Kirkheaton Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for KIRKHEATON in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Miscellany of trades - Dalton is a populous maufacturing township, in the parish of Kirkheaton, about
- one mile therefrom. The manufactures in this township are of the same nature as
- Kirkheaton, for which there are several very extensive establishments. The
- Swedenborgians have a chapel here. The township contained, by the last returns,
- 3,060 inhabitants.
- Lepton is likewise a populous township, in the same parish as Dalton, about
- three miles and a half east by south from Huddersfield. In addition to
- manufactories for woollen cloth and fancy goods, several scribbling and fulling
- mills are dispersed through the township and its vicinity. Population according
- to the returns at the last census, 3,320.
- Emley is a village, in the parish of its name, in the same wapentake and riding
- as Kirkheaton, about 8 miles from Huddersfield. This is an agricultural parish,
- and contains no manufactures. The places of worship are the parish church,
- dedicated to St. Michael, and a chapel each for Wesleyan and primitive
- methodists. The living of Emley is a rectory, in the gift of the Earl of
- Scarborough, and incumbency of the Rev. Robery Pym. Two annual fairs are held
- here, one on the 25th of March, the other on the 29th of September, for cattle,
- earthenware, &c. The parish (which has no dependent township), contained, by the
- census taken in 1821, 1,351, and by the last returns (1831) 1,445 inhabitants.
- Flockton is a chapelry and village, in the parish of Thornhill, in the same
- wapentake and riding as Kirkheaton, 7 miles e.s.e. from Huddersfield. In this
- chapelry and the neighbouring township of Shitlington, are extensive coal mines.
- The places of worship are a chapel of ease to Thornhill, and one for calvinists.
- The living of Flockton is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of trustees : the Rev.
- Thomas Rogers, is the incumbent. Population of the chapelry, at the census taken
- in 1831, 995.
- Atkinson Charles, Bradley mills
- Beaumont Richard Henry, esq. Whitley hall
- Brooke John, esq. Dalton
- Hinchcliffe Mrs. Elizabeth, Dalton
- Hutchinson Mr. William Denby, Flockton
- Kaye John Lister Lister, bart. Denby grange hall
- Kettlewell Rev. William, Dalton
- Margetson Rev. Edward, Dalton
- Noble Mr. Luke, Dalton
- Pym Rev. Robert, Emley
- Sykes Mr. Shakspeare, Lepton
- Walker Joseph, esq. Lepton
- Walker Mr. Samuel, Lepton
- Bevers David, Emley
- Brook John, Dalton
- Free Grammar School, Dalton --- George Sykes Dyson, master
- Kettlewell Rev. William (gent's boarding) Dalton
- Mellor Abraham, Kirkheaton
- Mellor Joshua, Flockton
- Bedford Joseph, Lepton
- Bedford William, Grange moor, Lepton
- Bottomley Joshua, Flockton
- Brown Matthew, Emley
- Cardwell Jonathan, Flockton
- Cardwell Thomas, Lepton
- Dransfield Francis, Kirkheaton
- Newhill Thomas & Son, Dalton
- Parker Francis, Emley
- Smith John, Emley
- Bedford Joseph, Emley
- Firth Joseph, Emley
- Hepworth Jonathan, Flockton
- Hill John, Dalton
- Jackson John, Lepton
- Kenworthy John, Lepton
- Lodge John, Emley
- Naylor Charles, Flockton
- Parker George, Emley
- Rhodes Samuel, Flockton
- Abbott John, Flockton
- Astwick Thomas, Flockton
- Child Abraham, Lepton
- Ewart Robert, Dalton
- Grayson John, Emley
- Hepworth Joseph, Emley
- Horn William, Kirkheaton
- Hudson Thomas, Lepton
- Littlewood George, Emley
- Mountain William, Flockton
- Senior John, Flockton
- Spivey Richard, Lepton
- Stringer J. Lepton
- Sutcliffe Joseph, Lepton
- Whittaker Henry
- Astwick Richard, Flockton
- Braithwaite John, Flockton
- Brown Benjamin, Kirkheaton
- Brown James, Kirkheaton
- Brown Joseph, Kirkheaton
- Gill John, Emley
- Hammerton John, Lepton
- Hammerton John, Lepton
- Hoyland Joseph, Lepton
- Jackson William, Emley
- Jessop George (machine maker) Lepton
- Schofield William (& timber dealer) Kirkheaton
- Sowerby William, Emley
- Swallow Joseph, Emley
- Whitlum Joseph, Emley
- Harrison John, Lepton
- Lodge Joseph, Dalton
- Stancliff James, Kirkheaton
- Stancliff John, Kirkheaton
- Atkinson Joseph (& frizer) Bradley mills
- Garthwaite John, Kirkheaton
- Schofield John, Dalton
- Schofield Matthew, Dalton
- Dawson William, Lepton
- Jagger & Ness, Lepton edge
- Jagger Matthew & James, Emley moor
- Marsh William, Kirkheaton
- Milnes & Stansfield, Flockton
- Mountain George, Flockton
- Ness & Co. Lepton
- Stringer Edward Emley, Woodhouse
- Armitage William, Bradley mills
- Fearnhead James, Dalton
- Silverwood John, Emley
- Swallow Jonathan, Emley
- Swift Martha, Emley
- Ellam & Kirk, Bradley mills, Dalton
- Bedford Thomas, Kirkby Emley
- Hall Joseph, Lepton
- Kay William, Flockton
- Sykes Joseph, Lepton
- Sykes Nathaniel, Lepton
- Broadbent George, Dalton
- Broadbent James, Dalton
- Burnet James, Kirkheaton
- Frost George, Dalton
- Hallas David, Lepton
- Horton Thomas, Kirkheaton
- Jenkinson James, Kirkheaton
- Jessop Thomas, Lepton
- Kirby John, Kirkheaton
- Kirby William, Kirkheaton
- Lodge Matthew, Lepton
- Marsden David, Lepton
- Milner Joseph, Dalton
- Nowell William, jun. (& merchant) Lepton
- Oldroyd Matthias, Lepton
- Pollard John, Kirkheaton
- Pollard John, jun. Kirkheaton
- Pollard William, Dalton
- Senior George & Son, Dalton
- Senior James, Lepton
- Shaw James, Lepton
- Shaw John, Lepton
- Shaw Jonathan, Lepton
- Simeon James, Lepton
- Sykes Richard, Kirkheaton
- Tolson James, Dalton
- Wilby Joseph, Lepton
- Wood Joshua & Sons (& merchants) Dalton
- Atkinson Thomas (& merchant) Bradley mills
- Cockhill Thomas & Richard, Dalton
- Coppley John, Lepton
- Dawson James, Kirkheaton
- Dyson Hanby, Grange moor, Lepton
- Dyson John & William, Emley moor
- Booth Ann, Dalton
- Horn Mary, Lepton
- Redfearn Benjamin, Flockton mill
- Atkinson Thomas (assignees of -- fullers) Bradley mills
- Brook George, Lepton
- Dawson William, Lepton
- Wilkinson Abraham (scribbling) Bradley mills
- Wilkinson Henry (scribbling) Bradley mills
- Wilson Hannah & Co. Lepton
- Wood John, Lepton
- Astwick John, Flockton
- Beaumont William, Lepton
- Blackburn Charles, Emley park
- Bradley Edward, Flockton
- Braithwaite Alice, Flockton
- Broadbent Joseph, Dalton
- Child William, Flockton
- Clayton John, Lepton
- Durrans James, Lepton
- Dyson John & William, Emley moor
- France Joseph, Kirkheaton
- Garthwaite John, Kirkheaton
- Haigh James, Lepton
- Haigh John, Emley
- Hallis Richard, Lepton
- Helem Joseph, Emley moor
- Littlewood Charles, Emley
- Lodge Matthew, Lepton
- Mallinson Elizabeth, Lepton
- Marsh William, Kirkheaton
- Moulson Robert, Lepton
- Mountain Joseph, Flockton
- Newhill Charles, Dalton
- Norcliff Samuel, Lepton
- North Richard, Lepton
- Oldroyd Abraham, Kirkheaton
- Pickard George, Flockton
- Pickles Thomas, Grange moor, Lepton
- Sheard Matthew, Kirkheaton
- Silverwood John, Emley
- Spivey John, Lepton
- Stancliff Charles, Kirkheaton
- Swallow Jonathan, Emley
- Swift Martha, Emley
- Sykes Charles, Kirkheaton
- Sykes Joseph, Lepton
- Tolson Robert James, Lepton
- Webster George, Lepton
- Wood Joseph, Lepton
- Blakeley John, Flockton
- Dickinson George, Flockton
- Dyson Henry Leah, Emley
- France James, Kirkheaton
- Hirst Joshua, Dalton
- Bennett Abraham, Flockton
- Tatterson Joseph, Lepton
- Beckett William, Emley
- Bever John, Emley moor
- Bever Thomas, Emley
- Hoyle Jabez, Flockton
- Johnson Thomas, Flockton
- Lockwood Joseph, Emley
- Townend Henry, Flockton
- Angel, George Mountain, Flockton
- Beaumont Arms, David Thornton, Kirkheaton
- Black Horse, Mary Gomersall, Dalton
- Blacksmiths' Arms, Armitage Eaton, Kirkheaton
- Blacksmiths' Arms, Charles Stockwell, Lepton
- Brown Cow, James Hirst, Kirkheaton
- Coach, Ann Hepworth, Emley
- Druid's Arms, Thomas Lee, Kirkheaton
- Freemasons' Arms, George Sheard, Kirkheaton
- George & Dragon, Hannah Lyles, Flockton
- Green Dragon, James Gill, Emley
- Grove Inn, John Divers, Dalton
- Kaye's Arms, Jane Ness, Lepton
- Red Lion, Thomas Kaye, Lepton
- Spangled Bull, William Schofield, Kirkheaton
- Star, Joseph Sutcliffe, Lepton
- Sun, John Abbott, Flockton
- Tandem Inn, John Sykes, Lepton
- Three Crowns, Charles Fitton, Lepton
- White Horse, William Popplewell, Emley
- White Horse, Thomas Wood, Lepton
- Blacker Thomas, Emley
- Clegg William, Flockton
- Fearnhead James, Dalton
- Hallas John, Emley moor
- Kaye Eli, Flockton moor
- Mountain Thomas, Flockton
- Shaw James, Dalton
- Adamson Thomas, Emley moor
- Bedford James & Co. Emley
- Clegg William, Flockton
- Hardy John, Lepton
- Kay David, Emley
- Kay John & Son, Emley
- Swift Benjamin, Dalton
- Armitage James, card maker, Kirkheaton
- Dyson Thomas, cooper, Emley
- Parker Francis, ironmonger, Emley
- Pontey William, gardener, Kirkheaton
- Pontey William & Francis, nursery & seedsmen, Kirkheaton
- Snowden Joseph, plumber &c. Lepton
- Stringer William, hat manufacturer, Emley moor
- Wilson John, land agent to Sir John L.L.Kaye, of Denby, Flockton
- To London, Deacon & Co.'s Vans pass through Lepton, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat.
- To Huddersfield, Deacon & Co.'s Vans pass through Lepton, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday -- & Robert Hepworth, from Emley, every Tuesday
- To Wakefield, Deacon & Co. pass through Lepton, every Mon. Weds. Thurs. & Sat.
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000