Hunslet Tabernacle Baptist Church History
Hunslet Tabernacle Baptist Church History up to 1912.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/BaptistChurches.txt HUNSLET, TABERNACLE. BAPTIST CHURCH
The Hunslet Tabernacle Church had its beginning in 1832, when Mr. Robert Carr commenced a preaching service in a schoolroom in Chapel Street. After removal to a house at Balm Beck, the work continued until 1834, when Mr. Carr placed it in the hands of the Baptist Itinerant Society. In the same year, the Sunday School at South Parade commenced a branch school at Hunslet, and, school and congregation both steadily prospering, the necessity of a new chapel became a serious consideration. The inauguration of the enterprise was greatly assisted by Mr. Benjamin Goodman, who presented a site to the denomination, and contributed generously to the Building Fund. On January 6th, 1837, the chapel was opened, the total cost having been 2,255. On this occasion Dr. Acworth and Rev. John Aldis preached.In June of the same year, twenty-nine members were formed into a Church-twenty-six of whom were dismissed by transfer from South Parade-and Rev. John Yeadon became their first pastor. Under his ministry the cause prospered, although the heavy debt pressed hard upon pastor and people. Mr. Yeadon was removed by death in 1841. He was followed by Revs. J. Williams, W. Evans, J. Tunnicliffe, J. Bamber, A. Bowden, and R. Ward, but the Church appears to have made but little progress. In 188o, the Rev. A. E. Greening undertook the work, and a gracious revival was experienced. The premises were renovated and enlarged. Mr. Greening pursued his ministry for thirty years, during which period 700 members were received into the Church. In September, 1910, failing health compelled their pastor to relinquish his task. The severance of so lengthy a fellowship was keenly felt by the Church, which was united to its pastor by ties of long and unbroken affection. He was succeeded by Rev. A. Phillips, in 1911, under whom the Hunslet Church is still devoting herself to the needs of the great working class population by which she is surrounded in this "east end" of the great city.
from the "Present Churches" section of
The Baptists of Yorkshire
by Rev. J. Brown Morgan
and Rev. C.E. Shipley