Knaresborough Directory of Trades and Professions for 1837
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for KNARESBOROUGH in White's Directory of 1837.
Post: - The Post Office is at Mr Thos Taylor's, Market place, whence letters are despatched to Leeds, London, &c. at ½ past 4 morning, to York, Boroughbridge and the North, at 2 afternoon, to Wetherby &c at 10 night, to Ripley ½ past 6 evening and to Harrogate twice a day.
- Bst, for Blucher street, Bnd, Bond end, Brt, Brewerton st, Bgt Briggate, Cyd Castle yard, Cgt Castlegate, Fst Fisher street, Fgs Fisher Gardens, Gst Gracious st, Hbg High bridge, Hst High st, Jln Jockey lane, Kgt Kirkgate, Kbk Kirkman bank, Lbg Low bridge, Mkp Market place, Syd Savage yard, Sst Silver st, Vln Vicarage lane and Wln for Windsor lane.
- Almond S N, gas works
- Atkinson Thos. raff merchant, Kirkgate
- Atkinson Wm, gent, Bond end
- Bainbridge Jno, hosier, Gracious st
- Baines Mrs My. Hst
- Blewitt Wm. guide to castle and museum, Castle yard
- Blezard Mrs My. Bnd
- Bond J H, organist, Briggate
- Bowes Miss My. Vln
- Bramley Capt. W, Bnd
- Brewerton Mr Jno, Brt
- Brockfield Mr W, Bnd
- Brogden Mrs My. Bnd
- Brown Wm. flax spr, h High street
- Byron Misses E & M High street
- Cass Mr Jno. Castle gt
- Cheap Rev. Andrew, L L B, vicar, Vln
- Collier Aaron, gunsmith, High street
- Collins Rev. Thos. Hst
- Collins Wm. Esq, Kbk
- Craven Mrs Eliz, Hst
- Dearlove Mr Ralph, Park row
- Dinmore Jno & Co, saddlers' ironmongers, Fisher street
- Dixon Thos. gov of the workhs, Church yard
- Donold Jno. Bond end
- Earnshaw Chpr, Esq, High street
- Ellison Lambert, gent, Bond end
- Forrest Mrs Cathn, Hst
- Forster Thos. saddletree mkr, Finkle st
- Fothergill Misses Sar & Ann, High street
- Gee Thos, nail maker, Hst
- Hartley Jas, muff & boa mfr, Briggate
- Hattersley Wm. millwright, High street
- Hawkridge Emily, wkg upholsterer, High st
- Hawkridge Jno. Temperance coffee hs. Cgt
- Howell Rev. Wm. Bgt
- Hunter Mttw, basket maker, High street
- Kellett Wm. slater, Bgt
- Leckenby Wm. vet surgeon, Bond end
- Letch Capt, Chas, Hst
- Manby Rev. Aaron, Hst
- Manners Jno, supervisor, High street
- Marshall James, parish clerk, Kirkgate
- Mason Mr. Rd. High st
- Murphy Jno. engraver, Briggate
- Newton Isc. Gent, Hst
- Oates Saml, mfr, h Hst
- Oliver Rt. pawnbkr, Mkp
- Paley Miss Agnes, Hst
- Paley Thos. gent, Hst
- Pearson Thos coach propr, High street
- Powell Sml. solr. Gst
- Powell Sl. Jun. solr, Hst
- Powell Miss, Bond end
- Pratt Rev. Rlph, (Cath) Bond end
- Purkis Rd, heckle mkr, High street
- Reay Jas. Tea dlr, Cgt
- Richardson Miss, Hst
- Robinson Wm. flax spnr, Windsor lane
- Rothery Mrs My. Rose hl
- Senior Rd. bank clerk, High st
- Shaw Mrs, Castlegate
- Simpson Mrs Ann, Hst
- Simpson Thos. mfr, Hst
- Smith Mrs Mary, Bnd
- Smithies Mrs Eliz, Hst
- Stead Geo, surveyor of taxes, High street
- Sweeting Stphn, wood valuer, Castlegate
- Thackray Wm. gent. Hst
- Thorp Thos. town cryer, Savage yd
- Vipont Mrs Jane, Fst
- Walker Wm. machine maker, High street
- Walton Mrs Eliz. Hst
- Walton Jno. mfr, Hst
- Walton Jno. Esq, Byards lodge
- Warwick Jph & Co, ironfounders, Brt
- Weddall Mrs Hanh, Hst
- Wetherill Miss, Hst
- Wigglesworth Mrs E, Ings cottage
- Wilkinson Samuel, flax spinner, High street
- Worsley Marcus, Esq. Cunningham hall
- Cartwright Thos. Gst
- Catholic, Ralph Gibson & Ann Horsman, Chn
- Charity, Jno Winter, Hst
- Grammar, Vicarage ln
- National, Jas. Marshall & Mary Jaques, Cyd
- Nursaw Miss, Vln *
- Simpson Ann, Briggate
- Taylor Marisa, Kgt
- Thackray Misses, Hst
- Dewes Rd. High st; h Park row
- Gill Mttw. High street
- Gott Robert, jun. Mkp
- Kirby Chas. High st
- Powell Chas. Castle yd
- Powell & Son (& clerks to the magistrates, & under stewards and registrars for the honour of Knaresbro') Castle yard
- Robinson Thos. Kgt
- Stubbs Wm. Morley, Hst
- Taylor Peter, High st
- Tolson Peter, Kirkgate
- Allison Thos. Brigate
- Fawcett Geo. Finkle st
- Penrose John, Briggate
- Renton Geo. Castle yd
- Simpson Rd. (& sheriff's officer) Blucher st
- Byron Robert, High st
- Forster Wm. Kirkgate
- Hardaker Fras. Hst
- Hoy Wm. Gracious st
- Skaife Wm. Cheapside
- Ward Wm. High street
- Knaresbrough & Claro Baking Co, High st, Mr Thos Gell, manager, (on Barnett Hoare & Co)
- Terrys & Harrison, Hst (on Willis, Percival and Co)
- Yorkshire District Bank, High st, Mr Chpr. Carter, manager (on Williams & Co)
- Savings Bank, High st, Geo Stead, sec
- Abbey Fras. Fisher st
- Benson George, Brt
- Buck Robert, High st
- Dickinson Thos, Lbg
- Dickinson Wm. Hst
- Edson Wm. Cheapside
- Harrison Wm, Syd
- Mirfield Jno. High st
- Atkinson Thos. Kgt *
- Langdale Wm. Hst *
- Tarbotton Henry, Mkp
- Wilson Geo. (stamps) High street *
- Allison John, High st
- Bell Wm, Jockey lane
- Bradley Jno. High st
- Clemishaw Wm. Cgt
- Dawson Ann & Son, Hst
- Dawson Rt (wls) Cgt
- Falkingham Rd. Cpd
- Fletcher Geo. High st
- Haw Wm. Finkle st
- Jaques Wm. High st
- Kay Wm. Kirkgate
- Lupton Chpr. Jockey ln
- Scruton Joseph, Hst
- Sinclair Wm. High st
- Snow Charles, Mkp
- Snow Rd., Market pl
- Speight Jas. Bond end
- Spink Jno. Market pl
- Surr Wm. Jockey lane
- Wardell Richard, Gst
- Whitaker Wm. Bgt
- Yates Eliz. Castle gate
- Dalton Hy. Market pl
- Kay Thos. Market pl
- Rollinson John, Hst
- Scott John, Castlegate
- Lambert Thos. High st
- Powell Hy. High st
- Tuton Thos. Low bridge
- Bentley Thos. High st
- Cocker Thos, Mkt pl
- Dickinson Fras. Hst
- Fawcett Jph. High st
- Jaratt Thomas, Mkp
- Knapton Thos. High st
- Linforth John, Bud
- Matterson Albany, Kgt
- Matterson Peter, Hst
- Spence Wm. Low bdg
- Stead Jph, Market pl
- Summers John, Bgt
- Tyson Fras. Castlegate
- Walker Jph, Market pl
- Buck Peter, Market pl
- Pullan Tmy. High dg
- Walton, Oates, & Simpson, High street
Chemists & Druggists,
- Cameron Danl. Mkt pl
- Fall Hy. High street
- Gervas Rt. Market pl
- Lambert Mark, Mkt pl
- Skirrow, Edw. Robinson, oppt. Crown Inn, High street
- Snowden Jno. Briggate
- (S)weeting Jonth. Fgs
- Barr Thos. Silver street
- Hustwit Eliz. High st
- Bland Martin Hst *
- Simpson Hanh, Hst *
- Wardle Jas. Cheapside
- Coates W. Hay a- Park
- Tipling Wm. Mkt pl
- Addyman Thos, High st
- Clemisha Thos. Fkst
- Hartley Rd. Fisher st
- Hopps Henry, High st
- Baliol Thos. Silver st
- Ibbetson John, High st
- Coates Jno. Rd. & Wm. *
- Gill Eliz. Silver street
- Howgate John *
- Mainman Rd. High st
- Powell Wm. Blucher st
- Waddington Richard *
- Whincup William *
- Alliance, Peter Tolson, Kirkgate
- County and Provident, Rt. Gott. Jun. Mkp
- Leeds & Yorks, Saml. Powell, jun. Cyd
- Newcastle, Thos. Gell, High street
- Sun, Mattw. Gill, Hst
- Pearson Saml. Jun. Gst
- Turnbull Wm. Bnd
- Gill Rt, Bond end
- Harrison Benj. Bnd
- Meadley Jas. Meadley's square
- Robinson Wm. jun. Kgt
- Shann Jno. Castlegate
- Taylor Jno. Church ln
- Turnbull Wm. Bnd
- White Thos. Jockey ln
- Bowes Jas. (thread mfr), The Bottom
- Eteson Wm. & Jno. Wln
- Forster Wm. Finkle st
- Thorpe Fras. & Co, Fs
- Wilkinson Saml. & Co (& thread) Castle mls
- Harrison Saml. Cpd
- Scruton Wm. Castle gt
- Shann John, Castlegate
- Spence Fras. Mkt pl
- Spink Jas. High street
- Tipling Wm. Mkt pl
- Walker Joseph, Mkp
- Abbott Geo. (& nurseryman) High street
- Dodsworth Jno. Bnd
- Jobling Chpr. Wln
- Lumley Jno. Mkt pl
- Saner Chpr, Ann's hill
- Benson Wm. High st
- Thirlway Thos. Hst
- Winter Thos. Mkt pl
- Grocers, Carter John, High st
- Coultas Rd. High street
- Dearlove Chas High st
- Dixon Jph, Market pl
- Greaves Saml. Mkt pl
- Groves Jno. Mkt pl
- Ibbetson Jno. Hst
- Inchboard Wm. Mkp
- Roberts Jno. High st
- Scott Chas. Mkt pl
- Taylor Thos. Mkt pl
- Weller Chas. Cgt
- Whitehead Wm. & Co High street
- Wikeley Ann, High st
- Bulmer Chas. Highs st
- Jennings Jas. Mkp
- Mann Jas. H. Hst
- Pawson Jno. V. Hst
- Simpson Thos. Fkt
- Thirlway Thos. Hst
- Thistleton Wm. Cgt
- Atkinson Jno. Mkp
- Dawson Rt. Castlegate
- Oven Wm. & Saml. Mkp
- Anchor, Samuel Raper, High street
- Barrel, Hy. Bentley, Hs
- Black Bull, W Granget, High street
- Black Swan, Jonah Dinmore, High street
- Boar's Head, Thos. Freeman, Finkle street
- Brewers' Arms, John Dickinson, Fst
- Cheese, Rd. Wood, Bgt
- Commercial Hotel, Jno. Render, High street
- Cotton Mill, Ths. Terry, Market place
- Crown Inn, Jno. B. Robinson, High street
- Elephant & Castle Inn, Geo. Pullan, Hst
- Elephant & Castle, My. Aveson, Silver st
- George & Dragon, Ths. Penrose, Briggate
- George Inn, Wm. Lister, High bridge
- Grapes, Archd. Colquhoun, Castlegate
- Green Dragon, Stephen Sweeting, Cgt
- Half Moon, Jno, Clapham, Low bridge
- Hart's Horns, Samuel Pearson, Silver st
- King's Arms, Thomas Knapton, High st
- Lord Nelson, My. Sanderson, Blucher st
- Marquis of Granby, My. Benson, High street
- Mother Shipton, George Howe, Low bridge
- Nag's Head, Wm. Edson, Cheapside
- Old Black Horse, Jas. Dawson, Market pl
- Old Dragon, Geo. Tarron, Castlegate
- Old Royal Oak, John Ridsdale, Mkp
- Parnassus Mount, Jph. Pullan, Kirkgate
- Punch Bowl, Gras. Tyson, Castlegate
- Rd Bear, John Smith, High street
- Red Lion, Eliz. Druery, High street
- Robin Hood, William Spence, Low bridge
- Royal Oak Inn, Joseph Pratt, Bond end
- Shoulder of Mutton, Geo. Lister, Hst
- Star, Matw. Outhwaite, High bridge
- Union, Frank Kirby, Hst
- Waterloo Tavern, Wm. Beaver Brown, Jln
- White Hart, (Old) Jph. Cocker, Market pl
- White Horse, Wm. Wilson, Finkle st
- White Horse, Thomas Scarf, High st
- World's End, Timothy Pullan, High bridge
- Bainbridge Hy. Gst
- Cazey Benj. Briggate
- Dickinson Thos. Lbg
- Dobson Wm. Low bdg
- England John, Mkp
- Hall Rd. Kirkgate
- Hart Michael, Fgs
- Hodgson Thos. Bnd
- Hollinsworth Abm. Cpd
- Jaques Wm. High st
- Robinson Rt. Briggate
- Spencer Chpr. Bgt
- Fothergill Jno & Son (& jewellers) Hst *
- Gott Rt. sen. Mkp *
- Kay Thos. Market pl
- Allison Thos. Briggate *
- Anderson Jno. Hst *
- Benson John, Hst *
- Benson Wm. Fst *
- Boldison Mark, Wln
- Bussey Samuel, Horse mill yard
- Cawood B. Anchor yd
- Lister Wm. High bdg *
- Pennington Jno. Fgs
- Thompson George, Vln
- Umpleby Thos. Hst
- Howgate Jno. (& agt) top of High street
- Powell Jas. Gracious st
- Driffield Wm. Briggate
- Pullan G, Thistle hill
- Clint Jno. Low bdg *
- Dodsworth Thos. Mkp
- Harrison Jno. Briggate
- Hutton Jas. & Co. Fst *
- Jarman Andrew, Brt
- Mountain & Son, Gst *
- Smith Wm. High street
- Walton, Oates, and Simpson, High st *
- Ward John, Wln
- Bainbridge Saml. (mercer) High street
- Brown Dd. High street
- Dodsworth Thos. Mkp
- Hornby Peter, Cpd
- Jardine Dd. High st
- Greaves Saml. Mkp
- Johnson Thos. Mkp
- Marshall Eliz. High st
- Park Rd. Market pl
- Preston Geo. High st
- Walker Ann, Briggate
- Lambert Thos. High st
- Pearson Wm. Hst
- Powell Henry, Hst
- Tuton Thos. Low bdg
- Barr Rachel, Silver st
- Kay Rebecca, Hst
- Lister Ann, High st
- Owram Eliz. Windsor ln
- Simpson H & J. Mkp
- Smith Jane, High st
- Hodgson Mary, Bnd
- Lawson Wm. Market pl
- Mason Thos. Market pl
- Whitehead Wm. Hst
- Yeoman Chas. Hbg
- Bentley Henry, Hst
- Brotherton John, Kg
- Scaife Jno. Fisher st
- Turnbull Robert, Bst
- Groves Jno. Market pl
- Simpson Hannah, Hst
- Dalton henry, Mkp
- Wilson Mary, Briggate
- Blake Rd. Castlegate
- Potts Jas. Windsor ln
- Cooper Wm. Hst
- Johnson Wm. Hst
- Webster Henry, Hst
- Clapham Jno. Low bdg
- Clapham Wm. & Co. Lbg
- Edmonson Jacob, Mkp
- Barr Edw. Silver st
- Fawcett Wm. (& trunk maker, ) High st
- Hamilton Robt. Mkp
- Hemsley Thos. Hst
- Hustwit Paul, Hst
- Scruton Jno. Hst
- Winter Matthew. Hst
- Allinson John, Hst
- Atkinson Hannah, Hst
- Benson Wm,. Hst
- Clark Thos. Briggate
- Clegg Wm. Fisher gdns
- Godley Thos. Briggate
- Goodall Thos. Hst
- Henlock Jas. Kirkgate
- Hollings Jas. Cgt
- Holmes Jas. Hst
- Holmes Wm. Hst
- Malone Adw. Gst
- Pullan Jph. Kirkgate
- Rhodes Jno. Bond end
- Spencer Chpr, Bt
- Vickrige Eliza. Hst
- Wells Jno. Briggate
- Wells Wm. Fisher gdns
- Whitaker Wm. Bgt
- Gee Mary A. Hst
- Wilson Hannah, Hst
- Gill Jno. Kirkgate
- Gill Jno. Fisher gardens
- Gott Jno. Castle yard
- Walker Wm. Castlegt
- Wilson Geo. Brt
- Craggs Jane, High st
- Dawes Tabitha, Mkp
- Holmes Jas. High st
- Outhwaite Car. Hbg
- Storer Hannah, Cpd
- Wardle Ann, Cpd
- Beaumont, Thos. Mills, Market place
- Cock Jno. Cheapside
- Newton Isaac, jun. top of High street
- Powell Christopher, Hst
- Robson Geo. Rawdon, Kirkgate
- Curry John, Hst
- Curry Matthew, Hst
- Hawkridge Jno. Cgt
- Holt Jas. Gracious st
- King Wm. High st
- Luty Saml, Finkle st
- Slater Richd. Mkp
- Smith Thos. Cheapside
- Wardle Chas. Cpd
- Whitehead Wm. Mkp
- Carter John, Hst
- Inchboard Wm. Mkp
- Wheelhouse Wm. Mkp
- Atkinson Thomas, (late Driffield,) Kirkgate
- Cameron Dl. Pinfold hill
- Abbey Thomas, Cgt
- Whitaker Wm. Bgt
- Fothergill Jno & son, High street *
- Garth Jno. High st *
- Johnson H & M, Hst *
- Snow Thos. Hst *
- Whitehead Edw. Jln
- Bland Wm, Low bdg
- Fawcett Walter, Bst
- Lawson Joseph, Cyd
- Taylor Jno. Bond end
- Goundry Geo. Kirkgate
- Stockburn Richd. Fst
- Auchterlownie Jno. Hst
- Dinmore Jno Co, Fst
- Colquhoun Arhd. Cgt
- Coultas Rd (& British wines) High st
- Richards Thos. High st
- From the Royal Oak the Times & Hero to Newcastle at 9 mg & 9 evg & to Leeds, 5 mg and 5 evg
- From the Union Inn, the Union to Leeds 8 morning
- Gallaway Mattw, Fst & Tarron Geo, Cgt to York, Mon, Wed and Fri at 12 night & to Ripon, Thu, 6 mg
- Pickersgill's waggons (Black Swan) to all parts of the North and South, Mon, Tu & Sat
- Pennington Jno, Gst & Gallaway Mattw. Fst to Leeds, Mon, wed & Fri at 12 night
- To Bradford (King's Arms) J Bolton, Wed
- Darley, (Cotton Mill Inn) Jno. Petty, Wed
- Pool and Bradford, (King's Arms,) James Dunhill, Wed
- Raikes, (Red Bear) Wm. Hubank, Wed
- Skipton (Blk Swan), Wm. Hardisty, Mon Wed & Fri
- Thirsk, (Blk Swan) J Briggs, Wed & Sat
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HARROGATE in White's Directory of 1837.
Post: - The Post Office is at Mr John Stead Dearlove's in High Harrogate whence letters are despatched to London &c at ½ past 9 evening to York and the North at ½ past 1 afternoon, to Leeds &c at 4 morning, and to Knaresbrough twice a day. There is also a receiving box, at Mrs Blackburn's, in Low Harrogate.
- 1, are in Low, 2 in Central and the others in High Harrogate.
- Batchelor Samuel, work. Jeweller - 1
- Bingley William, gentleman
- Blackburn Sarah, bookseller
- Brown Peter, fancy repository
- Bradley William wheelwright
- Charlesworth Charles, Esq
- Coupland Eleanor, druggist
- Croft Mrs Sarah
- Dinsdale Mr John
- Ellis William, gentleman
- Garbutt Thomas, glover
- Gilbertson Mrs Christiana
- Holme Rev. Jas. Inc of St Mary's - 1
- Husband Joseph druggist - 1
- Jaques Mrs Jane
- Kennion Rev. Thomas, M A incumbent of Christ Church
- Knowles John, ironmonger, &c - 2
- Lawrence William, gentleman
- Langdale Wm. bookseller & printer
- Matthewman Richard, gentleman
- Morley Wm. jun. tallow chandler
- Palliser Pickersgill, bookseller, printer & publisher of Harrogate Advertiser, (Sat) during the season - 1
- Pearson William, spar dealer
- Powell Mrs Ann
- Ramsden Richard, music teacher
- Reed Mr George
- Richardson John, glass, china ad earthenware dealer
- Richardson John, chemist, druggist & manufacturer of Harrogate salts
- Richardson Martin, solicitor
- Sheepshanks William, Esq
- Thompson Mrs Amelia
- Thompson Mr Jno. Somerset House - 2
- Thrush Capt. Thomas, R N - 2
- Van Mildert Mrs Jane
- Waite Joseph, jun. chemist, druggist & perfumer
- Walker Thomas Humble, wine and spirit mert. & agent to the Yorks.
- District Bank, Northumberland hs - 1
- Williams Jno. propr. Of the Cheltenham pump rooms and baths - 2
- Wilson Mrs. Bealah place - 1
- Young William, watch maker
- Bay Horse, Thomas Hudson
- Binn's Hotel, John Binns - 1
- Black Swan Inn, Joseph Waite
- Brunswick Hotel, Wm. Waudby *
- Crown Hotel, Mary Thackwray - 1*
- Dragon Hotel, Jane Firth *
- Gascoigne's Hotel, John Turner Gascoigne *
- George Inn, William Barber - 2
- Granby Hotel, Thomas Hall *
- Promenade Inn, Dorothy Johnson - 1
- Prospect Hotel, Nicholas Carter - 2
- Queen Hotel, John Dearlove
- Ship Inn, Samuel Bates - 2
- Swan Hotel, Jonathan Shutt - 1
- Wellington Hotel, George Harper - 1
- White Hart, William Forrest - 1
- Globe, John Dunn
- York and North of England, John Richardson - 2
- Yorkshire, P Palliser - 1
- Daniel Eliz - 2*
- Heslop Ann, Infant Miss Bawtry *
- Lancasterian, J P Frost - 2
- National, Rd & Mary Smith
- National, S Barnby - 1
- Parry Cathrn *
- Stubbs Jno. Grove house *
- Thackwray Jph
- Lonsdale Jno. - 2
- Morley Geo - 2
- Morley Wm
- Outhwaite Geo - 1
- Lambert Samuel
- Roome George
- Scruton William
- Wilson Abrm
- Allanson Thos (& farrier)
- Ellis Richard
- Hudson Thomas
- Petty Charles - 1
- Wood Charles
- Barker Henry
- Holdsworth J - 2
- Paley John
- Paley Thomas
- Pullan James - 1
- Stott William - 2
- Wardman Rd
- Askew Thomas
- Gill William
- Lawn William & game dealer - 2
- Long Jno & George - 2
- Wardman Mary
- Wilkinson Thos
- Wright Chpr - 2
- Wright George
- Morley George - 2
- Slater James - 1
- Abbott George - 1
- Leuty Henry
- Barf William - 1
- Cross Robert - 2
- Daniel Wm - 2
- Hardisty Henry
- Jaques John (& provision dlr)
- Morley George - 2
- Ridsdale Wm
- Slater James - 1
- Dunn John
- Salt Thos (and hatter)
- Smith Robt - 1
- Spink Wm - 1
- Binns Francis
- Cullingworth Peter - 2
- Harper Benj. - 2
- Harper Jas - 1
- Thackwray T - 1
- Binns Joseph - 1
- Brayshaw T - 2
- Horner Joseph
- Thompson Wm
- Blackburn S - 1
- Dunn Jno (free)
- Langdale Wm
- Smeeton My. A - 1
- Williams Jno - 2
- Bainbridge S - 2
- Cross Robert - 2
- Daniel Wm - 2
- Robinson Wm
- Wilson Martin
- Atkinson Sar - 2
- Barwick Jph - 2
- Bentley Eliz - 2
- Blackburn Hanh
- Boaler Sarah
- Burniston Wm
- Calverley T - 2
- Calvert Christpr
- Clayton Margt - 1
- Cowling Mary - 2
- Crowther J N - 1
- Dalby Rebecca - 2
- Downham Jno - 2
- Ellison C & M
- Emmatt Thomas
- Fewster Edward
- Fletcher Jno - 2
- Hanson Jas - 1
- Hardcastle J - 2
- Harper Mary - 1
- Hind Elizabeth
- Holdsworth Jas
- Husband Chtte - 1
- Inman Jane
- Jackson Eliz - 2
- Kay Robert - 2
- Lancaster J - 1
- Lewis Thomas
- Morley Eliz
- Oddy Jane - 2
- Oddy Thomas - 2
- Parker Jane
- Pearson Mary - 2
- Richardson Misses - 1
- Roberts Thos - 1
- Shillito Sarah
- Shutt Eliz - 1
- Simpson Mary - 2
- Smelt Mrs B - 2
- Stead William
- Stephenson Fdk
- Stoner Eliz - 2
- Thackwray Mg - 2
- Thackwray Mary
- Thackwray T - 1
- Tomlin Misses - 1
- Tomlin Philis - 1
- Tomlin Ann - 2
- Torrance Eliz
- Tuton Ann - 2
- Wade Mary and Thomas
- Whincup Dens - 2
- Whincup Rd - 2
- Franklin M S - 2
- Mason Isabella - 2
- Morley Ann
- Pinder Eliz
- Rea Charlotte - 2
- Snowball Susan
- Waite Matilda
- Knowles Geo - 2
- Pickersgill Fras
- Place Joseph H & Co
- Knowles Geo - 2
- Place J H & Co
- Fletcher Jph - 1
- Tomlinson Geo
- Barf Thomas - 2
- Hardcastle Jno
- Holdsworth M & E
- Howard Jonth - 1
- Hudson Daniel
- Mills Robert
- Rymer George
- Walker Thomas
- Faviell Charles
- Waterhouse Js - 2
- Linforth Eliz - 1
- Long Eliz - 2
- Mason Eliz - 2
- Robinson Sarah
- Wane Eliz
- Berry Grove
- Cookson Ambrose D
- Frobisher Joseph
- Johnson Sam
- Parry Thomas - 2
- Wormald W H
- Barf William - 1
- Burniston T - 2
- Dennison Jno
- Farrah Geo - 2
- Harrison Wm, Brunswick Terrace
- Hodgson Wm
- Linforth Thos - 1
- Ripley Fras
- Wright George
- Jackson Esther
- Richardson Jas - 2
- Lupton Mdk (& iron merchants)
- Petty Samuel
- From the Brunswick Hotel, Union to Ripon, ½ past 7 evng and Leeds, at ½ past 8 mng (ex Sun)
- From the Promenade Coach Office, Courier to Ripon, Darlington &c, ½ past 4 aft and to Leeds at 11 mng
- From Gascoigne's Hotel, Telegraph to Newcastle, ½ past 12 noon, and to Leeds, 2 aft (ex Sun)
- There are also several coaches from Leeds daily and one from York during the summer months
- Farrah Samuel, to Leeds, Mon and Fri at 12 night
- Pickersgill's Waggons from Leeds to Newcastle, call at Anthony Jackson's near the Cross roads, Wed and Fri mong and return Tu and Thu night
- Benson Wm, Cross roads to York Mon, Wed and Fri nights and to Leeds Tu Thu and Sat
- Pearsons Waggons from Leeds to Ripon call at the George Inn, Sun, Wed, Fri ad Sat, return Mon, Tu, Thu and Fri
- Outhwaite, Low Harrogate to Leeds, Tu, Thu and Sat
Transcribed by Susan Johnson. ©2000