Elland Congregational Church History
Elland Congregational Church History up to 1868.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/CongChurches.txt ELLAND.*
Divine worship having for two or three years been held in a room in the New Street, about the year 1822, it was resolved to purchase land for a building. The first stone was laid by Revs. E. Parsons'(Halifax) and S. Rhodes. The chapel was opened July 9, 1823, by Revs. J. Parsons, J. A. Coombs, and John Ely, and a church was formedThe following have been the ministers:-
- 1825. Rev. JOHN GARBUTT. His short ministry was very successful. Ob. April 29, 1826.
- 1829. Rev. WILLIAM GOTHARD. Engaged only for a year. Afterwards at Knottingley.
- 1831. Rev. WILLIAM HAGUE (from Rillington). "Having laboured at Elland for eighteen months, without any apparent success, he resigned his charge Nov. 25, 1832."
- 1838. Rev. SAMUEL ODDIE (Airedale College). After six years' prosperity he removed to Ossett, 1844.
- 1846. Rev. JOHN RHEEDER (from the English Reformed Church, Hamburgh). He removed Oct. 31, 1854.
- In the year 1856 the chapel at Elland was rebuilt, Revs. E. Mellor and J. B. Paton preaching on the occasion. J. Crossley, Esq. and brothers contributed two hundred guineas.
- 1857. Rev. JAMES HILLYARD (from Thorne). After six years' ministry, he resigned his charge Sept. 3, 1863.
- 1865. Rev. FRANCIS BOLTON, B.A. (Springhill Coll.). He was ordained Sept. 14. Mr. Bolton is the present minister (in 1868).
* From information by Rev. F. Bolton. December 2.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2014
from the Appendix to
Congregationalism in Yorkshire
by James C. Miall, 1868.
from the Appendix to
Congregationalism in Yorkshire
by James C. Miall, 1868.