Stocksbridge, War Memorial transcription
Ecclesfield parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/WRYHaydnScott.txtStocksbridge, War Memorial transcription:
The War Memorial at Stocksbridge.
The two name plaques above the door: (see also Photo)
1939 - 1945 | 1939 - 1945 | |
Dick Atkinson | Thomas H Mate | |
Leonard Barraclough | Victor H Mate | |
Leslie Benson | Percy Milnes | |
John W Brannan | Michael Moran | |
Frederick W Broad | Dorothy Musk | |
Richard A Button | John E Oates | |
Edward Challis | Steven Osborne | |
Leonard Charlesworth | Jack Revitt | |
Charles H Cobbe | Ernest Robinson | |
Herbert Davies | Aubrey Rodgers | |
Frank Dawson | Amos Roebuck | |
George A England | Joe Rogerson | |
Norman Firth | Albert Rolfe | |
Kenneth Gregory | Harry Rowley | |
Tom Hanwell | John A Sellars | |
Joseph W M Helliwell | Alex Shaw | |
Leslie W Herbert | Robert Shaw | |
Walter Hingley | Marjorie Smith | |
Lance W Hoyle | John R Stagg | |
Norman Jackson | Mabel Turner | |
Ernest Jones | Walter Wadsworth | |
Albert Kaye | Frederick Wakelin | |
Vincent Lavery | Kenneth Walker | |
Ernest Lowe | Denis Walton | |
Barrington H Marshall | William E Webb | |
Wilfred Martin |
To the honour and everlasting memory
of the soldiers, sailors and nurse of
this district who gave their lives
for their King and Country in the
Great War 1914 - 1918
of the soldiers, sailors and nurse of
this district who gave their lives
for their King and Country in the
Great War 1914 - 1918
The plaque on the left hand side of the door (see also Photo)
John Adams |
W Attwood |
Alfred Beckett |
Arthur Brailsford |
William Bramwell |
David Ivor Brearley |
Thornton Brooke |
Sidney Burgin |
Anthony Button |
E R Buxton |
Fred Castledine |
Bertie T Catton |
Arthur Couldwell |
Oliver Crapper |
Winfield Crawshaw |
Arnold Crossley |
Donald Crossley |
William Curley |
J Davies |
Leonard Duffield |
Mark Dyche |
Gam Dyson |
Oswald Dyson |
Priam Dyson |
Frank Eastwood |
Charles England |
Fred Fieldsend |
Harry Finkill |
Harry Firth |
William H France |
James Green |
J Gregory |
David E Gill |
Eric L Gill |
S Haigh |
W Harper |
J Harrison |
Fred Hart |
W H Hatchett |
Harry Herbert |
Walter Hey |
Walter R Hill |
Friend Hirst |
Fred Hollins |
George Howarth |
Edwin Hukins |
Ernest Jackson |
Robert Jackson |
Walter Johnson |
S G Jones |
Jesse H Kenworthy |
Thomas Keough |
Alec A Leather |
Arthur (surname removed) |
The plaque on the left hand side of the door (see also Photo)
Stanley V Lester |
Albert Liles |
Frank Lievesley |
Thomas Maycock |
H Micklethwaite |
Thomas Milnes |
Michael Maloney |
Alfred Morton |
Charles F Murrain |
Harry Newton |
Clifford Orchard |
Thomas Pearson |
Amos Perkins |
Spencer Race |
John Raynes |
Leonard Robinson |
James Roebuck |
Milton Rodgers |
Frank Sanderson |
Lawrence Sanderson |
Willie Sanderson |
Dyson Schofield |
A B Senior |
Samuel Senior |
Benton Shaw |
Douglas Shaw |
Eric Sheldon |
Harry Smith |
Horace Smith |
Arthur Smith |
Alfred Sutton |
Charles Tattersall |
Herbert Thickett |
Ernest Tingle |
William H Topps |
H Turner |
Bertram Vause |
John Wallace |
Harry Ward |
Clifford Watkinson |
Ernest Watson |
G Whittaker |
Joseph Whittaker |
Percy Whittaker |
William J Williams |
James H Withers |
Joseph A Withers |
Henry Oscar Withers |
S Woodcock |
Percy Woodhead |
William J Woodhead |
Alfred Wright |
Lucy Castledine |
Cyril Dickinson |
Cyril Spivey |
Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott
from photography by Colin Hinson