


Leeds PRs: Hunslet Burials, 1631-1724


Leeds PRs: Hunslet Burials, 1631-1724


1615 03 29** BriggateAn Alderman  
1631 * **CASSON Hunslet Woodhouse   
1631 11 04ThomasSTUBBS Briggate   
1632 01 11ChristopherFILSON Hunslet   
1636 03 19*BRAITHWAIT  aka Gladever  
1637 * *WilliamFALKNER     
1637 07 14*METCALF Hunslet   
1638 * *AbrahamFENTON     
1648 11 08JohnWILSON Kirkgate   
1653 10 26*POCOCK Briggate   
1653 12 12*BROOK Hunslet   
1658 06 23*PECK Hunslet   
1662 03 19*ROBINSON  Rector of Swillington  
1716 01 08IgnatiusJACKSON     
1716 01 10ElisabethMIDDLEHAM     
1716 01 20ElisabethNICHOLSON  Wife of James  
1716 01 25JosephHEPPORAH  Son of Robert  
1716 02 10MaryJACKSON     
1716 02 23HenryWILKINSON Watergate   
1716 02 24MaryBAKER Hunslet Carr   
1716 02 26Reverend Mr GeorgeCLARKE  Minister of Hunslet Chapel  
1716 03 12MarthaHAMMOND  Daughter of Richard  
1716 03 13SamuelCRAFORD     
1716 03 23RachelWILKINSON  Daughter of Joseph  
1716 11 14ElizabethBENSON     
1716 11 15JosephWALSH  Son of Stephen  
1716 12 13JosephWILKINSON SR Woodhouse Hill   
1716 12 22WilliamDAVISON  son of John  
1717 01 01ElisabethGALLOWAY  [Widow]  
1717 01 23JonasBENSON  Son of [Widow] Benson  
1717 01 28HannahHEETAM  Daughter of John  
1717 01 31BenjaminROBINSON  Son of James  
1717 02 14NaomiBALEY  Daughter of Samuell  
1717 02 15SusannahATKINSON  Daughter of Mark  
1717 03 01HannahTAYLOR  Daughter of Benjamin  
1717 03 05AnnPHILLIP  Daughter of Edward  
1717 03 07JohnDIXON  Son of John  
1717 03 14TabithaSMITH  Daughter of Widow Jane  
1717 03 16JohnELSHAM  Son of Thomas  
1717 03 18ChristopherELLIS     
1717 03 23JosephROBINSON  Son of James  
1717 03 26ChristopherHARGRAVE     
1717 04 15SarahROTHERY  Wife of Joseph  
1717 05 13AnneLAMBERT Woodhouse Hill   
1717 05 22WilliamWRIGHT Hunslet Carr   
1717 05 24EstherHOBSON  Wife of William  
1717 06 11ThomasSHARP     
1717 06 19Mrs MaryFENTON     
1717 06 29MarthaTOD  Daughter of Antony Jr  
1717 07 01ElisabethGARNET Hunslet CarrDaughter of John  
1717 07 13WilliamCRAFORD     
1717 08 11SarahMETCALFE  Wife of John  
1717 08 21RobertFOWLER     
1717 09 27MargaretASKWITH     
1717 09 29JohnPROCTER  Son of Nathaniell  
1717 10 03JosephARMITAGE  Son of Benjamin  
1717 10 20ElisabethWALSH  Wife of Stephen  
1717 10 23HannahWRIGHT  Wife of Edward  
1717 10 29TimothyTOPHAM     
1717 11 12JamesCOUPLAND     
1717 11 12EstherJAQUES  Daughter of Robert  
1717 12 11JamesRYDER     
1717 12 23HenryCLAPHAM  Son of Thomas  
1717 12 31ElisabethGRAY  Daughter of John  
1718 01 02JamesJUBB  Son of Thomas [Robert erased]Labourer 
1718 01 06RobertKIDD   SchoolMaster 
1718 01 17JohnPALEY  Son of JohnCurate 
1718 01 30ThomasTOMLINSON   Labourer 
1718 02 05ElisabethBYWATER  Daughter of JoshuaClothier 
1718 02 17Mr RowlandMITCHELL   Alderman of Leeds 
1718 03 16JamesROBINSON   ClothMaker 
1718 03 26JeremiahHOLMES  Son of Robert  
1718 03 29JonathanJOHNSON     
1718 03 30ElisabethWALSHAW  Daughter of Stephen  
1718 03 30WilliamROBINSON  Son of James  
1718 03 31BenjaminWOOD     
1718 04 02ThomasWATKINSON  Son of Peter  
1718 04 02ElisabethTAYLOR  Daughter of Benjamin  
1718 04 04JohnDIXON  Son of Joseph  
1718 04 07LawrenceBULLOUGH JR Woodhouse Hill   
1718 04 08PriscillaELLIS  [Widow]  
1718 04 09JonathanLIVERSEDGE     
1718 04 14MaryLAMBERT  Daughter of James  
1718 04 16GraceTURNER  Daughter of William  
1718 04 18JoshuaHEPRAH  Son of Robert  
1718 04 19MaryFAUCKNER     
1718 04 19DinahWALSH  Daughter of Stephen  
1718 04 24ElisabethWALKER  Daughter of John  
1718 05 02EllenSANTIS  Daughter of Robert  
1718 05 06JosephSMITH  Son of Joseph  
1718 05 10HannahWILKINSON  Daughter of John  
1718 05 10EdwardTHORNTON  Son of Joseph  
1718 05 14JosephLEPTON  Son of Mr WilliamAttorney at Law 
1718 05 25WilliamPHILLIP   Clothier 
1718 05 28MaryFEARNLAH  Daughter of Thomas  
1718 06 09MaryHOWSON the CarrDaughter of Thomas  
1718 06 10WilliamPHILLIPS  Son of William [deceased]  
1718 06 15MaryTODD  Daughter of Joseph  
1718 06 16PhebeMETCALFE  Daughter of Joseph  
1718 06 18SarahSPITTLE  Daughter of James  
1718 06 21JonathanSMYTHIES  Son of Jonathan  
1718 06 21RobertJACKSON  Son of John  
1718 06 28HannahWEATHERHEAD  Daughter of Francis  
1718 06 30JohnJAQUES  Son of Robert  
1718 07 05WilliamMARRIE   Farmer 
1718 07 07RichardLAWRENCE  Son of JoshuaCarpenter 
1718 07 12HannahJEPSON  Daughter of Ellenor  
1718 07 12JonathanDAVISON  Son of WilliamClothier 
1718 07 13HannahLIVERSEDGE  Daughter of Elisabeth  
1718 07 24SarahWILKINSON  Wife of JohnClothier 
1718 07 24JosephROTHERITH  Son of ThomasClothier 
1718 07 24MaryVAILE  Daughter of JosephClothier 
1718 07 25PhebeWATKINSON  Daughter of PeterClothier 
1718 07 29JohnLOBLEY  Son of JohnClothier 
1718 08 07ElisabethGARNET  Daughter of WilliamTanner 
1718 08 09JohnTOMLINSON  Son of JosephClothier 
1718 08 21JonathanLONG  Son of Edward  
1718 08 22WilliamRIPPON  Son of WilliamClothier 
1718 09 08JohnWALKER Woodhouse HillSon of JohnClothier 
1718 09 13SamuelHUTCHINSON  Son of ThomasClothier 
1718 10 21ThomasDIXON   Labourer 
1718 11 02ThomasBARBER   Labourer 
1718 11 14NathanielSIKES  Son of JohnLabourer 
1718 11 15AnnGRAY  [Widow]  
1718 11 27AnnWILLANS  Wife of WilliamClothier 
1718 12 06MaryWATKINSON  [Widow]  
1718 12 10HannahKIDD  Wife of RobertSchoolMaster 
1718 12 20RobertOSBOURNE   Labourer 
1718 12 22MartinDIXON  Son of MartinTailor 
1718 12 27DeborahWALKER  [Widow]  
1719 01 *SarahLAMBERT  Daughter of JamesYeoman 
1719 02 *JohnSIBSON  A HouseholderYeoman 
1719 02 *ThomasPROUD   Yeoman 
1719 02 *MaryGARFORTH  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1719 02 *JohnELLIS  Son of PaulYeoman 
1719 02 *JosephMAN  Son of Charles [deceased]Yeoman 
1719 03 *MartinBUTTERWORTH   Yeoman 
1719 03 28MarthaNUBY  Daughter of MilesMiller 
1719 04 10SamuelHUTTON   Clothier 
1719 04 11SamuelFENTON   ClothMaker 
1719 04 11MaryCOOKE  Wife of JohnBrickLayer 
1719 04 20EstherRUSHFORTH  Wife of ThomasClothMaker 
1719 04 29GeorgeFURNACE   Clothier 
1719 05 06MaryWETHERELL  Daughter of BartholomewBrickLayer 
1719 05 22ThomasRUSHFORTH   ClockMaker 
1719 06 12JosephBLAND  Son of ThomasClockMaker 
1719 06 26DinahCARTER  Daughter of JonathanYeoman 
1719 06 29StephenHOLMES   Collier 
1719 07 12BenjaminCLAPHAM   Yeoman 
1719 08 25ThomasWEATHERHEAD  A HouseholderYeoman 
1719 08 29JamesHASLEGREAVES   Yeoman 
1719 09 16MaryGARNET  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1719 09 17WilliamPORCH  Son of ThomasYeoman 
1719 09 23ThomasELY  Son of ThomasYeoman 
1719 09 23MaryDAWSON  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1719 09 26JohnBLAND  Son of JohnYeoman 
1719 09 26ElisabethWATSON  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1719 09 29JamesHEBDEN  A HouseholderYeoman 
1719 11 *JamesFOSTER  Son of JamesYeoman 
1719 11 *JamesSYKES  Son of JohnYeoman 
1719 11 *AnnGLEADALL  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1719 11 *HannahCARTON  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1719 12 *MarthaWALSH  Daughter of StephenYeoman 
1720 03 *JohnDURIE  A Poor Householder  
1720 03 02ElizabethMAN  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1720 04 *DeborahSIMPSON LofthouseWife of JohnYeoman 
1720 04 *SarahTOMLINSON  Daughter of Thomas [deceased]Yeoman 
1720 04 *ElisabethSILSON  Wife of ThomasYeoman 
1720 04 *SusannahSITBOURNE  Wife of Matthew [deceased]  
1720 04 *JaneWILDMAN  Wife of StephanYeoman 
1720 04 *EstherFOOLER  Wife of James [deceased]  
1720 05 *JohnUTLAY  Son of JohnYeoman 
1720 05 *AbrahamHEPRACK  Son of RobertYeoman 
1720 05 *RobertCASSON  A HouseholderYeoman 
1720 05 *MatthewCLITTON  A Poor Householder  
1720 05 *JohnLAYCOCK  Son of JohnYeoman 
1720 06 *JohnLANCASTER  Son of IsraelYeoman 
1720 06 *MargretTENANT  [Widow] A Householder  
1720 06 *ThomasGLOVER   Yeoman 
1720 06 *ThomasTODD  Son of Antony JrYeoman 
1720 06 10DanielPARKE  A Poor Youth  
1720 06 21JohnMASON  Son of JohnYeoman 
1720 08 07WilliamSAVILE HuddersfieldA Poor Man  
1720 08 22GeorgeHOWET GarfitSon of GeorgeYeoman 
1720 08 25JohnCAPSTOCK  A HouseholderYeoman 
1720 08 28JoshuaLAWRENCE SR   Yeoman 
1720 09 12MarthaBROADBELT  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1720 09 15JohnSELLAR  Son of John [deceased]  
1720 09 28SarahLAYTON  A Poor Widow  
1720 10 *AnnHUDSON  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1720 10 07IsraelSMITHIES  Son of LancelotYeoman 
1720 10 19MaryROGERS  Wife of MatthewYeoman 
1720 11 01ChristopherATKINSON   Yeoman 
1720 11 08WilliamLANCASTER   Yeoman 
1720 11 15CatherineBURGESS [HARGREAVES ERASED]  A Poor Young Woman  
1720 11 18EliBAILEY  Son of SamuelYeoman 
1720 11 19SamuelSMITH  Son of PeterYeoman 
1720 11 26TimothyBAINS   Yeoman 
1720 11 31RichardHOLMES  A Poor Man INCORRECT DATE
1720 12 *EllinorBAINS  [Widow]  
1720 12 *JohnSCURR   Yeoman 
1720 12 02AnnCROSLAND  A Poor Widow  
1720 12 03MaryHOWSON  A Poor Widow  
1720 12 04SamuelJUBB  Son of ThomasYeoman 
1720 12 12ElizabethBUCKLE  Daughter of WilliamYeoman 
1720 12 12JamesSPITTLE  Son of JamesYeoman 
1720 12 27WilliamDAWSON  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 01 11GeorgeBAILEY  Son of SamuelYeoman 
1721 01 19MarthaHOLMES  Daughter of RobertYeoman 
1721 01 23RalphRIDER  A Poor Householder  
1721 01 25AliceGRAYSTOCK  Wife of SamuelYeoman 
1721 02 13SamuelOLDRIDGE  Son of Samuel  
1721 02 14PeterSMITH     
1721 02 15HannahARNOLD  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1721 02 18MaryCASSON  Wife of SamuelYeoman 
1721 02 26WilliamLOCOCK   Yeoman 
1721 04 01MargretHAMMOND  Daughter of RichardYeoman 
1721 04 01ElinorLANG  Daughter of EdwardYeoman 
1721 04 01RichardTODD  Son of [Widow] Todd  
1721 04 02JohnWOOD  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 04 02MaryWAINWRIGHT  Wife of JacobYeoman 
1721 05 01JohnUTLAY SR  A Poor Householder  
1721 05 08JohnMURGIT  A Poor Householder  
1721 05 11MaryANDERSON  Daughter of ThomasYeoman 
1721 05 16SarahJAQUES  Daughter of RobertYeoman 
1721 06 17JohnRHODES  Son of EdwardYeoman 
1721 06 18TimothyROTHERICK  A Householder  
1721 06 21EllinorRHODES  Daughter of EdwardYeoman 
1721 06 23MaryRHODES  Wife of EdwardYeoman 
1721 06 24RebekkahCASSON  Daughter of SamuelYeoman 
1721 06 26DavidJAQUES  Son of RobertYeoman 
1721 07 20JohnDAVISON  A Poor Householder  
1721 08 *ElizabethKILENBECK  Daughter of ThomasYeoman 
1721 08 *CharlesFENTON  Son of ThomasSalter 
1721 08 *JacobWAINWRIGHT  A Poor Man  
1721 08 11MargretKENDRA  Wife of Thomas - a Poor Man  
1721 08 14ElisabethFOSTER  A Poor Woman  
1721 08 15EstherWOODBOURN  A Poor Idiot  
1721 08 17MaryJACKSON  Daughter of CharlesYeoman 
1721 08 20WilliamSHERBOURN  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 08 21SarahLEE  Daughter of RichardYeoman 
1721 08 24JamesSHERWOOD  A Young Man  
1721 08 26JosephMOSLEY  Son of HumphreyYeoman 
1721 08 26JohnBEAVERS  Son of RichardYeoman 
1721 08 27JohnWALTON   Yeoman 
1721 08 27WilliamTHOMPSON  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 08 28SamuelTODD  Son of JosephYeoman 
1721 08 29ThomasROTHERETH  Son of ThomasYeoman 
1721 09 05MaryLAMBERT  Wife of JosephYeoman 
1721 09 11JaneOLDROYD  Wife of SamuelYeoman 
1721 09 11JohnOLDROYD  Son of SamuelYeoman 
1721 09 11PhebeKILBOURN  Daughter of [Widow] Kilbourn  
1721 09 14HannahWALKER  Wife of DanielYeoman 
1721 09 23SarahPORCH  Wife of Thomas  
1721 09 24EdwardRHODES  Son of Edward  
1721 09 26ElizabethHOLMES  A Poor Widow  
1721 10 05ArthurCAVE  Son of ChristopherYeoman 
1721 10 06JohnGARNET  A Poor Householder  
1721 11 25SarahWIGGLESWORTH  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1721 11 27SamuelCOUPLAND  A Householder  
1721 12 *MarthaHAIGH  A Poor Widow  
1721 12 02JamesLAMBERT  Son of JamesYeoman 
1721 12 14JoshuaLAWRENCE  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 12 19ThomasPHILLIPS  A HouseholderYeoman 
1721 12 19ThomasLONGBOTTOM  Son of JohnYeoman 
1722 01 19HannahWILSON  [Widow] A Poor Householder  
1722 02 02DanielDAVIS  Son of John [deceased]  
1722 02 03MarthaKILBOURN  Wife of RichardYeoman 
1722 02 12JohnDAWSON  A HouseholderYeoman 
1722 02 25JohnBOWES  A HouseholderYeoman 
1722 03 01SarahDUFFEN  Wife of MarkYeoman 
1722 03 06JohnBOWES  Son of FrancisYeoman 
1722 03 09WilliamCAVE  A Young Man  
1722 03 12Mr RichardNORFOLK  A HouseholderSalter 
1722 03 14JosephRAWLING  A Poor Householder  
1722 03 16SarahRHODES  Daughter of Edward - A Poor Man  
1722 03 22WilliamMIDLAM  A Young Man  
1722 03 26JamesDAVISON  Son of John [deceased]  
1722 04 06AnnLAYCOCK  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1722 04 09ElisabethHEMSAM  Wife of Francis  
1722 04 11JohnLONSDALE  Son of TobitYeoman 
1722 04 13HannahDAVISON  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1722 04 19ElisabethSMITH  Daughter of JosephYeoman 
1722 04 30AlexanderOLDRED   Yeoman 
1722 05 07SamuelGRAYSTOCK  A Poor Man  
1722 05 10JosephVAILE  A Poor Householder  
1722 05 28GeorgeDAVISON  Son of John [deceased]  
1722 06 09MaryGRAY  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1722 06 12JosephJEBSON  Son of John - A Poor Man  
1722 06 13WilliamMAN  Son of John - A Poor Man  
1722 06 13AnnBULLOUGH  Daughter of Lawrence [deceased]Yeoman 
1722 06 14JohnDUFFON  Son of MarkYeoman 
1722 06 19MaryWAGER  Daughter of John - A Poor Man  
1722 06 29JohnDARBY  A Poor Householder  
1722 07 07PeterWILSON  Son of PeterYeoman 
1722 07 12WilliamCARTER  Son of JonathanYeoman 
1722 07 12EstherMATTHEW  Daughter of WilliamYeoman 
1722 07 21RichardMOSELEY  A Poor Man  
1722 07 25JohnPICKARD  A Poor Man  
1722 07 29JohnWRIGHT  Son of Solomon  
1722 08 08SarahGOUCH  Daughter of ThomasYeoman 
1722 08 27MarkATKINSON  A Poor Householder  
1722 08 28HannahUTLEY  [Widow]  
1722 08 29JohnATKINSON  Son of JosephYeoman 
1722 10 18GeorgeCARTER  Son of JonathanYeoman 
1722 10 31BenjaminTAYLOR  Son of GeorgeYeoman 
1722 11 14SighHUTCHINSON  [Widow]  
1722 11 17GraceHANDRELL  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1722 12 17SilvanusSIKES  Son of JohnYeoman 
1723 01 07DavidHAMMOND  Son of RichardYeoman 
1723 01 17MarthaHOLMES     
1723 01 26JohnOVERAND  Son of WilliamYeoman 
1723 01 28MargaretGREGG  A Young Woman  
1723 01 30RuthDAVIE  Daughter of John [deceased]  
1723 02 21JohnWILLANS  A HouseholderYeoman 
1723 02 22MarthaOVERAND  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1723 03 07ElisabethSANTIS  Daughter of RobertYeoman 
1723 03 14JohnWALKER   Yeoman 
1723 03 18JamesNICHOLSON  A Poor Man  
1723 04 09JosephBLACKBURN  A HouseholderYeoman 
1723 04 12JamesDICKINSON  Son of FrancisYeoman 
1723 04 12JoshuaLIVERSEDGE  Son of JoshuaYeoman 
1723 05 01CatherineSMITH  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1723 05 05AnnBROWNE  Daughter of RobertYeoman 
1723 05 05HannahARMITAGE  Daughter of JosephYeoman 
1723 05 11JamesWALKER   Yeoman 
1723 05 13ElisabethLIVERSEDGE  Wife of JosephYeoman 
1723 05 27JohnSANTIS  Son of RobertYeoman 
1723 06 14ElisabethBYWATER  Daughter of WilliamYeoman 
1723 06 21AnnWILKINSON  Daughter of WilliamYeoman 
1723 06 28HenryMAN  Son of AbrahamYeoman 
1723 07 03MaryNEWBY  Daughter of JosephYeoman 
1723 07 05JamesTOD  A Young Man  
1723 07 12EstherWILKINSON  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1723 07 18RachelBAINES  Wife of WilliamYeoman 
1723 07 21MarthaBLAND  Daughter of JohnYeoman 
1723 08 04JohnWILKINSON   Yeoman 
1723 08 09MarthaATKINSON  Wife of GeorgeYeoman 
1723 08 19ElisabethLEEMING  A Young Woman  
1723 08 22LawrenceTOWNEND   Yeoman 
1723 09 02WilliamROBINSON  Son of MarkYeoman 
1723 09 21WilliamLAW  A Young Man  
1723 10 04ThomasARMITAGE  A Poor Man  
1723 10 15JosephFENTON  Son of AbrahamYeoman 
1723 10 19GeorgeTAYLOR   Yeoman 
1723 10 22JamesTHORNTON  Son of Joseph [Thomas erased]Yeoman 
1723 11 09JohnMETCALFE  A HouseholderYeoman 
1723 12 20WilliamDAWSON  Son of JohnYeoman 
1723 12 23SamuelNORFOLK   Yeoman 
1724 03 29MaryRUSHFORTH  Daughter of JamesYeoman 
1724 03 31ThomasBULLOUGH  A HouseholderYeoman 

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2009
Checked by Brian Yewdall
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
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