Knaresborough Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for KNARESBOROUGH in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post: - Post Office, Kirkgate, Thomas Taylor, Post master
- Barker Rev. William, Vicarage lane
- Benn Rev. Henry, Bond end
- Blegborough Miss Maria, Church lane
- Blesard Mrs. Mary, Kirkgate
- Bowes Miss Elizabeth, Vicarage lane
- Bradfield Mr. William, Bond end
- Bramley Captain William, Bond end
- Bramley Mr. William, Bond end
- Brewerton Mr. John, Brewerton st
- Byron the Misses, High st
- Calvert Mr. Michael, High st
- Cheap Rev. Andrew, Vicarage house
- Christian Hugh, esq. Bilton hall
- Cockcroft Mr. John, Star beck
- Collins Rev. Thomas, High st
- Collins William, esq. Kirkman bank
- Craven Mrs. Elizabeth, High st
- Dearlove Mr. Robert, Park row
- Edgeworth Lady Emma, Water side
- Ellison Mr. Lambert, Rose hill
- Ellison Mrs. Mary, Park row
- Fison Rev. William, Bond end
- Forster Mr. Roger, Windsor lane
- Fothergill Miss Sarah, High st
- Gallon Mrs. Elizabeth, Kirkgate
- Gott Rev. Richard, Goldsborough
- Harrison Mr. William, Belmont cottage
- Hartley Rev. Richard, Staveley
- Howell Rev. William, Gracious st
- Lascelles the Right Honourable Henry, Goldsborough hall
- Lee John, esq. Abbey house
- Letch Captain Charles, R.N. High st
- Manby Rev. Aaron, High st
- Masterman Mrs. Mary, Gracious st
- Mayers Mrs. Sarah, Kirkgate
- Morley Miss Frances, Bond end
- Moyser Miss Mary, Bond end
- Paley the Misses ---, High st
- Pratt Rev. Ralph, Bond end
- Rothery Mrs. Mary, Rose hill
- Simpson Miss Dorinda, High st
- Slingsby Sir Thos. bart. Scriven park
- Smith Mrs. Mary, Bond end
- Thackwray Mr. William, High st
- Wailes Mrs Hannah, Bond end
- Walsh Mrs. Elizabeth, High st
- Walton Mrs. ---, High st
- Wells Miss Mary Ann, Windsor lane
- Wetherill Miss Isabella, High st
- Wigglesworth Mrs. Elizabeth, Brewerton st
- Wilson Mrs. Sarah, Windsor lane
- Worsley Marcus, esq. Conynghun hall
Not otherwise described are Day Schools,
- Benn Rev. Henry, Bond end
- Calcutt John, Gracious st
- Cartwright Thomas, Gracious st
- Catholic School, Church lane -- Ralph Gibson, master
- Free School, High st -- John Winter, master
- Grammar School, Vicarage lane -- Rev. William Barker, master
- Howgate Mary (ladies' boarding) Grove house
- National School (boys) Castle yard -- William Blanchard, master
- National School (girls) Vicarage lane -- Mary Jaques, mistress
- Nursaw Frances Ann (ladies' boarding) Beech hill house
- Thackray the Misses (ladies' boarding) Prospect house, High st
- Whaley Christopher, Savage yard
- Dewes Richard, jun. High st
- Earnshaw & Kirby, High st
- Gill Matthew, High st
- Gott Robert, jun. Market place
- Powell Samuel & Son (under stewards of the honour of Knaresborough, and clerks to the magistrates) Castle yard
- Richardson Martin, Market place
- Stubbs William Morley, High st
- Taylor Peter, High st
- Tolson Peter, Kirkgate
- Cliff Samuel, Kirkgate
- Fawcett George, Kirkgate
- Frost Thomas, High st
- Penrose John, Briggate
- Simpson Richard (& sheriff's officer) High st
- Dickinson Francis, High st
- Herrington Samuel, Cheapside
- Tipling William (& cheesemonger) Market place
- Walker Joseph, Market place
- Byron Robert, High st
- Forster William (& confectioner) Kirkgate
- Hill John, High st
- Holmes William, Briggate
- Hoy William, Gracious st
- Ward William, High st
- Coates, Meek & Carter, High st -- (draw on Esdaile & Co. London)
- Knaresborough & Claro Banking Company, High st -- (draw on Barnetts, Hoare & Co. London) -- Thomas Gell, agent
- Terrys', Harrison & Co. High st -- (draw on Willis, Percival & Co. London)
- Savings' Bank, High st -- George Stead, secretary
- Hunter Matthew, High st
- Poulter John, Union place, Low bridge
- Abbey Francis, Back lane
- Abbott George, Blucher st
- Benson George, Brewerton st
- Buck Robert, Top of Bond end
- Dickinson Thomas, High st
- Dickinson Thomas, jun. Low bridge
- Edson William, Cheapside
- Hall John, Briggate
- Harrison William, Savage yard
- Mirfield John, High st
- Mirfield John, Forest lane
- Barnby Stephen (& bookbinder) High st
- Langdale William (& dealer in patent medicines) High st
- Tarbotton Henry, Market place
- Wilson George (& sub-distributer of stamps) High st
- Allinson John, High st
- Bell William, Jockey lane
- Bradley John, High st
- Clemishaw William, Cheapside
- Dawson Ann & Son, High st
- Dawson James, Wellington st
- Dawson Robert, Castle gate
- Elwood George, High st
- Falkingham Richard, Cheapside
- Haw William, Market place
- Holmes William, Portland st
- Hornby Peter, Cheapside
- Jaques William, High st
- Kay William, Kirkgate
- Kettle Thomas, Cheapside
- Saunders Thomas, Windsor lane
- Scruton Joseph, Gracious st
- Sinclair William, High st
- Snow Charles, High st
- Snow Richard, Market place
- Spink John, Market place
- Sturdy Francis, Gracious st
- Waite Henry, High st
- Wardell Richard, Briggate
- Whitaker William, Briggate
- Whitehead George, Briggate
- Whitehead Thomas, Briggate
- Yates Christopher, Castle gate
- Dalton Henry, Market place
- Daniel Robert, Market place
- Kay Thomas, Market place
- Rollinson John, High st
- Scott John, Castle gate
- Lambert Thomas, High st
- Matson Thomas (brewer) High st
- Paley Thomas, High st
- Pearson Samuel (maltster) Market place
- Tuton Thomas, Briggate
- Atkinson Ann, Market place
- Bentley Thomas, High st
- Buckle Walter, Star beck
- Corker Thomas, Market place
- Curry Robert, Bond end
- Dickinson Francis, High st
- Fawcett Joseph, High st
- Linforth John, Castle gate
- Matterson Albany, Kirkgate
- Matterson Peter, Fincle st
- Spence William, Briggate
- Summersall John, Briggate
- Walker Joseph, Market place
- Barf John (earthenware) High st
- Simpson John, Market place
- Thirlway Thomas, High st
- Winter Thomas, Market place
- Cameron Daniel, High st
- Gervas Robert, Market place
- Lambert Mark, Market place
- Sheppard George, Cheapside
- Weddall John, Market place
- Robertshaw William, Cheapside
- Sweeting Jonathan, Wellington st
- Barr Thomas, Silver st
- Rainforth Js. (to His Majesty) Market place
- Bland Martin, High st
- Simpson George, High st
- Wardle James, Cheapside
- Addyman Thomas, High st
- Clemesha Thomas, Fincle st
- Hartley Richard, High st
- Hopps Henry, High st
- Bell Maria (silk, &c.) Brewerton st
- Ibbetson John, High st
- Whaley Mary (silk, &c.) Kirkgate
- Alliance, Peter Tolson, Kirkgate
- Atlas, Earnshaw & Kirby, High st
- County, Robert Gott, jun. Market place
- Guardian, William Morley Stubbs, High st
- Leeds & Yorkshire, Samuel Powell, jun. Castle yard
- Newcastle, Thomas Gell, High st
- Norwich Union, Robert Dearlove, Park row
- Phoenix, William Shaw, Market place
- Protector, Richard Dewes, jun. High st
- Royal Exchange, Isaac Newton, High st
- Sun, Matthew Gill, High st
- Yorkshire, Christopher Carter, High st
- Bell George, Church lane
- Curry Robert, Bond end
- Dodsworth Thomas, High st
- Gill Robert, Bond end
- Goodall Thomas, High st
- Henlock James, Kirkgate
- Hutton William, Brewerton st
- Jarman Andrew, Brewerton st
- Lumley & Brown, Brewerton st
- Pearson William, Briggate
- Robinson William, High st
- Taylor John, Church lane
- Turnbull William, Bond end
- Tyson Andrew (& commission agent) Bond end
- Ward John, Windsor lane
- Webster Richard & Son, High st
- Eteson William & John, Windsor lane
- Forster William (& thread manufacturer) Plompton mill & Fincle st
- Pearson Samuel, Market place
- Render John, High st
- Thorpe Francis & Co. Back lane
- Walton, Oates & Simpson, High st
- Wilkinson Samuel (& thread manufacturer) Old mills
- Herrington Samuel (& corn) Cheapside
- Scruton William, Castle gate
- Smith Mary, Union place, Low bridge
- Spence Francis (& corn) Market place
- Swale Robert, Cheapside
- Sweeting Jonathan, Gracious st
- Tipling William (& corn) Market place
- Turner John, Church lane
- Watson David, Kirkgate
- Allinson John, High st
- Barr Thomas, Silver st
- Myers David, High st
- Abbott Thomas & Son (& nurserymen) High st
- Craven William, High st
- Jopling Edith, Windsor lane
- Matson Thomas, High st
- Lumley John (& nurserymen) Hay park
(See also Shopkeepers, and also Tea Dealers)
- Carter John, High st
- Catton William, High st
- Cooper Jane, High st
- Dixon Joseph, Market place
- Gilderdale J. & Co. High st
- Greaves Samuel, Market place
- Ibbetson John, High st
- Inchboard William, Market place
- Roberts Ann, High st
- Scott Charles, Market place
- Shaw William, Market place
- Taylor Thomas, Market place
- Weller Charles, Market place
- Wikeley Benjamin, High st
- Bulmer John, High st
- Mann James Hartley, High st
- Pawson John Valentine (& toy dealer) High st
- Simpson Thomas, Fincle st
- Thirlway Thomas, High st
- Thistleton William, Castle gate
- Atkinson John, High st
- Dawson Robert (& dealer in shoes) Castle gate
- Myers David, High st
- Oven William & Samuel, Market place
- Commercial Hotel, John Render, High st
- Crown (commercial & posting) John Baxby Robinson, High st
- Elephant & Castle (commercial & posting, and excise office) George Pullan, High st
- Fothergill John (& jeweller) High st
- Gott Robert (& dealer in bar iron) Market place
- Anderson John, High st
- Benson John, High st
- Benson William, Back lane
- Boldison Mark, Fincle st
- Buck Peter, Savage yard
- Bussey Samuel, Horse mill yard
- Cawood Benjamin, High st
- Dawson Bryan, High st
- Fawcett George, Kirkgate
- Lister William, High bridge
- Livsey George, Cheapside
- Pennington John, Briggate
- Pullen Timothy, High bridge
- Rhodes John, Bond end
- Thompson George, Beech hill
- Umpleby John (& builder) High st
- Driffield William, Kirkgate
- Pullan Francis & George, Thistle hill
- Bainbridge Samuel (& silk mercer) High st
- Brown Daniel, High st
- Gass George, Briggate
- Greaves Samuel, Market place
- Hope Thomas, Castle gate
- Jardine David, High st
- Marshall James (linen) High st
- Park Richard, Silver st
- Shaw William, Market place
- Steel Richard (linen) Jockey lane
- Walker William, Briggate
- Bake Richard, Castle gate
- Clint John, Low bridge
- Dodsworth Thomas, High st
- Eteson William & John, Windsor lane
- Hutton, Wilkinson & Co. (& thread) High st
- Jarman Andrew, Brewerton st
- Malthouse Thomas, Windsor lane
- Matson Thomas (& merchant) High st
- Mountain Ann & Son, Gracious st
- Walton, Oates & Simpson, High st
- Ward John (& dealer in manganese and oil of vitriol) Windsor lane
- Calverley John, Abbey mill
- Coates William, Hay park
- Deighton Henry (the executors of the late) Spofforth
- Lund Roger, Plompton mill
- Pullein Mark, Forest lane
- Scruton John, Goldsborough mill
- Swale Thomas, Fulwith mill
- Armitage Ann, High st
- Bell Mary & Honour, Brewerton st
- Berry Ann & Elizabeth, Cheapside
- Church Ann, Cheapside
- Elwood Jane, High st
- Kay Rebecca & Mary, High st
- Wilson Mary, Bond end
- Painters -- House, Sign, &c.
- Hodgson Mary, Bond end
- Lawson William (ornamental, and paper hanger) Market place
- Mason Thomas (ornamental, & carver & gilder & upholsterer) Market place
- Snow George, Church yard
- Whitehead William, High st
- Bentley Henry, High st
- Brotherton John, Kirkgate
- Farrah Michael (& fitter-up of gas apparatus) Kirkgate
- Scaife John, Back lane
- Turnbull Robert, Blucher st
- Matson Thomas, High st
- Richardson Thomas, High st
- Simpson George, High st
- Atkinson Thomas, Kirkgate
- Langdale William, High st
- Wilson George, High st
- Bake Richard (geer) Castle gate
- Potts Henry, Windsor lane
- Potts James, Windsor lane
- Cooper William, High st
- Johnson William, High st
- Webster Richard (& sacking) High st
- Webster William, High st
- Clapham John (sheep skin) Low bridge
- Clapham William & Co. (sheep skin) Low bridge
- Edmondson Jacob (rush matting) Savage yard
- Barr Edward (& trunk maker) Silver st
- Fawcett William, High st
- Hemsley Thomas (& trunk maker) High st
- Horner Richard, High st
- Scruton John, High st
- Winter Matthew, High st
- Allinson John, High st
- Atkinson ---, High st
- Benson William (& dealer in earthenware) High st
- Clark Thomas, Briggate
- Clegg William, Wellington st
- Cliff Samuel, Kirkgate
- Fell William, High st
- Frost Thomas, High st
- Goodall Thomas, High st
- Henlock James, Kirkgate
- Hollands James, Castle gate
- Holmes James, High st
- Holmes William, High st
- Houseman William, Briggate
- Lonsdale John, Cheapside
- Potts Henry, Windsor lane
- Powell Robert, Kirkgate
- Rhodes John, Bond end
- Sly Alexander, Kirkgate
- Smith Benjamin, Low bridge
- Steele Elizabeth, Low bridge
- Tyson Andrew, Bond end
- Watson Thomas, Portland st
- Wells John, Briggate
- Wells William, Portland st
- Whitaker William, Briggate
- Kellett William, Briggate
- Gill John & John, Castle yard
- Gott John, Castle yard
- Jerrison Joseph, Savage yard
- Livock Daniel, Savage yard
- Pratt Joseph, Windsor lane
- Walker William, Windsor lane
- Wilson George, Brewerton st
- Wilson George, jun. Park row
- Barr Rachael (dealer) Silver st
- Bell Mary & Honour, Brewerton st
- Dawes Tabitha, Castle gate
- Gibson Hannah, Briggate
- Holmes Ruth, High st
- Linbart Hannah, High st
- Milthorpe Hannah, Kirkgate
- Outhwaite Elizabeth, Tenter gate
- Robinson Sarah, Market place
- Simpson Ann (& milliner) Market place
- Stoner Hannah, Cheapside
- Wood Mary, Church lane
- Bullock Thomas, Kirkgate
- Carr Benjamin, Market place
- Cock John, Cheapside
- Newton Isaac, High st
- Powell Christopher, High st
- Curry John (& draper) High st
- Curry Matthew (& draper) High st
- Fallis John, Gracious st
- Gibson William, Briggate
- Hawkridge John (& draper) Cheapside
- Hoult James, Windsor lane
- Luty Samuel, Fincle st
- Peckitt William, Kirkgate
- Slater Richard (& draper) Market place
- Smith James, Briggate
- Smith Thomas, Cheapside
- Theakston Jonathan, Savage yard
- Thompson Joseph, Briggate
- Wardle Charles, Cheapside
- Whitehead William, Market place
- Carter John, High st
- Inchboard William, Market place
- Wheelhouse William, Market place
- Anchor, Samuel Raper, High st
- Barrel, Henry Bentley, High st
- Black Horse, James Dawson, Market place
- Black Swan, Jonah Dinmore, High st
- Boar's Head, Thomas Freeman, Fincle st
- Brewer's Arms, John Dickinson, Back lane
- Cotton Mill, Thomas Terry, Market place
- Crown, John Greenwood, Bond end
- George, William Lister, High bridge
- George & Dragon, William Pearson, Briggate
- Grapes, Archibald Colquhoun, Market place
- Green Dragon, Stephen Sweeting, Castle gate
- Half Moon, Thomas Dickinson, Low bridge
- Hart's Horns, Samuel Pearson, Market place
- King's Arms, Thomas Knapton, High st
- Lord Nelson, Mary Sanderson, Beech hill
- Mother Shipton, George Howe, Low bridge
- Nag's Head, William Edson, Cheapside
- Old Dragoon, George Tarran, Castle gate
- Old Elephant & Castle, Mary Aveson, Market place
- Old Royal Oak, John Ridsdale, Market place
- Parnassus Mount, John Goodall, Kirkgate
- Punch Bowl, George Dawes, Castle gate
- Red Bear, John Smith, High st
- Red Lion, Elizabeth Druery, High st
- Robin Hood, William Spence, Briggate
- Royal Oak, Ann Clayton, Bond end
- Shoulder of Mutton, George Lister, High st
- Spaw, Samuel Bates, Star beck
- Star, Matthew Outhwaite, Low Bond end
- Union, Joseph Bulmer, High st
- Union, Joseph Pullan, Thistle hill
- Waggon & Horses, William Benson, High st
- Waterloo, William Beaver Brown, Jockey lane
- Watson's Arms, James Whiteley, Forest lane
- White Hart, Joseph Cocker, Market place
- White Horse, Marmaduke Beamley, High st
- White Horse, William Wilson, Fincle st
- World's End, Timothy Pullan, High st
- Benson Mary, High st
- Buckle Walter, Star beck
- England John, Market place
- Hodgson Thomas, High st
- Penrose Thomas, Briggate
- Pullan Joseph, Portland st
- Robinson Robert, Briggate
- Wood Richard, Briggate
- Brown David, High st
- Gass George, Briggate
- Hope Thomas, Castle gate
- Park Richard, Silver st
- Driffield William, Kirkgate
- Fawcett Walter, Blucher st
- Abbey Thomas, Castle gate
- Whitaker John, Briggate
- Fothergill John (& jeweller) High st
- Garth John (& jeweller) High st
- Johnson Hannah & Mary (& jewellers) High st
- Snow Thomas (& jeweller) High st
- Whitehead Edward, Gracious st
- Bland William, Low bridge
- Fawcett Walter, Blucher st
- Lawson Joseph, Castle yard
- Procter John, Savage yard
- Raw William, Briggate
- Goundry George (& bell hanger) Kirkgate
- Stockburn Richard (& bell hanger) Fincle st
- Auchterlownie John, High st
- Cooper Jane (spirit & British wines) High st
- Dinmore John, High st
- Matson Thomas, High st
- Newton Isaac, High st
- Pearson Samuel, Market place
- Richardson Thomas (spirit & seed) High st
- Bainbridge John, worsted manufacturer & dealer in hosiery, Gracious st
- Blewett William, keeper of museum, Low bridge
- Bond John Henry, professor of singing, piano-forte & organ, Briggate
- Collier Aaron, gunsmith, High st
- Dewes Richard, perpetual overseer, High st
- Dinmore John, saddlers' ironmonger, High st
- Edson Martha, patten maker, Cheapside
- Forster Thomas, saddle tree maker, Fincle st
- Gas Works, Ings bottom -- Thomas Storey, secretary
- Gee Thomas, sail maker, Market place
- Grimston Robert, fellmonger, Landleed house, Waterside
- Hartley Elizabeth, glove maker, Briggate
- Hattersley William, millwright, High st
- Howgate John, land agent & surveyor, High st
- Jackson Samuel, clothes dealer, Briggate
- Knaresborough Spaw Baths & Wells, Star beck -- Thomas Taylor, keeper
- Leckenby William, veterinary surgeon, Bond end
- Manners John, supervisor of excise, High st
- Meadley Jane, flax merchant, Savage yard
- Murphy John, engraver & copper plate printer, Cheapside
- Oliver Robert, pawnbroker & draper, Market place
- Pearson Thomas, coach proprietor, High st
- Purkis Joshua, heckle maker, High st
- Stead George, surveyor of taxes, Bond end
- Swales Henry, billiard table keeper, Brewerton st
- Walker William, winnowing & straw cutting machine maker, High st
- Warwick Joseph, iron & brass founder, Brewerton st
- Water Works, Waterside -- James Henry Gould, secretary
- Wilson Hannah, stay maker, Gracious st
- Wilson Thomas, rag & bone dealer, Briggate
- Workhouse, Church yard -- Thomas Dixon, governor
- To Boroughbridge, Matthew Gallaway & Robert Tipling, from their respective houses, daily
- To Darley, John Petty, from the Cotton Mill, every Wednesday
- To Great Ouseburn, Joseph Bickerdike, from the Old Royal Oak, Wednesday
- To Leeds, William Pearson, from the George & Dragon, and John Pennington, from his house, Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- To Otley, Robert Dibb, from the Brewers' Arms, every Wednesday
- To Ripon, George Tarran, from the Old Dragoon, every Tuesday & Saturday
- To Skipton, William Hardisty, from the Black Swan, every Mon. Wed. & Fri.
- To Thirsk, Samuel Briggs, from the Black Swan, every Wed. & Sat.
- To Wetherby, Hannah Dickinson, from her house, every Thursday
- To York, John Benson, from the Waggon & Horses, and Matthew Gallaway, from his house, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. -- and George Tarran, from the Old Dragoon, every Tuesday & Saturday
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HARROGATE in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post Office, - High Harrogate, Sarah Goodlad, Post mistress
- Sarah Blackburn, Low Harrogate
Gentry & Clergy,
- Bingley William, esq. HH
- Blackburn Miss Hannah, HH
- Burnell Abraham, esq. LH
- Charlesworth Samuel, esq. HH
- Christian George Hugh, esq. Bilton hall
- Dinsley John, esq. HH
- Donnoghue Rev. H.C. Harrogate
- Heyworth Rev. James, LH
- Holme Rev. James, LH
- Kennion Rev. Thomas M.A. HH
- Lawrence William, esq. HH
- Marshall Col. Josiah, HH
- Mitton Rev. Henry, HH
- Parry Mr. Thomas, Harrogate
- Richardson Mr. Martin (attorney) HH
- Ripley Mr. Thomas, HH
- Sheepshanks William, esq. HH
- Thackwray the Misses, HH
- Thackwray Captain Matthew, HH
- Thompson John, esq. LH
- Thrush Thomas, esq. Belle vue
- Van Mildert Right Rev. William, Lord Bishop of Durham, D.D. HH
- Williams Mr. John, Portugal house
- Williamson John, esq. Hampsthwaite Hollins
- Wilson George, esq. LH
- Wormald Mrs. C. HH
- Wrottesley Mrs. Ann, HH
- Agars Elizabeth (day) HH
- Free School, Bachelor's gardens -- Francis Idel, master
- Lancasterian School, LH
- Marshall William (day) HH
- National School (boys' & girls' ) HH -- Marsh Turner, mistress
- Palliser Pickersgill (day, & private teacher) Harrogate
- Parry Catherine (ladies' boarding) Strawberry dale
- Stanley & Daniel (ladies' boarding, and day) LH
- Thackwray Joseph (day) LH
- Tomlinson Anna (gents preparatory boarding) HH
- Morley George (& confectioner) LH
- Morley William (& confectioner) HH
- Outhwaite George, LH
- Thackwray Joseph (Crown) LH
- William John (Royal) LH
- Allanson Thomas, HH
- Ellis Richard, HH
- Harper William, LH
- Hudson Thomas, HH
- Lupton Marmaduke (& white) HH
- Simpson Thomas, LH
- Wood Charles (& farrier) LH
- Malthouse William (& linen manufacturer) HH
- Pullan Richard, Bilton
- Arthur Mrs. Grove house, HH
- Binns Joseph, LH
- Harper John, LH
- Husband Mrs. Cornwall house, LH
- Blackburn Sarah (& exporter of Harrogate water, late of the Promenade rooms) LH
- Langdale William, HH
- Barker George, LH
- Barker Henry, HH
- Holdsworth Joseph, LH
- Lonsdale Thomas, HH
- Paley John, HH
- Paley Thomas, HH
- Smith Samuel, LH
- Thackwray Jonathan, HH
- Wardman Richard, HH
- Benson Christopher, HH
- Knowles John, LH
- Askew Thomas, HH
- Bearpark Abel, HH
- Jarratt John, HH
- Lawn William (& dealer in game) LH
- Long John, LH
- Wardman Henry, HH
- Wilkinson Thomas, HH
- Wray Robert, LH
- Coupland Eleanor, HH
- Richardson John, LH
- Waite Joseph, HH
- Wright Christopher, LH
- Wright George, HH
- Globe, John Dunn, HH
- Yorkshire, Pickersgill Palliser, Harrogate
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
- Barf Thomas (& flour dealer) LH
- Daniel William (& brewer) LH
- Franklin James, LH
- Hardisty Henry, HH
- Jaques John (& corn and flour dealer) HH
- Morley George, LH
- Ridsdale William (& dealer in Harrogate water) HH
- Rymer George, HH
- Slater James (& confectioner) LH
- Stott John (& tallow chandler) HH
- Binns' Hotel, Mary Binns, LH
- Brunswick (posting) William Waudby, HH
- Crown (posting) Joseph Thackwray, LH
- Dragon (posting) Thomas Frith, HH
- Gascoigne's (commercial & posting) John Turner Gascoigne, HH
- Granby (posting) Jonathan Benn, HH
- Prospect Hotel, Nicholas Carter, Harrogate
- Queen (posting) John Dearlove, HH
- Swan, Jonathan Shutt, Harrogate
- White Hart, William Forrest, LH
- Hagley John, HH
- Horner Benjamin, HH
- Horner Joseph, HH
- Thackwray Joseph, LH
- Thompson William, HH
- Tomlinson & Burgess, LH
- Barf William, LH
- Burniston Thomas, LH
- Daniel William, LH
- Wilson Martin, HH
- Anguss Joseph, LH
- Harper James, LH
- Horner Joseph, HH
- Franklin Isabella, HH
- Hardisty Mary, LH
- Kirton Christiana, HH
- Milner Mary, HH
- Morley Ann, HH
- Pearson Maria, LH
- Rushworth Sarah, HH
- Simpson Elizabeth, HH
- Morley Robert (& plumber and glazier) HH
- Newton William Stoward (ornamental painter & gilder) LH
- Parslow John, HH
- Robson Thomas, HH
- Simpson John, HH
- Fletcher Joseph, LH
- Tomlinson George, HH
- Fortune Riley, HH
- Goodall John, LH
- Hodgson William, HH
- Hopkinson Leonard, LH
- Howard Jonathan, LH
- Mills Robert, HH
- Walker Thomas, HH
- Bentley Matthew, HH
- Emmett Francis, HH
- Faviell Charles (& builder) HH
- Waterhouse James (& builder) HH
- Winterburn Benjamin & Sons (& builders) LH
- Burgess Elizabeth, LH
- Hagley Charlotte, HH
- Long Elizabeth, LH
- Mason Elizabeth & Isabella (& dress makers) LH
- Wane Elizabeth, HH
- Berry Grove, HH
- Cookson Ambrose Dawson, HH
- Frobisher Jo, HH
- Johnson Samuel, HH
- Richardson Robert, HH
- Walker James, LH
Marked # are also Drapers,
- # Barf William, LH
- # Burniston Thomas, LH
- # Dennison John (& stay maker and haberdasher) HH
- Harrison William, LH
- Hodgson William, HH
- # Linforth Thomas, LH
- Lupton John, LH
- Rooke James, HH
- # Ripley Francis, HH
- # Wilson Martin, HH
- Wright George, HH
- Bay Horse, Thomas Hudson, HH
- Black Swan, Joseph Waite, HH
- George, William Barber, LH
- New Inn, Joseph Dickenson, HH
- Promenade, Dorothy Johnson, LH
- Ship, John Harrison, LH
- Star, George Dodsworth, HH
- Wellington, George Harper, LH
- Bailey Joseph, LH
- Blackburn William, HH
- Clarkson John, HH
- Mawson John, HH
- Moss William, HH
- Scruton William, HH
- Wilson William, HH
- Jackson Esther, HH
- Wardman Richard, HH
- Batchelor Samuel, goldsmith & jeweller, LH
- Bown Peter, jet manufacturer & fancy repository, HH
- Bradley William, wheelwright, HH
- Carbutt Thomas, glover & breeches maker, HH
- Dunn John, hair dresser, perfumer, & toy dealer, HH
- Harrison Joseph, excise officer, LH
- Harrogate Reading Society -- Robert Inman, treasurer ; P. Palliser, secretary
- Holdsworth James, timber dealer, HH
- Inman Sarah, china, glass, & earthenware dealer, HH
- Promenade Rooms, LH -- Thomas Walker, proprietor
- Pullan Francis & George, lime burners, HH
- Pullan George, gardener, seedsman, & fruiterer, HH
- Young William, watch & clock maker, HH
- To Leeds, Samuel Farrah and George Outhwaite, from their houses, every Tues. & Sat. -- Edward Pearson, from the George, every Mon. Thurs. & Fri. and John Richmond and F. Pickersgill, every Tues. & Thurs.
- To Leeming Lane, F. Pickersgill, from the George, every Tues. & Thurs.
- To Ripon and all parts of the North, Edward Pearson, every Weds. & Sat. -- and F. Pickersgill and John Richmond, every Weds. & Fri. all from the George
- To York & Knaresborough, William Benson, from his house, every Mon. Weds. & Fri.
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000