


Halifax Parish Church Registers 1542-5


Halifax Parish Church Registers 1542-5


Transcribed from "Yorkshire County Magazine".

Any references to, or quotations from, this material should at least give
credit to the original editor, J. Horsfall Turner F.R.H.S. The book is dated 1891.

This file contains:

Marriages, 1542.
Baptisms, 1543.
Marriages, 1543,1544,1545.
Burials 1543.

Please remember that in this era, the year started on March 25th. For further information
on this, please see Mike Spathaky's article on old and new style dates.

Please note:

What you see here is what there was, letter for letter, word for word - I have no further information!

I have transcribed the data in the hope that it may be of use to someone, but I know nothing about the people listed.

Happy hunting !

Colin Hinson


Nupti 1542.
Richardus Benne, Johanna Rayner )
John Ryley, Agnes Oldefeld ) xj Junij
John Royds, par. de Ottley, Elizabeth Craven )
John Wylmon par. de Bradeforth, Margaret brodeley ist. par. xij Junij.
Thomas Oldefelde et Agnes Deyne )
Laurencius Haigh par. de Elande, Johanna Deyne, ) xviij Junij
ist. par. )
Edwardus Sclayden et Agnes Bayts )
Dionisius Haldesworthe et Johanna Scheparde ) xix Junij
John ffornesse par. Heptonstall, Agnes Mawde ist. par. tercio die Julij.
John Stockdayle et Alicia Mytton, nono Julij.
Edmundus Bynnys et Johanna Armatage, xvj Julij.
Willmus Northend et Elizabetha Hemyngway xvij Julij.
Helias Nutter et Agnes Preston xxiij Julij.
Edmund Woodeheide de Elande, et Margt. Oldefelde ist par. ) xx Julij.
John Cartar et Agnes Tomeson )
Jacobus Hylyle et Alicia Tatrsall )
John Romesden et Maria Tatrsall ) vij Augusti
Thomas Holl et Alicia Grenewod )viij Septemb.
John Bryge et Alicia Dale )
Nicholaus Smythe par. de Kyldeweke, et Agnes Grenewodd ist. par. viij Octob.
Richardus Grenewod et Isabella Pars xxij Oct.
Robertus Mylner et Johanna Brydge de Eland, quinto Novemb.
George Beamont et Alicia Otts )Sexto Novemb.
Rogerus Meyre et Elizabetha Barker )
Richard Denton et Agnes Colteman )
Willmus Cooper et Alicia Horton )
Thomas Keychn par. de Bradeforth et Agnes Schakylton )xij Nov.
ist. par. )
George Crowther et Johanna relict' Ed' Clyff, xiij Nov.
Richardus Bawmeforth et Elizabeth Mawde, Vidua, xix Nov.
Edward Berstowe et Agnes Bentley, Vidua )
Jacobus Haldeworthe et Margaret Hemyngway, Vidua ) xx Nov.
Robertus Saltonstall et Johanna fferher )
John Estwode de Heptonstall et Agnes Deyne ist par. )
Thomas Oldefelde et Elizabetha Myggeley ) Secundo Decembris.
John Beryne et Agnes Bothumley )
Willmus Heygland et Isabella Stone xiiij Januarij
Willmus Thorneton et Sibella Vicars )
Willmus Walton et Isabella Goreld )xv Januarij
John Clayton et Isabella Nycoll, Vidua )
Georgius Whytngham et Johanna Hergreffs, Vidua )
Thomas Smythe et Isabella Myllner )xvj Januarij

Sepulti. Anno Dm. 1542.
Johannes Kent de Halifax ) consepulti fuerunt xxv to die mensis
Johannes Smythe de Ovenden )eiusdem [Marcij]
Margareta f. John longbothum de Northorum sepulta xxix
George f. Richard Dobson de Sowerby xxx
John f. Thome longbothum de Sowthorum, eod. die

Hic incipit mensis Aprilis Ano Dm. 1542.
Margaret Riley de Halifax, sepulta fuit primo die
Alicia f. Richard Hemyngway de Northorum sepulta fuit secundo die.
Alexander f. Wilhelmi Hopkynson de Sowrby, v die.
Margareta f. bastarda Richard Mychell & Johanna Wibsey, ix die.
John f. John Mylner )x die
George f. bastardus Henrici Dykson de Sowrby )
Margareta uxor. Thome Mawde de Halifax xj.
Agnes uxor John Nicollson de Ovenden xiiij.
John Sunderland de Sowerby xvj.
Isabella uxor Wilhelmi Amer (?) de Northorum, xvij.
Robert f. John Schotylworth de Sowerby, xx.
Isabella uxor Galfridi Romesden, vagabunda, sepulta fuit xxi die.
Henricus f. Johannis beuerley de Sowerby ) xxv
Grace f. Jacobi Lyster de Halifax )
Hic incipit mensis Maij, Anno. Dm. 1542.
Johanna f. Richardi banks (qd paupese) parochie de Wakefeld, prm.

John f. Richard Nycoll, Halifax, Mch. 25.
Agnes f. John Crabtre, Sowrby, ,, 26.
John f. Thomas Herryson, Halifax, ,,
Johana f. Henry Pyghylles, Warley, ,, 30.
Isabella f. John Gawkroger, Sowrby, ,,
Margaret, Wm. Deyne, Warley, April 3.
Sibella, George Gordeyne, Hiprom, ,,
John, Jacobi Boythes, Ovenden, ,, 6
B. John f. bast. Tho. Scherde, Agnes Davy, ,, 8
Agnes, Wm. Northend, Hipprome, ,, 11
Agnes, Jacobi Lyster, Hx. ,, 14
Xpofer, John Haldesworth, Warley, ,, xv
Grace, Robt Berstow, Hx.
Gilbt., Richd. Saltonstall, Warley, ,, 16
Agnes, Wm Poterton, Warley, ,, 17
Agnes, Richd Hemingway Northor. ,, 19
Elizth, Thomas Campenott, Ovenden
Johana, Tho. Harreson, ead.
Grace, Will. Ffirth, Lyghtaslylles,
B. John, Robt. Teysdale, Johane Gyll, ,, 24
Jas., Rich. Mawde, Warley, ,, 25
Edward, Edward Thorpe, Lyghtclyff. ,, 29
Jacobus, Rich. Howway, Ovenden,
Grace, Tho. Brygge, Warley,
B. Wm., John Gleydehyll, Elizth. Wodde, May 1
John, Dion Haldesworth, Hx., ,, 4
Agnes, Wm. Soytell, Sowerby, ,, 8
John, Edwd. Haldesworth, Myggeley, ,, 10
Margaret, Gilbt. Drake, Warley, ,, 11
Elizth., John Holdefeld, Sowerby, ,, 11
Robt., Edwd. Hingham, Norland, ,, 12
Elizth., Wm. Lyster, Halifax, ,, 13
John, Thom. Smythe, Skyrcote,
Jas., Nicholas Hyrde, Northor, ,, 17
Anna, John berstow, Halifax, ,, 18
Elizth., Edwd. boythes, Ovenden,
Jas )
Alice ) Rich. Murgaterode, Warley, 21
Henry, Henry Herteley,
Anna, Robt. Stanclyff, Hx., ,, 22
Agnes, Rich. Romesden, Warley,
Johana, Galfridi Tatrsall, defunct, Warley, ,, 25
Alice, Wm. Whytley, Hiprome, ,, 28
Thos., Thos. Wytteman, Sowrby,
Jacobus, Gilbt. Baroclough, Northor, ult.
Johanna f. Xpofer felde, Sowerby, June 2
B. John f John Ratclyff, Alice Stanclyff ,, 3
Richard, Edwd. Prestley, Sowerby, ,, 5
Maria f. bast. Edwd. Broadeley, Christabella Oldfield, June 6
Edward, Edmund Tatrsall, Sowerby, ,, 9
Thos., John Hertley, Halifax, ,, 13
Alice, Thos. Wylson, ,, 15
Edwd., Edmund Mylner, ,, 15
Richd., Jacobus Spyue, Warley, ,, 16
Anna, Jas. Oldfeld, Ovenden, ,, 17
Wm., John Woode, Ovenden, ,, 19
B. Wm., John Frithe, Ysabell Hall,
Marcus, Edr. Lume, Soweby, ,, 26
Geo., John Hopkynson, ead.
Isabella, John Eytall, Halifax, ,, 27
Johana bast. Thorn. Mawde, Hx. Johanna Wadsworth, ,, 29
Agnes, John Bryge, Sowerby, July 1
Agnes, Wm. Smyth, Warley, ,, 2
B. Elizth., Edwd. Waterhouse, Agnes Diconson, ,, 4
Thomas, John Drake, Warley, ,, 5
Grace bast Robt. Loyge, Margt. Byrstow, ,, 9
Richd., Wm. Berstow, Ovenden, ,, 13
Johana, John Kyng, Skircote, ,, 13
Wm. bast Wm. Tatrsall, Mgt. Brodeley, ,, 13
Agnes, Wm. Eckisley, Southorum, ,, 20
Isabella bast. John Wylkynson, Ovenden, ,, 21
Alice, Jas. Yrelande, Halifax, ,, 21
Robt., Robt. Brygehouse, Northor.
John, Wm. Marcer, Hx. ,, 23
Richd., John Bryge, Ovenden, ,, 23
Christabella, Edward Crowther, Myggeley, ,, 26
Sybella, Rich. Stoks, Southowram, ,, 27
John, John Murgatrode, Sowerby, ,, 29
John, John Harcher, Northowram,
Elizth., Wm. Hirde, Warley, ,, 30
Elizth., Ric. Claye, Sowerby,
John, John Heyton, Halifax, ult.
Thomas, Robt. Shepeley, Hx. Aug. 4
B. Grace, Robt. Loge, & Mgt. fodell, indegent, ,, 4
John, Brian Ottes, Northor. ,, 6
James, Egidii Greyves, Shelf, ,, 8
William, Richd. Lystr, Halifax, ,, 13
Anna, John Wood, ead. ,, 13
John, Jas. Spense, Halifax, ,, 16
Isabella, Wm. Saltonstall, Shelf,
Margt., Robt. Whewwall, Ovynden, ,, 17
Michael, Thomas Brodeley, Halifax, ,, 18
Edward, John Gawkeroger, Sowerby,
Thos., Geo. Beaumont, Halifax, ,, 20
Edwd., Edwd. Saltonstall, Warley,
Isabella, Rychd. Byrkheide, Hx. ,, 22
Johanna, Arthur Gybson, Northor. ,, 23
Richd., Edwd. Clayton, Hx. ,, 24
Isabella, Thos. Bentham, Northor. ,, 25
Thos., Wm. Sharburgh, Halifax, ,,
Pelagia, Wm. Vicars, Ovynden, ,, 26
Anna, John Harryson, Hx. ,, 29
Anna, Jas. Waterhouse, Southor. ult.
Isabella bast. Thos. Whytacre, Mgt. Blackbourne, Sep. 1
Margt., Brian Sunderland, Northorum, ,, 2
Margt., John Halsteade, Warley,
Richd., Robt. Somrskales, Hx. ,, 4
Margaret, Richd. Wylson, Hx. ,, 6
Agnes, Thos. Oldefeld, Warley, ,, 10
John, Robt. Smyth, Hx. ,, 12
Wm., Ric. Hame, Southor.
Gregory, Ric. Bolton, Hx. ,, 14
Thos., John Boythes, Skyrcote, ,, 16
Wm., John Haldesworth, Hiprom, ,, 20
Michael, Edwd. Kyngstone, Warley,
Christabella bast. Wm. ffornes, Isabella Bentley,, 21
Jas., Wm. Murgateroyd, Warley, ,, 22
John, Oliver Crowther, Skrycote, ,, 28
John, Henry Skelton, Sowrby, ,, 29
Margt., John Waddesworth. Sowerby, ult.
Sebella, Richd. barns, Halifax, Oct 1
Eufemia, Wm. Clyff, Halifax, ,, 2
Johanna, Pennyngton, Skyrcote, ,, 14
John, Wm. ffawkes, Halifax, ,, 17
B. Helena, Edwd. Hanson, Alice Tomlinson
B. Johana, Wm. Lee, Johana bewkt,
Isabella, John best, Ovenden, ,, 18
Jas., Edwd. Dobson, Sowerby,
Anna, Gilbt. Oldefeld, Halifax, ,, 19
Richd., Richd. Waterhouse, Warley, ,, 26
John, Christfr. Riley, Northorum,
Ralph, Helefei Nutter, Hyprom,
Johana, John Cokeshott, Sowerby, ,, 27
Richd., John Bynnes, Warley,
Xpofer, John Murgatrode, ead,
John, John Sug als Robt., Hyp.
Edward, John Riley, Sowby, ,, 28
Alice, Henry Rayneforth, Nov 1
Thomas, Seth Haldesworth, Ovenden, ,, 4
Richd., John Crabtre, Sowerby,
Anna, John Clough, Northorum,
Ric., Edwd. Hooll, Lyghtclyff, ,, 7
Wm., Wm. Thorneton, Hiprom. ,, 8
Agnes bast. John Heyton, Eliz. Greenwood,
Eufemia, John Hawworth, Agnes Reynr.
Edmund, John Ryley, Norland, ,, 9
Richd., Robt. Tewesdale, Hx, ,, 10
Richd., Wm. Walton, Ovenden, ,, 10
John, Wm. England, Warley, ,, 10
Elizth., Richd. Colteman, Halifax, ,, 10
Henry, John Bentley, Sowerby, ,, 13
Richard, John Watrhouse, Sowerby, ,, 14
Helena, Egidii Huchson, ead, ,, 14
Henry, Alan Pennyngton, Ovenden, ,, 15
Jas., Thos. Dobson, ,,
Homfry, Gilbt. Philyppe Sorby, ,, 19
James, William Thorpe, Brygehouse, ,, 21
Thos., Edward Fforness, Sowrby, ,, 28
Thos., Robt. Mylner, Warley, ,, 29
B. Maria, John Mygley, Mary Townhende, ult.
Robt., John lumme, Sorby, Dec. 2
James, Edward Stanclyff, NorthQr,
Robt., Wm. Heryneshaw, Sowby, ,, 6
Thos., Thos. Smythe, Halifax, ,, 13
B. Roger, John Lokewood, Agnes brodeley,
Thomas, Brian Walker, Hiprome, ,, 15
James, John Clayton, Sowthor, ,, 17
Eufemia, John Beryne, Halifax, ,, 21
Gregory, Richd. Sowood, Northor, ,, 23
Helena, Jas. Hemingway, Norland, ,, 24.
Sibella, Wm. Hyllyngworth, ,, 24
John, Wm. Hedyiston, Halifax, ,, 26
Agnes, Thomas Hemingway, Southor,
Gilbt., Gilbt. Holl, Hiprome, ,, 28
Johana, Ric. Mychell,
John, Wm. Grenefeld, Northorum, ,, 29
B. John, John Sowtyll, Margt. Hornr.
Henry, John Smyth, Northorum, 1
John, Geo. Dukworth, Sowerby, ,, 2
Johana, John Hawmonde, Northor, ,, 3
sepult John Edmd. fforness, Sowrby, bapt ,, 5
Wm., John Vycars, Schelff, ,,

B. Chas., laurence Haldesworth, Halifax, Jan. 6
Rich., Wm. Prestley, Margt. Stansfeld, ,, 6
Susana, Wm. Egland, Sorby,
Hugh, Thos. Stansfield, Skyrcote, ,,
Thos., Thos. Stoks, Sowthorum, ,, 10
Isabella, Edmd. Ackrode, Warley, ,, 10
Johanna, John ffornesse, Halifax, ,, 13
Mary, Brian fferher, Halifax, ,, 14
John, John Mylner, Skircote,
John, Nicholas Broke, Helen Dyeson,
John, Wm. Brygge, Margt. Myggeley, ,, 15
John, Jas. Swyft, Ovenden, ,, 17
John. ) Laur. Walker, Southowm., ,, 18
Edwd. )
Isabella, John Hemyngway, Northor.,
Edwd., Richd. Dyconson, Schelff,
Maria, John Jackson, Warley,
John, Richd. Woode, Southorum, ,, 21
Arthur, Edwd. Mawde, Warley,
Agnes, Rich. Pennington, ead.
Agnes, Rich. Gawkroger, Sowby,
B. Isabell, Robt. Romsden, Sybella Lystr, ,, 25
Ric., Ric. Bynnes, Skircote,
Alice, Thos. Hemingway, Southor., ,, 29
Johana, Nycholas Townehende, Hyprom, vlt.
Hugh, Hugh Carter, Sorby, Feb. 2
John, Chas. Haldesworth, Halifax, ,, 3
Grace, Thomas Sayvyll, Skircote, ,, 4
John, Richd. Grymeshay, Northor.,
Alice Xpofer Schay, ead. ,, 5
Margaret, Wm. Mawde, Hx., ,, 6
John, Thomas Bryghouse, ,, 8
Robert, John Preistley, ...
Margaret, Alexr. Browne, Halifax, ,, 9
Arthur, John Estwood, Mygley,
Isabella, John Roper, Sowthowram, ,, 10
John, Thomas Bottomley, Warley, ,, 16
Alice, Wm. Wilkynson, Skyrcote, ,, 17
B. Ric., Robt. Browne, Johana Nowell, ,, 18
Margt., John Longbothom, Northor., ,,
Henry, John Hychmonson, Hx., ,,
Grace, Ric. Estwood, Hx., ,,
Elizabeth, Thos. Schayghe, Ovenden, ,,
Brian, John Gleydehyll, Hx., ,, 20
Grace )John Lee, Northorum, ,, 20
Sibella )
John, Richd. Holgate, Warley, ,, 21
Elizabeth, Prsevalli Deyne, Myggley, ,, 22
Sibella, Brian Steyde, Northorum, ,, 23
Margaret, John Baret, Hx., ,, 24
John, Thos. Lacy, Halifax, ,, 26
Wm., Richd. Thomas, Myggley, ,, 28
Alice, francis Eckysley, Sowthoram, Mch. 1

Marriages, 1543.
Edward Yngham, Alice Walton, Apr. 8
John Robynson, bradforth, Alice bryge, ,, 8
John Halstead, Alice Wylkynson, ,, 8
John Saltonstall, Agnes relict Gilbt. Waterhouse ,, 10
John Somrshales, Ylysabeth Dobson ,, 21
Arthur Gibson, Agnes Northend, ,, 23
John Yngham, Agnes Hopkynson,
John Kyng, Johanna Hemyngway, May 21
John Lystr, Isabella Haldworth,
Thos. Myggeley, Agnes Myggeley,
John Hawmond, Wigan, Johana Carrodus
John Thomas, Agnes Swyft, ,, 22
John Harcher, Margt. Bentley, ,, 27
Wm. Sharpe, Agnes Bacheler,
laurence Hargreffs, Agnes Thorpe,
Egidus Hawworth, Johanna Clay,
John Mylner, Pudsay, Anna Waterhouse, ,, 28
Robt. Otts, Waikfeld, Sybella lystr, ,, 29
Edwd. Helewell, Agnes Vicars, June 2
Jas. Irelande, Isabella Hoppey,
Richd. Waterhouse, Margaret brodeley,
Edwd. Hertley, Pelagia Hergreffes, Whalley,
Edwd. Mawde, Mrgt. Dyconson, ,, 10
Jas. Ryding, Agnes Mawde,
Roger Hartley, Colne, Margt. Oldfeld, ,, 17
Richd. Oldfeld de Kyghley, Johana Schyrde,
Bichd. Hyllyngworth, Byrton, Johanna ffourness,
Richd. Otes, Sibella Leygh, ,, 18
Bichd. Ratclyff, Isabella Mygeley, ,, 19
Henry Mygeley, Margt. Deyne, July 1
Richd. Hemingway, Agnes Scharpe,
John Bentley, Johanna Bentley, ,, 8
Thos. Wylkynson, Gisburn, Agnes Brodeley, ,, 9
Thos. Lacye, Agnes Waide, ,, 24
Wm. Tomeson, Elizth. berstow, ,,
Peter Ryley, Agnes Walker, ,,
Jas. Denton, Johanna Mawde, ,, 29
Robt Leige, Agnes Crowther, ,, 30
John Cockshott, Isabell Waide, ,, 30
Robt. Yngham, Margt. Tatrsall, Aug. 5
Thos. Oldfeld, Isabella Astley,
John Lume, Agnes Crabtre,
Richd. Waterhouse, Margt. Watman, ,, 12
Geo. Dogeson, Elizth. Harryson, ,, 20
Robt. Thewesdale, Isabel Bawme, Sep. 3
Geo. Helywell, Margt. Wood, Wid. 9 Aug. (?Sep.)
Nicholas Brodeley, Alice Swyft,
Richd. Hertley, Agnes Wadesworth, Vid. 10 Aug.?
Wm. Hopkynson, Isabella Broke, Sep.16
John Crowther, Eland, Christalla Dobson,
George Swayneson, Johanna Styrk,
John Kyng, Kyngstone, capm Eyland, Sybella Sayvyll )
ist par ),, 17
John Jackson, Elizth. Norcliffe, ,, 24
Nicholas Beyron, Margt. Mawde, ,,
Richard Butrode, Isabella relict Thos. Mychell, ,,
Jas. Heyley, Margt. Otts, Oct 1
John Stansfield, Johanna ffeyrnesyd, ,, 7
John Northend, Agnes Cokcroft, ,, 15
Ricd. Berstow, Elizth. Crosley, ,, 16
John ffayrebank, Elizth. Watrhouse, ,, 22
Richd. Sowwood, Johanna Haldsworth, ,, 28
Thomas Horsfall, Agnes Grenewodde, Vid. Nov. 4
Wm. Bothomley, Isabella Sands,
Geo. Otts, Isabella Brodeley, ,, 5
Gilbt. Haldesworth, Elizth. Wylkynson, ,, 6
Wm. Whytley, Sybella Brodeley, ,, 19
Christr. Herryson, Johan Nycolson, ,, 20
Jas. Hemyngway, Isabella Reynr, Ealand, ,, 27
John Hey, Elizabeth Faryar, Jan.20
John Bawme, Mrgt. Bothomley, ,, 27
Robt. Judson, Eufemia Thorpe,
John Baret, Anna 0tts,
Richd. Crowther, Isabella Brokesbank, ,, 28
Robt. Watrhouse, Alice Jaleugs, ffeb. 3
Thos. Drapour, Heptonstall, Agnes Oldfeld, ,, 4
Richd. Wood, Johanna Roper,
John Walker, Beldon, Elyzabeth Nottyngham,
Richd. Romsden, Johana Edylstonys,
Wm. Royds, Katerina Yrelande,
Richd. Crowther, Heptonstall, Johana Baits, Vid., ,, 5
Richd. Hoppey, Margt. Ryley, ,, 6
Wm. Woode, Johana Walker, Mar 4, 1544
Thomas Smythe, lyghtclyffe, Margt. Boytheis, ,, 5
Gilbt. Deyne, Johanna Denton, ,, 11
Wm. Tatrsall, Elizth. Hopkynson,
Richd. Haworth, Pelagia Pollard, ,, 11
John Spyve, byngley, Agnes Mawde, June 8
Henry Bentley, Margt. Whytacr, ,, 16
Walter Royd, Johana Berstow, ,, 29
Wm. Boythis, Johanna Walker, July 6
Leonard fflemyng, Elizth. pennll,
John Crowther, Johana relict Edwd. Waterhouse ,, 7
John Katrinson, Elena Dogeson
Anth. ffairbanke, Agnes Sayvyll, ,, 8
Wm. Pullay, Isabella Swyne, ,, 21
Thom. Mawde, Johanna Wadsworth, ,, 27
Thomas Ambler, Elizabeth Reyneforth,
Wm. Baits, Margt. Drake,
Jas. Robinson, Isabel relict W. Dobson, Aug. 4
Brian Stanclyffe, Isabella Hanson, ,, 10
Robt. Hanson, Isabella Swyft, ,, 11
Christr. Jakson, Margt. Haldesworth, ,, 24
Henry Bentley, Beatrix Brodeley, Sep. 7
Thos. Hellewell, Alice fferher
Richd. Sutclyff, Agnes Gawkroger,
Wm. lerode, Sibella Rysheworth, ,, 8
John Eygland, Agnes Cokroft, Wid. ,, 14
Hugo Carter, Grace Brygge,
Richd. Dykeson, Johanna Schawe, ,, 15
Robt. Mychell, Otley, Johanna fforness ,, 21
Jas. Waterhouse, Helena Gleydehill,
Edward Otts, Alice Helewell,
John Lystr, Alice relict Ric. Wilson, ult.
John lokewood, Anna Moorhouse, Wid., Oct. 7
Michael Waterhouse, Margt. Dycson,
James Mawde, Margaret Harpr,
Robt. Hayneworth, Bradford, Johana Bulcoke, ,, 12
John Wylkynson, Agnes Haldeworth, ,, 13
James Butterfield, Eland, Elizabeth Gyll, Nov. 2
Edwd. Lange, Anna Scotte,
John Redehaughes, Johna Mawde, ,, 9
Edwd. Sclater, Margaret Hyndyll, ,, 17
John Hemingway, Helena Oldfeld, ,, 19
Wm. Schakylton, Eliz. Knolles, ,, 26
John Mawde, Alice lystr, ,, 24
Michael Palden, Grace Northend, ...
Richard Reyner, Eylande, Ysabella Gawkroger, ,,
Arthur Bawmforth, Eufemia ledebetter, Bdfd., ,,
Jas. Bawdenson, Agnes Nycoll, Jan.18
Richd. Jackson, Kyldwick, Elizth. Erle, ,,
Richard Haldworth, Doritie Watrhouse, ,,
John Wurmewall, Johanna Walker, ,, 19

George Grymshay, Margt. lystr, Jan.25
Brian longbothom, Agnes Crowther,
John Mylner, Johana Brodeley, ,, 26
James Raks, Kyldewik, Johana Scharpe,
Edwd. Sclayden, Alice Whytaker,
Thomas Baits, Agnes Knotte, ult.
Richard Mylner, Agnes relict John Kent, Apr.12, 1545.
Wm. Wylson, Alice Haighe, ,, 19
Henry Kent, Margt. relict Rich. Haldworth, ,, 20
Richd. Mychell, Alice Benson, May 8
John Hyllyngworth, Johana Wodde, ,, 4
Edwd. Lumme, Elizbth. Nype, ,, 5
Laur. Baits, Johana Horton,
Wm. Swyfte, Isabella Brydge, June 1
Robert ffournesse, Sybella ffairbanke,
Henry Butterfield, Elizth. Mawde,
James Hergreffes, Elizth. Byllyngton, ,, 8
John Mawde, Isabella Watrhouse, ,, 14
John Tulselden, Alice Ryshworth,
Thomas Brodeley, Johana Deyne, ,, 15
Wm. Colteman, Ysabel Walton, ,, 21
Wm. Schoffeld de Hertheid, Agnes Woodehede, July 6
Geo. Molson, Eland, Elizth. Stoks,
John Naylor, Johanna Townehend, ,, 26
Richd. Harper, Alice Dakor, ,, 27
Robt. Borows, Elizth. relict Robt. Wood,
John Hopkinson, Mrgt. Crowther,
John Wheste, Agnes lume, Aug. 2
Gilbt. Barocloughe, Margt. ffourness, ,, 16
Wm. lerode, Maria Bawdenson,
James lee, Myrfeld, Johana Gybson,
Gilbt. Batley, Eland, Johana Davy,
Richd. Haldeworth, Alice Roo, ,, 17
Thomas Hollyns, Margt. Waterhouse, ,, 30
John Boye, Alice Smyth, Sept.12
Robt. Kyghley, Agnes Nycoll, ,, 19
Thomas Craven, Whalley, Margt. Bawdenson, ,, 20
Edward Hawrobyn, Isabella relict Robt. Tewesdale, Oct. 4
Thomas Wylson, Isabella Barroclough,
Christr. Oldfeld, Maria Brygge, ,, 5
Robt. Swayne, Elizth. Schay, Heptonstall, ,, 6
John Deyne, Isabell Redehaughe, ,, 11
Richd. Mylner, Johana Kyrbye, ,,
John Grenewood, Agnes Estwood, ,, 12
Thomas Cosyn, Johana Grenewod, Oct.19
William Palden, Isabel Wylson,
George Whytgham, Agnes Wrstenhom, ,, 26
Ed. Bentley, Elizbth. Hardy,
George Holssall, Huddersfield, Alice Lystr, Nov. 8
James Wood, Burstall, Ysabella Heyley, ,, 9
Richd. Deyne, Margt. relict Wm. Grenewod, ,, 14
Edward Brodeley, Northor., sepult ,, 15
Robt. Graye, vagabond, Elizth. relict Wm. Dent, ,, 16
Omfridus ffyrth, Margt. Horsley, . ,, 22
Henry Walker, Heptonstall, Margt. relict John Brodeley,
Robt. Beurley, Margt. Benne, ,, 23
Richd. Sclater, Sibella Stanclyff, ,, 24
Christr. Wodde, Elizabeth Wylkynson, Jan.17
John Hanson, Chrisella Berstow, ,, 18
James Woodhead, Johana relict Jas. Waterhouse,
John Clayton, Byrstall, Elizbth. Mawde, ,, 25
Thomas Ambler, Agnes Nycoll, .
Robt. Baits, Alice Maden, Chesterfield, ult.
Thos. Mortymer, Bradforth, Johana Best, Feb. primo.
Gilbt. Smyth, Margt. relict Robt. Dycson, ,, 3
Edwd. Drake, Agnes brygge, ,, 8
John Yamies, Agnes Ros, ...
John Boytheis, Elizth. Hellynthorps,
John Mawde, Margt. Hopkynson, . ,,
Xpofer Braythwhay, Isabella Hellewell, ,, 13
John Crowther, Alice Otts,
Richd. Grenwod, Margt. Crowther, ,, 15
Signed by William Saltonstall, preiste, who
writes in a small, peculiar, but neat hand.)
Gilbt. Sharpe, Jenett Ectobgee, May 9, 1546.
Ells Clege, Jane Kellynge,
Robt. Longbothome, Margt. Gott, ,, 16
Robt. Wolfenden, Grace Peirson,

BURIALS, 1543.
Henry Thomas, Sowerby, Apr. 1
Richd. Romesden, Warley, ,, 2
Elizbth. Waddesworth, Sowrby, ,, 3
Galfr. Tatrsall, Warley, ,, 4
John f. John Bevrley, Sowerby, ,, 10
Isabella f. Edwd. Hylylee, Sowby, ,, 12
Agnes ux Ric. Butrode, Hlfx., ,, 18
Geo. Holgate, Ovenden, ,, 19
Edward Bayts, Sowrby, ,, 20
John f. Robt. Saltonstall, Hx., 21
John Dycson, Sowerby,
Margt. ux Xpofr. Harryson, Sowby, ,, 23
John f bast. Robt. Tesdaley, Hx., ,, 25
Richd. Dobson, Sowerby, Apr. 30
John f. Edwd. Dobson, Sowerby, May 3
John f. Robt. Tewsdale, Hx., ,, 6
John f. W. Dykson, Sowerby, ,, 9
Johana Hakeyerde, Hx., ,, 12
Margt. f. Wm. Elistoft, Hx.,
Eliz. John Oldfeld, Sourby, ,, 13
John Ric. Holmes, Northor, ,, 14
Elizth. ux Ric. Selayter, Sowthorm, ,, 16
Henry Hoppey, Warley,
Eufemia f. Wm. Thomas,
Isabella Edwd. Dobson, Hiprom, ,, 21
John Bryge, Southoram, ,, 25
John Tonehend, Sowerby, ,, 28
John f. Wm. Whytley, Hiprome,
Helena ux. Ric. Sclater, Hx.,
Margt. f. Gilbt. Deyne, ,, 29
Richd. Haldesworth, Astey, June 1
Gilbt. f. Rich. Saltonstall, Warley,
Agnes ux Wm. Whytley, Hyprome, ,, 2
Gilbert Hanson, Warley, ,, 6
Robt. f. Thomas Hellewell, Hx., ,, 9
Alice f. Ric. Murgaterode, Warley,
Margaret Heyley, Ovenden, wid. ,, 15
Edward Waterhouse, Skyrcote, ,, 16
Elizth. ux Wm. Schakylton, Hx., ,, 25
John f. Jas. Gibson, Northorum,
James, Peter ffairbanke fs Ric. Carter, Sowby,
Margaret relict Edwd. Bentley, Schelff, ,, 29
Laurence Hergreffes de Warley,
Agnes ux Gilbt. Scharp, Sowby, ult.
Margt. f. John Alaneson, Hx., July 1
Johana ux John Naylor, Sowby, ,, 17
James f. John Waterhouse, Hipome, ,, 19
Win. Ryley, Sowerby, ,, 20
John f. Richd. Sclaydene, Myggeley, ,, 26
Margt. f. John Baroclough, Hyprome,
Agnes f. Wm. Soytell, Sorby, ,, 27
Gilbt. i. Gilbt. Haldeworth, Hiprome,
John i. Laurence fferher, Sowerby,
Margt. f. Laur. Redehaugh, Warley, Aug. 4
Margt. f. Richd. Thakerow, Hlfx., ,, 5
Margt. f. John Harcher, Northorum, ,, 6
John f. John ffox, vagabund, ,,
Isabel f. Gilbt. Wod, nup Sowrby, deft. ,, 12
John f. Richd. Best, Hlfx., ,, 13
John f. Jas. Spenser, Hlfx., ,, 17
John f. John Harcher, Northorum, ,, 18
Robt. f. Thomas Oldfeld, Northor., Aug.19
Agnes Brodeley, Hx., ,, 25
Richd. f. Edwd. Preistley, Sowerby, ,, 29
Johana f. Rich. leroyde, Warley, ,, 30
Alice ux John Redehaughe, Sowerby, ult.

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 1999