Chorlton James, back of Nile street
- Denison John, Calls
- Emmott George, Mabgate
- Emmott James, Mabgate
- Ferguson John, Gale's yard, Call lane
- Garth James, Far fold, Mabgate
- Geldart Wm. Lee's yard, Meadow ln. (patent mangle manufacturer)
- Grey John, Bay Horse yard, Market place
- Hampshire James, Lady bridge
- Handley Henry, Jun. Willan's yard, 23, Mill hill
- Handley John, 15, Hope street
- Handley William, top of Hope street
- Harland John, Jun. Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Harland John, sen. Low fold, North street
- Hartley John, back of Brooke's street
- Hartley Robert, Leylands
- Hopkins William, St. George's street
- Horton John, Kirk Ings wharf
- Littlewood Thomas, York st. Kirkgate
- Lord Jonathan, White cloth hall street
- Marcroft John, Providence place
- Mason Joseph, Bean Ing
- Milner Samuel, Upper High street
- Norton George, top of Mill hill
- Parker John, Low street, St. Peter's
- Powell Robert, King's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Prince William, back of Hope street
- Rogers John, Stock's yard, Mill street
- Shute Henry, 26, Kirkgate
- Shuttleworth James, back of Park row
- Simpson James, 11, Hope street
- Smithson John, Hotel yard
- Sowden Joshua, 31, St. George's street
- Speight Benjamin & Sons, Park lane
- Spence Anne & Sons Simpson's fold
- Stead William, 48, Marsh lane
- Storey Benjamin, St. James's street
- Sykes Jonathan, Templar street
- Thackray James, Church lane
- Townsend John, Charles, 96, Kirkgt.
- Townsend John, sen. 96, Kirkgate
- Turlay James, 52, Kirkgate
- Walker John, Lower Templar street
- Whitwell Charles, John street, Meadow lane
- Wilson Joseph, 8, Duke street
- Bullman Robert and Son, 5, Commercial street
- Calvert William, 9, Mill hill
- Carrack John, Far bank
- Gawthorp and Flesher, Turner street, Albion street
- Handley Henry, sen. 12, Mill hill
- Hartley David, 38, Hunslet lane
- Kendell John and Co. 55, West bar, Mill hill
- Teale Josiah and Son, 80, Lowerhead row
- Theaker Joseph, 106, Kirkgate
- Winn John, 82, Kirkgate
- Wood Robert, Mill hill
- Worswick Richard & Son, 24, Lowerhead row
- Dearman Mary, Mill hill
- Head Charles, Union street
- Cookson and Fawcett, Kirkgate
- Lee John, Nether mills
- Lee Joseph, Nether mills
- Moxon James, St. Peter's square
- Moxon Joseph, 12, Lee's square, York street
- Thornton and Moxon, Lady bridge
- Gilderdale John, Meadow lane
- Miers S. and W. Vicar lane
- Wilson Frederick, Upperhead row
- Dobson H. Woodhouse lane
- Fawcett William, 21, Boar lane
- Glover Samuel, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Hick Joseph, 56, Mill hill
- Hope and Foster, 2, North parade
- Moseley Elizabeth, 6, Commercial street
- Natt Joseph, 34, back of Hope street
- See also, Horse Dealers.
- Clayton Jeremiah, Park row Wilson
- Richard, Hunslet lane
- Rawson Gervas, Watson's yard, Leylands
- Turner William, Low street St. Peter's
- Asquith James, Wade lane
- Beezon James, 72, Briggate
- Bell John, Calls
- Bolton James, 20, Bond street
- Burnley R. W. 8, Market place
- Chappel Thomas, 18, Timble bridge
- Cordukes John, 72, Kirkgate
- Freeman Thomas, 28, Lowerhead row
- Hayes John, 32, Lowerhead row
- Horsefield James, High causeway
- Liversedge John, 2, Bridge end
- Marsden William, 18, and 23, Lowerhead row
- Moat John, Water lane, and New road end
- Wilkinson Henry, 31 back Shambles
- Wilkinson Thomas, Quebec, Park row
- Blackburn William, (soda) 13, Boar ln.
- Mawson William, (aqua fortis) Burmantofts grove
- Raistrick Joseph, (aqua fortis) &c. School close
- Wilson Josias, (soda) Woodhouse ln.
- See also, Watch and Clock Makers.
- Dobbings William, 51, Kirkgate
- Galloway James, Low st. St. Peter's
- Galloway John, 9, East lane
- Galloway Matthew, 1, Dawson's court, George's street
- Helliwell William, 27, Duke street
- Herman Peter, (musical and larum) 75, Kirkgate
- Stonehouse Robert, (spring & turret) Timble bridge
- Hammond Richard, 5, Old Infirmary yard Kirkgate
- Holmes Matthew, 54, Kirkgate
- Aked & Cookson, 46, New Park street, Park lane
- Armitage John, back of Park row
- Baines Samuel, Skinner lane
- Bray Thomas, top of Union street
- Button Thomas, Mill hill
- Cockcroft Henry, Low told, North st.
- Crabtree William, Park lane
- Dixon Stephen, Mill hill
- Drake John, Swinegate
- Driver William, Low fold, North street
- Ellis Joseph, Park lane
- Empsall Thomas, Butt's lane
- Firth John, 91, Meadow lane
- Garnett Benjamin, 15, Templar street
- Gibson Joseph, New lane Meadow ln. lane
- Giles John, James and Moses, Hunslet lane
- Hall Richard, Sykes's yard, Hunslet ln.
- Hardwick Enoch, Skinner lane
- Hepworth John, 41 Vicar lane
- Hirst Samuel, Meadow lane
- Holland John, Timble bridge
- Howe Thomas, Turner's yard, Vicar lane
- Jackson Robert bottom of Lady lane
- Kettlewell J. H'. Far bank
- Lord and Robinson Wade lane
- Mitchell Stephen, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Moon Thomas, Kirkgate
- Moorhouse George, Neville street, School close
- North John, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Pearson George, North street
- Pearson John, Skinner lane
- Pickles William, Black Swan yard
- Preston Thomas, 11, Bowman lane
- Reffit John, North town end
- Rhodes F. and J. Wade lane
- Robinson Samuel, Mill hill
- Russum Richard, 24, Meadow lane
- Shann John and Samuel, Mabgate end
- Smallpage Samuel, Sheepscar
- Sunderland Isaac, Woodhouse lane
- Taylor Samuel, Grosvenor place, Hunslet lane
- Topham Richard, Park lane
- Walker Thomas & Son, Woodhouse ln.
- Whitaker John, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Wood Charles, St. Peter's square
- Wood John and Son, Meadow lane
- Woosey Thomas, Providence row
- Wormald Samuel, Woodhouse lane
- Wright John Sheepscar lane
- Wright William, Far fold, Mabgate
- Young David, Bowman lane
- Atkinson Charles, York street
- Helliwell Joseph, 34, Duke street
- Illingworth and Knowles, Steander
- Lupton Jonathan, Sheepscar
- Wood John, Meadow lane
- Johnson Edward, 4, Nile street
- Johnson Matthew, 7, Nile street
- Matthewman John, Woodhouse carr
- Nicholls John Welfit St. James's st.
- Wood William & Richard, Cookson's grove, Calls
- Adams James, 1, Church row
- Baylis Joseph, Lowerhead row
- Beaumont John, back of Shambles
- Bullock Richard, 26, Lowerhead row
- Burrow William, 78, Marsh lane
- Cooke Sarah, 23, Meadow lane
- Corker John, Kirkstall New road
- Crossland Elisha, 8 Vicar lane
- Crossland William, 6, Vicar lane
- Dawson Miles, 3, Vicar lane
- Dobbings Thomas 51, Kirkgate
- Eltoft George 4, Low St. St. Peter's
- Farrar Hannah, 10, Wood street
- Fletcher Charles 49 and 50, Kirkgate
- Glover Thomas, East lane
- Grainger Josiah, 5 Union street
- Harral J. H. 55, Kirkgate
- Harral W. H. 71, Kirkgate
- Hickey John 19, Kirkgate
- Hirst Samuel, New ln. Meadow lane
- Horsman Christopher, 36, Lowerhead row
- Kabery William, 64, Call lane
- Lee John, 26, Vicar lane
- Mortimer Benjamin, School close
- Nelson James, 29, Vicar lane
- Normington Isabella, 119, Kirkgate
- Osborne John, 16, Kirkgate
- Rodwell Richard 21, Vicar lane
- Slater Hannah, Timble bridge
- Thackray Hannah, 112 Kirkgate
- Topham Richard, 43, Kirkgate
- Walker Nathaniel, 103, Kirkgate
- Winders Hannah, Briggate
- Clark John, White cloth hall street
- Marshall Joseph and Co. 44, Albion st.
- Micklethwait Thomas, Simpson's fold
- Brandling C. J. Esq. Staith, Hunslet lane
- Charlesworth J. and J. Lofthouse, Staith, Crown point
- Fenton William, Esq. Waterloo Staith, Bank
- Bowman Henry, Templar street
- Ditch Joseph, Wormald's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Fotherby Thomas, 35, Lowerhead row
- Smith John 58, George's street
- Tennant John, 12, Lady lane
- Wainwright John, St. John's place
- See also, Agents and Merchants.
- Buttrey John and Son, (Spanish wool) Trinity lane
- Cooper John (wool) Albion street
- Crawshaw (general) 42, Call lane
- Dodgson John, ( wool) White Horse yd.
- Halton William, (wool, oil and soap) Mill hill
- Hicks Joseph, (corn) Commercial court, Briggate
- Hopkins Thomas, Hunslet lane
- Lambert Saml. (wool, oil) Land's ln.
- Norfolk John, (alum) Kirk Ings wharf
- Parker John, Mill hill
- Parkinson Robert, Bank street
- Rothwell Thomas, (dye wares) Goalding's buildings York street
- Simpson Edwin, (foreign wool) 14, Albion street
- Slater Christopher, (general broker) 24, Lowerhead row
- Smallpage John, (carpet, rug and blanket) 22, Briggate
- Smith J. P. (wool) Albion street
- Atkinson Anne, 30, Kirkgate
- Beezon James, (fruiterer) 72, Briggate
- Bradwith Mary, Upperhead row
- Coventry Anne, 5, George & Dragon yard, Briggate
- Crowther Cecilia, 65 Meadow lane
- Foster B. and C. 7, Vicar lane
- Gascoigne George 16, Boar lane
- Greenhough Elizabeth, 4, Bridge end
- Grimshaw Hannah, 16, Briggate
- Heselton John, 7, Commercial street
- Kitching Rachael, 22, Boar lane
- Lilley S. Boar lane
- Lockwood John, Nether mills
- Lonsdale Abraham, 105, Kirkgate
- Mason Matthew, (fruiterer) 28, Cross parish
- Rawson Catharine, High causeway
- Shackleton Martha, Call lane
- Shackleton Samuel, 78, Briggate
- Speight Joseph Bowman lane
- Spencer Hannah, 108, Kirkgate
- Stephenson William, Burley bar
- Stonehouse Hannah, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Varley Jane, Call lane
- Walker Mary, Water lane
- Wild James, 41, Hunslet lane
- Wilkinson Anne, 62, Woodhouse lane
- Wilson Mary, corner of Bank street
- Wood George, Burley bar
- Wormald Sarah, Woodhouse lane
- Davy William, (American) Butt's ln.
- Grayson William, Call lane
- Hornsby Richard, Church row
- Johnson John, Land's lane
- Kilburn Richard, Duke street
- Liversedge Robert, Wellington court, Marsh lane
- Marshall John, 3 North parade
- Matson George, Land's lane
- Richardson William, Timble bridge
- Robertshaw John, Lady lane
- Sanderson William, Bridge end
- Shirt Thomas, under 94, Briggate
- Simpson Benjamin, top of Bank street
- Turver William, Market place
- Wilkinson Thomas, 42, Briggate
- Wolford Richard, Camp road
- Kitching Rachael, (dealer) Boar lane
- Marston Thomas, 84, Briggate
- Parker Benjamin, (dealer) Rose and Crown yard
- Bellhouse William, Warehouse hill
- Burton Richard, 2, Water lane
- Dunn Richard, (commission) Warehouse hill
- England N. & T. Warehouse hill
- Hirst James and Son, Warehouse hill
- Horsefield James, High causeway
- Hudson Edward & Co. King's mills
- Jackson M. C. Warehouse hill
- Phillips Thomas Warehouse hill
- Slade William, Warehouse hill
- Tootall John & Thos. Warehouse hill
- Tootall John, Jun. Warehouse hill
- Underwood David, Kirk Jugs wharf
- Burnell Abraham, Swan street, Cross parish
- Burrows William, 13, Trafalgar street
- Burton Richard, 2, Camp lane
- Cooper Samuel Calls
- Dodsworth William Calls
- Goulden John, 1, Harper street
- Grimshaw John, High court lane
- Hartley Beckwith, Water lane
- Hayes John 32 Lowerhead row
- Higgins Richard, Calls
- Horsefield John & James, Call lane
- Marsden William, 23 Lowerhead row
- Watson William and Co. Kirk Ings wharf
- Dickinson Joseph, York street
- Hainsworth W. B. Steander and Bank
- Roberts Thomas, Water lane
- Hudson Edward & Co. King's mills
- Smith John and George, Scott Hall mills
- Cockcroft Sarah, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Howard David, Warehouse hill
- Howard Elizabeth, Timble bridge
- Howard John, Timble bridge
- Lee John, Nether mills
- Atkinson Daniel, 91, Kirkgate
- Coultate John, 27, Hunslet lane
- Dove C. and W. Boar lane
- Hawkesworth Timothy, 101, Kirkgate
- Hodgson Richard, 34, Vicar lane
- Nettleton Peter, 51, St. George's st.
- Plummer George, 19, Vicar lane
- Rhodes James, Heaton's court, Briggate
- Richardson William & Sons, Call ln.
- Topham John, 57, Call lane
- Cheetham Joseph, 5, Boar lane
- Gay John, 68, Kirkgate
- Gay Thomas, White Hart yard, Market place
- Hardacre Joseph 11, Call lane
- Hirst Samuel and Son Market place
- Scatcherd Saml. (working) Kirkgate
- Stears W. M. 86, Briggate
- Boulby George, (sun) St. Peter's sqr.
- Whitaker John, (clock) Trinity lane
- See also Spirit and Wine Merchants.
- Cadman John, Simpson's fold
- Coupland Thomas & Sons, Warehouse hill
- Harrison William, Water lane
- Scott and Son Simpson's fold
- Walker Ard, Briggate
- Backhouse Henry, 2, back of Shambles
- Bedford James, 39, Briggate
- Brooke Daniel, Nether mills
- Faulkner John, 13, Lady lane
- Glover Samuel, 17 back of Shambles
- Hick Thomas, 24, Lowerhead row
- Lawrence Jonathan, 32, back of Shambles
- Matterson Edward, 12, Briggate
- Morris William, 4, Briggate
- Reinhardt Johann Christian, 18, Cross parish
- Sadler and Briggs, 59, Kirkgate
- Searle George, 79, Briggate
- Smith William, 19, Boar lane
- Spink William, 30, Cross parish
- Sykes John, Bridge end
- Trant Thomas, 29, Briggate
- Walker Joseph, 66, Briggate
- Washington A. G. 88, Timble bridge
- West William, 14, Briggate
- Atkinson Edward, Bowman lane
- Christie J. & R. and Co. Commercial court
- Ellershaw John, Albion street
- Grace & Jepson, back of East parade
- Hardwick and Bray, Simpson's fold
- Joy William and Edward, Mill hill
- Lapage John, Park place
- Lee Charles, Calls
- Medley Joseph, Crown point
- Oastler John, Land's lane
- Parker John, Mill hill
- Payne John and Co. Swinegate
- Rogerson Thos. & Sons, 74, Briggate
- Sadler and Briggs, (manufacturers of oil paints) 59, Kirkgate
- Skelton Henry, Queen's court, Call lane
- Strangeways Edward, 40, Briggate
- Webster Thomas, Waddington's yard, Briggate
- Appleyard P. W. Mill hill
- Brayshaw William, Nether mills
- Carr Thomas & Elizabeth, Swinegate
- Carr William and Sons, Swinegate
- Chadwick Charles, Bowman lane
- Chadwick Mrs. S. (cotton) 9, Swinegate
- Coat Robert and Co. Mabgate
- Coates Joseph, 4, Vicar lane
- Croisdale Joseph, Water lane, Bank
- Dixon Nathan, (worsted) Mabgate green
- George Thomas Swinebeck
- Haigh & Whiteley Sheepscar mill
- Holroyd J. and J. Sheepscar
- Holt Edward, Nether mills
- Holt John, (pattern) Isle of Cinder
- Irvin James, School close
- Johnson William, Steander
- Metcalf David, Leylands
- Musgrave Benjamin, Bank
- Musgrave Samuel, Steander
- Nussey George, Sandford street
- Nussey Joseph, Mill hill
- Pickles & Fawcett, Timble bridge
- Prince Thomas, Isle of Cinder
- Pullan Richard & Co. Park lane
- Rawling Samuel, School close
- Sayner John & George Hunslet lane
- Scarth W. G. Mill garth
- Spencer Samuel, Hunslet lane
- Stansfield William, (silk and cotton) Nag's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Thackrey, Smith & Haigh, Swine beck
- Tute & Calvert Skinner lane
- Walker John, Near bank
- Walker Samuel Swinegate
- Walton Richard, Steander
- Watson Thomas & Son, School close
- Watson William & Son, Leylands
- Wood Joseph and Son, Call lane
- Allison Joseph, Hunslet
- Brown S. Hunslet moor side
- Clark J. Holbeck lane end
- Hartley, Greens & Co. Leeds pottery
- Petty's and Hewitt, Hunslet hall
- Russell William, Meadow lane
- Taylor William, Hunslet
- Bill Thomas, 7, Boar lane
- Boyle Zachariah, 65, Briggate
- Hardisty Elizabeth, 70, Briggate
- Howard James, Mill garth
- Purchon Robert, 110, Kirkgate
- Slater Stephen, Nether mills
- Ainley John, 14, Call lane
- Bramley George. under 89, Briggate
- Fothergill William, under 87, Briggate
- Hartley John, Call lane
- Hind John, 43, Vicar lane
- Huggan G. & J. under 72, Briggate
- Moxon Joseph, George & Dragon yd. Briggate
- Westerman Richard, Call lane
- Brown Samuel, 62, Kirkgate
- Butterworth & Co. 88, Kirkgate
- Cullingworth Joseph, George's street
- Nicholson Samuel, Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- Rushworth John, Dickinson's court, Albion street
- Topham Samuel, 15, Boar lane
- Topham Thomas, 11, Boar lane
- Royce John, 15, Boar lane
- Cuttell Benjamin, York street
- Goodall John, Rockley hall yard
- Jackson Henry & Sons, Far bank
- Smith Jonas, Wilkinson's yard, Hunslet lane
- Stocks Benjamin, (& leather dresser) 13, Duncan street
- Houldgate William, Bowman lane
- Albion, Robert Parkinson, Bank st.
- Atlas, Mark Temple, Post office
- Birmingham, F. W. Oates, George's court
- County Fire & Provident Life Office, Joshua Muff, 17, Commercial st.
- Eagle, Henry Cullingworth, Bridge end
- Globe, J. Thursby, New lane, Meadow lane
- Hope, Thomas Inchbold, 7, back of Shambles
- Imperial, William Tetley and Sons, Mill hill
- London Union, Robert Tanner, Bank street
- Newcastle, Thomas Warham, 6, Trinity lane
- Norwich Union, J. H. Ridsdale, 58, Mill hill
- Pelican, George Shaw, Swan street
- Phoenix, Elizabeth Rimington, Woodhouse lane
- Royal Exchange, Thomas E. Upton, Commercial street
- Sheffield, Tuttle, Richardson and Gaunt, Albion street
- Sun, William Kitchingman, 19, Bank street
- Ackroyd Rhoda, Pack Horse yd. back of Shambles
- Atkinson John, Bond street
- Atkinson William, senr. 17, Duncan street
- Burniston George, Slip Inn yard
- Grimshaw Samuel, 61, Meadow lane
- Hutton Charles, Meadow lane
- Prince William, 25, Lowerhead row
- Atkinson Moses, Near bank
- Benyon & Co. Meadow lane
- Brown Bernard, Mabgate
- Brownridge Samuel, Leylands
- Grimshaw Samuel, 61, Meadow lane
- Hammond George, Wellhouse place
- Herries & Co. Black Dog mill, Bank
- Holdsworth Richard & Co. Simpson's fold
- Laud Thomas, Water lane
- Marshall, Hives & Co. Water lane
- Moore Joseph and Co. Low fold, Far bank
- Titley, Tathams & Walkers, Water hall mill
- Atkinson Wm. top of Ebenezer street
- Barker Margaret 2, Green's court, back of Shambles
- Blackburn William, back of Shambles
- Giles Moses, Bowman lane
- Holker William, St. James's street
- Newton George, Lady lane
- Rhodes James, Land's lane
- Whiteley Thomas, Swinegate
- Wood W. & R. Cookson's grove, Calls
- Green Thomas, 12, Meadow lane
- Cawthry & Thompson, Black Dog mill
- Haley John, Mill hill
- Pickard Samuel, Nether mills
- Dobbings Thomas, 51, Kirkgate
- Dufton John, Marsh lane
- Fletcher Charles, 49 & 50, Kirkgate
- King John, Hunslet lane
- Lee John, 25, Vicar lane
- Linfoot Mary, 28, Kirkgate
- Musgrave David, 52, Kirkgate
- Newton Matthew, 40, Kirkgate
- Saxton Robert, 31, Kirkgate
- Smith Joseph, 60, Kirkgate
- Smith Thomas, 53, Kirkgate
- Smithson John, Hotel yard
- Taylor Martha, Meadow lane
- Thackray Joseph 33, Kirkgate
- Winn John, 82, Kirkgate
- Wood Richard, 8, Vicar lane
- Cragg Thomas, 11, Bridge
- Hay Margaret, 16, Cross parish
- Patchett & Mayor, 3, Briggate
- Rowley W. G. Briggate
- Airrah John, Land's lane
- Haigh James, Church row
- Barnes John, Kirkstall new road
- Dawson Richard, St. George's street
- Ingram John, Sayner ln. Hunslet lane
- Kennedy Alexander, North hall
- May William, 40, Duke street
- Pontey F. 30, Upperhead row
- Pontey Martha, 30, Upperhead row
- Roberts Thomas, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Robertshaw William, Low street St. Peters
- Shackleton Samuel, t8, Briggate
- Taylor Joseph, (attendance on Tuesdays & Sats.) 19 Lowerhead row
- Thompson William, Blackman lane
- Walker James, North street
- Watkinson George, Camp lane
- Bew Edward 69, Kirkgate
- Cawood M. Son, Marsh lane
- Fenton, Murray & Co. Water lane
- Heaps Christopher, 44, Kirkgate
- Stirk Zebulon, York street
- Bower John, (bottles) Hunslet
- Bower Joshua, (crown glass works) Hunslet
- Turnbull James, (cut glass) 5, Woodhouse lane
- Bill Thomas, 7, Boar lane
- Boyle Zachariah, 65, Briggate
- Hardisty Elizabeth, 70, Briggate
- Pomfret William, 3, Commercial st.
- Gray R. & J. W. St. James's street
- Heaps John, (lead) 45, Kirkgate
- Lonsdale & Smith, (crown glass)Wood street
- Waite William, Upperhead row
- Heaps & Fenton, 44, Kirkgate
- Beecroft Thomas, Gill's yd. Kirkgate
- Morton William, Land's lane
- Parker John, Bank street
- Phillips George, 5 Vicar lane
- Shearer George, Wheat Sheaf yard, back of Shambles
- Brownhill Thomas, 19, Briggate
- Cheetham Joseph, 5, Boar lane
- Cheetham Richard, Kirkgate
- Hirst Samuel & Son, 8, Market place
- Hulland William, (working) Bank st.
- Kitching Thomas, (working) 19, Hope street
- Radford William, 10, Market place
- Sherwood Thomas, 43, Briggate
- Tinker Samuel, corner of Bond street
- See also Gardeners, Nursery & Seedsmen.
- Lancaster Thomas, Market place
- Prince William, 25, Lowerhead row
- Shackleton Samuel, 78, Briggate
- Anderton Thomas 64, Briggate
- Banks Benjamin Timble bridge
- Batty John, 55, Mill hill
- Birch William 21, Lowerhead row
- Blackburn William, 13, Boar lane
- Bramley Joseph, 5, Briggate
- Briggs Pearson, 35, Meadow lane
- Brook John, Sheepscar bar
- Cave Joshua, 7, Mill hill
- Chadwick William, Meadow lane
- Clarke Thomas, 13, Kirkgate
- Coates William, (wholesale) 23, Market place
- Collett Richard, 63, Call lane
- Crossfield John, 11, Lady lane
- Crossland John & Edward, 49, Vicar lane
- Crowther Richard Jubbs, 93, Meadow lane
- Dickinson Joseph, York street
- Dixon John, 100, Kirkgate
- Fearnside Wm. (wholesale) Bridge end
- Fretwell & Cockshott, (and hop merchants) 22, Cross parish
- Fretwell Mary, 4, Upperhead row
- Geldard William, Low st. St. Peter's
- Greenwood William, corner of Simpson's fold
- Hammond Thomas, 64, York street
- Heaps John 45, Kirkgate
- Hepworth David Hunslet lane
- Hirst Benj. (wholesale) 88, Briggate
- Holroyd Mary, 29, Meadow lane
- Howitt Robert and Son, (wholesale) 20, Bridge end
- Issott Robt. (wholesale) 2, Market pl.
- Johnson John, Top close
- Jordan H. F. (wholesale) I, Lower-head row
- Lambert Geo. (wholesale) 88, Briggt.
- Leathley John, (wholesale) 11, Briggt.
- Lee Harriet, 83, Kirkgate
- Legg W. B. 44, Briggate
- Mallorie Benjamin, 58, Briggate
- Meadley Henry, Meadow lane
- Micklethwait Richard, (wholesale) 14 & 15, Briggate
- Myers John, Hunslet lane
- Naylor William, Grove place
- Ogle Samuel 20, Cross parish
- Overand Richard, 9, High causeway
- Poole Richard, (wholesale) South bar, Leeds Bridge
- Ramsden John, 92, Meadow lane
- Robinson John, Sheepscar
- Robson John, Sheepscar lane
- Rycroft William, Far bank
- Shaw Jonathan, 163 Marsh lane
- Simpson John, 59 Briggate
- Snowden John, Cross parish
- Stead Samuel, 10, Upperhead row
- Swan Samuel, 90, Kirkgate
- Taylor William, 98, Kirkgate
- Thistlethwaite John & Son, Meadow lane
- Walls George, 153, Marsh lane
- Washington A. G. 88, Timble bridge
- Wass William, 6, back of Shambles
- Wasse Joseph, 56, Kirkgate
- Webster John, Woodhouse lane
- White Robert, (wholesale) Wharf st. Simpson's fold
- Wrigglesworth John, Meadow lane
- Wrigglesworth Joseph, (wholesale) 8, Lowerhead row
- Yewdall John, (wholesale) 29, back of Shambles
- Calvert John & William, 73, Briggate
- Fotherby John, 34, Lowerhead row
- Knublay Benjamin, Hayes court, Vicar
- lane
- Prince John, 89, Kirkgate
- Atkinson Daniel, 91, Kirkgate
- Fox James Richmond hill
- Kendell John & Co. 55, Mill hill
- Smith Thomas & Son, Briggate
- Garbutt J. & Z. Rockley hall yard
- Massey John, Wellhouse place
- Topham George, Old square, Kirkgt.
- Adams John, 12, Boar lane
- Ashworth John, 4, George's street
- Barlow J. S. 76, Briggate
- Bracewell William, Commercial St.
- Cragg Thomas, 14, Bridge
- Crann James, 10, Back of Shambles
- Dobson O. F. 80, Briggate
- Jowitt William, Bond street
- Marsh Luke 8, Upperhead row
- Patchett & Mayor, 8, Briggate
- Prince Sarah, 17, Upperhead row
- Rowley W. G. 38, Briggate and 57, Kirkgate
- Topham George, 77, Kirkgate
- Umpleby William, 42, Vicar lane
- Barrett Joshua, St. Peter's square
- Cudworth John 13, Briggate
- Fretwell & Cockshott, 22, Cross parish
- Hallewell Joseph, 16, Duncan street
- Hargrave William, School close
- Hodgson William, North Town end
- Horsefield James, High causeway
- Howitt Robert and Son, 20, Bridge end
- Lee John, 26, Vicar lane
- Mitchell H. C. W. Burley bar
- Musgrave Simeon, Hardwick's yard, 41, Briggate
- Neesom James, near Salem chapel Hunslet lane
- See also Livery Stable Keepers.
- Hardisty Robert, 70, Briggate
- Tetlow Isaac, Hunslet lane
- Williamson William, 29, Waterloo st.
- Williamson William, Black bank
- Dickinson Wm. 75, Meadow lane
- Allen John, Off street
- Blaxland William, 25, Cross parish
- Brady Jarvis, Bridge end
- Canby Christopher, Old Infirmary yd.
- Cliff William, Gilyard's field
- Dobson O. F. 80, Briggate
- Fell Thomas, 1, Wood street
- Fenton Hannah, 30, Back of Shambles
- Greaves John & Joseph, 12, Bridge
- Haigh John, 66, Kirkgate
- Holmes Samuel, Boar lane
- Leathley Samuel, 89, Briggate
- Lowcock William, Nether mills
- Marsden John, 34, Briggate
- Marshall William N, Briggate
- Overton Benjamin manufacturer of sewing cotton, 23, Briggate
- Perry John, (wholesale) 9, Cobourg street
- Robinson James, 41, Briggate
- Stenson Joseph, 1.8, Boar lane
- Tidmas J. S. 96, Briggate
- Timms John, Lowerhead row
- Wade Benjamin, 99, Briggate
- Wade William, Bridge
- Albion Inn, Joseph Bywater, Top High street
- Angel James Armitage, Back of Shambles
- Bay Horse, 3. Turtle, 11, Market pl.
- Bee Hive, John Waggitt, Vicar lane
- Black Bear, Rebecca Sharp, East lane
- Black Bull Wm. Booth, Hunslet ln.
- Black Bull, Edward Cockerham, Land's lane
- Black Dog, Joseph Scholfield, Hillhouse bank
- Black Horse, Eke. Wilcock, Mill hill
- Black Horse, Thos. Flowitt, Mabgate
- Black Lion, John Atkinson, Mill hill
- Black Lion, Thos. Wood, Near bank
- Black Swan, George Richardson, North parade
- Blakewell Ok, John Cooper, Old Shambles
- Blue Ball, William Broughton, Far fold, Mabgate
- Boot & Shoe Mary Judson, 20, Hillhouse bank
- Boy & Barrel William Servant, Wood street
- Boy & Barrel, John King, Hunslet ln.
- Brewers Arms, Joseph Steel, Kirkgate
- Brown Cow, John Firth, 91, Meadow lane
- Buck, William Morris, 67, Briggate
- Bull & Bell, James Kenworthy, 43, Briggate
- Bull & Mouth Wm. Ward, Briggate
- Bull's Head, William Ramsden, 93, Briggate
- Canteen, William Kitson, Camp road, Long balk lane
- Cardigan Arms, Robert Bucktrout, Kirkstall road
- Cock & Bottle, James Calverley, Upperhead row
- Cross Keys, Jerh. Sowden, Water ln.
- Cross Keys, Thos. Rayner, Hunslet ln.
- Cross Shears, Jas. Whaley, Kirkgate
- Crown Inn, William Harrison, Assembly court
- Crown and Anchor, Sarah Pickles, North street
- Devonshire Arms, Hannah Cookson, Bridge street
- Dog & Gun, Geo. Grubb, York road
- Dolphin, Jeremiah Barstow, 16, Vicar lane
- Dusty Miller, Margaret Wood, Swinegate
- Eagle & Child, Samuel Walker, Hunslet lane
- Elephant & Castle, John Marsland, Hunslet lane
- Elephant Inn, William Blackburn, Back of Shambles
- Fleece, Wm. Hinchliff, Meadow lane
- Fountain Inn, John Sheeran, Bridge end
- Fox & Grapes, John Wood, Kirkgate
- Friendly Inn, Thomas Fletcher, 59, Call lane
- General Elliott, Wm. Lee, Vicar ln.
- George & Dragon, William Massey, 40, Briggate
- Globe, James Milner Quarry hill
- Golden Cock, Dan. Whitworth, Kgt.
- Golden Fleece, David Kirkman, bottom of Ebenezer street
- Golden Fleece, Joseph Atkinson, Briggate
- Golden Fleece, William Atkinson, Old Shambles
- Golden Lion, Wm. Lee, 2, Briggate
- Green Dragon, William Bytes, Burley bar
- Green Parrott, John Boothman, Mill hill
- Griffin, James Birch, Mill hill
- Harewood Arms, Francis Beecroft, Old square, Kirkgate
- Harper's Arms, John Williamson, Harper street
- Haunch of Venison, William Cryer, Upperhead row
- Hope & Anchor, William Pickersgill, Call lane
- Horse & Groom, William Holker, St. James's street
- Horse & Jockey, John Whitaker, Bond street
- Horse & Trumpet, Benjamin Kirk, Cross parish
- Hotel, Sarah Greaves, Briggate
- Irwin's Arms, William Hargreave, Water lane
- Jacob's Well, Hy. Hirst, Meadow ln.
- King's Arms, Henry Dawson, Lowerhead row
- King's Head, Rbt. Alcock, Kirkgate
- Lamb, John Beckwith, Call lane
- Lamb, John Cariss, Timble bridge
- Leeds Arms, Howson Duffield, Hillhouse bank
- Legs of Man, Elizabeth Ward, 7, Lowerhead row
- Legs of Man, Rbt. Grayson, Call lane
- Leopard, James Dawson, Back of Shambles
- Lion & Lamb, Joseph Littlewood, Kirkgate
- Lloyd's Arms, Wm. Pike, Duke St.
- Lord Cornwallis, Joseph Hallewell, 16, Duncan street
- Malt Mill, Charles Nicholson, Lowerhead row
- Malt Shovel, Sarah Hobson, 3, Lowerhead row
- Malt Shovel, Thomas Newhill, Swinegate
- Malt Shovel, Thos. Stead, Meadow ln.
- Marquis of Granby, Benjamin Jordan, Lowerhead row
- Marquis of Granby, Wm. Brumfit, Lady bridge
- Mason's Arms, John Gale, 27, Call ln.
- Nag's Head, Christiana Figari, 33, Vicar lane
- Nag's Head, John Wilson, 6, Upperhead row
- Neptune, Richard Brumfit, Lady lane
- New Inn, Thomas Lewis, Vicar lane
- Noah's Ark, John Fawcett, Meadow lane
- Old Boot & Shoe, George Dunwell, Wood street
- Old Buck, John Gibson, Kirkgate
- Old Buck, William Ripley, Mabgate
- Old Chequer Inn, William Eastburn Water lane
- Old Crown, Henrietta Radcliffe, Kgt.
- Old Dove, Joseph Parker, Call lane
- Old George, Joseph Tebbs, Meadow lane
- Old George, Sarah Burnand, 97, Briggate
- Old Mower, Anne Dobbin, Call lane
- Old Nag's Head, Thomas Robinson, bottom of Kirkgate
- Old Parrot, Jacob Wiltshire, Call ln.
- Old White Swan, Samuel Lansdown, Call lane
- Old Willow Tree, Elizabeth Barnett, Timble bridge
- Olive Branch, Joseph Thorp, Swinegate
- Pack Horse, Henry Woodhead, Slip Inn yard
- Pine Apple, John Abbott, Park lane
- Prince of Wales, William Phillips, St. James's street
- Punch Bowl, Martha Cass, Boar lane
- Queen's Head, Hy. Wylie, Mill hill
- Red Bear, Joseph Morton, 148, Marsh lane
- Red Lion, Joseph Hunt, Meadow lane
- Regent Inn, Wm. Hodgson, Kirkgate
- Rising Sun, John Graham, Marsh lane
- Robin Hood & Little John, George Cox, 27, Vicar lane
- Rodney, Sarah Wade, 101, Briggate
- Rose & Crown, David Booth, Queen street, Near bank
- Rose & Crown, John Hogg, Cross parish
- Rose Inn, Elizabeth Duckworth, White Cloth hall street
- Royal Oak, John Hodgson, Kirkgate
- Royal Oak, William Tinkler, Old Church yard
- Royal Sovereign, Hannah Hay, High-causeway
- Saddle Inn, Geo. Moseley, Briggate
- Saracen's Head, Joseph Rothery, Boar lane
- Scarbrough Castle, James Burnell, Hunslet lane
- Seven Stars, Jas. Seal, Simpson's fold
- Ship Inn, Samuel Oxley, Back of Shambles
- Shoulder of Mutton, Joshua Briggs, Marsh lane head
- Sir John Falstaff, Mark Ball, St. square
- Smith's Arms, Daniel Hopkins, Garden street
- Spotted Cow, Susannah Hepworth, Vicar lane
- Spread Eagle, Jonathan Stones, Meadow lane
- Spring Gardens, Thomas Rushworth, New road
- Star Garter Inn, Thos. Atkinson, Call line
- Star, Samuel Raistrick, Mabgate
- Strafford Arms, Thomas Walker, High court lane
- Swan Inn, William Green, Old Church yard
- Talbot Inn, Joseph Cawthorn, Cross parish
- Three Horse Shoes, John Radcliffe, Park lane
- Turk's Head, Matthew Kitching, 51, Briggate
- Unicorn, John Hallas, Lowerhead row
- Union, Rt. Pearson, 69, Briggate
- Volunteer, Thos. Sanderson, Amen corner
- Waterloo, Wm. Weare, Nether mills
- Wellington, Joseph Ashworth, Kgt.
- Wheat Sheaf, John Frances, Back of Shambles
- Wheat Sheaf, Mary Carr, Upperhead row
- White Cross Inn, Ralph Coulson, Bgt.
- White Hart, William Beckwith, Cross parish
- White Hart, Wm. Duffield, Call lane
- White Horse, George Newlove, 14, Boar lane
- White Horse, Jph. Rhodes, York rd.
- White Lion, John White, Quarry hill
- White Swan, Jonathan Mitchell, 11, High causeway
- White Swan, Uriah Bulmer, Cross parish
- Wild Man, Francis Wilde, Quarry hill
- Woodpecker, George Barker, Marsh lane head
- York Tavern, John Hall, York street
- Beverley & Son, (brass) 13, back of Shambles
- Cawood Martin & Son, Marsh lane
- Crawshaw Samuel, Park lane
- Fenton, Murray & Co. Water lane
- Lawson & Walker, Mabgate
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate
- Shaw Joseph, (iron) Swan street and Hunslet iron works
- Smith, Warwick & Co. Bridge foot
- Stirk & Horsfield, York street
- Sturges John and Co. Alfred street & Bowling, near Bradford
- Taylor, Wordsworth and Co. (brass) Silver street, Water lane
- Beecroft, Heath & Co. (wrought iron and steel) Hirst's yard, Call lane
- Braithwaite John, 15, Lowerhead row
- Ellison William, 15, Bee Hive yard, & 5, Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Hird, Dawson, Hardy, & Field, Lowerhead row
- Knowles Mary & Son, 69, Meadow ln.
- Maude Edmund & Sons, St. Peter's Quay, Calls
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate and Swinegate
- Roberts Jph. 35, back George's street
- Shaw Joseph, Swan street & Hunslet iron works
- Vickers, John Ash, Harper st. Kirkgate
- Wigfield William, (executors of) Bowman lane
- Braithwaite John 4, Market place
- Field Richard, 2, Lowerhead row
- Holmes John, 11, Timble bridge
- Knowles Mary & Son, 19, Meadow lane
- Labron Mary & Son, (& lamp manufacturers) 55, Briggate
- Lancaster Thomas, Market piece
- Nelson Jas. (furnishing, & vendor of Strutt's patent locks) 47, Briggate
- Palmer Thomas (furnishing and general) 21, Briggate
- Raper Benjamin, bottom of Briggate
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate smith
- Thomas & Sons, (vendors of Strutt's patent locks) 92, Briggate
- Wigglesworth Fred. 6, Market place
- Hick Joseph, 56, Mill hill
- Whitaker John, Trinity lane
- Baiston James, Coach lane
- Bamford Simeon, near the New Baths
- Barker Edward, 42, St. Peter's square
- Batty James, Green hill
- Bellhouse Jas. & Geo. Water lane
- Blenkinsop Alexander, Mill hill
- Boddy John, 34, Hope street
- Boler Richard, Woodhouse lane
- Braim Thomas, Park lane
- Burrell Benjamin, St. George's street
- Burton Samuel, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- Carlton William, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Carr Joseph, Elephant yard
- Coates James, Water hall
- Cordingley William, School close
- Croft Samuel, Water lane
- Crowther Eli, 15, Nile street
- Denison John, Calls
- Emmott George, Leylands
- Farrar Abraham, Back of Garden street
- Fletcher Thomas, Bridge street
- Fozard John, Water lane
- Garth James, Far fold, Mabgate
- Geldart William, Lee's yard, Meadow lane
- Goodall Thomas, West street
- Grey John, Bay Horse yard, Market place
- Holroyd Joseph Meadow lane
- Holroyd Mirfield, Meadow lane
- Horton John, Kirk lags wharf
- Ingle John, Hardwick's yd. Briggate
- Ingle Joseph, Timble bridge
- Ingle William, Nile street
- Jackson Henry, Old Post-office yard, Kirkgate
- Judson Thomas, jun. Far bank
- Lord Jonathan, White Cloth hall st.
- Mason Joseph, Bean Ing
- Massey William, Wade lane
- Mawson Joshua & Son, Park lane
- Moody William, 4, New row, Sheepscar lane
- Moorhouse Thomas, 63, Marsh lane
- Neal Joseph, Hunslet lane
- Northend Joseph, 20, Queen street
- Norton George, top Mill hill
- Parker John, Low street, St. Peter's
- Parkinson George, Charles street
- Pattinson William, North street, Woodhouse lane
- Pearson Thomas, Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane
- Pickersgill William Hunslet lane
- Powell Robert, King's Head yard, Kirkgate
- Prince William, back Hope street
- Rhodes John, Woodhouse lane
- Rushforth Joseph, Regent Inn yard, Kirkgate
- Sharp John, Turner st. Albion street
- Shuttleworth John, back Park row
- Simpson James, 11, Hope street
- Smithson John, Hotel yard
- Sowden Joshua, 31, St. George's street
- Speight Benj. & Sons, Park lane
- Stead Matthew, 21, back Hope street
- Storey Benjamin St. James's street
- Sunter Thomas, 23, Nelson street
- Sykes Jonathan, Templar street
- Thackray James, Church lane
- Thorp William, Bowman lane
- Turlay James 52 Kirkgate
- Turton John, back Nile street
- Walker John, Lower Tempter street
- Webster Michael, Park lane
- Wilson Joseph, 3, Duke street
- Woodhead & Co. Lady lane
- Woodhead & Whitehead, Harper st.
- Woodhead Benj. 17 Charles street
- Woodhouse John, Coach lane
- Gregson Anthony, (cotton) Meadow lane
- Cusworth Joseph, 5, Albion street
- Fowler Charles, 12 Commercial st.
- Hemingway Joseph, Bank street
- Holmes William, (building agent) Leylands
- Jackson Benjamin, 1, Kirkgate
- Ratcliff John, North parade
- Taylor Jonathan, 20, Commercial st.
- Teal Henry, (land agent) Albion st.
- Beaumont John, back of Shambles
- Jennings & Hutchinson, Vine street, Hunslet lane
- Phillips George (brace) 5, Vicar lane
- Bell Edw. (Eclectic) 8, Hardwick's yd.
- Etherington Charles, Rayson's yard
- Eyre Margaret, North town end
- Fitzgerald Hannah, Bank street
- Fowler Joseph, Call lane
- Kaye J. B. St. George's street
- Leach J. H. Market place
- Methodist Library, Low st. St. Peter's
- New Subscription Library, Albion st.
- Old Subscription Lib. Commercial st.
- Airey Robert, 28, Upperhead row
- Allison Edward, 10 Briggate
- Allison Thomas, (Manchester house) 91, Briggate
- Aordsley & Field, 37, Lowerhead row
- Booker William, 21, Cross parish
- Bradley & Maddy, 16, Cross parish
- Brady Jarvis, Bridge end
- Brooke Richard, 51, Briggate
- Carter Ann, 46, Briggate
- Dawson Henry, 23, Upperhead row
- Eastwood Anthony, Bridge end
- Frankland J. B. 1, Commercial street
- Geldard William, Low St. St. Peter's
- Gott Isabella, 61 Meadow lane
- Greaves John and Joseph, 12, Bridge
- Hay Margaret, 16, Cross Parish
- Holmes Samuel, Boar lane
- Holyday William, 31, Kirkgate
- Hudswell M. A. & E. 11, Market place
- Hutton John Fleece yard
- Lewis John, Lowerhead row
- Lonsdale J. & A. 23, Lowerhead row
- Marshall William, 18, Briggate
- Minors & Scurr, 3, Back of Shambles
- Moxon William, 6, Briggate
- Muir Alex. Naylor's yd. Meadow lane
- Overton Benjamin 23, Briggate
- Pulleine John, 9, Market place
- Rinder Lucy Kirkgate
- Sagar John, Bradford street
- Sheardown Samuel, 6 Woodhouse ln.
- Skilbeck S. 18 Upperhead row
- Stenson Joseph, Boar lane
- Teale William, 32, Briggate
- Tidmas J. S. 96, Briggate
- Urquhart Binning, so, Briggate
- Wade Benjamin, 99 Briggate
- Wales Edward, 37, Briggate
- Wardle Thomas, 24, Cross Parish
- Watson Adam, 52, Nelson street
- White James, Mabgate
- Benyon and Co. Meadow lane
- Bowes James, Steander
- Brown Thomas, Hunslet lane
- Dunderdale John, Joseph, Butt's lane
- Fenton, Sadler, & Sadler, Albion st.
- Grimshaw Samuel, 61, Meadow lane
- Hardy William, Little London
- Haxby William, Milk st. Meadow ln.
- Marshall, Hives, & Co. Water lane
- Ogle Samuel, 20, Cross parish
- Pulleine John, 9, Market place
- Richardson & Brother, George and Dragon yard, Briggate
- Robinson George, 16 Trinity lane
- Robinson Robert, Low bank
- Titley, Tathams, and Walker, Water hall mill
- Wilson John and Son, Camp hall, Water lane
- Morgan Thomas, 26, Cross parish
- Orange John, 30, Briggate
- Topham Mark, 17, Cross parish
- Day Joseph, Near bank
- Drake Samuel Bow street, Bank
- Wood Maria, Hillhouse bank
- Haxby Wm. Milk st. Meadow lane
- Holroyd James, North town end
- Nelson James, 29, Vicar lane
- Newton George 11, Lady lane
- Rhodes James, Land's lane
- Whitworth Dan. Golden Cock Kirkgate
- Wood John, North st. Woodhouse ln.
- Birkby Catharine, Cross street
- Charlesworth Joshua, 8, Lady lane
- Garnett R. Wade lane
- Hartley John, 15, Wood street
- Manby Aaron, 20, Vicar lane
- Thackray Stephen, 27, Duke street
- Brotherton Fran. Cundall's yd. Briggt.
- Demain George, top Nelson st.
- Emsley Joseph, White Cloth Hall St.
- Harrison James, Trinity lane
- Tesseyman Thomas, 28, Call lane
- Jessop Thomas, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Lloyd James, Carr's yard, Swinegate
- Fenton, Murray, & Co. Water lane
- Firth John, (spindle & flier) Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Guthrie Thomas, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- Jopson William, 42, St. Peter's square
- Lawson and Walker, Mabgate
- Leuty Thomas, Camp lane
- Matthews Joseph Water lane
- Parkin Cowan, Water lane
- Parkin Jonathan (and lathe maker) Great Waterloo st. Hunslet ln.
- Pollard Thomas, (spindle and flier) Smithies' brick earth Bank
- Proctor James and Son, Meadow lane
- Rose John, Neville St. School close
- Stirk and Horsfield, (flax spinning and mill machinery, &c.) York street
- Taylor Thomas Mill garth
- Taylor, Wordsworth, and Co. (flax, woollen and worsted) Water lane
- Whitworth William, Low mill, Mill street
- Woodcock and Harrison, Meadow lane
- Allerton Isaac, Sheepscar
- Arthington Robert, Hunslet lane
- Atkinson John, Mill hill
- Backhouse John, Burley
- Bickerdike John, Meadow lane
- Chadwick John, Sheepscar
- Cooper Samuel, Calls
- Higgins John Meadow lane
- Hopps Joseph, Lowerhead row
- Horsfield James, High causeway
- Hudson Edward & Co. King's mills
- Jaques T. G. Meadow lane
- Kirby John, Water lane
- Lister George, Paley's yard, Kirkgate
- Lister Robert, Park lane
- Lister William Kirk Tugs wharf
- Mann James, Water lane
- Morton & Whittaker, Meadow lane
- Musgrave Simeon Kirkstall
- Philips Thomas, Wade lane
- Pickard Christopher, Woodhouse carr
- Robinson James, Paley's yard
- Skelton Thomas, Water lodge
- Sowden Jeremiah, Water lane
- Spence John, Paley's yard Calls
- Stancliffe Samuel, Park lodge, York street
- Storey Adam, School close
- Sugden John, Meadow lane
- Sykes William, Hunslet lane
- Tetley William & Sons, Mill hill
- Thackrey Joseph, 33, Kirkgate
- Thistlethwaite J. & Son, Meadow lane
- Walker Samuel, Garden street, Marsh lane, and Park lane
- Walker T. and S. Meadow lane and Hunslet
- White James, Mabgate
- Whitehead William, 12, Bridge street
- Whittaker Ellen, Water lane
- Whittaker R. S. Harper street
- Wilks T. W. Hunslet lane
- Wood John, Hunslet lane
- Wrigglesworth William, Wellhouses
- Fenteman Thomas, Land's lane
- Hickey John, top of George's street
- Lord Jonathan, While Cloth Hall st.
Those marked thus * are Stuff Merchants, and those marked thus † are Merchants and woollen cloth manufacturers.
- *Aldam Pease and Co. Park lane
- *Banks and Goodman, Hunslet lane
- Baraclough Thomas, Park lane
- Bateson Joseph, Mill hill
- Beckett Thomas, Albion street
- Birchall Alfred, Albion street
- †Bischoff Bernard and Sons, North town end
- †Bischoff Thomas and James, and Co. Woodhouse lane
- Bischoff Thomas, jun. (general commission) corner of Laud's lane
- †Blackburn B. & Sons, Beeston bar
- *Bolland W. T. and Co. Salem court, Hunslet lane
- Brigg and Son, 4, Albion street
- †Brooke John, Edward, and Co. Hunslet lane and Kirkstall
- Brown C. W. C. and Co. Hunslet lane
- Brown Daniel, Hunslet lane
- Brown Fountaine, back Park square
- Brown James & Co. Woodhouse lane
- Brown John, West street, Quebec
- Browne John, jun. Boar lane
- Bruce and Dorrington, (fancy goods) Sherwood's yard, 41, Briggate
- †Buckle Thos. & Co. Woodhouse lane
- Buckton Joseph & Son Meadow lane
- *Cash J. J. & N. Woodhouse lane
- †Chapman & Southerne, North street
- †Charnock John, Meadow lane
- †Chorley and Uppleby, Park lane
- Clapham Brothers, Hunslet lane
- *Cordingley John, back Park row
- Crawshaw P. (general. commission) 49, Call lane
- Cross John, (general corn.) Meadow ln.
- Crossley James & Co. (cloth, blanket, and stuff) Upperhead row
- †Davy Josiah & Co. a Butt's lane
- *Derham Robert, 13, Meadow lane
- Dobson L. & G. back of Park square
- Eastburn John, (cloth and stuff) Park lane
- Elam John, Woodhouse lane
- †Eyres William & Sons, Park lane
- †Field, Royston & Field, Templar ln.
- †French, Cooper, & Co. Park lane
- *Gallon Richard, Park lane
- Gama and Sons, Blucher street, Hunslet lane
- †Gatliff Thos. & Son, Mount Pleasant
- *Gatliff William and Co. Park lane
- Gilpin John, North town end
- †Glover J. † R. Airedale mills
- †Gott B. & Sons, Upperhead row
- Grace and Jepson, back of East parade
- Grainger John, Camp road
- Hall, Clapham & Co. Butt's lane
- Hardisty and Eastburn, Park lane
- †Hargrave James & Son, Mill garth
- Harrison Jacob, Harrison's court, Hunslet lane
- †Hayley John, Mill hill
- Hebblethwaite Thos. Woodhouse lane
- †Hebblethwaite, Walker, and Co. Wood house lane
- †Hebden Thomas, Burley bar
- Hinchliff John, Skinner lane
- *Hind, Smith, & Co. Sheepscar road
- *Hindes & Patchett, Meadow lane
- †Hirst William, Alfred street
- †Hirst, Bramley & Co. School close
- *Holmes, Briggs, and Kendra, 5, Hayes' court, Vicar lane
- Holroyd A. P. Sheepscar
- Horner Henry, Meadow lane
- Howarth Edmund & Co. Burley bar
- Howarth, Hobson, & Co. Wade lane
- †Hutchinson W. and I. Barron's yard, Upperhead row
- Ikin, Carr, & Co. top of Park row
- †Illingworth and Knowles, Steander
- †Ingham, Brothers and Co. Hunslet lane and Waterloo mill
- Johnson Matthew, 22, St. James's st.
- Kirkby Thomas, Park lane
- †Lee Thos. & Brother, Woodhouse lane
- Leigh A. and R. Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Linsley Joseph, Mabgate
- Lister R. and J. Park lane
- Lupton William and Co. North town end
- Matthewman George & Charles, Carlton lodge, Woodhouse lane
- Metcalfe, Smalpage and Co. Sheepscar lane
- Naylor Abraham St. Peter's square
- †Nevins Pim and Sons, Larchfield
- Nixon John, Trinity lane
- Oates Josiah and Son, Park lane
- Oates Wood and Co. Albion street
- Pearson John, Skinner lane
- *Pullan Richard and Co. Park lane
- Rawson and Thackrey, Brothers, Park lane
- *Rhodes J. W. & Co. Camp road
- Rider David, North town end
- Ridsdale J. H. Woodhouse lane
- Roebuck Israel, (commission) New road end
- Roper & Wrightson, Park lane
- †Rushforth Joseph, Park lane
- Sagar William, Brunswick Place
- Schlisinger C. S. Sheepscar
- †Shann, Driver, and Co. (and stuffs) Carlton hill Woodhouse lane
- Sheepshanks William and John, North town end
- Shepherd John & Son, Woodhouse ln.
- Smith John and Sons Kirkgate
- Smith William, Woodhouse lane
- *Stansfeld D. T. and W. St. Peter's hill, Park lane
- *Stubbins T. C. West bar, Quebec
- Taylor and Wainhouse, Hunslet lane
- Tennant Thomas & Son, Albion st.
- Wainhouse Edward & Co. Belle Vue, St. Peter's hill
- Wainwright David & Son, 46, Park ln.
- Wainwright Mark and Son, Park lane
- Walker R. and J. 26, Park lane
- †Walker Thos. & Son, Woodhouse ln.
- Ward Benjamin, Crown point
- †Westwood Wm. Low fold, North st.
- Wilkinson Jas. & Wm. Hunslet lane
- *Wilks J. & G. & Co. Meadow lane
- *Wilks, Shephard & Co. Meadow lane
- Wilson John, Smithson's yard, Meadow lane
- *Wilson Stow and Co. 45, Albion st.
- Winter Benjamin & Samuel, Mill hill
- *Wood John, Boar lane
- Wood Richard, Templar street
- Wright James, Park lane
- Young John and Co. (commission) Simpson's fold
- Airey Robert, 28, Upperhead row
- Beau Margaret, 52, Albion street
- Beaufoy Sarah, Wade lane
- Bell Eliz. North passage, Lowhd. row
- Carter Ann, 46, Briggate
- Eastburn & Kaye, 11, Nile street
- Ellis Mary, 3, Hardwick's yard
- Eyre Margaret, North town end
- Farrar Rachael, Wade lane
- Gill Sarah, 2, Vicar lane
- Goodall Ann, 9, Low st. St. Peter's
- Hardy Ann, 13, Templar street
- Hindle Mary, 69, Briggate
- Kershaw Eliz. 10, Newsome's yard
- Kilvington Frances, Providence place
- Knowles S. and H. Burley bar
- Lakin Mary, 6, Mill hill
- Lee Priscilla, West bar
- Lofthouse Eliz. 31, Ebenezer street
- Nelson Grace, Assembly court, Call ln.
- Pearson L. B. Wood street
- Plint Jane, 19, Commercial street
- Render Ann & Sarah, Woodhouse ln.
- Render Mary Ann, Kendal row, Bowman lane
- Sadler Sarah, 9, Burley bar
- Turton Eleanor, Kirkstall road
- Watson E. A. and M. Cripplegate
- Wilcock Mrs. Sarah, Cabbage hall
- Windsor Ann, York street
- Atack Benjamin, School close
- Bramma Samuel, School close
- Dawson John, King's mills
- Hezmalhalch J. & J. Far Leylands
- Lumb J. York street, Marsh lane
- Mathers Joseph, Burmantofts
- Mathers Robert, Burmantofts
- Raistrick Joseph, Bridge end
- Booth William, (and violin & violin-cello manufacturer) 57, Mill hill
- Dearlove Mary, 4, Boar lane
- Gough & Abson, (instrument makers) Call lane
- Greenwood John, West street
- Greenwood Thomas, (organ builder) Crown point
- Hamilton Henry, 8, Low st. St. Peter's
- Hopkinson John, Queen's square
- Muff Joshua, 17, Commercial street
- Porter Edward, 10, Lowerhead row
- Sykes William, 16 & 18, Burley bar
- Theaker Joseph, 106, Kirkgate
- Turton John, Fleece yard, Meadow ln.
- White John, (preceptor) Park row
- Bentley John, Old Rayson's yard, Market place
- Braithwaite John, 15, Lowerhead row
- Cooke Thomas, 28, Wood street
- Ellison William, Bee hive yard, and 5, Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Fenton Christopher, Near bank
- Garbut J. Rockley hall yard
- Lancaster Thomas, Market place
- Perkin George, Marsh lane
- Perkin Joseph, York street
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate
- Roberts Joseph, 35, back George's st.
- Wigfield William, (executors of) Bowman lane
- Baines Edward, 77, Briggate, (Leeds Mercury) Saturday
- Gawtress William and Co. New street, (Leeds Intelligencer) Monday
- Headley William 91, Briggate, (Leeds Independent) Thursday
- Bolland Christopher, Butt's court
- Armistead J. & J. Water lane
- Coldbeck William, (and refiner) Water lane
- Ellershaw John, Albion street
- Fisher Thos. (commission) Green hill
- Glover Samuel 17, back of Shambles
- Hardwick and Bray, Simpson's fold
- Harrison Elijah, Hunslet lane
- Joy William & Edward, Albion street
- Lawrence Jonathan, 32, back Shambles
- Medley Joseph Crown point
- Rothery John Co. nr. Timble bridge
- Skelton Henry, Queen's court, Call ln.
- Walker Joseph, (and refiner) 66, Briggate
- Davies G. 20, Boar lane
- Hirst Samuel & Son, 8, Market place
Those marked thus * are Preceptors in Drawing.
- Burrows Thomas, New road end
- *Cope Charles, 3, Park square
- Rhodes Joseph, North town end
- Schwanfelder C. H. (animal painter to his Majesty) Mill hill
- Backhouse and Jennings, Mill hill
- Baylis Thos. Lady lane
- Braithwaite James, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Briggs James, Simpson's fold
- Clark John, Water lane
- Coates Joseph, Vicar lane
- Cowlam Thomas, 46, Albion street
- Cowlam William, 3, Old Infirmary yard, Kirkgate
- Danpure Thomas, (and enameller of rooms) 35, Lady lane
- Frederick William, 9, Wood street
- Hargill William, 1, High st. St. Peter's
- Heaps & Fenton, (glass) 44, Kirkgate
- Hutchinson Anthony, 19, Back of Shambles
- Jackson George, 29 Upperhead row
- Jackson John, 39, York street
- Kay Edward, 45, Duke street
- Kay William, Sheepscar bar
- Kershaw W. S. 1, Mill hill
- Linley John, 4, Hunslet lane
- Linley S. & Son 58, Bridge end
- Littlewood Chas. Paley's yard, Calls
- Livesey Henry, Green's court, back of Shambles
- Maloy John (enameller) East lane
- Manners John, Old Square Kirkgate
- Miers Samuel & Son, 46, Vicar lane
- Miers William, 43, Vicar lane
- Poulter Gibson, Cabbage hall, Woodhouse lane
- Rathmell John, Rathmell's yard, Briggate
- Richardson James, Timble bridge
- Robinson David, 3, Duke street
- Robinson James, 15, Lady lane
- Robinson John Clark, 100, Briggate
- Schwanfelder J. and J. top of Upperhead row
- Simpson Thomas, 1, North parade
- Wales John, 4, Lowerhead row
- Walton Wm. Cowell's yd. Briggate
- Wardle George, (dealer in colours) 25, Kirkgate
- Wardrobe Edward, North passage, Lowerhead row
- Whitaker John, Trinity lane
- Wilson Frederick, 14, Upperhead row
- Wilson John, 67 Meadow lane
- Wood John (& grainer) Leeds bridge
- Wood Joseph, Wood's court, Briggate
- Wormald William, Lowerhead row
- Foster Jonathan, New road end
- Furness Phineas, Calls
- Glover John, Bramley's yard, Lowerhead row
- Hirst John, Water lane
- Martin & Mawson, 33 Vicar lane
- Rushworth Joseph, Ellerby lane
- Sayer Joseph, White Hart yard Paper
- Hargrave James 87, Kirkgate
- Hargraves Richard, Lowerhead row
- Pickering H. and Sons, York street
- Renton Thomas, back of Shambles
- Furness Phineas, Calls
- Rushworth Joseph, Ellerby lane
- Holliday and Richardson, Wilks' place, Hunslet lane
- Matthews Joseph, near Wesleyan chapel, Water lane
- Taylor & Wordsworth, Silver street, Water lane
- Fotherby Thomas, 35, Lowerhead row
- Garbutt John Rockley hall yard
- Holmes Matthew 54, Kirkgate
- Legg W. B. 44, Briggate
- Musgrave James, (wholesale) North passage, Lowerhead row
- Vickers John Ash, Harper street, Kirkgate
- Vickers Mary and Son, 81, Kirkgate
- Ward William, 83, Briggate
- Wells John, 9, back of Shambles
- Boyle William, Harper st. Kirkgate
- Catlow John, Church row
- Coxon and Johnson, Rotation Office yard, Kirkgate
- Higham Samuel, Off street
- Hindle John, Hayes's court, Vicar ln.
- Lawton James, 101 Meadow lane
- Shute Henry, 26, Kirkgate
- Smith Joseph, 80, Kirkgate
- Taylor Elizabeth, St. John's street, Lady lane
- Tomlinson William, Marsh lane
- Walls George, Marsh lane
- Adams John, 12, Boar lane
- Atkinson Edward, Commercial street
- Butler William, Call lane
- Calvert Joshua, Bank street
- Crann James, 23 back of Shambles
- Crowther Isaac, Bridge end
- Dixon John, 4, Church row
- Fenton Elizabeth Burley bar
- Haigh John, 66 Kirkgate
- Hale John, 27, Lowerhead row
- Livesey John, 50 and 51, Albion street
- Lowe Robert, 51 Kirkgate
- Marsh Luke, 8, Upperhead row
- Nichols James, 12 Lowerhead row
- Skelton John, 24, Briggate
- Smith William, 60, Call lane
- Wheatley William, 7, Lady lane
- Baynes Wm. George & Dragon yard
- Frost George, (Brightley and Childs, Bungay) Top close
- Hicks John, (Fisher, London) 4, Hope street
- Bird Benjamin, Park row
- Hunter Adam, Park row
- Payne J. A. Park row
- Thorp R. W. D. East parade
- Williamson James, Park row
- Bewley Robert, 74, Kirkgate Watson
- Richd. & Joseph, Crown point Plasterers,
- Backhouse and Jennings, Mill hill
- Blackburn Joseph, Quebec
- Blanchard Carrick, St. George's st.
- Blanchard William, Fleece yard, Meadow lane
- Braithwaite James and Son, 2, Boddey's yard, Union street
- Foster Jonas Church row
- Thackray John, Timble bridge
- Waggitt John, jun. (Bee Hive Inn) 45, Vicar lane
- Waggitt John, 11, St. George's street
- Waud Joseph, Templar street
- Wilson Robert, Nile street
- Addy William, 15, Upperhead row
- Askin Sarah, Calls
- Briggs Mary and Son, Commercial court, Briggate
- Briggs Thomas 14, Mill hill
- Britton Samuel', Grey walk
- Brown Harriet, North street
- Hall Joseph, Land's lane
- Heaps Christopher, 44, Kirkgate
- Holmes John, Leylands
- Maltby Saml. Cookson's yd. Kirkgate
- Midgley Mary, Sykes's yard, Hunslet lane
- Pattison Thomas, George's street
- Ramsden John, Bond street
- Simpson Robert, Simpson's fold
- Simpson William, Swinegate
- Stewart Charles, 25, Duke street
- Thomlinson Elizabeth, Wood house ln.
- Threlkeld Thomas, 15, Call lane
- Walker Joseph, Bee Hive yard, Vicar lane
- Woodhead Benjamin, Harrison's yard, Meadow lane
- Bradford Joseph, opposite Call lane, Kirkgate
- Bray George, (and fancy stationer) 6, Commercial street
- Bryan William, Duke street
- Carrett Matthew, Heaton's court, 6, Briggate
- Webster William, 24, Newsome's yard, Briggate
- Arthington Robert, Hunslet lane
- Hallewell Joseph, 16, Duncan street
- Heighington Joseph, Vicar lane
- Jaques T. G. Meadow lane
- Lee William, Vicar lane
- Marshall John 3, North parade
- Reynolds William and Son, Heaton's court, Briggate
- Simpson Benjamin, top of Bank street
- Baines Edward, 77, Briggate
- Barr John, 45, Briggate
- Bean William Lowerhead row
- Cullingworth Henry, Bridge end
- Dewhirst Benj. 21, Commercial street
- Gawtress William & Co. New street
- Hardisty William, 33, York street
- Headley William, 91, Briggate
- Jowett Saml. Dickinson's ct. Mill hill
- Leach John Hustler, Market place
- Pickard Christopher, top of Kirkgate
- Wilson George, 3, Kirkgate
- Nicholson Samuel, Kemplay's court, Kirkgate
- See also Bakers and Flour Dealers.
- Ainley John, 14, Call lane
- Akers Houseman, Water lane
- Ambler William, 11, Harper street
- Andrews John, Summer st. Park lane
- Appleyard Richard, 1, Union street
- Atha John, Bowling green, Meadow ln.
- Bates Joseph, 22, St. George's street
- Batho Thomas, Hillhouse bank
- Batty George, Camp field
- Beckwith Anne, 11, Upperhead row
- Beecroft John, 63, Meadow lane
- Beesting Mary, West place, Park lane
- Birch Mary, 2, Duke street
- Birdsell John, Water lane
- Bolland Thomas, York street
- Bragg Wm. (potatoes) Warehouse hill
- Brown George, 18, Lady lane
- Brumfit Sarah, 16, Lady lane
- Buck John, 14, Brick street
- Buckbrough Richard, Near bank
- Calder William, 80, Marsh lane
- Calvert Edward, 4, Duke street
- Carr John, Water lane
- Clark James, Mabgate
- Claughton Dorothy, Water lane
- Craven Joseph, 51, Ebenezer street
- Crooks Eli, Bridge end
- Cryer Anthony, Ellerby lane
- Dean William, 1, York street
- Dobson Ezra, Meadow lane
- Downs William, Summer st. Park lane
- Drury John, Warehouse hill
- Dunderdale Thomas, Meadow lane
- Eastwood Robert Park lane
- Eastwood Wm. Kirkstall new road
- Ellis John, 93, Quarry hill
- Emmerson Henry, East lane
- Firth Thomas, Bridge street
- Fozard John, Water lane
- Haigh Henry, 16, Marsh lane
- Halstead Wm. Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Hanson Mary, 18, Kirkgate
- Hargrave Mary, 20, Kirkgate
- Hattersley John, Calls
- Ireland Hannah, 5, Rose & Crown yd.
- Jackson Robert, 17, John's street, Lady lane
- Kitchen William, Water lane
- Lawson John, 3, Woodhouse lane
- Lax Hannah, 10, Camp field
- Leigh William, Amen corner
- Leuty Thomas, Camp lane
- Lockwood Matthew, 24, Vicar lane
- Lyon Ann. Water lane
- Maltas Robert, 12, Kirkgate
- Manby Aaron, 20, Vicar lane
- Marsden George, 21, Kirkgate
- Marshall Nathaniel, 40, York street, Kirkgate
- Martin Anne, Wellhouses, Bank
- Mason Elizabeth, 16, Wood street
- Mayne Joshua, Park lane
- Meadley Henry, Meadow lane
- Moxon Hannah, Quarry hill
- Moxon Joseph, Quarry hill
- Muschamp Thomas, Upperhead row
- Neal Joseph, Hunslet lane
- Newton George, 11, Lady lane
- North Reuben, School close
- Northend Joseph, 20, Queen street
- Pearson Robert, North street
- Pickersgill William, Hunslet lane
- Poe Isaac, 41, Hunslet lane
- Proctor Mary, 22, Hillhouse bank
- Purchon Charles, Mill st. & Steander
- Purchon Robert, 110, Kirkgate
- Raisbeck John, 5, Church row
- Rawling John, Camp field
- Riley Jane, 23, Boar lane
- Riley William, Mill hill
- Robertshaw Benj. York street
- Russel Thomas, Nether mills
- Russel William, 68, Meadow lane
- Russum Richard, 24, Meadow lane
- Rycroft Mary Anne, 14, Hope street
- Schofield Samuel, Low Leylands
- Servant John, 68, Quarry hill
- Sidden Arabella, 15, Near bank
- Simpson John, 38, Meadow lane
- Slack William, Lady lane
- Sowden Thomas, 8, York street
- Sowerby Elizabeth, 1, Old Post Office yard, Kirkgate
- Speight James, Quarry hill
- Sutcliff Mary, 19, Hillhouse bank
- Taylor Matthew, 5, St. James's street
- Taylor Thomas, Timble bridge
- Thompson Anne, Call lane
- Thompson William, Water lane
- Thornton Sarah, 7, Sykes's row, York street
- Topham Thomas, 33, Ebenezer street
- Tranter Edward, 16 Nelson street
- Turkington Grace, Top close
- Waddington Robert, Meadow lane
- Walker Hannah, 78, Kirkgate
- Walker John, Bowman lane
- Walton Joseph, Near bank
- Watson George, 53, Call lane
- Watson William, Bridge end
- Whitaker John, 5, Harper street
- Whitaker William, Camp lane
- White James, Mabgate
- Whitehead John, 176, Marsh lane
- Wilcock Sarah, ill, Kirkgate
- Wilson Ephraim, St. James's street
- Winter Margaret, Quarry hill
- Wood John, Meadow lane
- Wray John, Black bank
- Yates T. D. Marsh lane head
- Goodricke William, 7, Kirkgate
- Jordan H. F. (Lincolnshire) 1, Lowerhead row
- Bill Thomas, 7, Boar lane
- Buckley George, Smithies' Brick garth
- Greaves Jonathan, Low st. St. Peter's
- Kirk William, 77, Meadow lane
- Martin and Mawson 33, Vicar lane
- Sayer Joseph, White Hart yard, Market place
- Strickland William, Lady lane
- Thackray William, Simpson's fold
- Wild John, 85, Quarry hill
- Wood James, 23, Kirkgate
- Appleyard Elizabeth, bottom of Kirkgate
- Brazier Elizabeth, 34, Kirkgate
- Tidswell Frances, Park lane
- Booth Jane, 57, Mill hill
- Prince Mary, Albion street
- Brown Jonas and Son, Water lane
- Calverley John, Jubilee street
- Holroyd Mirfield, Meadow lane
- Pease Robert, Bee Hive yd. Vicar ln.
- Whitworth Wm. Low mill, Mill St.
- Bond John, Camp field
- Butterworth Charles, Swinegate
- Green John, Brewery field, Meadow ln.
- Green Thomas, 12, Meadow lane
- Green William, Camp field
- Greenwood Susannah, North street
- Hargreave Isaac & Son, Pottery ln. end
- Holdsworth Joseph, 58, Call lane
- Hutton Charles, Meadow lane
- Kaye Thomas, Bowman lane
- Land John, Tofts lane, Quarry hill
- Nuns Wm. Gray's walk Hunslet lane
- Parker Benjamin, (and waste dealer) Water lane
- Patrick William, Upper High street
- Prince John, (and hair cloth manufacturer) 89 Kirkgate
- Prince William, 25 Lowerhead row
- Wilkinson John, Park lane
- Priestley Jonathan, Hunslet moor and Bee Hive yard, Tuesdays
- Bell Hugh, 52, Briggate
- Cundall Richard, (and trunk maker) 74, Briggate
- Daniel Robert, 25, Briggate
- Gibson Richard, (hunting and army) 22 Lowerhead row
- Greenhow John, 5, Bridge end
- Holdsworth and Scholefield, 72, Meadow lane
- Kirk William, 77 Meadow lane
- Nicholson and Hill Woodhouse lane
- Ratcliff Lydia, 5, Lowerhead row
- Stead John, 13, Upperhead row
- Stead Joseph, 28, Upperhead row
- Topham George, 9, Boar lane
- Wade Mary, 12, Back of Shambles
- Gilderdale John, Bowman lane
- Dickinson & Brownless, (salt for bleaching & agriculture ) 45, Water lane
- Hirst James & Son, Waterhouse hill
- Middleton Joseph, 44, Water lane
- Corker John, (and dealer in joiners' tools) 6, Swan street
- Armistead J. and J. 48, Briggate, and Water lane
- Lupton Jonathan, Sheepscar lane
- Rothery John & Co. nr. Timble bridge
- Blakey David, School close
- Brown John, Leylands
- Brown Thos. & Co. Crown point forge
- Goodall George, Mill hill
- Foster George, Land's lane
- Hampshire Thomas, Trinity lane
- Lumb Samuel, Boar lane
- Ginevar John, Simpson's fold
- Senior John, (& French biscuits) 18, Kirkstall new road
- Booth Thomas, Holbeck lane end
- Hall Samuel, 80, Meadow lane
- Maude Samuel, 67, Marsh lane
- Holdforth James, Mill street, Bank
- Holmes John, Timble bridge
- Sugden Joseph, Near bank
- Heavyside & Rennison, Canal basin, Water lane
- Kelley John, Neville street
- Preston William, St. George's wharf, bridge
- Dixon George Coxon's yard, Kirkgate
- Gale Joseph, Richmond hill
- Pattinson John, 91, Meadow lane
- Teall Henry, Dock lodge, Monk pits
- Watson William, Bowman lane
- Wilson Benjamin, School Close
- Woodson Benjamin, Water lane
- Paley Richard & Co. Kirk Ings, Calls
- Chapman John, Charnock's yard, Meadow lane
- See also Distillers and Rectifiers.
- Booker John Upperhead row
- Burnell and Mallorie, Swan st. Cross parish
- Cadman John, Simpson's fold
- Coupland Thomas & Sons, Calls
- Harrison William, Water lane
- Heighington Joseph, Vicar lane
- Hick Robert Butt's lane
- Mitchell H. C. W. Burley bar
- Osburn Wm. & Co. Upperhead row
- Parkinson Abraham, Commercial ct. Briggate
- Pattinson & Proctor, Albion street
- Prince Sarah, 17 Upperhead row
- Reynolds Wm. & Son, Heaton's ct.
- Scott John & Son, Simpson's fold
- Skelton & Wells, Albion street
- Taylor and Chapman, Land's lane
- Tetley William & Son, (British wine) Mill hill
- Thornton Henry, Woodhouse lane
- Walker Ard, Briggate
- Warham Thomas, 6, Trinity lane
- Wilson Edward, 46, Kirkgate
- Wood Benjamin, Timble bridge
- Atkinson Joseph, Golden Fleece, Briggate
- Cariss John, Lamb, Timble bridge
- Cass Martha, (Punch Bowl) 2, Boar ln.
- Cudworth John, (British wine) 13, Briggate
- Duffield Wm. White Hart, Call lane
- Figari Christiana, Nag's Head, 30, Vicar lane
- Gale John, (Mason's Arms) 27, Call ln.
- Hallewell Joseph, (& hop merchant) 16, Duncan street
- Hopkins Daniel, Smith's Arms, Marsh lane
- Lansdown Samuel, Old White Swan, Call lane
- Lee Wm. (General Elliott) Vicar lane
- Lewis Thomas (New Inn) Vicar lane
- Morris Wm. (Buck Inn) 56, Briggate
- Richardson George, North parade
- Sanderson Thomas, Volunteer, Amen corner
- Sheeran John, Fountain Inn, Bridge end
- Took Peter, Gill's yard, Kirkgate
- Walker Thomas, Turk's Head yard, Briggate
- Heaton John, 7, Briggate
- Hobson & Robinson, Moot hall
- Inchbold Thos. 7, Back of Shambles
- Riplingham William, Water lane Searle
- William, Harper street
- Airey Robert, 28, Upperhead row
- Beaumont James, 69, Kirkgate
- Gill Sarah, 2, Vicar lane
- Kendrew Thomas, 34, Lady lane
- Skilbeck S. 18, Upperhead row
- Fenton Murray & Co. Water lane
- Pullan Richard, Hunslet lane
- Stirk Zebulon, York street Stone
- Child Wm. New navigation wharf; agent, Thos. Hollins, Water lane
- Denby Thos. New navigation wharf; agent, H. Watkinson, Swinegate
- Humble D. & Co. New navigation wharf; agent, Benjamin Mortimer, School close
- Jennings & Co. New navigation wharf; agent, Thos. Naylor, Water lane
- Pollard Joshua, Navigation wharf; agent, John Atkinson
- Rhodes Richard & Co. Navigation wharf; agent, Jonathan Alderson, Bridge street
- Rogerson Thos. & Son, 14, Briggate
- Sharp John New navigation wharf; agent, Henry Watkinson, Swinegate
- Slater John, New canal wharf
- Smith John & George, Scott hall mills
- Sowden Matthew, Crown point, and Albion wharf, Southwark, London
- Whitaker Isaac. Church lane
- Widdop Saml. Lowfold, Hillhouse bank
- Alderson Jonathan, Bridge street
- Blythe Walter, Little Templar street
- Bussey James; North street
- Cawood John, Kirkstall road
- Collinson Richard, 26, Bridge street
- Dennison Joseph New road end
- Drury Thomas, Wellhouse bank
- Grunwell Joseph, Templar street
- Hallewell William, Land's lane
- Jackson Andrew, New road end
- Smithson Robert, 18, St. George's st.
- Strickland Francis, Neville street School close
- Strickland Joseph, Mill hilt
- Tilney Nicholas, Low Leylands
- Tilney Thomas & Sons, Hunslet lane
- Tilney William, 36, Nile street
- Walsh and Dauber, Park row
- Walsha John, Cankerwell lane
- Whitaker Isaac, Church lane
- Wilson Jonathan & Son Wade lane
- Wright George, Wade lane
- Webster & Priestley, Skinner lane
- Benn Sarah, Turk's Head yd. Briggate
- Brown John, 13, Bridge street
- Catlow Hannah, 5, Cross street
- Chapman Sarah, Bean Ing
- Constantine Patience, Kirkstall new road
- Cooke. & M. Newsome's yd. Briggt.
- Cundale Elizabeth 7, Elope street
- Foxton Alice, York bridge
- Hay Margaret, 16, Cross parish
- Hindle William, 69, Briggate
- Hunt William, (wholesale) Commercial street
- Jackson Susannah, 56, Kirkgate
- Kaye J. B. 55, George's street
- Kendrew Thomas, 34, Lady lane
- Land Ann, Camp field
- Lent Jemima, 37, Duke street
- Littlewood Elizabeth, Paley's yd. Calls
- Robinson Mary 21, Bridge end
- Russell Jane, Woodhouse lane
- Settle Susannah, Meadow lane
- Smithson Robert, 18, St. George's st.
- Thackray William, 5, Market place
- Walker Anne 30, Ebenezer street
- Waud John, Sykes's row, York street
- Wikeley Thomas, 29, Templar street
- Wilshire Anne, Summer St. Park lane
- Wilson Charlotte, Bridge street
- Armitage David, Hillhouse bank
- Atkinson George, (& bunting) Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Blackburn William, St. Peter's square
- Clark Joseph, Marsh lane head
- Cradock Joseph, Queen st. Near bank
- Cradock Thomas, Garland's fold
- Firth Jph. Storey's fold, Burmantofts
- Foxcroft Benj. St. Peter's square
- Foxcroft Samuel, 96, Quarry hill
- Green James, 31, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Haigh Benjamin, King street
- Hammond Thomas, 64, York street
- Hatfield James, Marsh lane head
- Hindes & Patchett, Meadow lane
- Holmes John, 6, Kirkgate
- Hopkins Charles, Muck lane, Bank
- Kipling James, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Lee John & Son, Low holland, Calls
- Pickles David, Wellhouse place
- Pickles Rebecca, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Rhodes John William and Co. Camp road, Long Balk lane
- Searle Samuel, Garden street
- Stephenson Joseph, 14, Hillhouse bank
- Whiteley Eli, Bank
- Wood John, (& blankets) Boar lane
- Hobson John, Goodman's ct. Hunslet ln.
- Kay James, Cookson's yd. Kirkgate
- Liddle and Rogers, Sandford street, School close
- Richardson John & Son, Meadow lane
- Robinson & Co. Isle of Cinder
- Atkinson John, 34, Park square
- Atkinson John, East parade
- Battye R. C. Park row
- Brooke Obadiah North bar
- Case Anthony, Albion street
- Chorley Thomas, Assembly court, Call lane
- Dickinson Samuel, 18, Albion street
- Dodsworth William, Albion street
- Flood John, New road end
- Garlick Prince, Infirmary
- Hare Samuel, Albion street
- Hay R. C., 4, Mill hill
- Hay William, Mill hill
- Hey Wm. Esq. & Son, Albion street
- Loine Andrew, 20, North street
- Mann John, (army) 8, North town end
- Mapother Charles, (army) Park square
- Metcalfe Thomas Thompson, Woodhouse lane
- Musgrave Benjamin Richmond hill
- Noble James, top of Park row
- Petty William, 16, Call lane
- Price William, Harrison's yard, Meadow lane
- Richardson John, 2, Commercial st.
- Smith Samuel 18 Commercial street
- Smith W. A. Burley bar
- Taylor M. Water lane
- Taylor Robert, 4, Kirkgate
- Teale Thomas Albion street
- Thackrah C. T. North street
- Tute James, Call lane
- Wade John, 6, Boar lane
- Wilson Robert, 2, Woodhouse lane
- In the last Leeds Directory, a distinction was made in the above list, between the gentlemen who were, and those who were not, of the Royal College of Surgeons. This was complained of as invidious; the asterisks are therefore now omitted, and it is only necessary to correct an erratum in the former list, by which Mr. R. C. Hay was omitted to be ranked among the regular Surgeons.
- Atkinson John East parade
- Murphy Joseph, Park square
- Collison Richard, (highways) 25, Bridge street
- Nicholson William, (taxes) office, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Mallinson Joseph, East lane
Those marked thus * are also Drapers.
- *Adam James, 1, Church row
- *Blackburn Thomas, 17, Bridge end
- Burnand John, 17, Lady lane,
- *Burnett Joseph, 33 Briggate
- *Campbell Samuel, Newsome's court, Briggate
- Cottam Robert, Old Church gate
- *Crooks William, 64, Meadow lane
- Crooks Wm. 26, St. Anne's street
- *Crossland Elisha, 8, Vicar lane
- *Crossland William, 6 Vicar lane
- Cundall Joseph, 5, St. Anne's street
- *Dawson John, Allison's yard, Brigt.
- Dodgson William, New road end
- Exley Joseph, William st. Camp field
- Field Joseph 22, George street
- *Gascoigne John, 6, Wood street
- Grasby Thomas, Hunslet lane
- Greaves Jonathan Low st. St. Peter's
- Green William, Templar street
- Hampshaw Thomas, 60, Call lane
- Hanson Anthony, Call lane
- *Hardwicks and Nelson, 49, Briggate
- *Heaton George, Heaton's court
- Heaton William Nelson street
- Hicks John, Park row
- Hord William, Talbot yd. Cross parish
- *Horsman Christopher 36, Lowerhead row
- *Howard Thomas, 9, Bank street
- *Johnson Michael, George & Dragon yard Briggate
- Johnson William, Bridge street
- Kabery William, 64, Call lane
- *Knublay Robert, Swan street, Cross parish
- *Labron John, 11, Boar lane
- Mathews Edw. bottom of Templar st.
- Naylor John, 34, Meadow lane
- *Pemberton & Bellhouse, Hirst's yard, Briggate
- Phillips George, 5 Vicar lane
- *Phillips Peter, Old square, Kirkgate
- Philliskirk Henry, Bridge end
- *Pickles Joseph, 3, Market place
- *Ragg John, 9, Lowerhead row
- *Rawling Benjamin 35, Vicar lane
- Ripley John, 51, Call lane
- *Robinson Anthony, Wood's yard, Briggate
- Rodwell Richard, 21, Vicar lane
- Sands James, Newsome's yd. Briggate
- *Smalpage & Vickers, 22, Briggate
- Sugden Jesse, Boyne's yard, near White cloth hall
- Tuke Edward, 5, Duke street
- Walker Nathaniel, 103, Kirkgate
- Wallis Nathaniel, High street
- Walton Joseph, Near bank
- Wesson John, Dickinson's ct. Albion st.
- Whitaker Benj. Allison's yd. Briggt.
- Whitehead Wm. Geo., Dragon yd. Bgt.
- *Wilson Richard, 20, Lowerhead row
- *Wilson Sarah, 5, Land's lane
- Womack Chas. Low street St. Peter's
- Wood Jas. Brewery field Meadow ln.
- Chippendale Charles, 100, Briggate
- Clarkson Sarah, 14, back of Shambles
- Crosfield John, 11, Lady lane
- Dixon John, 100, Kirkgate
- Hare Henry, 5, back of Shambles
- Heaps John, 45, Kirkgate
- Poole Richard, South bar, Bridge
- Prentis James, New road end
- Sellers Beckwith, 20, Wood street
- Jackson John Smith, Low fold, Bank
- See also Grocers.
- Barstow Jeremiah, 18, Bond street
- Beckett Mary, 4, back of Shambles
- Brumfit Susannah, Lady lane
- Corson David, (& draper) 4, Nelson st.
- Cudworth John, 13, Briggate
- Denison Thomas, Bowman lane
- Girvan Hugh, Lisbon street, Bean Ing
- Glover Widow, Lady lane
- Greaves Joseph, 11, Lowerhead row
- Heaps John, 45, Kirkgate
- Hodgson William, North town end
- Kitching Rachael, 22, Boar lane
- Lister James, (& coffee roaster) 9, Brgt.
- Moorhouse John, 90, Briggate
- Myers William & Co. 9, Briggate
- Neesom James, (wholesale) near Salem chapel, Hunslet lane
- Neesom W. K. (wholesale) Bridge end
- Nicholson William, 23, Hunslet lane
- Rinder Lucy, 27, Cross st. Lady lane
- Sedgwick Mary, 16, New street
- Senior Thomas, Bowman lane
- Smith Jas. Bischoff's yd. North street
- Squire William, 1, Boar lane
- Taylor Elizabeth, Wormald's yard, Woodhouse lane
- Thorp John, 17, Briggate
- Tripp Ann, 10, St. Anne's street
- Varey Thomas, 7, John street
- Walker Thomas, 9, Nile street
- Warham Thomas, 6, Trinity lane
- Watson Thomas, 27, Cross parish
- White George, Woodhouse bar
- Wilson Josias, Park lane
- Baker Benjamin, 14, High street
- Rayner William, Butt's lane, Park ln.
- Benyon & Co. Meadow lane
- Bowes James, Steander
- Brown Bernard, Mabgate
- Foster John, Blucher at. Hunslet lane
- Herries & Co. Black dog mill, Bank
- Holdsworth Richd. & Co. Simpson's fold
- Hollingworth John, (cotton) Black bank
- Land Thomas, Water lane
- Moore Joseph & Co. Low fold, Far bank
- Overton Benjamin, 23, Briggate
- Robinson George, Trinity lane
- Spencer Samuel, (linen) Union place, Water lane
- Strickland Wm. (& cotton) Lady lane
- Titley, Tathams, & Walkers, Water hall mill
- Harrison Robert & Co. Simpson's fold
- Ingle William, (hard wood) York st.
- Maude Edmund & Sons, St. Peter's quay, Calls
- Peacock Barnaby, Son & Co. Calls
- Singleton Wm. (hard wood) Simpson's fold
- Smith Benjamin & Son, Kirkgate
- Smith Joseph, Simpson's told
- Walker John, Water lane
- Westmoreland & Wrigglesworth, Calls
- Wilson Benj. (bard wood) School close
- Wrigglesworth Wm. Kirkgate
- Barrett Joshua, St. Peter's square
- Beckett Mary, 4, back of Shambles
- Benson & Simpson, Call lane
- Boyne Thomas, School close
- Cadmans & Stanley, Lady lane
- Carlile James, 8 Boar lane
- Gilpin George, old church yard
- Goulden William, York street
- Greaves Joseph, 11, Lowerhead row
- Green R. F. Neville street
- Hargrave William School close
- Heaps John, 45, Kirkgate
- Hilton John, (cutter for hire) York st.
- Holliday James, 27, Kirkgate
- Howitt Robert, Calls
- Jackson William, 1, Lowerhead row
- Neesom W. K. Bridge end
- Newsome Thomas, 21, Upperhead row
- Nicholson William, 43, Hunslet lane
- Procter M. house Queen square
- Rinder John, Boar lane
- Sampson John, 9, hack of Shambles
- Simpson John & Joseph, Water lane
- Taylor William & Son, Lowerhead row
- Triebner and Co. Water lane
- Watson Thomas, 27, Cross parish
- Whaley William, 42. Lowerhead row
- White George, 61, Woodhouse bar
- Wigglesworth William, Mill garth
- Wood Charles, Lady lane
- Bilton & Simmons, Mabgate green
- Fagan John, Mabgate
- Fletcher Wm. 24, Musgrave's fold, Bank
- Hayes John, Mill street
- Hayes John, Timble bridge
- Hayes Joseph, Joy's fold, Marsh lane
- Hodgson Richard, 129, Marsh lane
- Hunter Thomas, 10, Middle fold, Mabgate
- Tunstall Joseph, Quarry hill
- Addinell Grace and Son, 40, Briggate
- Crosier James, 35, Lady lane
- Herman Peter, 75, Kirkgate
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate
- Skelton John, 24, Briggate
- Baldwin James, Wellington yard, Kirkgate
- Baldwin John, Shears yard, Kirkgate
- Faulkner Richard, Butler's yard, Kirkgate
- Goodall Matthew, Royal Oak yd. Kgt.
- Goodall William, Vicar lane
- Pallister George, Wellhouse bank
- Pollard Thomas, 25, Lady lane
- Slater James, 6, Sidney St. Vicar lane
- Willey Thomas, Marsh lane head
- Eagland J. B. bottom of Park row
- Gay John, 68, Kirkgate
- Thackrah Joseph, Call lane
- Bew Edward, 71, top of Kirkgate
- Hall Samuel, 80, Meadow lane
- Jackson John, Smithies' brick garth, Bank
- Kay James Water lane
- Lawson and Walker, (& manufacturers of fancy tools) Mabgate
- Purdy Frederick, Calls
- Sedgwick John, Nelson street
- Webb Samuel, 150, Marsh lane
- Wood Benjamin. White Cloth hall st.
- Wood James, Lady lane
- Wood James, St. George's street
- Wood Richard Vicar lane
- Wood William, Fox & Grapes yard, Kirkgate
- Shaw James, 3, New street
- Stears W. M. 86, Briggate
- Wilson Robert, back St. John's church
- Fryer William, Burley bar
- Hargrave Robert, Church lane
- Pickles Joseph, 3, Market place
- Smaller William, St. Anne's street
- Smalpage John, 22, Briggate
- Wales Edward, 37, Briggate
- Wilson Frederick, Upperhead row
- Wormald Bryan, 15, Briggate
- See also, Clock Makers, and Watch and Clock Makers.
- Beckwith William, 69, Kirkgate
- Brownbill Thomas, 19. Briggate
- Cheetham Richard, Kirkgate
- Fowler Robert, Hunslet lane
- Fryer William, Clay pit lane
- Heaton John, Stanley's yd. Lady lane
- Radford William, 10, Market place
- Sherwood Thomas, 43, Briggate
- Smallpage John, High causeway
- Tinker Samuel, corner of Bond street
- Brownbill Thomas, 19, Briggate
- Cheetham Joseph, (turret clock) 5, Boar lane
- Cordingley Thomas, 33, Lowerhead row
- Fletcher Thomas, 66, Meadow lane
- Hirst Samuel & Son, 8, Market place
- Prior George, (chronometer maker) Woodhouse lane
- Clarke Richard, Warehouse hill
- Clowder Geo. Old Crown, Kirkgate
- Kirlew Richard, Vicar lane
- Reed Benjamin, 15, Bowman lane
- Scott John and Co. Leeds lock
- Thompson William, Simpson's fold
- Wood J. and Co. Simpson's fold
- Atkinson Benjamin, Lady lane
- Atkinson William, Isle of Cinder
- Bellhouse James & George, Water ln.
- Coates James, Marsh lane head
- Coates James, Water hall
- Hobson John, Wade lane and Burley
- Holliday & Richardson, Wilkes place, Hunslet lane
- Hollings and Nettleton, Alfred street
- Hudson Joshua, Meadow lane
- Lofthouse Sarah, High court lane
- Richardson John, Sykes's yd. Mill hill
- Taylor, Wordsworth & Co. Water lane
- Walker James, Coal staith yard, Hunslet lane
- Wilkinson John, Kirkstall new road
- Rhodes John, Waddington's yard, Briggate
- Denison Samuel, (screw press) Sidney street, Vicar lane
- Drake William, Bridge end
- Holmes Abraham, New ln. Meadow ln.
- Proctor John, bottom of George's st.
- Wood Thomas, Bank bridge
- Atkinson Richard Sheepscar
- Clayton James, Water lane
- Dalby James, (bell hanger) Barr's yard, St. George's street
- Denison James, Mabgate
- Denison William Land's lane
- Fowler James, Lady lane
- Gouldthorpe James, Trinity lane
- Hill William, Rockley hall yard
- Hodgson Fran. Royal Oak yd. Kgt.
- Johnson Thomas, (screw press maker) Kirkstall new road
- Nelson James, 47, Briggate
- Ratcliff James & Charles, Ratcliff's yard, North street
- Reynolds Richard, 31, Briggate
- Roberts J. back of George's street
- Rose John, Neville street, School close
- Sanderson Richard, Kirkgate
- Simpson Any. (flyer mkr.) Nr. bank
- Wilson Joseph, Water lane end
- Atack Samuel, Church lane
- Blanchard Carrick, St. George's st.
- Holderness William, 8, East lane
- Borland Thos. 58, St. James's street
- Harris John, (paper mould maker and fancy wire worker by machinery) top of George's street
- Fielding Mary, 92, St. Peter's square
- Binns William, Ebenezer street
- Frazer Widow, Camp field
- Mann C. D. Fleece yd. Meadow lane
- See also Merchants, and the Lists for the Out Towns of the Borough and the Clothing District.
- Armitage David, Hillhouse bank
- Braithwaite William, Hillhouse bank
- Brown Thomas, Hunslet lane
- Haigh James, (cord) Church row
- Harrat John & Sons, St. st,
- Hill J. H. & Co, School close
- Holroyd James, Darnton's yd. North Town end
- Horsfall Benjamin, Far fold, Mabgate
- Jennings Benjamin, Boynton's square, Quarry hill
- Maburn, Brown & Maburn, Mill garth
- Turner, Brothers, (flannel) Harper St.
- Walker Joseph, Hunslet lane
- Young John & Co. Simpson's fold
- Blackburn Thomas Bridge end
- Bolton James, 20, Bond street
- Charlesworth & Smith, (& silk mercers) 1, Briggate
- Hardwicks & Nelson, 49, Briggate
- Hepworth John, 41, Vicar lane
- Horsman Christopher, 36, Lowerhead row
- Knight Thomas, Templar lane
- Pickles Joseph, 3, Market place
- Ragg John, 9, Lowerhead row
- Randall William, St. Peter's square
- Rawling Benjamin, 37, Vicar lane
- Smalpage John, (carpets & rugs) 22, Briggate
- Stephenson James, 53, Briggate
- Wilson Richard, 20, Lowerhead row
- Wormald Bryan, 15, Briggate
- Charnock Charles, Meadow lane
- Abbott William, 50, Call lane
- Austin Jeremiah & Co. Alfred street
- Balme John, Trinity lane
- Barff William and Sons, 15, Duncan street & Star yard, Wakefield
- Benson John, Quebec
- Benson Robert Trinity lane
- Benson Robert and Sons, bottom of Park row
- Benson William, Boar lane
- Bowes & Milnes, Mill hill
- Burton Jos. & Sons, (agents) Bank st,
- Buttrey John & Son, Trinity lane
- Charlesworth & Meggison, Swinegate
- Churchill Samuel, jun. (factor) Albion street
- Clough James, Simpson's fold
- Cooper John, Albion street
- Curling and Nelson, 13, Call lane and London
- Day Francis Albion street
- Dickinson Abraham & Sons, Boar lane
- Dixon Isaiah & Co. Meadow lane
- Dixon John & Son Meadow lane
- Dodgson John, White Horse yard
- Dodson James, George's court, 91, Briggate
- Fisher Garbut, Bank street
- Goodman George, (factor) Hunslet lane
- Hall William, Queen's ct. Call lane
- Halton William, Mill hill
- Hindes & Patchett Meadow lane
- Holroyd William, 6, Call lane
- Holt W. and T. 28, Mill hill
- Howarth Edmund & Co. Burley bar
- Hubbard James, bottom of Albion st.
- Hurst William, Alfred street, and Gomersall
- Jowitt John & Sons, Albion street
- Jowitt Thomas, John & Co. Albion st.
- Lambert Samuel, Land's lane
- Lindley William, Mill hill
- Lister & Co. Moot hall
- Motley Thomas J. & J. Old Rotation office yard, Kirkgate
- Motley Thomas, 8, Duncan street
- Nelson Sutcliffe, 32, Call lane
- North Benjamin, Sterne's buildings, 40, Briggate.
- Oldman Rbt. Dickinson's ct. Albion st.
- Richards Sam. (factor) White Cloth hall street
- Roberts James and Co. White Horse yard, Boar lane
- Rothery & Birchall, Albion street
- Simpson Edwin, (factor) Albion street
- Simpson Joseph, Trinity lane
- Smith J. P. Albion street
- Spink John, Land's lane
- Stanley James, Simpson's fold
- Stocks Benjamin, 13, Duncan street
- Sunderland John, Sterne's buildings
- Swaine R. & J. (factors) Albion street
- Thackwray John, Mill hill
- Turner Giles, 74, Meadow lane
- Wade Isaac, Queen's court, Call lane
- Wade John, Bank street
- Wade John, Calls
- Wade Joshua, Simpson's fold
- Wade William & Son, Call lane
- Walley Samuel & Co. Alfred street
- Whalley Joseph, 27, Mill hill
- Whitehead William and Sons, 9, Duncan street
- Whitlark John, Meadow lane
- Wilkinson John, 2, Albion street
- Woodhead Joseph, White Cloth hall street
- Wylde John & Co. 36, Call lane
- Hammond John, Nether mills
- Hindes & Patchett, Meadow lane
- Holdforth James, Mill street Bank
- Knowles James, Timble bridge
- Lister & Co. Swinegate
- Marsden Thomas, Cockerham's yard, Land's lane
- Pickles Benjamin, 38, High street
- Pickles John, Mill street, Marsh lane
- Stansfeld, Briggs and Stansfeld, St. Peter's hill
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ALLERTON GLEDHOW in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Beckett Sir John, Bart. Gledhow-hall
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ARMLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Clapham Rev. Charles, incumbent
- Gott Benjamin Esq. Armley house
- Holroyd Joseph, Esq. Wither
- Sadler Benjamin, Esq. Castleton
- Tetley John, gentleman
- Wigglesworth John, gentleman
- Wright Richard, gentleman
- Anderson John, vict. New Inn
- Appleby John, corn miller
- Appleyard John, sizing boiler
- Armitage Samuel, vict. White Horse
- Banks William, auctioneer
- Broadbent George, tailor, &c.
- Cawood John, draper
- Crossfield Charles, shoemaker
- Ellis James, acting overseer and surveyor of highways, &c.
- Ellis Joseph, cabinet maker
- Fawcett John, jenny maker
- Fletcher S. H. academy, Belle vue
- Foster John, vict. Nelson's Arms
- Gamble Henry, gentleman
- Grunwell John, shoemaker
- Hartley Beckwith, flour dealer
- Hawkshaw Jonathan, overlooker
- Horsman Joseph, vict. Red Lion
- Hudson William, net maker
- Lister Mary, vict. Union Cross
- Luptons, Wright and Cavill scribblers
- Marshall Joseph, vict. Red Bear
- Mason William, plumber and glazier
- Procter James, cattle dealer
- Tetley William and Sons, agents to the Imperial Fire office, wine and spirit merchants, and maltsters
- Webster Elias, agent to B. Gott and Sons
- Wheatley John, jenny maker
- Whitelock John, organ builder
- Wilkinson William, vict. Malt Shovel
- Woodhead John, listing maker
- Atkinson Benj.
- Briggs Thomas
- Cheesebrough J.
- Close John
- Goodall Richard
- Ingham William
- Lister George
- Musgrave Samuel
- Scott Thomas
- Anderson James
- Canton Nathan
- Shiers John
- Taylor Thomas
- Porritt D. W.
- Porritt David
- Simpson Thomas
- Walker Joseph
- Akeroyd James
- Appleby John
- Broadbent Joseph
- Brown Robert
- Clark William
- Cromack Eliz.
- Oldfield Mary
- Poppleton A. B.
- Swithenbank Jph.
- Clark Benjamin
- Sugden John
- Tattersall Thomas
- Tetley W. & Sons
- Wilson Dorothy
- Briggs Joshua
- Broadbent Joel
- Cheesebrough John
- Middleton William
- Killerby Michael
- Oates Abraham
- Oates James
- Beecroft Geo. junr.
- Beecroft Geo. senr.
- Brodwell William
- Hudson John
- Hudson Joseph
- Hudson Joshua
- Burton William
- Schofield G. R.
- Chambers Stephen
- Holdsworth Thos.
- Swales Solomon
Those marked 1 attend the Black Horse; 2 Black Lion; 3 Bull and Bell; 4 Elephant; 5 Fleece; 6 George & Dragon; 7 Griffin; 8 Leopard; 9 Old George; 10 Old Mower; 11 Old Red Lion; 12 Punch Bowl; 13 Queen's Head; 14 Saddle; 15 Star and Garter; 16 Turk's Head; 17 Wheat Sheaf; 18 White Cross; 19 White Hart; 20 White Horse; 21 Green Dragon Inns, in Leeds.
- 6 Akeroyd Abm.
- 15 Akeroyd James
- 9 Akeroyd Joseph
- 12 Anderson John
- Appleby Benj.
- 8 Armitage Jph.
- Atkinson John
- Austin Thomas
- 4 Best John
- 10 Booth James
- Briggs John
- 11 Briggs Joseph
- 11 Briggs Joshua
- Briggs Michael
- 2 Buckroyd Thos.
- 5 Carr Todd
- 6 Chapman Thos.
- 6 Chapman Wm.
- 6 Child Joseph
- 6 Clayton John
- 12 Cobham Elijah
- 14 Cromack G. jun.
- 14 Cromack G. sen.
- Dickinson George
- 18 Dickinson Jph.
- 18 Drake Joseph
- 6 Eddison John
- 7 Ellis James
- 21 Eyres W. & Sons
- Farrar Abraham
- 6 Farrar John
- Foster John
- 7 Fowler Martin
- 6 Garforth John
- 6 Garforth Joseph
- 7 Gaunt Thomas
- 6 Gaunt William
- Glover Richard
- Gott B. and Sons, Armley mills
- 9 Guy James
- 9 Guy John
- Halliday Abraham
- 8 Hardcastle Jph.
- 13 Haywood Wm.
- 5 Hepper Henry
- 5 Hepper Samuel
- 5 Hepper Wm.
- Holdsworth Benj.
- 2 Holdsworth D.
- 14 Holdsworth Jn.
- 1 Holdsworth Jp.
- Holdsworth Wm.
- Hudson Samuel
- Hudson Stephen
- 9 Laycock Thos.
- 8 Leach John
- 8 Leach Jonth.
- Leathley Marmdk.
- 6 Lupton J. jun.
- 6 Lupton J. sen.
- 6 Lupton John
- 9 Lupton John, Cross Gates
- 6 Lupton Jph.
- Lupton Jph. jun.
- 9 Lupton Thos. Wingate
- 6 Lupton Walter
- 9 Lupton Wm.
- 6 Mason George
- Mirfield Wm.
- 5 Moss Matthew
- 3 Musgrave John
- 14 Musgrave Rhd.
- 14 Musgrave T. jun.
- 14 Musgrave T. sen.
- 5 Nichols Saml.
- 6 Oddy Benj.
- 6 Oddy Wm.
- 10 Page Thomas
- 18 Parker John
- 8 Revill Abrah.
- 18 Robinson Benj.
- 12 Robinson John
- 8 Scott John
- 6 Sharp James
- 6 Sharp Nathan
- 6 Simpson Neriah
- 20 Simpson Thos.
- 7 Smith James
- 17 Smith Thos.
- 17 Smith Wm.
- Sowden James
- Stead John
- 8 Stead Thos.
- 6 Tetley D. R.
- Tetley Samuel
- 16 Wade Thomas
- 19 Wainman Benj.
- 16 Wainwright Jn.
- 16 Wainwright T.
- 2 Walker Jph.
- 2 Walker Robert
- 12 Webster Abm.
- 16 Whitaker Edw.
- 9 Whitaker Geo.
- 5 Wild John, jun.
- 20 Wild John, sen.
- 6 Windsor Thos.
- Wood John
- 12 Woodhead John
- 5 Woodhead Wm.
- Thomas Scott and Joseph Binks, to Leeds every Tu. & Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BEESTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Backhouse Samuel, butcher
- Bradley William, vict. White Hart
- Bradshaw T. R. warehouseman
- Carlton Samuel, joiner & cabinet mkr.
- Cheal Edward, perpetual overseer
- Cooper Wm. victualler, Unicorn
- Crosby Mary, cattle dealer
- Dodson Thomas, clock maker & surveyor of Elland highways
- Empsall John, vict. Punch Bowl
- Eyre Rev. L. curate & school master
- Fletcher John, gentleman
- Goodison George
- Goodricke William, victualler and feather merchant, Unicorn Inn
- Hare Henry, tallow chandler
- Hewitt Matthew, gentleman
- Hill William, Esq. Beeston hall
- Kaye Vincent, victualler, Fox and Hounds, Millshaw
- Leather James and George, Beeston Park Colliery
- Mitchell John, corn miller, Mill Shaw
- Rawson John, shoemaker
- Roberts David, tailor
- Stirk William, gentleman
- Swaine Rev. Joseph B.D. incumbent
- Tatham Thos. thread mfr. Cross Flatts
- Wager John, sen. bricklayer & builder
- Wager John, jun. bricklayer & builder
- Walker Jeremiah, merchant, Royds
- Walker John & Sons, cloth dressers, mfrs. fulling & scribbling millers
- Firth James
- Mitchell John
- Clark Thos.
- Firth William
- Stansfield Wm.
- Walker John and Sons, Millshaw
- Brown Jeremiah
- Greathead John
- Maude William
- Smith Wm. Snitals
- Wilson Thomas
- Brown William
- Cheal Edward
- Halliday James
- Petty Saml.(baker)
- Rogers Benjamin
- Thistlethwaite J.
- Wilson Wm.
- Wood Samuel
- Booth John
- Petty Samuel
- Wilson William
- Blackburn Benj. & Son
- Dunderdale G. & Co
- Rangeley James
- Stansfield Wm.
- Walker John and Sons, Millshaw
- Dodson James
- Fisher Garbutt
- Wade John
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BRAMLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Binns James, schoolmaster
- Bolton George, linen draper
- Brotherton James, Swin moor toll bar
- Brown George, shopkeeper
- Clough John, corn miller
- Dewhurst William, plasterer
- Elsworth Ephraim, gentleman
- Firth John, vict. Old Unicorn
- Garbut Rev. T. Methodist Preacher
- Hague Jonathan, vict. New Inn
- Hepworth Wm. assistant overseer
- Humphreys Rev. Robert
- Laycock Robert, surgeon
- Morley Isaac, painter and gilder
- Mortimer Julius, gentleman
- Musgrave Simeon, sen. gentleman
- Myers Thos. Vict Globe Inn
- Nichols William, tanner
- Oddy Wilfit, cooper
- Perigo William, deputy constable
- Pollard John, gentleman
- Rogerson John, Stone merchant
- Spence William, vict. Cardigan Arms
- Thompson Robert, gentleman
- Trickett, Rev. Wm. Baptist Minister
- Turner Joseph, vict. Acorn Inn
- Wade Thomar, Merchant
- Wood Bobert, saddler
- Cowling Joseph
- Dixon John
- Pickles Isaac
- Sowden William
- Hargrave T. sen.
- Hargrave T. jun.
- Myers John
- Shaw Oswell
- Cooper Thomas
- Dutton James
- Margerison James
- Midgley John
- Pickles & Wheatley
- Hudson Anthony
- Musgrave Joshua
- Pawson Henry
- Wood Joseph
- Parker Samuel
- Patchett Wm.
- Barker William
- Bedford Peter
- Harrison Joseph
- Musgrave Wm.
- Shiers James
- Wilson Benjamin
- Cooper Henry
- Hemingway Wm.
- Musgrave Joseph
- Musgrave Simeon
- Musgrave Wm.
- Tattersall Peter
- Waddington John
- Waite John, sen.
- Waite John, jun.
- Bottomley John
- Holiday Joseph
- Holiday Samuel
- Lord Charles, sen.
- Walker John
- Haley John, sen.
- Hudson James
- Lister, Farrer, & Co
- Musgraves & Co.
- Rogerson & Co.
- Smith & Haley
- Dean Joseph
- Houghton John
- Longefelvan
- Appleyard Fred.
- Smithson Peter
- Chandwick & Brother
- Farrar William
- Holdsworth James
- Holiday Joseph
- Machell Samuel
- Myers & Brothers
- Slater John
- Wade Henry
- Whitehead W. & J.
- Wright Thomas
- Benson William
- Hartley Joseph
- Hudson Joseph
- Joy William
- Barker John
- Barker Joseph
- Houghton Geo.
- Mugrave Samuel
Those marked 1 from the Bay Horse; 2 Turk's Head; 3 King's Arms; 4 Saddle 5 Dolphin; 6 Boy and Barrels 7 Old Mower; 8 Fleece; 9 Black Lion 10 George and Dragon 11 White Horse; 12 Rising Sun; 13 White Hart; 14 Bull and Mouth; 15 Haunch of Venison; 16 Old White Hart; 17 Griffin; 18 Star and Garter; 19 Britannia; 20 Parrot; 21 Leopard; 22 Cock and Bottle; 23 Horse and Jockey; 24 Old White Swan; 25 Punch Bowl; 26 Bull's head; 27 Green Dragon; 28 Ship.
- 1 Arundel James
- 1 Arundel Joseph
- 2 Atha Thomas
- 3 Barker John
- 3 Barker Joseph
- 5 Bennett Jacob
- 6 Bentley Wm.
- 7 Binks Benjamin
- 8 Broadbent Jas.
- 10 Byram Moses
- Clarkson William
- 8 Clough Jereh.
- 8 Clough Robert
- 8 Clough Thomas
- 8 Clough William
- 10 Craven William
- 8 Denton Benj.
- 8 Denton Thos.
- 8 Denton Wm.
- 11 Dickinson Jas.
- 8 Dickinson Jph.
- 8 Dickinson Wm.
- Dykes Joseph
- 13 Eddison Benj.
- 13 Eddison George
- 13 Eddison John
- 14 Farrar Abm.
- 8 Farrar Daniel
- 8 Farrar Joseph
- 16 Farrar W.& Son
- 8 Fearnley John
- 3 Fearnley Josh.
- 8 Fearnley Wm.
- 2 Goodson Joseph
- Goodson William
- 17 Hainsworth Jph
- 8 Haley Isaac
- 8 Haley John, sen.
- 8 Haley John, jun.
- 18 Harrison John
- 8 Harrison Peter
- 19 Harrison Rt.
- 20 Hinnings Rt.
- 8 Holdsworth Rt.
- 5 Holmes John.
- 8 Holmes Saml.
- 6 Horsman Geo.
- 13 Horsman Jph.
- Howgate Joseph
- Hudson James
- 10 Hutchinson Jas. sen.
- Hutchinson Jas. jun.
- Jagger John
- 8 Johnson John
- 1 Kitchin Joseph
- 13 Lawson Joseph
- 13 Lawson Thos.
- 11 Lister John
- 11 Lister Joseph
- Lister Richard
- 8 Lister Richard
- Long William
- 10 Lupton John
- Marshal Robert
- 3 Marshall Abm.
- 1 Marshall John
- Mathers James
- 8 Merritt & Holden
- 14 Musgrave Abm.
- 8 Musgrave John
- 8 Musgrave L.
- 11 Musgrave Saml. sen.
- 2 Myers George
- 2 Myers Robert
- 2 Nawthorp Jph.
- 22 Parker Jonathan
- Parker Joseph
- 25 Pearson Rd.
- 8 Peart Thomas
- 8 Perigo James
- 8 Pickles George
- 13 Roberts John
- 23 Roberts W. sen.
- 24 Roberts W. Jun.
- 24 Roberts Wm. younger
- 5 Robinson Wm.
- 28 Rogerson Jph.
- 3 Ross Benjamin
- 10 Scott Benj.
- 8 Smith Mark
- 2 Stogsdell Saml.
- 13 Sugden Samuel
- 15 Turner John
- 9 Turner Jonth.
- 2 Wainwright D.
- 8 Waite Wm.
- 6 Walker John
- 8 Walton John
- 22 Webster John
- 27 Wheater George
- 1 Whitley Benj.
- 8 Wilson Joseph
- Wood John
- 25 Wood John jun.
- 8 Wood Joseph
- 19 Wood Joshua
- Wood Richard
- Boyne Edward and William, Tu. and Sat. Golden Fleece
- Turner Wm. Tu. & Sat. Punch Bowl
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BURLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Bumby Joseph, grocer
- Catton Benjamin, shuttle maker
- Chadwick charles, dyer
- Cockerham Wm. common carrier
- Coxon Henry, pawnbroker
- Craven W. Cardigan Arms
- Dickinson James, woolstapler
- Hinchliffe Catharine, gentlewoman
- Hobson John, wheelwright
- Holdforth James, cotton spinner
- Hutchinson Joseph, cabinet maker
- Jackson Mrs. gentlewoman
- Miers Mary & Elizabeth grocers
- Oates Josiah, stuff merchant
- Sowden Matthew, stone merchant
- Stansfeld Mrs. gentlewoman
- Thackrey Michael, Esq.
- Waite Wm. glass merchant
- Wilks Wm. merchant
- Wray Rev. George
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for CHAPEL ALLERTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Where the letter L is used it denotes the party have establishments in Leeds: Miscellany of trades
- Banks William, vict. Bay Horse
- Bickerdike Ann, linen draper
- Bilton John, farrier
- Brayshaw Thomas, corn miller
- Brooke Edward, Esq.
- Brown Charles, Esq. L
- Brown Wm. Williams, Esq. L
- Chadwick James, saddler
- Gill Mrs. gentlewoman
- Hamilton Mrs.
- Howgate William, cattle dealer
- Howson John, tanner
- Ingham Joseph, cooper
- Ingle John, gentleman
- Ingle Mrs.
- Johnson Mrs. Diana
- Kendell John, L
- Luck Thomas, blacksmith
- Nicholson Mrs. G.
- Oates Edward, gentleman
- Pawson Samuel, gardener
- Ridsdale William, farmer
- Spencer Mrs. Sarah
- Swan Joseph surveyor of highways
- Tetleys M. & W. milliners
- Tinker Samuel, L
- Todd Thomas, vict. Blackwell Ox
- Tyas John, woollen manufacturer
- Walton William, gentleman
- Wells William, vict. Nag's Head
- Whittaker James, gentleman
- Whittaker John, gentleman
- Harrison James
- Preston Edward
- Banks Joseph
- Bumby William
- Kitchenman Levi
- Lawrence Levi
- Wood John
- Bickerdike Joseph
- Johnson Richard
- Russell Thomas
- Shiers Theophilus
- Bickerdike Samuel
- Birch John
- Hall Sarah
- Knapton James
- Preston Edward
- Wood Mary
- Parke John
- Pearson James
- Smithson Miles
- Hargrave James
- Tarbottom Wm.
- Field William
- Naylor William
- Newill Francis
- Till John
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for FARNLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Armitage Edward, Esq. Farnley hall
- Pullan Rev. Thos. B.A. incumbent
- Appleby Widow & Son, corn millers
- Brook Richard, blacksmith
- Clay James, horse breaker
- Ellwand Robert, vict. Golden Cock
- Holmes John, gentleman
- Milner John, cloth dresser
- Pickersgill Jeremiah, schoolmaster
- Roberts J, & T. cabinet makers
- Stead Jonas, sen. maltster
- Stead Richard, vict. Nag's Head
- Webster J. steward to Earl Cardigan
- Fletcher Isaac
- Raynar John
- Grayshaw Js. sen.
- Grayshaw Js. jun.
- Naylor James
Those marked 1 attend the Green Parrot; 2 White Horse; Boy and Barrel; 4 Saddle; 5 Malt Shovel; Black Lion 7 Wheat Sheaf.
- 1 Bateson Jarvis
- 1 Bateson Jonas
- 1 Brooke Richard
- 1 Brown Samuel
- 9 Burrell Benj.
- 3 Cowlin Thornton
- 1 Cromack Benj.
- Faber C. D, & Co.
- 1 Firth Wm.
- 3 Hartley J. sen.
- 3 Hartley J. jun.
- 3 Hartley John
- 4 Horsfall Josiah
- 1 Lobly John
- 1 Longbottom Wm
- 1 Maltby James
- 1 Marsden Joseph
- 1 Mason Thomas
- 3 Mortimer John
- 4 Musgrave John
- 1 Naylor James
- Pawsons & Smith Stone bdg. mill
- 5 Robinson Leond.
- 5 Robinson Saml.
- 6 Smith John
- 3 Sowden James
- 3 Sowden Jeremh.
- 3 Sowden John
- 6 Sowden John
- 3 Sowden Joseph
- Stead J. & T.
- 1 Stead Jonas, jun.
- 1 Stead Walter
- 1 Stephenson Thos.
- 1 Swallow Jermh.
- 4 Waite Samuel
- 1 Walker John
- 1 Wheater Joshua
- J. Holdsworth, J. Roberts, W. Edmondson, and -- Eccles, to Leeds, Tues. and Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HEADINGLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Atkinson W. vict. Wheat Sheaf, Spen ln.
- Bainbridge Mrs. Mary
- Benyon Thomas, Esq. New Grange
- Bowden Mrs.
- Brooks Benjamin, schoolmaster
- Butterfield Joseph, vict. Skyrack Inn
- Calvert Thomas, seed crusher
- Clark Joseph, vict. Old Original Oak
- Craven Wm. paper maker
- Denton Wm. gentleman
- Durbridge Thomas, stone merchant
- Gill Joseph, bleacher
- Gillespie Major
- Gray James, gentleman
- Hillas Samuel
- Jowitt John, woolstapler
- Kirk Christopher, wheelwright
- Lee Thomas, solicitor
- Marshall John, Esq.
- Martin Mary, paper maker
- Mitchell H. C. W. spirit merchant
- Musgrave John, cattle dealer
- Musgrave Samuel, farmer
- Norris Mrs.
- Rawling Francis, dyer, Grove mill
- Scott Wm. butcher
- Shipley Thomas, tanner
- Smithson Rev. Joan, incumbent
- Swales Thomas, tanner
- Thompson Thomas, stone merchant
- Wade Thompson Esq.
- Waite Thomas, shuttle maker
- Walker Geo. woollen mfr.
- Wilson Mrs. gentwmn. Moor grange
- Wray Mrs. gentlewoman
- Booth Isaac
- Duffield Thomas
- Wood Esther
- Hillas John N.
- Waite Thomas
- Barker Thomas
- Proctor James
- Goff G. R.
- Myers James
- Thompson Thos.
- Atkinson John
- Duredin Wm.
- Smith George
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HOLBECK in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Brittain Thomas, gentleman
- Bushby Rev. Joseph, incumbent
- Bywater William, gentleman
- Humble Miss, gentlewoman. Holbeck lodge
- Preston John, gentleman
- Stirk William, gentleman
- Archer George, cheesemonger
- Austin Jer. surveyor of highways
- Best Charles
- Bingley B. K. cashier
- Blackburn John, vict. Friendly Inn
- Booth Thomas, shuttle maker
- Braithwaite Francis, cloth dresser
- Braithwaite James, vict. Wool Packs
- Broadbent Joshua, draper & clothier
- Broadhead S. draper and linen mfr.
- Burras Jonathan, manor bailiff
- Chew John, listing maker
- Cluderay Richd. patent axle tree mkr.
- Eastburn William, vict. Chequer Inn
- Eddison George, yeoman
- Elliot John, gov. of the workhouse
- Firth John, plumber and glazier
- Fozard John, deputy constable
- Gorrell Christopher, linen draper
- Grimshaw & Gardner, flax spinners
- Hargreave Wm. vict. Irwin's Arms
- Hartley Thomas, vict. Lord Nelson
- Horner John, overseer
- Lindley Joseph, vict. Clothiers' Arms
- Mann John, clothier
- Mend James, traveller
- Moat Richard, vict. Volunteer
- Naylor Isaac
- Naylor Thomas, stone merchant
- Oddy John, cooper
- Ogden John, gentleman
- Ogden Joseph, vict. King's Arms
- Pearson Thomas, schoolmaster
- Petty John, baker
- Plint Thomas, bookkeeper
- Poole George, basket maker
- Priestman Samuel, corn miller
- Ramsden James, geer & slay maker
- Raper James, vict. Queen Anne
- Reynolds George, cowkeeper
- Rhodes William, bobbin maker
- Roberts Thomas, corn miller
- Robinson Thomas, traveller
- Roebuck Wm. vict. Horse & Jockey
- Rollinson Thomas, blacksmith
- Shackleton Joseph, corn factor
- Sowden Jeremiah, vict. Cross Keys
- Stainway William, engraver
- Stead Benjamin, clogger
- Taylor M. Joseph, surgeon
- Tempest John, drysalter
- Thomas Aquilla, vict. Old Blue Ball
- Triebner T. P. tobacco manufacturer
- Walker Benjamin, perfumer
- Warwick John, vict. Old Golden Lion
- Watson Sarah, vict. Four Ails
- Whalley Joseph, woolstapler
- Whalley Wm. surveyor of high roads
- Whitehead William, wheelwright
- Wild William, vict. Old White Gate
- Wood James, stone mason
- Woodcock & Son, machine makers
- Blackburn Geo.
- Catherdale J. & Son
- Barker William
- Briggs Mrs.
- Fothergill Joseph
- Hodgson William
- Lambert Charles
- Longbottom Thos.
- Teal Thomas
- Tierney James
- Turner John
- Dayson Joseph
- Raper John
- Raper Joseph
- Roberts Samuel
- Clark John
- Petty Saml. & Son
- Russell William
- Conache Mrs.
- Pearson John
- Walker Benjamin
- Walker Samuel
- Bashforth George
- Claughton Dorty.
- Ellis Robert
- Fozard John
- Handley Joseph
- Jackson William
- Lambert John
- Mann William
- Naylor Jane
- Paul Elizabeth
- Porrit Joseph
- Rinder Samuel
- Shackleton Jon.
- Thistlethwaite T.
- Tillotson Wm.
- Woodcock Isaac
- Atkinson John
- Atkinson Joseph
- Dixon Joshua
- Newton John
- Schofield Joseph
- Horsfield William, (boiler maker)
- Iveson Henry
- Jackson Richard
- M'Lea Charles
- Murray Matthew
- Wood David
- Cluderay Richard
- Crosland Charles
- Sugden Joseph
- Taylor & Wordsworth
- Woodcock John
- Ambler William
- Forster Leonard
- Kirby John
- Mann James, junr.
- Mann James, senr.
- Sowden Jeremiah
- Walker G. &Co.
- Whitaker Ellen
- Hogg and Co.
- Rangeley James
- Willans and Sons
- Kilburn William
- Sandford William
- Blackburn & Sons
- Denton James
- Forster and Co.
- Rhodes Thomas
- Birdsall John
- Crosland Thomas
- Mann William
- Meadley Henry
- Thistlethwaite T.
- Thompson Wm.
- Waddington Robt.
- Bentley George
- Bentley John
- Beverley Matthew
- Blackburn B. & Son
- Briggs Thomas
- Brown Thomas
- Burrow John
- Clark John
- Cookson Benj.
- Cooper Joseph
- Croisdale John
- Croisdale Lot
- Croisdale Thomas
- Crosland Wm. (& drysalter)
- Dayson Samuel
- Demain William
- Dobson John
- Dunderdale Wm.
- Hargreave Wm.
- Hogg and Co.
- Kirk Benjamin
- Leathley John
- Leathley Samuel
- Leathley William
- Naylor Joseph
- Ogden James
- Oldridge William
- Ripley P. Son & Co.
- Ripley Richard
- Roberts James
- Roberts John
- Robinson Thos.
- Sowry Francis
- Spawton John
- Walker Benjamin
- Williamson Benj.
- Wilson William
- Austin Jeremiah
- Roberts J. and J.
- Whalley Joseph
- Whalley William
- Benj. Hardacre, & Wm. Foster, to Leeds every Tu. and Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HUNSLET in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Atkinson James, gentleman
- Atkinson John, gentleman
- Ballanus Wm. gentleman
- Barnard Charles, toll farmer
- Cave John, gentleman
- Cockill James, excise officer
- Copley John, gentleman
- Coupland R.& F. cotton spnrs, & mfrs.
- Crowther J. Governor of Work House
- Farrar D. gent. Spring Grove
- Fisher Anthony, perpetual overseer
- Foster Rev. R. incumbent of St. Mary's
- Hatton Mr.
- Holmes John, yeoman
- Long Jonathan, net maker
- Rogerson Mrs. Elizabeth
- Teal H. Esq. Stourton lodge
- Walker Richard, gentleman
- Bennett John, vict. Sun
- Bland John, vict. Lord Wellington
- Cogill James vict. Hare & Hounds
- Crowther Jph. vict. Mexbro' Arms
- Deighton John, book-keeper
- Elliott Wm. lock keeper
- Houseman Martha, plumber & glazier
- Milner Henry, vict. Junction Inn
- Myers Geo. bookseller and broker
- Platt Frances, vict. Anchor
- Richardson Samuel vict. Locomotive Engine
- Roberts Thomas, vict. Duke of York
- Salt Titus, Hunslet moor
- Stuart Charles vict. Old Red Lion
- Sunderland John, vict. Crooked Billet
- Thompson James, Woodhouse hill
- Thornton Saml. beadle and bellman
- Upton John, gentleman
- Varley Wm. vict. Swan with 2 Necks
- Walton John, manager at Mr. Shaw's
- Wilkinson Mary, vict. White Horse
- Wilson Matthew, vict. Punch Bowl
- Wood John, vict. Malt Shovel
- Wood Joseph, earthenware turner
- Battye George
- Iles William
- Saville Wm.
- Smith George
- Wainwright Jph.
- Jackson Ellis
- Blackestone Saml.
- Gill John
- Calvert John
- Caygill James
- Craven Thomas
- Roberts Joseph
- Telford John
- Arthington Rt.
- Holmes Sarah
- Allison Wm.
- Aspden Thomas
- Ball Benjamin
- Cave Richard
- Clarebrough, Bullough, & Oakes
- Crompton James
- Crompton James
- Longley Joseph
- Metcalf George
- Dobson Joseph
- Dunderdale Wm.
- Fisher George
- Haist Benjamin
- Hardisty Edward
- Leake Thomas
- Whitehead Francis
- Wilkinson Wm.
- Wilson John
- Wilson Matthew
- Wilson Robert
- Wilson W. & It.
- Wray Solomon
- Brown James
- Wells James
- Briggs Samuel
- Bruce Adam
- Naylor John
- Pinder Robert
- Stubbs John
- Taylor Thomas
- Bower Joshua
- Bruce Adam
- Cawthrey Thos.
- Crowther Wm.
- Dixon Wm.
- Kearsley Wm.
- Neal Joseph
- Varley & Cawthrey
- Varley James
- Thackrah Robert
- Wales Levi
- Wilson Richard
- Foster, Heptonstall, & Dixon
- Bower John & Co. oil of vitriol, aqua fortis, &c.
- Bower John, (soda, tin-spirits, alum, &c.)
- Carr John, (Cudbear, new spirits, &c.)
- Jubb John, (oil of vitriol, aqua fortis, and spirit of salt) Woodhouse hill
- Brown Daniel
- Hardisty Edward
- Smith Alice
- Bell Samuel
- Rider John
- Calvert & Wales
- Prince William
- Ackroyd Joshua
- Prince Wm., Hunslet mills
- Naylor Thomas
- Farrar John
- Harrison E. & Co.
- Sayner J. & G.
- Allison Joseph
- Brown Samuel
- Cartledge Thos.
- Hanson Geo.
- Hunslet pottery
- Taylor William
- Morton Jph., Meadow lane
- Busk Robert
- Westley W. K.
- Garnett G. & R.
- King John, Hunslet lane
- Auchterlownie Jn.
- Butler Joseph
- Fogden Wm.
- Hawking James
- Ingram John
- Kearsley John
- Middleton Elizth.
- Middleton Rd.
- Murray Wm.
- Roberts Thomas
- Walton Thomas
- Bower John, (bottle works)
- Bower Joshua, (& brick mkr.) Hunslet crown glass works
- Aspin James
- Bashforth Geo.
- Briggs David
- Carr Joseph, Car
- Carr Wm. Car
- Folds Joshua
- Heaton Wm.
- Jackson Ellis
- Naylor Thomas
- Nettleton Wm.
- Nicholson Joash
- Priestley Benj.
- Prince John
- Thackrah Wm.
- Varley James
- Varley Wm.
- Wainwright Joshua
- Williamson John
- Gothard J. & R.
- Gothard Timothy
- Pullan Rd. & Sons, (& steam engines)
- Shaw Joseph, iron master
- Bower Joshua
- Tidswell Rt. jun.
- Keighley James, Wood house hill
- Rowley Robert
- Benson John
- Heaton Wm.
- Hopkinson Thos.
- Wainwright Josh.
- Wilkinson Mary
- Proctor J. & Sons
- Wood Robert
- Woodcock & Harrison
- Booth J. Beeston bar
- Carr Joseph, Car
- Dobson Joseph
- Light James
- Middleton Joseph
- Nettleton William, Woodhouse hill
- Robinson James
- Stevenson John
- Walker T. & S.
- Wood John
- Blackburn & Sons
- Brown Daniel
- Buckton J. & Sons
- Clapham Brothers
- Gama & Son
- Wainhouse Edw.
- Wood Rt.
- Bradley Richard
- Cooper James
- Houlding John
- Houlding Ralph
- Tidswell Rt. Jun.
- Woolfe Benjamin
- Blackburn Joseph
- Sleigh James
- Stubbs Henry
- Rothery Joseph
- Hargreave Isaac
- Priestley Jonthn. Hunslet moor
- Crosby Mary
- Prince Joseph
- Binns William
- Hutchinson James
- Poppleton Rt.
- Ramsden Robert
- Sayner John
- Scarf Joseph
- Spawton George
- Wood Amos
- Wright John
- Wright Robert
- Bullough John
- Child Samuel
- Day John
- Dunderdale Job
- Foster John
- Harrison Benj.
- Kay Hannah
- Robinson Edward
- Scott Jonathan
- Walker Samuel
- Walker William
- Whitley John
- Willans Joseph
- Hembrough Jph.
- Rowley John
- Rowley Robert
- Pick John, (& grave stone cutter)
- Walker Thomas
- Beckett Joseph
- Ackroyd Abraham
- Atkinson John
- Ballantine Wm.
- Booth William
- Brook Joseph
- Brown William
- Carter James
- Crawshaw Paul
- Duckworth Joseph
- Holmes James
- Holmes John
- Keighley James
- Keighley Wm.
- Rogers Wm. (and draper)
- Kitchen Samuel
- Smith Thomas
- Varley Thomas
- Varley Wm. jun.
- Ingham Samuel
- Kemp Samuel
- Hodgson John,
- Woodhouse hill
- Smith George
- Gill John
- Hawksworth John
- Banks Thomas
- Roberts Joseph
- Varley & Cawthrey
- Ward John
- Atkinson Henry
- Blackburn B. and Sons
- Bower Joseph
- Buckton J. & Sons
- Carr William
- Clark William
- Good John
- Ingham Brothers
- Nevins Pim
- Nicholson Samuel
- Raper Thomas
- Swithenbank Jph.
- Thackrah John
- Thompson Wm
- Varley William
- Walker Joseph
- Walker Saml. jun.
- Walker Samuel
- Walker Wm.
- Weatherhead Jph.
- Willans John
- Rothery John
- J. Routh & J. Smith
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for KIRKSTALL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Elsworth Ephraim, steward to Sir J. Graham (& corn & oil miller)
- Holdforth Joseph, gentleman
- Bamford Matthew, abbey gate keeper
- Beecroft, Heath & Co. wrought iron & steel works mfrs. of anvils, vices, fenders, frypans, agricultural implements, &c. &c. Kirkstall Forge
- Bucktrout Rhd. vict. Cardigan Arms
- Butler Thomas, Forge
- Depledge John, woodman
- Dickinson Wm. boot & shoemaker
- Dixon John, blacksmith
- Gatliff W. H. stuff merchant
- Hargrave Jas. overlooker, St. Ann's
- Hargrave Wm. vict. Horse & Jockey
- Laycock Samuel, wheelwright
- Musgrave Wm. cornfctr. & maltster
- Nichols William, tanner
- Nicholson Richard, land agent
- Pollard J. drysalter, New Laiths
- Pratt George, grocer
- Shaw Joseph, toll-keeper
- Smith William, lime merchant
- Spink James, vict. Star Inn
- Tanner Miss (ladies' academy) Dyson house
- Waddington George, farmer
- Waddington John, maltster
- Witham John, millwright
- Wood Timothy & Co. scribbling millers
Those marked 1 attend the Boy and Barrel, 2 Nag's Head; 3 Angel; 4 Turk's Head.
- 1 Bentley Joseph
- 1 Bentley Wm.
- 1 Binks Benj
- Brooke J.E. & Co.
- Glover J. & K.
- 2 Goodson Christ.
- 2 Goodson John
- 3 Goodson John
- 4 Perkin John
- 3 Stead Joshua
- 3 Walker George
- 4 Walton Matthew
- 4 Wright Samuel
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for KNOSTROP in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Carr Charles, M.D.
- Rhodes James, Esq.
- Jarvis S. gardener
- Lister John, woolstapler
- Major Joshua, landscape gardener
- Maude James, timber merchant
- Paley George, soap boiler
- Robinson Thos. Westfield cottage
- Schofield John, gardener
- Stears Morley, schoolmaster
- Tate Benjamin, gardener
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for MEANWOOD in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Oates Joseph, Esq.
- Sawyer Matthew, gentleman
- Brooke Isaac, blacksmith
- Lees Joseph, commercial academy
- Martin James, paper maker
- Morris John, tanner
- Proctor Ninian, tanner
- Rollinson John, wheelwright
- Slater Robert, inspector of skins
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for MONK ALLERTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Barrett Hugh, gentleman Gledhow
- Brooke Christopher, gentleman
- Calverley James, gentleman
- Drake George, wheelwright
- Firth Thomas, maltster
- Hardwick Joseph, Lodge
- Harrison Charles, drysalter
- Hurst John, corn factor
- Johnson Geo. vict. Chain and Bull
- Rothery Joseph, blacksmith
- Ward Thomas, gent. Backhouse hill
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for OSMUNDTHORPE in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Croysdale Abraham, overseer Hawkins
- Geo. agent Motley James, Esq. Osmundthorpe hall
- Topham Henry, gentleman
- Wilson Josiah, cattle dealer
- Clark Benjamin
- Harland James
- Raper John
- Stankliffe Saml.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for POTTERNEWTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Atack William, wheelwright
- Bagnett Captain George
- Barnes John, gardener & seedsman
- Bradbury Wm. vict. Mexbro' Arms
- Cawood John, iron founder
- Chorley Thomas, surgeon
- Clayton Benjamin, horse dealer
- Hainsworth David, corn miller
- Lund Mrs. Alice
- Mitchell Henry, blacksmith and vict. Shoulder of Mutton
- Mouncey D. B. gentleman
- Murray W. & Co. nursery & seedsmen
- Myers Mrs. gentlewoman
- Newton ----, barrack master
- Paley W. F. gent. Squires pastures
- Smith George, stone mason
- Tate Benjamin, boot & shoe maker
- Wade Mrs. Sarah
- Wailles Geo. Esq. barrister, Low hall
- Walker Thos. Esq. collector of excise
- Walton Richard, dyer
- Warham Thos. & Co. stone merchants
- Wilson Rev. Edward, incumbent
- Wright Griffith, gent. Harehills house
- Lund John, sen.
- Lund John, jun.
- Atack George
- Thompson Eliz.
- Brown James
- Clapham Thomas
- Hind Martin
- Hives John
- Ingle Geo. (stone)
- Medley Jph. (oil)
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for STANINGLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Hainsworth Matthew, corn dealer
- Holt Thomas, wheelwright, &c.
- Home James, listing manufacturer
- Hutchinson Joseph, drysalter
- Sowden Wm. vict. Sun
- Turner John, shopkeeper
- Varley John, worsted manufacturer
- Vickers John, vict. Round about hs.
- Waterhouse John, stone mason
- Wilkinson Joseph, linen draper
- Wilson Jonathan, bobbin turner
- Wilson Wm. coffin plate mfr.
- Wilson Wm. vict. Golden Fleece
- Atkinson Wm.
- Brooke Richard
- Clarke Benj.
- Drake John
- Watkinson James
- Hargreaves John
- Rhodes John
- Sowden Wm.
- Vickers John
- Anson John
- Butler John
- Hainsworth Jph.
- Vickers Samuel
- Wilkinson Joseph
- Wood Thomas
- Maude Wm.
- West John
- Barnes, Farrar, Co.
- Varley & Co.
- :The whole of these attend the Griffin Inn, Leeds.
- Barnes Isaac
- Barnes James
- Barnes John
- Barnes Joshua
- Brayshaw Thos.
- Dyson Wm.
- Farrar Joshua
- Farrar Wm.
- Fearnley Joshua
- Gaunt Matthew
- Greaves John
- Hainsworth Benj.
- Hainsworth Jph.
- Hartley Chas. (& sizing boiler)
- Roberts Thomas
- Roberts William
- Strickland Joseph
- Strickland Samuel
- Strickland Wm.
- Varley Bobert
- Varley James
- Varley John
- Varley Thomas
- Walton Samuel
- Wheater Isaac
- Wheater John
- Wheater Joseph
- Wheater Wm.
- Wilson John
- Wilson John, sen.
- Wilson John, jun.
- Wm. Rayner, to Leeds daily.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for WOODHOUSE in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Woodhouse Carr: Gentry &c.:
- Nicholson Joseph, gent. Lorry bank
- Chadwick Benjamin, cowkeeper
- Denison Benjamin, tailor
- Eastburn, Hardwick and Co. stovers
- Gascoigne Joseph, bookkeeper
- Hardwick E. dyer, &c, Buslingthorpe
- Hudson William, overlooker
- Kay John, gardener
- Laycock Thomas, bricklayer
- Linley Thompson, swine dealer
- Lund Henry, schoolmaster
- Pickard Christopher, maltster
- Rhodes Benj. vict. White Horse
- Robinson William, vict. Black Lion
- Smith J. & G. corn and oil millers
- Walker James, overlooker
- Watson William, news carrier
- Webster Geo. dyer, &c. Buslingthorpe
- Wigglesworth Joseph, butcher
- Eastburn,
- Hardwick and Co.
- Sharp Allon
- Faulkner Joseph
- Oates Joseph
- Rhodes A. & Co.
- Sheepshanks W.
- Bateson John
- Norfolk Joseph
- Rhodes A. & Co.
- Walker Benjamin
- Walker John
Gentry &c.:
- Atkinson John, solicitor
- Boyne James, gent. Myrtle grove
- Clapham John, gentleman
- Hebblethwaite Thomas, gentleman
- Holroyd Joshua, gent. Grove house
- Rhodes Abraham, mert. Beech grove
- Tottie T. W. Esq. Beech grove
- Walker Mrs. gentlewoman
- Whitehead Joshua, gentleman
- Ashworth Edward, cloth drawer
- Brook Christopher, blacksmith
- Broughton Eliz. vict. Pack Horse
- Clarkson William, woollen mfr,
- Dale William, gardener
- Hunter George, butcher
- Kirkby John, vict. Black Bull
- Scholey Richard, vict. Red Lion
- Stephens Joseph, frame work knitter
- Sykes Thomas, dyer, Grove mill
- Westerman Geo. vict. Highland Piper
- Whitehead John, cloth dresser
- Womack Geo. fine drawer & traveller
- Kirk Joseph
- Pattinson William
- Reynard George
- Wainwright John
- Wood John
- Shiers Thomas
- Spenceley Simeon
- Beckwith Thomas
- Edmundson Henry
- Hirst Thomas
- Braithwaite Geo.
- Chadwick Thomas
- Milnes Jonas
- Wade Joseph
- Whitaker William
- Howden James
- Lapage John
- Spence William
- Crampton John
- Naylor John
- Smith Jeremiah
- Wright George
- Clarkson Benj.
- Farrer William
- Wood William
- Benson John
- Benson William
Gentry &c.:
- Glover Mrs. gentlewoman Hardy John, Esq. recorder of Leeds, Woodhouse house
- Hill John Esq.
- Hutton Mrs. gentlewoman
- Walker Samuel, maltster
- Chapman Benj.
- Charlesworth B.
- Hopps Charles
- Lee Leonard
- Stansfeld, Briggs, and Stansfeld
- Thackray George
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for WORTLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Rickards Rev. George, incumbent
- Bateson John, vict. Wellington
- Brook Joseph, schoolmaster
- Crossill James, bricklayer
- Fawcett John geer & slay maker
- Firth Henry blacksmith
- Hardcastle Wm. vict. Horse & Groom
- Hargrave John
- Long George
- Appleyard Wm.
- Murgatroyd John
- Naylor Wm.
- Clark Benjamin
- Ramshaw Ralph
- Sowry Jeremiah
- Whitaker Walton
Those marked:
- 3, Horse and Jockey
- 2, Old George;
- 1, attend the Rodney;
- 4, Green Dragon;
- 5, Seven Stars;
- 6, Saddle.
- 1 Anderson Josh.
- 2 Bateson J. & J.
- 2 Bateson James
- 2 Bateson M. & J.
- Bateson Thomas
- 2 Bateson Wm.
- 3 Benn Thomas
- 2 Beverley Benj.
- 2 Beverley Saml.
- Child W. & Co.
- Davidson Joseph
- 4 Demaine Was.
- 1 Drake Thomas
- Fawcett John
- 3 Gaunt Robert
- 3 Greenwood Hen.
- Hardcastle Benj.
- Hargrave James
- Hargrave W. & Son
- 5 Hartley Joseph
- Isherwood Joseph
- 2 Lupton John
- Naylor Joseph
- 3 Smith James
- Stead George
- Stead Jonas
- 6 Thornton Charles
- 6 Thornton Thos.
- Walker William
- Whitaker Walton
Miscellany of trades
- Davison Benj. vict. Three Horse Shoes
- Hepper Richard, sizing boiler
- Naylor Wm. bobbin & shuttle maker
- North Benj. woolstapler
- Scott William, blacksmith
- Walton Wm. fire brick maker
- Wheatley John, machine maker
- Wood John, geer and slay maker
- Wood Wm. vict. Star Inn
- Woodhouse Geo. tailor & shopkeeper
- Hargreaves James
- Ingham William
- Carlton John
- Holdsworth Thos.
- Appleby S. and J.
- Hill George
- Lawton Thomas
- Mawson Joshua
- Wolfenden Jonth.
Those marked:
- 2, Old Mower;
- 3, Saddle;
- 1, attend the Saracen's Head;
- 10, Seven Stars.
- 4, Old George;
- 5, Fleece;
- 6, Punch Bowl;
- 7, Parrot;
- 8, Cock and Bottle;
- 9, White Cross;
- 1 Broadbent Wm.
- 1 Hartley Joseph
- 1 Jackson James
- 1 Jagger Wm.
- 2 Lambert Joseph
- 3 Lambert Rhd.
- 5 Lawson Thomas
- 4 Laycock Thos.
- 4 Lupton Thos.
- 6 Milner Wm.
- 7 Musgrave Thos.
- 8 Musgrave Thos.
- Park John
- 9 Parker John
- 10 Redshaw Wm.
- 1 Rider Thos.
- 1 Sharp Joseph
- 1 Sharp Joseph
- 3 Stead Jonas
- 1 Sugden Isaac
- Sutcliffe Joseph
- Thornton Samuel
- Walker James
- 7 Webster Joseph
- 1 Whitaker John
- 5 Whitaker John
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003