


Stocksbridge, War Memorial transcription


Ecclesfield parish:


Stocksbridge, War Memorial transcription:

The War Memorial at Stocksbridge.

The two name plaques above the door: (see also Photo)

1939 - 1945  1939 - 1945
Dick Atkinson Thomas H Mate
Leonard Barraclough Victor H Mate
Leslie Benson Percy Milnes
John W Brannan Michael Moran
Frederick W Broad Dorothy Musk
Richard A Button John E Oates
Edward Challis Steven Osborne
Leonard Charlesworth Jack Revitt
Charles H Cobbe Ernest Robinson
Herbert Davies Aubrey Rodgers
Frank Dawson Amos Roebuck
George A England Joe Rogerson
Norman Firth Albert Rolfe
Kenneth Gregory Harry Rowley
Tom Hanwell John A Sellars
Joseph W M Helliwell Alex Shaw
Leslie W Herbert Robert Shaw
Walter Hingley Marjorie Smith
Lance W Hoyle John R Stagg
Norman Jackson Mabel Turner
Ernest Jones Walter Wadsworth
Albert Kaye Frederick Wakelin
Vincent Lavery Kenneth Walker
Ernest Lowe Denis Walton
Barrington H Marshall William E Webb
Wilfred Martin  
To the honour and everlasting memory
of the soldiers, sailors and nurse of
this district who gave their lives
for their King and Country in the
Great War 1914 - 1918

The plaque on the left hand side of the door (see also Photo)

John Adams
W Attwood
Alfred Beckett
Arthur Brailsford
William Bramwell
David Ivor Brearley
Thornton Brooke
Sidney Burgin
Anthony Button
E R Buxton
Fred Castledine
Bertie T Catton
Arthur Couldwell
Oliver Crapper
Winfield Crawshaw
Arnold Crossley
Donald Crossley
William Curley
J Davies
Leonard Duffield
Mark Dyche
Gam Dyson
Oswald Dyson
Priam Dyson
Frank Eastwood
Charles England
Fred Fieldsend
Harry Finkill
Harry Firth
William H France
James Green
J Gregory
David E Gill
Eric L Gill
S Haigh
W Harper
J Harrison
Fred Hart
W H Hatchett
Harry Herbert
Walter Hey
Walter R Hill
Friend Hirst
Fred Hollins
George Howarth
Edwin Hukins
Ernest Jackson
Robert Jackson
Walter Johnson
S G Jones
Jesse H Kenworthy
Thomas Keough
Alec A Leather
Arthur (surname

The plaque on the left hand side of the door (see also Photo)

Stanley V Lester
Albert Liles
Frank Lievesley
Thomas Maycock
H Micklethwaite
Thomas Milnes
Michael Maloney
Alfred Morton
Charles F Murrain
Harry Newton
Clifford Orchard
Thomas Pearson
Amos Perkins
Spencer Race
John Raynes
Leonard Robinson
James Roebuck
Milton Rodgers
Frank Sanderson
Lawrence Sanderson
Willie Sanderson
Dyson Schofield
A B Senior
Samuel Senior
Benton Shaw
Douglas Shaw
Eric Sheldon
Harry Smith
Horace Smith
Arthur Smith
Alfred Sutton
Charles Tattersall
Herbert Thickett
Ernest Tingle
William H Topps
H Turner
Bertram Vause
John Wallace
Harry Ward
Clifford Watkinson
Ernest Watson
G Whittaker
Joseph Whittaker
Percy Whittaker
William J Williams
James H Withers
Joseph A Withers
Henry Oscar Withers
S Woodcock
Percy Woodhead
William J Woodhead
Alfred Wright
Lucy Castledine
Cyril Dickinson
Cyril Spivey

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott
from photography by Colin Hinson