


Wincobank Hall Servants 1817 - 1840




Servants at Wincobank Hall, Sheffield (1817 - c 1840 )

Name Start dateEnd dateLength of serviceJobWages, per annumMrs Elizabeth Read's comments

Cook / Housekeepers

LeechAnnApril 181718 Dec 18181 year 8 monthsCook and Housekeeper12 guineasLeft us after having served us (but especially herself) one year and upwards of 8 months.
WilsonSarah18 December 18186 July 18267 years 6 monthsCook and housekeeper12 guineasCame in place of Ann Leech
Interest was paid on her wages as follows:
1822 6 shillings interest on 6 guineas
1823 12 shillings interest on 12 guineas
1824 15 shillings interest on 15 guineas
1825 1 guinea interest on 20 guineas
CornforthJane27 July 18268 July 1829Almost 3 yearsCook and Housekeeper12 guineasLeft to be married
BowerMary8 September 182920 May 1835 Cook and Housekeeper12 guineas rising to 14 guineasShe left to our regret on account of keeping fewer servants. She came again to assist in September when we were at Derwent.
 May 1835Dec 1838   No cook mentioned in records for this period
GillattMartha22 December 183827 October 18401 year 10 monthsCook£10Left on account of change to work in the kitchen
FayramLydia27 October 1840See next book Cook£9 

House maids

Name Start dateEnd dateLength of serviceJobWages, per annumMrs Elizabeth Read's comments
BarberEllen16 November 181929 July 182611 years and 8 monthsHouse maid8 guineas (1819-1820)
9 guineas (1821-1826)
Married on Friday 14 July 1826. Left her place on 29th July after performing the duties of a faithfull and good servant for 11 years and 8 months.
TysonMary1 Mar 18276 May 18281 year 2 monthsHouse maid7 guineasLeft on account of poor health
FulliloveElizabeth7 July 182611 February 1828 House maid8 guineasCame in Ellen Barber's place. Left to go to live with my dear Mary Anne. Went to Nottingham on the 12th.
KestevenHannah13 February 182825 February 18302 yearsHouse maid6 guineas 
ReynoldsElizabeth (alias Ann)25 February 183012 February 1831Almost a yearHouse maid Came in Hannah Kesteven's place. She left nearly a fortnight before the time having got another place
HancockElizabeth (renamed Hannah)11 February 183125 February 18332 years 2 weeksHouse maid7 guineasCame in Elizabeth's Reynold's place. She went home in poor health
BadgerJane9 October 18332 June 183410 months £8Left due to constant ill health
RobinsonEliza9 May 18311 June 18332 years 3 weeks 8 guineasLeft on account of poor health. Barbara Dalton came in her place
DaltonBarbara30 May 1833July 18335 weeks Given on leaving £1 3 shillingsShe staid upwards of 5 weeks but did not suit.
TurnerElizabeth8 July 183328 November 1838 (became Mary Anne's servant)  9 guineas (1833-1835)
10 guineas from January 1836
11 guineas from July 1836
MarplesAnn2 March 1833 (previously kitchen maid)3 November 18342 years 5 monthsKitchen maid, promoted 2 March 1833 to House maidKitchen maid 6 guineas
House maid 7 guineas
Left on account of fewer servants being kept
RhodesHannah1837 promoted to house maidSee next book Kictchen maid, promoted to House maid 1837£7 (Kitchen maid)
£8 (House maid)
BennettCharlotte18 September 1840See next book Came to wait at table etc1840-1841 £7
1842 £8

Kitchen maid (1)

Name Start dateEnd dateLength of serviceJobWages, per annumMrs Elizabeth Read's comments
MarshallHannahJanuary 181616 September 18182 years 8 months 6 guineas 
BarberAmeliaApril 181713 Dec 1827Over 10 years See commentsHad no wages for first three years and a half (clothes instead). August 1820 : Agreed to pay her 5 guineas the first year and increase it 7 shilling every year till it amounts to 10 guineas when it must remain stationary. I have provided her with clothes for 3 years and a half. She came in April 1817 and was not quite 13 years of age.
She was turned away for immoral conduct
PearsonHannah28 January 18281 October 182810 monthsKitchen maid5 guineasLeft to live with Mrs Bull
HabersonJane (alias Ann)6 October 182826 June 18299 monthsKitchen maid6 guineasLeft on account of mother's illness
BrammallElizabeth (alias Fanny)9 July 18299 July 1830One year 6 guineasLeft on account of health
LinakerJane12 July 18309 May 183110 monthsKitchen maid6 guineasLeft having been ill for 5 weeks. Replaced by Mary Naylor
NaylorMary22 April 183125 May 18315 weeksKitchen maidPaid her 5 shillings per weekCame in Jane Linaker's place. "Of Attercliffe"

Kitchen maid (2)

Name Start dateEnd dateLength of serviceJob Wages, per annum Mrs Elizabeth Read's comments
BarberMaryc. April 18168 January 18192 years 8 monthsKitchen Maid6 guineas 
ShimeldElizabeth13 January 181911 April 18212 years 3 months 6 guineasElizabeth Brownell came in her place at the same wages
BrownellElizabethApril 1821December 18218 months 6 guineas 
MossElizabeth11 April 182215 April 18242 yearsKitchen maid5 guineas 
FletcherHannah11 April 1824March 1827Nearly 3 yearsKitchen maid5 guineasLeft nearly one month before her year was expired
WallHarrietMarch 182728 Jan 182810 monthsKitchen maid Left because she was home sick. In lieu of wages clothes, shoes etc were puchased (£2 15 shillings), cash given in August and September (15 shillings), given on leaving (One guinea)
StancerSarah (alias Martha)1 July 182831 May 18312 years 11 months 7 guineas, increased to 8 guineas in 1830She was turned away for immoral conduct. Eliza Robinson came in her place
MarsdenJane26 May 1831March 183210 monthsKitchen maid£7 
WallAnn1 May 18323 June 18321 month and 2 daysKitchen maidPaid her 9 shillings and 6 pence plus 2 shillings for her expenses in comingThought herself unequal to the work
MarplesAnn31 May 18323 November 18342 years 5 monthsKitchen maid, promoted 2 March 1833 to House maidKitchen maid 6 guineas
House maid 7 guineas
Left on account of fewer servants being kept
SimpsonEllen12 February 183327 May 18352 years 3 monthsKitchen maid£6Left to go to live at Nottingham
BarberSarah27 May 183526 June 18354 weeks 3 daysKitchen maid  
HabershonJane26 June 183510 July 18352 weeksKitchen maid  
KnowlesBessy11 July 18357 September 18358 weeksKitchen maidPaid her £1 and 6 shillings 
RhodesHannah7 September 1835Promoted to house maid 1837 Kictchen maid, promoted to House maid 1837£7 (Kitchen maid)
£8 (House maid)
FoxRuth14 March 1836June 18371 year 3 monthsKitchen Maid£4 (sleeping at home and her mother to wash for her)Left on account of ill health. Harriet Fox came in her place
FoxHarriet1 July 1837End April 18402 years 10 monthsKitchen MaidClothing provided partly in lieu of wages for first 2 years. See comments
£5 From July 1839
17 Jul 1837
Gave her a new frock (3 shillings2 and a half pence)
Money at the same time (4 shillings)
Callico and holland for lining (one shilling and twopence)
Callico and holland for lining (one shilling and twopence)

31 Oct 1837, Merino frock for lining (8 shillings and five pence)

Jan 1838, Money (six shillings)

Print and cotton for 2 frocks in April and May(eight shilling and eight and a half pence), July 1838, Money (one pound ten shillings)

Jan 1839 Money (one pound)

HirstRebecca21 May 18406 Nov 184022 weeksTo assist in the house19 week at 3 shillings and sixpence, and 13 weeks at 3 shillings(finding her own washing)

Nursery maids

CharlesworthMary AnnEnd November 181826 February 181912 weeksUpper Nursery Maid7 guineasShe came as an Upper Nursery Maid but was quite inadequate to fulfil her duties of that situation.
TaylorElizabeth26 February 181926 December 18201 year 10 months 8 guineasLeft to be married to a widower with one child

Data researched and supplied by:
Karen Turner ©2000