


Shepley, War Memorial transcription


Kirkburton parish:


Shepley, War Memorial transcription:

The 1914-18 and 1939-1945 War Memorial Shepley.

See photographs for a view of the location and

a closer view of the statue on top of the memorial.

The memorial is located about 400 metres to the South East of the village shops in the woods behind Shepley First School, OS map reference 196095

It lists the names of those who served as well as those who died in the First World War, and also of those who died in the Second World War.

To those who fell: (see also Photo)

IN THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1918

Beever G H  Matthews AWalter Wordsworth
Berry B Matthews HWalter Wordsworth
Berry E Mellor BWalter Wordsworth
Boothroyd R Morley FWalter Wordsworth
Botterill A R Mosley AWalter Wordsworth
Cockhill P Mosley PWalter Wordsworth
Coe H Plaiter J WWalter Wordsworth
Cowling O Plaiter TWalter Wordsworth
Dransfield E Priestley AWalter Wordsworth
Ellis H Roebuck RWalter Wordsworth
Fretwell F Senior J WWalter Wordsworth
Hallas F Shaw DWalter Wordsworth
Hallas S I Shaw FWalter Wordsworth
Hanson J H Smith HyWalter Wordsworth
Hardcastle H Smith HbtWalter Wordsworth
Hartley W Smith W CWalter Wordsworth
Hawes R Sunderland J LWalter Wordsworth
Heap W Umpleby G EWalter Wordsworth
Holroyd F F Wlliamson A EWalter Wordsworth
Irvine D Windle KWalter Wordsworth
Irvine H M Wood DWalter Wordsworth
Lockwood N Wood EWalter Wordsworth
Lodge H A Wortley D HWalter Wordsworth
Lindley H Wortley HWalter Wordsworth
Marsden H  Walter Wordsworth

Those who served, plaque 1: (see also Photo)


Adamson J P  Bradley A H  Ely CWalter Wordsworth
Adamson A Bradley C Ely J AWalter Wordsworth
Adamson E Brammah H England AWalter Wordsworth
Addy A Bramman T England HWalter Wordsworth
Addy E Broadbent H E Firth PWalter Wordsworth
Addy P Broadbent E Furness AWalter Wordsworth
Aidy L D Brook H Furness BWalter Wordsworth
Armitage A Burton H Garrett EWalter Wordsworth
Armitage W Charlesworth G Gelder IWalter Wordsworth
Aspinall J Charlesworth J Gelder PWalter Wordsworth
Baird W Chambers J Gelder SWalter Wordsworth
Barden F Cockhill Albt Gill HWalter Wordsworth
Barrett A W Cockhill A Gill WWalter Wordsworth
Battye H Cockhill J Goldthorpe H VWalter Wordsworth
Beaumont W Coleman W Hadfield TWalter Wordsworth
Beever W Dransfield A Haigh H WWalter Wordsworth
Berry K Dransfield J W Hallatt EWalter Wordsworth
Biltcliffe B Driver H Hallas GWalter Wordsworth
Booth H Dove J W Halls J EWalter Wordsworth
Bower A Edmundson J Hallas LWalter Wordsworth
Bower H Ellis G Hardcastle WWalter Wordsworth
Bowker J H Ellis J Hardy NWalter Wordsworth
Boves A G Ellis J H Hardy LWalter Wordsworth
Boyes G H Ellis W Harness J WWalter Wordsworth

Those who served, plaque 2: (see also Photo)

Harrison B  Kaye G W  Morton HWalter Wordsworth
Harrison W Kaye J Mosley AlbtWalter Wordsworth
Hawthornthwaite P Kaye N Mosley ArWalter Wordsworth
Heeley G H Kenyon W H Mosley BWalter Wordsworth
Hey W Kershaw F Mosley JWalter Wordsworth
Heywood J King P N Mosley WWalter Wordsworth
Heywood M Lee H H Mosley RWalter Wordsworth
Hirst H Lockwood A Mosley HWalter Wordsworth
Holden G E Lockwood B Moorhouse JWalter Wordsworth
Holden N V Lockwood R Noble GWalter Wordsworth
Holden T G Lockwood W H Nottingham AWalter Wordsworth
Holroyd G Marshall G H Parker LWalter Wordsworth
Holroyd P Matthews D Parkin EWalter Wordsworth
Holroyd W H Matthews N Parkin HWalter Wordsworth
Holroyd J Matthews S Parkin J HWalter Wordsworth
Horn H Matthews W A Payne C E PWalter Wordsworth
Hopper A Measham R G Payne A WWalter Wordsworth
Howgate W H Meakin C Peace AWalter Wordsworth
Hoyle H Mellor N Peace A RWalter Wordsworth
Hutchinson E Mellor L Pilling A EWalter Wordsworth
Hutchinson H Mellor S Plaiter GWalter Wordsworth
Hutchinson N Mellor J Plaiter W RWalter Wordsworth
Hunter H Morton D Priestley HWalter Wordsworth
  Riddle N  Walter Wordsworth

Those who served, plaque 3: (see also Photo)

Riding W  Smith G D  Townend EWalter Wordsworth
Roberts Jos Smith J Townend J DWalter Wordsworth
Roberts Jas Smith S H Tyas AWalter Wordsworth
Roebuck J H Smith G Umpleby E RWalter Wordsworth
Roebuck H Smith W E Umpleby J AWalter Wordsworth
Roebuck J F Smith H Wadsworth W CWalter Wordsworth
Roebuck A Stead T Washington G PWalter Wordsworth
Rowley N Stephenson A W Washington H IWalter Wordsworth
Rushworth A H Stephenson W Washington JWalter Wordsworth
Secker F Stewart R E Webster H BWalter Wordsworth
Secker N Sunderland H Whitehead EWalter Wordsworth
Senior Edwd Sunderland J H Williams T EWalter Wordsworth
Senior Edg Swift B Wilson T GWalter Wordsworth
Senior C Swift J N Windle GWalter Wordsworth
Senior N Swift J H Windle PWalter Wordsworth
Senior H Swift W E Wood W EWalter Wordsworth
Senior H J Tann G A Woodcock HWalter Wordsworth
Sharpe A Tann H Woodcock RWalter Wordsworth
Shaw F Tann P Woodhead G KWalter Wordsworth
Shaw H Thickett H Woodhead EWalter Wordsworth
Smith A R Thorpe C R Worsley FWalter Wordsworth
Smith E Thorpe D Wortley EWalter Wordsworth
Smith G H Tinker R Wortley C SWalter Wordsworth

1939-1945: (see also Photo)


Hilda Bailey  Brooke A  Hirst J  Sadler WWalter Wordsworth
Battye H K Faulkner D Irvine R Senior JWalter Wordsworth
Brook G Hey H Oades F  Walter Wordsworth

Data transcribed by
Robert Ward ©2001
from photography by himself