


Bolsterstone Christenings, 1778 to 1813 in name order


Transcription of the Bolsterstone Christenings, 1778 to 1813 in name order


The Christenings at the chapelry of Bolsterstone, 1778 to 1813.
Chap.SurnameGivenId.Day MonthYearNote
BAPPLEYARDWillm. 291919-Jul1778son of Edward APPLEYARD of Oakes in Middop Stones, farmer.
BAPPLEYARDEdward 289406-Jan1780son of Edward and Ann APPLEYARD of Middop or Oak
BASHFORDAnn 288219-Oct1800dau. of George and Mary ASHFORD of Brightholmley, cabinet maker
BASHTONSarah 293625-Dec1778dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BASHTONChristopher 136521-Jan1781son of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, Farmer
BASHTONAnn 135921-Mar1784dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BASHTONGeorge 136825-Mar1787son of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BASHTONWilliam 135325-Dec1789son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BASHTONHannah 137618-Apr1794dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BASHTONJohn 137302-Mar1794son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BASHTONLidia 137910-Jul1796dau. of William and Hannah ASHTON of Bank, farmer
BASHTONElisabeth 138228-May1797dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Nook
BASHTONJoseph 138517-Jun1798son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BASHTONGeorge 136201-Jun1800son of William and Hanah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BASHTONMary 135616-Aug1801dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON
BASHTONMary 138826-Feb1809dau. of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer.
NB: the on-line records have mother's name Ane
BASHTONElias 137103-Apr1812son of William ASHTON of Green, labourer
MASHTONHannah 1431121-Nov1813dau. of Samuel and Mary ASHTON of Langley Brook, labourer
MBARBERSusanna 1411923-Dec1798dau. of Joseph and Mary BARBER of Stannington
MBARROWMilly 1412216-Oct1796dau. of Joseph and Sarah BARROW : NB: BTs have name as Emelea
BBATTYElizabeth 226301-Dec1782dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth BATTY of Whitwell, clothier
BBATTYJohn 226023-Mar1783son of Martin and Lydia BATTY of Damsteads, clothier
BBEAVERWillm. 299618-Apr1779son of John and Martha BEVER of Upper Midhope, labourer
BBEEVERBenjamin 293930-Dec1781son of John and Martha BEEVER of Midhopestones
BBEEVERJames 300508-Feb1789son of John and Martha BEEVER
MBEEVERJoseph 1329026-Dec1812son of Mary BEEVER
BBEEVERMary 1357817-Oct1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah BEEVER of Bolsterstone, carpenter
BBEVERWilliam 298111-Jan1789son of Martha BEVER, father William BASHFUL, clothier
(NB the on-line records have him as William BASHFUL)
BBLACKLEYJoseph 289729-Jun1778son of Richard and Elizabeth BLACKLEY of Pothouse in Middopstones, labourer.
(NB: on-line records (BTs) don't mention wife's name)
BBOCKINGMary 301422-Feb1778dau. of Robert BOCKIN and Ann, his wife, of Watson House, farmer.(NB: CTs say Hanah)
BBOCKINGThomas 292124-Feb1800son of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House
BBOCKINGGeorge 292411-Dec1801son of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer
BBOCKINGMary 298419-Apr1807dau. of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer
BBOKINGAnne 295327-May1803dau. of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer & was buried June 2nd.
BBOKINGSarah 297013-Jul1804dau. of Robert & Rebecca BOKING of Watson House, farmer
BBOKINGGeorge 291031-Jul1808son of John and Elizabeth BOKING of Watson House, farmer
BBOOTHHannah 152914-Oct1792dau. of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenorwood Head, labourer
BBOOTHElisabeth 152024-Aug1794dau. of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenorside, labourer
BBOOTHSarah 152604-Sep1796dau. of Joseph and Sarah BOOTH of Greenwood Head, labourer
BBOOTHGeorge 152328-Aug1799son of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenwood Head, wood collier (sic)
BBOWERElizabeth 289902-Feb1783dau. of Buckley and Ann BOWER of Lee house, shoemaker
BBRADLEYIsaac 290227-Dec1778son of Nicholas and Sarah BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, farmer
BBRADLEYFrances 301702-Jun1793dau. of George and Sarah BRADLEY of Ones Acre, labourer
BBRADLEYElizabeth 292701-Feb1795dau. of Geo. and Sarah BRADLEY of One Acres, labourer
BBRADLEYSarah 295621-Feb1795this chr. is on the BTs but not on the CTs
BBRADLEYAnna 302030-Apr1797dau. of George and Sarah BRADLEY of Ones-acre, labourer (On-line as Hanah BRADSLEY)
BBRADLEYMary 1498314-Jan1798dau. of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Lane, labourer (NB this not on the on-line records)
BBRADLEYNicholas 298718-Aug1799son of George and Sarah BROADLEY (sic) of Ones Acre, labourer
BBRADLEYRachel 297305-May1799dau. of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone
BBRADLEYNicholas 291324-Apr1800son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY
BBRADLEYJoseph 288528-Aug1802son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BBRADLEYJohn 299916-Jun1805son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BBRADLEYHariet 294223-Apr1808dau. of John and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BBRADLEYAne 294508-Feb1809dau. of Benjamin and BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BBRADLEYEliza 290404-Oct1812dau of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer. Twin
BBRADLEYJames 300804-Oct1812son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer. Twin
BBRAGGElisabeth 293007-Jul1799dau. of Charles and Sarah BRAGG of Cross House, labourer
BBRAGGGeorge 295925-Aug1802son of Charles and Sarah BRAGG of Cross, labourer
BBRAMALJohn 297604-Nov1798son of Martha BRAMAL of Green head, father Joseph MORTON of Watson house
BBRAMALLMary 299005-Jan1783dau. of Benjamin and Ann BRAMALLof Busk, labourer
BBRAMALLMartha 291624-Jun1784dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMALL of Smithymoor, labourer
MBRAMALLJohn 1412822-Aug1790son of John and Mary BRAMALL of Middop. NB: not on CTs
MBRAMALLAnn 1412911-Aug1793dau. of John and Mary BRAMALL
BBRAMALLGeorge 288801-Mar1795son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Glasshouse, labourer
BBRAMALLJoseph 289126-Feb1797son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Clough, labourer
MBRAMALLDavid 1412721-Oct1798son of John and Mary BRAMALL
BBRAMALLMary 300210-Mar1799dau. of George and Septima BRAMALL, labourer
BBRAMALLWilliam 294806-Apr1802son of Martha BRAMAL of Greenhead
MBRAMALLMary 1413025-Apr1802dau. of John and Mary BRAMAL of Middopstones, blacksmith
BBRAMALLWilliam 301106-Nov1803son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Glass House, labourer
BBRAMALLGeorge 290708-May1810son of John and Charlotte BRAYMALL, Uden, farmer
BBRAMALLJoseph 299315-Dec1811son of John and Charlotte BRAMALL of Holt, farmer
BBRAMWELLGeorge 293316-May1779son of George and Martha BRAMALL of Bolsterstone (Green Head), labourer
BBRAMWELLSarah 302314-Mar1779dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMWELL of Smithymoor
BBRAMWELLAmelia 296213-Apr1781dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMWELL of Smithymoor, Labourer
BBRAMWELLJames 297809-May1782dau. of George and Elizabeth BRAMWELL of Bolsterstone, hunter --tt-- labourer. (NB CTs have mother as Jane)
BBREARLEYElizabeth 158618-Jul1813dau. of Gamm and Ann BREARLEY of Eldercliff, mason
BBROADHEADWilliam 307220-Mar1808son of Benjamin and Rose BROADHEAD of Hunshelfbank, labourer
BBROADHEADLucy 305414-May1809dau. of Benjamin and Rose BROADHEAD of Green, labourer
BBROWNJoseph 302621-Mar1790son of Ann BROWN of Hunshelf Bank. Poor
BBUCKLEYAnn 308427-Mar1785dau. of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BBUCKLEYJeremiah 310221-Jan1787son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BBUCKLEYJoseph 312021-May1789son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BBUCKLEYJohn 304223-Oct1791son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BBUCKLEYHannah 313225-Dec1793dau. of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BCHARLESWORTHCatherine 178819-Apr1778dau. of John CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, wheelwright (sic) . John son of William CHARLESWORTH
BCHARLESWORTHMartha 177320-Aug1780dau. of Joseph and Elisabeth CHARLESWORTH of Green, Taylor
BCHARLESWORTHSarah 179325-Feb1781dau. of John and Rebecca CHARLESWORTH of Moor Royd, taylor
BCHARLESWORTHJoseph 177930-May1783son of Wm. and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Lee House, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHMartha 179905-Sep1784dau. of John and Rebeckah CHARLESWORTH of Green, Taylor and farmer NB: BTs just say taylor
BCHARLESWORTHSarah 180225-Dec1785dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHEmelia 180502-May1790dau. of Mary CHARLESWORTH of Hungerhill
BCHARLESWORTHHannah 181025-Aug1793dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHBenjamin 181604-Apr1794son of John and Martha CHARLESWORTH of Clough, Jersey weaver
BCHARLESWORTHElisabeth 178218-Sep1796dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, farmer
BCHARLESWORTHEmelia 178507-May1796dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth CHARLESWORTH of Green, jersey weaver
BCHARLESWORTHElisabeth 181918-Nov1798dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHElizabeth 1497602-Mar1798natural dau. of Rose CHARLESWORTH, father Sam BIRKENSHAW (NB This is not on the on-line records)
BCHARLESWORTHJohn 179625-May1800son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH from Edge end and now of Bolsterstone, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHJohn 181311-Dec1803son of John and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Hoylhouse, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHCharlote 371827-Mar1808dau. of Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, father Matthew HOBSON of Greenside
BCHARLESWORTHGeorge 179023-Jul1809son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, farmer
BCHARLESWORTHJohn 164906-Aug1809son of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Uden Hagg, labourer
BCHARLESWORTHMary 180720-May1811dau. of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Haggs
BCHARLESWORTHJoseph 168312-Dec1813son of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Hagg, farmer
MCHARLESWORTHJonathan 182826-Dec1813son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Hedge End, farmer
BCOLDWELHannah 305712-Oct1806dau. of Joseph and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, stone mason
BCOLDWELWilliam 302814-May1809son of Joseph and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, stone mason
BCOLDWELLJoseph 1430423-Jan1779son of Benjamin and Elizabeth COLDWELL of Deepcar, shoemaker
BCOLDWELLIsaac 308710-Sep1780son of Benjamin and Elizabeth COLDWELL of Deepcar, Shoomaker :-)
BCOLDWELLJohn 310519-May1799son of John and Mary COLDWEL of Uscar (sic), shoemaker
BCOLDWELLThos 312312-Feb1805son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BCOLDWELLBenjamin 314311-Oct1807son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BCOLDWELLGeorge 310801-Mar1810son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BCOLDWELLRobert 315211-Oct1812son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, shoemaker
BCOOPERJohn 309030-Jul1780son of Tho. and Mary COOPER of Reynold House, labourer
BCOOPERElizabeth 1437210-Nov1782dau. of Thomas and Mary COOPER of Bolsterstone, labourer
BCOPLEYJoseph 303121-Aug1796son of Joseph and Mary COPLEY of Whitwell, jersey weaver. Born 25th June.
BCOPLEYMary 313515-Jan1809dau. of Elizabeth COPLEY of Wigtwizzle
BCOWPERThomas 316417-Apr1785son of Thomas and Mary COWPER of Bolsterstone, labourer
MCRAWSHAWJonathan 174120-Apr1812son of Thomas and Hannah CRAWSHAW
MCRESSICKGrace 1260501-Dec1793dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden, Farmer
MCRESWICHMary 1266509-Aug1789dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer. NB: On-line IGI index as GRESWICK
BCRESWICHHannah 304523-Jan1791dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BCRESWICKMary 307522-Apr1787dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Eudenlodge, Farmer
BCRESWICKElisabeth 307816-Nov1788dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BCRESWICKSarah 312625-Dec1791dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden Lodge, farmer
MCRESWICKAnn 1413120-Jan1793dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BCRESWICKGrace 314612-Apr1795dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BCRESWICKGeorge 311130-Jul1797son of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden lodge, farmer
MCRESWICKElizabeth 1413327-Aug1797dau. of Ann CRESWICK of Uden, widow
BCRESWICKAmelia 306020-Apr1804dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Uden, farmer
BCROSLEYFrances 313705-Nov1780dau. of Hannah WALKER of Middopstones. Father is Abraham CROSLEY of Middop, the pious clerk of Middop Chapel.
BCROSLEYSamuel 306308-Apr1798son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSSLEY of Hunshelf bank, clothier
BCROSSLANDHannah 315530-Dec1782son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSLAND of Hoylhouse
BCROSSLANDJohn 309314-Nov1784son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSLAND of Stocksbridge, clothier
BCROSSLANDGeo. 316702-Aug1795son of George and Sarah CROSSLAND of Hunshelf, clothier
BCROSSLANDElisabeth 303423-Nov1800dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSSLAND of Bottom, clothier
MCROSSLEYAbraham 1190816-Oct1796son of Benjamin and Ruth CROSLEY
MCROSSLEYRebecca 1190904-Mar1798dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSLEY
MCROSSLEYJohn 1191123-Mar1800son of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY, labourer
MCROSSLEYMartha 1191026-Jun1802dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY of Upper Middop, farmer
MCROSSLEYSarah 1191231-Oct1813dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY of Upper Midhope, farmer
BCUTHILLMaria 306610-May1789dau. of Thomas and Sarah CUTHILL of Middop
BCUTTLEHannah 304820-Jun1779dau. of Thomas and Mary CUTTLE of Midhope, weaver
BCUTTLEJoshua 308105-May1782son of Thom & Mary CUTTLE , weaver
BDEARNALLYHannah 314905-Jun1803dau. of John and Mary DEARNLEY of Whitfield in Derbyshire
BDENTONJohn 311426-Dec1779son of Josepf and Anne DENTON of Middop
BDENTONSarah 315826-Aug1781dau. of John and Mary DENTON of Hand Bank
BDENTONJohn 309605-May1782son of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Dikeside, labourer
BDENTONJoseph 317029-Jun1783son of Joseph & Ann DENTON, Handbank, labourer
BDENTONRichd. 303725-Apr1784son of Jonathan DENTON of Dikeside, Parish of Penistone, labourer.
BDENTONJohn 314007-Aug1785son of Jonathan and Sarah DENTON of Hunshelfbank, Clothier was born July 1st and baptized August 7th 1785
BDENTONMary 303915-May1785dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Middop Stones, labourer
BDENTONMary 306922-Jan1786dau. of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Middopstones
BDENTONSarah 305125-Jul1787dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Middopstones, labourer
MDENTONEllen 1413526-Dec1790dau. of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Middop
MDENTONSarah 1413826-Jun1791dau. of John and Martha DENTON of Middop
MDENTONHannah 1413910-Feb1793dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON
MDENTONObediah 1414004-Sep1796son of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Handbank
BDOWNINGJoseph 311702-Jul1780son of William and Mary DOWNING of Middopstones, farmer
BDOWNINGJohn 316127-Jan1782son of Wm & Mary DOWNING of Middop Hall, farmer
BDOWNINGAnn 309929-Dec1783dau. of Wilm and Mary DOWNING of Upper Middop hall, farmer
MDOWNINGGeorge 1267929-Jun1794son of William and Mary DOWNING
MDOWNINGSamuel 1268020-Mar1796son of William and Mary DOWNING, farmer
MDOWNINGRichard 1268115-Sep1799son of William and Mary DOWNING, farmer
MDOWNINGAbraham 1268215-Mar1803son of William and Mary DOWNING of Middopstones, farmer
MDOWNINGGeorge 1268304-Jun1805son of William and Mary DOWNING of the Upper Hall
MDOWNINGAnn 1268615-Nov1812dau. of John and Mary DOWNING
BDRABBLEMary 580110-Jan1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah DRABBLE, collier
BDRABLEJohn 322708-May1799sons of William and Sarah DRABBLE of Over Moorgate, born 17th May
BDRABLEWilliam 321308-May1799sons of William and Sarah DRABBLE of Over Moorgate, born 17th May
BDRANFIELDElisabeth 317310-May1778dau. of Tho. DRANSFIELD & Sarah his wife. File cutter
BDRANFIELDHanah 324402-Oct1796dau. of George and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BDRANFIELDMary 320125-Dec1797dau. of George and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, labourer
BDRANFIELDMartha 318628-Aug1799dau. of George and Ann DRANFIELD of Low Flatts, labourer
BDRANFIELDMary 326208-Sep1805dau. of Charles and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Low Flatts, farmer
BDRANFIELDElisabeth 328013-Dec1807dau. of Charles and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Hungerhill, farmer
BDRANFIELDMary 327101-Jan1807dau. of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Allen croft, labourer
BDRANFIELDJohn 329126-Feb1809son of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Allen Croft
BDRANFIELDWilliam 329421-Jan1810son of Charles and Elizabeth DRANSFIELD of Lowflatts, farmer
BDRANFIELDJohn 330507-Apr1812son of Charles and Elizabeth DRANSFIELD of Hungerhill, farmer
BDRANFIELDCharles 510207-Mar1813son of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD. Born 8th Dec. 1812
BDRONFIELDJohn 321625-Jul1779son of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, farmer
BDRONFIELDMary 323002-Jun1782dau. of Thomas and Ann DRONFIELD, soldier or cutler (NB the CTs say parents John and Elizabeth !)
BDRONFIELDCharles 317603-Aug1783son of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, farmer
BDRONFIELDAnn 324727-Nov1791dau. of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BDRONFIELDElisabeth 320420-Apr1794dau. of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BDUNGWITHGeorge 312920-May1811son of Richard and Hannah DUNGWITH of Green head, labourer
BDUNGWORTHMary 318901-Jan1783dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth DUNGWORTH, labourer
BDUNGWORTHRichard 326517-Feb1786son of Joseph and Elizabeth DUNGWORTH of Bolsterstone, poor
BDUTTONHenriet 523321-Feb1813dau. of Henry and Sarah DUTTON of Hermit royd, labourer
BDYCHEJoseph 272210-Jul1796son of John and Ruth DYCHE of Pennook, labourer
BDYCHEWilliam 271912-Jan1802son of John and Ruth DYCHES, labourer
BDYCHEJohn 271628-Oct1804son of John and Ruth DYCHE of Pennook, labourer
BDYSONJohn 189122-Apr1789son of Mary DYSON of Lane End. NB: On the CTs the mother's name has been rubbed out.
BDYSONJames 188806-Dec1812son of John and Emelia DYSON of Royd, collier
BEARNSHAWAnn 328312-Apr1795dau. of Thomas and Hannah EARNSHAW of Hunshelf, clothier
BEARNSHAWSarah 329727-Feb1799dau. of Thomas and Hannah EARNSHAW of Clough, labourer and ---?
BEARNSHAWAne 319214-Mar1811dau. of John and Mary EARNSHAW of Nether Bradfield. NB: on-line records (BTs) as EANSHAW
BELLIOTEleanor 330808-Feb1802dau. of John and Sarah ELLIOT of Holling Edge, farmer
MELLISMary 1414411-Aug1793dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS
BELLISSamuel 213121-Jun1795son of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop hall, farmer. Born June 18th
MELLISElizabeth 1414516-Oct1796Elizabeth or Betty, dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop Hall, farmer.
MELLISEllianor 1414625-Mar1798dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS, farmer
MELLISWilliam 1414714-Jul1799son of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop Hall, farmer
BELLISONHannah 323316-May1779dau. of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunbank, farmer
BELLISONJohn 317901-Jul1792son of Sarah ELLISON of Sunnybank
BELLISONElisabeth 325025-Dec1797dau. of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunebank (sic), farmer
BELLISONWilliam 320713-Apr1800son of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunny bank, farmer
BFARRAYJoseph 319505-Jul1812son of Thomas and Sarah FARRAY of Swinton, labourer
BFIRTHThos. 327414-Feb1808son of Thomas and Ane FIRTH of Bolsterstone, yarn spinner. NB: This is on the on-line records (BTs) as FISH
BFIRTHAne 104102-Dec1810dau. of Thomas and Ane FIRTH or FRITH of Bolsterstone, woolen yarn spinner
BFIRTHJoseph 94328-Mar1813son of Thomas and Ann FIRTH of Bolsterstone
MFOLEYGeorge 1411722-Aug1808son of John and Mary FOLEY of Middopstones, clothier
MFOLEYJonathan 1411810-Mar1811son of John and Mary FOLEY of Pothouse, labourer
BFOXMary 328627-Dec1778dau. of Edward and Hannah FOX of Green, labourer
BFOXMaria 1500204-May1783dau. of Benjamin and Hanah FOX OF Middopstones (NB not on the on-line records)
BFRETWELLWilliam 330011-Oct1812son of Hannah FRETWELL of Green
BGARSIDEAnn 331101-Oct1797dau. of William GARSIDE of Deepcar, labourer
BGELDERMartha 322202-Jul1780of Midhopestones
BGILLOTChristiana 659703-Jan1796dau. of Hannah GILLOT, father John ELLIOT
BGLEADHILLMary 318107-May1780Mary, natural daughter of Martha GLEADHILL, father William KEY (KAY)
BGOODLADWilliam 325309-Nov1805son of William and Jane GOODLAD of Deepcar, basket Maker
BGRAYSONHannah 325628-May1778dau. of John & Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BGRAYSONHannah 326817-Oct1779dau. of John and Hannah GRAYSON, blacksmith
BGRAYSONJoseph 321029-Aug1779son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BGRAYSONMary 327707-Nov1779dau. of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON, Whitwell, labourer
BGRAYSONMary 319802-Oct1779dau. of Thom. and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, Miller
BGRAYSONAnn 328805-Jan1781dau. of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BGRAYSONThomas 330225-Apr1781son of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, Miller
BGRAYSONGeorge 331303-Feb1782son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Hunshelfe Bank, farmer
BGRAYSONJohn 322409-May1782son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BGRAYSONJoseph 323818-Aug1782son of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BGRAYSONAnn 331925-Dec1783dau. of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Whitwell, labourer
BGRAYSONElizabeth 325929-May1783dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON od Deepcar. Miller
BGRAYSONElizabeth 324101-Jan1783dau. of Hanah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, widow
BGRAYSONJoseph 318301-Jan1783son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BGRAYSONJoseph 331608-Feb1784son of Joseph and Elisabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer. CTs say: N.B. it was 5 weeks old
BGRAYSONHannah 332206-Feb1785dau. of Tho. and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar. Miller
BGRAYSONSarah 332527-Mar1785dau. of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BGRAYSONElisabeth 333703-Sep1786dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, miller
BGRAYSONJoseph 333127-Mar1786son of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee, husbandman
BGRAYSONThomas 332817-Feb1786son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BGRAYSONThomas 333416-Apr1786son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BGRAYSONBenjamin 339925-Oct1789Benjamin and Henry twin sons of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee
BGRAYSONBenjamin 338511-Jan1789son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Greavhouse, farmer
BGRAYSONGeorge 334003-May1789son of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar
BGRAYSONHenry 335825-Oct1789Benjamin and Henry twin sons of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee
BGRAYSONBenjamin 341303-Oct1790son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BGRAYSONGeorge 343703-Apr1791son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BGRAYSONGrace 342530-Jan1791dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, miller
BGRAYSONJohn 344925-Dec1792son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliff, Farmer
BGRAYSONElisabeth 337317-Nov1793dau. of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Newmill Bridge, labourer
BGRAYSONMartha 1416209-May1793dau. of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BGRAYSONAnn 1185225-Oct1794dau. of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BGRAYSONJonathan 336107-Mar1794son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, Famer
BGRAYSONElizabeth 345201-Nov1795dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BGRAYSONMatilda 340220-Feb1795dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, joiner
BGRAYSONJohn 334329-May1796son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Hungerhill, farmer
BGRAYSONHenry 338823-Jul1797son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer. Born 24th June
BGRAYSONJoseph 344016-Apr1797son of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Townend, cabinet maker. Born 8th March
BGRAYSONHanah 342810-May1798dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BGRAYSONMary 1485517-Feb1799dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BGRAYSONNinus 341604-Aug1799son of Benjamin and Ann GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker.
BGRAYSONAnn 336425-Dec1800dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BGRAYSONAnn 337616-Mar1800dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, cabinet maker
BGRAYSONAnn 1185325-Apr1802dau. of Benjamin and Anne GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker
BGRAYSONElisabeth 340503-Oct1802dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town End, born Aug. 28th
BGRAYSONMary 345529-Dec1803dau. of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BGRAYSONJohn 344304-Nov1804son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, labourer
BGRAYSONWilliam 334613-May1804son of Benjamin and Ane GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker.
BGRAYSONEzra 339118-May1806son of Benjamin and Ane GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinet maker
BGRAYSONGeorge 343101-Oct1806son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Deepcar, labourer
BGRAYSONJohn 339418-May1806son of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BGRAYSONGeorge 1485421-Jun1807son of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
(NB the on-line records (BTs) have mother Rebecca)
BGRAYSONMary 341916-Oct1808dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, cabinett maker
BGRAYSONHannah 337902-Apr1809dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Worall, shoemaker
BGRAYSONHanah 336707-Oct1810dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BGRAYSONJohn 1479027-Dec1812son of Henry and Sarah GRAYSON of Brightholmlee, shoemaker
BGREAVESElizabeth 340824-Mar1782dau. of Benjamin GREAVES of Alderman's Head, farmer
BGREAVESJoseph 345823-Mar1783son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langley Brook, farmer
BGREAVESSarah 334928-Aug1785dau. of Benjamin and Martha GREAVES of Middopstones, ---
MGREAVESMartha 1420530-Dec1792Not on the CTs
MGREAVESRobert 1492810-May1795son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langsett, farmer (NB not on the online records)
MGREAVESGeorge 1420408-Oct1797son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langside (sic), farmer
MGREAVESCharles 1420323-Jan1803son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Upper Middop, farmer
MGREENJohn 1287916-Aug1812son of Benjamin and Elizabeth GREEN
BHADFIELDJoseph 335222-Nov1812son of Joseph and Sarah HADFIELD
BHAGUEMartha 1497028-Feb1797dau. of Sarah HAGUE spinster of Cross, father Joseph HAGUE of Worral, labourer (NB Not on the on-line records BTs))
BHAGUEThomas 265203-Oct1802son of Joseph and Ann HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer
BHAGUEHannah 266524-Jun1804dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire maker (NB On-line as HAIGH)
BHAGUEGeorge 264922-Aug1806son of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer (NB On-line records have mother Elizabeth)
BHAGUEHannah 265525-Jun1809dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer
BHAGUEJohn 1496826-Jan1812son of Peter and Ane HAGUE, born 7th Jan. (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BHAGUESarah 373819-Jan1812dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer (NB on-line as HAUGE)
BHAIGHAnn 264631-May1778dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAIGH of Clough, Weaver
BHAIGHElizabeth 266830-Jul1780dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAIGH of Hoylehouse, Clough, weaver
BHAIGHMartha 265808-Feb1782Natural daughter of Ann HAIGH of Deepcarr. Born 7th Aug. 1780. Father Benjamin MATTHEWMAN
BHAIGHEmelia 266326-Oct1783natural dau. of Ann (Nancy) HAIGH of Deepcar who has pay from the Parish
BHAIGHMartha 266029-May1783dau. of Jonathan and Sarah HAIGH of Clough. Jersey Weaver
BHAMMODCatharine 369804-May1799dau. of Peter and Catherine HAMMAND of Hoylhouse, farmer. NB: On on-line records as HAMMOD
BHAMMONDAnn 371202-Sep1801dau. of Peter and Catherine HAMMOND of Hoilhouse, farmer
BHANSONBenjamin 372402-Jun1782Son of Rebecca Hanson, but who its Father .. none can tell. (Bishop's Transcripts)
BHATTERSLEYAne 295008-Jun1806son of Benjamin and Mary HATERSLEY of Slate thorp, nailor
BHATTERSLEYWilliam 296506-Aug1809son of William HATTERSLEY of New Mill Bank, stone mason
BHATTERSLEYHannah 296711-Feb1811dau. of Joseph and Hannah HATTERSLEY, mason
BHAWKJoseph 364327-Sep1789son of Joseph and Lydia HAWK of Holehouse, labourer. Poor.
BHAWKGeorge 364612-Aug1792son of Robert and Sarah HAWK of Holly Busk, farmer
BHAWKElisabeth 363128-Dec1794dau. of Robert and Sarah HAWK of Hollybush, farmer
BHAWKJohn 375005-Nov1797son of Robert and Sarah HAWKARD of Holly bank, farmer (NB sure this should be HAWK)
BHAWKARDElizabeth 361619-Jan1780dau. of Martin and Mary HAWKARD, Langley brook
MHAWKEJoshua 1374018-Dec1796son of Martha HAWKE, father Joshua SANDERSON of Upper Middop
BHAWKEMary 366127-May1804dau. of Robert and Sarah HAWKE of Holling busk, farmer
BHAWKEThos. 367528-Oct1804son of Hanah HAWKE of Langley Brook, spinster
BHAWKINGCharlote 368930-Aug1799dau. of Thomas and Ann HAWKING of Broomhead, farmer. Born 4th. June. NB: On-line records (BTs) have HAWKEN
BHAWKSWORTHJohn 370129-Aug1784son of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Upper Middop, farmer and clothier
BHAWKSWORTHMary 371517-Sep1786dau. of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Upper Middop, farmer
MHAWKSWORTHMartha 1372926-Dec1790dau. of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Middop
MHAWKSWORTHGeorge Brown 1373224-Jun1807son of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
MHAWKSWORTHSarah 1373307-Aug1808dau. of John and Hannah HAWKESWORTH of Middop hall, farmer and corn miller
MHAWKSWORTHAne 1373424-Jun1810dau. of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
MHAWKSWORTHHannah 1373504-Apr1813dau. of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
BHAWLEYJoseph 372610-May1789son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Hunshelf
MHAWLEYMary 1348322-Aug1790dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Middop
MHAWLEYJohn 1348626-Aug1792son of James and Ann HAWLEY
MHAWLEYAnn 1348723-Nov1794dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY
MHAWLEYAbraham 1348831-Mar1799son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Brookbank, farmer
BHAWLEYHenry 607523-May1813son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Bolsterstone, farmer. Born 23rd. April
BHELLEWELBenjaman 341026-May1799son of John and Hannah HELLEWEL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLEWELCatharine 346124-Feb1800dau. of John and Hannah HELLEWEL of Lane, farmer
BHELLEWELHanah 335520-Jul1800dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Deepcar, farmer
BHELLEWELJonathan 344623-Nov1800son of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Hunshelf Bank, labourer
BHELLEWELJoseph 339725-Dec1800son of Joseph HELLIWELL of Horner house, labourer
BHELLEWELFrances 343404-Oct1802dau. of John and Hannah HELLEWELL of Lane, farmer & collier
BHELLEWELGeorge 338222-May1803son of Joseph and Mary HELLEWEL of Horner house, farmer
BHELLEWELJoseph 337006-Nov1803son of John and Mary HELLEWEL of Hunshelf bank, labourer
BHELLEWELMartha 342220-Feb1803dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar
BHELLEWELElisabeth 376226-May1805dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Deepcar, farmer and hard (sic) labourer
BHELLEWELJonathan 380103-Jun1805son of John and Mary HELLEWEL of Wightwizzle, farmer
BHELLEWELBen. 381625-May1806son of Benjamin and Hanah HELLEWEL of Can-erss (sic), farmer
BHELLEWELDeberah 377716-Apr1808dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWEL of Deepcar, farmer
BHELLEWELJonathan 384312-Feb1809son of Benjamin and Hanah HELLEWELL of Old Booth (sic), labourer
BHELLEWELJoseph 385823-Apr1809son of John and Lucy HELLEWELL of Green, labourer
BHELLEWELLJames 387008-Mar1797son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLEWELLJohn 388528-May1797son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Horner house, farmer
BHELLEWELLMary 389705-Nov1797dau. of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Deep Carr, labourer
BHELLEWELLMary 1506701-Apr1798dau. of Benjamin and Ann HELLIWELL of Canyers, farmer (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BHELLEWELLSarah 390018-Nov1798dau. of Joseph and Mary HELLEWELL of Horner house, farmer (NB mother's name not on the on-line records)
BHELLEWELLDeborah 378902-Aug1801dau. of Thomas and Hannah HELLEWELL of Sunnybank, farmer
BHELLEWELLHannah 376513-Dec1803dau. of Benjamin and Hannah HELLIWELL of Canniers (sic), farmer
BHELLEWELLMary 380417-May1807dau. of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Hunshelf, labourer
BHELLEWELLAne 381925-Dec1808dau. of George and Ratchel (sic) HELLEWELL of Bank, labourer
BHELLEWELLJohn 383419-Mar1809son of John and Ane HELLEWELL of Windle, labourer
BHELLEWELLAne 384609-Dec1810dau. of John and Lucy HELLIWELL of Lee house, farmer
BHELLEWELLJoel 1420230-Dec1810son of George and Rachel HELLIWELL of Sunnybank, labourer.
NB This is on-line on the Midhope records but should be Bolsterstone
BHELLEWELLJonathan 378028-Feb1810son of Isaac and Mary HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer
BHELLEWELLHarriot 386125-Dec1811dau. of Joseph and Ane HELLEWELL of Green, farmer
BHELLEWELLFrances Ridge 627714-Nov1813son of Ann HELLEWELL
BHELLEWELLLucy 631525-Dec1813dau. of John and Lucy HELLIWELL of Lee house, farmer. Born Nov. 4
BHELLEWELLThomas 630004-Apr1813son of George and Rachel HELLIWELL of Bank
BHELLEWILHanah 374117-Jul1796dau. of Thomas and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BHELLIWELLAnn 388825-Oct1778dau. of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate---, farmer
BHELLIWELLBenjamin 387625-Jun1778son of Fran. HELLIWELL and Sarah his wife of Shawhouse, carpenter (NB: CTs say 31st. May)
BHELLIWELLJohn 390204-May1780son of Jos-h and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate End
BHELLIWELLBenjamin 376825-Dec1781son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate end, farmer
BHELLIWELLSarah 379222-Jul1781dau. of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shaw House, carpenter
BHELLIWELLJoseph 380727-Jun1784dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer
BHELLIWELLGeorge 382230-Jan1785son of John and Hanah HELLEWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLIWELLThomas 383708-May1785son of Francis and Sarah HELLEWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BHELLIWELLGeorge 384919-Mar1786son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Hunshelf bank, husbandman
BHELLIWELLJohn 387927-Dec1786son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLIWELLJohn 378317-Feb1786son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer, NB he was 8 weeks old
BHELLIWELLMary 386424-Dec1786dau. of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shawhouse, Carpenter
BHELLIWELLWilliam 385212-Nov1786son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Reinor house, farmer
BHELLIWELLAnn 379525-Dec1788dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Carr head, labourer
BHELLIWELLJonas 389107-Sep1788son of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Bank, labourer
BHELLIWELLJoshua 390521-Dec1788son of Francis and Sarah HELLEWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BHELLIWELLGrace 377125-Jan1789dau. of John and Hanah HALLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLIWELLThomas 381008-Mar1789son of Thomas and Hanah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BHELLIWELLJohn 382528-Nov1790son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deepcar, labourer
BHELLIWELLThomas 384025-Dec1790son of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Car head, farmer
BHELLIWELLHannah 388230-Oct1791dau. of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Holly bush, labourer
BHELLIWELLWilliam 382820-Aug1791son of Thomas and Hanah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BHELLIWELLWilliam 389414-Aug1791son of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BHELLIWELLJonathan 381314-Feb1792son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLIWELLJohn 377429-Dec1793son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Holly Bush, labourer
BHELLIWELLSarah 386709-Mar1793dau. of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deep-Carr, labourer
BHELLIWELLCharles 385501-Jun1794son of Thomas and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BHELLIWELLIsaac 900228-Dec1794son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcarr, farmer
BHELLIWELLThomas 379806-Jul1794son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHELLIWELLThos. 365813-Dec1795son of Benjamin and Hannah HELLIWELL of Canyers (sic), farmer
BHELLIWELLThos. 390804-Oct1795son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deepcar, labourer. Born Sept. 6th
BHELLIWELLGeorge 367214-Feb1796son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar, farmer
BHELLIWELLAnn 1506818-Mar1798dau. of John and Mary HELLIWELL, labourer (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BHELLIWELLSarah 1547818-Feb1798dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar, farmer. NB: this is not on the on-line records (BTs)
BHELLIWELLEmelia 1506620-Feb1803dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar
BHELLIWELLCharles 585608-Sep1806son of Isaac and Mary HELLEWELL of Sunny Bank, labourer
BHELLIWELLMary 368627-Dec1812dau. of Isaac and Mary HELLIWELL of Royd, labourer
BHELLIWELLWilliam 611514-Jun1812son of John and Lucy HELLIWILL of Lee House
BHERINGHannah 361915-Jan1809dau. of James and Hannah HERING of Moorhall, labourer (NB On-line records have Hannah, dau. of James and Mary HENING)
BHIDEMary 367019-Apr1778dau. of James HIDE of Lane End, Spiggot Maker
BHILLMartha 364911-Jul1802dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
BHILLJohn 363431-Dec1803son of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
BHILLWilliam 367717-May1806son of Jonathan HILL of Green, labourer
BHILLAmelia 369216-Jul1809dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
MHILLGeorge 1419424-Dec1809son of John and Susan HILL of Middop, shoemaker
MHILLMary 1419527-Oct1811dau. of John and Susan HILL
BHILLRuth 643104-Jul1813dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Cross, labourer, born 15th ---
MHILLJoseph 1419626-Dec1813son of John and Susan HILL of Ecklands, clothier.
MHINCHCLIFFEGeorge 1367418-Dec1796son of William and Mary HINCHCLIFFE. NB: On-line records (BTs) as HENCHCLIFFE
MHINCHCLIFFEMary 1367522-Jun1800dau. of William and Mary HINCHCLIFFE, labourer. NB: On on-line records (BTs) as HENCLIFF
BHIRSTMary 656926-Sep1813dau. of Benjamin and Ann HIRST of Allen Croft, labourer
BHOBSONMartha 370420-Aug1786dau. of Thomas and Martha HOBSON of Wigtwizzle, farmer
BHOBSONEllinor 225721-Jun1812dau. of Luke and Lidia HOBSON of Barnside Cote, farmer. NB: The on-line records (BTs) have the name as PEARSON
BHOLEYSarah 372903-Oct1802dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLEY of Green, labourer and Pauper
BHOLEYMartha 373217-May1807dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLLY of Green, labourer
BHOLEYJames 374402-Jul1809son of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLEY OF Whitwell, labourer
BHOLEYEllen 362503-Mar1811dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOWLEY of Whitwell
BHOLLINGSThomas 365205-Aug1804son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINGS of Hoilhouse, farmer
BHOLLINGSWilliam 363708-May1807son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINGS of Hoilhouse, farmer
BHOLLINGSJohn 366716-Oct1808son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINS of Hoilhouse, farmer
BHOLLINGSFrances 368001-Sep1811dau. of Thomas and Mary HOLLINS of Hoil House, farmer
BHOLLYElisabeth 375621-Mar1805dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLY of Green, cordwainer
MHOLMSMary 1418905-Aug1792dau. of James and Esther HOLMS
BHOOLHannah 369502-Jul1786dau. of James and Mary HOIL, cloth dresser. NB: on-line (BTs) as HOOL (Think it must be HOYLE)
BHOWARDAnn 370926-Jun1785dau. of Martin and Mary HOWARD of Middopstones
BHOYLANDJoseph 372124-Feb1799son of James and Ann HOYLAND of Westwood in the parish of Tankersley, collier
BHUDSONJoseph 373501-Aug1792son of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane end, labourer
BHUDSONMartha 374702-Oct1794dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane End, labourer
BHUDSONMary 362801-Oct1798dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane, labourer
BHUDSONEmelia 375928-Jul1805dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane end, labourer
BHUDSONElisabeth 365516-Oct1808dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane, labourer
BHUDSONBenjamin 364006-Sep1812son of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane End, labourer
BIBBOTSONJoseph 368314-Feb1778son of William IBBOTSON & Ann his wife of Wood, labourer (NB: chapelry transcripts say farmer and add William is son of Henry)
BIBBOTSONSarah 1389628-Dec1778natural dau. of Mary IBBOTSON of Yews trees. Father is Gilbert WAINWRIGHT of W ---bridge, farmer.
(NB: The on-line records give her name as Sarah WAINWRIGHT)
BIBBOTSONWillm. 394109-Sep1781son of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BIBBOTSONElizabeth 395316-Mar1783dau. of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BIBBOTSONHenry 396524-Oct1784son of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BIBBOTSONAnn 397409-Jul1786dau. of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BIBBOTSONAnn 398308-May1796dau. of John and Elizibeth IBBOTSON of Yew Trees, labourer
BIBBOTSONElizabeth 1498207-Jan1798dau. of John and Elizabeth IBBOTSON of Yew trees, labourer (NB not on the on-line records)
BIBBOTSONEleanor 398912-Aug1799dau. of John and Elizabeth of Yew Trees. There is something else written in the margin. All I can read is dead.
I think it must say father is dead because there is also a burial 12th August 1799 .. John IBBOTSON of Yew Trees.
BIBBOTSONAne 400416-Nov1805dau. of William and Rose IBBOTSON of Springfield, hatter
BIBBOTSONThos. 391123-Aug1805son of Joseph and Elizabeth IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BIBBOTSONElisabeth 393222-Feb1807dau. of Joseph and Ane IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BIBBOTSONJonathan 392022-May1808son of Jonathan and Rose IBBOTSON of Spring Field, hatter. (NB:! are there two families of hatters at Springfield !?)
BIBBOTSONThos. 392312-Jan1809son of Joseph and Ane IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BIBBOTSONHannah 1492730-Dec1810dau. of Henry and Sarah IBBOTSON of Brightholmley, labourer
BIBBOTSONHannah 395628-Mar1810dau. of George and Ane IBBOTSON of Derbyshire, Chr. privately
BIBBOTSONJohn 401530-Dec1810son of Joseph and Ane of Holling Edge, labourer
BIBBOTSONAnn 673523-May1813dau. of Henry and Sarah IBBOTSON of Brightholmlee, labourer
BIBBOTSONMary 670926-Sep1813dau. of Joseph and Ann IBBOTSON of Holling Edge, labourer
BIBOTTSONElleonor 394407-Aug1796dau. of William and Mary IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BJACKSONSarah 1267302-Nov1783dau. of George and Betty JACKSON of Hermit Royd, farmer
BJACKSONBenjamin 247615-Aug1784son of Abraham and Martha JACKSON, farmer
BJONESJohn Morris 247920-May1792son of Samuel and Sarah JONES of Edge end, labourer
BKAYSarah 362229-Mar1778dau. of Joseph KAY & Ann his wife Middopstones, labourer (NB CTs say victualler and that Joseph is son of Joshua)
BKAYJoshua 399211-Jul1779BTs say son of Joshua and Ann KAY of Middop. Victualler but the chapelry transcripts say son of Joseph and Ann KAY
BKAYWilliam 391413-Apr1781son of Joseph and Ann KAY of Middopstones, Victualler
BKAYJoseph 400702-Jul1786natural son of Elizabeth (Betty) KAY of Cross House
MKAYMary 1414920-Jan1793dau. of Joseph and Ann KAY
BKENWORTHYRuth 1492025-Dec1787dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moor Royd, clothier
BKENWORTHYWilliam 393527-Oct1789son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moor House, clothier
BKENWORTHYSarah 392622-Jan1792dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTH of Moorhouse, clothier
BKENWORTHYGeorge 401805-Oct1794son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moorhouse, clothier
BKENWORTHYSarah 394705-Jul1795dau. of Josias and Frances KENWORTHY of Newhall, clothier
BKENWORTHYElisabeth 395909-Oct1796dau. of Josiah and Frances KENWORTHY of Glasshouse, clothier
BKENWORTHYJoseph 1491829-May1797son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of New hall, clothier. (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BKENWORTHYMary 396805-Aug1798dau. of Josias and Frances KENWORTHY of Bate Green, clothier
BKENWORTHYRachael 397720-Jul1800dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Clough, clothier
BKENWORTHYJoseph 398604-Jul1802son of Josiah and Frances KENWORTHY, Potthouse, clothier
BKENWORTHYMartha 399507-Aug1803dau. of Joshua and Elleanor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BKENWORTHYMary 399830-Dec1804dau. of Joshua and Ellianor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BKENWORTHYJohn 391706-Jul1806son of Joshua ! and Frances KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BKENWORTHYRuth 401229-Oct1806dau. of Joshua and Ellenor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BKENWORTHYSarah 393826-Nov1809dau. of Joshua and Ellenor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BKENWORTHYEllin 392914-Jun1812dau. of Joshua and Ellin KENWORTHY of Dean Head, clothier
BLEADBEATERBenjamin 402102-Jun1793son of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Thorne House
BLEADBEATERWilliam 395031-Jan1808son of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Thorn House, farmer (NB: the on-line records have mother: Ane)
BLEADBEATERAne 396210-Jan1811dau. of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Homhouse (sic), clothier
BLEEGattatha 397127-Dec1789dau. of Joseph and Mary LEE, labourer
BLINDLEYElizabeth 398015-Jul1781dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth LYNDLEY of Bategreen, potter
BLINDLEYEleanor 400127-Oct1785dau. of Joshua and Elisabeth LINDLEY of Glass house, Potter
BLINSLEYEmelia 404517-Oct1779dau. of Joshua LINSLEY of Pothouse
BMAITESarah 1500518-Apr1784natural dau. of Mary MAITE of Deepcar, spinster
BMALLISONThom. 248206-Jun1779son of Thomas & Hannah MALLISON of Leakhouse, labourer
BMALLISONJames 248823-Sep1781of Hunshelfbank, labourer
BMALLISONJoseph 248518-Mar1781Son of John and Sarah MALLINSON of Green Moor, Taylor
BMALLISONJohn 249109-Mar1783son of John and Sarah MALLISON of Wellhill, Labourer
BMARSDENAnn 1284715-Feb1778dau. of William MARSDEN & Hannah his wife of Storth house, Cropper
BMARSDENBenjamin 1284308-Feb1778son of Ben MARSDEN; labourer & Mary his wife of Clough House. Ben is son of John MARSDEN
BMARSDENMartha 1284612-Feb1778dau. of Benjamin MARSDEN and Alice his wife of Roid, Taylor
BMARSDENJoseph 403725-Sep1779son of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, Taylor
BMARSDENWilliam 1284825-Dec1780son of WIlliam and Hanah MARSDEN of Storth house, cloth dresser (sic)
BMARSDENCharlotte 1499715-Jul1781dau. of John and Grace MARSDEN of Bank, cordwainer
BMARSDENSarah 1499404-Nov1781dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BMARSDENJoseph 1284910-Aug1783son of William and Hanah MARSDEN of Storth house, cropper
BMARSDENHannah 1500304-Jul1784dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Roid, taylor
BMARSDENAlice 403317-Feb1786dau. of William and Hannah MARSDEN of Storthhouse, Clothdresser
BMARSDENAnn 404724-Jun1787dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BMARSDENJohn 1500407-Feb1790dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BMARSDENWilliam 1415706-Jan1793son of John and Ann MARSDEN of Wigtwisel, labourer
BMARSDENJohn 1286721-Aug1796son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Euden, farmer
BMARSDENThomas 402415-Jan1797son of John and Ann MARSDEN of Twigtwisel :-) labourer
BMARSDENSarah 1498018-Nov1798dau. of Hannah MARSDEN, father John GAUNT, carpenter
MMARSDENAmbrose 1287018-Jan1799son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
BMARSDENGeorge 147026-Feb1800son of Hannah MARSDEN, father George WOOD (NB on the on-line records as WOOD)
BMARSDENThomas 1286905-Jul1801son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
BMARSDENGeorge 1505625-Dec1803son of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge end, farmer
BMARSDENBen 1505725-Dec1804son of Joseph and Ane MARSDEN of Roid, the taylor's son
BMARSDENJoseph 1286801-Jan1804son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
BMARSDENMary 402718-May1806dau. of Ambrose MARSDEN of Yewden, farmer (NB as MARSEN on on-line records)
BMARSDENHannah 1285019-Jul1807dau. of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge end, farmer. (NB On-line records have mother as Ane)
BMARSDENJohn 403611-Oct1807son of Joseph and Ane MARSDEN of Outebridge, taylor, from the Roid
BMARSDENSarah 405030-Sep1810dau. of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge End, farmer
MMARSDENJohn 1285502-Feb1812son of John and Mary MARSDEN
MMARSDENThomas 1286012-Jul1812son of Ambrose and Ann MARSDEN
BMARSHMary 212813-Apr1783dau. of John and Sarah MARSH of Middopstones, mason
BMARSHWilliam 212530-Oct1785son of John and Sarah MARSH of Middopstones
BMARTINHannah 1505523-May1802dau. of George and Hannah MARTEN (MARTIN ?) of Stocksbridge
BMATEHannah 1291108-Jun1779natural daughter of Mary MATE of Peasbloom House, father is Benjamin JACKSON
BMATTHEWMANMary 1416107-Nov1779dau. of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Holehouse, farmer
BMATTHEWMANJohn 1417327-Sep1781son of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Hoyl house, farmer
BMATTHEWMANHannah 1416014-Apr1793dau. of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Stead, farmer
BMELLORJohn 400907-Oct1810son of Joseph and Mary MELLOR of Green head, labourer (NB on-line IGI as KELLOR)
BMILNSThomas 403915-Feb1778son of John MILLS & Ann his wife of Middopstones, taylor
BMILNSSarah 405606-Aug1780dau. of John and Ann MILNS of Middopstones, taylor
BMILNSBenjamin 1268705-May1782son of John & Ann MILNS of Middopstones, taylor
BMILNSGeorge 1268831-Dec1786son of John and Ann MILLNS of Middopstones, taylor
BMITCHELHannah 437924-Feb1783dau. of Sarah MITCHEL , father William TATE
BMITCHELThomas 403021-May1789son of James and Mary MITCHEL of Newmill Bank, clothier
BMITCHELMary 1416325-Dec1793dau. James and Mary MITCHEL of Newmill Bank, labourer
BMORTONMary 404213-May1779dau. of John and Mary MORTON of Race House, taylor
BMORTONJeremiah 1291605-May1780son of Nicholas and Esther MORTON of Crofts
BMORTONMartha 1499813-Jan1782dau. of John and Mary MORTON of New Mill Bank, taylor
BMORTONJohn 410023-Sep1783son of John and Mary MORTON of race house, taylor
BMORTONElisabeth 408509-Jul1786dau. of John and Mary MORTON of Race House, taylor
BMORTONJohn 405921-Feb1790son of John and Sarah MORTON of Townend, farmer
BMORTONWilliam 406226-Sep1790son of William and Julia MORTON of Townend, labourer
BMORTONJohn 411516-Oct1791son of John and Martha MORTON of Royd, taylor cotton----
BMORTONSarah 412723-Oct1791dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Town End, farmer
BMORTONMary 414122-Jul1792dau. of William and Julia MORTON of Town-end, Labourer
BMORTONAnn 407612-May1793dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Town End, yeoman
MMORTONCharlotte 1415005-Jan1794dau. of Sarah MORTON
BMORTONMary 416818-Oct1795dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Townend, farmer
BMORTONSarah 415307-May1795Not on the CTs
BMORTONGeorge 418008-May1796son of Andrew and Ann MORTON of Royd, collier
BMORTONJohn 419511-Sep1796son of William and Julia MORTON of Town end, labourer
BMORTONElisabeth 410326-Nov1797dau. of Joseph and Frances MORTON of Watson house, farmer
BMORTONAnn 410606-Mar1798dau. of Thomas and Mary MORTON, farmer
BMORTONElisabeth 408814-Jul1798dau. of Andrew and Ann MORTON of Roid, collier
BMORTONGeorge 1493420-Sep1798son of William and Julia MORTON alias TATE, Town end labourer (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BMORTONElisabeth 406504-Jan1800dau. of Mary YATES, father Thomas MORTON
BMORTONWilliam 411831-Mar1802son of Mary YATES, father Thomas MORTON
BMORTONGeorge 413012-Apr1803son of Joseph and Ann MORTON of Watson house, farmer
BMORTONEmelia 407904-Nov1804dau. of Joseph and Eleanor MORTON of Watson House, farmer
BMORTONThomas 414415-Jul1804son of Thomas MORTON of Waldershelf, farmer. NB: the on-line records (BTs) have the mothers name as Mary
BMORTONSusannah 415618-May1806dau. of Joseph and Ane MORTON of Watson house, labourer
BMORTONMary 417122-May1808dau. of Thomas and Mary MORTON of W. COCKSHUT's farm
BMORTONCharles 418308-Feb1809son of Joseph and Ane MORTON of Watson house, labourer
BMORTONJames 370720-Oct1811son of Thomas MORTON of William COCKSHUT's farm (NB on on-line as HORTON)
BNEWTONWilliam 418621-Mar1811son of Isaac and Elizabeth NEWTON of Yew Trees
BNEWTONIsaac 419806-Sep1812son of Isaac and Elizabeth NEWTON of Yew Trees
BOLIVEREllinor 717407-Mar1813dau. of Thomas and Jane OLIVER of Watson House, collier
BOSTICKJohn 410928-Oct1797son of William and Johannah OSTICK of Bate green, labourer
BPARKENGeorge 409114-May1809son of George and Hannah PARKEN (sic) of Bolsterstone, labourer (NB on the on-line records as George P. could be PARKER)
MPEARSONSarah 1418529-Dec1811dau. of John and Hannah PEARSON
BPOOLThomas 413307-May1780son of Thomas and Ann POOL of Green, liquor dealer
MPOOLElisabeth 1418230-Dec1810dau. of Thomas and Martha POOL of Hunshelf, farmer
BPOOLMartha 414729-Nov1812dau. of Thomas and Martha POOL of Hunshelf, clothier
BRAMSDENJohn 408203-Aug1783son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file hewer
BRAMSDENWilliam 415928-May1786son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file smith
BRAMSDENThomas 416215-Mar1789son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN, filesmith
BRAMSDENAnn 417423-Oct1791dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BRAMSDENMary 418908-Jan1792dau. of Michael and Elizabeth RAMSDEN of Hunshelf Bank, clothier
BRAMSDENSarah 420124-Aug1794dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BRAMSDENJoseph 411226-Nov1797son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file ---
BRAMSDENBenjamin 409416-Apr1800son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BRAMSDENCharlottte 407005-Dec1802dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BRAMSDENHannah 412106-Jul1806dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filemaker
BRAMSDENJohn 413608-Sep1806son of John and Emelia RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filemaker
BRIDALWilliam 415025-Feb1781son of Thomas and Elizabeth RIDAL of Lane end, Millwright
BRIDALMary 420411-Aug1782dau. of Wm. & Mary RIDAL of Townend. Mason
BRIDALJoseph 413924-May1789son of Hannah RIDAL
BRIDALJohn 419214-Oct1804son of ---- and Elizabeth RIDAL of Green, labourer. NB: the curate didn't finish writing the father's name.
NB: The on-line records (BTs) have William
BRIDALElisabeth 412406-Nov1806dau. of William and Elizabeth RIDAL of Bolsterstone, labourer
MRIDALJames 417710-Sep1809son of William and Elizabeth RIDAL, labourer
BRIDOLWilliam 407325-Dec1780son of Tho and Elizabeth RIDAL of Lane end, Millwright
BRODGORJohn 416521-Oct1804son of Thomas and Hanah RADGER. NB: On-line records (BTs) have RODGOR
BRONKSLEYMary 409729-May1794dau. of Isaac and Ann RONKSLEY of Hollow Meadow, farmer
BROPERMary 421627-Dec1778dau. of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer (NB mother's name not on on-line records)
BROPERJohn 424518-Feb1781son of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer
BROPERCatharine 424820-Nov1783dau. of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer
BROPERAnn 426311-Mar1793dau. of Thomas and Betty ROPER of Windhill, farmer
MROPERMartha 1493131-May1795dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ROPER of Windle, farmer (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BROPERHannah 428120-May1811dau. of John and Ane ROPER of Wharncliffe side, blacksmith
BSANDERSONHannah 429306-Jun1782dau. of John SANDERSON of Upper Middop. Being adult & as she thinks fit for a husband. Before she was a Quaker.
BSANDERSONSarah 430314-Mar1784dau. of John SANDERSON of Upper Midhope, an adult
BSANDERSONThomas 431301-Aug1784son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee House, Cordwainer
BSANDERSONGeorge 432520-Aug1786son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BSANDERSONAnn 420719-Oct1788dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BSANDERSONElisabeth 433430-May1790dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BSANDERSONSarah 423118-Mar1792dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee-House, cordwainer
MSANDERSONJohn 969102-Jul1792son of Joshua and Hannah SANDERSON
MSANDERSONHannah 969011-Feb1794dau. of Joshua and Hannah SANDERSON
BSANDERSONWilliam 423431-Jan1796son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BSANDERSONJohn 421830-Jul1797natural son of Mary SAUNDERSON, father Charles ASKHAM, clothier
BSANDERSONJoshua 425110-Jun1798son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BSANDERSONMathew 426602-Nov1800son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BSANDERSONMary 428425-Dec1803dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON, cordwainer
MSANDERSONMary 1290501-Jul1808dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth SANDERSON of Upper Middop, farmer
BSAUNDERSONGeorge 429506-Dec1797son of Joseph and Sarah SANDERSON of Wigtwi--le, cutler
BSENIORGeorge 430505-Nov1780son of Samuel SENIOR of Middopstones, farmer
BSENIORWilliam 431625-Nov1799son of William and Hannah SENIOR of Townend, labourer
MSENIORWilliam 1287614-Oct1810son of George and Martha SENIOR of Bolsterstone
MSENIORSarah 1287516-Feb1812dau. of George and Martha SENIER
MSENIORGeorge 1013425-Apr1813son of George and Martha SENIOR of Middopstones, labourer
BSHAWHannah 113703-Dec1780dau. of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Bankhouses, clothier
BSHAWBenjm. 111309-May1782son of Phinaes and Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, labourer or clothier
BSHAWNathaniel 114320-Feb1784son of Phinehas & Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, Clothier
BSHAWJohn 112225-Dec1785son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Newmillbridge, clothier
BSHAWSarah 115220-Sep1789dau. of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, clothier
BSHAWPhinehas 115803-Aug1791son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
BSHAWJohn 116420-May1792son of John and Hannah SHAW of Aughty Bridge, baker.
The (sic) John was the first infant that was baptised in Bolsterstone New Chapel
BSHAWJoseph 117019-May1793son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
BSHAWMary 109914-Feb1796dau. of Phineas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
BSHAWElisabeth 113124-Dec1797dau. of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BSHAWJonathan 112515-Apr1798son of Joseph and Hanah SHAW of Bolsterstone, labourer. (Should this be John and Hannah?)
BSHAWAnn 110228-Feb1802Anne dau. of Sarah SHAW of Brightholmlee, spinster
BSHAWGeorge 114618-Apr1802son of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BSHAWHannah 346405-Dec1802dau. of Joseph and Hannah SHAW of Brightholmley, labourer (NB the on-line records have no surname)
BSHAWWilliam 117318-Apr1802son of John and Sarah of Wood, famer
BSHAWWilliam 111621-Jan1803son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BSHAWJames 116105-Aug1804son of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BSHAWMary 114013-May1804dau. of John & Hanah SHAW of Wood, farmer (NB: BTs have mother's name as Ane)
BSHAWJohn 110716-Nov1805son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BSHAWElisabeth 115502-Nov1806dau. of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of New Mill Bank, clothier
BSHAWElisabeth 111002-Feb1806dau. of Joseph and Ane SHAW of Bolsterstone, labourer
BSHAWSarah 113421-Jun1807dau. of Benj. and Ane (sic) SHAW of Wigtwizzle, clothier
BSHAWHannah 112821-May1809dau. of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BSHAWMartha 110431-Dec1810dau. of Benjamin and Ane SHAW of Wigtwizzle, clothier (Chapelry transcripts say Bolsterstone .. BTs say Midhope)
BSHAWWilliam 121331-Dec1810son of Nathaniel and Mary SHAW of Fairest, clothier. (NB chapelry transcripts say carpenter)
BSHAWJames 111931-Dec1812son of Nathaniel & Mary SHAW of Fairest, farmer
BSHAWJoseph 117603-Apr1812son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
MSHAWEdmund 1192919-Dec1813son of John and Sarah SHAW of Lane, labourer
BSHILLTOEJames 423717-May1807son of Mary SHILLETOE. NB: On-line records (BTs) have SHILLTOE
BSIDDENSJames 422009-Feb1778son of Ann SIDDENS of Town End, widow
BSIDDENSJane 425426-Jul1812dau. of George and Mary SIDDENS of Lane End, spe-----
BSIMPSONMary 1498607-Jan1798dau. of Samuel and Hannah SIMPSON of Yewtrees, forgeman (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BSKELTONWilliam 433703-Sep1809son of William and Hannah SKELTON of Moorhall, labourer (NB on-line as SHELTON)
BSLACKElias 426925-Nov1780son of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Deepcar
BSLACKJoseph 427209-Nov1788son of Elias and Margaret SLACK of C---end, yeo (sic)
BSLACKElisabeth 428725-Dec1792dau. of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Rowlee House, yeoman
BSLACKMaria 429816-Feb1800dau. of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Rowley House, farmer and yeoman
BSMITHBenjamin 422525-Jun1787son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, malster
BSMITHMary 425710-Feb1789son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, farmer
BSMITHJoseph 430820-Jun1790son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, malster and farmer
BSMITHGeorge 431914-Oct1792son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, being a month old
BSMITHJoseph 432813-Aug1797son of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pennook, labourer
BSMITHMary 421025-Dec1799son of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH alias MILLER of Pennook, labourer
BSMITHHannah 434005-Sep1802dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pen Nook, labourer
BSMITHAne 423931-May1807dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pennook, labourer
BSMITHAne 1492518-May1810dau. of Benjamin and Martha SMITH junior of New Hall, farmer. (NB this was not on the on-line records)
BSMITHBenjamin 422201-Apr1810son of Joseph and Elizabeth of Pennook, labourer
BSMITHJohn 1491026-Sep1812son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH senior of New Hall, farmer. A Roman Catholic but baptized at our Chapel
BSMITHJames 783031-Jan1813son of James and Elizabeth SMITH of Town End, labourer
BSPOONERJohn 427508-Aug1784son of Joseph and Ann SPOONER, labourer
BSTANIFORTHMary 406827-Dec1778dau. of John and Martha STANIFORTH of Townebd, collier (NB: on-line as PANEFORTH and mother's name not mentioned)
BSTANIFORTHJoseph 429025-Jul1784son of John & Mary STANIFORTH of Lane End, Collier, relieved from -- (sic) Parish
BSTANIFORTHWilliam 116702-Jul1803son of Hannah STANIFORTH , father Benjamin SHAW of Bolsterstone (NB On-line as William SHAW)
BSTANLEYMatthew 432231-Dec1786son of Thomas and Elisabeth STANLEY of Middopstones, carpenter
BSTANLEYJohn 433108-Feb1789son of Matthew and Elizabeth STANLEY of Holi (sic), labourer
BSTANLEYThomas 421301-Mar1789son of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
MSTANLEYMary 1337323-May1789dau. of Joseph and Mary STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
MSTANLEYMartha 1337419-May1793dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth STANLEY
MSTANLEYAnn 1337526-Jun1796dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
MSTANLEYGeorge 1337621-Oct1798son of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY
BSTANNIFORTHHannah 430125-Nov1781dau. of John STANNIFORTH of Lane End, Collier, commonly called Judy (sic)
BSTANNIFORTHAnn 431110-Jan1802dau. of Mary STANIFORTH. Father is Thomas SLACK, cabinet maker. NB: Father's name not on on-line records (BTs)
BSTEELElisabeth 434306-Jul1783dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
BSTEELMary 434614-Apr1786dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, blacksmith or vulcan
BSTEELSarah 424225-Dec1788dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
BSTEELGeorge 422803-Jun1791dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, blacksmith
BSTEELAnn 426009-Nov1794dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
BSTEELMary 427820-Feb1803son of Joseph and Hanah STEEL of Royd, Wheelwright or labourer
BSTEELSarah 435807-Jul1805dau. of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Royd, carpenter
BSTEELJohn 436329-May1808son of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Roid, carpenter. NB: the on-line records (BTs) have the mother as Mary
BSTEELHarriot 798029-May1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Royd, carpenter. Born March 1st
BSTEPHENSONHannah 436823-Sep1792dau. of William and Hannah STEPHENSON of Holly Edge, labourer
BSTOCKSJohn 1291326-Dec1779son of John and Mary STOCKS of Upper Middop. (NB this is hard to read on the on the BTs and appears
as MACKS on the on-line records)
BSUGDENSarah 437323-Nov1800dau. of Charles and Hanah SUGDEN of Hunshelf Bank Bottom, clothier
MSWALLOWJohn 1477028-Sep1813son of Abraham and Hannah SWALLOW of Euden, carpenter
BTATESarah 437611-Jun1780dau. of Thomas and Ann TATE of Midhopestones, labourer
BTATEMary 434923-Mar1783dau. of Thomas and Anne TATE of Middop, clothier
BTAYLORJohn 1499125-Jun1778son of X^ (Christopher) TAYLOR of Dikeside in the Parish of Penistone near Middopstones, labourer
(NB: this is not on the on-line records)
BTAYLORElizabeth 438503-Oct1779dau. of Christ. and Mary TAYLOR of Middop, farmer
BTAYLORHannah 435511-Jun1780of Cinderhill, weaver
BTAYLORMary 435202-Apr1781dau. of Christ. and Mary TAYLOR of Midhopestones, potter
BTAYLORMartha 438827-Jan1782dau. of Margaret TAYLOR of Middopstones
BTAYLORRachel 439005-Mar1786dau. of Henry and Jane TAYLOR of Cinderhill, ---weaver, poor
BTAYLORJoseph 436123-Apr1789son of Henry TAYLOR of Smithy Moor, (can't read occupation)
BTHICKETJoshua 133616-May1786son of Joshua THICKET of Middopstones, cornwainer
MTHICKETFrances 1494407-Oct1788dau. of John THICKET (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
MTHICKETAnn 1418126-Dec1790dau. of John and Ann THICKET of Middop (NB this is on the BTs but not on the CTs)
MTHICKETThomas 1416705-Jan1794son of John and Ann THICKET
MTHICKETMary 1493504-Dec1796dau. of John and Ann THICKET of Middopstones, shoemaker (nb on-line records (bts) have father Joshua)
MTHICKETJohn 1418019-Jul1801son of John and Ann THICKETT
BTHICKETTMartha 437101-Jan1781Daughter of Joseph THICKHEAD of Midhopestones, shoemaker
MTHICKETTHanah 1280006-Aug1797dau. of Benjamin and Ann THICKET
MTHICKETTMary 1271131-Dec1797dau. of Joshua and Mary THICKET, shoemaker
MTHICKETTElizabeth 1271229-Dec1799dau. of Joshua and Mary THICKET, shoemaker
MTHICKETTEmelia 1417625-Apr1802dau. of Martha TRICKET (sic)
MTHICKETTJoseph 1271305-Jul1803son of Joshua and Mary THICKHEAD or THICKET of Middopstones, shoemaker
MTHICKETTJoel 1279829-Jul1804son of Benjamin and Ane THICKET, corn miller. NB: On-line (BTs) as THICKHEAD
MTHICKETTThomas 375310-Mar1809son of Joshua and Mary THICKET. NB: On-line records (BTs) have HICKHEAD
MTHICKETTGeorge 1279923-Sep1810son of Benjamin and Ane THICKET, corn miller. NB: On-line records (BTs) have FRICKET
MTHICKETTJoann 1276820-Feb1813dau. of Martha THICKETT of Hunshelf, spinster
BTRICKETMary 438225-Dec1778dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BTRICKETElisabeth 445925-Dec1780Elizabeth, dau. of George and Mary TRICKET of Whitwell, Labourer
BTRICKETMartha 441724-Apr1781Martha, dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BTRICKETAnn 447121-Sep1783Ann, dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BTRICKETJohn 443226-May1786John, son of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BTRICKETThomas 448921-May1789son of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BVAUGHTONSarah 696905-Jan1812dau. of James and Elizabeth BAUGHTON of Deepcar, shoemaker. NB: should be VAUGHTON as on on-line records (BTs)
MWADWORTHHannah 1418813-Feb1803dau. of Thomas and Hannah WADSWORTH. NB: on-line (BTs) as WADWORTH
BWAGSTAFFJohn 968509-Jul1789son of John and Ann WAGSTAFF of Foxhouse in the Liberty of Holmfirth, Clothier
BWAINWRIGHTGeorge 439324-Feb1799son of John and Ann WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer
MWAINWRIGHTJohn 1367824-Jan1802son of John and Anne WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer
BWAINWRIGHTSarah 444703-Jun1804dau. of John and Ane WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer (NB: the on-line records give the mother's name as Sarah)
BWAINWRIGHTAne 443523-Apr1809dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend, cabinet maker
BWAINWRIGHTJohn 439617-Mar1811son of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend, cabinet maker
BWAINWRIGHTSarah 829429-May1813dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend; joiner. Born March 26th
BWALKERJoseph 447412-May1793son of John and Jane WALKER of Deep-Carr, labourer
MWALKERWilliam 1415422-Sep1793son of Matthew and Mary WALKER: NB: On-line records don't have the given name
MWALKERJoseph 1493228-Jun1795son of Matthew WALKER, corn Miller (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
MWALKERSamuel 1417429-Jan1797son of Matthew and Mary WALKER, corn miller
BWALTONJohn 442003-Jan1804son of James and Ann WALTON, near Windle, farmer
BWALTONThomas 446204-Oct1807son of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, labourer
BWALTONAne 1492601-Mar1810dau. of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, labourer
BWALTONMary 440808-Mar1812dau. of George and Hannah WATSON (sic) of Unschriven bridge, labourer. NB: this should be WALTON as on the BTs
BWALTONGeorge 831521-Mar1813son of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, born 1st. Feb.
BWARDMary 846807-Mar1813dau. of Thomas and Sarah WARD of Whitwell, farmer
BWATSONSarah 441125-May1800dau. of Joseph and Hanah WATSON of Mostinley (sic), labourer
BWEBSTERSarah 449211-Mar1781dau. of John and Martha WEBSTER of Upper Middop, labourer
BWEBSTERJoseph 445027-Jul1794son of John and Martha WEBSTER of New Hall, labourer
MWEBSTERDeborah 1497308-Oct1797dau. of Catherine WEBSTER of Langside (sic) (NB not on the on-line records BTs)
MWEBSTERCharles 1329719-Sep1802son of John and Martha WEBSTER of Middopstones, labourer
MWEBSTERWilliam 1329619-Aug1804son of John and Martha WEBSTER, labourer
MWEBSTERJoseph 1329817-Nov1811son of John and Martha WEBSTER, labourer. NB: On-line as WIBSTER
BWHITEGeorge 443811-May1794son of Benjamin and Martha WHITE of Sheffield, sawyer
BWILSONHannah 439928-Sep1788dau. of William and Hannah WILSON of Roid, farmer
BWINTERBOTTOMJoseph 447701-Mar1795son of Timothy and Ann WINTERBOTTOM of Bolsterstone, weaver
BWOODSarah 145906-Jul1783natural dau. of Martha WOOD of Barnside House, single woman
BWOODAnn 145028-Feb1790dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Stocksbridge, felmonger
BWOODJohn 146117-Aug1792son of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf bank, skinner and felmonger
BWOODMary 145329-Sep1793dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Bottom, feltmonger
BWOODSarah 146428-Jun1795dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf, feltmonger
BWOODThos. 146726-Jun1796son of Thomas and Martha WOOD, feltmonger
BWOODMartha 145603-Dec1797dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf bank, fellmonger
BWOODCOCKHannah 445306-May1785dau. of John and Hannah WOODCOCK of Deepcar, miller
BWOODCOCKThos. 444103-Jul1796son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Thurlston, clothier
BWOODCOCKJohn 440224-Dec1797son of John and Hannah WOODCOCK of Moor Royd, clothier
BWOODCOCKAnn 448023-Apr1800dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
BWOODCOCKRichard 442313-May1804son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
BWOODCOCKRebecca 442629-Oct1806dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Moor Roid, clothier
BWOODCOCKMellen 1545205-Nov1808son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier and farmer. In the margin the remark certainly Mellor.
NB: The on-line IGI has this as female chr. but I don't think so.
BWOODCOCKSarah 865512-Dec1813dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
BWOODHOUSEWillm. 446504-Aug1779son of Christopher and Rebecca WOODHOUSE of Upper Middop, labourer
BWOODHOUSEMartha 1272518-Feb1781dau. of John and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Stile, Middopstones, farmer
BWOODHOUSEThoms. 441420-Jan1782son of Christopher and Rebecca WOODHOUSE of Dikeside, Labourer
MWOODHOUSEElleneliet 1281513-Feb1803dau. of Martha WOODHOUSE
MWOODHOUSERachael 1281703-Feb1805dau. of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Steel
MWOODHOUSEGeorge 1281810-Jan1808son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Steel Middopstones, carpenter
BWOODHOUSEJoseph 1547625-Jun1809son of Joseph and Ane WOODHOUSE of Brightholmlee, labourer
MWOODHOUSEJohn 1416423-Sep1810son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel steel, farmer
MWOODHOUSEWilliam 1280104-Jan1813son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Stile, carpenter
BWOOLLEYJane 445629-Dec1811dau. of Joseph and Ane WOOLEY of Bolsterstone
BWRAGGThomas 444416-Nov1805son of Joseph and Ane RAGG, basket maker
BWRAGGMary 440504-Oct1807dau. of Thomas and Ane RAGG of Roid, basket maker
BYATESHannah 448313-Sep1778dau. of Edward and Hannah YATES of Bolsterstone, clothier
BYATESJohn 448628-Oct1797son of Joseph and Sarah YATES of Bate green, labourer
BYATESEllianor 442925-Nov1802dau. of Joseph and Sarah YATES of Glasshouse, labourer. (NB: on-line reords have mother as Hannah)
BYATESBen. 446814-May1809son of Joseph and Mary YATES of Glasshouse, labourer

Data transcribed from:
Chapelry Transcripts FHL British Film Nr. 1595068
and the
Bishop's Transcripts of Bolsterstone and Midhope
Christenings and burials, 1778-1871
FHL BRITISH Film 919294

Transcribed by
Jane Lachs ©2002